A Blippi Compilation of Educational Videos for Toddlers | Sink or Float and more!

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[Music] hey it's me flippy hmm look at this this this is a tank yeah I think we should fill it up with water to right about here and then gather items so then we can put them in the tank with the water and see if the items will either sink or boot let's fill up the tank with water first all right here we go [Music] no more water okay I think we should put a little bit more in all right open this up here we go [Music] and one more here we go how about that amount perfect alright so now let's go get some items I am so excited to find all of these items let's go [Music] an alien war whoa I'm gonna stand on this so then I can go super fast and find a bunch of items all right here we go all right here we go what a beautiful day it is I am so excited to find what items [Music] look whoa we have some marbles yeah I wonder if these will either sink or float yeah and some some shiny glittery good that's gonna be cool [Music] this is awesome watch I'll go backwards [Music] oh look I was just gonna say I'm getting thirsty but look at what it is Oh candy colorful candy YUM I just want to eat all of them but let's go see if he'll sink or float [Music] look over here look at what we missed [Music] yeah some office supplies we have a stapler stapler and a rubber band ball watch this watch out I almost got you all right let's go see what else we'd be fine [Music] oh gotta go off-roading over here but big tires on this hoverboard made me go out in the grass and speaking of big tires yeah a monster truck Hey I wonder if that will sink or float let's go [Music] that's so silly [Music] look another item it's a smiley face with a tongue what's inside whoa a bunch of rocks I bet I know if that will sink or float but we gotta test it let's put it in here let's go find some more items [Music] [Applause] [Music] come over here look yeah you know what this is it's a scrubby dubby and I'm all clean I use this in the bathtub get nice and clean I wonder if that will sink or float okay let's go find some more see all those rocks I'm gonna get off the hoverboard and go check it out come with me rocks I bet those would sink I bet there's some cool items over here [Music] so many trees and everything colourful shape do you know what shape this is Wow yeah that is a star like cookie cutters whoa whoa so colorful all right let's put them in the taupe so we can see if they'll sink or float so cute I wonder if he'll sink or float all right let's go see if all of these items Zeke or float [Music] look at all of our items I think this is the perfect time to put all of the items in the tank so we can see what ones go to the bottom and sink and what one stay at the top and float all right let's see what we have here oh this scrubby dubby now that I'm all clean let's see if this sinks or floats I think I know ready [Music] [Music] okay what else do we have here we have the marbles okay got the marbles so let's open them up and see if they sink or float all right what else I love this this is so much fun whoa look at this face okay an egg with some rocks in here we go three two one whoa I was wrong I thought that was gonna sink because it had really heavy rocks in it but [Music] remember these yeah a bunch of stars all right here we go throw a man huh whoa they float Wow three floating things and then one sinking thing all right what else do we have here Oh a stapler and a rubber band home office supplies watch this it bounces okay bye-bye stapler whoa yeah this stapler six all right well hmm I wonder about the rubberband ball I wonder if it's gonna sink or if it's gonna float let's see okay here we go wow so many rubber bands on that rubber band ball okay what else do we have [Music] monster truck all right it looks like it wants to sink but the reason why it's floating is because of the tires they're full of air Wow [Music] the big tires all right we have a couple more items let's see ooh remember the monkey yeah the monkey bang you can put coins in here [Music] let's see if it sinks or floats whoa it folks but I wonder if we fill it up with water yeah look at it it was hollow on the inside so when we filled it up with water it went to the bottom so it seems the monster truck is on the bottom huh wonder why I wonder if the tires of the monster truck filled up with water as well oh okay a couple more things slime yeah and colorful candy let's do uh let's do the slime shall we let's open it up and it smells funny too all right here we go ready one two three whoa the slime went to the bottom so the slime sinks all right last but not least I think we should do the colorful candy [Music] whoa all the candy went to the bottom so that means it seems okay what about some Mallos hmm hmm hmm let's see it they sink or float okay yep just have my malas I love ma Lowe's Oh some some blue lint from my shirt all right ready here we go whoa oh yeah look at him oh they're all floaty hmm mmm wow that was so cool seeing what items sink and what items float but before we go I have a special surprise some magical fire this magical vial has some slime powder that's purple it has a lot of it in this magical vial has some purple slime powder with just a little bit in it I think we should pour them in here we go [Music] Wow did you see that that's magical now we should stir it up and make some slime in the face that's floating all right whoa it's so slimy now well that was so much fun gathering items with you and seen what one sink or float well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name do you know my name yeah it's blippi let's spell it together ready BL i PP i flippy good job [Music] [Applause] hey it's me puppy and today we're at left Love play in Los Angeles California [Music] haha I am so happy to be