Blippi Visits an Indoor Playground (Fidgets Indoor Playground) | Blippi Full Episodes | Blippi Toys

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[Music] hello how are you today yeah whoa look at where we are today we're at fidget's indoor play place in las vegas nevada all right let's skip around and see what's here [Music] whoa look it's a train whoa all right i'm gonna continue to skip oh look at this wow this is a train station see there's so many trains here like this red train [Music] [Applause] oh hello pink train see it's a pink train wow hello to [Music] and look it's a black train choo choo choo choo choo choo [Music] whoa i love trains alright let's see what else there is around here look at this it's a colorful ball pit whoa whoa whoa wow so many colorful balls whoa whoa what's this in here wow this is a green lawnmower i think we should mow the lawn let's see what else there is in here whoa what is this wow it's a red motorcycle i bet there's something else in here for us watch out i almost got you [Music] oh look it's an excavator yeah like the blippi excavator song i'm an excavator excavator hey dirt see you later all right now let's crawl to the side of the room [Music] whoa look at this this looks like the base of a boat and this is water see [Music] whoa that is one cool boat okay let's continue to crawl [Music] whoa look at this wow we have a fire truck whoa and a school bus okay let's take the fire truck and let's let it rip whoa whoa okay whoa that was awesome all right let's do it again but this time with the school bus ready here we go [Music] yeah good job whoa look at that back there [Music] wow this looks like a princess and the king's castle okay i'm gonna go inside [Music] i'm a unicorn [Music] and look at what else i found in here [Music] whoa [Music] it's a stroller [Music] with a baby in it this is a baby hi baby hello okay sleep tight baby [Music] oh sleep tight or sleep tight bye bye bye-bye okay now let's go run around some more so colorful this step is the color blue this step is the color orange this step is the color red and this step is the color green come up here [Music] look at this red punching bag [Music] there's another one over here whoa wow see here's another one this punching bag is orange [Music] wow we are on the second floor of this structure whoa hey there's a tunnel go over there hello whoa look at this tunnel whoa i see you over there okay i'll come over there here we go i'm crawling through the tunnel [Music] wow that was really cool oh look over here [Music] wow see this this is a yellow slide and it's a shape of a circle oh i i should go down it slide down it and then when i'm down there you can come down after me ready all right bye-bye [Music] wow good job going down the slide okay that was so much fun sliding down the slide now i think we should roll [Music] whoa i love rolling oh hey what's this hello okay how are you now i'm inside this house ready read it oh hey frog hello what else is here bye-bye frog [Music] hello [Music] okay let's go over here whoa look at this contraption whoa whoa whoa i'm balancing okay that was awesome now let's roll some more [Music] whoa look at this yellow car here it comes oh yeah here's another one this one is the color purple get ready here we go [Music] yeah okay oh hey look at this this is a pink carriage with a horse on it bye-bye [Music] in a red car with a yellow top watch out and a black police car here we go one more a red fire truck here we go bye-bye fire truck whoa whoa here we go let's go over here [Music] oh look at all of these colorful blocks there's so many colors okay i think we should lay them down to see what's behind them whoa yeah do you see this this right here this is a blackboard and you can ride on it so let's go over what we did today first thing is we skipped [Music] s k i p yeah skip then we crawl c r a w l crawl and then we ran r u n run and then what did we do yeah we slid down the slide s l i d e slide and then we just rolled r o l l roll well this is so much fun doing these active things with you at this play place well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is ask for my name yeah my name's blippi let's spell it together ready [Music] b l i p f p [Music] good job see you again bye-bye so much to learn about it'll make you want to [Music] come on today we're at fantastic platorium in bellevue washington this is gonna be so much fun [Applause] what a colorful place wow come here look at this this is a spinning circle i think i should get in [Music] this is a piece of watermelon hey i think you and i should learn about fruit today this is gonna be fun [Music] look if you spin [Music] i'm really dizzy now oh [Music] an octopus ride that was so much fun riding on the octopus will you act like an octopus with me do you see what i see look [Music] whoa it's another fruit oh interesting huh this fruit is called a pineapple i love pineapples first you have to cut them open and then inside it's this delicious tasty yellow fruit i like to put it in my smoothies [Applause] [Music] did you see i just went down the blue slide oh what's this look it's a yellow banana i love bananas do you know who else loves bananas monkeys will you act like a monkey with me [Laughter] [Music] fire in the hole yeah that was awesome oh we need more balls look do you see that there's so many balls up there i know what to do look hey over here okay this button is gonna dump all the balls down ready three two one [Music] that was silly hey blippi i bet you can't hit me i bet you i can [Music] i guess she won this time oh what's this okay let's collect some of these colorful balls okay and push the button [Music] okay [Music] huh wait a second this green one didn't go to the top this isn't a toy this is a lime ooh limes are