Blippi Visits Mom and Pop Popsicles | Popsicles & Ice Cream For Kids | Moonbug Kids

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[Music] oh hey it's me blippi and i was just dancing but it's really hot outside i wish i could take a break well no time for breaks when you're dancing [Music] oh do you see that whoa it's a popsicle cart and i love popsicles i think you and i should get a popsicle let's go hey hi blippi how are you what's your name i'm julia would you like a handmade popsicle yeah i love popsicles what flavor do you have this is cha-cha-cha it's mango pineapple and chia seed that sounds so yummy mango pineapple and chia seeds that is so yummy okay glad you like it do you want to see how they're made yeah that would be so much fun let's go let's go welcome to my kitchen wow look at this place it's so cool thanks now first thing you need to gear up oh check it out this is an apron here we go wow okay well what do we have here so these are all the ingredients we use to make our popsicles oh it looks like a bunch of fruit and vegetables yep you got it we actually use a lot of super foods in our popsicles so you'll see kale and avocado and spinach and chia seeds what's this this is a coconut wow that's cool a coconut cool what flavor are we making i thought we could make popeye popeye yeah all right that's why i call it popeye um i don't know why i use spinach okay so here you go called the spinach i was making a batch earlier so i thought we could just add to it okay so here's some spinach and what do you have strawberries strawberries and to sweeten it we use dates dates all right come on back oh okay so here's the batch i was working on earlier oh look at it all right that looks yummy go ahead let's add it in okay bye-bye spinach and then here's some strawberries and dates yum now what might be different about your kitchen is we have some big equipment we use here really i'm excited whoa look at that that thing is massive what does that thing do this is our immersion blender wow so you put it in whoa you hit the button [Music] whoa you go so that just blends it up into a liquid it sure does wow that looks so yummy well now what do we do now we're gonna put it in our molds and okay gonna get my trusty picture [Music] all right so it's basically three ingredients all blended up to make one yummy tasting liquid so now what we're going to do is we're going to pour it in oh and then you kind of just have to feed it through shake it around yeah may i of course okay here's some more whoa we got some chunky ones in there that's okay there's some more okay and then next what we need to do is we'll just put in our sticks yeah like a popsicle stick have you ever eaten a popsicle and you hold on to the piece of wood yeah that's what we just put in there so it makes them so handy okay and now we put it into our extra special popsicle machine whoa what does this thing do it makes it super cold it freezes a popsicle in 18 minutes wow i'm so excited i sure do love popsicles hey check it out let's put it in whoa so is that just really cold in there yes it's actually made out of a special popsicle freezing liquid whoa i can't maybe for later well now what do we do well usually when i wait for popsicles to freeze i like to dance okay let's go [Music] [Music] whoa does that mean it's done it sure does [Music] all right let's shake off that good popsicle liquid okay let it dry all right i'm gonna grab this house so we don't slip on it that'll make a fun dance move we have to put it in the liquid okay and what does that do it kind of softened it up so it comes right out last one there they are those look so yummy i am so excited go ahead try one okay how about this one wow yum that is so yummy mmm yum that reminds me i gotta go back out and sell more popsicles okay well do you think you can watch the kitchen for me feel free to make your own flavor make our own flavor that sounds like fun see you blippi thanks for showing us around no problem but did you hear that you and i get to make our very own flippy flavor let's do this [Music] did you hear that all right you and i gonna make our very own flavor and i am so excited all right let's see what we have to work with all right you know what kind of fruit this is right yeah this is an apple okay looks like we have some grapes yum oh what are these check these out yeah these are lemons lemons are the color yellow wow and then we have some greens over here whoa spinach wow whoa it's like hair whoa oh this is kale and kale is really yummy and it doesn't like containers that's silly okay let's put these back in here so then we can continue to see what type of fruits and vegetables we have like this whoa this is so heavy whoa whoa oh yeah this is a watermelon and watermelons are so big and yummy do you know what color is on the inside of the watermelon [Music] yeah red and the outside is green okay just a couple more bananas and pineapple no okay so you can see we have this big bucket right here and we need to put a lot of the ingredients right in here can't forget about the strawberries we'll start with those here we go that kale let's put some in there [Music] you're doing so good oh apples okay we could put the whole apple in there but i think we should probably slice it have you ever had a slice of an apple they're so yummy okay