Blippi Plays and Learns With A Robot! | Educational Video for Kids

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[Music] it's me and today we're here at easter seals southern california we get to visit one of the therapy centers i am so excited come on [Music] whoa check it out this room is awesome look looks like there's so many fun things to play on this is a basketball hoop whoa check it out there's the hoop the backboard [Music] and the net and we want to try to get this ball in the net okay here we go [Music] oh we missed but that's okay if you try something the first time and you miss that's okay you do it again and again and again that's called practice and if you do lots of practice then you're sure to get better and i want to get better at basketball [Music] uh-oh we missed again but i have a really good idea slam dunk whoa whoa i wonder if there's anybody else around here that i could play with you know a good way to make friends is to introduce yourself hello it's me blippi and then just ask them to play would you like to play with me you see it's that easy and now you and i are best friends whoa whoa check out this slide okay here we go three two one whoa [Laughter] hey do you hear that huh what's that noise oh hey check it out hello hi whoa hello there wow do you see it it's a real life robot hi i'm blippi what's your name hi my name is hans whoa did you hear that hi hans it's so nice to meet you oh hey maybe we can ask hans a question hans would you like to be our friend hey did you see that i did a little dance that means he's happy and it must mean yes yes well hans now that we're friends what should we do together over there please whoa did you see that yeah hans put out his hand and he motioned for us to go with him i bet hans has somewhere fun to take us [Music] wow hey look hans was pointing at the table it looks like there are some healthy snacks over there hans did you set those out for me to eat yes lippy ah that is so nice of you thank you hey can you hear that i said thank you do you use words like please and thank you too it's not good it's really important when someone does something for you to say thank you because you appreciate it and you appreciate them ah thank you hans that was so nice hans would you like to go sit over at the table yes where would you like to sit over there please huh okay here we go thank you whoa did you hear that han said the words please when i asked him to come over to the table and he also said thank you because he appreciated what i did ah you are so nice and this food looks so tasty whoa look at it yellow bananas tomatoes and broccoli oh i can't wait to eat it but first i need to make sure my hands are clean we need to wash our hands okay i'll be right back hans [Music] yeah it's always good to make sure your hands are squeaky clean but hans he doesn't need to wash his hands he's a robot oh check it out this is a sink where we can watch our hands and look it's all the steps to properly wash them step number one says water on okay here we go okay step number two hands wet okay [Applause] now that my hands are wet we can go to step number three rub hands with soap and because we want squeaky clean hands we want to make sure we rub our hands with soap for longer than 10 seconds okay here we go one two three four five six seven eight nine and whoa whoa and because we don't want soapy hands we want to rinse them off okay next we turn off the water you don't want to waste water and last but certainly not least we dry off our wet hands [Music] now that our hands are clean we can eat a delicious and healthy snack okay here we go [Music] whoa look at all the amazing snacks here we have yellow bananas i wonder how these taste look it looks like i'm smiling [Music] and we have some other yummy vegetables here but let's start with the bananas okay time to peel the banana [Music] whoa check it out look how cool it is when the banana is peeled yeah and it tastes sweet and this banana is soft soft and sweet oh i like the taste of that whoa let's try some tomatoes [Music] whoa i wonder what these tomatoes will taste like [Music] whoa those tomatoes have so much flavor they're kind of salty and they certainly are juicy yeah they have a very interesting taste oh and look they kind of look like little bouncy balls [Music] bounce whoa [Music] those are fun to eat whoa look it's a little tree it's a little forest of trees whoa hello trees oh wait a minute these aren't trees they just look like trees these are broccoli hello broccoli hello [Music] whoa that broccoli is so crunchy and look some green celery i wonder how this will taste [Music] whoa the banana was really soft but this celery it wasn't very soft it was definitely crunchy and kind of tastes a little sweet i like that celery and check it out it's an orange carrot [Music] orange carrots are so cool looking do you know why they're so cool looking because it's orange one of my two favorite colors okay here we go [Music] that is so tasty yeah the orange carrot is sweet and crunchy whoa wow hans these were some really good snacks to pick out for me thank you oh wait a minute hans can we play together did you see that instead of little dance sounds like he wants to play together well do