Unclogging And Sending Huge Log Through Massive Slippery Culvert Pipe

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look at that in the road we got a deer there's a deer up there hey everyone welcome to log fun right now we are on our way to some gigantic Culver pipes and they have a few logs stuck against them from when the water was higher we're going to loosen up those logs and send them on through they're pretty big it's going to come out the other end Like a Torpedo we get to do this almost every spring at this location and it's going to be pretty exciting we'll be there in about 10 minutes considering the time of year this Road's in awesome condition I'm able to keep a consistent almost 50 miles an hour or 80 kilometers an hour this Road's in awesome shape compared to some of the roads we've been on I was on a section of this road yesterday I had to use the winch I actually bottomed out the mud was so thick but other areas it's all right all right everyone we're here these culverts usually don't have a blockage they usually just have a couple logs in front of them big logs at crisscross against the other side you see they are huge pipes really really big I don't know what they're made out of they might just be very high quality galvanized pipes because you notice there's no rust on them at all that's just Brown slime which is really cool so let's go to the other end and see if we have any logs if we do we'll go set up camera number two so we can see them plopping on out so you see during high flow times it's a swamp so sometimes these logs get stuck over here obviously when the water is much much higher like you see that log right there I'm going to try to loosen that up get it out there and send it through nothing's actually blocking them today but that water obviously got a lot higher and you can look down inside there at the water lines these things never really go above 1/3 capacity extremely oversized but cheaper than a bridge these have been here for years let's go take a look at the one over here which is kind of in the bushes just got to plow through these bushes going to have to check the ticks later these bushes are also very dusty because of the Dirt Road next to it take a look at this pipe this pipe got some logs in front of it we're going to try to loosen those up we'll go down there with the big high boots in a minute I already got the big high boots on cuz we've been looking at culverts all day all right we'll put camera number two on the other side in the middle pipe cuz the middle pipe has more flow we're not going to use that end one we'll try to get it to go through the middle let's see how we want to set that up maybe a magnetic tripod I don't think that's aluminum let's get a magnetic tripod all right everyone these things are metal after all well of course they're made out of metal but they're iron after all it's just very good galvanization I've never seen galvanization on a pipe that's old with zero rust cuz these are very old pipes camera number two on look at the size of some of the trees growing on top of these they've been here a while super high quality zinc coating on those it's a much better type of galvanization so let's see how are we going to get down here remember years ago I walked up through one of them but I don't have a exact plan on how to walk down here got to make sure I don't fall that water's not too deep to walk in with the big high bootes I think I found my way down can hold on to these trees very nicely there's a beaver two mark from that's at least I'd say 3 years old so beavers apparently used to be a problem here all right step on into the water there's lots of slime so don't want to try going through there cuz I might slip in situations when I have to go through something like this I'll put ice cleats on yeah that's super duper slippery I would put ice cleats on let's see if I can move this stuff by hand or if I'm going to need two hands yeah I better set the tripod up it always feels like oh a car is going by it always feels like I'm flooding my boots but I'm actually not the water's just really cold all right let's put the camera tripod out here oh there's actually a little raised area nice all right let's get these things into position to move hopefully the current's deep enough you'll see this on camera too in a moment wo there it goes a this one's floating nice that one's not out yet it's still floating it's a long pipe got to maneuver this get it straightened out hopefully it'll go through bigger than I thought but it was mostly out of the water so it's very buoyant I'm fighting the current a little trying to straighten it out all right here we go even if it did get stuck the next storm will push it out let's see if we can get it through is it going to make it is it going to make it it's still moving ah I don't think that's getting stuck that pipe's so slimy here it goes there it goes it's still moving yeah there it goes out the other side Kaboom into the plunge pool yeah it got hung up a little bit on the end but that's okay oh No Maybe not maybe not I see it shifting it might wiggle around it's so buoyant in that plunge pool it's definitely bumping around a bit it's okay it's on that side it can't clog this again and there are no more culs in the system for those of you who like to complain why you sending it Downstream cuz there's no more pipes we're in the middle of the Wilderness this thing's going to end up sinking somewhere in the