pretty tasty but be careful they're really sour [Music] hello hello over here okay over here hello all right come on [Music] hey look at these colors blue yellow red awesome i guess you spin let's spin i'm dizzy [Music] here we go let's see what numbers they roll on [Music] oh we have a big circle which is zero [Music] and then we have this number huh what number let's see one two three four five five a piano oh [Music] it makes noise when i push on them [Music] all right time to dance [Music] all right here i go look at these what color are these yeah blue yellow blue yellow and the next one will probably be blue yeah all right come on whoa oh there's a slide over here all right i'm gonna go down this circle slide here i go whoa whoa hey that was awesome did you see that it was like i was swinging on a vine whoa hey speaking of vines look some grapes green grapes yeah let's try one yum i like green grapes and red grapes they're so tasty oh some more fruit wow look so this is a strawberry do you see it yeah they're really tasty i promise okay [Music] that's really good so as you can see it has a red area and then on the top has a cute green area all right let's go play some more hello hello [Music] hey oh hey there look i was just talking to you through this yellow mirror interesting oh and what's this it's a yellow fruit whoa do you know what fruit this is yeah this is a lemon and do you know what kind of beverage that i really love to drink made from lemons yeah lemonade it's so tasty so refreshing and so tasty tasty tasty [Music] oh come on [Music] whoa oh follow me but be careful whoa whoa whoa look at what it is whoa it's a round thing hanging down right here whoa whoa whoa hey you know what this kind of reminds me of yeah kind of reminds me of a fruit yeah an apple yeah because apples hang from trees oh hey wow such a conveniently placed fruit yeah an apple i love apples they're so tasty have you ever had apple juice yum [Music] what a tasty fruit whoa wow that was so much fun [Music] whoa look at this it's a spiked ball this ball is the color pink but it has white dots on it do you see it whoa whoa whoa spinny okay what else is around here look at this looks like you turn it and fling the balls around in a circle see it's drawing a circle wow oh hey look a clown hello a red nose well this was so much fun learning about fruit with you this is the end of this video though but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me b-l-i p-p-i flippy good job all right bye-bye [Music] hey it's me blippi and today we're at gravity indoor trampoline park in las vegas nevada oh this is gonna be fun hey come on [Music] wow look at this place there's so many trampolines here and this place is where we're gonna do some jumping see this is jumping whoa here i go [Music] do you see that that's a big clear ball and it looks like it's ready for me to get inside come here [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello hey do you see me whoa [Music] oh did you see i hit that pole and look look at what it is whoa yeah this is a kangaroo will you act like a kangaroo with me ready [Music] kangaroos can jump really high and really far a kangaroo can jump four and a half times its body length what that means is if i was a kangaroo i would be able to jump over a double decker bus wow that's really far okay let's go do some more jumping [Music] [Music] whoa look at this this yeah it's like an air bag whoa but it's really big this is the same type of airbag that stunt men and stunt women use in hollywood that means you fall on it and it's really soft so i think it's time for us to be a movie star [Music] okay watch come here okay in this scene i get really scared and then i fall on my back because i'm the stunt devil ready [Music] did you see that it didn't even hurt that was awesome i'm totally a movie star okay let's do another scene so in this scene i go really high in the sky and i jump out of an airplane and i land on the ground on my bottom [Music] whoa all right here we go action [Music] that was awesome whoa now i am a movie star look at this wow it's another animal and this animal yeah is a cougar will you act like a cougar with me [Music] [Applause] so cougars can jump really high and really far cougars can actually jump 10 times their body height so that means if i was a cougar i would be able to jump over yeah three giraffes wow that is really high okay let's go do some more jumping wow [Music] do [Music] a basketball [Music] whoa [Music] was a close one [Music] that was a close one too better luck next time come on [Music] welcome to the dodgeball ring this is where you and i are gonna play some dodgeball but first come over here check out these balls we have a red ball a yellow ball [Music] and a silver a gray ball i don't know what color that is kind of looks silver or gray all right go over there good luck all right here we go [Music] good job oh you beat me did you hit me you got me with the balls all right let's go do some more jumping [Music] look at this this is the color red here we go whoa [Music] that was awesome whoa hey look at what it is whoa it's another picture of an animal yeah and this animal can also jump really high this animal yeah is a frog will you act like a frog with me okay here we go ribbit ribbit ribbit ribbit that is so funny frogs can jump really high and really far frogs can actually jump 20 times their body height so that means if i was a frog that would be like me jumping over two spinosauruses wow that is really high let's go jump some more shall we [Music] [Music] looks like a rope right here all right here i go [Music] whoa i did it wow that's awesome oh there's even some more stuff over here look whoa what are these things they look like pieces of cheese but like moldy cheese they're black in