you know of any place that we can go and play [Music] oh check it out he moved his arm in this motion yeah that means he wants us to go with him okay let's go let's go play [Music] whoa this place is amazing look there's a slide a rock climbing wall and a really cool swing hans do you want to ride the swing yes please okay here we go here you go hans check out this swing whoa there you go whoa hans and i are riding the swing woo this is fun this is fun hi hans hi blippi oh hi what's your name my name is michelle i'm a speech therapist here at easter seals oh it's very nice to meet you michelle nice to meet you too and you said you're a speech therapist oh well what does a speech therapist do we help kids learn to talk play and just learn new things i love playing and learning new things and so does hans we've been having so much fun playing together today i'm glad you're having fun in this room we help kids learn to move in new ways we play games and practice things like taking turns whoa games are so fun hey maybe we should all play a game together but what game should we play hide and seek whoa great idea hans let's play hide and seek but we need to remember to take turns so who should go first hunts would like to go first okay hans will go first and count to ten michelle and i are gonna hide okay we're ready to play okay hans you counted ten and michelle and i are gonna go hide if you can find us 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 nine ten ready or not here i come there you are hans you found me hooray i know you're around here somewhere blippi i see you blippy you found me oh i have an idea now i'll count to ten and you and michelle hide okay let's do it okay i'm gonna count to ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ready or not here i come [Music] hmm [Music] i bet she's there michelle whippy you found me [Music] i found you you found me good job that was so fun whoa that game of hide and seek was so fun it was oh well thanks for playing with us hans thanks for playing with us michelle yes it was so nice to meet you today blippi bye bye bye han bye bye was nice to meet you whoa that was awesome and hans do we have time for another activity [Music] what is it hans likes to shake his tail whoa me too let's have a dance party let's go hans loves the blippi dance let's [Music] dance follow my lead do the flippy dance do it with me come on clap your hands to the blippi dance come on clap your hands do the [Music] you ready flippy move can you hear that sound get ready to dance and move all around are you ready to move around the room and shake shake shake to this flippy tune get ready clap your hands shake it out feel the beat do a dance and sing it loud get ready clap your hands shake it out feel the beat do a dance and sing it loud do the flippy dance [Music] come on clap your hands do the flippy dance come on clap your hands do the flippy dance now the music's up and we're having fun moving our feet along with everyone raise your hands to the sky now back down low do the flippy dance wherever you go do the flippy dance all day long move your feet [Music] dance do it with me get ready clap your hands shake it out feel the feet do it dance [Music] that was some awesome dancing hans hi it's so much fun with you today thanks for being my friend lippy oh thank you for being my friend hans i'll see you soon bye bye bye bye [Music] wow that was so much fun and we got to make some new friends hans the robot and michelle well that's the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me okay b-l-i-p-p-i flippy good job well i'll see you soon [Music] oh hey it's me blippi and today we're here at the special spirit organization and danny's farm here in los angeles california and we get to meet some amazing animals yeah i am so excited this is gonna be so much fun come on [Music] look at it it's a horse hello yeah and this horse has a name it's name is jasper hello jasper jasper is so sweet look jasper is the colors white and brown jasper is so nice and really soft to pet hey and look at this jasper's eyes are different colors whoa that is a really big word called heterochromia whoa that's a big word that basically means someone has two different color eyes yeah this eye is the color brown this eye over here whoa it's the color blue whoa you have really pretty eyes jasper oh this horse is so big and so beautiful yeah christopher pine the color brown and he's just eating some hay hello yeah just eating some hay that's what horses eat they eat lots of hay and look this big horse has a mane just like jasper and a tail just like jasper whoa and some really big feet look at it do you know what the name is for a horse's feet they're called boobs yeah look at them horses have hugs well i've had so much fun learning about horses [Music] hey i have an idea how about you and i ride a horse in real life yeah if only we knew someone who could help us hello i'm blippi i'm keegan hi this is no patchy oh hi apache keegan can i ride apache yes you can i'm so excited to ride apache okay i'm gonna get on good boy oh patchy [Music] whoa look i'm on apache we're gonna go on the sensory trail yeah this trail uses all of your five senses there's things to see listen to and touch i'm