playing here today wait a second do you see that smiley face [Music] this is a smiley face and it's so happy you and I are gonna learn about emotions today and right now I am happy okay let's go play inside come on [Music] all right come on inside whoa look at this place first things first I have to take off my shoes [Music] all right one shoe and two shoes come here oh look more emotions and this is an excitement I am so excited to be playing here with you okay [Music] are you ready here we go three two that was awesome wait look at this it's a beautiful couch wait a second no time for napping it's time for playing [Music] put the pots and pans Oh YUM boo corn chicken dolphin [Music] so much fun whoo go over here Wow a big yellow slob let's go slide down it come on [Music] whoa whoa whoa these have three colors on them blue light green and green Wow so couple come on okay okay this is where the slide is come on I'm so mad Hey look mad here's another emotion you see this yeah this is mad and I just tripping fell and I hurt my knee and it made me mad mad that feeling when you have like smoke coming out of your ears and your head gets so red it's okay to get mad but when you're mad you need to take some breaths ready okay I'm not mad at me more let's go play some more bye bye mad we're at the top of the yellow slide all right are you ready here we go [Music] okay [Music] [Music] that big yellow slime was awesome oh let's see what else there is around here hey little places where you can do your makeup ha so pretty all right whoo this is a princess castle Oh another one whoo looks like a lounge ooh a massive bed oh wait a second do you recognize this yeah remember this is where I took a nap okay wait a second no time for napping it's time for plan [Music] a big excavator and some blocks red blocks yellow blue green let's stack them on top of each other okay [Music] [Music] oh I'm getting dizzy Wow see this this is a trampoline me you can jump on it I just got surprised did you see that yeah surprised look Wow surprised is when an unexpected event happens like that did you see that Feeny just jumped out and said okay come on [Music] tunnel here I go this is a pyramid and that's a shape a crazy shape see how it's a triangle yeah yeah a pyramid another pyramid that's so cool whoa look at this this is a spiked ball it's a sphere with green spikes on it [Laughter] [Music] okay enough of that good job whoo wait a second do you see that yellow slide through that whoa goes around and round and around and around in circles I think you and I should go to the top and then I'll go slide down it come on [Music] look down see okay I'll slide down there at all here I come see you at the bottom [Music] [Music] was awesome well I think it's time to go it makes me so sad just knowing we have to go now so sad see this right here this is sad cuz I'm sad because I can't play anymore that's that feeling when you just wanna cry but wait a second I think I have a little bit more time to go down the slide one last time [Music] okay I'm gonna go to the top and then slide down get ready look at what it is more emotions it was so fun learning about emotions with you this is a pinata I think before we go I should whack it break it open see what's inside are you ready [Music] [Music] that was awesome well thanks so much for playing with me at Live Love play in Los Angeles California well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name let's spell my name together ready BL i PP I flippy good job see ya oh hey it's me flippy how are you doing today I'm doing awesome woah what's behind me this right here yeah this machine is a wheel loader and today you and I are gonna learn about wheel loaders [Music] [Music] oh I sure do love wheel loaders before we do anything else with this wheel loader we need some safety equipment the first thing I need is a hardhat hey hey hey pretty please thank you right got my hard hat on now I need a safety vest whoa a bright orange safety vest when you have that you can go now when you have a bright orange safety vest on makes it so machines and their operators can see you all right here we go [Music] now let's learn the parts of the wheel loader come on [Music] whoa look at this this is the bucket of the wheel loader and it is a really big bucket let's check out the inside of it Wow so big in here pretty roomy maybe I could lay down and take a nap wait a second no time for napping because you and I need to learn the parts of a wheel loader ooh like this this is the loader frame and it holds the bucket and look up there that's what powers everything that is a really big hydraulic cylinder this is a big wheel and a big tire and you see this on the tire yeah this is called tread in what it does is make sure when you're driving on mud you don't slip and slide see up there that's the cab that's where the operator of the wheel loader sits check this out I'm gonna go up there I'm so high up here and you're so low down there alright I'll come down now I wonder what else there is on this wheel loader hey like this this is where the engine of the wheel loader is let's open it up [Music] I can't find how to open up the engine compartment well blip iam glad you've asked oh the switches right here [Music] now that's what I call ground line serviceability okay now let's check the oil all right okay whoa that's a really big dipstick whoa huh and it looks like the oil is perfect so let's put the dipstick back now that it's back we can take it for a spin all righty now let's head to the top of the wheel loader so we can operate it but I need to tell you about the rule of three points of contact that means since we have four limbs one two three four we need to have three of these touching the machine at all times all right you know [Music] yeah we did it [Music] whoa we are inside the wheel loader now wow