Blippi Explores a Children's Museum | Moonbug Kids TV Shows - Full Episodes | Cartoons For Kids

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[Music] hey it's me Woody and today where she read Great Explorations Children's Museum in St Petersburg Florida and I can't wait to see what's inside and start playing one [Music] where we're at a Sandy Shack yeah it's a really big sandbox and you and I get to go inside but first we gotta take off our shoes what two put these to the side and we can go inside don't forget your bucket look at it whoa whoa it's so cool in here it's really sandy [Music] there's so much sand here and it's a good thing we have our pail and shovels yeah we have two blue shovels and pick up sand and we have one two three different Tails yeah this one is the color yellow this one the color orange and this one is the color red yeah these are really helpful for scooping sand up whoa and making a sand castle okay let's try it out oh it looked like our sand castle didn't stand up but that's okay sometimes when you're trying to make something it doesn't work on the first time so gotta just keep trying well this is pretty cool whoa do you know what kind of animal this is kind of hiding in the sand yeah this animal is a crab he's feeling a little crappy so silly well this crab is really cool hey ciao crabs like to move they don't like to walk like us to go side to side hey well you act like a crab with me okay here we go let's do more crab walk whoa moving side to side like a crab is so much fun yeah but look at this there's another animal whoa this animal is really big and likes to live on beaches just like a crab in the sand this yeah this guy he's a sea turtle whoa and look how big his shell is whoa It's bigger than my head this is so much fun playing in the sand maybe we can make a sand Angel okay here we go whoa that was so much fun playing in the sand with you gotta dust myself off because I'm pretty Sandy now let's go keep exploring but first I gotta put our shoes on now that we have our shoes on all we have to do is tie him yeah dude you know how to tie your shoes yeah they can be really really hard tying your shoes but this is how I like to tie them so I take my laces and first I cross them over and I take one of the laces and I put it through the center yeah like that and I pull it tight once I've done the first step then I take the laces and I make cute little bunny ears yeah just like this you see my two little bunny ears it's so cute yeah and then I take the bunny ears and they give each other a little hug they wrap around then I pull that tight too okay this time I'll do it a little faster okay we take our laces cross them and then one lace goes under then one bunny ear two bunny ears and we cross them we then wrap that one through to give it a little hug we pulled it tight whoa look at that we tied our shoes and sometimes I like to do it again to double knot my shoes because I like to dance and I like to run and play and you don't want to play or dance when your shoes are untied then you might trip on your shoelace that wouldn't be very fun well there's so much more to explore come on there are so many cool things here look at this really big circle hello whoa and look at this over here there are so many cubes whoa there are so many different colors on these cubes look look we have the color white and the color red and the color purple and the color blue wait a minute if I turn it this way my two favorite colors blue and orange hey look over here there's like a little diorama playset and there's all kinds of cool animals like a little piggy he's gonna walk on the bridge oh and look there are two sheep yeah one two you know what sounds sheep make yeah they go like this [Music] and they're also gonna be on the bridge because they're friends with Mr Piggy okay right there whoa and look at this you are three animals here one two three you know what kind of animals these are yeah they're little lambs and they're so cute and tiny they're gonna hang out near the bridge too and look at this there are four really big cows [Music] Mo yeah yeah one two three four whoa four really big cows and they're gonna go They're gonna go in the water they're taking a little bath because it's really warm out hello Mr Pig hello Mr Cow hello so it was really fun playing with all those foam cubes and seeing about those animals hey look over here and look at this you ever seen one of these before yeah this is called an abacus and it's really good helping do math or arithmetic look you can do it like this one yellow lemon plus one yellow lemon how many lemons does that make two lemons okay now that was pretty easy but now you can do an even harder one what about two apples plus three apples oh that's a lot harder let's count them one two three four five two plus three apples is five apples wow yeah Abacus is really helpful for counting and math these are really really big there's a watermelon and a pumpkin and the pumpkin's my favorite color orange I wonder what these are [Music] whoa [Music] did you hear that yeah this isn't a watermelon it's a watermelon drum well that means that the pumpkins are drunk too [Music] they sounded really cool those are awesome fruit drums into this over here whoa look at all these different fruits and vegetables yeah we have lettuce onion corn potato carrot whoa and tomato those are so many different kinds now what we can do is play a really fun game where we take all the foods in this basket and we have to match them to the right word so first we got some onions so let's see one onion [Music] yeah we got it that was pretty easy next we got two red tomatoes where should the red tomatoes go here [Music] um here yeah that's right we'll put them right over here okay here we go one two okay we got a couple more what about this wow there's a lot of things here wait a minute where should we put this lettuce it says lettuce here but there are four parts and only two holes wait a minute these are halves so if you take one half and another half you put them together you get one hole one hole and a lettuce and we have two over here so one half and one half one half and one half two whole heads of lettuce we'll put them in the holes one two and we have two heads of coin whoa and look at this we have let me yummy carrots I love carrots and so do a lot of animals like rabbits and horses it looks like I have bunny ears with my carrots so fun okay we'll put two carrots one carrot and two carrots hmm what's left oh oh yeah a potato whoa look we got one potato right here and we have another potato right wait a minute is this a potato Donuts silly well I guess we'll put it on the potato because we only have one potato but this not a potato whoa we did a really good job matching all the food together well there's so much more to explore come on hey whoa I just came out of this really awesome Tree House hey let's explore it a little look at it this is so big this tree is enormous yeah look it's so big that they built a house under the tree in the tree and a house above the tree oh this is such a cool tree house I think you and I should go up in it come on look at this place it's so amazing and look at this this isn't any tree house this is Longo's Cove and look at this this is a pirate ship whoa someone put this big pirate ship up in the tree hello Pirates whoa I'm so excited let's climb up but I have a really good idea how about you and I count all the steps on our way up here we go one two three [Music] four five six seven there's some more over here eight nine ten eleven whoa twelve he made it up all the stairs and it was 12. that was a lot whoa check this out do you know what this is right here yeah this is called a spy glass and this will help us see really far away I can see so far from here and hey look at this can you find these birds yeah there's all different birds over on the wall and hiding in all different places and we can use the spy glass to see if we can find them okay we want to find an osprey a Rosy at spoon build a brown pelican blue herons sandwich turns and and hingas that sounds like a really cool bird let's see if we can find him okay I'm looking whoa I think I found Ian hinga he's right over there and I see a blue heron hey right up against the blue wall and yeah look there's the sandwich turn whoa that was amazing looking for all those different birds hey do you know where all those birds like to live yeah they live in a place called an estuary estuaries are a really fancy word but it basically means where the ocean meets a river yeah hey I have a fun game you think that in Estuary has salty water or fresh water without any salt hmm oh yeah you're all right because it's both salty and fresh it's kind of kind of selfie yeah and we call that barackish water whoa that's another big word but it's amazing because all these cool birds and some really cool fish like to live there yeah whoa this tree house is pretty amazing let's see what else we can find [Music] oh it's a captain's wheel whoa I bet this came from the pirate ship oh that is so cool I wish we could ride a real pirate ship into the ocean whoa hey it looks like there's a lot of types of trash in this tree house huh yeah and it says over here don't pollute how heard of recycling yeah it's really good because recycling helps to take care of the animals that live in the ocean and on land yeah if you ever have trash make sure it goes in the recycling bin or a trash can and not in the water well this tree house is pretty cool but I'm gonna see if I can go climb up to the top I'll see you soon whoa laughs [Music] foreign [Music] that was so much fun but I'm a little bit dizzy hey I have a really fun idea how about you and I go up to the pirate ship in Longo's Cove and ride the big yellow slide yeah come on let's go [Music] oh four okay we went that way so now let's go this way this is so cool look at this place this tree house is kind of spooky well I had so much fun with you today exploring the Sandy Shack and Longo's Cove it was so much fun and now for the very best part we go down the big yellow slide okay I think I'm ready on your March get set and go blippi [Music] whoa that was so much fun wow I had a really great time playing with you today here at Great Explorations Children's Museum in St Petersburg Florida and we had a really fun time playing in the sand in the Sandy Shack and climbing all the way to the top of Longo's Cove whoa well that's the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name hey can you spell my name with me hahaha b l i p p i blippi good job well I'll see you real soon bye-bye okay here I go yeah nice that was awesome all right here I go [Music] that was awesome all right all right shall we go together yeah let's do it all right ready two one yeah oh yeah surprise hey it's me fluffy yeah and today we're inner tubing at Woodworks Part City in Utah yeah I sure do love winter activities me too it's fun and it's snowing so much Sports oh I've never tried a winter sport before really no well maybe we could explore some winter sports we can become become better athletes yeah and I actually know the perfect place to meet some really good athletes Winter Olympics the Olympics are where a bunch of athletes from all over the world come together and compete yeah and millions of people from all over the world watch the games and that cheer on their favorite athletes and their favorite countries and the winners get medals yeah yeah and the Winter Olympics are when they do that but on snow or ice that's right right oh cool and I want to write every down so we can remember what we learn on our journey oh yeah this is gonna be awesome I am so excited to learn so much yeah I bet we're gonna become really good athletes I think I think so all right you ready blippi yeah let's go go oh slippery whoa wait Mika blippi do you see that I do it's so much bigger than it seems like in pictures I've never seen one in real life before wow and it's so cool looking it's the color gray and blue yeah yeah one of your favorite colors oh hey look down here what is it they look like giant waves like something you'd see at the bottom of an ice skate oh yeah you're right oh and I actually know what those are called those are Runners of the box [Music] and it looks so fast yeah and how bobsledding works is a team of four for this Bob said grab onto it and then they Sprint as fast as they can and then all of a sudden they jump in whoa and once they're in they're very aerodynamic yeah and then they go down the track watch out a corner [Applause] this is awesome so fun all right whoa we're almost to the end of the track wow great job wow this is so much fun hi guys hi who are you I'm Kurt Thomas Savage and I'm an Olympic bobsledder an Olympic bobsledder wow oh that is so cool yeah that means you're a really good box letter yeah well nice to meet you I'm flippy nice to meet you blippi hi and I'm Mika hi Mika yeah so you have raced these before in the Olympics I went to three Olympics wow that's really impressive yeah did you win any medals I won two medals do not happen to have them with me whoa oh cool one gold medal whoa check it out Mika cool that means you got first place cool gold medal and one silver medal whoa and a silver medal that means they got second place oh that looks so cool yeah and they are very heavy yeah wow all right well here you go wow thanks for showing us yeah we're actually exploring and we're trying to become better athletes sure to be a good bobsledder you have to be really strong and really really fast oh well I know someone who's really strong and really fast my best friend blippi yeah do you want to give it a shot yeah I would love to go bobsledding wow that's amazing [Applause] how do we get started well to be a good Bob sitter we're gonna have to first