Q&A - December 2019

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I love the cameos that Dharma makes in videos, her wanting more pets and attention is adorable

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/CrimsonCandle 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2019 🗫︎ replies
thank you for tuning in to another episode of in range this is the December 2019 QA obviously have Carl ending in for this one so we've got questions appropriate to that and dog no hello doggy oh um at any rate these questions are all provided by our patreon supporters who are amazing because they keep in range alive if it wasn't for them we wouldn't be here this is true so we'll get the one cuz we've got lots of them as always Heath what are each of you most excited about for next year they've got a bunch of cool stuff but what would stoner do 2020 is kind of the obvious one I would agree with that my thought was exactly that when I saw this question like wolf misses same thing what would still do 2020 if you guys aren't familiar with that that is of course revisiting the what what's dawn of your project which we did in 2017 in collaboration with Kay arms and Brett Oz which is pretty cool so anyways what was sundar dhruv 2020 anything else that comes to mind I'm frankly really excited to have my stupid book no we have so it's supposed to be our plans weren't for him to be out late 2019 but publish it it's getting pushed to the very beginning of 2019 I mean even with those delays isn't isn't that process something that it's like you're actually doing better than average I think it's like through the lanes and all those sorts of things yeah they're always hard but it'll be very very nice to actually have them physically and of course yeah I can start the next I'm glad for poetry and making good content powers do you guys think caseless or polymer cased ammunition will come to be popular affordable or as good as current standards yeah I do too polymer case well yeah I'm pretty dubious about caseless yep caseless has some pretty fundamental issues that no people are ever gonna really get them worked out but polymer case is already and some of it straight polymer some of it hybrid you know a polymer cartridge body with a brass base to it mmm military's already using that yep for 50 Cal 50 BMG and you know what in a light like a Kiowa helicopter makes it seem if can different I'll have to remove that kind of weight you can eat a bit more flight time carry more ammo yeah imagine that I mean so like we've seen this played around with with small arms in general like we've seen five five six polymer hit the mark than leave and there's been issues here and there but I do absolutely agree with its going to happen if they can do it in the 50s right they can absolutely flat five six and what that will mean is obviously you could have the standard load out much lighter what you'll just do is add more ammunition and have more yeah at the same weight but that's really cool and I agree it'll happen I think hazel is good I think that that's a that's a chemical thing they've gotta figure it out trip like the Glee these or whatever has to happen yeah but I I'm dubious that it will hey by the time anyone figures that out we'll have moved on to things that are just as good the problem is caseless ammunition has issues beyond just the ammunition well how do you get it out of the chamber earth is a problem for example precisely yeah okay John which firearm would you say has been the most successful failure highest distribution versus worst performance I didn't so because you've got such a breadth of knowledge on old guns but hmm failure is a difficult word to put in there because failure implies that he didn't do the job if anything got a distribution of the sufficient amount to be filled the bull it probably was not so much bad that it couldn't at least affect generally perform the task but you know what I'm gonna go with on this one l85a1 yeah that's a good one like that thing was a legitimately seriously flawed gun that was pushed for political reasons and budgetary reasons people will say the AR was too but it's that's the opposite no the AR was first off the problems with the AR are not fundamental to the AR yeah problems with the l85a1 or fundamentally in the like when they did the testing these were the problem doesn't oblems just never went away in the m16 there were problems that were induced by changes to powder after the testing was done I think your answer is better than the one I came up with frankly but the one that and failure is a bad word because it's not a failure but I would say in terms of distribution versus what it achieved in 14 I mean it's a it's a functional gun obviously we're still using it but in terms of when that was adopted and why it's like weird and it's not a failure and you know what another one the setting yell yeah those those are all candidates but I think here's the best answer Navy baby have we considered a winter as brutality match like Arctic brutality um yes and no actually interestingly this here this here is desert fatality 2020 is in a location where it might be winter conditions now Arizona winter conditions but still not the hot Arizona high country yeah no it's way up and altitudes up there and there is a good likelihood that we'll have at least snow they're like potentially weight or at least cold so if you're coming in desert for Totti 2020 check the weather first layer up be geared up for either warm or cold or both both because it arizona's like that it could be warm on one day and cold the next so so it's not Arctic mortality but it's definitely winter well we had talked about Arctic brutality with the Finns very specific we did you know like skis snowshoes and and I think everyone was pretty excited about the idea the problem was there some real practical issues safety is one oh yeah you know if you're running around on ice with guns this presents potential problems sure does and another interesting one that people may not think about is daylight if you're gonna do a winter match say in Finland there's three hours of daylight and it's just like you don't have that much time to run people through the match like you do in a summer man it seems like it would have to be some sort of a special event maybe smaller invite-only or it wouldn't be in finland like maybe it could be in some place that has winter conditions here where the lighting would be greater like because obviously filling your weight up in the normal you can still have pretty good winter conditions further south got more light yeah yeah but the challenges are there and like there's literally things like when we're talking to you Ari about the stuff and feelings like there's literally fall through ice yeah oops well you know if your training is a Finnish Ranger that's one thing but if you're part of dirt guru and you come out of your fault you ice that's a whole nother problem sorry you lost your rights right sorry dude lost your gun in a literal actual boating act yeah it's a thing at the same time right honestly when we do if we need work to do desert brutality in the summer here the challenges would be it could no that's not that's really not a joke like when the fins were here for the first fatality it was still winter here and they were like what is this like and it was really this is like put on our short Lord our jackets it's getting chilly and they were like roasted so what you're used to is what you're used to it