next Lake all right and now that we're over here we actually have a little bit of stuff to remove here check this out there's a little bit of stuff here there's also a little bit of damage that may have been an excavator at some point but we got a little bit of stuff to get out of here this is beaver related very slippery I don't want to fall in there the beers are really taking advantage of this lip underneath the pipe there's so many sticks jammed underneath it so there was a blockage after all even the Rocks I'm standing on are slippery there's slime everywhere but thankfully these pipes no I meant to say those water is very very clean maybe you saw some of that come out the other side I don't know if that camera was angled for that didn't expect that did this other uh did not break loose yet but that's okay next storm will push it through there's nothing it can get stuck on on the inside this pipe is Flowing at its highest they always put him in like this during a drought only one of them is supposed to be flowing this is more Beaver stuff this is the this is part of a dam the water current strong here I better not lose my balance or I'm going to go for a water slide just making it a little bit harder for them to build back oh a fart couple more sticks and we're good send it on through can't wait to see the other side that thing Plumping out of there all right slippery rocks right here be careful use these nice trees to help me get out of here don't want to fall it's an 8T CT and let's go across the road oh I can literally see some of the sticks floating down there you see them couple sticks and debris in the water that right there might be the first thing we sent through oh my gosh look at the water going through that I just realized that's awesome wow I wish I had a chainsaw I'd cut out like a 4ft section of that and take it home that would be an awesome waterfall for one of the ponds wood like that that would make an awesome something that's so cool look that thing's only Holding On by a couple inches that'll be easy to knock in let me set the tripod up and I'm going to go down there just make sure you guys are secure and not going to fall in all right good enough I'm going down there let's get that there's a decent Trail on this side I guess from fishermen it's on its way now it's going to do a few rotations maybe it'll make its way out of here maybe it'll hang around until the next big storm to throw it up on the banks down there looks like it's about to chug away though let's see about to go over to the current of the much stronger pipe it's turning it is it going to get sent Downstream also look at the debris over here we got out of that first one that's the Beaver Dam I was pulling apart a this thing is turning fast it looks like it's about to go down is it or is it just going to keep spinning it might just keep spinning there camera number two off oh strong magnet it's a 300 lb pool force magnet yeah this thing's just going to be parked here for a little bit it looks like uh maybe the that end of it might be touching bottom that might be the problem but it's no longer a concern of these pipes this eventually drains down into a reservoir where debris like this will get stuck it'll sink to the bottom before it gets out northern Maine is like that a bunch of little streams entering ponds leaving ponds just natural dams everywhere there's no human dams just it enters big ponds big lakes leaves that's pretty cool yeah that pipe is so slippery I I've walked through it before but it was during the summer when it was barely flowing it was still slippery though but that nothing there assuming there's no bolts or anything on the bottom that might make a cool water slide definitely be fun to take a tube through it oh look what I'm noticing now this is making like a rotation look inside the log it still has rapid current going through it like a little Aqueduct there's still a lot of current going through that log that's cool yeah it's parked and it ain't going anywhere now but it's not in the way anymore it cuz you see the Beavers took advantage of that thing being there these pipes often times have too much flow so beaver dams just get smashed out of the way by the river but that that was a stable anchor for them to try to make the pond level higher not letting that happen thanks for watching everyone have a great day you'll see this on camera too in a moment woo there it goes a this one's floating nice that one's not out yet it's still floating it's a long pipe got to maneuver this get a straightened out hopefully it'll go through bigger than I thought but it was mostly out of the water so it's very buoyant I'm fighting the current a little trying to straighten it out all right here we go even if it did get stuck the next storm will push it out let's see if we can get it through is it going to make it is it going to make it it's still moving I I don't think that's getting stuck that pipe so slimy here it goes here it goes it's still moving yeah there it goes out the other side and we're off to the next pipe [Music] here's another section of cver pipes that are pretty big that often get random logs like that stuck we're going to see if it happened this area it's less likely so I haven't even checked these pipes in a couple years but maybe we'll get a bonus on clogging today all right everyone looks like someone was after that deer's friend we saw so right here just looking around this area has flooded recently