Blippi & Meekah Play Hide and Seek | Educational Videos for Kids

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so much to learn about it'll make you wanna shout me it's me blippi and look at where we're at today you don't know where we're at yeah because it's an illusion today we're at World of Illusions in Hollywood California and this place is so awesome awesome first I have someone really important to introduce you to yeah it's my best friend blippi hey everyone I'm Mika yeah yeah it's Mika she is my best friend you're my best friend oh no Mika you're my best friend I'm so excited to get to hang out with you today yeah what are we gonna do well we're at World of Illusions whoa I bet there's so many cool things to look at see how there is and I brought my camera so I can take some pictures oh awesome let's go come on whoa whoa wow did you see us we were so miniature back there man you're so little and now that we're up close we look bigger and speaking of big and gigantic whoa everything in this look at look at this whoa whoa they're giant eggs wow let's count the eggs together okay one two three four five six six giant eggs [Music] I was just going to say that yeah I love how colorful they are what one is your favorite oh I think this one because there's yellow and purple and I like all these Stripes this cool design whoa not like this one because it has orange and this kind of bluish color oh look at this whoa wow check it out we're sitting in a giant dog bowl oh dog food in here would be so massive can you imagine the dog that would eat from this bowl whoa that would be a gigantic dog definitely not a Chihuahua wow do you have any pets out oh whoa let's go explore we're here oh there's a giant headphones yeah normally headphones are so small and that go on your ear but these are just this would be for a Giant's ear s whoa look at this oh I love this unicorn yeah she loves unicorns hey do you want to ride it yes oh can you help me yeah okay here you go actually I'm gonna step up here here I come all right whoa be careful whoa where are you going Nico oh I think I'm just gonna go get some ice cream oh ice cream on her Unicorn oh that is so silly how do I look cool you look really good maybe I should take a picture of you yeah whoa all right say giant unicorn on three one two three giant unicorn whoa this is gonna be such a great picture get out oh I love it you're welcome and makeup I have a great idea why don't we go play some hide and seek yes yeah have you ever played hide and seek before yeah how about I hide okay and then you can help me find flippy oh we'll count together to five all right all right go ahead okay close your eyes ready one two three four five ready or not here I come come help me do you see beepy see it's blippi by the giant eggs hmm you don't see him there oh maybe it's a big dog let's go back to the giant headphones I hear baby behind the really cool unicorn blippi where is he [Music] and over here do you hear them blippi and right over here 's hiding behind the eggs the whole time I don't even see what I looked the first time did you see me oh nice oh it's awesome hey let's go play some more hide and seek together oh yes I want to hide all right let's go check it out we're in a kitchen yeah look at this giant piece of cake oh it looks so yummy yeah oh I wish you were real um looks like it's a vanilla piece of cake yeah look at these yummy pink layers maybe strawberry pork raspberry whoa oh and the frosting up top oh a giant Cherry yum yeah a piece of cake with the cherry on top oh look over here whoa It's a flippy cup whippy tea couch yeah big saucer wow this would be a really big tea party yeah a Blimpy tea party nice and warm hey why don't you take my picture that's a great idea all right I'll say tea party on three all right ready yep flippy tea party on three one two three flippy tea party yeah oh yes how does it look let's take a look together whoa I look so small so small yeah the cup is so big yeah wow oh thanks for taking my picture of course oh thank you whoa wow it's so big look at this flippy yeah we wouldn't be able to reach any cookies if they were up there no it's so tall or if there's some bananas pour some broccoli nope what would you want if it was up there oh I think I would want a nice tall cup of orange juice nope great room to play another round of Hide and Seek and see that's a great idea can I hide now okay yeah you can hide okay all right will you close your eyes with me and count to five all right here we go one two [Music] three four five okay ready or not here we come okay did she buy the cake hmm where are you Mika I don't see you by the cake do you see Mika by the cake not seeing her huh all right what about the teacup Mika where are you I know it's here anywhere oh where could she be Mika oh maybe on top of the kitchen countertop where are you who is she up here cool no I don't see her anywhere do you see Mika Mika where are you he said she's behind me but I can't see her do you see her Mika where are you yes what is behind me I don't see her what they're saying that she's in a Cupboard okay let's check [Music] Mika yeah we found her good job I love playing hide and seek God that was so fun yeah well shall we keep exploring [Music] whoa you look so small this place is awesome doesn't blippi look so much bigger than me yeah Mika you look so small whoa but check this out whoa that was really big and I'm really small do you want to see how it works whoa come on whoa see how the floor is slanted I think it's like a ramp yeah and Miko was a lot closer to you and I was further yeah when I was closer to you I looked really big and when I was further away I looked small yeah do you want to see an example see my two hands they're the same size yes but if you want him back and the other one forward this hand looks bigger than this hand because it's closer yeah this place is awesome really really fun yeah should we go explore some more yeah let's keep looking yeah whoa hey check it out I'm sitting on an elephant trunk yeah and I'm balancing on an elephant tusk whoa [Music] all right here we go [Music] well you act like an elephant with us [Music] hey Mika I should take your picture all right say elephants on three one two three [Music] this is gonna be such a great picture whoa wow it really looks like I'm sitting on an elephant trunk I know and it looks like I'm standing right now on the elephant huh yeah but if you come over here come over this way yeah see I'm just sitting on I'm just standing on the floor that's called an illusion yeah this place is so cool yeah should we go explore some more yeah oh makeup what are you doing hey flippy look I just hatched out of this egg [Music] hey Mika do you mind if I take a picture of you oh yes please all right what should I say how about baby chick on three okay one two three Baby Jake hello all right let's see this picture it does look like you're a baby chicken it really does thanks for the picture you're welcome thank you it's like we're jumping on a trampoline yeah it was a bunch of cupcakes wait a second oh look these cupcakes what colors I see orange [Music] you and me a purple cupcake I love purple is that why you always wear a purple shirt you know it yeah the green cupcake just like my camera another green and look it's not a challenge at all it's another illusion it's just painted on the floor yeah Nika what cupcake would you want to eat this is probably the purple one yeah I would probably pick some orange ones yeah yummy should we jump some more yeah let's do it yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're in a bedroom [Music] oh wait a second I have an idea will you jump with me on the count of three sure one two three a little better yeah that's much better but now everything that should be on the floor is on the ceiling yeah we were upside down but now the room is upside down [Music] town oh this is so cool I love upside down houses why don't we go see what other rooms there are okay oh whoa whoa whoa what the Kitchen come on whoa this is awesome and there's even some eggs spatula whoa this is so cool what's for dinner it looks like breakfast yeah [Music] yeah I love pie yum wow this room is so cool wow can we keep exploring yeah whoa bye-bye kitchen bye whoa whoa the living room whoa this is awesome the couch is on the ceiling whoa I can almost touch it yeah look at the chair oh this would be a fun room to watch it show it yeah I have an idea why don't we have a living room dance party [Music] yeah we saw so many cool things yeah good thing I brought my camera yeah now we have this cool photo albums yeah what was your favorite part of today oh right there I love the elephant oh yeah that was so silly wow well this is the end of this video if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for search for me will you spell my name with me yeah good job wait how do you spell your name yeah all right see you soon [Music] [Applause] hey it's me Mika and today I'm at the Intrepid Museum in New York City check it out the Intrepid is so big it's an aircraft carrier that can have airplanes land on it that's all that's all it is let's go inside and explore come on check it out we're at the Concord this is one of the very first supersonic airplanes do you know what that means that means that this plane goes faster than the speed of sound we get to go inside and check it out come on oh gotcha there you go you can get it after oh why thank you oh you wanna oh yeah yeah oh can you just thank you oh hi I'm Nika your flight attendant on supersonic Airlines I'm just kidding I'm just Mika I'm just playing this plane is so cool check out the seats can rest your arm and just relax on your flight did you know that this plane holds the world record for a fastest flight from New York to London it got to London in under three hours that's really really really really really fast hey wanna go check out the cockpit let's go hi I'm first officer Mika a first officer assists the it but there's no pilot hmm let's see let me just give a little call here hello yes it's first officer Mika and we don't have a pilot no I'm looking right now there's no pilot okay thank you so much oh this is so cool to be in the cockpit there's so many different buttons and controls and this is the steering wheel it controls the wings of the airplane [Music] oh look at all these circles see there's a lot whoa whoa whoa oh this it says visor knows this controls the nose of the airplane it can either go down or it can go up you have to know a lot to fly a plane what else oh see the wheel button the wheels make sure you go in for a nice smooth Landing oh yeah oh yeah whoa what else is in here oh all these little numbers look like something you'd see on a telephone and this is the throttle this is how you can go fast or slow so you're gonna go so fast you want to go so slow oh wow I wonder how long it takes to learn what all of these buttons and controls do can we just get ready here are you ready to fly with me awesome let's count down together three two one let's go even faster [Music] here we are on the flight deck this place is amazing we're up high we can see a lot of the New York City skyline and look at these amazing planes this is where planes would take off and where they would land but it's actually not long enough so they would use a device to catapult planes into the sky isn't that so cool whoa look at that plane oh I see a helicopter oh they're just hanging out on the flight deck that's where the planes hang and they have these beautiful views what there's someone on one of the planes you're right hi let's go get a closer look hi come on up thank you whoa hi I'm Mika hi Mika I'm Jen hi Jen nice to meet you nice to meet you so what do you do here so I am a museum educator which means that I teach all kinds of people students children adults coming into the museum awesome so you must know a lot about planes I do well if I'm in the front here does that mean that I'm the pilot you are a pilot but you are still learning how to be a pilot so you're technically a student driver oh okay so then would you be the pilot or the instructor I would be the instructor so I would be back here and I could take control of the plane if I needed to oh that makes sense I really like the look of this plane I love the colors I can see red and white and blue absolutely the red white and blue let other planes know that this is an American airplane and also the red and white they're high visibility so it lets people know that you're still learning how to be a pilot oh that's a great idea well it's so cool that I get to be inside of this