if we did this in the ship August there would be we there be on trips hopefully not guests but there would be there would be and that's scary - Craig do you think having bolt-action rifles in intermediate cartridges would have made bolt-action rifles at World War two more effective for what they were yes but also no well it would it helped write any the intermediate cartridge is a thing right the reason you use an intermediate cartridge is you have less recoil more capacity you can carry more of it and even with a bolt-action rifle will have faster shot to shot recovery you can have a shorter throw yeah and you could have less recoil to get back on target which is not because it somehow no make a difference however what even made a difference against even if you had a very low recoil and able emitter clerks well the 10 round capacity gun I guess an m1 garand with 3006 the m1 still gonna smoke it I would take the semi-auto full-power cartridge over an intermedia bolt-action it would have only been useful if you're fighting the foes that also had full power building records and we can see this to some extent if you look at the Italians in the Japanese oh it's good point six five Carcano six five Japanese are not intermediate rounds but they're absolutely lower recoil than eight Mauser it's gonna feel like it when you shoot them officially six five I mean that it does I'm really really quiet easy round shooting yeah so I would take a 6 5 bolt action over any millimeter bolt action but I take like the most powerful cartridge semi-auto over a hundred percent Jacob do you think it is better for the end-user to have an optic that is battery-powered for elimination and one that is tritium illuminating I'm not asking about military applications here but just the average Joe Schmoe is it better to have no batteries or scope without half the half-life ok further my first instinct on this is it's better to not have Barry if you do not back grantee however we've also said and I still agree with this that red dots are better than like prison addicts so you can't have a red dot but you can right we kind of get them with the holo something and others hopefully and that if the barrier wasn't there as long as there was some light to provide the solar pattern power it still work so you don't necessarily have to have batteries down a red dot work if you have ambient light to power it but then there's a problem if there's no ambient light and no battery you've got a bigger issue so this is a hard one because Mike my gut tells me I prefer red dots but if I was to just have a if I wanted to get something that was just gonna be there always I would want something that was tritium powered like the dew point I don't think there's enough difference to really matter take your pick the scope you like based on other factors yeah I mean you're talking about civilian recreational use doesn't matter and the battery life of these things you gotta remember that very light from the high quality and stuff is so long that it's like I guess the more important thing is if you don't have a top-of-the-line aim flight or something yeah turn it off when you're not using it yeah a lot of the cheaper end stuff if you accidentally leave the scope on in the gun safe for three weeks we'll pull it out and we'll be done but if you have an endpoint you turn it on you could just leave off in years yeah so we're gonna like at that point does it matter honestly I don't think it matters you this is angels dancing I have a pin and stuff kaylynn company nonsense aside would you guys be interested in testing a Springfield imported made HS product VHS rifle if they ever came to be or are you sick of testing bull puffs I'll test anything like the bullpup thing yeah those are there there's like it after you've gone through like every bullpup and you get to the country like it's hard to think the next one's gonna be the magic pill right you're like oh this honestly I will say this and I'm not this is not sponsored the MD Armand 308 has been a nightmare the MDR at five five six I really like it like would I take it over as traditional rifle no because there's a wait it there's things there and there's like if if it malfunctions you've got a problem but in terms of Bullpups in five five six that gun in five five six with some of the enhancements the longer handguard and the blast deflector or suppressor handles quite lovely so that would be my bullpup at this point to go to however it's still a bullpup and I can't imagine I don't know what you would do different than that one at this point to make some bullpup go oh wow they finally got it but I'm totally interested in looking of course I could why wouldn't we like maxi 10 / 63 locking actions in submachine guns are they needed or they overcomplicating a simple design we talked about this before we started filming late there's a debate here right so you've got open you just got ready to open blowback delayed blowback and then locking locking and delay there's a fine line of difference there but there's a difference so the to my mind you on a nine-millimeter submachine gun a locking action and a delayed blowback action are effectively I did they provided a similar spawn or a fact the reason we don't see that similarity in rifles is because that way blowback rifle cartridges are powerful enough that it's a lot more difficult to get a delayed blowback system that works well and people tend to go to fully blocked actions instead agree 9-millimeter it's all kind of the same the interesting thing is the place where you will see who truly locked-breech is machine pistols yeah and that's because they want to have a lightweight slot in not a two-pound slide on the gun but as a standard semi-auto pistol on nine-millimeter yep typically speaking and so it's a locked breech pistol and then when those basically all machine pistols are semi auto pistols you know redesign to include philosophy p7 exception yeah you know not the sketch cameras for long term it anyway mechanically speaking they're all based on semi-auto pistol designs true and so they're pretty much all locked breech from the beginning I'm sure there are a few others out there but the one truly locked up reaches up machine gun variable to think of is the Fuhrer the Swiss MP 41 44 which is basically a short recoil it's a Luger it's the toggle linklok short recoil toggle locked wildly over engineered and expensive for it does yeah however if you talk about delayed blowback yeah I think it is absolutely worth watching well we saw that in the videos we just recently did on in ranged back right so we compared a piece of kaal arms 9-millimeter pcc which is just straight blowback dynamo meter or the colt SMG versus the mp5 which is roller delayed and by the way the pcc works great and it does what you need however there's in terms of size and weight the pcc weighs more recoils more than the smaller more diminutive mp5 yeah because of that delay yeah so it changes so you don't need as much mass when you have an open bolt gun the only thing that's keeping it lock is mass and spring pressure sit so when you have mass moving and it's reciprocating all the way to the back and forward you get this big kurchuk yeah so when you've got a delay system you can have a lot less mass in fact is we cut out they've actually cut relief cuts in the bolt to reduce to lose weight only mp5 because it can stay closed long enough yeah makes a big difference yeah so it's not just open closed right understood