here is our red apple slicer and then put it right in the center just like that and then you push down whoa look at that that is awesome slice the apples so then you pull them out and then you can put them right in our big bucket wow and you keep the cork you keep the core which is the center out of it because there's a lot of seeds in there speaking of seeds watermelons have seeds okay let's cut open the watermelon whoa i'm gonna be very careful because i'm a grown-up with this knife ready okay here we go chop it in half just like that flip it around [Music] wow look at that that looks so yummy our popsicles are gonna be so yummy okay um i have an idea here we go all right we have some bananas open those up here we go bye-bye banana and we'll do another banana yum here we go look at it is that looking tasty or does that look tasty [Music] whoa and remember we learned what fruit this is yeah the coconut all right these are a little tricky to open but it's worth the trouble so let's take the coconut opener we did it look at that whoa wow look at all that liquid i just want to drink it all up okay we'll put that in the bucket fur the popsicles whoa oh yum okay use this little coconut device and pull out some of the coconut meat yeah right in there yummy there we go all right perfect let's bring it right over here yum all right oh spinach right here and then we have a bunch of grapes we'll do one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven grapes all right and then remember these we used these earlier these are dates here we go wow okay can't forget about the lemons we have so many types of fruits and vegetables in here here we go wow okay let's take these and give a little squeeze have you ever tasted a lemon before okay let's try some whoa that's sour okay let's wash our hands and then last but not least we have a pineapple we cut the pineapple just like that and see that yellow that looks so yummy so now we take this pineapple tool put it right on top and then give it a little twist wow look at that and then you pull it out check that out then take it off just like this and that's gonna give it some nice sweetness to these yummy popsicles all right i think that's plenty look at whoa that's so heavy come on back here remember that next step that we do yeah she taught us that you put the bucket whoa right here you take the big blender whoa whoa and we blend it up here we go [Music] whoa all right now it's all mixed up wait a second though we need the magic tool this is a giant whisk check this out all righty it's adding some color okay let's put this right over here and then we can bring this up and grab this pitcher remember from earlier we need to scoop some out i am so excited pour some in let's grab another scoop okay here we go okay whoa all right i think that's plenty so let's give it a shake okay yes these are gonna be so yummy and let's take these sticks wow that's a lot of popsicle sticks put them right in there oh perfect okay now we need to bring it to the cooling station here we go set it down we did it all right now remember what we had to do earlier it's gonna take a long time so we get a dance while we wait did he carry dean oh you sure did the popsicles must be ready let's check them out all right whoa i am so excited hey we gotta drain them i can't wait to see the ingredients you use me too wow my two favorite colors yeah check them out blue and orange shall we try them yeah do you like them these are delicious flippy you know what you need to take those outside and go sell some pops awesome all right let's go try some sell some popsicles popsicles popsicles who wants a popsicle i love popsicles and that was so much fun learning about how to make popsicles with you at mom and pop shop in costa mesa california well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me ready b-l-i p-p-i blippi good job well see you later hey it's me blippi what is this huh this is a tank and today we're gonna fill it up with water go around the park find items to see if they'll either sink or float but first we need water good thing i have a bunch of water let's fill it up [Music] one [Music] two [Music] three four [Music] five [Music] six seven all right this looks like the perfect amount of water now let's go to the park find items so then we can see if they'll either sink or float let's go [Music] okay now let's find some items at the playground and so then we can see if they'll sink or float come on look at this how convenient it's a tote whoa so then we can put all the items in here let's go whoa look some toys glue and orange okay watch me climb up the rock wall hello okay here i go whoa look a big red slide whoa look at the bottom look at what we found two more items these are oranges yum i love oranges and they're the color orange okay let's go come on look i found another item do you see it yeah see right here this is a dumbbell makes really big muscles yeah yeah yeah okay i wonder if it feels sink or float it's pretty heavy put it in there let's go come on [Music] whoa another slide look this is the same color as the last side it's big and red look yum some chips i wonder if these will sink or float let's put it in the tote so we can go see [Music] wow look at this area whoa go the other way hello oh look another item whoa it's a dog bone what's this doing on