Blippi Pets Cute Animals in the Shelter! | Educational Videos for Kids

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[Music] hey look at where i'm at now right now i'm at cares in burien washington yeah c a r e s cares yeah cares is an animal shelter yeah this is where the animals live until maybe someone like you comes down to then adopt the pet these pets need a new home let's see what pets are inside [Music] do you see this dog yeah this is a really small dog it's kind of like a baby dog yeah really small dogs like this these are called puppies here you go [Music] oh this is sapphire oh she's such a cute kitty hey sapphire how are you [Music] oh she's so soft [Music] this is cuddles she loves to cuddle oh she's so soft and she loves to play [Music] wow that was so much fun spending some time at my local animal shelter well hey even if you can't adopt a pet you can still come down and volunteer your time yeah you can come on down and pet the pets maybe they'll even let you walk a pooch or play with a cat in the little cat room well that was so much fun [Music] check it out right now i'm at pause and relax in berrien washington yeah it's a daycare oh i know does that feel good yeah a daycare that has a playground you know a playground that you get to play at yeah this is a doggy playground and lionel and i are playing here hey i have an idea why don't we let lino run around and playgrounds are a lot more fun when there's a lot of friends let's bring on some doggie friends whoa look at how many friends lino has [Music] okay now it's time for lino's bath and haircut oh i bet he's gonna feel so clean and so fresh after this all right let's take them inside here we go lino [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] hey whoa check it out look at this pink platform yeah this is what all the pooches stand on and this is a nice purple belly strap right here and then a neck strap yeah this is called the groomer's helper so then and make sure that the pooch doesn't fall off the table while it's getting groomed hey come check this out whoa see this toolbox there's a lot of things that the groomers use inside this toolbox wow that is so cool all right first we have some shampoo this is plum flavored shampoo oh it looks like we have some clippers up here wow [Music] that's what you put on the dog's hair and then it trims it ooh this files down the nails of the dog let's turn it on [Music] that's silly okay wow yeah these yeah these are like scissors yeah but they're actually called shears wow a dog's hair is a lot more fine than a human's hair and these scissors can really cut a dog's hair really good so let's put these on the platform let's put the the red colored ones okay that'd be really careful if you use these shears perfect okay what else do we need to cut lino's hair hmm let's see oh hey do you want a haircut hey do you want a haircut looks like their hair's already cut oh look at this wow a comb yeah just like how you and i comb our hair and brush our hair dogs need that too wow oh hello okay let's put this on the platform okay next to the pair of shears all right what else is over here wow looks like we have some sanitation spray so then when lino's done you sanitized everything so then the next dog can get its hair cut whoa sugar cookies i love sugar cookies this is sugar cookie dog perfume this definitely should go over there [Music] check this out another drawer wow there is a lot of cool things in this look at that that kind of looks like a brush but it doesn't look like a normal brush or a comb this is called a slicker brush [Music] all right we'll put that over there as well whoa this is gonna be so much fun let's see remember from earlier these clippers up here yeah see this these are clipper attachments you put them on the top and then that is what determines the length of hair see that compared to that one's way shorter okay let's bring this and a green attachment wow all right i think we have everything we need to cut lino's hair all right so we have clippers shears scissors a comb some dog perfume and a slicker brush there's a lot more things in there that we'll probably use but for now this is good yeah whoa look at lido they took off so much hair look whoa this is a bunch of lino's hair wow it's so soft ah yeah i could make a pillow out of this wow hey you like lionel's hair does it smell good so silly [Music] whoa look lino's all done how does he look look at his big fluffy ears [Music] wow and look at his spooky bandana oh there's some pumpkins on it and it looks like a llama with a cape [Music] wow all right lino we can go home now [Music] all right bye-bye well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me ready b-l-i-p-p-i flippy good job all right bye-bye [Music] hey it's me flippy and today we'll be meeting some amazing sea creatures this is going to be awesome let's check them out [Music] hey it's me blippi and look at where i'm at yeah i'm at a marina yeah marinas our body of water where a bunch of boats live oh that's so cool but hey check this out wow today we're at the marine life center in bellingham washington and you and i are gonna learn a lot about some cool creatures and fish yeah i love fish let's go oh hey who are you hi my name's casey how are you nice to meet you casey i'm flippy what are you doing i'm painting a picture of some of my ocean friends on the ceiling here wow are those sharks right there they