we're so high up it's a great view up here oh okay let me show you the parts inside the wheel loader but first what we have to do put on her seatbelt good job alright so this right here is the steering wheel and steering column it even can go down up whoa whoa however you like it look at this this is the gear shifter this determines what gear you're in how fast you're gonna go and this this kind of looks like a joystick yeah but this operates the front bucket when you pull it back at all raises you push it forward it lowers you go left and right it tilts up and down so then you can scoop scoop scoop [Music] alright here I go [Music] yeah [Music] it has been so much fun learning about wheel loaders with you special thanks to case construction sensory machinery and the folks at the tomahawk Customer Center if your company wants me blippi to make a video about it shoot me an email bye-bye hey it's me blippi and today we're I grab the indoor trampoline park and Las Vegas Nevada there's so many trampolines here and this place is where we're gonna do some jumping see this is jumping whoa [Music] do you see that that's a big clear ball and it looks like it's ready for me to get inside [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh look look at what it is whoa yeah this is a kangaroo will you act like a kangaroo with me ready [Music] kangaroos can jump really high and really far a kangaroo can jump four and a half times its body length what that means is if I was a kangaroo I would be able to jump over a double-decker bus wow that's really far ok let's go do some more jumpy [Music] [Music] whoa look at this this yeah it's like an air bag whoa but it's really big this is the same type of air bag that stunt men and stunt women use in Hollywood that means you fall on it and it's really soft so I think it's time for us to be a movie star [Music] okay watch okay in this scene I get really scared and then I fall on my back cuz I'm the stunt devil right [Music] did you see that it didn't even hurt it was awesome I'm totally a movie star [Music] okay let's do another scene so in this scene I go really high in the sky and I jump out of an airplane and I land on the ground on my bottom [Music] [Music] [Music] now I am a movie star [Music] it's another animal and this animal yeah is a cougar will you act like a cougar with me so Cougars can jump really high and really far Cougars can actually jump ten times their body height so that means if I was a cougar I would be able to jump over yeah three giraffes wow that is really high okay let's go do some more jumping [Music] [Music] whoa that was a close one that was a close one - better luck next time [Music] welcome to the dodgeball ring this is where you and I are gonna play some dodgeball but first come over here check out these balls we have a red ball a yellow ball and a silver a great ball I don't know what color that is kind of looks silver or gray all right go over there good luck all right [Music] [Applause] you got me with the balls all right let's go do some more jumping this is the color red whoa hey look at what it is whoa it's another picture of an animal yeah in this animal can also jump really high this animal yeah is a rock will you act like a frog with me honey frogs can jump really high and really far frogs can actually jump 20 times their body height so that means if I was a frog that would be like me jumping over to Spinosaurus wow that is really high let's go jump some more shall we [Music] [Music] looks like a rope right here awesome there's even some more stuff over here whoa what are these things they look like pieces of cheese but like moldy cheese they're black in color alright I'll go across them [Music] that was a tricky one [Music] bunch of rope with these foam things inside looks like I need to go across whoa [Music] go on these platforms see these are clear you can see through them see whoa they're very wobbly I'm gonna get off of these I see some more foam pits over here with trampolines in them let's go [Music] so this is a trampoline and we're gonna jump on it and this is a focus look there's a couple of colors here's the color red huh here's the color yellow whoo here's the color dark grey or black I can't tell it's kind of tricky whoo the color orange Wow Oh in the last color in here do you know this color what color is this yeah this is the color purple now it's time for me to jump in it are you ready [Music] [Applause] oh that was so crazy that's fun look at this wow this yeah isn't an animal this is an insect and this is a flea let's act like fleas together [Music] so please can jump really high and really far fleece can actually jump 220 times their body length and 150 times their body height wow that is crazy so that means if I was a flea I would be able to jump over four football fields and one Seattle Space Needle at the same time wow that is so crazy alright let's do some more jumping [Music] not this time let's go [Music] Oh scrap this this is a poll it's like I'm a trapeze artist ha whoa that was so much fun jumping around with you well let's recap what did we learn today well we learn that kangaroos like the jump Cougars like to jump Crocs like to jump please like to jump and all of those creatures jump really high and really far well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name let's spell Philippi together ready BL I PPI blippi good job see you soon hey grownups I think it would be a great idea if you liked my Facebook page live show information behind-the-scenes special discounts even free giveaways see you there whoa look at all of these colors hey my name is blood today you and I are gonna paint using these colors look at this let's see this this is a blank white canvas and see up there yeah there's a canvas with my name on it and I think you and I should learn our colors and paint the canvas