Coraline 2: The AI Fever Dream

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I stumbled upon the weirdest Coraline content farm that is run almost completely by AI. So YouTube is known for having a lot of weird things on it. Content Farms churn out the most, uh, inappropriate videos that would even make your nightmares shriek in terror. Add in the hot mess that is AI, and you have a recipe for disaster. Now very quickly, if you're not familiar, a content farm is basically a YouTube channel that cranks out and recycles strange, lower effort content, typically animated, to draw in kids to watch. These kids don't often know any better, and just click because they want to watch a character they recognize. And suddenly you got this, um, uncomfortable masterpiece playing for 12 hours. Now not all content farms are aimed at creating unsuitable content for children, no, some are designed to completely mislead YOU with AI. And this is where our adventure begins, as I stumbled upon a very strange channel that is pumping out AI generated Coraline 2 trailers daily. And they've done this nearly 200 times. These videos are super weird, super short, and super creepy. And there are SO MANY of them! They are made to look like movie trailers and news for beloved fandoms. Capitalizing on our hopes and dreams, essentially. Now, Coraline isn’t their only… interest? They do all the hot topics, but what is so specifically weird about Coraline is that in order to predict the future of Coraline 2, they dig deep into the past, and throw in a galactic twist. Clicking on one of these teaser trailer videos is an absolute fever dream. “Our journey commences with the enthra with a symphony of producers and director echoes in negotiations Alita 2 crafting the sequel saga asteris” Did I just digest a word salad for searchability? What does this have to do with Coraline 2? I didn’t realize there was going to be a sequel, but miracles happen. But, given this title: “Coraline 2 Release Date Teaser Trailer, Everything About the Sequel” I’m expecting a confirmed release date, and official Laika animation or other sneak peeks. The truth is even weirder… Pick a thumbnail, any thumbnail, because it honestly does NOT matter which of the hundreds of thumbnails you click on as they each take you to some rehashed version of the ai trailer! Which, at the time of this recording, this channel has 156 Coraline 2 trailers. By the time this video comes out, there will probably be at least 45 more. (It’s insanely difficult to count them as they all have nearly the same exact thumbnail and title, and this channel pumps out 40 videos a day!) But some of these thumbnails are perfect examples of an AI fever dream - like WHO IS THIS SUPPOSED TO BE? Some of their Coraline 2 trailers have the thumbnail of a different movie entirely, so you can tell the care and consideration that’s being given to each upload. Each thumbnail has the big, glowing “2” on it prominently, so you’ll have no doubts that you are indeed watching the next “official” Coraline 2 trailer. Sometimes the 2 is in the middle of a forest. Sometimes (well, most times) it’s on this futuristic clock portal thing… is Coraline 2 taking place in SPACE? Whoa I bet no Coraline theorists predicted that one! There’s a thumbnail type that says “ANTASDTEY CORAUUV 2” (or something like that but the AI cut off the bottoms and tops of the letters. Sounds like a hit! Very memorable and easy to spell. “Coraline 2 trailer movie teaser news” (well one of the dozens of videos with that title) has Coraline and Wybie’s positioning from when they look down the well… only they're looking into some rocky tunnel. The strangest part about this type of thumbnail is the “fast and furious” logo and font thing they’ve got going on, and of course spelling “Coraline” “Coralii” (it got cut off) Look I KNOW everyone in Coraline’s worlds mispronounces her name as “Caroline” but that is not what’s going on here. Maybe this Coraline 2 will be a race through caves! Sometimes this channel will change up the regular Coraline-looking girl to have a line between her eyes. Sometimes they’ll give her weirdly long cat-eye makeup? The biggest departure is this gaunt video gamey one over a portal to the moon. I’m not sure what movie this is” “Coraline FIOWL 2?” There is ONE exception to the glowing 2: the one time they used the “deleted scenes” imagery when that was trending a bit ago. I can’t say it helped that video out, but it’s nice they change it up sometimes. Oh, the other exception is when they used the wrong movie as their thumbnail, but we won’t count that as creativity. Speaking of ‘creativity’ - it’s time to see what’s actually in these 150 plus Coraline 2 teaser trailers! First up, there is usually that word salad of Search Engine Optimization terms. If we hover over this Coraline Part2 thumbnail, with a release slated for February 2022 (But released in 2024 btw… suspicious) we are shown the SEO word salad I dramatically read at the start of this video. Unfortunately… these word salads are VERY common, and it seems to be the ONLY