airplane yeah would you like to go inside of a helicopter yes I would all right let's go okay let's go wow this is amazing yeah so this is our sea Guardian helicopter it was used by the Coast Guard to help rescue people out in the ocean wow that's super important absolutely and you'll notice here we have pontoons one here and one on the other side and then the shape of the front of the helicopter matches that of a boat so that it can land directly on the water whoa this helicopter can land on water absolutely it's really cool yeah definitely you're also going to notice that we've got colors we've got red and white similar to The MENTOR that we were just in yeah I was just gonna say we were just in a red and white plane yeah so same colors both so that they can be high visibility so people notice them but fit different reasons the mentor over there is high visibility so people stay away from you because you're learning new new learning to drive this one is high visibility so that people know to flag you down so that you can help them oh that makes sense absolutely wow what a how full and useful helicopter yeah in fact the way it helps people you'll notice the hook right up here there's a basket inside we can connect to that hook to lower down into the water wow yeah let's go see what the basket looks like absolutely come on in okay wow look it looks like a giant basket you would use to get groceries yeah you needed to fit people in there so it needs to be a big basket yeah it is really big wow this is so cool thanks for showing me yeah you can see the hole right here that would connect to the hook oh yeah and we even have some floats on either side of the basket to help it float when it drops down into the water very cool well before you let me pretend to fly the airplane did I pretend to fly this helicopter absolutely let's go check out the cockpit in this helicopter yeah all kinds of different controls in here yeah there's a lot going on I see a lot of circles and buttons and knobs absolutely but the three things that you're going to use to really steer this you have your petals down on the floor okay just like you would in a car you have your joystick right here that's going to I have one too all right and then you have this control right here which lifts up and down to help lift the helicopter up and down whoa so you use your feet on the pedals you hold on to this what did you call it joystick joystick and you have this controller too absolutely you're doing a lot that seems like a really hard job it is it's really complicated wow yep and then when you want to land we have a landing gear just like we would on a plane so that control is right here yeah flip it up now you're not always going to have the landing gear down for this one because remember it lands on the water so we're not gonna use our Wheels when we're landing on the water oh so we don't even need that not only anymore cool and then yeah I've seen this before in a car parking brake yep so that does help when you're on land to just make sure it doesn't go rolling away anywhere oh very smart absolutely I feel like an official helicopter flyer you're doing great hey well we'll see you soon Jen and I have a big Landing coming up are you ready yeah let's do this thank you oh cool this looks like a map of the Intrepid yeah you can see the entire length of the ship it is as long as three football fields lined up end to end whoa that is really really long we did some serious walking today definitely a lot of exercise a lot of steps wow well I'm Gonna Keep exploring but it was so nice meeting you Jen and thank you for showing me all of this absolutely it was nice showing you around and have fun oh thanks see ya bye let's go hey look behind me it's the Intrepid well it's a model of the Intrepid made out of Legos Isn't that cool let's get a closer look [Music] whoa this is amazing there's so much to look at oh I see people workers and helpers you know you can know what kind of job someone has based off of the color of their uniforms so oh right here Brown and see this person's wearing brown too they are pilots and oh this friend right here in green and there's another one if you're wearing green you helped direct the planes you help with take off and Landing whoa oh look at these two these are two officers hello officer hello officer good to see you old friends let's keep looking oh hello oh these two people are wearing purple one of my favorite colors they have really cool jobs they refuel the planes or they juice up the planes and because they wear purple and they juice up the planes they have really cool nicknames they call them the grapes this is amazing I wonder what else is here let's go find out oh this looks like a comfy cozy spot there's three butts do you know who would sleep here the sailors let's try it out can you imagine if you're on a bunk bed for three people you have a friend here you have a friend down there hey how's it going that'll be such a fun sleepover [Music] oh I bet there's more to go see come on let's go that way oh this is the part of the ship for different ways to communicate to other people and ships like here's the other end of The Voice tube hello oh and over here it says Morse code see type your name in Morse code yeah did you hear that it's a way to communicate with other people that are super far away so not spell my name if it's a long line like that you hold it down and if it's a DOT it's okay so Mika m e [Music] e okay [Music] a [Music] H Mika if anyone is wondering oh in this big light is another way to communicate with people on ships super far away see whoa that's a really bright light you could probably even see it through a really foggy night hello check out these red paddles one two they're kind of like ping pong paddles well they're super cool and helpful because it's another way to communicate Pilots needed to be able to land safely so they relied on Signal Landing officers like me let's see uh let's try this one it says wave off do not land do not land or this one that means too high or too low you're too low buddy that's so cool oh here's another way to communicate with signal flags let's see I want to tell that ship over there the pizza has been done my work here is dead something cool over here looks like a person wearing a green shirt hey we saw something like this on the model of the Intrepid do you remember if someone's wearing a green shirt they help the planes take off and land you're doing a great job smooth Landing cool oh there's another one over here do you know what color shirt this is it's white Yep this is a landing signal officer hey that's like the one I just did with the red paddles that was a landing signal officer hello I'm a landing signal officer I don't think they sang but this one is wearing a blue shirt if you're wearing a blue shirt you're a plain Handler and you move the aircraft around the light deck what kind of job would you want to have they had so many different jobs on the Intrepid pretty cool huh what a fun day at the Museum I can't believe that we got to go inside of the Concord and an airplane and a helicopter oh and do you know what this is this is the Lockheed a12 it goes super fast three times the speed of sound well I hope you had fun learning with me today this is the end of this video but if you want to see more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me cool m-e-e-k-a-h Mika all right see you soon [Music] oh hey it's me hi I'm Mika and today we're here at the New York fire Museum in New York City New York New York City is a really big city with a ton of people in it and it's so loud that's right and firefighters have a very dangerous job of putting out fires so they have a lot of training they have to do before they become fireplace no firefighters are so cool yeah they're the real heroes yeah and they helped put out fires and save people oh they're just awesome they really are let's go in and explore okay come on whoa look at these oh these are fire alarms yeah fire alarms are really important because it's a way you can tell firefighters there's a fire emergency yeah maybe you've seen a fire alarm and the building that you live in or in a school there's usually a lot smaller than this we tiny these are so big they're so big and they're all around the city yeah New York City on the street you might see one of these yeah check it out whoa lit this up and you pull this down and it sends an alarm to the fire station so that they can come and put out the fire yeah and look there's a number on it yep one one three oh and mine has one too nine three seven oh what do those mean yeah if you pull this fire alarm this number helps the firefighters know where to go yeah in the firehouse the fire station a bell would ring nine times it would rain three times and it would rain seven times so firefighters know where to go that's so cool cool and you can still use these today you can these don't work that's right even though they're kind of old yeah they still work and they're made out of metal yeah nice and sturdy yeah this one's so pretty oh it looks so old like Rockefeller Center you're right so beautiful that's awesome speaking of fighting fires I wonder what firefighters used to wear glad you asked because I see something over here come on check it out whoa yep see oh clippy hello oh look at this yeah firefighter jackets whoa oh you should try this on flippy oh no way it's a New York City Fire fired yep whoa look these are so important because they're nice and hard yeah to protect the firefighter's head whoa look it has a number on it do you see a three and a zero the number is 30. yeah and look it has this big it looks like kind of like a patch yeah it's the color black yeah I wonder why some helmets are red and some are black yeah because they have different Vehicles if it's the color black then it's a fire engine but let's say it's the color red then it would be a fire truck fire truck has a ladder on it right yeah that's right and a fire engine has a really big hose let's try it on okay here we go how does it feel whoa look it also protects my hair and my eyes from any really hot hot fire yeah that's super important for firefighters to protect themselves when they're fighting fire you can also wear this jacket flippy I'm starting so let's feel like a real firefighter now yeah whoa these chickens are so important because they protect you and they're made out of fireproof material oh fire proof oh look yeah it helps so that firefighters don't get too hot when they're really close to the fire yeah fire resistance yes and this is a firefighter Jackie too I put my arm through the wrong hole oh that's okay there you go whoa that's good and why would you wear one of these jackets now this you would wear if you're going to a nice event or maybe marching in a parade yeah look and sometimes firefighters get a little chilly stuff they just need to wear a regular jacket so they have jackets like this yeah whoa and look it has a really cool patch this city of New York yeah because that's where we are yep whoa this is pretty cool yeah learning all about the things firefighters need to fight fires yeah let's keep exploring I really want to find a fire truck let's go whoa whoa look at it wow it looks like this it's the very first fire engine that's right and look how small it is yeah you see so small yep oh this whoa whoa what's this it's a big pole yeah oh whoa it's so big yeah oh hey I think it goes up there oh you're right okay here we go whoa look oh and I think one goes on the other side whoa you got it I think I got it look whoa whoa okay whoa check it out yeah yeah these posts but go on either side yeah and two people would pump it on either side to help the fire hose work yep he took some serious Genie work yeah this part right here and they would pump up and down and up and down up and down and up and down and blippi do you know what this is no what is that it's so loud because it's the first fire siren yeah whoa it's so loud yeah Isn't that cool can I give it a try yeah of course okay here we go whoa yeah firefighters would use this make sure that everyone knew there's a fire need to be careful yeah whoa and what are these buttons these are really sturdy cool buckets everyone in the neighborhood would have one so that they could help put out the fire oh yeah I think it was called the Brigade that's right the forget whoa yeah wow fire with this because back then they didn't have fire extinguishers and sometimes it was hard to get poses around to the right spot yeah everyone would have just worked together yeah teamwork yeah oh hey and Mika what's that over there