whoo okay so this is breaking you spray it and paint comes out so let's pick one of these colors and spray paint the canvas yeah how about orange Oh before you use spray paint you need an air filter so you don't breathe it in so this is a safety precaution so let's put on our air filter okay take the orange that's enough orange let's go get another color it was awesome okay let's see here let's do the color let's do the color blue alright shake it up [Music] [Applause] whoo just like the color like my shirt okay shake it up yeah we gotta spray it [Music] that looks pretty darn good this right there and I think that's enough spray paint yeah let's move on to these kind of paints Oh what kind of paint is this interesting these look like this is just normal paint but in squirt bottles okay let's start with the color let's go shake it up here we go that's enough peak alright now how about the color green [Music] well I didn't mean to do that look well there's no accidents here just silly little mistakes all right that's awesome look at it up close you see it running down yeah that's because of gravity look how about the color yellow pop the lid here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so we did Pete whoa green and yellow and now let's do the color blue but looks like we have to put the B back on okay pit fell off all right hopefully that sticks okay hopefully that sticks if not I have a great idea we must go fast now because I'm guessing all the letters are gonna fall off ready here goes the blue [Music] what other colors do we have um let's go oh no II fell off again Oh silly B stay there here comes the orange [Music] look at our art piece that is awesome okay let's go put this back alright and it looks like we have some other colors like red you want to see me squirt some red watch this [Music] and looks like we have the color white hey your swipe ready [Music] looks like we have our you ready our letters keep falling down so I think we should do one last thing let's throw some glitter on it yeah glitter it's kind of hard to use cuz it gets all over the place but I'm gonna use it with a paintbrush ready [Music] it's working look at this you see the glitter yeah yeah so I'm throwing these little metal chunks on yeah no it makes it really shiny it's nice and sparkly okay one last one [Music] okay a little bit more wait a second I was just kidding I meant a lot more look at all that glitter here we go oh no I'm gonna find glitter on check it out oh that was so much fun painting that with you alright now that some of the letters fell off I think we should take the other letters off okay let's take off the letter I take off the letter let's take off the last eye that looks so cool well I had a lot of fun learning colors with you let's recap the colors okay I see green pink yellow blue orange and white yeah well if you like this painting and you love my videos I'm actually gonna give this exact painting away yeah there's only one of them one of them on this whole entire planet Earth so if you want to win this painting totally free all you have to do is go to blip EECOM forward slash painting giveaway and then enter your email and we're gonna pick one of those emails at random for this very original one-of-a-kind blippi color art painting [Music] alright [Music] if you would like to win this one-of-a-kind autographed blippi art painting be sure to head on over to blippi comm ford slash painting giveaway for your chance to win bye bye you and I are going to learn about [Music] okay now it's time to learn the exterior parts of the backhoe come on [Music] Wow this backhoe is so big oh and look at what else is big yeah this is a big wheel and tire oh and hey up here this is a smaller wheel and tire look why this is tread of the tire and tread is youth so then when it spins it doesn't slip and slide whoa whoa whoa I'm sure dizzy [Music] Wow this right here is the cab and this is where the operator of the bear coat sticks so cool whoa and look up there that oh yeah those are the headlights in that right there is the turn signal so then you can drive this backhoe on city streets legally [Music] Wow this is a stabilizer leg and it's normally up but right now it's down in the mud so then with the backhoe bigoted it's nice and stable I am so stable boom that up there is the arm this arm is actually pretty special because it has a negative that was awesome this is the back bucket of the back home it can get some really big screws we'll get some together later whoa that is the exhaust that's where the engine pushes all of it rust from oh hey look at this this is the front bucket and that's really big even bigger than the back bucket and this front bucket is actually pretty special it is a four in one bucket and it acts like a clamshell I [Music] love clams the are hydraulic hoses this is a hydraulic cylinder and hydraulics are used to provide power by pushing fluid room to the front and the back bucket what I love back hose [Music] now it's time to drive and operate the backhoe whoa whoa whoa wait a second are we forgetting something yeah first things first safety first yeah yeah I got my hard hat on and my orange safety vest all right now it's time to drive and operate the backhoe come on wait a second I think we're forgetting something else yeah we need to make sure that the engine is good to go so let's go check it [Music] right so this is the hood of the engine so let's open it up this is a massive engine see this is the air filter this is the coolant there's a giant tube from the radiator the alternators the battery wow this is so powerful but wait you and I need to do is check the oil and it's down there whoa all right so the oil is down there with a yellow Oh dipstick the transmission is over there with the T dipstick up so let's grab the yellow Oh dipstick what hey you need to wipe it off