Blocked Drain 904

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block train whole house is backed up fronts to the front I found the  uh not the boundary trap but the uh the boundary marker flap just there so  that's not the boundary trap that's just the   flap the Breather we got to go through there and  hopefully we can hear it under the ground where   it is probably under the grass somewhere  [Music] so I might just cut some of this away so we can see what's going on  we'll remove this morning R morning   how are you this morning very good  thank you for asking that's good to   hear what do we got here block drain  thank you that's uh very valuable information all right weapon of choice for this  will just be the little spinner reason being we   don't want to make a big mess here cuz we can't  get to the problem because I think the problem's   beyond the boundary trap this is just so  we can hear it rumbling under the ground okay we'll push that through Turner on well she's pretty blocked just check to see if I can feel it can't hear it I'm trying to find your  um boundary trap though okay cuz that's   just your your breather and then it runs  to another shaft okay so I might have to   stick the camera down there okay and locate  it what's all that crap coming out that's   sewer sewer yeah yeah it's blocked between  here and the street okay so I need to find   your V trap get the lid and go through  there you finished your meeting yeah yeah so the camera's got a sound in it and it's   going to tell us where your  um boundary trap is located okay it is it is all right down we go where it goes we do not knows all right all right put it on to locate let's go hunting Richard [Music] rat marks the spot you sure rat yeah I'm  sure all right you haven't been wrong before we're going to dig here well the rat wasn't wrong that's exactly where we are might be under a bit of pressure did you know this was here I didn't think you did otherwise I'm sure you   would have told me it was here  that's of sunk wonder [Music] what I didn't build this house unfortunately no  I would have known if that was there for but yeah ni under a little bit of pressure oh [ __ ] sorry you're good all right so   it's much better we go from here cuz we  got direct access around the trap now y y all right we might use the  uh the mighty penetrator now make sure she's working [Music] that just working a treat down we go so the problem's going to be out there somewhere  we're gone around the boundary trap there we go down three one two three perfectly Ted Oliver I don't know if are so there's our  camera that was telling us where to where to dig the the St coming through now [Music] up oh that's [Music] beautiful forgot to turn the water  on that's why the uh engine cut out all right that's good this one's  dropped right down to the level it should be looks like there's a bit of  a towel or a hand towel down there here's the trusty [Music] spear Auto up Joe this looks like um you know the paper  towels you got in the kitchen yeah they've been   down there for a while yeah we previous owners we  wouldn't be no we wouldn't be flushing okay they   look like they've been there for a while yeah the  problem is out there okay so more than likely it's   some tree roots okay so I'll just keep working  that and see if we can have a quick look at the   camera when we're done and then we'll do a toilet  paper flash test [Applause] [Music] it would have   been good if the previous owners would have  told you this was here right yeah no they just say all right we're going to change nozzle  now we're putting the big root cutter on The Rock we're going to go down around the  boundary trap to the street cut out those roots [Applause] [Applause] here's just little Contraption just goes around  the boundary trap so that the camera can get around pull the camera out all right down we go with the [Music] camera we're into the line but as you can see she's  holding a lot of water there we   go we come through the water holding  a lot of water cuz there's a lot of roots so we need to pull the jet back  to this point and work that big water Roots good thing we got the  uh the heavy duty rat down   there cuz he's going chop these roots to Smither Rin here he comes where is he there we go that's pretty well positioned  there we'll start from there pressure on okay pressure off wait for the dust to settle it's looking a bit healthier I  think that's where the roots were there few more Roots out towards the street just there we might have to cut those  ones out they're about 12 M [Music] down [Music] [Music] all right that looks much better routs all gone very good full of roots Joe yeah but they're all  gone now oh sweet so that was probably the   street side yeah between here and see that  where they put a diit in the street there   that was sinking there another one down the road  where sinking and they just filled them in about   two or three sink holes yeah so obviously  the pipes are that old water's getting in   and it's bringing the Earth with it yeah so  it's not very good nick get water to pay for this well if it's only three roots that don't  pay for for it yeah if it was collapsed yes   yeah okay so it's just tree roots yeah  it's still in good yeah yeah the pipes   are still together yeah got be old old  terracotta pipes right yes yeah old six in yep for a little bit yeah it will there [Music] how many toilets have you got in  there Joe I've got three three okay there you go the culprits so from there to here  it's all good yeah to the house   I haven't checked up there yeah that's  right you want me to check up there up you well we should be able to tell I'll just give  with a quick blast with the jet up there yeah okay now we're just going up into the house that feels pretty good that feels pretty good Joe thank  you could you just do me a favor   y those three toilets yes can  you flush all three with um a   good amount of paper okay I just want  to watch this end and see them come through okay thank you now the rat comes out  to play when all the work's   done yeah work smarter not hard up that's the way ready all right Joe's gone to  flush we'll listen for the famous Rumble Joe's yelled out that that's the first one all right on the count of  three one two would you believe two two it is that's the first of them there's a second should be a third third happy that was the third that looks pretty good to me all good  and then hard it again for the next plumber yeah well if you ever move don't  tell the next person I think that's the got the right tools right  it does yeah well there's no   way you'd find that no you'll be digging all day [Music] no [Music] worries all righty let's go a little hose [Music] down [Music]   thank you thank
Channel: Drain Addict
Views: 75,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blocked drain, blocked sewer, blocked drain pipe, drain blockage, drain clean, blocked toilet, drain cleaner, blocked pipe, blocked sewage, pipe unblock, clogged drain, drain jetter, jet drain, drain, sewer, drain cleaning, clogged, toilet
Id: puZbw9s0SuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 50sec (1790 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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