whoa check this out look how big this wheel is whoa it's so big it's almost as big as me I know it's almost as big as me wow whoa check it out this looks like another fire engine yeah but this one doesn't have those hand cranks no or the pumps no no this looks like it used steam yeah steam kind of worked like a kettle maybe you've seen one of these before in your kitchen yeah you want a cup of tea you can just boil some water and steam comes off the top oh yeah so that's what fire players would use put out the fire steam yeah extremely very powerful yeah and very hot so they would make a fire to put out a fire what make a fire put out a fire isn't that silly and would they use this yes they would use this coal they'd burn the coal start a fire right in here so imagine that this is like a giant Kettle yeah water in here and Fire Down Below yeah and it was oh boy and then the steam would help to make the holes work yeah it would turn all these gears and all the parts of the Machinery yeah and then would make the hose work oh look there's a fire hose wow that's pretty cool check it out this is awesome I'm gonna go put up the kettle oh yeah good idea whoa and did you know that horses would pull this oh yeah because back then they didn't have vehicles that could Thrive like today no they needed horses to help that's great yeah they will take care of them too oh look out I think this thing's oh whoa hey look at this there's another fire engine wow this one's even bigger it's so big yeah they just keep getting bigger and bigger with time oh Mika there's a rope here you want to pull it sure I don't see a sign saying that I can't pull it yeah I think we can do it oh wow do you hear that oh really loud oh you see it up there yeah you see it yeah I'm gonna try wow [Applause] now we have Sirens but back then they would use a loud Bell so people knew that there was a fire and that a fire engine was coming through yeah whoa and look at this this fire engine doesn't look like an Egypt horses nope it has wheels tires just like a modern day one and look a steering wheel engine actually had an engine whoa yeah you've probably seen the steering wheel before yeah oh look at this oh what's that well only one way to find out here we go [Laughter] [Applause] that's awesome yeah that's a siren yeah it would tell people that there's a fire yeah now sirens sound like [Music] but not back then no they sounded a lot different yeah loud noises are important to let people know that something very important is happening and to be careful and get out of the way well that was pretty fun learning about all these vehicles hey maybe we could see some more fire engines or maybe even a fire truck no I hope so let's go okay wow check out this fire truck whoa what kind of truck is this it's really big and it looks like there are ladders on it yeah hey this is a killer ladder truck yes it's so cool see the big letters was so big yeah why wouldn't they need ladders so that they can climb up to the top of buildings yeah and they're really high places put out the fire yep that's right and if you look behind you there blippi here's an old fire extinguisher whoa yeah extinguishers are definitely helpful for putting out fires too yeah you may have one in your house event yeah or see one at school whoa whoa what's this here I hope you get it out it's really big and heavy pretty heavy whoa this is so tall yeah you know what it is this is called a six foot book whoa that's just what it is yeah look it's a little hook yeah yeah and this is really helpful for firefighters a long time ago yeah because they would break a hole in maybe the ceiling the wall so yeah they could put some water with the hose through the hole Yeah break it and then spray in the water yeah it also lets the Smoke Rise up out of the building yeah because smoking heat fries sometimes firefighters might need to break a window till the smoke can get up and the Fire doesn't keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger yeah oh wow oh there that's really cool it's really cool here I'll help you whoa there you go and Mika what's this oh so this is where a driver would sit to help steer the back wheels yeah this part is called the filler filler there are two drivers two drivers one in the back to steer the wheels and there's one in the front with the horses oh yeah you know that a tiller ladder truck yeah it was pulled by where's this yeah whoa yeah we don't do that anymore yeah no horses today but back then they needed horses oh look at it it's so big and it's the color red yeah whoa and look here this is where the engine is yeah oh this is so big and look blippi a bell and a siren hey yeah we've seen a bunch of those today yeah yeah this is a really cool fire engine because yeah it didn't use steam or Manpower pumping the hose no it uses gasoline yeah the hose runs on gasoline yeah there'll be an engine it would make the hose work [Music] that's right and if you look at the top here blippi you'll see the hose oh check it out yeah that's a big powerful one it's really strong and a ton of water can come out of it whoa yeah there's a host that a firefighter could hold but if there was a fire really really high up make it Sprint with this giant sprayer oh that's so cool yeah what are these what are those kind of hard wait a minute those are nozzles you are so right the good on the end of a home yeah so you can maybe spray a wider spray of water or really narrow spray so you can do whatever you need to put out the fire yep that's so smart hey we should pretend to be real firefighters oh wow that's awesome this is so fun yeah we've learned so much about firefighters but we should probably return our jackets right wow oh there you go oh thanks wow and firefighters have been around for so long keeping our neighborhoods nice and safe yeah do so many things to help and they used a lot of equipment and gear thank you you're welcome put out those fires whoa they're pretty amazing yeah so much firefighters for being real life Heroes and keeping everyone nice and safe yeah well that's the end of this video but if you want to watch more of our videos all you have to do is search for my name hey you spell my name with me okay here we go [Music] celebrity good job will you spell my name with us [Music] well I'll see you soon bye-bye see you later [Music] hey it's me Mika and look where I'm at I'm at Spokane gymnastics in Spokane Valley Washington and this is an amazing place where I can jump and play and move my body and probably do even more cartwheels let's learn how to do some gymnastics come on [Music] wow wow we are in a gymnastics gym this is a place where you can practice your gymnastics moves and climb and stretch and jump whoa look at this it looks like a giant crayon do you know what color this is the color green let's see these look like some fun shapes this is a triangle oh and this is also green and look at the side here I see another triangle and it's yellow there's some blue oh do you know what shape this is yeah it's a rectangle and it's red wow whoa this half circle kind of looks like a rainbow and it's yellow on this side one of my favorite colors oh look at this little green circle did you hear that that's funny wow two more giant crayons green and orange wow it's so neat I wonder what they're for ah look at this big circle it reminds me of a big donut hello wow wait a second I get it obstacle course but we will need to practice and move our bodies and warm up to do an obstacle course like this gymnasts need to warm up and be really flexible so they can move their bodies easily and not get hurt let's go say hi [Music] hi I'm coach Kelsey hi I'm Nika hi Mika nice to meet you nice to meet you too do you work here I do I coach preschool gymnastics here whoa gymnastics coach that means she knows a lot about gymnastics would you like to get a lesson today yes please all right let's do it [Music] yes I'm so excited to learn today I'm excited to teach you now we gotta get ready so we have to make sure that nothing's in the way do you think you can take off your bag yeah good idea right all right we're gonna warm up our body so we feel good to get ready for gymnastics okay can't wait do you think you can run like a tiger fast like a tiger oh yeah what a tiger is can you be fast like a tiger too that was awesome thank you all right we're gonna jump now like a kangaroo oh okay jump like a kangaroo wow this is fun nice okay can you guess what I am whoa on all fours and growling are you a bear I am a bear cool okay let's see awesome let's turn around whoa nice job all right we're pretty warmed up let's get to stretching okay all right we're gonna be really really big like a hippopotamus you're more flexible than me because you're a real gymnast iron practicing this is our straddle shape okay can you try to like a trunk you move your hands like this oh like an elephant all right we're gonna put our feet together get nice and small this is our squat all right we're gonna well one two three pop down one two three this is our Pike raise up high okay and touch your toes it feels really good to stretch and you can go a little bit further nice shape all right we're gonna get into our tuck okay all right hug it like a teddy bear get a little rock and roll when I count to three we'll do another blast okay oh a blast okay one two three blast there's our pie CE all right let's get our hands behind us okay we're gonna Bend our knees all right now push up our belly you feeling flexible yeah this is our table top oh yeah oh yeah it's like I'm a little coffee table yeah I can't wait hello all right let's do one more shape this is our Hollow hollow hollow and you point your gymnastics toes Boy Thanks so hard and then you turn it right into our art shape like a seal our back is an arch oh that feels good oh all right we're pretty we're pretty um stretched out you ready for our lesson now yeah yeah all right let's have gymnastics hand on and let's go come on let's go all right we got our wall here we're gonna do some handstands handstands on a wall on a wall so we can be upside down whoa it's really fun to be upside down like a monkey okay my little guys we call these wall Walkers okay they bring your muscles today I did we gotta push the ground and we gotta stay off our head so we're gonna hold ourselves up and we're gonna walk the wall as far as you can whoa whoa let's count to three okay one two three safely put your feet down you did it oh that was fun all right let's learn another handstand okay so we're gonna learn our lunch shape One Foot In Front a little bit and we're going to kind of raise our hands lift our tail like an animal tail we reach reach reach and here comes your pop whoa okay there it is oh I did it good handstand thank you don't forget to say I love it okay in gymnastics we used a springboard so we have to learn how to run fast a springboard it helps you jump so at the end of this I'm gonna show you how we just jump really big and reach up high okay yeah show me all right here's our Tigers okay they run fast we want to jump in we jump high that looks so fun okay ready ride on the tiger jump that was fast thank you that was really cool do you know what animal this is oh yeah that's an elephant so cute good job okay elephants like to March oh we're gonna March March March and we're ready to do a cartwheel oh on a block yeah do you see the hand yeah that must be where I would put my hands yeah so what I do is I start that lunge again I kind of Pat my foot because that's the one I want to reach for okay and then we're gonna be like a big old big old wings like like a bird fly over cartwheels are my favorite I do them all the time but this is the first time I've done one on a block before there you go here we go awesome nice Carowinds thank you all right you've done some stuff on the floor and gymnastics we also do stuff on bars so let's go check out the bars oh come on I'm just gonna climb up here I'm gonna get super tall like a giraffe I'm gonna swing this is called casty cat and once I'm ready I'm gonna tuck my chin turn my hands like a motorcycle and roll just like that did you see that that flip around the bar oh okay I want to try now you're ready okay okay so I climb up on the bars like this and then I hold myself up and I'm casting you're doing good okay now what you're gonna tuck your chin you're gonna turn your hands okay like a motorcycle and roll whoa nice I did the flip around the bar too so we've done bars we did some gymnastics on the floor how about jumping on a trampoline yes I love jumping on a trampoline all right let's do it whoa oh this is a really long trampoline