Funny kids stories with Chris and Baby Alice

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please can you help you yes yay Mama uhuh [Music] okay GRE can I help you with Alice you need to feed her reading books buy new clothes play with toys go for a walk and go to sleep okay mommy [Music] yay I a do [Music] [Applause] and Y [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey those D [Music] yay [Music] let's choose the book oh this is the back bir TS B dogs is the boooks okay okay here we [Applause] [Music] go this for I [Music] yes hey yay beep [Music] yay this where I Mommy I want the car [Music] [Applause] okay wow oh this one W yay 1 2 3 4 5 [Music] 6 [Applause] y let's play a music instrument y yay y yay oh my babies [Music] yay a [Music] one [Applause] yay [Music] yay y you like slides yay hey [Music] yay you like it y okay it's time orange sit done this okay 1 2 three 4 Yumm [Music] yummy it's okay it's time to [Music] sleep good night [Music] I oh to sleep okay you're so good brother bye-bye [Music] bye-bye let's [Applause] [Music] go yay yay this this y h i [Music] see here we go hi kids let's learn animal sounds what does the piggy set M what do the cow set hey [Applause] let's show Alice Old Farm pets let's go uhhuh fasten your seat [Music] Bel are you ready Chris [Music] yeah and on the F you to go McDonald at a Farm's go yay I see a be [Applause] yay h i see that's like [Music] apples yummy wow you're so hungry sheep said [Music] Okay a it's so [Music] pretty this is he's so cute wash your hands after anim [Music] clean you like it uh let's go yay yes oh congratulations hi hello hello hello let's Fe b y so hi oh my [Music] [Applause] godet okay it's Mommy Mommy [Music] [Applause] let's go to the place M [Music] aome ready yeah we ready [Music] yay [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] w wow yay w [Music] [Applause] let's go yay course mon do [Music] yeah okay come Mony oh hi [Music] this this is a horse of course it's s piggy said and go says uhuh now we find all [Music] animals [Music] byebye oh [Music] no momy open the door nobody here oh [Music] no H mommy be took my lollipop be we need to save our honey yes [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] bu where are be huh I hope they fly away [Music] oh yeah hey [Music] you no no no no no run [Applause] I get [Music] [Music] youy H tell me what I doing in my house we need new home our bees need help they need new house hello we need a house for bees thank [Music] [Applause] [Music] you yay okay our be is ready hi [Music] Miss [Music] welcome home [Music] yay this car is too small for them oh I have bad idea passeng your seat Bel yay oh [Music] wo go welcome to my CL hello this is our beast that's new home for you blue color it's for you purple for you yay and pink for you thank you so much from you byebye please let's go byebye [Music] [Music] bye-bye they forget their [Applause] [Music] babies [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] Alice what oh [Applause] no no Alice where's Alice baby Alex wait this is not I need to find Alice [Music] Alice I know let's clean [Music] up super this is not Alice huh [Music] uh-oh where is let's go wow [Music] wo yay [Music] [Applause] yay this is not [Music] uhoh where's El huh oh no Alice is in danger Alice children should not be left alone oh this is not else again oh no [Music] I cannot find [Music] El [Music] huh but it's not [Music] Alice be happy oh [Music] sney always take care of your siblings okay h [Music] Alice we are like for princess party we need to call [Music] chrisan [Music] yay hello hello GRE we need your help let's [Music] go [Music] yay you're so beautiful [Applause] hi princess if you ready w we right [Music] bye we need your [Music] playground yay hello Alice needs new playground [Music] [Music] okay yay yay W okay [Music] yay [Music] okay [Music] yay [Music] hello oh oh it's so beautiful let's [Music] go thank you so [Music] much I need furniture and toys for my baby [Music] yay hello grais we need a new room for Alice okay let's go [Music] y yay [Music] [Music] okay so many thoughts oopsie okay here we go okay [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] wow C so Beau do you like it me too [Music] [Applause] thank you Chris the room is beautiful for real princess [Music] byebye yummy I want ice [Music] cream Mommy Mommy I want ice cream m a good idea let's make a healthy ice cream yeah we need fresh [Music] fruits okay [Music] Mommy [Music] yay yay here we go yay [Music] by uhh yes okay [Music] yay there fruit yay scary watermel Kitty yummy yummy yummy yay okay [Music] y [Applause] yummy [Music] y okay we need to put it into the [Music] freezer y y y okay uh [Music] yay [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] yay ice cream ready M yummy M I like Housey ice [Applause] cream yay oh [Music] hey eyes H hey this my [Music] toys it's my toys uh-oh my my my my my my my oh no Mommy what happen please I take my toys oh you take his toys uh M Alice needs her room let's find room okay [Music] yay y [Music] mhm wow it's nice but we need Furniture m hello we need a bed shell lamp table and carpet please okay let go oh I Del [Music] let's Mommy needs help yeah hello my friend please help PA hi hello hello hello yay [Music] wooho yay here we go okay okay [Applause] let this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one yay let's [Applause] [Music] go [Music] yay Alice we need a new to tce [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] yay what about this toy yay this [Music] I I like dresses y okay we need to buy some books for Alice yeah hi [Music] [Applause] y this is dolls for [Music] Alice yay for Alice and books for [Music] Alice look Alice this is your room y this is your [Music] dress this is your bed for real princess do you like this toy me [Music] to blue green orange and yellow [Music] cool thank you chis for helping Alice to create her you're welcome team work always is a good idea y balloon where did this balloon come from [Music] oh uh-oh you bought my balloon I will punish you what oh no oh no what happened I punish you you are arrested now help help I think you possibly let them go never they po my balloons oh I have an idea [Music] yeah help me please let's go wow what that y hey ballon I have a [Music] SL wo can I play with you yes cool yeah look at this slime byebye W come [Applause] on [Music] yeah R is [Music] done what out oh yeah [Music] [Applause] cool oh hey you come here I like [Applause] thiso do you want to try of course I going to try yeah I like music I like daning I like byebye I love disco let's do it yay I hear something someone bumped my balloons run can you let us out please never uhoh time the clean I like [Music] clean I like cleaning do you want to try I want to try great job okay go please don't worry mommy oh no oh hey oh Balloon Man please run my lonely balloons let's go let's do part party yay yay bubbles I like these [Music] bubbles you want try balloon then yes that's so amazing oh I'm so happy go pop the balloons okay oh ni you need to pop this don't [Applause] worry run ni run you B my balloon [Music] again let's [Applause] go [Music] do you want to play yes I want to play you have a cool [Music] [Applause] car color please stop it please be careful oh [Music] hey run run W this is L [Music] Bon how else going to distract the balloon man yeah woohoo oh ah God that one will [Music] do [Music] from where this sound coming from Wake Up No [Music] Sleep this what I [Music] [Applause] [Music] heard five close your [Music] ears [Music] [Applause] what such [Music] piz wow okay B come oh no I won't leave my leg [Music] balloons [Music] yay hey B [Music] come what does it [Music] mean woo such a good bre [Music] yay mom I save [Applause] [Music] you thank you oh yeah oh oh no no no my lonely balloon oh no oh my lonely [Laughter] balloons what should we do kids I have no idea yay it's for you oh this is for me yeah oh thank you balloon goodbye w kids now you see that you overcome any challenge when you all together with your friends and Families
Channel: Alice
Views: 118,493,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kids videos, vlad and niki, chris, kids, for kids, kids playing, video for kids, fun, toys, kids toys, kids video, alice
Id: S_SDYpj_YLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 35sec (2375 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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