warm up okay so we can jog in place a little okay yeah oh yeah I'm getting warmer already oh yeah I'm sweating okay we're also gonna have to move our bodies by stretching okay so we can stretch this way hey yeah this way hey oh yeah this way it's very important to warm up and stretch for every sport yeah this one warm up our backs okay and our arms too all right so all these ways we're learning to move our body whoa all right I'm pretty good oh I want to write this down so we can remember how to be really good athletes good idea Mika can you hold my glove oh sure thank you yeah writing stuff down is really cool because then you can look at it back at a later time and then you can remember what you learned yeah I do not want to forget yeah okay so what did we learn we need to move our body move our body oh and stretch oh yeah okay keep our body in stretch that is all right here is your Vlog and oh I have a stopwatch I can time you on the bobsled oh that sounds like a great idea this is gonna be so much fun whoa cool this is so amazing yeah all right so we have our pilot he's gonna be driving the sled then we have the second person sitting number two you're gonna be riding number three and I'm gonna be the breaking in the back all right but first you're gonna have to wear a helmet oh yeah yeah flippy I'm gonna time you see at the bottom all right see you soon all right let's do this [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] that was so incredible I can't believe blippi got to ride our real bobsled come on whoa that was so much fun wow we went so fast well should we go see what time we got let's go talk to Mika all right wow it was so much fun and it's so slippery oh it's amazing yeah it was it was time 49.03 seconds wow that was so fast really fast how was it wow it was so intense just going down the hill taking the turn this way taking it internal that way and every muscle in my body was just so tense whoa that sounds really exciting yeah you did a really great job oh thank you so much yeah and thanks for teaching me how to bobsled yeah and for teaching us how to be really good athletes yeah that was awesome yeah now that you've learned about Bob sitting you can watch Bob sutty in the Winter Olympics oh cool we sure will yeah I was definitely watch it yeah all right see you later thanks again see ya hey blippi we need to remember how to be good athletes oh yeah can you hold that for me oh yeah thank you let's check out what we wrote down earlier I was back in the notebook I definitely learned bobsledding is cool that's right and it's so fast I can't believe you did it yeah all right let's see wrote down you know what did we learn from earlier do you remember stretch oh yeah warm up uh-huh and move your bodies all right well maybe we can keep exploring to see how else we can be really good athletes yeah that's a great idea let's let's go yeah [Music] [Music] check it out yeah we made it to a cool looking building Yep this is the Utah Olympic Oval yeah and this is where Olympians and potential Olympians come to train yeah hey Libby this will be a great place for us to learn how to be better athletes great idea let's go meet someone [Music] yeah this place is fabulous yeah and it's so cold it is cold hey maybe it's because there's ice here look blippi oh cool and it looks like a race track yeah you know what track where you see people running really fast round and around the track yeah but this is with ice yeah that was so fast did you see that skater yeah there's an ice skater on Ice wait I I think he was a speed skater oh yeah and speed skaters are great athletes yeah really good athletes maybe we could meet one later and then we can become better athletes amazing well let's keep exploring shrink yeah yeah he's in a rink like this before maybe with some figure skating yeah I love skating or maybe a hockey player oh yeah you might have seen a hockey game on a rink like this before yeah I wonder if we could get skates and go on the ice ourselves oh good idea that sounds like fun yeah let's check it out wow Hi how are you great how are you too good we have a lot of skates here oh yeah I have a lot of skates are you two wanting to skate yeah actually we're trying to become better athletes yeah that's right whoa that is so awesome here let me set you up okay cool we're gonna go so fast I think these will fit you thank you and these are great for you oh thank you so much awesome all right let's go see you thanks whoa all right so excited me too I can't wait to get on the ice I know I wonder if these are gonna keep her feet nice and warm yeah hopefully whoa yeah and look at the bottom that's a really sharp blade I'm not gonna touch that yeah don't do that this will be really great on the ice skates and hopefully not falling down but that might happen whoa all right oh these laces are really long they're really long yeah and they're like shoelaces on their skate laces instead yeah okay get them on hooks there go how fast do you think you're gonna go Mika oh fast you might not even see me all go so fast you're just gonna be so blurry yeah whoa all right oh and check it out yeah they're nice and and silver and shiny looking yeah oh cool right can it look like a real professional skater yeah I wonder what we can learn I don't know but I'm excited yeah [Music] feel good oh yeah yeah all right are you ready yeah let's do it all right let's go [Music] you have to have really good balance when you're skating on ice whoa all right nice turn blippi yeah yeah I'm gonna try check it out I can even skate backwards fine oh good job nice yeah wow it's really cold out here too yeah I love how smooth the ice is yeah it just feels like we're floating whoa whoa whoa whoa come check this out Mika it looks like a Finish Line you're right I wonder if this is for speed skaters I bet it is they race around the track and then did you just see that that was the fastest skater I've ever seen I know oh here she comes again I should go that fast I don't know but that's definitely a speed skater we are for sure hey I wonder if she can help us become better athletes that's a great idea yeah maybe she'll stop right here okay she's coming around she's coming okay okay all right okay hey hello hello wow this is so cool whoa hey wow how are you good whoa what's your name I'm Kristen Santos I'm a short track speed skater wow nice to meet you I'm blippi hi I'm Nika nice to meet you guys oh how long have you been speed skating for I've been speed skating for about 18 years wow that's a long time so were you skating when you were a little kid yeah I started figure skating when I was three and then I changed to speed skating when I was nine oh we know what figure skating is yeah it's a little dance and then now she is a speed skater yeah whoa oh and I really like what you're wearing it looks like you can go really fast in those clothes yeah so we wear these tight suits so that we can go fast and there's no air resistance and we're aerodynamic then we wear protective gloves and helmets and glasses wow speaking of gloves what is that those are protective um so these are so that we can put our hand down on the ice when we go around the corners oh we're going fast and have to do a tight Corner we put our hand down and it keeps it gliding wow that's so cool speaking of cool look at her skates they're so long yeah our skates are 17 inches long wow yeah much longer than ours huh blippi yeah why are they so long so these help us get more push off of the ice so we can go faster we're actually trying to become really great athletes ourselves yeah maybe you could teach us something about speed skating yeah go to speed skate we have to get really low and bring your knees to a 90 degree angle okay and then to do a straight away push you're going to push to the side and it'll bring you forward wow oh it does feel like you go faster when you're low like that yeah it's so cool when you turn your plate you can push off yeah so that's how you do it straight away and then to do a corner you have to be able to do crossovers what's that yeah so that's where we bring our outside leg and we bring it over our entire leg to switch them oh that's hard you have to practice that yeah so we can practice that with a bucket bucket huh yeah so I'll show you guys how to do it okay okay [Music] wow do you guys want to try oh right good luck thanks blippi okay so I'll put the bucket down lean on to it and whoa that's really hard whoa thanks Libby good job you want to try it sure I guess all right you got this okay so the buckets used to stabilize yeah all right here we go whoa whoa yeah I'm doing it whoa that was awesome yeah that was so good guys thank you and now that we know Crossovers and how to start can we take a laugh oh yeah all right so first here we're gonna do a straight away push to get into the corner and now at the corner we're gonna do our crossovers okay whoa [Music] good job guys and now we're back at the straightaway so we're gonna keep doing those straight away pushes [Music] and now that we hit the corner again we're back to the crossover [Music] we went fast that was really fun good job guys yeah and a really good athlete thank you yeah and since we're trying to become really good athletes ourselves we're curious do you have any other tips on how to become a great athlete yeah yeah great athletes need to fuel their bodies right so I eat really healthy and to be a good athlete you guys should too wow that's a great idea yeah well actually I am kind of hungry myself are you me too yeah well maybe we should go get something healthy to eat that was gonna help me snack well thank you so much for teaching us how to speed skate you're welcome that'd be great athletes yes thank you so much you're welcome all right I'm Gonna Keep practicing you let's watch it for one level she's going so fast so fast I wish I could go as fast as her yeah maybe with a lot of practice some shall we go get something healthy to eat yeah all right let's go [Music] foreign that was so much fun learning how to speed skate yeah what a fun day and Kristen went so fast yeah way faster than we went yeah we need to practice a lot yeah we did a really good job Flippy give it to me come on thanks oh and remember what Kristen said about being a good athlete yeah she said to refuel your body food yeah and and I have healthy snacks right here check it out what's in here oh cool half of a banana which is a fruit yep and I also have some apple slices Witcher also a fruit yep and broccoli and carrots and those are vegetables yum what are you gonna try I'm gonna have a carrot I'm gonna try some banana all right eat up how is it hmm really yummy wow I also have some water you do yep oh thanks Mika you're welcome I'm very prepared I try yeah it's very important to stay hydrated when you're doing active things yep good job [Music] I feel better already yeah me too well we sure did learn a lot today on how to be great athletes we really did we're getting a lot of good tips yeah we are I should write it down in the notebook so we don't forget a great idea okay well why didn't we just learn okay Kristen said to be a good athlete we should refuel our bodies yes you'll our bodies with healthy food with the healthy food laughs awesome well should we keep exploring so then we can figure out how we can keep becoming first okay ready yeah oh so cool we made it to a Snowy Mountain yeah this is Park City Mountain yeah it's the largest ski resort in the United States yup that's so cool yeah and speaking of cool we have snow and it's so cute it really is I love snow and it's so cold whoa yeah hey let me look there are people skiing and snowboarding whoa and they're so good they're really good wow it looks like they're having a lot of fun yeah hey Mika maybe if we meet one of these athletes they can teach us how to be a better athlete a great idea blippi to learn how to be a great athlete that was so cool wow hi YouTube my name is Mike Schultz monster Mike I'm a paralympic gold medalist snowboarder wow nice to meet you I'm blippi hey so great to meet you so the paralympic games are just like the Olympics only is for athletes with different physical disabilities oh cool I'm a left leg amputee I'm missing my leg from the knee down so I've got a robot leg wow very cool wow so I actually built this after I got into a snowmobile racing accident so I could continue in all the sports I love like dirt bikes snowmobiles and snowboarding and you said you won a gold medal yeah that must mean you're very good at snowboarding yes I've got lots of time on my snowboard and I've compete all over the world with other athletes with disabilities and uh it's a whole lot of fun and a whole lot of work we practice all the time we have to train both our our physical side and our mental side wow you could help us yeah do you mind that sounds like a great plan I can show you some tips on the snowboard are you guys ready or you need a few things yeah yeah it looks like you're missing your snowboard and Boots yeah so go ahead down to the rental shop okay yeah get yourself snowboard boots and a helmet meet me back up here and we'll do some snowboarding see you soon [Music] yeah we made it to the rental shop yes this is a great place to get fitted so you can go snowboarding yeah I'm so excited thank you let's go this is so cool wow this place is awesome yeah whoa oh cool skis yeah and there's so many of them and colorful yeah like this one is yellow yep and this one is orange oh and this one is blue oh cool hey look at all these helmets blippi so you can stay nice and safe oh cool I wonder if we're gonna get a helmet for snowboarding oh I bet we will yeah I love being safe me too all right check this out whoa what's in here oh wow snow and did you notice the skis there's two skis one for each foot right and