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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TotesMessenger 📅︎︎ Dec 27 2019 🗫︎ replies
yes thanks for tuning in to another video on in range TV we finally have a product that we found at shot show last year that was really exciting actually it's a really interesting compelling idea and it's unusual when something at shot shows truly something you go oh that's memorable and this was one of the few mm-hmm this is the Black Label bipod and it doesn't look like a bipod does it looks like a fairly standard handguard you've got some m-lok rail slots on the bottom you've got in ventilation by standard you mean it's got lots of fancy speed holes it's got a lot of holes yeah speed holes it does look very sci-fi though yeah it's got this cool like little turbine generator thing here so what it really has is an integrated bipod in a little swivel ball mount here yeah it gives you pan and y'all what looks like a turbine is actually a tensioning knob locks these down mm-hmm and and we thought this was a really interesting idea yep I think production is going a little slow for these guys because it took them almost a year to get us one it's now nature of bringing something new to the market to be fair we kind of we asked them right after shot show and then we kind of let it lapse and then came back one we never found that thing emailed them again and then they got one out to us nice and promptly mm-hm so they make this in three different lengths okay as I recall they have an 11 a 14 and a 16 can I believe yep we've got the 14 on here because this is an 18-inch barrel and they make this for the air 15 in the air 8 or the ar-10 and also the Ruger precision rifle interesting makes a lot of sense for the RBR exactly now one of the things that comes to mind is when you look at so this is a POF 308 di revolution it's a wonderful gun by the way you're gonna see more about it on the channel but one thing that comes to mind is so now you've got an integrated bipod there yeah and of course I've got an M created real slot here and then I've got a Harris here and then I could enforce K you know I can do the QD thing where I put it on and in theory I do it quickly and turn the little doodle and now I've got a bipod that's on there and I can take it on and off and so that's in the front of gun and I can also quickly deploy it and quickly get rid of it but it's still a lot of weight at the front of the gun and it's something I have to proactively put on or take off but once I take it off the weights gone right yes what I did some math okay I found interesting so if you take a standard M block style aluminum handguard and try to compare it with all of the associated things on it science we're all about science here at intersect so you take a Magpul polymer bipod it's eleven point seven ounces or 333 grams a Harris bipod which you just saw me discard is essentially 16 ounces or 452 grams that's a pound it is this black label integrated bipod system with the bipod in it that's always there ready and accessible is in aggregate totally twenty six ounces or 735 grams which of course sounds like a lot more than what I just mentioned yes but if you take a standard ke arms em lock aluminum handguard and it starts at fourteen point four ounces or four hundred and eight grams do it you add on a Harris you're now at thirty point three ounces or 860 grams you are significantly heavier than the Black Label bipod that has the bipod already they're integrated ready to go and even with the Magpul which is polymer you're still heavier at twenty six point one or 860 grams this is actually lighter than even the Magpul and the Magpul doesn't have a cue team so i there's out there there yes there is now there are some other pros and cons mhm one of the pros I would point out is I can have this bipod and I can still punch this thing through something like a VTAC barricade or any other small awkward shooting position absolutely can without having this thing kludged up in the front this is almost as fast to deploy yeah it is slower to underplay yeah you have a button here on the side that releases the leg now for black labels intended audience I think that's a bonus okay because I don't think they've designed this for people who have a need to quickly close the bipod sure fact I think the number of times when you would need to quickly close the bipod is relatively limited or it is easy to quickly deploy right not as quick as a Harris with little rope on it but we're not talking gamer gear we're talking about tactical or hunting environments right um and by the way I can extend these out as well functionally this is similar to how do the Magpul works once you deploy the Magpul you have to push little buttons to close it so they did not worry about quick removal or quick quick closing right and I don't know that that matters for many environments it might matter on the clock and a match but in reality no really where this is being martinel in the real world that's not that much of an issue anyway yeah you want nice dependable lockup and I think they've done a good job with that to me this is kind of like reholster yeah I agree very few times when you need to speedily reholster agreed so I'm stoked about this thing now before anyone mentions it which we know they're going to yeah this with what Woodstock doesn't make any sense unfortunately the weight differential there between that and the carbon-fiber float tube that we are or have been working with and probably will be continuing to discuss on the what with stoner do 2020 project while this is a very compelling project from the product from the perspective of an integrated bipod and I'm gonna go ahead and say this right off the bat the most elegant bipod solutions I have seen bar none absolutely it's almost elegant if you want a bipod you're willing to take the weight hit but still be lower than the weight of an equivalent aluminum slash add on QD right this thing is amazing this isn't really a weight hit this is if you're willing to add the weight of a by perfect this one does it better than pretty much anything but what would stoner do is endeavor is to have the lightest most handy carbine in the field and if you have the need for a bipod you could always still go QD right and take it off so you don't have to always have it there and it goes without saying that that with the WWSD carbon-fiber system with a bipod not on it is substantially lighter than it is over a pound lighter yeah but two different markets total it purposes yep you'll notice we also have this on a rifle with a one two six variable huh something that can take advantage of a little bit longer barrel a little bit more muzzle velocity magnified optics and a bipod yep let's do some shooting see how it actually works do it all right so I can rotate this in both dimensions I've got quite a bit of swivel like so and then from this central position I can swing the gun all the way over to here I can come back be careful to not adjust the set of the bipod feet and swing over to here and that's a solid 120 degrees it really has quite a lot of movement potential without affecting where your bipod feet are so I can also crank this down which is going to yeah so I can still have a little bit of pivot here but the guns not going to rotate I have to really push it to rotate this isn't a physical lock this is just a friction collar so frankly I like having it open there's still enough friction on this even with the collar all the way loosened did the gun tends to stay nicely in position but it doesn't take too much energy to