Chris and Mom 100 layers of Video games challenge

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n family please it's time to sleep 1 minute [Music] [Applause] okay huh where are I'm in the game uhoh H what should I do mommy pleas huh mommy what are you doing there mommy help no worries I help you I'm here help me y CH I told you don't play too much so Mommy hurry upis the battery is low we need to find exit oh exit FL is lava oh no what should we do we need rocks aha that's what we need momy let's do it [Music] y please we found number four four let's go come on let's do it oh I saw like come [Music] wow oh no oh please look you should pop all the balloons I know what to the last right [Music] this go yay almost [Music] ready fin one found the this way here this mommy let's break it oh of course Grease [Music] what wow yay why I'm Ching it's fine stop we need to find the exit exit we need to show the puzzle and s u p e i y m me super good job it's crazy chis maybe he L Apple blow like [Music] apples come on pleas yeah I'm ready thank [Applause] you Mommy look number number three wow this is bricks let's break them of course please come on he 1 2 3 go what sa Serv [Music] us no come on what's going on GRE yeah I like it uh-oh I found we need to stop this train what should I do mommy these windows for letters let's find letters a there a te Lea I pleas letter r good job please and Le yay Le ey t i a good job please and yay number eight your creativity help us to start this train yay let's get out of here watch out we're almost ready oh no water game [Music] dock [Music] look by GRE I like bananas we don't have time for H let's move w y mommy's not loaded look let's break it extra life that's what I need wo [Music] done oh face I see back number four yeah [Music] W GRE watch out run let's go Mommy look I'm here we need to open that 4 1 3 8 4 save us we are going back home let's [Music] go CH oh it was a long journey CH yeah Mommy kids you shouldn't play video games too much better read look okay one on a Time [Music] yeah [Music] go what dog what is that you asked me to buy a dog now you have one but we want a real dog but you don't need to Fe this one what let's open it yeah [Music] [Music] wowow g it's time for lunch let's go this yummy yummy yum yummy delicious [Music] oh I have an idea uhoh this dog not eat sausage it's weird let's go play [Music] yay go [Music] doggy doggy go [Music] y today's raining let's go home uhoh hm I want that real [Music] dog he's not real [Music] [Music] Bing [Music] [Applause] goodbye H where's my money you need to got the house H I want the real dock let's play B with here yeah let's go let's [Music] go this do can play with me H I'm the real dog no B is not fair this dog not eating not playing not guarding I want a real dog run this is not real it's not real not real I know what to do I want to change robot dog to real dog yes please not real not [Music] real wow it's so cute let's [Music] [Applause] [Music] him doy [Music] doggy it to [Music] [Applause] me come on come on [Music] yay doggy [Music] baby [Music] doggy kids always stay responsible and take care about nothing y [Music] I like cats come in hi bot a he's so cute so pretty cat [Applause] [Music] don't wor maybe change oh you're so cute I like cat bye-bye [Music] bye-bye [Music] you oh no no no no not in my room play play Chucky let's go yo [Music] oh I like you oh [Music] [Applause] no yay I'm fun hey Chucky hey Chucky no no no don't do that please this is [Music] [Applause] [Music] better what my skirt is a home h k you [Music] [Music] hey Chucky don't wake me [Music] up [Applause] okay my Flo no no no get you take back your cat take back your dog go farm oh my S I miss you I like cats someone likes dogs someone likes cats but I like cats more I like dogs [Applause] bye-bye hi hey I was watching first I like s color what Y no woo pink is better no black is better P black be BL black wow this is [Music] my this is my black [Music] black run let's go this [Music] black is [Music] better it's time for make cup y [Music] [Music] oopsie hey BL hello are you hungry yeah [Music] go Oh no you're so cute [Music] no mommy give me a screw driver huh look it [Music] [Applause] wow so nice [Music] cool yay what oh no it's look nice I like that color it's not nice why black color not your pink color can you give me okay let's go it's time for f he Bing b is that [Music] I'm hungry oh hello can I make an order okay thank [Music] you wow look it's pink food black Fue is matter [Music] stop we need healthy food of [Music] course next [Music] round awesome [Music] yay wow y [Music] yummy you need to clean up [Music] okay [Music] again every color is good but everyone has their favorite color I like pink color but black is better [Music] M I know the great way how to learn kids a good habit uhoh with more link what what is it good morning what [Applause] [Music] what Crash My Cheese [Music] okay wooo please okay [Music] what's going on I don't know let's go [Music] check W apples what wash your hands okay all right let's go yay clean [Applause] y m yummy [Music] yummy stop kids it's antiv for today mommy mommy mommy [Music] [Applause] [Music] no oh no I said no more video for today [Music] yes let's go [Music] yay it's going to be beautiful oh yeah cool but where is momy I don't know oh I have an [Music] idea it's going to be cool yeah [Music] nice car nice car it's [Music] awesome yay yay yay what happened I like this style [Music] what my house y y y yay what Y what did you do with my car it's am amazing car do you like it kids it's so beautiful I like it thank you but I have one idea for you let's go yay [Music] [Applause] uhh y did it please just spend time with your family yay ta
Channel: Vlad and Niki
Views: 9,111,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vlad and niki, kids, kids playing, video for kids, kids stories, learn, toys, kids toys, chris, for kids, fun, family, challenge, video games, 100 layers, 100 layers challenge
Id: qF9nr0ESj78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 51sec (1551 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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