there's two yeah and with the snowboard it's just one board for your two feet cool all right shall we go get fitted yeah I can't wait [Music] hi guys I'm Jess welcome to Park City thanks for having us are you guys wanting to ski today or snowboard snowboard oh that's so fun why don't we get you set up with some equipment follow me right over here yeah okay whoa cool all right I'm gonna send the rental Tech right over so if you want to take a seat we'll get you all geared up for the day all right guys hey guys how's it going good what's your name I'm Jonathan oh nice to meet you nice to meet you blippi hi Jonathan I'm Mika so what do you do here I'm a rental Tech I'll be putting together your snowboards for you oh cool we are very excited and we're ready yeah I like the colors yeah wow are these the boots oh yeah okay thank you wow that was awesome I'm so excited you do let's do it all right [Music] [Music] hey hey guys yeah check it out you made it looks like you got some Gear with you yeah what are you doing well so I'm adjusting the air pressure with this little air pump wow cool second hits the big jumps awesome look at that huh all right so I guess we're going to start off have either of you snowboarded before nope very good so you know the basics yeah so you're starting from scratch yep all right well this is gonna be fun all right so rule number one with snowboards when you put them down on the ground you want to set them down on the bindings because what happens if you set them down like this and you're on a hill Oh do you slip inside yeah the air Chase Navigator snowboard okay what side do you kick a soccer ball with right or left um my right all right so that likely means you're going to be called regular foot there's regular foot and goofy foot and the difference between those yeah goofy it's kind of goofy yeah you know what's funny I'm goofy all right so that regular foot means you're gonna put your left foot downhill first when you ride so now I'm gonna have you put your other foot your right foot right here okay and I want you to grab my hand I want you to scoot back and forth a little bit just just a little bit just a little wiggle wow see how slippery that is it's really slippery [Music] how you doing over there blippi you're ready I'm ready [Music] so then I want you to do that same scooch back and forth scooch who it's like I'm dancing a little faster yeah I think she's gonna do great yeah the most important thing like I said before is knowing how to stop yeah that's important have you ever watched snowboarding before yes what do they do when they stop uh I don't know they go sideways oh oh that's spiders down the hill and they don't dig their heels in okay it's kind of like a snow plow yeah bend your knees a little bit Yeah okay release that edge then slide forward okay heels there you go okay right so that's how you stop you dig your heels in cool cool wow yeah he's good isn't he yeah that's what he's doing yeah so now the next step is to go on your toe side okay so what you're gonna do is you're going to rotate your tip down that way okay swoop around me [Applause] there you go [Music] sideways whoa that's tricky isn't it that is tricky let's try it again let's let's try and slide just a little bit farther okay toes your heels toes there we go this is drinking now what I want you to do is is slide nice and smooth sideways okay [Music] your knees a little bit [Music] so that's the first step [Music] whoa are we taking them off to go up we got I gotta go get my snowboard oh all right all right high five thank you so much good job Blissey yeah all right yeah that was really fun yeah you did a really good job well that's a super high five for the first lesson yes absolutely thanks for teaching me wow I see how you have to practice a lot to be a good athlete yeah and you must practice a lot oh absolutely my teammates and I we practice all the time on the snow in the gym and even in the classroom we're watching videos and learning what we're doing right and what we're doing wrong non-stop learning wow cool well before any of the big competitions do you get nervous oh absolutely I get I get nervous a lot and the best way I deal with it is I try and calm my mind I take three deep breaths foreign and then I think about what I'm about to do and I visualize exactly what I want to do wow that's a really good advice yeah it is practicing and focusing and calming your mind yeah absolutely that was a great lesson thank you so much for teaching Mika how to snow more oh that's so much fun another high five yeah so I'm gonna strap in my board I'm gonna go make some runs meet up with my teammates okay cool and I'm gonna see you guys on the slopes sometime in the future huh thanks again you guys have fun all right wow that was awesome you definitely have to do this again sometimes yeah so much fun being on the snowy mountains yeah wow and all the snow beautiful year yeah and it just seemed like you were going so fast isn't it I'm glad I know how to stop now yeah see you later alligator all right see you later it's amazing yeah look how fast he's going [Music] whoa oh spoofy I do not want to forget what we learned about how to become better athletes oh yeah you're so smart sure thank you okay let's get the notebook out here okay so today we learn hmm okay let's see well you know let's practice a lot practice Yeah Yeah and oh calm your mind yep yep yep oh and remember he takes three deep breaths yeah so to breathe wow wow I think we have everything we need to become better average yeah let's go [Music] oh that was so fun yeah it was it was so much fun learning how to become better athletes yeah we want to check out some new sports today yeah oh yeah you wrote down a lot of things that we learned yeah we learned things when we were bobsledding speed skating yeah and snowboarding yeah those athletes were so talented and very smart yeah they were okay let's see what they told us um oh we need to warm up move our body yeah and stretch and remember we need to fuel our bodies with healthy food yeah I love healthy food me too and we need to calm our minds and we need to breathe oh yeah that feels nice yeah it does wow that was so much fun learning about the Winter Olympics yeah the Winter Olympics are awesome and they are and it was so much fun learning how to become better athletes yeah well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name yep will you spell my name with us oh will you spell my name with us all right see you again [Music] did you notice how all of those athletes seemed like they were having fun yeah maybe we should ride our inner tubes down this big hill yeah that's a great idea let's have some fun all right let's go whoa all right it is all right here you go okay like this yeah perfect and pull one ready okay here we go [Music] I am an athlete I train all day long I run real fast and jump up high my muscles are so strong [Music] I am a soccer player I pass and shoot a lot I use my feet work as a team and give it all I've got [Music] ice skater I Glide across the ice so elegantly or at full speed yeah don't you think that's nice [Music] I am a marathon runner I run all around I puff I never give up I never tire out I am a long jumper I jump so very long up I leap right through the air and sing The Athlete's song I hop I leap right through the air and sing this athlete's song I never give up I sing this athlete's song [Music] oh hey it's me blippi and look at what I have here whoa this is a scale yeah you put one thing on this side and one thing on this side or many things and whatever way it tips will tell you what's heavier and what is lighter okay let's try a really easy example take these off what do you think is heavier and what do you think is lighter a feather or a rock yeah I bet yeah the rock is gonna be heavier than the feather ready yeah you see how the Rock is lower yeah because this side is heavier okay I have another idea how about a bunch of these feathers whoa yeah that's a lot of fun whoa and the feathers are so colorful to make it even we need to add the carrying case on this side too okay now let's see if all these feathers weigh more or less than this rock ready that is so cool okay let me put that rock over there putting this back up here oh wow we have to stay nice and clean and organized because we have a lot of things to weigh here okay all right hey check things out what kind of fruit are these do you know yeah this one is an apple and this one is an orange yum I love fruit and I love vegetables okay let's see huh they way roughly the same I wonder what One's Gonna Be heavier what One's Gonna Be lighter ready three [Music] two one whoa do you see that yeah the apple is heavier wow and it's bigger but that isn't always the case remember yeah the feathers were so big and then The Rock was so small but the feathers yeah were lighter than the rock so it's all about density yeah let's see here oh look at these wow these are cubes and they actually are pretty light wow see even one barely even tipped the scale okay so let's go like this okay there are four on that side actually let's do three okay now the same cubes on this side let's do five what one do you think will be heavier yeah you're right five cubes of the same size and same weight is heavier than three cubes of the same size and weight whoa [Music] all right let's get back to weighing things okay let's put these rocks over here let's gather up all the feathers we need to pick up after ourselves it's right over there although they're so cute okay all right now we have some dino solvers we have a T-Rex okay you can stand right there just like that and then we have a triceratops right [Music] okay let's see what toy weighs more I don't know the actual dinosaur weight but just for these toys this T-Rex is heavier than the Triceratops but what if we added a brontosaurus to it all right are you ready these are definitely heavier okay we'll put those aside all right now we have an experiment okay we have rice and we have water so let's put the same amount of rice in a balloon compared to the water the same amount let's do a quarter of a cup and then we can see what one is heavier which means which one is more dense because they're actually going to be roughly the the no they will be the the same size yeah because one quarter of a cup is volume Perfect all right sometimes it can be so confusing okay all right one quarter of a cup nice and what okay oh set that down right here need to prep my balloon first perfect go hey gotta use the funnel or else it would be really dirty okay here we go one quarter cup [Music] let me tie it okay now we'll do the water [Music] all right okay now we need one quarter of a cup of water [Music] I don't want to spill ready okay stay nice and organized be sure to clean up all right now let me tie this okay so we used the same amount of volume one quarter cup of rice one quarter cup of water now we get to do the fun part we get to put it on the scale and we get to see which one is more dense which one is heavier ready [Music] who was rice whoa rice is more dense than water hey do you know what else is really heavy yeah construction vehicles are really heavy yeah like this excavator or this front loader whoa this excavator is actually heavier than this front loader toy whoa hey I have an idea since we're talking about weight and machines are really really really heavy let me think about a machine that is very heavy low to the ground and can push everything out of its way do you know what machine that is yeah look at the big front blade on it yeah that is a bulldozer hey I think we should learn and watch the bulldozer video bulldozer clearing the land pushing rubble and sand bulldozer constructing the rose move over it's about to roll yellow tracked machine found on mines farms and factories most anything bulldozers stirring up debris bulldozers help the farmers work by pranking up rocks and digging in the dirt with the blade on the front and the claw in the back it can help you build a home just like that whoa It's on a roll bulldozer foreign Terrain [Music] they can move all kinds of things [Music] [Music] about to roll bulldozer clearing the lands [Music] are better [Music] [Music] [Applause] go to the other side dump them out there we go two more blocks on this side hmm let's see maybe the rock will make it heavy enough whoa it for sure was Heavy enough wow that was so much fun learning about weight with you and also bulldozers wow those machines are so heavy well this is the end of this video if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me ready b l i p p i bye okay I'm gonna clean up now [Music] hello it's it's me blippi and today I'm at PV Bakery in Seattle Washington whoa look at this place we're in the back yeah this is called a kitchen oh and look at what it is wow look at it oh this is an apron check it out look at those flowers yeah this apron is gonna help keep me nice and clean when I bake yep I sure ate a lot of vegetables today yep and now that I ate a bunch of healthy food we can have something yummy yummy I am so excited let's go wow look at this place whoa there's so many cool things yeah like a measuring cup yeah you can put things in there and then know how much of an ingredient you have exactly in this measuring cup whoa or a giant spoon you can stir a lot of stuff with that oh spatula cool there for now whoa looks like we have some figure yum [Music] okay here we go wow come on whoa a giant sink yeah this is where I clean a lot of dishes oh speaking of cleaning dishes whoa hello look this is a dishwasher you put a lot of dirty dishes right here and then you close it down yeah that is awesome [Music] oh check it out this is a stove top whoa you can cook so much food right here whoa there's so many stove tops whoa do you see the