so excited okay let's go walk on apache [Music] [Applause] apache's a really good listener well look we're coming up to the first thing in the sensory trail whoa a stop sign whoa okay walk on hey look there's some bells whoa look at that look at that they sound so pretty in the wind even prettier when you play with them okay walk on let's see what else there is here walk on [Music] [Music] and through the car wash whoa [Music] hey look we have apache and cherokee and we're gonna walk them to give them a treat let's go whoa [Music] you guys are so cute whoa horses are [Music] amazing oh hello keegan whoa okay here you go now time to give him some treats hello you like a carrot whoa they love carrots and apache's really hungry cuz i wrote him whoa hey maybe cherokee wants some too cherokee would you like a carrot you want a carrot oh no oh let me get that for you it fell wow okay here i'll give you another carrot so that they both have the same amounts of carrots and apples mmm so tasty [Music] hey whoa look at where i am inside the pen with all the animals there's so many different kinds and look it's sunny hello sunny sunny is a goat i love goats they're so cool hello and sunny is two colors look the color golden brown and color white yeah sunny is a really good good yeah goats are really cool because really great climbers they can climb up all types of things and hop up on stools like this yeah they can just climb on up no problem hey do you know what a little goat is called [Music] yeah a kid just like you or just like when i was little a kid yeah [Music] but did you know when goats are born they walk right away yeah they're born and even though they're babies they can walk whoa that's so cool hey let's see if we can see some goats up close come on hello [Music] hi whoa [Music] it's sunny yeah sunny is a boycott but look there's also a girl goat hello look at this sunny is a different color from this goat this goat is kind of speckled white and black wow they're so sweet and really soft hey did you know that goats they like to burp excuse me they're so cute and so fun to pet [Music] whoa but look at this guy do you know what kind of animal this is [Music] yeah that's right this is a pig [Music] can you make a pig noise like me or partly yeah this pig well actually not this pig this pig over here is named hartley and this is hartley's mama hello mama mama is really sweet oh i forgot let's make those pink noises can you make them with me so silly oh pigs are so smart and really good smellers yeah look you see the pig's nose whoa that's a really big nose it's bigger than my nose yeah they're really really good smellers so they can see their food whoa and look pigs they're they're kind of soft too but not like a goat because pigs don't have fur and they don't have hair yeah pigs have bristles yeah right here whoa they're kind of prickly and it's kind of like hair but it's a little firmer and harder yeah they're really cool to touch and to pet and they give scratches it's so nice to see these pigs whoa and look hartley came to say hi this pig is called hartley because this little white heart well it kind of looks like a heart right right there yeah whoa sunny and mama and hartley these animals are so amazing and you see this other animal oh do you know what this animal was called i'll give you a hint this animal goes like this [Music] yeah this animal is a sheep hello sheep this sheep is really really nice yeah and sheep they have wool on their back some types of sheep yeah they just shed kind of like a dog yeah some sheep they shed the wool on their back but other kinds of sheep like this sheep right here they need to get a haircut yeah they have shears which are kind of like haircut scissors for sheep and they just give their sheep a little haircut on the back but it's really important to not cut the hair on the back of the sheep so that they don't get too hot in the sun yeah it's kind of like wearing a hat but the hat is on your back whoa that's so silly whoa hey did you know something else sheep are vegetarian that's a really big word well they're not vegetarian that would be as if they're a human then they'd be a vegetarian sheeps are herbivores whoa herbivores are what sheeps are and vegetarians that's what some people are yeah and that means herbivores only like to eat plants plants no meat whoa these sheep are so cool whoa that was so amazing learning about sheeps and goats and all kinds of animals here's danny's farm so much fun with you and so much fun with you hello well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name hey will you spell my name with me okay they're gonna help spell it too b-o-i p-p-i flippy good job well i'll see you real soon i'm going to get these guys and gals some treats bye-bye whoa this fire truck is so fast hey it's me and today we are here at the caton children's museum in santa monica california i am so excited because we get to learn about all kinds of things this is gonna be so much fun come on there are so many fun things to explore let's go whoa look at it you know what it is it looks like a garden that's really fun to play in let's go inside there are so many different blocks and colors yeah we have a blue cube and [Music] a red rectangle