Blippi Visits an Ice Cream Truck | Learn To Count - Simple Maths for Children | Educational Videos

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[Music] hey it's me let me and look at what it is whoa it's a real ice-cream truck and today you and I are gonna learn about ice cream trucks [Music] whoa all right now let's learn the parts of this ice cream truck on the outside whoa it's so colorful oh and look there's some ice cream right here we have a strawberry shortcake we have an ice cream sandwich we have a drumstick and we have a red white and blue ice cream oh look at these so cool they're pink rims so then the ice cream truck can drive around on the street sweet wheels and tires whoo what's this huh it says children slow crossing it looks like there's lights let me show you all right you see this red knob you pull it out watch what happens whoa these lights flash orange and the sign comes out from the ice-cream truck so then you know not to get close to the ice-cream truck or at least just be very weary so then you don't get hurt so we'll keep that out right now let me show you something else whoo you see this this is a switch for music you hear that music that means the ice cream truck is coming to you so then you can get some ice cream whoo and look at right here some social media of this exact ice cream truck in Las Vegas mater sweet Oh then look right here look at all these ice cream choices we have wool this one has the color red orange green oh and look at this one one of my two favorite colors orange YUM Oh ninja turtle Oh spongebob squarepants and let's see here remember this one yeah it's on the other side too it's the Strawberry Shortcake YUM oh look at this this is the window that you walk up to and this is where you order your ice cream from huh hello hello wait a second no one's in here I have an idea maybe you and I can go inside and serve some people and ice cream come on whoo all right now let's hop in the back and serve some ice cream but first we need to turn on the generator this is what provides power to the freezer let's turn it on oh it's like a mini engine that produces power to keep the freezer really cold but the freezer is already cold so we can turn it off all right let's hop in the back and serve some ice cream whoa the inside of an ice cream truck oh [Music] this is where the driver of the ice cream truck sits it's just like a normal vehicle a steering wheel a shifter knob set of keys but we're not here for driving we're here for ice cream whoa this big white thing right here this is the freezer let's open it up look at all this ice cream all right let's pick out five ice cream bars ready all right got one one [Music] 103 alright and see here we go all right five all right five let's shut this to keep them nice and cold so right here we have five one two three four five five ice cream bond but now we need three snacks hmm okay how about some popcorn one how about um some chips two snacks Oh what else oh yeah all right three three snacks so we have five ice cream bars and three snacks five plus three is one two three four five six seven eight YUM oh all right now we need to let everyone know on Twitter and Instagram where we are all right [Music] okay we have some ice cream here let's pass it out alright first we have cotton candy who wants cotton candy go you're welcome okay we have an Ice Cream Sandwich YUM you're welcome and a Hello Kitty yeah you're welcome alright enjoy the ice cream thank you [Music] that was so much fun learning about this ice cream truck with you well this is the perfect time for the funny fun ice cream ice cream ice cream ice cream ice cream ice cream with chocolate sauce warm and gooey lots of cherries on top make some ice cream with chocolate sauce let's make some body pun ice cream make some ice cream with gummy burn up some green red and mellow yummy worms out now make some ice cream with gummy worm time now this makes a bunny fun body scream make some ice cream nuts yummy yum let's make some ice cream pants bunny fun make some ice cream or tommy-toms ice cream let's make some ice cream that's yummy yum yum let's make some ice cream that's five fun boats make some ice cream or tommy-toms Bonnie but ice cream YUM woohoo look at what I have this is some toy clay and I'm acting like it's ice cream but it's actually a toy so be sure not to eat it alright see this is like vanilla ice cream yum and this is like chocolate ice cream woo look we have some ingredients glue like this yeah some strawberry syrup okay let's take off the cap and here we go [Music] no ruin look at this one it's like chocolate syrup oh let's put some over here again alright YUM that looks tasty and what we can put over on the chocolate ice cream is maybe some whipped cream YUM here we go [Music] well that looks tasty move look at what we have over here some muy it's a more toy molding clay I think this deserves us a cherry on top okay let's take some off right there and then squish it squish squish squish squish and let's roll it up oh that looks like a cute cherry let's put a little dimple up top yeah all right let's put it right on the chocolate ice cream yum that looks tasty but like I said be sure not to eat it and this one looks like we have some blue and some orange blue and orange white two favorite colors let's make some gummy worms all right let's take half of this orange roll it out okay mmm look at that orange gummy worm put it right on top right here then let's take the blue and we'll make another gummy worm you put it right there all right roll it out hmm look at that gummy worm let's lay it right there and there we have two tasty looking toy ice cream yo well this is the end of this video it was so much fun learning about the ice cream truck with you and listening dancing and to them funny fun ice cream song well if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me ready BL i PP I flippy alright see you again buh-bye today we're at the Las Vegas mini Grand Prix oh and look at these these are go-karts this is a green go-kart this is a red go-kart and this is a blue go-cart I am so excited [Music] look at these two coal carts there are my two favorite colors this go-kart is the color orange in this go-kart is the color [Music] now it's time for me to teach you the parts of a go-kart oh hey and look at this yeah it's a go-kart so the first thing on go-karts are all of them have four wheels and tires see right here this is a wheel and tire and it's really small so cute so this is the first wheel and tire this is the second wheel and tire [Music] this right here is the third wheel and tire move and this is the last wheel and tire it's the fourth wheel and tire whoa whoa and look at this yeah this that's the bumper guard it's there to keep you safe so then you don't run and drive into things like this all right look at this back here this yeah this is the spoiler they put spoilers on go-karts and super fast cars because it creates some downforce and it adds about three million horsepower to the vehicles wow that's fast ooh look down here this is the engine of the go-kart it has an air filter spark plug muffler oil and so many other things well how the engine gets all of its power is it needs some fuel just like how you and I need food the go-kart needs food too and right here yeah right here is the gas tank whoa I think you and I should fill it up and put in some gas in the go-kart let's put our safety glove on here we go [Music] all right put the spelt right here turn it up all right I think it's nice and full now let's put the cap back on oh yeah nice and tight and we turn on the on switch right there then all you have to do is pull a string three two one a little harder this time even a little harder this time okay first things first when operating the go-cart yeah safety first [Music] all right here we go going down here see this this brake pedal gas pedal that's what makes you go forward and backward [Music] [Music] [Music] riding go-karts is so much fun the cool thing about go-karts are there so many different kinds like the ones we just rode then also these ones come look look at this this go-kart is so small that's funny Moo there's one up here for you and I to ride whoa yeah this green cart looks like a dandy all right you need to turn it on so you remember put on your glove and then give it a pull anyone that 38 in short Bubba can ride and trust me I'm above 38 inches nice and tight all right now the gas pedal here we go [Music] I just crashed but since go-karts only go forward [Music] Wow hey check this out hook it under there give a little yeah now we can go to drive again [Music] oh that was really fun ready don't card but I think now is the perfect time to ride the big cart whoa ooh look at what it is wow this is a big kids go-kart yeah so power it's so powerful it was even imported from the country of Gramps and check that down there yeah this go-kart has LED headlights and go to the back [Music] and it even has taillights do you see them and when you push on the brake yeah it even has working brake lights whoa this go-kart is so powerful you need to be sixteen years old and have a valid driver's license lucky for me I'm wolf so that means we can start it up so flip on the switch give it a pole whoa I'm a little nervous but it's gonna be so much fun all right are you ready here we go [Music] [Music] learning about go-karts with you well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name yeah let's spell it together ready BL I pity I flippy alright you again [Music] whoa look at this fire truck toy it has a gigantic ladder there's a real fire truck behind me let's put this fire truck toy away and check out some of the gadgets on the real fire truck [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Sherman Armand can you hear me this is fireman blippi hey we're in sight a real fire truck I got my seatbelt on to keep me safe I even got my headset so I can communicate with all the other workers oh look over this way that's where the driver sits and stares the fire truck with the steering wheel whoa check the back out with me yeah look at all those seats that's where the rest of the fire workers sit and there's anywhere from three to six firemen in the fire truck going to the fire let's check out some more of the fire truck [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're at the base of the ladder on the fire truck and look way up there yeah there's a real fireman let's get him to wave to us oh he's so high up there he's about 105 feet up in the air Wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey now it's about time for me to show you some of the tools and gadgets on a fire truck let's go whoa look this right here yeah this is a hydrant wrench you use this to open up the fire hydrant and then this is the stores wrench whoa-ho you use the stores wrench on the inlets of the fire truck so then you can connect the hose to the fire truck and provide the fire truck with water but in order to do that you need hoses look up here whoa that's a lot of hose okay now let me show you some more cool gadgets of the fire truck whoa watch this whoa okay we got a pickaxe we got just a normal pick and then yep you can't forget the sniffers whoa watch this trick whoa look at all these cool tools on the fire truck there's tools inside secret compartments that are inside secret compartments [Music] Hey come back here I forgot to show you something look inside this little compartment whoa it's a giant air tank the firefighters use this to breathe air because you can't breathe in fire and smoke but in order to use this you need to wear a harness let's go try on a harness now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we just got a fire call let's go put on our air pack oh right this is our air pack this is compressed air in this big bottle and then this down here this is my mask so let me put it on tighten that up and then you just buckle this in kind of like a seatbelt okay now you got a turn on the air okay and then let's put on the mask [Music] okay now I'm breathing air from the air transat fastener no it's time to go straight from fire [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Wow oh you can't forget about the buttons this fire truck toy is so much fun thank you for learning about fire trucks with me blippi bli ppi blippi good job now you know how to say and spell my name [Music]
Channel: Moonbug Kids - Cartoons and Kids Songs
Views: 35,315,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blippi, Blippi songs, Blippi videos, blippi learns, Blippi toys, Blippitoys, learn numbers Blippi, blippi kids videos, learn with me, blippi learning, nursery rhymes, kindergarten, kids songs, children song, youtube kids, toys, toys for kids, best nursery rhymes, learning, learning compilation, preschool learning, numbers, animals, kids videos, learn at home, educational videos, learning for toddlers, ice cream song
Id: 3w5nSBtk_ho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 37sec (2017 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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