yeah we're gonna jump on it okay all right we're gonna jump over something over what we come from fries I love eating fries all right we got oh blue an orange you do look like fries look it's like a giant fry [Music] okay all right let's reach up like you're getting the bananas okay and jump over the fries and I want you to make sure you stop at the end so you can control your body okay ready go for it here we go one two [Music] three good stuff thank you all right you'll just come back on the red hey all right that was a great jump I'm gonna move these fries out of the way now all right I wonder what's next all right we're gonna be like an alligator at chomping alligator alligator like this we gotta go big say straddle straddle nice and the more you practice you can get bigger and bigger at those straddles oh gotcha you're gonna do the same thing you're gonna jump all the way down and make sure you stop okay and come back on the right so my arms will Chomp this way for an alligator trap reach up high and then our legs will be open shut huh okay here I go ready jump jump so we did some cartwheels some handstands some jumping I think you're ready to do the obstacle course really yeah I added a few more things for you to try but it'll be a lot of fun oh cool oh cool teaching me gymnastics today oh you're welcome well I'll see you next time you yes I can't believe she said I'm ready to do the obstacle course all by myself and I wonder what surprises she put in there for me all right first things first balance whoa look we used that block when we practiced our cartwheels okay ready whoa oh and I can do a somersault down this triangle I know how to do those back at the half circle climb over and the green circle I could do a kangaroo hop oh okay climb up and the bar remember how we learned how to go on the bar hold ourselves up and casting cast Ing and I can go under and bear walk [Applause] okay in more balancing got this I got this i got this [Applause] the whole thing all by myself oh there's the tiger mat let's run away I am ready to go wow wow so much fun learning gymnastics today at Spokane gymnastics in Spokane Valley Washington so many things today like how to warm up our bodies and get flexible and strong it's really important that you have really good balance when you're a gymnast wow we even did the bars I've never been on bars before Oh and the trampoline and then in the end I got to do the obstacle course finished it all by myself well that's the end of this video but if you want to see more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me cool m-e-e-k-a-h Mika good job all right I'll see you next time thanks for learning with me bye oh yeah [Music] here we go I can't believe I'm driving a real race car yeah hey [Music] hey it's me fluffy and hey it's me Mika you see what I see whoa whoa a giant racetrack we're at the Daytona Daytona Beach Florida they're so colorful I think we should take a closer look yeah [Music] these lippies real race cars oh oh wait a minute Mika these are toy race cars well they look much bigger from far away [Laughter] well anyway something we can do with these cars is race look okay they're remote controls cool whoa here's one for me and one for me probably should put this down yes okay on your mark yes sir [Applause] hey I'm gonna get Jamaica oh yeah yeah foreign [Applause] [Music] whoa and this looks like a really fast race car yeah and look do you know this animal on front Omega I know this animal it's a horse oh Amiga do you notice something oh look this Grill is a sticker in these headlights are also stickers why well they're stickers because you wouldn't want the headlights to be made of glass if you're racing it's a lot safer if it's just the sticker oh yeah first things first Safety First whoa and check out this side of the race car cool look at it hey do you see what color this race car is Mika yeah two of my favorite colors purple and some yellow on the tires whoa yeah and these wheels and tires look so big check it out oh they're really smooth oh I want to see you you feel very smooth oh yeah and they're kind of hairy too a real race car driver let's go say hi let's go it's Nascar Cup champion oh it's so nice to meet you guys hello I'm Mika I know nice to see you kidding me it's so nice of you well we were learning all about racing today and we noticed there's some race cars over here what are they doing yeah so right now they're going through Tech so what they have to make sure is that all the cars are the same so it's a fair race out there so they have a lot of different things that I go through to make sure all the cars fit certain templates certain things that not one car is way more horsepower than the other or way more downforce than another make sure they're the same weight all those things oh what makes the car go fast horsepower [Laughter] [Music] down force is Big right so when the air is pushing down on the race car that creates grip oh so you want to have that and you want to have not much drag so you want the car to be able to go through the air without it pulling you back all right without the wind pulling you back yeah definitely don't want your car flying away and Joey do you think you could maybe teach us what it takes to be a driver I sure can okay let's go on whoa that was so cool learning all about your car but Joey what do you do before you race well before you're strapping the car for a long race just like riding in the road in a car ride for a long time you want to stretch out maybe stretch your legs out a little bit so you want to cramp up while you're up there racism you touch your toes and your arms allow you you're driving a lot so your arms get tired so I make sure you're flexible with your arms yeah get it all stretched out there both arms left and right yes as we do turn right every now and again oh and Joey have you always wanted to be a race car driver from as young as I can remember I got a go-kart when I was six or seven and that's all I did when I got home from school it was just make laps in the backyard we're up the yard whoa the grass is gone hey have you driven in a go-kart before [Music] can we go drive a race car now well I'd say before you go out there going 200 miles an hour maybe check out the simulator first so you know where the turns are you don't miss a turn going up oh that's a good idea assimilator so we can practice driving first that's right we'll see you later check it out hey guys car driver Tyler ready how's it going it's going good yeah you guys are here well yeah we've been having so much fun today learning all about cars we'd love to practice race car driving yeah do you think you could tell us a little bit more and maybe help us on the simulators I absolutely can we got three simulators here and uh three things to keep in mind at Daytona don't lift off the gas okay be very smooth with the steering wheel huh and don't hit the brake whoa hit the brake yeah those are pretty straight porn yeah this is the steering wheel and on the steering wheel here you'll have the shifter to go up gears on this side and this to go down gears on this side under here you got the gas pedal on the right brake is in the middle and the clutch is on the left the clutch is kind of helps car get going oh okay how many gears are there there are five gears so as you go up through the gears you'll end up in fifth gear that's gear you want to be whoa because we're going back yes very fast yeah well that sounds pretty fun yeah do you think we could all race together let's do it yeah here we go oh I can't believe we get to race an actual race car driver here we go I'm gonna win [Applause] I can imagine being out there with all those cars oh so so fast definitely be exciting you guys are doing great thanks Tyler oh thanks oh Tyler I want to beat you all right let's see what you got no I'm gonna win come into the stripe I don't know who won I can't tell yeah it looks like I got five one two four two five one two four two I had a five one one five oh but hey that's really close I think you're ready what do you get nothing Well Tyler won the race but that makes sense because he's a professional [Music] well hey just remember gotta have your safety equipment on before you get in the real thing oh you got to have your helmet on right have your seatbelt sight but I think you guys are ready to go have fun let's go suit up yes first things first Safety First have fun wow Mika look at this race car oh I can't wait to drive one okay since I chose the simulator first you can drive the race car first oh my god well that's really nice to you and I am so excited to get out there on the track and speed around time to climb in look here we go one leg and two legs watch your head whoa and remember you don't want to forget your seatbelt yes whoa this is really fast check it out yeah here we go [Music] watch out here comes blippi boom yeah [Music] great job blippi that was so much fun Mika but now that I've finished driving it's your turn that's fun okay time there you go oh and while Mika's driving I'm gonna be cheering her on here I go see you at the Finish Line oh maybe we can come up with our very own cheer from Nika Mika Mika Mika Mika Mika Mika yeah go Amigo whoa [Music] coming down it's right there [Music] whoa that was fast I can't believe how fast I'm going oh this is sad whoa that was awesome pretty freaking getting out of there yeah we rode in a real race car we did it we did it we never ever quit it [Applause] yes I can't believe we got to drive a real race car whoa and a real race car drivers they were so cool and we learned that downforce is what makes the car go really whoa yeah really fast well that's the end of this video but if you want to watch more of our videos all you have to do is search for her name hey can you spell my name with us okay here we go ready [Music] flippy good job well you spelled my name with us okay race ya okay you're on whoa hi it's me Mika and today I'm at the Lang foundation in Los Angeles California and here you can adopt a dog or a cat and then they can be part of your family [Music] right there oh hi Amica hi I'm Megan Hi Megan nice to meet you nice to meet you too this is Willow oh hi oh hi Willow oh It's always important to ask before you pet an animal uh could I pet Willow yes you can okay just Crouch down so you're on her level and put your fist out so she can smell you Willow Willow oh what do you think so sweet well are there more animals inside there are oh let's go check them out so what is this little one's name this is Sprout what hi Sprout I have some treats for sprouts sprout allowed to have a treat yes yes see you want to treat it [Music] you think Sprout like streets oh can we bring Sprout down to the ground yeah Sprout will want to play with us ah whoa cool squeaky toy it's a pink snake so once someone adopts an animal what do they need to take care of the animal yeah so for dogs they need a leash a collar or harness um food bowls and a lot of toys whoa food bowls toys it's a lot of work to take care of an animal we need a lot of things oh and is it different for cats yeah so cats would need um also food bowls litter box litter some good things to scratch on oh yeah cats love to scratch and a safe carrier in case you need to take them to the vet oh wow so you get a lot of things once you adopt an animal here yeah yeah yes we give people some of the food that they've been eating some toys and where do you get all of these toys they have so many fun things to play with here we get a lot of it donated people have extra supplies they donate them to us and yeah it's a big help for us whoa what a great idea to donate toys for these dogs and cats to play with oh what's this toy where did these animals come from so we rescue these animals from City shelters basically the shelters are crowded with animals so we take them and find them new homes oh that's really nice and if someone wants to adopt an animal what do they do so we would have them come in and meet some of the animals they'd fill out an application and we would help them find the right animal that matches their family wow that's um it's so fun to play with cats and dogs but it's also important to remember you have to take very special care of them whoa come look at this dog whoa what kind of dog is this this is an American Bully mix American Bully mix whoa this is a bigger dog oh and she's so loving what's her name her name is Lady oh so so sweet it's this a blue like a little mouse with a super long tail oh this dog is so cool oh and I love the purple leash one of my favorite colors love your leash oh and what's on her belly here