little fire right there yeah this is not a toy you need to be very careful when you're cooking [Music] oh yum yeah look at these sweet treats wow these are macarons and they look so yummy this one this one is the color red whoa looks like we have some green and some blue and some orange whoa look I'll grab an orange and a blue the colors oh I'll eat these later whoa we have some black sesame cookies yum oh and some Ube cookies yum check these out open these up wow what color is that yeah the color purple yeah there's no food coloring in this that yeah that color of the food that was added into this cookie that's so cool with that right there need to eat oh cute things looks like what animal is that yeah yeah a cow a vanilla cake yeah blippi party cake will you spell my name with me b-l-i PPI flippy yeah and a triple chocolate cake that looks so yummy well hey maybe you and I can cook and bake some of this yeah how about today we make some macarons [Music] [Applause] whoa check it out I'm washing my hands and I'm scrubbing them for 20 seconds yeah do you know how long 20 seconds is without the same length as when you sing the ABCs will you sing with me a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s T U V W X Y and Z hey there we go okay rinse them all off wow nice and clean now okay [Music] shut up water oh wow and now I'm ready to make some delicious treats oh hey who are you hi I'm Jennifer I'm the baker for Fanny Bakery oh nice to meet you I'm flippy are these the ingredients yeah these are some ingredients for some macarons what do we have here well first we have eggs almond flour sugar and we have an important ingredient called salt and when you eat it it's really salty but when you put it in dessert it actually makes it sweeter and tastier that sounds so yummy yummy and you said almond flour why are we using that rather than all-purpose flour so almonds are special because when you put in macarons it makes it less sticky than flour it makes it really light wow that is so cool well hey do you mind if I mix all these ingredients yeah how about you throw all the ingredients into a bowl and throw it into the mixer and also get the oven ready okay all right let's mix all the ingredients together and then we'll put it in the mixer all right first salt then we'll add the sugar and then the almond flour whoa hey check it out small bowl medium large there we go and for the eggs oh wait a second I probably have to break them open all right here we go now I'm gonna go put it in the mixer yeah [Music] oh this is a massive mixing machine whoa look how big it is there's a giant whisk right here wow looks like there's a green on button a red stop button and a big bowl for me to add all the ingredients all right here we go pour it in it's like we already made some earlier yeah this is gonna be a big batch [Music] all right now that all the ingredients are in there we need to make sure that the cover is closed we need to raise up oh there we go and now we need to turn this to the on position there we go and we'll push the green start button in three two one yeah [Music] wow the batter is finished whoa this is a big bowl okay The Next Step that we need to do is take some of this batter and put it inside these piping bags yeah what shape is this Piping Bag oh yeah looks like a triangle perfect see how you open it up yeah that's where you put all the batter hey check it out yeah we have some batter already in a Piping Bag okay Jennifer now that we have the batter in the piping bags what do we do now well first we need to cut the bag okay [Music] and we're gonna make some cow macarons oh did you do that first you're going to need one big circle okay I'm gonna make cow macarons big circle for is that the head that's gonna be the head yeah okay then we need two small circles on the top for its ears okay that's funny that's okay okay I see it yeah the head and then two ears here let me try all right there we go yeah it's just like that and then one ear two ears perfect that's gonna be one great cow okay do we fill it up now yeah let's fill up the whole pan all right let's do it [Music] [Music] whoa that was so much fun yeah now that we're done why don't you throw them into the oven for 20 minutes and I'll get the buttercream ready okay all right so I need to throw these in the oven for 20 minutes whoa all right so I'm put on these safety gloves all right here we go wow I used my safety gloves because ovens are not a toy you need to be very careful okay what did Jennifer say she said 20 minutes oh that's a long time wait wait a second you know what I like to do when I wait yeah I like to dance [Music] did you hear that yeah that buzzer means that they're probably done oh yeah let's open it up and then be the macarons whoa that is hot and they look so yummy wow check it out now it's time to decorate [Music] [Music] thank you foreign you want to give it a try sure okay uh well looks like we have three colors here we have black and then uh looks like we have white then looks like we have the color pink let's see what are we making oh yeah remember these from earlier yeah a cow a cute cow moo yeah it has two eyes has two ears has some spots and a really cute nose okay let's put that down right here and I'm gonna start with the black all right it's like do two eyes [Music] and we need to do this box cute little hair thing on top [Music] and now let me move to the color Pink's like pink we put it on the ears and it's the base for the nose last but not least the color white and we just put a little uh oh I put a little too much but that's okay there we go how does it look yeah does that look like a cow wow that looks so good all right keep on decorating [Music] whoa check it out yeah a blippi party cake yum whoa what are these yeah macarons yum they're so tasty what is this though yeah does it look like my bow tie yeah it's an orange blippi prawn bow tie well hey check this out I have two things of icing my two favorite colors blue and orange check it out I have a flippy macaron that's empty no colors at all so maybe just maybe we could use some of this icing to decorate it so my normal bow tie is orange but I'm actually gonna use some blue too so let's just squirt some out whoa that looks cool let's do a Big Dot there do a Big Dot there how about one right there oh and one way over there it doesn't look like my bow tie does it no that's okay though sometimes when you're being creative yeah actually all the times when you're being creative you could do whatever you want yeah like this whoa oh doesn't that look tasty yum and hey watch this I'm gonna do another Big Blob yeah a blue oh I will just finish that all the way across there and then I'll put some orange on top of that wow now does that look tasty or does that look tasty yum [Music] these are so tasty tasteful that has been so much fun making all these sweet treats with you hasn't it yeah I want to give a special thanks to Jennifer at peony Bakery in Seattle Washington wow she did such a good job and they are so yummy well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is suck ER my name will you spell my name with me ready flippy good job all right see you again bye bye oh oh it's me flippy yeah look at what I'm doing whoa roasting a marshmallow yum I'm gonna make a s'more yum yeah tonight I'm at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park in Escondido California I had a very healthy dinner now I get to make some dessert yep and if you ever get to roast marshmallows you definitely should be with a grown-up okay yeah cause spiders are dangerous but hey I have something really cool to tell you yeah yeah this safari park has what's called a roaring snore yeah yeah it's a campground at this Safari Park you can spend the night with the animals oh look the marshmallow is done this is gonna be so yummy hey should we go check out the tent yeah oh [Music] I am so excited to go to bed campsite 22. oh and good thing I just brushed my teeth it is very important to brush your teeth before you go to bed wow look at the tent it looks so cozy should we go inside and check it out yeah [Music] look y bedtime stories do you ever read before you go to bed I do I love reading before I go to bed all right I should probably get in the sleeping bag so then after the story sleep great oh what a comfortable bed yay bedtime stories all right [Music] okay let's see here age number one ah once upon a time there was a a large colorful zoo with so many animals different from me and you some were big others [Music] others small [Music] someone walk someone's blocked some somewhere [Music] check it out wow hey who are you I work with the animals here I'm a wildlife care specialist and these are some of our Animal Ambassadors here at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park wow cool and I know what kind of animal this is this is a porcupine right yes this is an African crested porcupine you can see her Crest right over her head oh yeah hey hello and what's her name her name is quelma oh Wilma oh maybe because it has a lot of quills yeah oh really cool they look really sharp what are they made out of these quills are actually made up of keratin just like our hair and our fingernails oh wow my hair isn't sharp like these but I guess if they become very dense then your hair and nails can be really sharp like these wow what is she eating so quelma's eating some biscuits because she has really sharp teeth and her teeth are always growing so she eats a biscuit and it helps her to keep her teeth kind of a little bit shorter oh that makes sense so you and I when we grow our teeth they stop and then they're the size that they are but quillma her teeth keep growing and growing and growing and so she needs to eat things to trim them down to stay nice and short oh oh he has some cute ears Wilma wow oh and looks like the quills are white and black why is that well there's a lot of predators in Africa so Kuma has to protect herself so when she feels frightened she can lift up all of those quills and she looks a lot bigger than she actually is oh wow cool defensive mechanism hey and does she shoot out her quills no a lot of people think she shoots her quills but she doesn't that'd be like us shooting our hair right off of our head that makes sense all right enjoy your snack another animal hey who are you hi my name's nolani oh nice to meet you I miss you oh I know what kind of animal this is this looks like a really big Hedgehog oh that's a really good guess but this isn't actually a hedgehog really right instead it's an Echidna and they're native to Australia can you tell though it kind of looks a little bit like quillma right yeah yeah definitely has those really sharp quills are those quills just like the porcupine another really good guess but they're not quails instead they're actually spines they do sort of the same thing though that quillma's uh her quills do so instead uh they are attached to his body and they help if a predator were to come and to bite down try to make him lunch um they're just as Pokey and it's not really fun to bite into cool so another great defensive mechanism absolutely whoa it looks like his nose is really long it is so he can use that nose to sniff out bugs underground and you can see right now he's eating a bug soup so that's what we feed him here at the safari park he's also using that really long tongue that face to slurp it up yum so is this a mammal it is a mammal so this guy is a mammal but he does a lot of things that other mammals don't really do really so what instead other females not Shaw because he's a boy would actually lay eggs which is really really weird right most mammals don't do that instead they give birth and then they feed their babies milk so these guys also feed their babies milk but they lay a sort of soft leathery egg sort of like other reptiles but they're not um and instead that baby hatches and it's born without any of these spines they're really really soft and they're known as puggles puggles silly name it is that is really cool I've actually never heard of a mammal that lays eggs there's actually one other one that does what one the Platypus whoa I know what a platypus is yeah wow that is so cool thanks so much for teaching me about this animal problem yeah [Music] whoa check it out it looks like we have a couple more animals oh and look looks like a turtle or a tortoise yeah it definitely has a very hard shell and look at these animals hello they look very soft hard let's learn about them whoa what kind of animals are these These are called Tomatoes oh tamanda was that's a really cool name they kind of look like an anteater they are an eater they're after known as lesser anteaters so we have the giant ant eater that's a lot bigger and then a silky anteater which is a lot smaller they're kind of the mid-sized version okay and they're black and white they kind of remind me of a skunk are they stinky they are really stinky they actually can smell a little bit worse than a skunk really they're known as the stinkers of the forest in South America that's silly and what are they eating they're eating what we call Bug soup so it's one of their favorite things here to eat here at the safari park oh so they like to eat bugs they insects they do so I have some bugs Also let's see if they want to eat these bugs oh yeah they do look hungry oh oh and it looks like you have a lot of pieces of wood here and it looks like they're all torn up why is that that's one of their favorite things to do is to tear into the wood with their really sharp claws and then they find the bugs and they use their tongue and they stick their tongue down to slurp all those bugs up wow that is really cool they have a really long tongue oh they do about 16 inches long whoa that's probably like that big that's really