remember the first time I ever came here these trees were a bit smaller now when these trees grow leaves I bet the average person when even know there's water here in the summer but typically on roads anytime there's a dip there's at least a culvert whether it be small or a whole river like this haven't been here in a bit but here's a trail is it human or moose let's take a look that might be a ho mark look up top look for anything like something's been breaking through here can't tell I really can't tell you yet if it's a human Trail or not I don't see any definite Footprints but there's beavers at some point that's I see some Beaver chewed stuff but they probably have who knows how many Beaver lodges upstream and look at that there's a really small cul how did that get there maybe from wash down from Upstream the grass is starting to come in isn't that pretty it's springtime time the grass is already starting but it's the middle of May and we're still getting occasional Frost up here in northern Maine this area's growing season doesn't start technically until June 15th my area is June 1st looking in nothing's changed that Boulder was already in there when I was here 3 years ago not even a clog against it I guess these things blast so much that yeah what do you guys think of this they put a coupling on the end of it do you think that saves it or helps it not clog in some way or you think there was a yeah it's missing a part I wonder it probably got damaged and they just removed it it was missing like that that's what was probably there that part cut out a 45° angle you see this one's low in the ground that one barely has anything flowing through it primary flow covert in the summer this will be the only one going nothing will be going through that unless we're in the High Times of flow but why do they put a 45° angle there there's actually a good reason for it first off think about it when the water is halfway up it if a big log comes in like that one we saw at the last pipe got slammed against it if it goes to that as the water rises it'll push it up top theoretically back when they installed this is was all rocks with the trees around it now it probably won't work as intended but yeah if a log got against it as the water rises it'll push it and it'll abandon the log up top that's why they often times will do that on Rivers but these certs they're still working fine they've been here for decades no Bridge required when you use a high quality CT it's doing good kind of want to peek at that other one before we head on out I got the big high boots on but is this slippery all right not as slippery probably because we're not in full sun there's a lot of wind going through this pipe too trying not to flood my boots and I also cannot see the bottom of the river oh almost fell the bottom of the river is just so dark I can't see I'm just feeling around around on what to put my weight on these are beaver marks they were from sometime last year you see all the tree already grew a little bit all right the other one has a beaver chewed stick it also looks like this pipe could have been lifted a little bit by high flow it looks like maybe it was down a little bit cuz there's a good I can see like foot Gap underneath this thing there's a hollow spot here I got to be careful it's all clear I just want to grab that one stick is it worth it though possibly falling in is there another stick I can use to poke it h you see what I'm trying to do I'm trying to get the rock to slide into it h Bo there's no more small rocks Let's Get Down in the water it's not as deep as it appears see just can't really see the bottom too well yep that was chewed by a beaver all right let's get back up to the road see how this is kind of it looks like melted and stuff they used a a cylene torch to cut this thing open you see that coupling right there I believe the other one's just missing or it got damaged during unclogging or something and they just removed it got to check for ticks going through bushes like this or maybe the ticks don't like the dust you'll become pretty dusty walking through bushes like this on the side of a dirt road looking for a good trail to get back up water sometimes travels down here the grass is all starting to come up but remember in northern Maine the trees don't grow their leaves they start growing them towards the end of May they won't be full until sometime in June thanks for watching you know how I was saying that people often will complain about me sending debris down stream because it'll get stuck at the next line of pipes well those first pipes we unclogged they go down to a reservoir there's no more culs not even a bridge but this one you can complain about this if you want that stick actually will go to those first pipes we were at in the video honestly it'll probably not get there because again it it will have to go through a large swampy area where it's going to get stuck check out all those abandoned Bridges right there this must be the junkyard they're probably going to have a big bonfire soon maybe next winter it's all the junk Bridges they've been replacing we got another deer who ran away oh look there's another [Music] deer right there
Channel: post 10
Views: 45,650
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Id: qW_-K1L0wzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 19sec (1639 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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