yeah so she's definitely had a litter of puppies wow litter of puppies that's so cool how many puppies do you know um I don't but I think they can have up to 10 puppies whoa that's a lot of puppies wow oh well it was nice to meet you thanks for playing with us [Applause] Luisa's ready for her bandage change okay great okay so what room is this so this is our medical treatment area oh my treatment area so this is where animals go to be taken care of if they're sick or they have maybe they hurt themselves what's wrong with her leg so We rescued her with a broken leg and yeah now she has a cast on and she's healing oh good that must mean she's feeling better she definitely is yeah I could hear some purring there she's purring really loud yeah cats purr when they're in a great mood right oh and why is she wearing a big yellow flower she looks super cute and yellow is one of my favorite colors so that's an e-collar and it keeps her from taking her bandage off oh that's so smart and super cute are there other cats that we can see there are oh let's go see some more cats feel better cool welcome to the catio get it cat patio it's the catio now they said that there are a lot of cats in here hmm will you help me find them awesome okay whoa oh oh this it kind of looks like something you would see at a playground the cats can climb up here and they can come over here [Music] see a cat can you see it oh it's sleeping we found our first cat good job hmm there's another cat over here you see it hi cat cat looks really soft it and there's another cat hi Kitty wow so we found one two three cats so far wow hmm do you see any other cats oh come down here all the way to the floor there are two cats in there they're cuddling I wonder if they're best friends oh hi so cute so we have one two three four five cats so far I wonder if there's any work [Music] oh wow there's water and some food in here they take really good care of their cats hmm oh look down here these little boxes see some blankets in here so the cats can be nice and comfy cozy and look it's a cut out of a cat face that's cool I don't see any cats though do you hmm I see one right right oh my God my goodness cat is taking a cat nap wow it looks really comfortable I wonder if cats have dreams so one two three four five six cats cats found six cats thanks for finding cats with me I wonder what else is here come on [Music] check it out I'm in a cat room this is where all the cats are hanging out relaxing like this one whoa hi I'm Mika this room is so cool there's a tree in here whoa I bet the cats like to scratch on the tree maybe they scratch their back on there oh yeah whoa and cool thing is to climb on look a little cat toy little mouse what else is over here whoa do you know what this is this long yellow tube the cats can climb up here and then climb through the tube maybe you've done something like that at a playground before they must have so much fun here and in each little cubby it's where the cat can go and have a little nap any cats in here there's a cat I didn't even know that hi there's two cats in there I don't know if you can see there's two cats just hanging out oh Eddie Bear I wonder if cats like to cuddle with stuffed animals that's so sweet oh well I have a cat toy have you ever seen anything like this before let's see if some of these cats want to play with it okay um anyone want to play with me today what about you [Music] foreign this cat's like please don't bother me I'm trying to take a nap right now okay understood understood okay hey look there's big bowls of water here because it's important for cats to hydrate just like us hey something else that they can climb on and look these little holes these little hidey holes that they can just get all comfy cats seem to nap a lot hey Megan hey oh my goodness [Applause] one more friend for you to see this is Memphis can I hold him yes [Music] little little kittens he's eight weeks eight weeks just a little baby kitten wow Memphis is brand new to the world fall wait is Memphis from Memphis um I don't think so I don't know we got the name Memphis oh it's a super cute name so Memphis is only eight weeks old what does Memphis usually do um he plays with his two brothers two brothers oh that's so fun wow baby kittens are so teeny tiny oh that's so nice meeting you Memphis oh my goodness you do such a good job taking care of all of these ants oh thank you well thanks for letting me hang out with you Memphis getting to hang out with dogs and cats today we learned about how to take care of our pets and adopt them and make them part of our family oh guns are so cool well this is the end of this video but if you want to see more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me cool [Music] well thanks for learning with me see you next time bye [Music] hey everyone it's me Flippy and look at where we're at today today we're at Southern California Children's Museum whoa I love Children's Museums because you get to play around yeah and you get to learn at the same time but first I have someone really special to introduce you to [Music] everyone this is Mika she's my best friend hey hey you're my best friend oh no Mika you're my best friend check out where we're at oh the Southern California Children's Museum cool yeah I'm so excited to show you around I can't wait let's go explore yeah what is this hey it looks like a big mountain whoa why don't I climb to the top okay all right good luck flippy whoa whoa I made it to the top of the mountain oh you're up so high yeah and you're down so low wow that's opposite that's right high and low are opposite so I'm gonna climb up now all right here I go whoa some people climb mountains for fun that's right and that was fun huh yeah that was really fun all right I'm gonna go down okay ready yep foreign it's like being in a bunch of spaghetti I love spaghetti whoa and look it's like I'm an ant whoa or a telescope to look into the night sky we'll see up there a lot of stars wow so cool yeah what is this whoa you push on the back side and then things come out the front side wow that's really fun yeah hey I know what do you know what this is check out the other side okay oh it's the number one yup whoa it's the number two oh Mika you did the number three good you want to try sure oh four and what comes after four five one two three four five yeah check it out whoa sandbox this is so cool yeah oh look a dump truck yeah we could put a lot of sand in here and dump it out let's try it all right here we go loaded up yeah okay all right you want to hold the funnel yeah yeah all right three two one whoa hold on the bottom oh let's do it again that was fun all right maybe covered this truck this time okay let's cover the truck three two one whoa [Music] I love sandboxes hey what's over here whoa it's like the same but with fake snow yeah check it out it's white it looks fluffy I wonder what it feels like yeah ah whoa oh that's cold I know oh squishy yeah must be how you make it you must make it with water yeah I thought you're right blippi whoa just like real snow makes cold Burns we're just thinking about it so pretty whoa yeah look at this it's like a snow plow no it's snowing oh I'm trying to get to work but the snow's in the way all right wow what else do we have here let's see [Music] yeah do you have tickets to our puppet show hey friend what are you doing today oh it's just going to the store oh what'd you buy at the store I bought some fruit and vegetables yum I love healthy food you want to come over later and have dinner yes please yes [Laughter] thank you thank you thank you whoa whoa what is this look it looks like a person yeah kind of like a doll yeah hello and there's all these broth yeah they go all the way up to the ceiling whoa oh look over there and back down on this side huh what do they do oh no should I try and pull one and see what happens yeah whoa [Laughter] I get it this puppet's limbs are connected with these ropes and then when you pull it the puppet moves are you thinking what I'm thinking yes puppet dance party [Music] yeah all right your turn to dance okay get ready to dance are you ready Mika yeah [Music] wow check it out Mika whoa look at all of these cars wow they're so colorful yeah and look look a ramp whoa that can race maybe we should pick out some cars good idea how many should we pick out hmm how about three oh okay all right car hey which cars are you gonna pick oh I like this one because it's purple and I love purple oh yeah and I'll pick this one because it's orange one of my two favorite colors oh I also like this yellow one because I love yellow oh good choice oh and look a blue car now I have my two favorite colors orange and blue yeah okay let's see one more hmm how about this one it's two colors red and blue wow cool oh and I'm gonna pick this really big heavy green one because maybe the weight will help it go down quicker yeah that's a good idea oh shall we race yeah let's do it all right which car are you gonna use first I'm gonna use purple first five my favorite all right I'm gonna use orange okay all right those are favorite colors are you ready yep three two one go oh [Applause] you won the first round yeah all right race number two hmm which one I'm gonna use my blue car okay I'm gonna use the red and blue one all right are you ready yep three two one go oh yeah that was awesome thanks Mika all right it's one to one and we have one vehicle left that's right all right are you ready three two one go oh one was really slow okay that was still fun though right it was so fun all right whoa whoa look at this flippy a super colorful train track wow it's the colors of a rainbow oh and look in here wow we have a locomotive right that's where the engine of the train is yeah the front oh there we go a bunch of train cars in here too uh oh what about this green one could go next oh yeah whoa wait oh did you see that yeah it's magnetic that side made it go away and that one makes it stick together oh yeah you're right Mika ooh maybe we can add another one then blue oh there it goes okay there we go there there train whoa all right here we go okay [Music] there we go wow this is awesome this place is fun wow yeah check it out we have some paint and balloons yeah look at all of these wonderful colors whoa looks like we have purple yep and red oh and green and orange and yellow and blue wow what should we do Mika well we can use these balloons dab them in the panes and make a beautiful picture that's a great now let's make some art yeah all right I'm gonna take an orange balloon I'm gonna take a purple okay let's see purple paint and blue whoa check that out oh cool yeah all right [Music] now I'll take another balloon blue balloon put it in green right here all right here we go oh good job Mika they made a smiley face see two eyes and a nice smile oh check this out I'm gonna take a green balloon dip it in some yellow and I'm gonna make a B for flippy oh there we go blippi whoa what are you gonna do let's see I have orange which is one of your favorite colors maybe I'm gonna make a little tongue on my silly smiley face now the face looks messy and silly just like you and me that's right how about let's mix some colors oh that's a good idea how about uh maybe we can mix yellow and blue wow I wonder what color they'll make yeah let's see all right whoa we made green yeah it's so cool whoa let's go yeah whoa I see a big whale what what you see a whale yep wow that's so cool we're on a lifeguard stand at the ocean what else do you see I see a couple of dolphins you do yeah two of them yep wow that is so cool [Applause] whoa looks like there's some Surfers right out there hey right shall we go surfing yes let's go whoa check out the ocean whoa it's like we're on our way looks like we have a surfboard surfboard how did you do that I'm catching away whoa yeah right there whoa keep your balance don't fall wow let me look at all of this oh it's a campsite yeah you have everything you need to go camping yeah it looks like we have a tent right here cozy yeah oh look a nice chair to relax in next to the fire we'll start that later whoa a picnic table that's a perfect place to have some dinner oh should we make some dinner right now yeah what do we have let's take a look hmm let's see wow look at that pancakes or a tomato and a carrot oh there's also corn on the cob whoa yum oh looks like a plum yummy oh some salsa whoa oh it's funny okay what should we make oh there's hot dogs tacos a lot of good food in here yeah I have an idea why don't we barbecue some corn yeah that's a great idea one piece for you thank you one piece for me all right well there's