sure are they're dog sharks oh that's cool well it's a very good painting but hey do you mind if i go explore the marine life center please do wow check this place out wow this is gonna be so much fun learning about marine life yeah let's go whoa check it out yeah do you see that that is a skate yeah it's hard to see because it blends in so good with the rocks surrounding it yeah just like how i kind of blend in with this creature right here because we're both the color orange the skate blends in with the rocks and that is called camouflage whoa yeah that helps keep it safe from its predators whoa whoa check out this tank looks like there's some cute fish in there hello hey wow they're just swimming around and they look like they are having fun oh what else is in here oh looks like some seaweed and some rocks yeah casey says there's actually an eel in here whoa and she's gonna come feed it yeah hey blippi did you find the wool field she's hiding inside of her den sometimes if she's hungry she'll come out and say hello it looks like she has a grumpy face but she's actually my friend sometimes she likes belly rubs and treats her favorite is shrimp let's see if we can get her to eat [Music] wow such cool animals in here i love all these creatures whoa check it out wow inside this tote there is a kelp crab whoa do you see him whoa look at him here let me move this piece of kelp whoa there he is oh the cool thing about this kelp crab yeah is it's camouflage yeah he camouflages by eating things if he starts to eat things that are light brown then he starts to turn light brown himself or if he eats things that are dark brown like this piece of kelp then he blends in to that dark brown piece of kelp whoa so cool oh look a shrimp hello shrimp you are so cute you want to be pet yep there you go oh there you go oh it is so cute hey speaking of shrimp check this out whoa doesn't that look like a shrimp yeah it looks like the shell of the shrimp wow yeah shrimp and crab they do what's called molt yeah that's where the outside of them their shell yeah comes off of them and this whoa this is just a shrimp shell because it came off the shrimp oh look at these critters wow these are both hermit crabs yeah they're crabs that are inside shells whoa check out what happens when i pick it up it's gonna go inside the shell all right whoa did you see that whoa yeah it used to be outside the shell but now it's inside the shell to protect itself okay i'm gonna gently put it back right there whoa look at this tank looks like there's some crabs in here some fish there's a lot of cool things in here a lot of seaweed oh do you see all those fish down there hello fish hey are you hungry yeah hey check it out looks like i have some yummy food for these fish yeah this is actually nutrient dense food for the fish yeah it's just like you and i eating vegetables basically really good for us all right here you go fish all right all right [Music] wow look at all of these shells they're so pretty this one is so big look at it it's almost as big as my hand wow okay whoa and this one is so shiny oh and this one is so pokey wow oh here's another pokey one and those are little teeny pokes whoa that is so cool oh hey what's this doing here look it's a stuffed animal and this stuffed animal is a stingray hey i have an idea why don't we explore this area and see if we can find any more stuffed animals oh check it out a giant sea turtle whoa sea turtles are so cool they're so graceful just swimming in the water flapping flapping flapping that is so cute okay there you go whoa check it out we have two salmon whoa looks like one is spawning and the other one is not whoa look at sam and go wow salmon are some cool fish they get so big yeah these would be small salmon in the wild okay let me set them right over here so they don't fall in there whoa a giant sea lion well this one would be really teeny but sea lions get so big and they make the sound [Music] that is so silly oh it's so cute okay let's put you back right there whoa you found another one wow a giant clam look it's like a hard shell yeah whoa look it opened up and do you see what's inside yeah we found a pearl whoa that is so pretty whoa so shiny i actually heard pearls get created from irritation i think that's true whoa look down here whoa another shell yeah this is a hermit crab yeah check it out see a crab and then it actually goes inside its shell for protection see yeah it goes like this on the ground then it opens up and then it crawls around and then it goes inside okay we'll keep you right there there you go whoa another one yeah this is a fish and do you see how flat it is yeah it lays down flat its two eyes are on top of its body yeah and it just hangs out on the bottom of the sea floor and this is a halibut and halibuts can get so big yeah this one would be a small one this is so cute you know what kind of animal this is yeah that's a hint yeah this is a sea horse yeah it looks kind of like a horse huh oh cute swirly little tail and look at what it has right in this little pouch little baby sea horsies [Music] hey wow you're so colorful whoa okay okay let's see whoa a couple more yeah check this out a killer whale yeah an orca wow they are so cute wow an octopus octopuses are so smart yeah and they have eight long tentacles [Music] with suckers on the bottom to hold on to things okay there you go oh looks like we have some whales right here oh