move it too much force to move it if I have to get up over an obstacle I can bring it up to this high I can also drop it down [Music] to that low so I think this is intended for more of a tact Goldwell a tactical and hunting market as opposed to a competitive market the competitors tend to be shooting on square ranges and have a fixed bipod length that's always going to be optimal and so they would want a fixed bipod like that for this having the flexibility is really quite handy so we fully realized this is not necessarily for the quick deploy click return market but that said what can you do if you want to if you can grab both ends kind of open flick it open huh if you hit these buttons like this and wiggle close it and go I don't know that that's that much lower than taking a QD on or off and it's always with you alright so in conclusion I would say that if you're in the market for a dedicated bipod solution or maybe if you're in the market for a bipod solution at all this should be at the top of your list if you're willing to accept the fact that you have non removable weight from your rifle right if you are going to get a bipod so that you can take it off when you don't need it this isn't quite your thing no it isn't but if you want a bipod to always be on the gun this is I think head and shoulders above basically every other option I'm gonna go ahead and say this I mean there are a lot of iPods in the market I've not used them all okay so there's a million of them and every one this is like one of those things it's kind of like knife guys you mentioned one bipod and then the knife people come out and they're like no this blade has this this bipod okay of all the bipods I've used this is I'm gonna go and say this this is my favorite one I've ever used for field type conditions it deploys quickly it actually returns relatively quickly it is made with like I'm gonna say I know they're from Canada but it's made with like Swiss like precision yeah this thing feels exactly like what you'd want something that cost what it does to feel its swivel smooth it deploys smooth the controls are well-thought-out it's a high quality handguard and an exceptionally high quality bipod so you've mentioned the price yeah that is the one downside it is so like if you're gonna get something that's well-made and works well and is relatively lightweight there's gonna be a downside and it's gonna be costing yessir five to six hundred bucks Denson yeah they make a variety of a couple different lengths they make them for couple different patterns of rifle well frankly the Ruger precision rifle one is really compelling to my mind man for that for like either for competition or for legitimately using our PR for hunting I could not honestly could not think of something I'd want better than this for that yeah unless you wanted to have something that was QD but if you're not going to need this on your are PR in the field and you know I think compelling that's a compelling argument I suspect there are a lot of people with rifles like that where the only time they take off the bipod is to put it in the case of course well guess what this fits in the case just like a rifle without bipod and by the way we didn't get to this the installations a piece of cake so if you just take your standard AR take your hand guard off you have to remove the currently existing barrel nut you put on the Black Label barrel nut just goes on index it as normal you have to return your gas tube of course then this just slides over and one bolt goes across and you're done and then you have a free floated barrel essentially a bipod integrated high-quality handguard and bipod all together in one package I think part of the reason that it is nice and I should have mentioned this earlier maybe but if you look at how they designed it of course it's an integrated handguard which means the handguard is gonna be about that big around regardless so there's no incentive there's no need for them to miniaturize all of the the pivoting functionality all the mechanics in there where if you have a clamp on QD bipod all those things the Harris and everyone else like them the mag poles the BN T's they're all trying to make it flexible and movable but in as little hardware as possible because you don't want the thing to end up being you know an inch or two stacked up before you even get to the legs if they're try to do all that in a little spot they can do this here with this really giant gyro kind of thing right yeah just what makes it smooth and give they're able to easily give it the right amount of tension and it's frankly higher up and wider set then all of your clamp on bipods are gonna be I said gyro but really gimbal is probably better work but the other thing you do want to note is that this is actually nicely manufactured and very svelte when it's in your hand it's not this big bulky thing right but that means you do need a low profile gas block for it to fit and it probably will not work on most or any piston guns probably they have detailed drawings specs available so if you're interested you can check it out and find out I'm sure you can email them and ask them your mileage may vary I will say this though piston guns and aluminum hand guards get real hot this is where di is a real thing yeah anyways in terms of this they did send this to us for free yes um however that does not change how we review a product yeah I'm going to go ahead and give this the in-range stamp of hubris and approval this is one of the best products we've ever reviewed on the channel and better than that well you know in part with that it sounds like you're gonna go buy one yeah so this is the funny thing so they did say this this one for free but I want one I'm keeping it yeah URL can't get his grubby hands on this so that said you guys have sold a product to me because I want one of these so I'm gonna buy one unfortunately it does not fit the needs of the what what's donor new project no because of the weight yeah but if you want an integrated BioPod solution on some sort of precision gun man look real hard in fact I don't think you need to look at anything else but Black Label yeah so easy to find just Google blk LBL they've got all their different variants on it they did not send us a Whitman's platter they sent us just one yeah yep but I can understand why other expenses with that said man what an exceptional product well done guys so guys this is a completely patreon supported channel this one was sent to us for free so obviously this was not bought by us but it is gonna buy one for inre all needs a patreon I need to buy his own well there'll be more of it on the channel because I'm going to be using one for other things I think there's some interesting applications of this don't you you need to figure how to get one on your show shot that would be really nice yeah like that fix one of like the five critical flaws on that gun anyways it is a completely viewer supported project we're not funded by any monetization or advertising dollars if you're already there thank you so much if you if you aren't consider it if you can't we get it just subscribe to our channel you can find them all on in-range TV multiple distribution points share with your friends and thanks for watching
Channel: InRangeTV
Views: 84,799
Rating: 4.9777565 out of 5
Keywords: blk-lbl, bipod, ar15, harris, magpul, wwsd, inrange, inrangetv, forgotten weapons, c&rsenal, mccollum, gun jesus, kasarda, ruger rpr, precision rifle
Id: BU4dylBdEnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 27 2019
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