the play set it's the color green i wonder if this will sink or float put it in there so we can go find out whoa wow the color green and then also blue oh hey some stairs [Music] oh hey so high up here whoa whoa oh look over there a big red slide okay i'll go down okay here i come [Music] whoa that was awesome oh hey look at what we found four yo-yos one is the color green this one is the color orange this one is the color blue and this one is the color red let's go see what else we can find come over here what is this looks like a steering wheel [Music] i am so dizzy okay let's go see what else we can find look at this looks like a staircase hello another slide yeah and it's the color red all right here i come do you see what i see yeah another item these are colored pencils whoa there's so many colors in there wow okay let's put it in the tote so we can see if they'll sink or float come on [Music] couple more items then the tote will be nice and full come on do you see what i see look wow this is a magnifying glass watch this whoa whoa hello whoa whoa you can see things nice and close whoa is that an ant whoa a little flea so many cool insects okay let's put this in the tote so we can see if they'll sink or float what's over here whoa whoa a bridge be careful on this come on watch out look at these oh cute little toys hey hello one two three wow so many cool things oh even more [Music] bright yellow golf balls one [Music] two three yeah three golf balls okay here i go another slide there's another item down here ooh glow sticks i'm excited to see if those will sink or float all right this looks like a full tote of items let's go see if they'll sink or float awesome all right now that we have all of these items now we can put them in the tank and see if they'll sink or float all right let's see what do we have here oh magnifying glass all right i wonder if this will sink or float i think i know ready yeah it went to the bottom so that means it sinks all right what else do we have here oh hey orange and blue yo-yos all right let's put them in yep they float all right wow so magnifying glass that's really heavy sinks and then the really light things that are full of air the yo-yos float all right let's see bright yellow golf balls all right let's see if these golf balls sink or float oh look a yo-yo went to the bottom so now the yo-yo sinks all right back to the golf balls ready whoa yep golf ball sink all right let's see whoo some chips snacks all right let's see if the bag sinks or floats ready yep it floats but wait a second what if we take the bag open it up and see if the chips inside sink or float ready whoa all of those float as well let's put the bag in there too all right let's see oh the dog bone that's the color green do you think he'll sink or float pretty hard very dense ready whoa it just went to the bottom real quick so it sinks all right two more yoyos [Music] yep we already knew those those float and then eventually sink whoa i bet you know this sinks yeah this is a weight it's full of metal in there and it's really heavy ready [Music] yeah that purple weight sinks look at the water it's getting really murky because all of the chips are disintegrating and going in the water all right we better hurry before it gets too dirty to see if they sink or float all right these rubber toys that are hollow ready yep dc they went to the top they float all right a couple more some of this orange [Music] uh nice soft dough clay stuff it sinks all right here we go it went to the bottom it sticks all right and then colored pencils whoa colored pencils float because they're made out of wood and a lot of the wood around the world sink or floats i mean yeah cause they're all on the top all right and last but not least the neon glow sticks whoa whoa look at them they're so bright whoa all right let's see if they sink or float [Music] they sink all right that's all well oh i have a special surprise for you the magical vial this time whoa it has blue powder see whoa all right let's put the blue powder in here whoa [Music] all right now we have to stir it [Music] it's making it really blue it's so fun to see what sinks and what floats wow [Music] this blue water is like the water you see in the bahamas or thailand all right well this is the end of this video that was awesome doing the science experiment to see what sinks and what floats if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me ready p-p-i flippy good job see you again bye-bye so much hey it's me flippy oh and look at what i have some tasty vegetables they were really healthy but i'm really full now and after you eat a nice healthy meal guess what you get to eat next yeah dessert and today we are at bones candy in issaquah washington this is gonna be so tasty come on look at this place yum oh i don't even know what that is but it looks so good whoa hey some caramel some chocolate yum hey i think we should learn how to make some of these tasty treats whoa chocolate chocolate chocolate i sure do love chocolate hey look at it look at it come out of the spout right here do you see whoa look at what i have a plastic thing that has some letters on it do you know what letter this is yeah it's the letter b do you know someone's name that starts with the letter b [Music] yeah my name does blippi hey i have an idea let's fill