whales can get so big they get massive and they breathe air they go and then suck in air and they can go underwater and stay underwater for so long oh hey look a beluga whale wow it's so bright and white yeah it kind of looks like snow yeah beluga whales actually love to be in really cold frigid water whoa [Applause] [Music] check it out hey what is this this is one of our crab pots and by golly we have a lot of crabs in here today yeah we do there are so many of them what kind of crabs are these these are called graceful or slender crabs and they look a lot like a dungeness crab have you ever seen a dungeness before yeah aren't they a little bigger than that they sure are these are almost fully grown whoa can we take one out and see it a little closer even better we could probably take two and figure out which one's a boy and which one's a girl okay that sounds like fun check it out we just got two crabs in here all right okay how do you tell if it's a boy or a girl on these oh well that's a great question i get that a lot so i like to start with the female crab the girl crab and we look at her belly we flip her over gently on her back she kind of calms down and we look for a very wide triangle shape here compared to the boy and that's because she's gonna have eggs inside her tummy there and she needs extra room the boy doesn't need that much room okay so that one is a girl and that one is a boy you got it flippy whoa check it out [Music] wow that is really cool and i like acting like a crab wasn't that so much fun learning about marine life together yeah that was awesome seeing those cute fish and all those creatures wow it's crazy how they live under the water and you and i live on the land yeah it's really important for you and i to help keep the water nice and clean yeah well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me b-l-i-p-p-i flippy good job all right well i'm gonna keep learning [Music] oh hey it's me blippi and check this out this is a giant moose and today you and i at northwest trek in eatonville washington are gonna see some awesome animals maybe we'll see a moose i am so excited let's go bye-bye moose [Music] whoa check out this radical off-road vehicle this is so cool this is what you and i are gonna take the tour in let's inspect it make sure it's nice and safe for us check it out these are some big wheels and tires whoa and look at that tread that is some big tread for some massive off-roading yeah whoa check out that up there that is the canopy top just in case if it rains nothing will hit our heads it's kind of like an umbrella but for a vehicle all right let's check out inside whoa hey check this out hello hello northwest trek flippy's here can i come on the tour hey there oblivion you're clear for the tour all right you heard him we're ready to take the tour all right first we need to finish our vehicle tour all right check this out this is where you fill up the vehicle with gas yep it's nice and full all right there we go oh now into the back of the vehicle whoa check it out whoa there's so many seats back here whoa this is so cool i'm gonna sit right here so i can get a bird's eye view of all the fun animals we're about to see let's go [Music] whoa do you see those animals those animals are elk hey look at that one that one has big antlers that one is a boy and all those other ones are girls see you later elk oh looks like they're playing see ya let's go explore some more animals around here whoa check it out this is a bison whoa and do you see how it has some fur on the side yeah some really short fur and some long fur and that long fur is called a cape yeah that means this bison is a boy whoa this bison is so big it weighs the size of a small car [Music] whoa this is so much fun at the northwest trek [Music] whoa do you see that animal that is a moose one way i can tell that that is a moose is the thing that it has under its chin that's called a bell whoa and there's another moose over here hello moose hey moose do you see how that moose is moving its ears yeah they have some big ears they can probably hear really good let's see hello moose hello hey i was being really quiet and it hurt me [Music] whoa check out those animals those animals are big horn sheep can you see their horns yeah if you look at them from the side kind of looks like a circle wow what cool animals whoa this is so much fun at northwest trek we are finding so many animals they are so cute [Music] whoa do you see this there's three goats right here hey i think you and i should count them one two three yeah three white ghosts oh they're so cute hello goats hey oh oh looks like two are leaving three minus two is one but they're still there so there's three oh so silly wow so cool that bison is massive and those goats are really small it's so cool that these two species of animals are living right next to each other and they're getting along [Music] northwest trek is such a great place to see animals that are native to the pacific northwest yeah well we gotta keep going because we have so many more animals to see let's go [Music] whoa do you see those birds [Music] they're so big those are bald eagles do you see how that one has a white neck and head yeah because that is an adult but that one right there with the darker neck and head that means it's a juvenile which is five years and younger hey how old are you cool whoa this is the wingspan of a bald eagle whoa it