put it back in so now we can inspect the oil yeah looks like it's okay all right put it back in and now that the backhoe is good to go we can drive it let's go [Music] all right now our inside the backhoe booming first things first safety first we have to put on our seat belt good job the cool thing about back hoes are there's a front side and the back side so look check out the front side whoa look at this this is the steering wheel this is how you drive the back of this right here this is the shifter this is how you put it in forward or reverse and over here this yeah after the turn signals as well as listen and this this is how you operate in the front and bucket you pull it back to make it go up you push it forward to make it go down yeah it's so great and now let's go check out the back ok [Music] Wow as you can see the back is where the broom is armed the bucket and the stabilizer legs and how you operate those primarily with these two joysticks [Music] welcome I'm at once ready [Music] check out this little black button listen yeah good job alright now it's time to use the backhoe let's turn it on [Music] [Music] big scoop back hoes are the most versatile machine on the jobsite beyond that have the big front bucket in a small back bucket oh now it's time for the backhoe dance and how you do it is when you see a backhoe front bucket on the screen you dance like this okay and when you see a back backhoe bucket you dance like this yeah all right here we go you ready construction sites trenches right here comes another one [Music] [Music] [Music] that was so much fun learning about back hoes with you thanks so much for watching the blippi backhoe video well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me alright BL I PPI flippy good job see you again [Music] special thanks to case construction sundry machinery and the folks at the tomahawk Customer Center if your company wants me blippi to make a video about it shoot me an email bye bye look at where we are today we're at kids time indoor playground in las vegas nevada this is gonna be fun whoa I'm just acting like a bear [Music] oh I wonder what's up here but first oh look at these walls they're the color paint and this step is the color light green light blue purple yellow white blue red and green there's a bunch of balloons and I have the Magic Remote let's push this button on the count of three one two [Music] look at all the colorful balloon whoa this balloon is the color yellow this balloon is the color red [Music] this balloon is the color pink [Music] hey this balloon is the color green [Music] look at these two this is blue in this is orange my two favorite colors okay let's go those balloons were so colorful oh and what's this come on stay right here [Music] [Music] oh I'm so excited I'm gonna go jump inside [Music] [Music] all right I'm gonna get out now it's really bouncy [Music] all right let's see what else there it is here we go [Music] these are monkey bars because then you can hang on them and act like a monkey [Music] [Music] I'll come back down cool because they're slides behind me yeah let's go slide down the slide oh look at this nice feet let's climb up the ladder I'm gonna get down that was fun hey let's go up the ramp then we can get to the top and slide down the slide [Music] okay let's go down the slide now are you ready here I go one two three wow that was so bad here's some more slides this is a rock wall see these rocks yeah you can grab them then put your feet on them and then you can climb to the top all right here we go whoa [Music] hello look at oh hi I am up here okay now we should go down the green slaughter and ready 1 2 3 there's even more slides hey yeah look at this slide let's not do this slide whoa let's go to that one oh look at that slime it's fully enclosed and it's a spiral let's go down whoo let's play some basketball now this is a basketball and you take a basketball and you put it in the hoop but wait a second we need a basketball yeah right here we have one basketball we have two basketballs now we have three basketballs [Music] let's put balls down right here let's take the first basketball and put it in hoop ready that was under the leg all right now let's take the second basketball ready that was awesome all right now let's take the third basketball let's put it in the hoop here we go okay now that we played a bunch of basketball I'm getting kind of hungry let's come in here and make some food [Music] like a lemon Oh some strawberries and grapes let's make some more food wash our hands here's some yummy fruit [Music] take the skillet [Music] oh I have a fun game for us to play come here [Music] this is what's called a connected board and it's giant I'm gonna be yellow and you are gonna be red and the object of the game is to connect four in a row all right ready I'll go first oh okay your turn there you go there's red put it anywhere you want whoo all right I'll go right here okay you're red there you go good job okay I'm yellow okay you're red here you go [Music] whoa good job okay it's getting close okay here you go you won good job you connected form look [Music] amazing job come on [Music] [Music] that was so much fun playing that kids time indoor playground in Las Vegas Nevada with you well see you again [Music] so much to learn about it'll make you wanna shout with me [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 84,698,698
Rating: 3.5492642 out of 5
Keywords: Blippi, Blippi videos, Blippi songs, Blippi compilation, Educational videos for toddlers, Blippi sink or float, Blippi emotions, Blippi play place, Blippi backhoe, Science for kids, Blippi Excavator, Animals for kids
Id: CkNV6Bv4ibM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 30sec (5430 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 26 2018
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