long is that about the same length as a giraffe it is giraffes have really long tongues and so do the tomatoes let's see if she wants to show you the tongue oh there it is whoa yeah so these animals tongues are about the same length as as a giraffe's tongue but yeah there's a really sticky so all of those bugs will stick to their tongue oh yeah and it looks like they eat downward into the the ground holes wood while drafts typically eat upward try and grab leaves that is really cool oh hey you're really cool oh and it looks like they have some claws or you they are really really uh their claws and nails and they use those to tear into things and they also use it for climbing oh yeah that makes sense so then they can wrap their hands around branches maybe do they live around the trees they do they spend a lot of their time up in the trees and they use their tail as an extra arm or leg to climb whoa that was really cool learning about them hey what are their names this is Cora and Cora is the the mom of this baby and his name is tati oh well nice to meet you too I'm gonna go learn about the turtle or the tortoise we'll find out see you later whoa hi there hey so who is this this is Sita and you're right this is our tortoise and he is specifically an African leopard tortoise ooh African leopard tortoise yeah do they call it that because it kind of looks like a leopard exactly so it sort of looks like the spots of a leopard but this actually helps him to blend into his uh environment out in Africa so out in Africa there are a lot of dark Browns light Browns lots of dirt that you can blend into and from there he can actually cover his shell with that dirt and sort of look like a Dusty Rock oh this is really cool cool camouflage absolutely rocks are really hard is he also really hard he is you can actually touch him and feel it what he's like wow cool yeah he is very hard that helps to protect all the other soft parts of his body too oh wow all of defensive mechanisms awesome so can he like leave his a shell or go into a shell he can't leave his shell it's a part of his body so what he does is he'll actually pull all the soft Parts like his head towards his shell he'll push his neck in I'm gonna push his legs and his arms towards his body towards his shell and from there he can also use these really sharp scales that he has just in case a predator did want to try to take a bite out of him oh wow oh and speaking of taking a bite looks like he's hungry you have to eat it he's eating a salad it's full of lettuce carrots and turnips but out in the wild he's a plant eater so he is herbivorous so he'd be eating grasses and all sorts of different plants oh that is really cool so this tortoise is a herbivore that means he eats plants wow absolutely so is he full size he's not he's actually gonna keep growing right now Sita is 20 years old but African leopard tortoises they can get to be 50 years old wow really really old so from there they just keep growing and growing so Sita is about 30 pounds right now we'll probably get around 50. wow wow so Sita might be 50 pounds someday and 50 years old 50 years old is very very old wow well it was really cool meeting you thank you yeah see you later all right bye-bye [Music] thank you [Music] wow check it out look at this bird oh hello what kind of bird is this this is called a hyacinth macaw they're found in South America and his name is lightning wow South America whoa and he is such a pretty blue color that's one of my two favorite colors awesome yeah he's blue because it helps him to camouflage up in the tops of the trees all the tops of the trees provide a lot of shade and so the blue helps to mix in and you can barely even see him oh wow but you could probably see that bright yellow though maybe yeah that yellow color that he has is to help to care for his babies so when a macaw has a baby bird they put them in a nest and when the mom and dad come in to feed them they see the yellow eyes and that's how they know it's their parents oh wow that is really cool well heat is very pretty and his beak looks really sharp eating those seeds or nuts that you're giving him he does have a really big beat I'm going to give him a great big nut and we can watch him crack it open wow there's even a type of nut in South America that only the Hyacinth Macaw can crack open with that big bee oh really wow so it must be a really strong sharp beak it really is wow that is really cool yeah nuts and seeds are healthy so this bird is nice and healthy oh what's this that's a Target stick one of the things that we do with our Animal Ambassadors is training so we have trained lightning to touch his nose to the ball of that stick it's called a Target oh really Target [Music] whoa okay okay good job you want to try it again after those yummy snacks that was really good that was awesome wow here you go Target okay that was really cool wow and how old does this bird get how does it because can reach about 60 to 80 years old and lightning is actually 34 years old already whoa that is really old what a cool bird it's definitely nice to meet you wow this bird is awesome I love how it's the color blue and then there's some yellow around its eyes wow and I bet this bird can fly really fast and really high wow it's cool that he eats nice and healthy with the seeds whoa whoa check it out did you see this Burgess fly in wow this is such a pretty black color oh and look at the beak it's nice and white wow and it's just flew in so fast wouldn't it be cool to be able to Fly Like a Bird gonna be so much fun it's a Ziploc zip and zip lines or where you wear a harness so then you're nice and safe then you attach to these metal cables so then you can go from the top of a hill all the way I'm gonna feel like we're a bird Let's Go Fly whoa whoa all right oh thank you so much this is Brandon and Brandon is just making sure that I'm nice and safe it yeah to ride the zip line you have to be at least eight years old oh Brandon I can't get this can you help me thank you yeah you have to be at least eight years old at least 60 pounds but you could weigh all the way up to 300. all right am I ready [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] that was so much fun riding that zip line wow so exhilarating yeah it really felt like I was a bird oh I'm actually going to get it hard [Music] wow that was great oh I love animals wow so many different types of animals and birds so cool how they can fly right yeah clapping their wings feeling so free wow hey why don't I read you another story okay all right this is the story of all those animals that sleep when it's light but come out at night oh when we [Music] when we go to bed when we go to bed they they um [Music] whoa whoa whoa hey how are you hi I'm Lauren oh nice to meet you Lauren I'm blippi what do you do here I am a tour guide here at the safari park oh a tour guide wait so do we get to go on a tour we sure do we are going on a night vision tour oh that's what these are night vision goggles so we can see the animals wow cool what kind of animals are we gonna see we are looking for nocturnal animals oh yeah those are animals that are up and awake during the night time I am so excited shall we go let's go yeah [Music] wow this is so much fun this is so cool how you can see through these things at night wow oh so this has night vision and infrared they have both they help us see even better at night cool wow this is so cool being able to see at night yeah some animals can see at night without these whoa wow there's so many more those flamingos colony of Greater flamingos wow oh yeah and they are all the color pink you know why they're pink they are pink from the food that they eat they eat a lot of shrimp like Crustaceans that help turn them the color pink oh wow Yep they're all standing on one leg oh they're so cute so cool being able to see these flamingos at night time wow [Music] wow you know the flamingos whoa whoa now they're all running oh they're very active at night oh this is so it's so much fun hey what do you like to do at work the most what's your most favorite thing for your job because it's so cool that you work with animals I think it's so fun to show people animals they've never seen before in real life yeah especially the animals that they've never seen because yeah it's night time whoa okay what's your favorite animal that you have here thank you for asking it is the southern white rhinoceros and why do you like them they are so big and beautiful and they remind me of puppies silly a rhino remind you of puppies that's cool is that your favorite animal in the whole world or just here in the whole world wow that is really cool this is so much fun oh whoa look yeah a rhinoceros wow what kind of rhinoceros is that this is a southern white rhinoceros a mother and her baby on the southern white rhinoceros oh yeah favorite animal in the world isn't it it is whoa oh yeah oh look at her looks so big and strong are they up at night quite a bit they do get up but they feel very comfortable and safe when they're sleeping with their family members wow that is so [Music] you know how much they weigh they can weigh up to 5 000 pounds wow that is very heavy they probably have to eat a lot of food every single day then huh they have to eat tons of food even when the babies are born they're almost 100 pounds oh what that is a big baby whoa hello rhino wow check it out rhinoceros these are so cool they look clippy there's a giraffe oh yeah you're right oh oh look there's a baby whoa hello you're so tall well isn't it cool how these animals are up at night well you and I sleep yeah hmm [Music] oh [Music] that was awesome wow all those animals are so cool now so cool that some of them were nocturnal huh that means they're awake at night when you and I sleep they're awake wow that's really cool oh hey I don't know I read you another story oh I love reading okay a rumble in a tummy a common animal mood [Music] to grow big and strong they need good food so open wide oh so open wide hope you're so open wide I hope you're I hope you're hungry whoa hey who are you hi I'm Eileen and I'm a wildlife care specialist wow that's really cool well I'm blippi and what are you doing I am getting ready to make some bottles so we can feed some baby animals whoa that sounds like fun can I help that would be great flippy okay you want to make this first bottle for the Springbok oh sure so what I need you to do is to measure out 150 mils okay put it in the bottle oh here we go 150 and Springbok I'm so excited to see what kind of animal that is okay first we need to measure it out here we go there we go oh a little too much force them out there we go that's exactly 150 so I'm gonna put it right in here oh this looks like it's gonna be a small animal yeah because this bottle is really small it is and it's a very small amount in there okay here you go thank you blippi all right just put the nipple on okay perfect and what about this big bottle that's for a much bigger animal and so this formula we this bottle we're gonna make from scratch right now all right how do we do it so what you're going to do is you're going to put some some water in the container about 2 000 milliliters two liter okay so looks like we have to fill it all the way to the top all right that's a lot of water I bet this animal is really big whoa about halfway there so excited to see what animal this is hey it's getting really heavy all right there we go all right we have the water we're going to mix it in this container so you want to pour the powder in there oh the powder okay so we're gonna mix the powder with the water all right do I pour all of this powder in there the whole thing yes okay here we go all right there we go and then okay the powder's in there now we need to pour the water spilled a little bit that's okay all right there here we go all right now do I shake it up shake it as hard as you can fluffy really good mix here we go [Music] all right this is great perfect now do we put it in the bottle yes we might need to use this though it's a lot easier to pour perfect all right here we go whoa that smells really good it does smell good doesn't it yeah here we go all right all right here you go then we warm them up and after they're warm then do we get to feed the animals and then we get to feed the animals but just today I actually have a few bottles that are already warmed up so we can go ahead and feed them right now all right this is gonna be so much fun let's go I am so excited whoa check it out oh so are these the small animals they are a little bit of a variety this yeah is this Springbok this is a bounty box oh hey this is denial okay so it seems like there's a few different kinds there yes a springbok a Monty way a oh cool oh they're so cute Hello and this is our oldest oldest Springbok she is um about six weeks old wow and she looks so hungry yeah we did such a great job with those bottles oh whoa let me get the right bottle here okay oh and do you see that one yeah it has horns on its head whoa is that right that has those are horns those are horns and they're just growing oh there's a female bunta Buck has horns just like the males been in oh wow and do they like to eat those leaves they love to eat the leaves we call it brows and this is Acacia brows oh hey now really when springboks are out in the wild they eat grass and they eat plants but they don't really eat trees the bontebok loves the treats too okay wow they look so hungry the one thing they all have is in common is they're from Africa oh they're from Africa and can they like run fast or smell good or like jump high or anything like that Springbok cut their name because they jump very high they they say they can jump as high as 11 feet just bring up in the air whoa they have a very weird posture to it too so