has a bigger wingspan than i do [Music] whoa do you see that animal that animal is a raccoon whoa raccoons are so cute yeah you can find raccoons in a lot of places like out in the wilderness and even in the city yeah sometimes i hear my garbage at night getting ruffled up and actually it's a raccoon just trying to find some food [Music] do you see that those are itty-bitty chunks of food for an animal called river otters i am so excited you see those animals those are the river otters i was talking about earlier and they're eating lunch oh come check them out hey there they are wow they look really hungry river otters can actually dive down 60 feet under whoa that's about 20 meters that is really deep check them out whoa that is a wolverine it has some really sharp claws and its teeth and jaw is so sharp it can crunch through bones whoa and these animals are really fierce they have to be fierce because they live in the wilderness whoa what cool animals whoa do you see those animals yeah those are bears they're actually grizzly bears these are the biggest bears that we have in the pacific northwest oh they're so big and their smell is so good they can smell food from 20 miles away wow that's like about 32 kilometers that is so far hey i have an idea how about you and i act like bears so we get on all fours but when you hear music then you stand up and growl and dance like a bear ready all right act like a bear [Music] uh [Music] that was so much fun today at northwest trek in eatonville washington wow we sure did learn about a lot of pacific northwest animals today didn't we yeah i really enjoyed learning with you well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me ready b-l-i-e-p-i flippy good job all right see you soon bye-bye [Music] hey it's me blippi and today we're at tanaka farms in irvine california tanaka farms yeah is a farm where you get to pick your very own fruits and vegetables yeah no grocery store today today you and i are at the farm here we go oh check it out it looks like there's a tractor and two wagons let's go here at tanaka farms you can ride the tractor on the tanaka farm tractor tour i'm so excited oh hey look hey who are you i'm farmer kenny ooh farmer kenny nice to meet you i'm blippi what do you do here i do a little bit of everything drive the tractor around and take you on tour wow can we take a tour sure hop on up all right let's go whoa check it out i'm in a carrot field all right step on over and you see all this green that's the top of the carrot yeah you don't eat that the carrot is actually under the ground that's why they call it a root vegetable okay in order to pick a carrot we actually need to find the carrots so let's pull these back whoa there's a lot right here yeah see all this orange yeah those are carrots but they're pretty stuck under there so let's take this giant pitchfork whoa looks like a small fork but way bigger and then let's loosen up the soil wow and then we need to pick a carrot hey here's one right here wow check it out we got a carrot whoa yeah oh that's cool i love carrots they're the color orange i love putting them in my salads my carrot cake even some soup they're so yummy and they help your eyes be able to see at night whoa pretty cool hey and actually there's an animal that really loves to eat carrots can you think of what animal that is huh let's go find it [Music] oh cute bunny look it's a cute bunny wow this bunny's name is andy oh i wonder if andy wants a carrot from earlier here you go andy maybe andy's not hungry that's okay let's put andy down there you go all right there you go andy whoa i love bunnies they are so soft hey this is peanut butter and the other one its name is jelly oh here's another one look at all those oh hey here we go it's okay yeah wow do you see this chicken this is a modern game chicken yeah and they still lay eggs although they're really small yeah look at them hey they're so cute wow okay let's put peanut butter down so then peanut butter can eat some of the mealworms okay there you go oh oh and come over here i have something to show you wow right over here we have some eggs chickens lay eggs wow we have one egg two eggs three eggs and four eggs these two are big eggs and these two are small eggs but these two weren't laid by the modern game chicken these are still too big for those chickens okay we'll put these eggs back right here and let's go check out the chicken some more [Music] these chickens sure do love their snack [Music] hey wow do you see these these are carrots yeah they're the color orange i love the color orange it's one of my two favorite colors and these are onions wow that is a big onion and look at these these are also onions but these are called green onions yeah they're both onions but they look so different wow this is romaine i love romaine it's so healthy i like to put it in my salads wow and these are beets whoa these are golden beets and these are just beets oh look check these out these are cute these are radishes do you see the color it's kind of like a pinkish red yeah i like that color oh hey it's spinach these are in a little case a clear case yeah spinach is green a lot of these vegetables are the color green it seems like well see the radishes yeah the part that you eat is the pinkish red color but up here this uses photosynthesis to grow the radishes and this is the color green but you don't need the top wow kale you should try some