I'm not trying it right hey this is why this is delay versus locked is it but that said the mp5 because it doesn't rely on mass to keep things the pressure curve safe or before it completely opens the breech it reduces the république all I think the only reason you don't see this more often is you have a substantial cost here to design a delayed blowback system instead of simple blowback well what's more simple than to open bolt delayed like my straight blowback on I mean well my point being most of the people buying submachine guns in quantities enough to stimulate development of submachine guns are not willing to pay enough to get a delayed blowback experiment your if you want those things you're looking at like the swiss 1930 stuff which is levered delayed the király guns karai guns and they coupled it wasn't just for ease of you know for making it shoot nicely in Parabellum they were also making those things in down by 25mm which is a potent enough cartridge that like ya know simple blowback is getting a little bit iffy it's interesting because there aren't there I mean not to go off topic here but there are some like cartridges that blur the longer to an intermediate pistol like you got a pistol intermediate and then there's this stuff like and when carbine like 35 Hardiness the first 30 Tokarev there's some stuff that it's like it's kind of in the middle yeah interesting Chad I heard both of you agree that magazines are one of the core sources of firearms malfunctioning why would you then both begins carrying a spare mag for your EDC this question is weird to me and the reason I added it is one the reason magazines are frequently a source of malfunctions is because magazines are more important to the function of a gun reliably than a lot of things and that manufacturer of them matters a lot when you look back at wartime like drink soviet-era like their magazines didn't usually weren't interchangeable for now because they couldn't quite get there but in terms of modern guns like a block not so much the same problem and I don't know where you ever heard that we're against carrying a spare mag I don't think we ever said I was against it I just generally don't I don't know why I'd say big against it it's just another thing you have to carry him in fact this is an example of where I think faith and modern magazines and manufacturing is there in that even if magazines are a potential source of malfunction with modern guns and modern quality the chance of the magazine being the problem your carry gun is like very low low that depends on who you're buying from okay I'm saying I said quality don't if you're gonna carry a Glock and you're gonna like the magazine that you have in it ought to be the best quality one don't go by the whiz-bang Korean thinking right right don't get a real legitimate Glock bag but if you do that it's probably not gonna be a problem yeah okay and then you can carry another one if you like or not but you should not be in a position where you're carrying a gun where you don't actually trust the magazine to work do you kind of pick that one off face that problem that then decide if you want to carry him how is he good at that person most ones completely free in Jonas how long have you had that beard I don't I've never seen you without it so I don't know I agree the beard when I started working as a bartender to stop getting annoying questions about whether I was old enough to serve alcohol I've had it since you were such a chair because that would one of their like they're not even allowed to work here son now to be fair that I was 23 at the time was complete yeah but it's been more than ten years yeah they're real genuine yeah then the world would shatter if you if you were to show up on a video with that change like there would be there would be seismic activity yeah yeah my my final farewell video I'll shave your mustache you cut the hairs it's a funny thing you know it's that's interesting because like you you have a very consistent through all of your videos from the beginning you started forgotten with it something now your aesthetics never change you have the same face writer same haircut the whole time and there's that they're there when you're a public figure and whatever that means because like I don't I change like I shave I don't shave sometimes I come here something I don't and it's always weirdly a point of consternation like it's like I don't even get out my who cares like what does it matter if I'm wearing a freaking gorilla mask what we're talking about but people like your haircut this or that you changed why'd you shave lately so I can see why like there's a certain bear there which is not changing it is actually smoother in god I don't even notice this stuff like I'm watching stuff might look different sometimes Matthew why have we never seen quick detach tubular magazines for shotguns and rifles I didn't even see the rifle part you know that's easy they're a bad idea that's why here's the thing when I thought I'm like I started like wracking my brain when I saw this I'm like no rifles what rifle would that be a lever gun but but I was like a Lobel like some weird like mutant labelled thing projects pump action rifles and lever action these hope actions don't work anyway but we'll hear about that anyways um the right the shotgun there has been three gun gamers stuff yes that been blurred that line but the problem with that is you've got this thing you have literally quiver of tubes and when you're ringing around rattletrap whatever it doesn't make practical sense so first off the only place that's really relevant is a military application the police don't need that kind of rapid reload on a shot no in gaming you hunters don't know game works good yes and that's where that's shown up but there's never the shotgun has never really been a military application gun yes the military's have purchased them but they're used for like one dude running point on a patrol sometimes in limited circumstances and gargantia or a breach are you afraid William which is look Dan you don't need your media to imagine I don't even necessarily need like you could have a single shotgun car back only two to three ounces hmm so there's never really been a military need to figure a tackle and if there were going to be really you know a shotgun taking the place of a rifle in a military scenario they would use a box man yeah because how do you carry the tubes mm-hmm you don't get very many rounds in the tubes and in most of these guns the tubes integral to the rest of the mechanism hmm you know they're designed where the gas piston is integral to the mag tube or the slide handle is integral to the mag tube because again there hasn't been this need to develop a super fast you know exchangeable tube shotgun so none of so why would you complicate the design to make it possible when nobody really needs it and nobody's really willing to pay extra for it yep we could use a box magazine totally Gary why when you're stuck in an airport which you are more than I am but I'm more than not lately waiting for a flight what is your go-to food choice for me down yeah Chipotle or like really make your own burrito was that cool not for me I find the gas station sushi provider well the little pre-made sushi things or some kind of Asian noodle joint like ramen or something I get okay what the gas station Tuesday there that I've never done sick it's fine all right one cavity that's my thing will most different guys are also