some tools over here oh there's some kitchen utensils for the grill all right thank you all right let's go here we go all right it smells so good yeah looks like we already have some butter on it let's turn them over all right get the other side here we go should we shake it a little oh I love food on the grill I'll go grab the plates okay I'll be right back all right you want to Dish it up yeah right you thank you the corn on the cob on a yellow plate yes it's a green plate yep all right well I'm so thankful that you and I are having dinner together as best friends all right dig in [Music] yum I love vegetables especially corn yeah well since we're done with dinner shall we make s'mores I love s'mores for dessert come on okay all right it's a fire okay let me start it hey whoa cool good job all right can I sit right here oh yeah oh thank you some marshmallows out all right marshmallows put it on my stick okay all right thank you oh wow looks like mine is ready mine too all right let's try it I love camping because I always make s'mores after a healthy dinner yeah it's so yummy whoa I want to check out this tent all right wow look there's a nice cozy blanket on top let's see tents are so cool check it out it's nice and cozy in here and it's kind of dark and I have this nice blanket actually getting kind of tired being in here maybe I'll just lay down for a minute oh my belly's nice and full the night sky is here yeah I think I'll just take a little rest ah oh it sounds like she's snoring that is so silly I guess we should probably be quiet so then she can sleep ah but it is so nice just enjoying the night sky seeing the stars out in nature wow I love nature oh what a beautiful night oh a shooting star yeah that was so much fun wow what a fun day yeah I love Children's Museums because you get a Play and Learn yeah exactly we learned so many things today and we got to use our imagination yeah well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me yeah good job how do you spell your name oh again wow awesome all right see you soon see you next time bye-bye hi it's me Mika and today we're at nailed it DIY studio in Orlando Florida DIY means do it yourself and today we're gonna build and make art I wait come on [Music] oh look at all of this stuff these are all signs that people have made and that's what I get to make today look this box says oh I wonder if it's something that you could put cat treats in or cat food oh and look at this one all guests must be approved by the dog that's really funny oh I see some paint colors down here let's see how many colors they have a lot oh I wonder if they have two of my favorite colors do you know what they are oh they're purple and yellow and they're right next to my best friend blippi's favorite colors blue and orange that's cool wow these are all the different wood pieces that you can use to make art oh look at this one it's pretty small you could have a small sign that says welcome or whoa look at this this giant rectangle could make a really cool sign and it could hold a lot of words maybe it could say something like Welcome Friends come on inside for snacks and games and good times we love our friends welcome [Laughter] and here's a square one two three four even sides and there's bigger squares up there hmm oh cool a circle a small circle and a really big circle which one should I choose I think I like this one the medium stack square that's number 07. we have to remember that oh seven okay come on oh hi Margie oh hi Mika Hi how are you good how are you I'm pretty good I'm excited to make art today awesome so did you pick a size yes number oh seven perfect and did you want to add anything to that oh um oh maybe that silver hook right there okay oh and can I also have that bow tie for my best friend absolutely so we have your station set up over here you ready to get started yeah let's do it all right let's go all right let's go okay we have everything we need we have lots of cool paint two of my favorite colors purple and yellow oh well this one's called dandelion fancy and we have Pearl and Latte we also have a paint roller easily put on the paint and we have some sponges we have silver Hooks and we have our Crown stapler our power stapler and the stacked wood piece that I picked out see it's actually four little pieces and when they're stacked together it makes one beautiful square and what are these for so these are actually to hold the wood stack pieces together oh okay makes sense so what's the first thing we need to do so your first step is to put a line of glue on each one and then flip them over okay I think I can do that okay [Music] thank you now what so we have these lines here and those are actually where you are going to put the Staples oh so these lines it's like a little guide exactly so first we are going to put our safety glasses oh right if we're gonna use a power tool we need to be nice and safe and remember only use a power stapler if you are with a grown-up [Music] whoa you're really good at that think you can do that yeah all right so I'm gonna follow the black lines that's my guide [Music] all right good teamwork you are a pro thank you all right so now you're gonna flip it over and there you have it look at this perfect square what's the next step so the next step is we're going to take it to the sanding station where you're going to make it smooth ooh let's make it smooth come on so this is the sander okay what you're gonna do is put one hand here one hand under here there is a power button that you want to push okay once it's on you are going to run it over the whole thing until it's as smooth as a piece of paper oh all right why do you want it super smooth it helps the paint stick to the wood oh okay so let's make this super smooth time to sand [Music] so we are going to choose your base color so we're going to look at your stencil yes I can't wait to see all right so this is the sensor we have for you wow look at this an ice cream cone one of my favorite sweet treats and that's my name and my headband oh and this is gonna be my bag and this other stencil will help make it really look like my bag oh I love it okay so for the base um I'm thinking purple yeah yeah that is a good color okay so I can just put it everywhere yes you're just gonna squeeze it over the top of the wood okay [Music] okay and I get to use this really fun paint roller to spread it all over the wood so you're gonna paint the top and then all of the sides [Music] thank you all right now we just wait for it to dry actually we have a way to dry it quicker oh how so we are going to use this blow dryer you've probably seen a blow dryer before is to dry your hair there is that you are gonna blow dry it on the base setting okay cool is it ready ready to go okay turn it to base and let's start [Music] okay we're good wow okay now what oh it is dry cool so now what you want to do is sand it until it's smooth again so that we can put the stencil on okay this time I'm going to give you a piece of sandpaper as well so you can sand over the top nice [Music] paper and it's really rough but this rough piece of paper will make this smooth rough and smooch bobby pin all right like this so you're gonna go back and forth over the whole thing just like that yes perfect [Music] okay all right so your board is nice and smooth we are ready for the stencil yes oh right so the stencil has a couple of layers we are going to peel the white layer off first oh it's like a giant sticker yes all right so I'm going to hand you one side okay and we are going to center it on your board together I think that looks good what do you think I think it's pretty good yeah okay so we're just gonna stick this on okay I'm gonna give you a squeegee a squeegee yes I know what that is this is your squeegee yeah what you want to do is run it over the whole thing and you see how it turns a little bit darker that's how you know it's really stuck to the wood cool and this is gonna push all the bubbles out yes okay [Music] bye bubbles so now that it's all stuck to the wood what I want you to do is peel this top layer off okay I'm actually gonna start from over here ah and pull down towards you slow and low Slow and Low my favorite way to go oh wait oh come on sticker [Music] Moana did it wow that looks cool already all right so now we're ready to paint yes all right so hmm I'm gonna start with the ice cream cone and I'm going to use Pearl that way it would look like vanilla one of my favorite flavors so what you want to do is dip the wide end of the sponge that end of the sponge into the paint okay take a look at it does it look wet yep that's too much paint oh no so what you want to do is dab it off and you can use the paper or you can use the plate okay I'll dab on the plate there all right look at it now because it looks wet you're good to go so now you're gonna just dab up and down okay for the whole thing like this and is it okay if it gets on the blue part yes it is okay it's a stencil so that part is going to come off all right so let's cover this ice cream cone [Music] uh Keto perfect so now you can pour your next color for the cone oh and The Cone I'm going to make that latte we look like a sugar cone you're gonna be careful because I don't want it to get on the top of the ice cream cone but even if it does we can always fix it oh you know what I like your attitude Margie okay that cone's looking pretty tasty yes it is all right so what color did you want to paint your name oh my name I want it to be yellow yes I love it all right so let's go ahead and pour the yellow okay yellow there wide end dab dab dab you got it oh yeah now I'm feeling like a pro over here [Music] now let's see my headband is yellow so I'll just use the same yellow [Music] Margie what happened I need two more colors for my bag you're right do you know what colors are on my bag yep blue and orange all right so go ahead and pick the blue and orange that you want okay oh this is good and oh this oh yeah this will look cool okay do we need the other stencil yet or no not yet okay what we're gonna do with this is once we peel this up we'll put this one on so it really makes it look like you're back awesome so I should start with this one I think [Music] dab dab dab and get the whole bag perfect all right so take a look at it do you like it like that or do you want to do another coat oh I think I like it like that perfect so we are going to give this one good blow dry again okay and then we're ready to peel all right let's do it so this time you are going to blow dry on the stencil setting and just be careful it is powerful we don't want everything flying away okay I'll be careful here we go [Music] that is bad it's dry so now it is reveal time oh okay are you ready yeah so we're gonna turn it this way because we want to peel the stencil Against the Grain oh okay do you know what wood grain is uh you can explain it okay so the wood grain are the lines that you see oh that's right yeah so if the if the lines of the wood are going this way then you want to peel this way oh gotcha Against the Grain okay so you're gonna start with one corner and then peel down towards you towards this corner or each down towards you so yes all right let's see how it looks whoa whoa uh oh there's a little piece deck okay it can rip it can tear that's totally fine there we go whoa whoa that looks so cool look how good you did WOW check it out so now we are ready to put the other part of your bag on oh that's right we have another stencil so I'm gonna do the same thing I'm just gonna peel the backing off and we will Center it together okay good looks good to me okay all right ready let's commit you're ready for your paint all right let's get the orange on there [Music] I think that looks pretty good okay do you remember what comes next we have to dry it yes okay okay now what setting should I put so you're gonna be on the stencil setting makes sense here we go that's powerful there you go everything's about to fly now okay so do you remember the wood lines oh yes you want to go against the Green yes so we want to go this way okay [Music] there's my bag it looks so good oh this is so so cool so now I just need two hooks because I want to be able to hang my headband and my bag all right so we have the hooks right here okay I'm gonna have you pick two hooks out of there yep two hooks okay we have one two so we are going to be using a power tool again okay so we need our safety glasses you know it safety first so I will drill the little holes to get the hook started and then you'll screw the hooks in sounds good let's put this one right here okay [Music] okay