color all right i'll go across them [Music] that was a tricky one [Music] it's a bunch of rope with these foam things inside like i need to go across whoa all right i fell off all right [Music] go on these platforms see these are clear you can see through them see whoa they're very wobbly i'm gonna get off of these [Music] okay oh i see some more foam pits over here with trampolines in them let's go [Music] this is a trampoline and we're gonna jump on it and this is a foam pit look there's a couple colors here's the color red [Music] here's the color yellow [Music] here's the color dark gray or black i can't tell it's kind of tricky okay the color orange wow oh in the last color in here do you know this color what color is this yeah this is the color purple now it's time for me to jump in it are you ready here i go [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was so crazy oh that's fun whoa whoa look at this wow this yeah isn't an animal this is an insect and this is a flea let's act like fleas together [Music] so fleas can jump really high and really far fleece can actually jump 220 times their body length and 150 times their body height wow that is crazy so that means if i was a flea i would be able to jump over four football fields and one seattle space needle at the same time wow that is so crazy all right let's do some more jumping [Music] not this time let's go [Music] okay oh let's grab this this is a pole it's like i'm a trapeze artist here i go [Music] ah whoa that was so much fun jumping around with you well let's recap what did we learn today well we learned that kangaroos like to jump yeah cougars like to jump frogs like to jump fleas like to jump and all of those creatures jump really high and really far well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name let's spell blippi together ready b-l-i-p-p-i blippi good job see you soon bye-bye so much to learn [Music] hey it's me flippy and look at where i'm at i'm at a super center but look at what it is it's a delicious apple i wonder how this apple got here [Music] every apple at the grocery store came from an apple field first you gotta pick the perfect fruit like this one this one looks really tasty and after you pick it you put it inside the bin with all the other apples [Music] let's try and find an apple together hmm do you see an apple oh i see one yeah look oh yum it all starts by a worker hand picking every single apple and then they dump their sack into the bins and when the bin gets full a tractor picks it up and takes it away now that the apples are all out of fields and into the bins and the bins are full now we need to transport them to the trucks [Music] wow four giant bins full of apples and one red tractor [Music] okay the apples are now here at the semi truck [Music] now we gotta load up all the bins on top of the back of the semi truck with a forklift [Music] the bins are loaded on the back of the truck so let's go [Music] off to the factory we go [Music] we've arrived at the factory so now we need to take a forklift and get every single bin off the back of the semi truck [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay now it is time to clean and package all of the apples [Music] green apples now we need to empty the bins of all of the apples so we can clean them and package them [Music] the apples start their floating journey while the bins get emptied out look the bins are empty whoa that's a lot of floating apples then they get taken out of the water and scrub dub dub nice and clean and clean some more look at all those bristles [Music] those apples look like they're having fun and then all the apples get sprayed with some water nice and clean and then they go through giant fans [Music] once the apples are all dry they get sorted they get sorted by the ones that look really tasty to eat and ones that don't look tasty to eat [Music] and remember the not so tasty looking apples yeah these are them they get to go up some fun apple escalators and then they get to go down some radical apple conveyor belts on their journey to make some tasty apple pie but we're not done there yet every tasty looking apple gets a sticker this is the sticker machine and once every single apple has its very own sticker they get put on what i like to call apple beds and then the next step is that those apple beds get put inside of cardboard boxes and some get put inside plastic bags [Music] [Music] oh looks like some of these boxes need their tops closed [Music] [Applause] [Music] now that the apples are clean and packaged up we got a storm in a giant refrigerator and wait for the trucks [Music] we're inside the giant refrigerator now it is very cold in here this is where all of the apples get stored wow look at how many apples there are that's a really tall storage building [Music] yippee the semi truck is backing up to the building so it can be loaded up with a bunch of fresh apples [Music] the apples are almost ready for you to eat we're currently loading them into all right forklifts just a little bit more apples [Music] now that the semi-truck is all full of apples it's gonna deliver them to the grocery stores [Music] it was sure fun seeing how apples get to the grocery store with you and remember an apple a day keeps the doctor away [Music] [Music] so much to learn about it'll make you
Channel: Blippi Toys
Views: 87,716,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blippi, Blippi toys, Blippi play place, Blippi playground, Blippi movements, Blippi verbs, Blippi colors, Blippi videos, educational videos for toddlers, learning for kids, blippy, blipi, blippe
Id: Ycp5oXVRuPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 29sec (3089 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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