and we have a green cube whoa and they're so squishy and soft whoa they're so fun to play with it's a tunnel i'm gonna go through the tunnel see you on the other side that was a really small tunnel hey do you know what kind of animal this is i'll give you a hint this animal likes to go yeah this oh this is a cow hello it's so cute whoa look at what it is do you know what that is yeah it's a giant rescue helicopter i think you and i should go inside and check it out come on whoa look at this place it's so cool whoa and this is the cockpit yeah inside this helicopter there are all different controls of the helicopter we have different levers and gears that tell you how fast you're going and if you have enough fuel whoa and there's all types of switches on the ceiling whoa i wonder what this button does whoa and look there are also a lot of really colorful lights that tell you what's going on yeah we have a really bright white light and a green light and a red light well it's time to take off okay [Music] that was so much fun riding in this helicopter let's keep exploring [Music] it's a giant fire truck uh-oh but it looks like it's missing part of its wheel hello wheel maybe we can find the other side oh and there are so many cool levers yeah vehicles are amazing helicopters are kind of like fire trucks because they have different gauges buttons that help control it and move really fast hey i love the horn on a fire truck let's go inside and see if it works i'm driving the fire truck make sure you buckle up okay here we go [Music] that horn was really loud [Music] let's see what else there is [Music] whoa look at this it's a rescue boat [Music] this rescue boat is on some really rocky waves whoa whoa it's so much fun and it's squishy whoa the waves are going so fast and they're so huge whoa whoa the water is nice and cool yeah because it's made out of a ball pit this is so amazing i really am having so much fun playing with you today hey look at this [Music] it looks kind of like a really big picture frame yeah it's a big square and it has some pulleys and a steering wheel when i move this steering wheel whoa it moves up and it makes bubbles let's see we can make the biggest bubble with this giant bubble blower whoa we did it that was an amazing bubble but it popped because that's what bubbles do they get really big and then they pop this is so cool it looks like mountains and oceans and there's a little shark [Applause] this shark is having a really fun time going through the ocean it's so fast it did a big jump whoa and look at this this is really cool it's a submarine yeah and it has its propeller that helps it move really fast underwater and it looks like it has a scuba diver driving it whoa i think it's gonna swim with the shark too look at this see when i press this big button something really amazing and really wet is going to happen are you ready keep your eye over here and your eye over here here we go i'm gonna press the button on the count of three one two three [Music] did you see it whoa now let's press them really fast [Music] looks like they don't like to be pressed really fast there are so many cool things to explore with water there's so many boats whoa look at all of the boats there's so many yeah we have one two green boats and we have one two purple boats and we have well we have one two three orange boats these are so cool and if you have an orange boat and a blue boat you have blippi boats [Applause] [Music] this is so cool there's all these different water wheels and water whoa and looks like we can take this little island and move it all around bye-bye octopus hey do you know what kind of animal this is yeah this right here is a sea turtle and it's so cute hey look i think i can get on the inside [Music] hello whoa there's water all around me whoo [Music] this is a really silly crab there are so many animals whoa but i think there's a really cool wall that we should go explore let's go see what it is look at it this is a magnetic wall yeah it's a giant wall that's magnetic which means squares like this and have little magnets will stick to the wall so if you take the square and you put it on the wall no hands whoa and sometimes the magnets are so strong you can throw it and it stays by itself whoa and you can make all kinds of cool shapes and pictures so let's see if we can make a picture move some of these out of the way start with a really big orange square we'll put it right there next let's grab two more orange squares what color should i use next hmm we already used orange so let's use blue okay now we're gonna go with one two blue triangles and let's grab two blue squares and we're almost done but i think we should make two let's use an orange and we'll use a blue one too yeah it's a blippi magnetic castle king blippi [Music] so silly whoa and do you know what this is yeah look at it this right here yeah it's a gear whoa look at it go yeah and when you take a gear and you put one gear next to another gear when you turn this one the other gear will turn two [Music] and now the really fun part when you take one gear connected to another gear you have two gears moving but if you connect those two gears to all the gears then they all move together teamwork is really