you're ready two holes and here we go so I can just twist them in right correct [Music] almost there there we go it's finished wow look at the sign I love it so much thank you Margie for all your help and helping me make this awesome Mika sign you're so welcome well I guess I'll see you around yeah sounds good all right next time all right have a good one thanks again hey wasn't that so fun making this really cool Mika sign today I got to build a sign sand it and paint it art is so much fun thanks for playing with me well this is the end of this video but if you want to see more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me cool you can spell it right here on the sign ready m e e k a h Mika well we'll see you next time bye it's me hi I'm Mika and look at where we're at we're at Woodward Park City nothing Park City Utah yeah and this is a place where you can learn how to skateboard yeah there's some big jumps in there whoa and some ramps and rails yeah [Applause] [Music] oh this is gonna be so much fun I know I can't wait all right whoa cool check it out please yeah this is the skate park yeah be careful you're on a Ledge whoa and look it slides all the way down yeah it's like a big ramp or a bowl yeah that you could go on a skateboard and slide all the way down and back up yeah let's go check it out yeah whoa whoa it's really slippery yeah it's so smooth it's like a quarter pipe yeah you go up to the top jump and come back down wow that sounds like sounds like fun yeah yeah coming over here Mika looks like we have some stairs what would you do on stairs on a skateboard well if you're really good you can start up top and jump all the way down to the bottom what yeah it's really cool wow check this out I don't know what this is a railing you just hold on to when you walk down the stairs do that but also if you're really good you can jump up with the skateboard land on it with the trucks and then grind down whoa that's really cool let's go check them out whoa how good they are yeah they look like they're having a lot of fun oh cool maybe they'll come over and say hi and then we can meet them oh that'd be cool okay hello [Applause] do you two love the skateboard yes well what do you like about it I like it because I like feeling air in my face oh you love feeling air in your face cool what about you Jimmer I like dropping in and I and I also like going up and down wow dropping in and going up and down sounds fun how long have you been skating um last summer not very long I know and you're already that good wow oh Naturals cool well you two mind if we watch you skateboard so then Mika and I might be able to learn just by watching you yeah yes all right they're really good they're really good and they just learned oh did you see that no way she just went up oh and then down wow here she comes oh oh he went up oh and now she's going up wow I love how they just turned their skateboards like that to go back down whoa so cool oh here she goes whoa whoa they are very good yeah I want do that yeah I bet it takes them a lot of practice to get their balance right it's a really good balance I bet whoa and look wow well maybe if you and I get on our gear we can learn to skateboard yeah that's a good idea all right let's go [Music] whoa cool whoa look at all this stuff whoa there's a lot of things that we can use to be really safe when we skateboard yeah check it out the yellow helmet hey color yellow it's one of my favorite colors oh and look a skateboard whoa yeah look at the wheels and these shiny silver things do you know what they're called oh what are those those are trucks that's so then you can push down and that's how you turn it's really rough on this side yeah it's like sandpaper it's actually called grip tape oh so your shoes can grip onto the board yeah put your hand right there see how it's hard to move it yeah oh cool awesome wow shall we put on our gear yeah let's get ready to ride right yeah cool black helmet gotta keep our heads safe wow that looks nice blippi thank you and some knee pads yeah see it's hard on the outside so if you fall down it'll protect your knee and you won't get hurt [Music] we go nice and tight wow all right hello [Music] and my helmet is really cool yellow helmet oh nice and stuff and snug perfect uh-huh skateboard skateboard let's go whoa cool design we tried to skateboard let's do it all right yeah give it a try all right wow it's a really good balance for me this is harder than it looks yeah we might need a little help with this yeah if only we had instructor somebody say instructors hi guys I'm Morgan I'm a nice doctor here at Woodward Park City and I'm Brian I'm also an instructor here at Woodward we would love to learn how to skateboard for me too we'd love to teach you blippi do you want to come hang with me for a minute yeah oh cool Mika you want to come with me yes all right let's do it all right I'm so excited hey blippi have you ever skateboarded before um a couple times but I wouldn't say I'm that good that's okay let's just see where you're at we'll start with some pushing okay okay pushing all right okay so we always have our front foot on first okay then we're gonna you know which foot you like in the front yep yep that's definitely my right foot perfect okay so we're gonna do a nice easy push off and get that back foot on okay you can go ahead and cruise whoa all right here we go comfortable yeah that looks awesome all right they look comfortable all right you wanna do that one more time sure let's head back let's do it together all right ready all right front foot on and go whoa cool all right that was awesome there we go sweet all right I'm comfortable with that that looks good thanks do you know how to kick turn it all how to turn your board I think a little bit but I'd love to practice okay do you want me to give you a small demonstration yeah I'd love to all right so same foot placement okay okay and you're gonna start turning your board pushing on your toe side edge okay okay perfect all right let me try it here I go whoa yeah whoa like that yeah that's awesome that was so good thank you it was awesome this is so cool all right what's next hey are you ready for a really fun one yeah would you like to learn how to drop in today blippi drop in yeah yeah let's do it all right we're gonna just start with some flat drills okay so we're gonna just put our board down okay we're gonna put our foot our back foot on where we like that nice and in the concave right here okay my front foot's gonna go on the bolts I'm nice and bent okay and I'm gonna push down and just ride away all right very nice yeah I did it did that look good that looks awesome yeah want to get a few more practices sure let's try it all right back foot on bent and go down awesome yeah all right what's next so good okay if you're feeling ready yep we're gonna bring your drop in to a small bank today a small Bank yeah let's go all right oh here's a bank right here perfect cool so we're gonna do the same feet positions we're just gonna put our board right on this Edge kind of like it's a coping okay back foot's already bent nice and strong and front foot on Bend roll away whoa did you see that she just went from the top of the bank all the way down to the bottom cool all right is it my turn now yes it is you bliffy is it okay if I spot you yeah that's all right okay right here okay I'm gonna grab your wrist okay okay front foot on the bolts all right here we go very good oh eat it that was awesome that was really intense that was so good all right maybe I should try it again okay you want one more spot yeah all right okay ready three two one yeah oh I did it again all right do you think I'm ready for not a spot I think you're ready all right let's do this all right okay blippi you got it three two one whoa oh yeah was awesome you're such a great instructor that was amazing can I teach you one more thing super fast yeah all right so the cool way to pop your board up okay I'm gonna snap it up and now you're a true skateboarder okay now here's the test if I'm now a true skateboarder I did it good job yeah good job you're awesome all right cool so first we're gonna determine your stance are you regular footed or goofy footed I think I'm red that would be correct left foot forward so you're gonna put your left foot on the front bolts there okay okay you're gonna put your back foot on the back bolts and then you're gonna turn your feet sideways so that you have a nice athletic wide stance on the board okay just like that perfect oh yeah okay is that it I can skateboard okay next okay we're gonna do the same thing but this time we're gonna give it a little push so that you're actually moving once you're on the skateboard okay okay same exact thing but this time push before you get your back foot on the bolts okay here I believe you that is awesome look at you how bored with the same foot you put on the back you take off just like yourself back back foot comes off first correct for foot stays on stays on you got it drag it on and then to get off back foot first keep the front foot on yep just like that okay all right let's see it big push let's see if you can make it to the end of the park here okay here I go big let's see it Mika yeah yeah look at that whoa that was awesome you're a natural oh thank you thank you here we go yeah there you go oh this is hard what else can we do well we can come on up here and we can practice going back and forth on the quarter pipes introduce you to what's called fakie fakie you want to do fakey yeah let's do it let's get it okay how do I get there so we're gonna walk up this ramp right here okay I'll get up first and then I'll give you some assistance okay skateboard okay okay grab onto the trucks whoa bam so we're gonna do the same thing we just did right okay but this time we're gonna go towards the quarter pipe and then you're gonna let yourself come back down and that's fakie whoa okay all right I'm going to fakie let's see it big push there you go that's someone and back fakie yeah Mika that that's it right there oh I did yeah you're a good teacher thank you you're a good student ah thank you all right okay one more thing before we go okay this is how skateboarders pick up your skateboards you're gonna take your back foot okay pop the tail and reach with your hand for the nose okay perfect you did it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh yeah we look like real skateboarders now how'd you do oh okay it's a lot harder than I thought yeah you need a lot of balance yeah balance you need to focus yeah yeah how'd you do oh I think I did pretty good you want to see yes show me what you got all right here I go okay [Music] wow he's a he's obscene oh that's so cool whoa [Music] go with me wow how does he know how to do this go play [Music] whoa I can't believe you can do that wow Whoopi you are incredible thanks Mika that was so much fun really good thanks if you practice something then you can get really good at it that's right you keep getting better and better and better yeah wasn't that so much fun learning how to skateboard it was a lot of fun learning especially with you clippy oh you do well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my will you spell my name with us well you spell spell my name without that m e e k a h Mika all right see you again hey it's me Mika and today I'm at Jump jungle in City of Industry California and guess what today we're going on a safari Through the Jungle going on a safari is when you travel to an area to watch animals roam [Music] wow this place is awesome I've brought some of my favorite animals in my jam pack let's take a look and the king of the jungle a lion and [Music] tiger what's that you've already spotted one of these animals where oh you eat tiger awesome job let's see what other animals we can find in this fun jungle keep your eyes open whoa jungle steps I'm gonna step on them one at a time red green and beige and orange wanna blippi's favorite colors in green and red and oh all the way up wow look at this so colorful oh it reminds me of butterfly wings I bet there are lots of butterflies in the jungle let's see how many wings there are one orange wing one green one yellow and one blue I'm going to cross on these Stepping Stones it's really wobbly oh I'm gonna try to jump on one foot ready Splash and Splash oh wow I made it all the way to the other side wow look at this whoa this is really steep check out this shape do you know what it is that's right a circle kind of reminds me of a basketball hoop oh I'm gonna go to the other side meet you there this is such a fun Safari there's so many animals