up one of these bees with warm chocolate ready whoa whoa [Music] look at it and just squirt a bunch of chocolate right there okay now we need to take it right over here and we need to shake it and get all the air bubbles out of it and use this chocolate paint brush or a chocolate brush okay turn it on [Music] all right now that all of the air bubbles are out of here let's put it in the fridge hey do you know why we're putting it in the fridge yeah because remember earlier i said the chocolate is really warm and we need to cool it down so then it gets nice and hard chocolate is hard when it's cold see no chocolate on my fingers all right now the next step put it on this tray and we need to pop it out okay here we go [Applause] [Music] yeah look a chocolate b b what other words can we think of that start with the letter b um brown yeah this chocolate is the color brown what about b whoa whoa yeah like a bumble bee okay let's put it in this box box also starts with the letter b okay bye bye b there we go hey speaking of boxing up chocolate check it out [Music] okay whoa look at what she's doing she's putting a lot of chocolate in all of these boxes wow good job indeed thank you sir are you having fun oh lippy i'm having a lot of fun i really am cool well this is what it's going to look like when she's all done isn't that beautiful it sure is okay now let's complete the process so we need to take this box of chocolates put this pad on top and then this flyer bones chocolates put it right on top and then let's put the top of the box on slide it inside the plastic push it onto the conveyor belt shut it perfect okay now we need to take this heat gun and this is called shrink wrap it tightens up the plastic makes it nice and tight there we go oh this is kind of fun whoa whoa yeah that's looking real good okay there we go let's flip it to the back and then once it's nice and warm and tight then you put on the bow just on the top then on the bottom and voila see got a beautiful box beautiful and box start with the letter b and booms does too now i can take it home [Music] b l i p p i plippy [Music] this candy looks so tasty oh it's on a really long conveyor belt i wonder how it works oh can i try sure look over here [Music] let's take two pieces let's put one piece there and let's put the second piece right there and then it goes down this really long conveyor belt oh this adds some chocolate to the bottom wow that's cool looking and then it dries a little right here and it goes really slow do you see how slow it's moving [Music] oh hey look another part that adds chocolate to the bottom wow [Music] that's really fascinating to watch now that there's two layers on the bottom the next part is right here what are you doing i'm covering the mountaineers with a lot of chocolate so there's no holes so they're putting a lot of chocolate up top oh look that looks tasty meet me on the other side [Music] [Applause] what are you doing i'm adding white chocolate snow to the mountaineer check it out white chocolate snow [Music] [Music] whoa it's looking tastier and tastier and then right here it cools down and then meet me over here are you doing putting these on putting these chocolates on the tray oh these chocolates that are complete now go on the tray watch [Music] wow check them out yum look at them they're like little triangles with some snow on top just like mount rainier wow yum oh look i have some chocolate in this plastic tube i cut the bottom off and now i can make a masterpiece ready um whoa it's coming out okay let's draw a triangle oh there we go good job now how about a rectangle [Music] that rectangle kind of looks like a chocolate bar hey here's a chocolate bar let's spell my name together ready bee l i p p i yeah look blippi that looks tasty what else can we draw i know a bunch of squiggly lines wow whoa oh there we go when that dries it's gonna be super tasty whoa whoa look at this this is a giant bar of chocolate whoa it's really heavy oh geez have you ever seen a bar of chocolate this big i sure haven't okay what i'm about to do is gonna get really messy so the first thing we have to do is wear an apron perfect let's tie it on the back [Music] now that i have an apron on we can smash this bar of chocolate but hey this looks like a hammer right but this isn't a normal hammer this hammer is only used to smash this big bar of chocolate ready yeah yeah that was awesome one more [Music] another one there we go now it's in a lot smaller pieces but still really big so let's take this over to the heater but first we need to take the cover off of the heater and then oh look they did it for me thank you check out check it out whoa that looks like some tasty chocolate this heats up the chocolate so then it melts all right here we go all right let's put the tray back and then we need to take this big bowl and put it right down here because when i open this a lot of melted chocolate is going to come out ready whoa whoa that looks so tasty it's really heavy okay let's take the chocolate up here and what we're gonna do is make some rocky roads do you know what rocky road is really tasty all right so since that chocolate was really warm we let this cool down just for a little bit see here's some tasty chocolate that's just slightly cooler all right so we have some chocolate and then we take