when they're running away from someone that might be chasing them they look bigger so they spring a bit in the air and they also have this really strange flap of skin back here that when they're very excited it will open up wow and you're not sure exactly what all the purposes are but it might be just to attract the other the other animals so wow it's pretty cool what a really cool animal that was really fun and they ate a lot of the treats that we made them from the small bottles that's right didn't we make big bottles too we did make a big bottle do you want to go with me to feed something bigger yeah to see a big animal this is gonna be fun so the spring bucks were the one that drank from that small bottle I'm so curious what animal is gonna drink from this big bottle that's gonna be our friend Arthur do you want to give me a hand calling Arthur yes great all right I'm very excited to see what animal Arthur is so all you need to do is start squeezing that okay it's Gonna Come Running loud all right Arthur where are you here he comes all right I'll set this down now yeah Arthur looks like a rhinoceros that's right blippi he's a southern white rhino southern white rhino can you hear that it was really love the bottle that we made him that sounds so yummy he sure does oh and he looks a lot smaller than a adult massive Rhino is he a baby he is a baby he's a little bit over a year so he's gonna be getting bottles for a little while longer a few months okay it's gonna take him a while to get as big as a big rhino oh it looks like he likes some hay whoa Arthur is so cool and that was really cool being able to help feed Arthur [Music] I'm getting kind of tired though whoa rhinoceroses so cool [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] wow what a great morning this is wow and what a great night that was I slept so great yeah now I'm very well rested wasn't that fun at the Roaring store yeah yeah we learned so much about animals I love animals yeah big animals small animal s yeah I love big and small animals they're so cool how some animals are awake at night time huh yeah while I like to sleep at night time whoa [Music] did you hear that [Music] there it is again wow that sounds like an animal for sure you know what kind of animal that is hmm sounds like a kitty cat meow meow but it definitely sounds bigger than a kitty cat there it is again okay it's a cat but it's really big has a big Mane around its head what animal I'm talking about yeah we're hearing a lion you want to act like a lion with me [Music] [Applause] oh there it is again yeah wow this was so much fun and weren't those stories really good yeah all right this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me b l i p p i flippy good job all right see you again bye-bye [Music] hey it's me blippi and today I'm at Chocolat in Leavenworth Washington and today since you and I ate our vegetables we're gonna make some chocolate and caramel I am so excited let's go my name's Andrew welcome to Chocolat nice to meet you what do you have here we have all sorts of Truffles and bon bons all handmade right here on site wow they look so tasty look at that oh I just want to eat them all up if you want to make some chocolates today yeah yeah [Music] wow all of these candies look so yummy hey and did you notice how all of these have different shapes yeah let's check them out whoa do you see this one what shape is that yeah we'll get it closer yeah that is a square yeah and it's really cool how all of these have different fillings on the inside oh look at this swirl wow yeah what shape is this yeah it's a circle perfect good job wow a sign of love oh so cute what shape is this yeah it's a heart no oh and these are really cool looking wow yeah it's not a normal shape this is a unique shape yeah in this thing yeah this thing is unique to every single one is a leaf yeah every leaf has different veins and different structures and every single one looks a little bit different from each other oh look at these these even have little pieces of gold on them wow yeah what shape is this yeah it's another Leaf it's from a different type of tree I'm sure well they all look so yummy but I can't eat them yet we have some more learning to do yeah [Music] whoa check it out here is the kitchen yeah I am so excited to make some chocolate okay first thing I need to do is put on an apron this is worn to make sure that your clothes do not get dirty and sticky how do I look yeah I look ready whoa not ready yet because we need to wash our hands all right it is very important to wash your hands if you're going to work with food make candy yeah perfect you have to scrub them get underneath the nails [Music] okay now we can rinse it off all that soap oh yeah you're nice and clean perfect all right here we go all right oh hey look at who it is who are you hi I'm Marissa oh nice to meet you what are you doing right here well today we're making some caramels horrible I love caramel have you ever had caramel before yeah it's so yummy will you show us sure thing let's go ahead and make some [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] thank you wow this caramel looks so yummy so the caramel cooled in the caramel frame and then we cut a square or rectangle out of it and now we're left with this so what I'm going to do is put on some blue gloves there's one and then here's two two blue gloves and then we're going to use this guitar cutter [Music] yeah to Mark the caramel so we're gonna line it up just like this push down slightly here we go what I'm trying to do here is Mark these lines yeah just like that so then I know where to cut later okay how does that look that looks pretty good all right let's turn the caramel and then let's do a cross cut [Music] awesome yeah whoa do you see all the miniature squares in it that is a lot of caramel now one of my favorite parts we're gonna put chocolate on them [Music] whoa I love chocolate and I love caramel so what we're gonna do is take these caramel pieces and dip them in chocolate and then sprinkle some sea salt on top yum yum set that down right there take the fork let's grab this piece first you need to dip the fork in the chocolate yeah there we go and we have a little chocolate right there with the caramel dip it in and then you start tapping [Music] so good all right a little bit more hey you don't want too much chocolate on that or else it'll be a goofy mess so put it down like that not the best but not too bad for my first one and then let's sprinkle some salt right on top yeah perfect all right let's try another one that was fun [Music] I am so excited to try these later foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow how did those look I think they look yummy [Music] foreign go ahead and add your favorite toppings all right I am so excited so Carissa made us some chocolate bar molds yeah with some dark chocolate that looks so yummy and then we're gonna use some of these toppings to sprinkle on top put it on the inside and then when it cools you're gonna eat them okay first let's uh make a healthy one okay so how about let's take some of these almonds [Music] hey and then we have some cherries right here oh this is fun it's like decorating but decorating with food and then how about something pistachios yeah pistachios is another type of nut [Music] yeah that one looks like yummy pretty healthy chocolate bar all right okay how about another one this one Let's uh yeah I think we should have some marshmallows I love marshmallows [Music] okay now we can use some peanut butter chips and sprinkle them on top yum this is gonna be so yummy all right and then let's use a little bit of pretzels [Music] wow this is so much fun all right there we go and one more perfect and then let's do a couple banana chips have you ever had a banana before yeah banana is a type of fruit yeah they're pretty yummy and banana chips are really yummy too all right that one looks good so let's do the last one and let's have some fun and put some colorful sprinkles on it all right here we go foreign there we go yeah wow that was so much fun decorating those chocolate bars with you well now we need to waste some time to let the chocolate cool [Music] what do we do thank you okay I think that's enough time so let's go get the chocolate bars whoa Adam wow okay now let me knock them out all right so here we go whoa look at them they're perfect all right here is first one wow it looks so yummy yummy and then here is the second one whoa yeah wow this is so much fun [Music] it's still it's still just as good I am so excited to eat these yeah wow check it out yeah we did such a good job whoa check out this room looks like they have a lot of boxes in here with some ribbons oh a bunch of stickers wow oh hey look at who it is hey who are you two I'm Tilly I'm Molly oh nice to meet you too what are you two doing we're boxing up some chocolates whoa can I see sure [Music] did you see how they put the rest of the chocolates in the base and now they're putting the tops on check it out [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] do you see what they're doing now yeah now that the boxes are fully enclosed now they're tying ribbons all around it to make it look pretty [Music] State it's such a great job boxing up this box of chocolates do you like it so yummy to the end of this if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me b-l-i PPI flippy good job all right now it's time to eat some chocolates [Music] oh hey it's me blippi and look at where I'm at yeah I am at Valley Auto in Tenino Washington this is where they work on vehicles whoa do you see that truck up there whoa It's so high up there that's crazy whoa so many cool machines in here come on [Music] oh look at this big truck do you see how it's on the ground yeah they're on the ground but then they use these big things called lifts to go underneath and lift it up to the sky so then the mechanics can work underneath the truck and car so then they don't have to bend down or be uncomfortable that's pretty cool oh look at this whoa this is so heavy wow this is a battery yeah most vehicles have batteries so then it helps them turn on yeah land also turn on the radio and things like that yeah batteries have electricity stored inside oh look at these These are hose clamps whoa there's a small one here is a big one these are what goes around hoses clams them nice and tight hey what shape are these yeah these are circles not pretty cool huh all right let's put those back let's keep exploring oh look at all of these do you see these wow this right here yeah is a nut washer and a bolt this is what you use to tighten things yeah nice and close together like say if there is a piece of metal right here and another piece of metal you could tighten it nice and tight so then it doesn't slip and slide all right let's put that back uh okay so cool whoa this is a massive engine that looks so powerful wow so cool well hey let's see oh look at look at this remember earlier how I said that the lift lifts up the truck so the mechanic can stand up nice and Tall well sometimes you might not have a lift and you need to get really low on the ground and work on the vehicle from the ground whoa hey look at me go I'm a mechanic yeah you can slide because it has wheels okay all right enough playing around let's get to work [Music] someone else Fulton oh nice to meet you Colton well what are you doing over there uh getting ready to weld oh weld that's really cool hey do you know what welding is yeah welding's where you take two pieces of metal and apply some electricity heat some gas then it becomes so hot they come become connected yeah kind of like glue but for metal well Colton will you show us how to do it yep I just need to lift up the truck all right let's check it out [Music] thank you wow do you see what they're doing yeah there's they're using those metal posts to go under the truck so then they can work underneath it safely so it doesn't fall on them okay let's watch them weld [Music] looks like he has some safety gear check it out see these yeah these are his gloves it keeps his hands protected while he's welding and this looks like his helmet yeah and it has this really dark shade right here so then he can look at what he's doing because it's too bright to look at without this you definitely never want to look at what you're doing welding unless you have this so if you ever see someone welding do not look at that light okay okay oh here you go [Music] oh [Music] did you see that wow Colton did such a great job welding hey Colton thank you so much for showing us how to weld yep no problem yeah all right let's keep exploring let's go [Music] foreign this has been so much fun did you see when he was welding it looked like fireworks yeah that was awesome oh look at this yellow toolbox well I think we should open it up and see what tools are inside whoa whoa look at these socket sets wow that is so nicely organized whoa remember earlier yeah we were talking about those nuts yeah these sockets go over the nuts and then you use a lever and then turn it and then you can get it nice and tight yeah that is really cool let's see what else is in here I love tools they're so much fun whoa look [Music] I'm taking nuts oh that is so cool all right put it away oh what else is in here whoa yeah a crescent wrench whoa we must have a customer if someone else will get that but hey check it out a crescent wrench looks like a mountain hello that's silly okay well oh look at this you know what this is yeah kind of looks like a hammer doesn't it but it's actually a rubber mallet watch this [Music] yeah you can hit these with it yeah you uh like a tire watch this [Music] I don't know what you would do that more but it's fun [Music] yeah a vice right here yeah you can put things in here