thing that changes between each Coraline trailer. Very informative, glad I now know 'everything release dates and behind the scenes trailer news!' Cool. The weirdest thing is when the in-video text is advertising for other franchises that this channel cuts together. For example: “Cars 4 in progress 2 virgin river s6 on the” etc. Because if you click on a Coraline 2 teaser trailer, you’ll naturally be wanting to know about “Cars." The actual trailer starts, (backed by mostly the Cat’s vocals from the first movie), and we camera pans. That’s incredible stop motion! There’s then this weird shape overlaying the corridor door for a few frames. Should we put on our Coraline theorist caps, or just let this one slide? Regardless, we then cut to the Pink Palace… only it too is weirdly warping! Pulled straight from the original movie we see the Key, and the Cat, and another cut to black. There's an otherworldly Coraline being very studious. This Coraline has both NO FACE AND SUPER DILATED pupils in this shot, then again no face on the porch. Then there’s this banshee Alice in Wonderland girl running through the woods that I’ll admit I have no clue what it’s doing here. But the whole time, the Cat is narrating to us about the Other Mother’s “small world” from the original Coraline movie. But earlier I mentioned that this channel “digs deep into the past” to predict Coraline 2, and here’s what I meant: they stole early Coraline pre-vis concept art and used it for these ‘new’ trailers. Nearly every trailer has these very adorable illustrated animations…. that were stolen from Stef Choi and run through an AI animation software likely. Such cute concept art! They use this a LOT in trailers, and tint it slightly different colors. Oh hey, nice looking corridor and ghost children animation! Oh. It's stolen concept art from Dan Krall I believe. Now, in these trailers, Coraline either has NO FACE (like in the shot where she stands on Mr. B’s balcony, or the porch) or she has EVERY FACE. Jeeze. Pick a style for Coraline! Here she’s adorable in her stolen concept art way. Then she’s got a long blue braid and looks like a Disney princess Bratz doll... and looks like she was sourced from both of those things from various AI farms. Actually it looks like they used these for EVERY version of her, like just combed the results and plugged them in. Even in her gaunt look she’s… STILL AI. Coraline’s house, what I assume is still the Pink Palace, in these trailers is also super varied. She’s in an abandoned Hobbit Hole with a circle door. Well there are a few different hobbit houses she lives in, apparently. “Coraline 2: There and Back Again.” She’s tip toeing like a ballerina through an overgrown gothic foyer. Something to note is that each of these trailers is nearly the same exact length to the ones before and after it. The incremented one second difference is when they add additional black space between the shots, or else when they add a new AI shot to the trailer completely. Ironically, these videos end with the claim of “fair use” - which seems like a fishy way to cover their “asteris.” None of the shots used are original, some of them are blatantly stolen, and all of them has been reused at least 200 times. Most of them appear to have been run through or generated by AI. This is, through and through, a content farm, laser-focusing on trending topics and pumping out low-quality (and the SAME content) at a breakneck speed. Only instead of doing saucy Sonic pregnancy videos, or suggestive Digital Circus spoofs, they just cut trailers together from popular, searchable IPs and name them with an SEO word salad, hoping to catch some unsuspecting fan in their net. The overall intention is not entertainment, but views. And a LOT of them. And there’s nothing wrong with wanting to get eyes on your art! But this is low effort... basically no effort. For perspective, this channel was started in December 2022, and has over 4.6k videos. Being conservative, that's around 22 videos uploaded PER DAY. Because at this time, its oldest upload is 7 months ago, and it’s an “Encanto 2 Release Date & Movie Teaser Trailer All About Continuation” with 627 views. They definitely had a mission for this channel from the very start! And it looks like it’s mission was to copy the “success” of this other channel, which ALSO does quote unquote “official” movie trailers for live action and sequel releases. “Success” here is of course in air quotes because this channel too is misleading as all heck, with its basic broll shots cut over the movie track, and using big names in the titles and thumbnails to draw people in, and of course, AI to generate the actors into movies that don't exist. And this AI Moana 2 slop somehow lured in over 20 million people. Now, our Coraline farm channel does not have that level of ahh ‘success’ at this time… Looks like their first major hit was their “Coraline 2 Release Date Teaser Trailer, Everything About the Sequel” from 6 months ago, currently at 28K views. Hey, if something works, keep uploading the same video multiple times a day, every