cargo knives as well and you both have had or have project cars but do you have a dream car that you would both love to have yes this doesn't mean attention word of yeah okay like there's lots of cool classic super neat cars but I'd love to drive it but absolutely do not want to bone right you do you and threw you went through your jeep thing I want a friend with an awesome car collection that you can have anyways do you don't want to you don't want to vote you want a friend with a boat hmm I do not want to deal with maintenance I do not want to deal with I do not want to deal with repair I have discovered that while I think a lot of old cars are really super cool I really don't enjoy the work that goes into actually making them you know yeah your team to give up on that nonsense I had in 1946 there was a medley of jeep it started out as like to 3/4 of a Jeeps and it worked and if you go look at the very early forgotten weapons or if you don't you go looking gun yeah that's right there is an extended length video there of me building all of the stuff to mount a 1919 on the roll bar of that Jeep that's all you can check it out so what's the car you would have I am NOT a car guy I really don't care I have one cool Volkswagen thingy because and its thing I think I find that the Volkswagen air-cooled engine to be an interesting design frankly it's like the most simplistic a K type engine with its oil cooled system and no radiator and yes but even that it since I just take it out and drive it like an honest Eastern super complicated honestly that car sits idle a lot because yeah every after every so many X miles you have to Doyle change it this you got your always tweaking a carburetor you know you are its carbureted though I don't ever bother with the carburetor thing you just gotta always screw with it look what the weather changes and you got to change the choke no I'm not a car guy and when I think about what car I don't have one I just don't like the one that works Stokes having either of us ever been approached and would you accept the position as an armorer for a major phone no I've talked to her so have you been approached first okay no and you wouldn't accept even if I'm okay because I would not be able to fulfill that job okay having talked to people who are actually in the movie gun industry what's involved there is when it comes to guns nothing it is making guns run on blanks is a whole different world than making them run on yep like you don't use real guns in movies solicits the crow that shits dangerous so that was blank fire again what did he get shot with them black at point-blank range no no I didn't he was not point blank he was hit with a projectile ya know not sure what there was some sort of mishap of live ammunition or or or either live ammunition or aborting a piece of live definition left in a revolver cylinder ring I can't remember which but it was it was not a blank okay modern safety standards are such that you do not just like guns yeah so they're the prop guns and like for modeling guys man they'd be a cool opportunity like stuff in the main labora yeah got a bunch of comments from people like oh my god they butchered uh you know one of six surviving prototype pretty no you mean they made they made because the gun it's a laser pistol he doesn't eject anything anyway so you make in there would have been way it would have been more expensive to butcher real one than it would have been to makeup thingy yeah so I'm again model making is cool I dabbled with it as a kid but it's not something I'm particularly good at the or the gunsmithing skills surrounding blank firing guns are not something that I have any expertise that I think it'd be young I love being the guy they go to in their life what gun should all of our characters use yeah and by the way you want to have a little cameo in the back yeah that'd be awesome but your answer somewhere to mine I've never been approached editor and armor I don't know like it except for an arm well you know what I would I would accept one that was dealing with westerns because I know how to flats with those guns in a way that you could do we can leave they're not sown automatic so dealing with pistols revolvers lever guns single shots that's an ammunition problem not a mechanical gun problem because you can modify them that's what you're modifying right and that's something I've actually done a lot of because of yeah because so I would do the outage than that but what I'm more interested in these not being the armor but the technical adviser so that when you're watching the movie like that guns appropriate that one's a mess what did you do to that yeah thank you that they need that sonic the armor is the guy that makes the thingies work but there needs to be someone there that's like this is crap and why and many of them give them wrong yeah that's a good point that would be more interesting wall yeah Philip W any experience with the fax on Iraq 21 upper no no no and those are pretty well gone darn thing about it ya know if I want make a deck I'll use neikei I don't know Chris C Sigma 5 5 3 R oh yeah yeah which is sort of a ok-ish like at what point does it become an 8k now that rotating boy a TK system gasps flung stroke gas piston that uses a cane men we got into this debate about desert brutality what's an 8k versus not going to have a Kalashnikov division it starts becoming it starts turning into the definition of pornography I know it when I see it like and if it's it's subjective it really is I agree mechanically dubious but there's a point we're like if you want make a sigma 5 5 3 r is better in every way except for cost absolutely but like when you're trying to run a match have a division guess what that thing doesn't taste right you're just like don't feel like in a case are even green you know just so it has to be subjective so to me is it mechanically okay yes do I want it in my 8k match nope so uh Chris see what was your favorite movie from the past year are you too busy to watch movies to important nothing jumps out at me is like oh man I remember that one being so awesome I'm surprised you weren't gonna say well what was I forgot the name of it they restored World War 1 footage should we consider that a movie yes documentary I don't concern when I hear that question I think like cinematic okay well I'll give an answer and they'll be controversy but it's not even it's not gonna movie I really enjoy Star Wars no a star was gonna all right it was a once upon a time in Hollywood yeah now that really enjoyed that movie a lot really loved it Brian I do you edit videos for YouTube differently than you would for other platforms to conform to YouTube's restrictions a little bit come with this answer is this is a sad one truthfully this is kind of like the China thing which it dictates what can or cannot be on their media market and then US companies change their content to make it one version that's compatible for all markets honestly I kind of do the same thing like there are videos I would like and want to do and here's what I know I can't put it on YouTube but if I made a one-off video and put it on all the other distribution channels besides YouTube no one's gonna see it right it just won't and then up I put a video up on YouTube saying hey guys there's a video that I can't put on YouTube that's on these other eight distribution networks you know what you get in the comments you saw why are you why are you licking YouTube's booth you get nothing but