fun especially if you're a gear whoa are you ready let's use a lot of teamwork with the gears whoa look at it go they're all moving together but i'm only touching this one right here see they're moving and helping each other out whoa super fast this is so much fun this place is amazing look above us it looks like there's a tunnel in the ceiling i have had so much fun but i think you and i should go up into the tunnel yeah okay here we go [Music] whoa it's really tricky moving through these nets hey i think it looks like there's a window over by the water area and look it's a window hello and it looks like the water area is a giant spinner whoa that's so silly huh yeah so cool because when we were down there it just looked like some islands and some oceans and some water but because we have a different perspective yeah a different perspective that means a different way of seeing it or a different way of looking at it yeah we see with our different perspective that it actually is a giant spinner whoa this is so cool [Music] it's so wobbly make awake away go so silly wow we crossed over the yellow bridge and now we're all the way on the other side okay [Music] this is so cool it's a giant purple triangle yeah because look the triangle has three sides [Music] two three oh look over here hello i'm blippi what's your name hi there blippia my name is the amazing andres nice to meet you whoa are you juggling oh yeah i am juggling all right andres is really good at juggling you're too kind flippy you know it's actually not that hard to juggle three balls it just takes a lot of practice practice great things start off with one ball like so see catching it good and then when i'm ready i'll go two and then when i feel really good i'll throw in a third ball there we go that is amazing well andres that is so cool but what else do you do here oh i do all kinds of fun stuff i get to spend most of my time coming up with really cool ways for people to have fun here at this museum well that's really good because we want to have lots of fun too well is there anything fun that we could do you know i got something perfect for you like to make art yeah i love making art hey maybe we could make an art project i'm so excited got just the thing come over here we'll go to the art crawl room okay okay you're gonna want to step in here first thank you andres all right all right here we go [Music] whoa look at where i am we're inside of an art studio whoa this place is so cool and look at all the things that are here we have all kinds of different paint where we can paint really beautiful pictures and make really cool artwork we have some pink paint and a lot of colors actually some black paint and we have some green and it's got some confetti in it and looks like we have a lot of other colors we have this paint is gold and it's really shiny maybe we can think of something really beautiful to paint with this gold paint but first we need something to use as a paintbrush oh hey look i have a brush and some paint and now we just need to think about what should we paint well you can start with something really easy maybe make a gold smiley face one eye two eyes and a really big smile whoa he's so happy since we can paint all over this room let's see how much we can cover and paint okay i'm gonna paint all over the room it's gonna be so fun okay i think i'm gonna need two rollers and a lot of paint let's go [Music] okay now let's do it with some pink paint okay painting is so fun especially when you can paint all over the place and get a little messy but just make sure when you're painting it's paper you're painting on and not the actual walls yeah i like the paint on the paper but not on the actual wall [Music] this was so much fun painting with you [Music] hey that was so much fun playing with you here at the caton children's museum in santa monica california well that's the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name hey can you spell my name with me okay here we go p-l-i-p-p-i flippy good job well i'll see you real soon bye-bye [Music] hey it's me and today we're here at uptown jungle fun park in las vegas nevada i am so excited to have lots of fun and exercise together and what better way to exercise then play come on [Music] whoa look at this place it's so fun i can't wait to start playing but first you need to make sure you put on your grip socks yeah they're so sticky good thing i already have mine on whoa and now we can play look at these ropes [Music] hey swinging on a rope like this it kind of feels like i'm a monkey [Laughter] will you act like a monkey with me that was so whoa and check it out it's an entire wall filled with colorful bricks whoa some are the color green the color blue the color red and the color yellow whoa maybe we can build something awesome first we need to get them off the wall before we can start building whoa what should we build with the bricks hm maybe we can start with the house okay one brick two bricks three bricks i thought we can make it even taller [Music] look at it we built the tower so tall oh hey check it out looks like there are some paper cards i wonder what they say it looks like a game and the first card says find something that looks like a circle i bet we