kale chips sometimes yeah it's like normal chips but healthier wow are these drumsticks nope these are sugar cane wow that is so sweet wow japanese eggplant wow these are the color purple it's a very dark purple wow so cool and healthy oh we got some green celery we got some cauliflower can't forget about the summer squash yeah wow and we also have some green bell peppers yeah right next to the red bell peppers check it out yeah red green red green we'll put those back just right there and last but not least we got some corn on the cob i love corn [Music] all right blippi we're here i am so excited wow i wonder what type of food this is okay let's see all right we could go down this row right here this one all right whoa what are these those are watermelons watermelons wow it looks like there's two different kinds yeah there's these small round ones those are yellow watermelon okay those big oblong ones those are red seeded watermelon wow can we pick a couple yeah let's find some to pick okay so how about this yellow one right here right in the middle this one yeah okay how do you do it just go in comes right off when it's ready it comes right off wow look at it so this watermelon is a circle or a sphere okay all right let me go i'll go grab a red okay whoa that's a big watermelon wow what shape is this looks like a sphere to me yeah kind of like a oblong sphere or an oval all right now can we put them down right here okay wow these are so nice okay all right so this is a normal watermelon and we know what the color inside is but we should just cut it open and check right what it looks like wow yeah green on the outside and reddish pink red on the inside wow and do you see the seeds they're black seeds and white seeds whoa okay but since this watermelon looked a little different what's so different about it it just has a yellow inside flesh oh that makes sense yeah because it's called a yellow watermelon can we cut it open yeah let's cut it open and see when they're nice and ready they pop right open yeah i've never seen a watermelon like this before look this is the color yellow wow all right let's compare them yellow red yellow red both are tasty wow let's see how it tastes [Music] that's sweet i love the taste of yellow watermelon what color is your favorite of watermelon my favorite is yellow mmm has a little bit different taste but tastes really good mm-hmm yeah let me tell you this tastes really good you want to try strawberry hmm strawberries are so tasty let's go pick some more strawberries okay do you see my container this is called a clam shell container yeah do you know what a clam is yeah clam is a shellfish and this kind of looks like it okay let's pick 20 strawberries whoa that's a lot of strawberries okay ready one two three four five six seven wow eight nine ten strawberries okay we're halfway there eleven twelve minus 1 11 12 13 14 15 sixteen seventeen almost there eighteen nineteen last one twenty twenty strawberries in our clam shell container good job [Music] what kind of plants are these i've never seen these before wow look at them they're so tall kind of looks like cornstalks but i know they're not cornstalks we're stopping all right blippi we're here on sugar cane lane sugarcane lane did you hear that oh that's what these must be sugar canes whoa okay all right farmer kenny all right what do we do now we're gonna cut some sugarcane down okay wow hey these are sugar cane for a nice stock whoa whoa that's a sharp knife he just chopped it down wow what's sugar cane used for you could use it just to suck on you could use it to press it out make juice out of it cook with it is that what they make sugar out of yeah whoa sugar cane makes sugar wow okay wow look at that so normally you just cut off the skin and chew on the inside wow so you can chew on that right there yeah okay [Music] wow anytime you use knife you have to be very careful right grown-ups and only grown-ups can use a knife [Music] all right that looks so yummy did you on that little end all right let's try it [Music] i love sugar cane whoa check this out whoa this is a monstrous plant and this is actually a flower this is a giant flower and this flower is called a sunflower wow can you tell why it's called a sunflower yeah because it looks like the sun [Music] wow and sunflowers produce seeds yummy seeds are really healthy well this has been so much fun learning about fruits vegetables and seeds with you at tanaka farms in irvine california well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me ready b-l-i-p-p-i flippy good job all right see you later bye-bye come [Music] on it'll make you wanna shout grippy
Channel: Blippi - Educational Videos for Kids
Views: 3,923,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blippi, blippi videos, blippi zoo, blippi animals, san diego zoo, biggest zoo in world, worlds biggest zoo, blippi safari, safari for kids, zoo for kids, animals for kids, blippi zoo animals, blippi jungle animals, educational videos for kids, learning for kids, blipi, blippy, blippi san diego zoo, blippi visits, blippi explores, kids tv shows, zoo, kids, educational, education, learning, blippi, new blippi, blippi colors, learn colors, blippi farm, blippi pets, cats, dogs
Id: 9WM0GG27oo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 11sec (3071 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 17 2022
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