hey so guess what happens you make one video that can go on all of them you how therefore YouTube's craptastic policies have a cooling effect on some of the content I want to do I have to be very to some extent it's for me it's not as much the content is how I describe the content like the tags and the video description and title seem to be where they pick up stuff more than the actual content of the video so the things that I'd look for that I have to watch out for our conversions hmm I talked about something being a conversion you'd like the power the standards the YouTube is set up are it's kind of like the assault weapons ban so then they're a set of rules written by a people who literally know nothing about the subject that they're making rules created in fact I asked I have a YouTube grab and I asked him like just for your own application go talk to like your bosses the people you work with and find out what a conversion kit is because they specifically say you're not allowed to have content about conversion kit so to be like it for example in 1860 army called conversion well I don't know is it but is it an auto drop in Auto sear what was it is it is it putting a buttstock on instead of a shoulder being stern arm brace I'm sure it's all of course like what is it yeah and I didn't I I was very clear with him I'm like I'm not trying to ask you a specific question about any specific video I want you to understand what more policies are hmm go ask him and he came back he's like yeah they they couldn't tell me like they don't know so what I found is if I talk about something being a conversion it gets it's more likely to get flagged I have to be very careful with 3d printing my video on you know the Hudsons came visited with some of their 3d printed prototypes and that video was demonetised for a long time and they won't tell you why but I think it was because of the 3d printing that's another thing that they have a 3d printing regardless of the fact that it can be used in entirely legal manner like it's the new industrial prototyping technology yeah and Hitler now and again because they don't tell you exactly what the rules are I don't know and you don't have to guess I don't have any History Channel but survived at this point with the way they're doing this great haven't you all of them are yeah so yeah it's weird that I find myself what I when I have the self conscious moments and I realize I'm down deliberately avoiding using some words that's it's I like it yeah yeah it totally sucks especially when the way you or I would use words for the content we're providing would be something that shouldn't be controversial at all it's it's not like we're saying yes or no or Pro or it's a statement of more XYZ or this like like example like or there's a bunch I want to do a bunch of old-west content not that not hold my stories but like a gun stuff I'm a topic I love one of them is 1660 army conversions oh no now why it takes cartridges is that okay is that is that manufacturing a gun I don't know and before you say that yeah there's lots of other people with that kind of stuff on YouTube but when you're a big channel or bigger channel you know what you get more scrutiny so what does that mean and do I want strikes I know I don't want strikes because that's dangerous so it is a cooling effect and it's having an effect on the ability to have a conversation that we should be able to have we're gonna find out more of this with what what's donor do 2020 project because some of this content is gonna have to not go up on YouTube something that is flat out no way and so it's gonna go on the Brownell site and other channels and it you can see if we get just flak or people will go watch it somewhere else Dessie you know means the scout rifle still a valid concept and if not would you change it you're particularly aligned well of talk to this I think it is I agree you've been playing with one yeah yeah it's really pretty cool I've yet to actually use it in any practical role I'm waiting for it I think what the scout rifle needs deal with it is a suppressor and I have a scout rifle and I'm waiting on the suppressor to transfer and who knows how many months that will be yeah I think frankly might might stand on it from previous videos remains about the same in that it's a very I think it's a very practical concept for a very limited number of people like specific role yeah there aren't a whole lot like modern-day frontiersman out there there are a lot of people who might think they are or fantasize about Peter idea yeah but not a lot of people who actually have a practical need for that I'd agree with that but for those if you can put yourself in that role I think the scout rifle is a great great piece of kit for it hmm this next question actually dovetails into this really well uh e raha are there any benefits that shoot a modern bolt action like a tikka t3 or steyr Scout or the best you can think of over an old bolt action like the m1917 in 2g ACM you'll lose but it'll because the guns slow instead of cuz the gun didn't work well my thought on this was as long as the modern gun has a detachable magazine and you have sufficient amount of them you haven't had not induced a deficiency in terms of not having a stripper clip feed system sure like the stripper clip feed system if you're gonna run a bolt thingy to gun which is always very difficult it better have a way to reload relatively quick yeah and so the stripper clip feed system does that obviously detachable magazines do that so if your modern gun has a detachable magazine some stripper clip feed systems right but most in the garden yeah you grab your single feed them because you want to keep your fingers but but like yeah right so but if you have a scallop with the next bunch of magazines you have the same you've achieved the same result so a lot of people bring a lot of a lot of the people who bring bolt-actions to which is a small group bring ones that are kind of shitty yeah and and often does not have mechanical malfunctions modern gun will at least prevent Greek and the amount of people to do this I'd like you said it's tiny yeah we will see a bolt-action rifle at the match like every couple months like one yeah but there is a whole manual division that desert brutality there's yeah be interesting to see I think there's no me people show up pick up a ring think it's not currently out of 200 is nine but hey nine you're about to lose we some of you live the hardest division doesn't for Todd he's not armored plus PD it's classic manual which by the way I mean yeah yeah it'll be fun though Jasper W what was the first some animatic pistol that could be safely carried with a round in the chamber and drawn and fired like a revolver with no manipulation of a hammer or safety my first gut and I'm wrong I don't wrong does I'm always wrong on these because there's always something that came before there's always something else no they're all mean no matter what there's something is like what the Frick enrollments have I'm like I had no idea that they had automatic Roth brokers but but like my the gut and the probably the most people's DUT answer which is the wrong one would be a P 30 but it's not first one I can think up would be the 1894 blow forward moniker which is a double action hammer fired semi-auto yep so you load that thing up from the top by the way and then double actioning and you have all the benefits of blood port yes and it's wonky cartridge in terms of stuff that