can find a circle that'll be easy let's go look whoa there are circles all over the place and look at this circle it looks like a delicious donut it's a circle but a donut has a donut hole really tiny circle and it's polka dotted covered in little circles a circle in a circle covered in circles we did it found what first part says but i wonder what the second card says the second card says find something that you can climb on okay let's go explore [Applause] [Music] whoa hey we found some things to climb there are so many cool rock walls yeah i love rock climbing which wall should we climb first whoa this one is made out of ropes that one looks really colorful whoa look at this one wow it's so colorful it's green and yellow and red and black i think i'm gonna climb this one but first safety first we need to get a harness [Music] first when you rock climb you want to put on a harness [Music] yeah now that i'm harnessed in the only other thing you need to do is hook into the rope yeah the rope is very important it's called an auto belay whoa that's a big word but auto belay's really important because if you slip or you need to fall off because your arms are really tired you can and the auto belay will float you gently to the ground okay i am so excited to climb this wall let's hook in [Music] we're all ready to climb [Music] we made it to the top and now it's time to come down so i'll use the auto belay here we go [Laughter] wow that was some awesome rock climbing okay now we should unhook see what the next card says okay it says find something that you can jump on i think i know something we can jump on come on [Music] whoa the next thing we need to find is something to jump on and i know the perfect thing trampolines whoa trampolines are so much fun [Music] you can make small jumps like a little rabbit or really big jumps like a kangaroo [Music] hey i have an idea how about let's count how many jumps we do okay here we go one two three four five six seven eight nine ten whoa whoa that was a lot of jumping 10 jumps well i think we should find the next thing on the card okay let's see what it says find something to slide down [Music] let's go see if we can find something to slide down come on whoa we found it something to slide down and this yellow slide looks really steep but really fun let's slide down it are you ready three two one whoa whoa that was awesome now let's see what the next card says find something red hmm found some really cool things but something red oh really have to look for that one come on whoa look it's monkey bars and a tire whoa we're still looking for the color red oh this is green and the tire and rode black and yellow but nothing's red keep your eyes open nothing here do you see anything that is the color red whoa yeah good job it's a red tunnel and it looks like it's woven with red ropes i'll see on the other side see you soon whoa it's so bumpy whoa [Music] that was so much fun climbing the red tunnel but you still have one card left let's see what it says find somewhere you can dance but you can dance everywhere hey let's dance together wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle you can sing dance twist and shout do whatever you want to get the wiggles out shake it up shake it down shake those wiggles out of town [Music] [Music] i just can't stop this feeling wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle get ready wiggle wiggle one two three you can sing dance twist and shout do whatever you want to get the wiggles out shake it up shake it down shake those wiggles out of town [Music] come on and sing it loud we're gonna dance and twist and shout it out running around [Music] you can sing dance twist and shout do whatever you want to get the wiggles out shake it up shake it down shake those wiggles out of town dance twist and shout do whatever you want to get shake it up shake it down shake those wiggles out of town sing dance twist and shout do whatever you want to get the wiggles out shake it up shake it down shake those wiggles out of town you can sing dance twist and shout do whatever you want to get the windows out shake it up shake it down shake those wiggles out of town shake those wiggles [Music] bye wiggles they all went out of town whoa i had so much fun with you today here at uptown jungle fun park in las vegas nevada well that's the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name hey will you spell my name with me okay b-l-i-p-p-i good job well i'll see you soon [Music] so much to learn about it'll make you want to
Channel: Blippi - Educational Videos for Kids
Views: 245,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blippi, Blippi Toys, Blippi Videos, Educational videos for kids, kids tv shows, blipi, blippi videos, blippi zoo, blippi animals, san diego zoo, biggest zoo in world, worlds biggest zoo, blippi safari, safari for kids, zoo for kids, blippi zoo animals, blippy, blippi explores, zoo, education, learning, blippi, new blippi, blippi colors, learn colors, blippi meekah, blippi and meekah, blippi museum, blippi playground, blippi robot
Id: 7I7kOMN8E18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 21sec (3801 seconds)
Published: Thu May 12 2022
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