single day, with minor tweaks and timing adjustments. No one’s gonna notice! They’ve also started to mercifully change some of their titles to be more imaginative like “Coraline 2: The Return of the Beldam.” But it’s very very clear to see they ride the wave of sequel surfers, looking for any news on a beloved franchise. I mean, the only reason you’d name a video (well, like 45 videos) “Coraline 2 Release Date Teaser Trailer, Everything About the Sequel” is if you were playing the “maximize search terms” and other SEO games. Recently (and that will change before this video comes out because they literally put out 44 videos yesterday) the channel has been focusing on Coco 2, Rio 3, Encanto 2, and Descendants 4. They have a few thousand? Alita 2 trailers, and have dabbled in sports and getting rich, but they’ll probably be back on Coraline 2 in a day or so. I’ve noticed they use all the same shots, except for when a new weird AI render is out of the oven. When the DO reuse the same shots and music and edited movie vocal track, they Black the Screen out A LOT between shots, likely to obfuscate any attempt to claim ‘reused content.” They also tint the reused footage slightly different colors between uploads for this same reason. It’s a very lazy content farm - reusing the same old shots from the movie, and concept art (run through AI) and then adding a new AI shot into the mix as soon as it’s rendered. So, after sifting through this mind bender, let's try to actually pinpoint what this AI Coraline 2 is about from the trailers. A fool’s errand, I know. If we were to take this farm seriously for a moment, it feels like Coraline is one of hundreds of Coralines in familiar worlds, but with an eerie twist - wait that’s kinda like original Coraline’s world and the nearly perfect copy of it that the Other Mother makes in her version of the Other World… hmm. Maybe we’re on to something here! Which Coraline is the ‘real’ one and which Coralines are the “other’ Coralines? Is this a movie about jumbled timelines and styles and Coraline getting back home to the world that she took for granted again, but across space? That would make the 'Galactic Coralines' and the 'Hobbit House' Coralines and the weird 'Scampering through the Woods' Coralines all fit together nicely in a way! But here I am trying to turn trash into treasure, which is probably more consideration and effort than the people (or robots) making these “trailers” put in! Which is honestly kinda exasperating. But I want to tell you that there IS a place that does not have faceless robotic AI content farms, where only the highest-quality videos and original series live, without ads! This place is Nebula, and I’m so thrilled to be part of this group of creators! Ok… there is one robot: Tale Foundry, but they have heart, AND an original show ONLY on Nebula: “Worldsmiths,” where they dive into the minds of other amazing artists, like Neil Gaiman, the original creator of Coraline and other favorites! Not only that, but I have read close to 200 creepy and calming old fairytales and ghost stories… and you can listen to ALL of these a bit late videos on Nebula, without ads frightening you! You can also take these stories on the move with Nebula’s app: just download and save for later when you need a spooky sleep! It’s like having a grimoire on the go. I also upload all of my videos to Nebula First, so you can see them before they are live on YouTube! And there’s so much more coming to Nebula, like Abigail Thorn’s Original “Dracula’s Ex Girlfriend” where “a recovering ex-vampire is forced to revisit a dead romance when an old rival invites her out for a quick bite.” Intriguing, right? You can use my link, to check all of this and more out, and doing so directly supports me and other creators, and gets you 40% off of annual plans, which works out to $2.50 per month! Nebula is a home for creativity and real-life creators, and we’re always working to make the best new shows and series, which is why right now we are offering Lifetime Memberships, which not only let you enjoy this forever, but also helps to fund our future and current projects. Thank you so much for checking out Nebula, and supporting independent creators! But hey, I hope you enjoyed this fever dream deep dive into one AI take on what Coraline 2 is all about! Subscribe for more creepy and fascinating videos, cooking in the cauldron right now. Stay spooky!
Channel: abitfrank
Views: 256,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abitfrank, Coraline, coraline the movie, how coraline could have been creepier, henry selick, neil gaiman, coraline animation, coraline creepy, coraline 2, coraline theory, laika, other mother, coraline movie, coraline book, coraline corridor, coraline jones, coraline ending, coraline other mother, coraline bug theory, coraline mist, coraline sequel, coraline 2 ai, coraline ai farm, coraline content farm, coraline movie sequel, ai coraline, coraline cat, coraline ai
Id: wQJZZJgevwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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