was commercially viable I didn't look into it specifically but you'll see that being pocket pistols before service pistols yeah civilian pocket carry stuff did double action well before military service pistols did and I think a large part of that was the the the target accuracy idea you want a single action gun because it's easier to shoot very well you know which isn't something people once when he says like a revolver but reality if you want to go back to what you're talking about like one of the first ones that was saw a lot of field service would have been like the Colt lightning or cold Thunder which was a you know I had 38 or 41 caliber double-action revolvers yeah but back in the Old West that was a big deal you pull it out just pulled it pulled a hammer and trigger a fire there was no manipulation of anything but it's a revolver but so I mean that that was around they were fragile yeah Molly based on Mike's your experience him when the Robinson xgr what was your opinion of the design of its bolt release they're equally its functions is similar to the infamous bad lever or is it worse it's not like the bad lover its ambi it's good it's not in the trigger guard it's not something you're gonna absolutely trick trigger you're not gonna accidentally hit it and then pull on to the trigger to fire the bad levers issue besides the fact that it wobbles on the side of the gun is that this always causes controversy I'm ready bring it because who's gonna be a thousand comments about I have one never had a problem yeah you haven't good luck congratulations you probably have been doing it on the clock either because I've seen three very talented shooters accident have abs with bad manners where they go to hit it slip and fire the trigger they serve up the gun with a bad mother yeah it's a bad idea the bad that was bad the one in the ex er does not exhibit that problem it's actually very well engineered and it's not an issue Mattia s are you planning to have blind stages at desert fatality or other matches maybe someday but not a desert brutality and not common blind stages are gigantic problem to run yes it's a logistics problem hmm there is so much motivation for people to want to cheat blind stages and it's not all malicious a lot of it is like that was so cool I did X because frankly I think the idea of blind stages is outstanding of course it is that's by far the best I would love to see it I agree you know what what gets more realistic than not being able to pre-plan anything a step by step run through the entire stage hmm the problem is how you prevent people from communicating with each other or even if they don't communicate what do you have who goes taping who goes reset who does all those things that normally some of the squad does right it's very difficult have you just keep people seeing the state yeah they tried to do that at Tiger Valley and as you walked in really no I mean it's like it was it was a yeah and in some ways trying and failing a blind stage is worse than just not having the first place the best thing you could do I think that mitigates the middle is you can have variables that are somehow affect the stage at the beginning like it does every tality about the math thing or a card that tells you what targets to engage and therefore you could plan all day long oh I need to engage a these targets but if the Charvet now change right that's changing everything Stephen W if you were taking a person to their first match what kind of match would you take them to to introduce them to the shooting sports it depends on what the person's interested in well yeah but like I think this is more about what match do you think is a good big training wheels of the ones that I've involved in I would say either steel challenge or back again steel challenge has no movement it's five Rams there it's easy still challenge is superb for this he's getting the box you draw or start lowering and just hit five targets pink pink pink pink and the backup gun match is similar in that it is it's very unstructured you shoot whatever targets you want to with as much ammo as you are comfortable with and when you're done you stop there's some movement but not a lot they're short stages they're built around five shotguns this isn't a nationally organized thing no as far as I know this is a one-off run steel challenges yes so I would say steel challenge but yeah I agree I have the same answers James I was wondering what your thoughts would be if brownells did a roll or delayed blowback they are upper is that a feasible project they are finding he'd be better than all the blowback yeah but why would you do this there's a big market for PCCs I think the cost would make it not viable in the market someone's got to have thought of that the only one that's out there is the one that everybody asked us about the CMM G yeah which we have not gotten our hands on I'd like to yeah it would be interesting especially now that with some other things to compare it we should reach out to them to see what I can do because that'd be an interesting compare yeah they didn't roll her they didn't rotating bold but but same concept yeah yeah it is an interesting question why did of all the pcc's out there why did no one do what delayed blowback and I think the answer is similar to the answer we had on submachine guns hmm the people buying them are generally not willing to pay the premium required to get them you'd be surprised how like talk is cheap I want this thing I want it Wow I really want this thing I want this wheat production thing I want this thing and then the thing happens and nobody buys it because the thing is not $300 Michael s any timeline for the new production what would stoner do lowers from Brownells well first of all they're not from Brownells they're going to be distributed via Brownells or from k arms and i think we're gonna have more information about that at Chacho yeah we're looking q-1 q-2 with rifles - not just lowers both I think my understanding is we should have rifles at the same time yeah well we're serving right we'll have all the rest of the parts put together and ready to go when the the domain that big-time seen here is the actually production of the tooling to make the lowers and that you know this is a big injection molding project and it takes several months to do that oh yeah and so but anymore Chacho is a month away yeah there'll be more information in Shasha we will have a 3d printed version of the Condor yes too early to have actual production ones out of molding because the mold tools won't be ready yet but the design is done yep and so we have probably have a couple we will have some representative ends so you'll be able to actually hold it that tangible object yeah daddy echo if you could erase only one gun myth from the consciousness of humanity which one would you obliterate I know what your knees are gonna be so cliche yeah go for it for me it's the only never fired only drop once yeah it's a stupid marketing gimmick from the 60s and it's just like if you're one this way it's super sucks because it's historically wrong and it honestly denigrates a large group of dead men that were valuable or not dead but that it's inappropriate the only thing really say on its benefit is that it's made some of those guns cheaper for me to buy yeah but it's disgusting it's it's stupid and - cliche - is not that big a deal but I'm just sick and tired of people calling the SVD a southern boy sniper rifle tired of it it's not