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our ancestors made sense of reality by  telling each other stories of their gods   this is our attempt to bring  those tales back to life [Male and Female voice together] From the Primordials we sprang [Male and Female voice together] The first of the true Gods [Male and Female voice together] We are the titans [Male voice] I am Oceanus oldest of my siblings this new breed from the earth, my mother Gaia, I am sprung I make the waters that flow across her surface each river and tributary every pool and pond is my domain a source of sustenance to all beings  that would soon walk these lands   my Father, Uranus his blue skies are mimicked in my  waves for I am the forger of all the great rivers but I do not rule the waves alone I am Lord my power is the tsunami, the storm the deep tides that drag the unwary under together with my consort, Tethys we rule for she is its sweetness its life-giving strength  its many fish from fauna are hers to tend   we weave the waters through the earth  and watch as life grows for her, for our children, for all of the waves I do not fight I do not involve myself in the wars of the gods for she counsels against such things our world is enough our realm largest all [Female voice] I am Tethys wife to Oceanus mother to all  who dwell within our realms all And together, we make a new family just for the two of us our shared kingdom is filled first with the Potmoi three thousand of our sons the beloved river gods then the sweet oceanids are birthed of our love three thousand nymphs of gentle disposition goddesses of stream and springs they worry not that their power is limited for they have each other, they have us to guide them and they are safe contented in our waters, in our home together my husband defends our realms and i cultivate I will not allow the troubles  of the land and the sky to darken our waters I restrain Oceanus when his brothers  fall to folly when his brothers fall to war for our realm is self-contained despite running through all others our home is the haven from the squabbles and strife [Oceanus] But we are not the only gods that rule this world   our brother, Coeus titan of intelligence, curiosity and divination his mind is whirlwind of activity bursting with creativity he held the northern sky of Uranus when our siblings betrayed him his cogent wit surpasses all but  one his wife, our sister, Phoebe her radiance is effervescent, for she is goddess of radiance and future seeing but her prophetic wisdom, her mind had our brother transfixed equally matched they became enrapt with one another [Tethys] From their coupling came forth their first child, Asteria blessed with the sight from my siblings she has the power of oracles seeing that which may come to pass then came their second child Leto  a goddess of modesty and motherhood phoebe teaches her the wisdom she would  need to be a mother to all [Oceanus] He held the eastern sky of Uranus, our next brother Hyperion Titan of heavenly light He watches from above quiet and adamant  in his duties our sister, Theia, at his side Her very being made to glow with light she is a beacon on high and Hyperion is forever in awe of her happily surprised when she chose him  as partner for eternity both ruling the skies with the sparks of their affections  the stars burn brighter in their coupling [Tethys] together in their union their love brings forth beings of pure light their first son Helios, god of the sun he will ride a golden chariot spreading sunlight across the skies to bring balance they bore their daughter Selene goddess of the moon in her own silver chariot she will  bestow moonlight to those in the darkness then came their final child Eos, the daughter of the dawn [Oceanus] Hyperion may be the titan of heavenly light but it was our brother Crius who made the constellations he wields the light of his will Uneasy with his role afraid to be in his brother's shadow there is an anger that grows in him  twisting around his insides like vines he is building the blocks of  navigation and hiding stories in the skies   he should be proud of the role he plays Yet Crius was not enamoured by any of our sisters but a half-sister, Eurybia daughter of our mother and Pontus of the vast seas the same seed can be found in her, unsatisfied  hungry for more in her he found an equal and wife whilst he would create constellations, she took  after her father in time they bore their first son Astraeus of the dusk drawn to his cousin Eos of dawn their union brings balance to all our days their next sons, Pallas and Perses hold their  father's ire in Pallas is a quiet rage the young boy's talent lay in  warcraft, for he is its god his time is yet to come he will be necessary in the war ahead but not yet Perses, unlike his brothers has no chance to hide destruction reigns wherever he goes through no fault of his own Yet some joy is found for Perses is claimed by Asteria and Pallas is seduced by Styx but I worry these boys will  be brandished like weapons [Oceanus] Our sister Themis, titaness of justice she writes the rules, the laws of the land that which keeps the young out of trouble her steady hand guides the wild wills of our family [Tethys] She is yet to meet her match for he is yet to exist she watches with scales and sword in hand the burden of teaching morality upon her shoulders in time she would know the joys of children [Oceanus] Our sister Mnemosyne is so clement our brethren seem to forget her role she is the titaness of recollection, of remembrance, of memory itself she paints the past in bright colors staining old times with sweet nostalgia she has the power to take who you are away if she so wished [Tethys] but she is too kind to cause harm she holds her responsibility as sacred and treasures each memory she collects our sister told me in  time she too would succumb to the charms of zeus tired from her duties she will be rewarded [Oceanus] The final pillar in the rebellion against Uranus was Iapetus titan of mortality and craftsmanship he smiled as he held the western skies of  our father revelling in Uranus's disfigurement cold calculation one minute burning rage to the  next our brother Iapetus crafted his own weapon, a spear to hold and help aid him in his  duties of life and death which he takes far too much pleasure in he took my daughter  and oceanid, Clymene, to stand by his side we hoped she would ease his temperament she tried but our brother is not so easily changed [Tethys] Their children bore the unlovely aspects  of their father contained and tamed by their mother in youth but ready to burst once grown Atlas, the titan of strength he has his father's force and grows clever in his tactics he knows the difference between strength and true power but their son Menoetius is impossible  to control his father's fury has no chains it fills his head until there is nothing left he has no choice but to act to burn in his rage spared from this pain is Prometheus titan of forethought a visionary who oft squanders his talents yet even his mischief can lead to wonders as his are the fires of creation and he will  be instrumental in the forging of humanity their last son Epimetheus forever mulling the past, the titan of afterthought he sees what could have been and mourns the loss every mistake he is doomed to see again and again and again [Oceanus] Finally the last of our brothers Chronos the lord on high since his castration of our father uranus he is the titan of time itself time consumes all eventually destroying everything in its path I have no doubt  he will be the downfall of our generation for Uranus when struck down by his youngest  son spoke of a prophecy for this betrayal Chronos would one day face the same fate his downfall will come from the hands of his own son but I often wonder was this not our father's  revenge chronos may have won but he has changed he is riddled with paranoia it eats at him and poisons his very mind due to the will of my wife I took no role in the usurping of my father again she counsels me so I take  no part in the fight to come   and she is wise and right for putting blood against blood is an abomination my heart breaks at the thought of our  family torn asunder Rhea, titan of fertility the suffering she has endured at the hands of  her beloved to create child after child to hold them as they take their first breath and have them ripped away swallowed before her very eyes left with empty arms and an empty place inside  her her love for her husband withered away yearning to truly be a mother grew in its place it grew and grew and twisted her pain and love transformed into cold seething anger when she is left with nothing what will she have left to lose [Oceanus and Tethys together] The next gods children of Chronos and Rhea [Together] the next branches on an ever-growing family tree [Oceanus] equally matched in power and potency or so we thought [Tethys] this is not so they have the greater vim and vigour [Oceanus] they would be known by a  different name [Tethys] as our family is torn in two [Oceanus] The titans will be forced to pick sides in a battle [Tethys] with these new gods, the Olympians [Oceanus] a war will begin [Tethys] a war of our brothers making [Oceanus] a war the likes of which have never and will never be seen again [Tethys] to be told throughout ages to come [Tethys] We, Oceanus and Tethys, shall have no part in it [Tethys] We hope we are here to mend what is  broken [Oceanus] by our foolish family Living Mythology is our attempt to bring  the stories of our ancestors back to life   they explained their universe through the medium of their religions their gods were not distant beings of academic study they were living breathing entities that reflected the wants needs good and evil in the very heart of humanity we only wish to encourage others to study the deep and rich cultures of our forebears we hope you have enjoyed our labours if so then do consider liking and subscribing if you wish to support improvement in our endeavor then we do have a patreon as well until next time  be good to all but most especially yourself
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Keywords: Living Mythology, Mythology, Myths, Greek Myths, Greek Mythology, Greek Mythological Stories, Narrated Mythology, Audiodrama, Greek Fables, Greek Gods, Gods, Immortals, Deities, Greek Deities, Greek Early Deities, Baldermort, Lightbringer Narration, Lightbringer, Greek Creation Myth, THE TITANS - GREEK GODS BEFORE THE OLYMPIANS, Chronos, Kronos, Rhea, Crius, Coeus, Hyperion, Iapetus, Oceanus, Tethys, Phoebe, Theia, Themis, Mnemosyne, Titans Lore, Roman Gods, Graeco Roman Gods, Atlas, Promotheus
Id: MpdcsMDRM7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 06 2022
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