turn this and see it closing [Music] yeah keeps things held right here so then you can work on it yeah looks like a fan it looks like a fan yeah this looks like a fan that goes in front of the radiator well I sure do love mechanic shops and tools and I think this is the perfect time for The Tool song yeah when you're working with tools working with tools you hear all kinds of things when you're working with tools working with tools you hear all kinds of things the wrench Titans pipes go in clang clang a hammer hits a nail going bang bang bang a drill is making holes going when you're working with tools you hear all kinds of things when you're working with tools working with two kinds of things when you're working with tools working with tools you hear all kinds of things you hear thoughts and squeaks cracks and rings when you're working with tools you hear all kinds of things you hear bangs and Booms clangs and sings when you're working with tools you hear all kinds of things cutting wires with some pliers going snip snip cut and paper with some scissors go in clip clip when you're working with tools you've got to be real safe by wearing gloves on your hands and goggles on your face and boys and girls when you're working with tools always follow Mom and Dad safety rules [Music] and you're working with working with working with tools you hear all kinds of things when you're working with tools working with tools to hear all kinds of things you hear thoughts and squeaks and cracks and rings when you're working with tools you hear all kinds of things you hear bangs and Booms clangs and zings when you're working with tools you hear all kinds of things [Music] oh check it out yeah it looks like we have some big bolts whoa and we have some big nuts whoa hey what's this doing here you know what this is [Music] yeah it's a steering wheel ten and two three driving the car is so much fun you'll get there and you need to very safe and always wear your seatbelt but hey in order to drive your car you need to maintain your vehicle yeah and that is why we're at the mechanic shop but hey check so whoa this is the cylinder head whoa there's so many parts to an engine and this is just one of them oh and over here this exhaust manifold yeah like I said there's a lot of parts to an engine but this is where the engine is and then the exhaust goes through all these pipes to the back of the vehicle yeah and you've probably seen exhaust pipes before yeah well hey I have one last thing to show you right over here the best part about mechanic shops cleaning up at the end of the day and all your hard work pays off well this has been so much fun learning about tools with you today and welding and what it's like to be in a shop well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me [Music] I flippy good job all right see you again bye-bye yeah hey it's me blippi and today we're here at Medieval Times in Orlando Florida [Music] and look at it it's a giant castle Yeah whoa we are at Medieval Times that was a really long time ago like all the way in the 11th century did you know back in medieval times people didn't drive in cars no instead Bay Road horses [Music] silly hey have you ever wondered what it was like in medieval times yeah me too well today you and I get to go in the Orlando castle and learn all about it yeah maybe we can even see a real life night that would be so cool come on let's find out [Music] whoa look at it it's a real life horse hello Mr horse ah he's so sweet today we're here at the Village stable yeah a stable is where the horses get to eat yummy food and take naps yeah and get all ready and geared up for the tournament yeah yeah hey do you know what sound a horse makes yeah that's right hey will you nay like a horse with me okay awesome here we go so [Music] so silly well this is a really nice horse but how about you and I go help get the horses all geared up for the tournament come on let's go [Music] oh and then this table has all the gear that we're gonna need to get the horses all ready for the tournament yeah and look at this whoa yeah this this is a brush to help get all the dust and the dirt out of the horse's back yeah this is a body brush so it's for the body of the horse whoa and look at these ones right here he's spiky yeah these are brushes for the horse's mane and tail yeah they have longer bristles so that they can get through the hair kind of like the hair on your head so whoa and look at this this is everything we need to put on the horse we have the saddle pad yeah this saddle pad is really soft and Squishy and this goes on the horse first to make sure that the saddle is super comfy yeah oh and look at it this is a really big saddle saddle can be kinda heavy and it goes on the back of the horse so that the knights can ride all around and it Buckles in so it's kind of like a belt for the horse we'll just clip that in get on top and ride the horse super fast so silly whoa and this this is the last thing that we need to put on top of the horse this is a comparison yeah and this comparison is the color green and brown yeah good job yeah the comparison helps the Knight tell one horse and knight from another horse a night so they don't all look the same in their metal armor and the white horses yeah so this comparison this will go over the saddle last [Music] well that's everything we need now it's time to get ready to get the horse ready for the tournament okay first let's grab a brush come on hello hey look this is a really beautiful horse hello his name is UMO hi UMO first let's brush humo's fur his hair where's pepper brush brush brush all the dust brush off all the Dust yeah and now that we've cleaned humo and got all the dust and dirt out of his back we can put on the saddle pad the saddle and the comparison let's go [Music] yeah we did it we helped humo get all dressed up for the tournament and look now he's the color green and brown yeah yeah well that was so much fun helping humo get all geared up but now I think it's time for you and me to get all dressed up for the tournament ourselves okay we're about to go but I think Kumo's done a really good job being a horse and he's had all of his yummy vegetables and fruit for dinner so we're gonna give him a sugar cube hello good job humo that tickles whoa UMO you're such a good horsey well now it's time to go get dressed up ourselves come on [Music] it's me night flippy that's so silly I'm not a real Knight but today you and I get to learn about what it was like to be a knight A Thousand Years that that's a really long time ago have you ever wondered what it was like to be a knight well you had to be brave and you had to ride horses so silly and you have to be strong and kind on second thought it actually is pretty tricky being a real Knight look at it a real night and now it's time to night sir blippi I'm so excited because you and I don't only get to learn about Knights but I get to become a knight but first I need to complete three Knights challenges and look at this this is the first night's challenge it's called the big Rings challenge yeah so the way to win the big Rings challenge is to take a lance which is like a really long stick and to put it through two rings in a row one here and one way down there if you only get one you gotta do it again until you get both to complete the knights challenge yeah this is gonna be so much fun but first I need to get some nights gear come on [Music] whoa look at this it's a real life knights Lance and this is really heavy this is what I'm gonna use to try to complete the big Rings challenge but what's a Knight without its trusty Steed and hey look this is my trusty horse brownie hey hello brownie hello okay I have my Lance and I have brownie so we're all ready to do the night's challenge let's go [Music] okay here we go ready brownie okay I'm ready too nice challenge yeah whoa uh oh I only got one ring that means that Brownie and I are gonna have to try the knights challenge one more time brownie thinks so too okay let's go you guys can do it let's go [Music] [Music] that was really hard I'm getting tired after that night's challenge but look we got both of the Rings thanks brownie for helping me out hey that was so much fun and now it's time to move on to the second night's challenge let's go find out come on whoa brownie yeah we completed the first nights challenge we're really close to becoming a knight yeah okay so the second night's challenge is even harder meeting agility hand strength and really good horse riding skills yeah it's called the flag toss it's when me and another night will toss a flag back and forth three times and if you catch it all three times then you complete the challenge okay here we go I'm gonna need a little bit of help so my friend sir David is gonna help me out okay ready sir David ready okay here we go one two three one two three one two three yeah we did it we caught the flag three times this is so much fun thanks brownie yeah okay so all we have left is the third Challenge and it's a really really tricky one it's called the knights dress up challenge I have to get all geared up with all the night clothes in under 10 seconds whoa I don't think I'm gonna need your help on this one brownie bye-bye I'll see you later at the Stables okay I think I'm all ready put the time on the clock here we go whoa this armor is so cool yeah we did it we did all three of the night's challenges and now I get to be night blippi I'm so excited that I think you and I should do a victory dance okay here we go [Music] that was so awesome now I get to be a knight not so fast flippy oh hey sir David there's still two more challenges left oh two more challenges but we already completed three I guess two more won't be so hard so what are the next two challenges well first you have to learn the knight's code do you know what the knights code is me neither sir David what's the night's code a knight is sworn to Valor okay so we need to be really Brave his heart knows only virtue okay so that means we'll be really kind this blade defends the helpless and his might upholds the weak that means you should always help others who need some help and his words speak only truth always tell the truth they're easy you can do that well the other challenge is the javelin toss whoa that sounds like it's gonna be really really hard but hey I got all my Knights armor and I think we can do it okay here we go I think I'm all ready to go come on [Music] [Music] wow I can't believe we get to meet the queen and start the nighting ceremony yeah okay here we go Maria Isabella queen of this castle and ruler of this realm W blippi once twice and Thrice as Knights of the realm yeah we did it good job thanks for helping me complete all of the night's challenges they were really tricky but we did a really good job it was so much fun learning all about knights from the 11th century which was really really long ago and it was nice that we learned that nights aren't only strong but they're kind and they like to help others well that's the end of this video but if you want to see more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name hey will you spell my name with me yeah good job well I guess it's sir blippi now so silly well I'll see you real soon bye-bye that yeah today we're at Leavenworth ski hill in Leavenworth Washington it is a winter wonderland today and you and I are gonna have some fun in the snow let's go [Music] whoa that was so much fun whoa did you see what I just did yeah I rode this inner tube down that hill but that Hill wasn't that big but hey here we have a bigger Hill and we have a machine to tow you up to the hill so then you don't have to walk all the way up there I'll show you that soon but first this is an inner tube whoa this inner tube has a red cover on it whoa it protects the inner tube the actual inner tube is black and rubber on the inside see and then there's an inner tube leash and this ring is what the hook hooks onto that then it tows you up to the top of the hill whoa let's go check it out [Music] okay check it out so this machine yeah there's cables there there's gears check out the gears whoa do you see those gears spinning around and that is what is providing all that strength and power for these hooks right there to tow the tube and the person to the top of the hill all right let's hook one up and then we'll watch the inner tube go [Music] whoa all right I have a game to play let's count how many tubes we see all right [Music] two three four tubes all righty good job we just counted to four together now I have another game this one's pretty simple what shape is this inner tube hmm it's not a square [Music] is it a triangle no it's the same shape as a tire yeah it's a circle whoa good job [Music] hey check it out look at what this is this is a black rubber mat it's really heavy and this is a gray carpet yeah just like maybe carpet that you might have at home yeah these mats and carpets are placed on the inner tube path to help slow you down because if not maybe you go too fast and go off a big jump oh come on all right here I go whoa whoa hey thank you did you see how fast I went that was awesome [Music] whoa check it out what a cool machine this is the great thing about ski hills are they have a really cool machines to maintain the land whoa check it out wow do you see this yeah this is a track yeah this vehicle has tracks interesting most vehicles have wheels and tires but not this one this one has tracks so then it can dig into the snow and then it won't slip and slide let's check it out [Music] oh that's backwards yeah [Music] thank you [Music] whoa check it out do you see what I'm doing yeah I'm riding a bike it's this weird I'm riding a bike on snow yeah normally you ride a bike on concrete and dirt and asphalt but check this out do you see this