real snow it was was it designed to be and you can share your pick groups all freakin day long until you get one but that's not what it is and I'm sick of it uh Christopher D wino in block bed pistols well then we're in block fed pistols yeah this was a Sebastian Lee I didn't know this actually Bourbons the early number two number three number four more Bergman's for all - is that why the Manwaring uses it I got it no because I've never seen him put it click on it now with the chilies red bean things yes he puts a battery in somehow pretty cool there I'm trying to think if there's a fundamental reason why not there's not as much space available in a pistol like there isn't a rifle really putting stuff in that isn't fully self-contained then once you invent this slide it gets a lot harder to load pistols from the top it's a lot easier to load them from the bottom my experience with stripper clip fed pistols is that sucks it sucks the only one that was okay in a camera which one is the one that has the Gucci stripper clips with them what's of the Roth's tire yeah that nice one you can find a $400 the stripper clothes the cost of a gun but the stripper clip is makes the difference yeah but when you're trying to do with like a c96 if it's awful yes freakin awful the sky is awful beyond awful yeah yeah so London jollity has there been an increase in AR HK pistols being used of asked by competitors at two gun yeah yeah I guess so yeah we have a couple of regulars now you show up with brace of pistols hmm although we also have a number of regulars who show up with registered SP ours yep but the recall I mean the last couple of years there have been more of both of those than they were before there's been an increase in this shorter guns in general yeah because there's a there there well panicking because the market has started to offer those products yeah whether whether you're using it as a braised pistol or as an SBR it's a lot easier to do that when you can buy an off-the-shelf 12-inch there's interchangeable tidbits they're the opera's of the same right well it used to be if you wanted the short gun you had to go get the long gun and then cut it down yeah HK 94 that's all changed today because of largely because the explosion of braces manufacturers are offering om short barrels so I agree just been an uptick and just short films in general yeah mixed em suppressors too you know yeah that's true let's W stage guns at matches usually seem to cause a lot of hiccups in the match what qualities are required to make a steam good and viable instead of just a novelty that causes more trouble than it's worth right off the bat it has to be something that's purposely there that has a reason to exist it's not just let's put a stage gun there cuz so like if the recent this is not a big event but at the most recent aliens themed match we had to we had a VP 70 and it's appropriate and we because the vp70 was quintessential to many aliens plus what's the Philly rate over VP 70 Lee probably zero and the stage for design we only fired one round out of it yet there was no need for a disciple properly or anything if it fired as long as a bullet went off the front that statement was usable so unless the gun disintegrated we were fine and then the other state gun was a customer of palm because also aliens and guess what the guy that brought that I asked him to bring two backups any add them we never had a problem but that was the only way to do it yeah so the answer is you have to have backups of it it has to be something that's designed in a way but the failure rate on it is probably not going to happen finish brutality we use Sacco bolt-action right and guess what bolt-action reference work like it's not something have to worry about gas system or gas settings or cycling or magazines right like and the problem is if you ignore that get into stage guns that are just props and contribute nothing yep like at Red October I remember they had a PK in one of the stages yep but it was the idea of being able to actually do anything with the PK and they only the one hmm that was going to be repeatable and fair for every shooter was so impossible that what you did instead was you got a ten round belt and you were instructed to dump it into the berm 25 yards ahead it had no reason to do it and then you just jumped up and moved to the rest of this so how you just pull the trigger so yeah like anything Jana doesn't matter jump up go do the rest of the stage so let's relate the point having it there except is just you get the experience of shooting it except you get it in such lousy conditions that it's fascinating you would think a gun that could never have a problem as a stage gun there was a freaking a bolt-action mauser that he had loaded a bunch of downloaded cartridges for they got to hit a pistol pumper Brian yeah great guy yeah great idea and you would never think a freaking bolt-action mousers gonna it was you failed them something somebody broke it or like I don't remember what they did something broke at one point and they also had problems with the downloaded cartridges producing a lot more fouling yep and then we end by the end of the match it is really hard to actually chamber around in the thing and you know it's another thing you hear you'll never no matter what is your sight times your own sight rocky road if you miss the sights aren't zeroed if you hit the same or zero and the match will ever be base they have results of the match right now forever based on whether or not the site from zero on the stupid stage gonna sauce and the worst possible situation is when they were zeroed but then someone changes them to fix them which has happened as well oh this doesn't zero look and now you you've now gone Troy did because everyone that's shot before you going to missed before miss because they weren't there and everyone missed after the best because you screwed it if it wasn't Sara Lee leave it alone it should everyone gets the same porridge but everyone gets the same diarrhea portrayed you get the same gun the same problems so in almost all cases better just to not we will have some here and there but they're designed in a way to not have those problems Nathan s our visible laser is useful or just point shooting with extra steps everything work with visible lasers but I'm inclined to say the latter I have used them they have a very small niche wall the Crimson Trace thing where it's like I'm hiding from the rapist under my bed and I like put the gun under and turn on the laser could that happen sure is it gonna happen No so I personally visible lasers to me are very limited application our lasers are totally different if you got on our gear entirely it's a freaking lightsaber going out into the darkness that you can index upon something or what else but if they have never won all suits got infrared right but if they don't that's different cause you can see the beam so if you're going to use a visible laser in your house against an attacker kick off the fog machine first and then you're good to go yeah like when you shout intruder alert and then fog machine barks the flashing strobe light is welcome to the jungle starts playing no AB movie anymore I'm terrified everyone and then you've got a visible laser and the claim over buck Foley which is an essential part of this whole cocktail agreed maybe I should maybe a chain saw on a stick yeah call me have you made gingerbread cookies for the holidays no no Derek why do you think it is that the