some nuts looks pretty good and then we also take some marshmallows let's put the marshmallows in first and we mix them all up together okay here we go yep you have to mix the chocolate and the marshmallows really good together so then you see no white and you only see chocolate we're almost there all right looks pretty well mixed do you see that looks like chocolate covered marshmallows all right now we need to put the nuts in there so let's sprinkle them in stir it up okay here we go let's stir it up [Music] now that looks tasty all right so the next thing we have to do is take it out and put it on the table it's gonna get really messy so the first thing we should do is put on these really big gloves look how big these gloves are they go all the way up my arm whoa then let's put on this other one okay whoa i have two giant gloves on one two and then let's put another set of these small gloves on now we are ready let's give it one last stir okay let's put the mixing spoon over there and what we're trying to make are really big logs that look like this do you see this whoa that looks tasty so let's take this put it on the table make it into a really long mound ready [Music] it feels so mushy and it smells so tasty there we go oh this is so much fun okay there's a little bit more okay this is a bowl that i sure want to lick okay a little bit more all right i think that's all of it so put that right there and now i'm gonna shape it into a really long mountain type of shape that has a mound does that look good or does that look good all right so now what we do is let it dry and then we enjoy good job [Music] check it out now that's what i call rocky road [Music] do you see what i'm doing i am washing my hands and i'm washing them really good because what i'm about to do requires me to use my hands all right let's dry them off real quick oh this is gonna be fun all right now my hands are really clean so i'm gonna use my hands as thermometers do you know what thermometers are thermometers help you check the temperature come through here whoa and the temperature of this chocolate that i'm gonna use is really important and that's why i'm not using any gloves so i can touch the chocolate and make sure the temperature is perfect do you see this chocolate right here it's really warm so let's take some [Music] and put on the table [Music] yeah just like that perfect i'll put that right there then you spread it around just like this and what we're doing right here is making truffles whoa she's really good go look [Music] wow that's fascinating see i'm moving my hand around the chocolate to make sure it's the perfect temperature all right feels pretty perfect to me so then with my left hand i'm going to grab some of this peanut butter and i'm gonna take some of this white stuff put it right there spread it around oh i have to keep moving my right hand it's pretty tricky it's kind of like rubbing your belly and patting your head at the same time okay let's see it's really hard and it feels so smooth okay that's gonna be closest i can get to it see kind of looks like a perfectly round circle ball okay let's put it in my hand oh whoa and then looks like i put it on this tray just like what she's doing do a little swirl that looks pretty good let's make the next one a little bit bigger all right i'm not very good but practice makes perfect okay here we go all right throw it in my hand again all right here we go whoa that one has a lot of chocolate here we go oh go watch her again all right i'll make one last one swirl it around put it right there let's squeeze some chocolate on top that looks like a tasty truffle all right now that i'm all done let's go wash my hands again let's go over here okay whoa all right like i said i'm all done and those chocolates are gonna be so tasty you know what other chocolate might be tasty yeah i'm gonna lick the chocolate off my hands because i'm all done with the production of the truffles and then i'll wash my hands immediately after that was super tasty [Music] there you go thank you yum i am so excited to eat this doesn't it look tasty whoa wasn't that fun learning about all those tasty treats like this this chocolate dipped ice cream cone this is gonna be so good we saw the conveyor belt we made some truffles oh hey some friends whoa let's try some how's the sweet treats kids [Music] real good well that was so much fun learning what we learned today at foam's candy shop well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me b-l-i-p-p-i good job all right see you soon bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Moonbug Kids - After School Club - Kids Cartoons
Views: 14,234,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blippi, Blippi songs, Blippi videos, blippi learns, Blippi toys, Blippitoys, learn numbers Blippi, blippi kids videos, learn with me, blippi learning, nursery rhymes, kindergarten, kids songs, children song, youtube kids, toys, toys for kids, best nursery rhymes, learning, learning compilation, preschool learning, numbers, animals, kids videos, learn at home, educational videos, learning for toddlers, baking, bakery, bread, dough, cakes
Id: iCK_A8Fuuhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 37sec (3397 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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