bike's tires yeah they're so big and wide whoa that is way wider than a normal bike tire yeah these tires are called fat tires so then they can grip more snow so then you don't slip and slide wow this bike has some good tread let's roll [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoa this is snow and it's really cold now that it's so cold outside put on your hats and gloves [Music] oh excuse me now that is snowing outside everyone's having fun here we go [Music] to make sure you free free [Music] snowballs and snow angels with family and friends [Music] [Music] let's get on some more snow equipment thank you now the snow has covered the floor a snowmobile is what we need with skis that keep it gripping on the ground so it can build up speed it's winter time snow is falling on the trees snowballs and snow angels with family and friends so we winner [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this has been so much fun playing in the snow with you today wow I sure do love the seasons yep in wintertime is such a great time of the year well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me bli PPI flippy good job all right see you again bye-bye [Music] [Applause] whoa hey it's me blippi and I have a really cool fire truck here it looks just like a real life fire truck with a hose and horns Hong Kong Hong Kong and some really big wheels and tires I think it would be so cool to be a real life firefighter yeah look at it it's a real life firefighter pole hey let's slide down to the bottom okay let's do it on the count of three are you ready okay here we go one two three [Music] whoa I'm a little bit dizzy after that oh look it's a firefighter hello I think it's a really important job to be a firefighter because they help save people's lives and put out buyers we throw a really big water hose hey look that's another job you could be you could be a pilot yeah and fly really big airplanes hey who could also be an engineer well what does an engineer do they're really good at math yeah like adding up numbers and subtracting numbers and they plan all types of things so that other people can build them that's so silly hey what do you want to be when you grow up that sounds really cool I want to be that too hey I have a really cool idea how about you and I go to this place where we can pretend to do all kinds of different jobs oh that would be so exciting and fun and then you can pick your favorite job okay will you go with me today come on let's go [Music] I'll see you there hey we made it to Great Explorations Children's Museum in St Petersburg Florida yeah and I am so excited to learn all about jobs let's go [Music] this is one of my favorite places this is a pizza oven inside of a pizza restaurant one job that you can have when you grow up is to be a chef chefs are so cool yeah chefs are in charge of cooking all of the food at a restaurant and I really like cooking pizza oh it's so tasty hey I have an idea how about you and I make a pizza together okay here we go first we need one of these pizza paddles to put the pizza in the really hot oven because we don't want to touch it with our hands okay get that and we'll get a metal plate so first things first we need to start with the pizza dough yeah we'll get the pizza dough right here and sometimes when you get the pizza dough it's crumpled up into a little ball so yeah stretch it and sometimes spin it whoa like this and that helps to make it look like a circle yeah look it's a circle good job okay put the pizza dough down and now we get to put on some yummy toppings hey you have a favorite pizza topping huh I like that one too okay let's get started okay we'll put on some tomato sauce why my favorite cheese I love pizzas with lots of cheese okay we'll put the cheese there and now we can put all the toppings we have some spinach so tasty and we have black olives whoa and they're all sliced up yeah put those there we have whoa [Music] do you know what these are yeah these are mushrooms we'll put these on too put on some onions ooh and then once you get your pizza made then put it into the oven you'll wait and it looks like our pizza is delicious and all done yeah and now we get to go put it in a box come on [Music] yeah whoa you did a really good job making a pizza with me and now it's my favorite part we get to eat the pizza [Music] this pizza is really tasty and that's because you helped me make it ah thanks so much wow that was so cool learning about being a chef and making a lot of yummy Pizza yeah oh look over here whoa there are so many different types of animals I love animals hey do you have a favorite kind of animal yeah I like that animal too whoa look we have some kitty cats and we have this looks like a really big puppy dog hello puppy dog so silly whoa look we have a really colorful parrot and a rabbit let's go get a closer look come on oh look at this place this place is a veterinarian's office yeah a veterinarian or a vet and that's a person that takes care of hurt or sick animals yeah look we have some really cute animals here hello ah this is such a cute puppy but we want to make sure that this puppy is okay so the first thing you can do is take it to get an MRI yeah an MRI it's basically a scanner that uses magnets to take pictures of this puppy but not pictures on the outside where it's smiling pictures of all the stuff inside like it's bones and make sure they're not broken and this puppy is doing really okay let's see okay puppy whoa look at it the MRI is showing the inside of this puppy's leg whoa that's pretty cool well this puppy seems to be pretty okay but it looks like it hurt its leg so we're gonna take care of it yeah okay here we go the first thing we want to do is put a bandage on its leg so I'll use some dots [Applause] oh we did it we bandaged up this puppy he's gonna be all better real soon and the next thing we want to do is give this puppy some medicine here you go puppy he's happy he's feeling better already [Music] it's the last thing we want to do is we want to put this cone around its head because sometimes puppies get really playful and they take off their bandages we don't want to take it off until he's up better [Laughter] he is so cute yeah I love being a veterinarian being a vet with you was really fun because we've got to learn about animals and take care of them if they can sick or hurt whoa this was awesome [Music] oh look at what it is it's a fire truck yeah whoa fire trucks are so cool and look at this it has really big wheels and tires and really bright headlights and a metal bumper I bet it would be really fun to ride in one of these come on [Music] wow it is so much fun riding in a fire truck and look up here yeah this right here is buyer fires siren and it goes like this yeah when a firefighter has to go and help people from a fire they turn this on and they honk their horns and that lets everyone know in the area that there's an emergency and they should move off the street yeah so they can get there nice and quick and safely whoa and look at this this is a very important part of a fire truck this is the fire ladder and it's really helpful for helping firefighters get up to really high buildings to save people and to use their hose to put out the fires oh look and these are the valves where you hook up the hose but this is a really big fire hose it's not like a regular hose you might have in your yard it's really really really powerful push out the fires and make everyone safe yeah yeah fine [Music] whoa look at this this is the fire pole the fire pole is really helpful if [Music] they live up on the second floor and the fire truck is on the first floor so the pole helps them not have to take the stairs yeah oh didn't you see this nah this is a firefighter's uniform it is so cool because it's fireproof yeah if you or I were in a fire that would be really dangerous because our clothes are flammable they can catch on fire but not a firefighter they can go and save you because they're Fireproof whoa did you see the helmet yeah look at this this firefighter has a really cool yellow helmet and that protects their head from anything that might fall on it did you see this yeah this is the really powerful fire hose whoa this is so cool there are so many different adjustment Valves and look it's really really big so that it can have a very powerful spray to put out all the fires yeah maybe one day you and I need firefighters too and we can help save people but to be a firefighter you have to be really really Brave yeah Brave you know what being brave means yeah when when free that means you might be scared of something but it do it anyway because you're gonna help help people and keep them safe well I really want to do a job that will help people too yeah that would be awesome thank you [Music] whoa look where we are yeah a job that you can do when you grow up is being a nurse yeah being a nurse is a really great job because you helped take care of others and make sure they get better when they might be sick let's go see everything that a nurse does yeah [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] look at this did you see it this right here is a skeleton whoa there are so many phones yeah bones do you know what a bone is these are different types of Bones and a bone is what helps make you up yeah helps you stand nice and Tall it's right under your skin bones are really important and it's important to take care of your bones well it's really good I'll learn about bones because if you ever break a bone you can go to a nurse and they can help you come on look at this box it's really bright this will help us look at different kinds of x-rays yeah this right here this is an x-ray and it kind of just looks like a dark sheet but it actually is a picture of the inside of your hand so when you put it up here you can read the X-ray yeah you can see all the different phones inside your hand whoa and this is really helpful to take a picture and x-ray of your hand because if you break a bone the nurse can say you broke this bone and now we can fix it okay well X-rays and nurses are pretty amazing and look at this over here another thing you do when you go see a nurse did you see how tall you are whoa look I'm five feet and 11 inches tall that's pretty tall hey do you know how tall you are well that's pretty tall too and I bet when you grow up you'll be even taller maybe five foot eleven or a six foot or six foot one inch or seven feet tall whoa that's really tall nurse is an amazing job maybe one day I'll be a nurse When I grow and I can help make people feel better yeah well this was really exciting hey I'll see you in just one second hey whoa that was so much fun learning about all those different types of jobs there were a lot of them whoa hey which one was your favorite job yeah I like that one a lot too it was really fun doing that with you whoa look at this over here come on come on whoa do you see what it says curiosity corner that means it's time for the Curiosity corner where you and I get to learn all types of things hmm But I wonder what we're gonna learn today you and I are just gonna have to find out I'm so excited [Music] hey welcome to the Curiosity corner where we get to paint a really beautiful picture together and it looks like we have everything we need we have our paints look we have three different colors blue yellow and red these colors are really important because they're primary colors and primary colors are used to mix get mixed up and make every other color in the rainbow so we're gonna use these to paint a beautiful picture well we're gonna need our palette with paints and a brush okay so let's wet our brush first then we get the paint okay so first we want to make a really cool orange because it's my favorite fruit and favorite color so we'll start with some yellow whoa it's so fun to mix up the paints we're gonna make a circle [Music] whoa look we made a yellow circle but it's not quite the right color so now we're going to add another primary color red just a little bit of red a little bit of water and then you can mix it up to make an orange look at how pretty that color is it has little bits of red and little bits of yellow and a lot of bit of orange whoa that was so much fun learning about colors with you and painting a really pretty picture it's time for me to go wash out my brush [Music] looks like we got some traffic here [Music] [Music] whoa that was so much fun learning about all those different kinds of jobs with you well there were so many different kinds well even if you didn't pick your favorite today that's okay you have all the time in the world just keep on exploring and being curious and I'm sure you'll find what you will want to do when you grow up well I'm having a lot of fun with these trucks this fire truck and recycling truck Whoa and this construction vehicle with an excavator arm well that's the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name hey will you spell my name with me b-l-i-p-p-i flippy good job well I'll see you soon foreign
Channel: Moonbug - Kids TV Shows Full Episodes
Views: 713,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny cartoon, arpo english episodes, arpo baby daniel, animation, family, arpo english, robot, arpo robot cartoon, arpo full episodes English, kids cartoons, BoBoiBoy Movie 2, Movie, Animasi, Animation, Cartoon Kids, English Subtitle, super strikers, thomas and friends, kids tv shows, oddbods, blippi, Antiks, rob the robbot, fun cartoon, fun animation, fun story, fun kids, kids show, arpo animation, anime kids, anime fun, best anime, animação, anime divertido, crianças de anime
Id: VZdDj7Jhql4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 194min 42sec (11682 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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