Mandalorians blaster failed in the month what made a core plot point it wasn't properly sealed we know this like clearly there was ingress points for the month right because when he first of all it's a single shot which is interesting and but yeah it clearly didn't have proper sealing points and it was not addressing the ingress of mud especially on a single point I'm gonna sing a single shotgun you think that they would be better but I also wonder what they've been watching on the internet because there's a burden and a mud filly or the sing show kind of weird gory the all-powerful given that it was among the more popular of all was of the Civil War what do you make of the star with Oliver single actually specifically versus the Colt and Remington pistols of the day really cool you're asking this actually all you because I'm really going on action hopefully people will think this is cool I'm building up like a whole like army of this stuff cuz I want to do a bunch of content and all that period of time in those guns it's something I recently started working with is the star single actual water they originally issued the star Indy a thing was problematic and failure-prone and they went back to star and said can you make this an essay and they did they made it a single action gun to therefore be essentially functionally comparable to the cult and Remington's it was the third most popular gun of the war I believe the cults being prominent than the Remington new army and then the star of the Civil War the clergy the stars clergy it's got this idea that's neat idea where you can pull open the screw and then open it you can pull the cylinder out kind of convenient not going to do that on the clock it's not something you do that people think you change Dillon you don't you don't change cylinders in combat not with those things not under any dress but the hammer throw strange the sight picture strange the Colt was better like the star is okay it's okay when you compare it to some of the other stuff the Stars pretty good but out there telling me it was used in accurate ratio accurate proportion to his quality and handling yeah kinda you know what the remington in the star is debatable like I could see you saying I prefer the start of the Remington I could go there but when you compare the star the remington the colt you have a close the winner still it really is the other thing that doesn't have is it doesn't have grease screws or like it is susceptance acceptable to fouling the Remington's worse in terms of susceptibility to fouling and the colt has grease screws in the arbor that really does you can keep shooting for quite a while before the gonna foul cold the cold you know what the start doesn't do it doesn't capped in as much okay anybody a lot of innings on that stuff Phillip yeah you were recently interviewed with the chieftain of 10k and yeah and you said you were going to e1 2020 which is chop show but in Europe it's in Germany Nuremberg actually is Karl coming as well and will be a fan meetup land would love to meet you there I am going so we are both going to you up you're going there to see you up but also to talk about what's gonna be 2020 yeah so else is taking us to you which is something which is really cool um are we going ever Tatum yeah I mean he wasn't meet up yeah yeah but I come visit us at you want can anyone go to you more like chocolate like shots are you can't just go to shot show I think you have to buy passes but I don't think it's restricted the way shot yes I honestly am very curious to like I'm just snickering at the fact that I'm going to Nuremberg in Germany to go to a gun show really I suspect we're some conspiracy due to this but at some point I think we should yeah so yeah probably and by the way this addresses a question we've gotten a bunch which is will what what's donor do 2020 be available in Europe yes the answer is yes because if it wasn't else or not be taking us do you want now that's it oh let me I'm just gonna plug something Philip you are a patreon meetups our patreon driven so we will post the meetup information via our patreon page is to people that are at that level right good otherwise guess what it doesn't work anyway so that's so yep in peer tour three one four it's a secure game do you guys have any recommended exercises or drills to improve offhand shooting by this mines dry fires I think dry fire is the way to when I shot high-power extensively which I don't anymore often is a big freaking deal you win high-power at the long range you lose it at the offhand which is close to close range which is 200 so you have to sit there in your bondage suit and you have to get good hits off hand it's very very hard the targets a tiny dot on the horizon really and you're doing this all well when I was all irons I don't think optics help in that regard I think they make it worse actually but it's all about clean press breath control natural point of aim sight alignment oh that's there and the best thing I ever found was there's two things one was doing it course empty dry fire home put a little tiny dot on the wall breathing cycle the whole thing do that if you want to get super hard mode you put a penny on top of the sights and if they fall off you didn't properly press the trigger the other one is 22 long-rifle practice because 22 long-rifle is extremely sensitive to all of those things those are my two stuffs hit watch lots of YouTube videos no really that's yes that's how you get to tell you be good at naming Carlos Salazar I better what they might actually get you better than yeah mimic exactly what was useful for me in my same thing yeah did you do anything did never do the penny thing um but definitely dry fire I can't really say we didn't own you too long rifle because we were competing with but you gotta be honest with yourself when you're doing the dry fire like you're on it and when it goes click you should one of the things that's follow-through is when it clicks and my word was when it clicked and you gotta be honest oh no I pulled off I pulled right you got to be cognizant of all that otherwise you're not getting value out of it last questions a weird one it's kind of philosophical I was gonna hit a real short Jessie B I was reading Watchmen for the countless time I have never read this stuff but even if there's a quote the Superman exists and he is American and it got me thinking if Superman existed is that a good thing I don't think any aggregation of power that much regardless of whether they affiliate with you or not is a good thing ever so I would say no I would say it's not a good thing I think you don't care ok oh so that's my answer no it wouldn't be a good thing guys thank you for watching this hopefully you enjoyed the QA these are always kind of fun to do it's a lot more fun we can do it together like you might think as we said earlier it's completely patreon support and it's only patreon as they get to submit these questions because you know or the guys that get the channel live if you are not one please consider it if you can't totally get it you can find all of our content on in reims TV thanks for watching and show your friends
Channel: InRangeTV
Views: 96,417
Rating: 4.9486356 out of 5
Keywords: inrange, inrangetv, Q&a, gun jesus, forgotten weapons, mccollum, kasarda
Id: qu-9iLQN-EA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 29sec (3509 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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