and tall trees all around us hello all you animals down below look at these cylinders oh whoa look they're so colorful blue and white blue white blue hey this is a pattern a pattern is something that repeats itself let's count these cylinders too one two three four great job four cylinders let's keep going come through oh great job oh look at this River Log let's get on and row around this is a fun River oh I'm sitting on yellow but now I'm sitting on blue and oh back to Blue and yellow oh look at this jungle cave let's see what's on the other side [Music] we made it through the cave oh wow we're so high and check it out we're on a balance beam oh there are so many bright colors it reminds me of a parrot can you pretend to be a parrot oh and check out the shape do you know what this shape is oh that's right a triangle a triangle has three sides look at these tree jokes I love cheese because they give us oxygen oh keep going whoa I can see so many different animals from the pie in the canopy come on Friends whoa oh another jungle log let's go through it this time squeeze squeeze let's keep exploring come on [Music] the jungle floor is really bouncy I've got an idea let's count five bounces ready set one two three four five that was so fun do you hear that I think it's an animal let's check it out [Music] it's a lion the king of the jungle all right we just got a match lion meet lion did you know that Lions travel in packs cause a pride you two can be a prize together this calls for a 10 second dance celebration we did it oh yeah we did it oh yeah yeah yeah we did it we never quit it we did it great job check out this jungle floor it's green and yellow like grass and trees and flowers too oh look at these tires there's two of them and they're very round let's pretend to race Ready Set archery and James wow wow okay okay you won what a Speed Racer oh I can stand on the tires too cool swing back and forth look at all these trees Brown Bark huh come on I see something over here that's really funny what is cheese doing in the jungle maybe for mice to eat Vine swing on oh turn around back to the other side awesome we we need it oh and there's more Stepping Stones over here two red ones let's go across oh here I go [Laughter] whoa whoa so much fun exploring with you let's keep going oh some more Stepping Stones to cross but yellow this time oh and I noticed there are four of them one two three three four hooray here I come whoa check out all these colorful balls [Music] purple and green just like the jungle grass wow this is so good that was so much fun climbing all around the jungle well that's the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name can you spell my name with me great m e e k a h Mika see you later friend bye bye it's me blippi and today we're at Creation Station in Studio City California yeah yeah I love this place this is a place where you can dance yeah they have dance lessons here and you know I love dancing but first I have someone really special to introduce to you hey blippi hey Mika say hi everyone this is Mika she's my best friend my best friend silly I'm excited because we're we're at are you ready to dance I'm so excited here let's go come on [Music] whoa well we should probably warm up before we do some dancing today man look at all these things we can warm up to oh yeah cones look at the colors we have a yellow cone bluish purple purple oh another orange one green yeah and one more yeah all right all right how about we uh use our feet for some agility ready yeah go for it whoa really fast flippy yeah yeah why don't you try hula hoopy okay here we go you put it around your waist and you oh yeah you're really good thank you oh whoa check it out three orange balls wow can you juggle yep I can whoa yeah whoa whoa look at these ah all right what can we do with these I have an idea why don't we toss them to each other at the same time yeah let's try it ready yep three two one do one whoa whoa whoa whoa all right are we warming up the stretch yeah let's do some stretches all right step your toes oh yeah oh good stretch yeah it does nice leg stretching now we're gonna be able to dance really good yeah do you hear that music yeah I wonder if someone's dancing to the music let's go let's go see all right let's go [Music] oh look it's someone doing ballet yeah that's what the music was so pretty she's really good yeah very graceful yeah foreign [Music] [Applause] are you a dancer I am I'm a real life professional dancer and I was just doing some ballet would you guys like to learn some ballet with me yeah excellent um come on over to the bar okay get you guys all set up whoa cool bar what is this thank you uh this is our ballet bar our professional ballerinas learn balances and how to be more flexible all with this bar wow so the first thing a ballerina needs to know is first position you can get those feet together nice and tight and just open up your toes like a piece of pizza pizza and then stand up super tall yup and I like to only put two fingers on the bar so we're not putting too much weight on it but just enough to stand super tall okay yeah now there are some belly moves that we need to know because they're important and then there are some that are just super fun so we're going to start with one that's important okay always use plie can you guys say plie plie excellent excellent we're just gonna bend down but keep tall do you up and then set it back up and then down like a real belly dancing yeah do you guys think you know what plie might mean our knees do it when we do plie bendy that's so good plie means to Ben that makes sense we kind of look like frogs though like we're about to jump in here [Music] perfect sote means too jump you got it you got it good okay another important one now so that one was super fun yeah another important one you're gonna slide that toe up to your knee finding your balance keep that knee pushed back stand super tall and you're gonna stand a little right back down so it's kind of like an elevator ride your toe takes up the legs down to First Position okay wow that is really fun one more at the bar okay also super important okay tando yep it's kind of like what you did next door it's the first thing I do in the morning it means to stop and it's for our legs and our ankles so you're gonna stay in that first position you're gonna do your best to slide that toe forward keep your toe on the floor and then slide it back oh perfect and then use the other like slide it forward as far as you can and stretch and then bring it back to First oh that sounds good excellent so that's to the front they can also go side okay and to the other side oh and then you can connect all those condos and make kind of like a circle around here this is fun yeah it kind of feels like skating yeah we learned a lot of ballet already yeah so many words huh now we're gonna if you can help me move this bar I'm gonna teach you just like two or three more fun words okay here we go we got enough space there perfect okay we're gonna stay in that first position okay feet are together toes are open let's push our hands on our hips yes we remember sote so okay means two pretty super quiet ready [Music] now we're gonna jump open and close whoa this is called hey that's a new word yeah it is kind of like a jumping jack so it's super easy just jump open use that plie and then jump close you got it hey one more hey [Applause] can I give you one more jump yeah okay instead of being in first I'm going to take your heel to your toe fifth okay yeah so this jump we call it Sean and it means to change so all you have to do is jump up in the air and land with your other foot in front Okay can you try yeah sounds tricky there is Sean's mouth oh yeah perfect let's try to do three Sean jamas in a row all right ready yep [Applause] I'm so proud of you guys you learned so much thank you so much for teaching us you're welcome I don't know do we want to put it to music yeah that sounds fun yeah all right let's hit that music [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] that was a beautiful ballet number you guys oh thank you so much you know I teach another style of dance too if you guys want to learn it style is it tap dance yeah that means we have to change our shoes and then we'll come right back all right let's go all right wow [Music] you guys put your shoes on super fast yeah we're excited oh you did too yeah thank you okay two important things to know about our tap shoes before we start okay the tap shoe has two metal shiny parts right wow they do okay we have to learn what they're called okay so up here I mean what's in that part of your capture are your fingers in there no no so we're gonna call this the toe okay okay the other part is called the heel exactly right so the first few things we learn are gonna be super easy peasy put that leg out don't let it move but you tap your toe I love that sound excellent can we try the other foot perfect now we're going to use the same part of your shoe but you're gonna put it behind you oh it's called knock Knocks away we'll try the other foot knock knock knock knock knock now with the knock knocks you can switch hey nice then you can jump excellent there we go you too Mika good now let's switch and use our heels okay put it out in the front seat and dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig excellent very good let's try the other foot big big you got it you guys so easy the next one is going to be a shuffle oh can we say Shuffle step four step how many sounds do you think a shot full step is Shuffle step three three got it so we're gonna start with kind of like a flamingo bird oh find the balance and we sweep the floor [Music] perfect now what's important with the shuffles is that our heels don't touch is it just for the toes so keep your heel off adjust your toe [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay we're gonna learn an even harder one okay this one is a paradiddle whoa did one two three four perfect four sounds with that dig when you pick up your foot you're gonna hit the floor you've got it and then set it down toe heel oh here yeah you got it leg dig toe heel all right do it all together five six seven and big toe heel yeah one more you got it other foot oh totally fine as long as you're having fun yeah and I sure am having fun yeah me too yeah perfect let's learn a fun one let's get those feet moving [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and then one more favorite move of mine is called fallout Fallout and like I said with the shuffles you gotta try to stay on your toes and you're gonna kick a ball forward and then step on it oh that was pretty darn good can you try the other foot is a little sticky yeah so think about down relax there you go you got it and this is a moving step so you can walk around a circle doing full laps whoa there we go it's hard I like how it sounds good excellent and then another easy peasy moving one it's just like walking heel toe heel toe heel toe heel toe you guys got it yeah that was really fun Should I try to put all those tap moves into a tap dance [Music] music okay [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] excellent memories too I think you're a great teacher thank you you know I have another teacher here who teaches another style of dance if you are up to learning one more style yeah he teaches hip hop hip hop sounds really cool yeah it does his name is Mr Kaden and he's just on the home here follow me okay we're gonna get our shoes please [Music] I'm A hip-hop instructor here at Creation Station wow that was really good thank you do you guys want to learn some hip-hop moves yeah yeah okay well first do you guys know what hip-hop is hmm a type of dance yeah yes it is a type of dance but it's like all types of dance mixed together into one wow cool yeah it's like ballet dancing and tap dancing and jazz dancing all put together wow and there we have hip hop yeah yeah okay would you want to learn some moves yeah okay ready first we're gonna dust off our shoulders ready we're gonna take our left hand and we're gonna dust off our shoulder oh like it's dirty yeah ready and then we're gonna do it to the other side wow you guys are so good at that oh thank you you too I said you okay ready do you want to learn another move yeah so we're gonna raise the roof right ready you're gonna take your hands you're gonna place them up like they're on the ceiling like that and then you're gonna push the ceiling up okay wow you guys are really good ready another move we're gonna put our pants on ready all we do is we're gonna grab it and put it up okay whoa Serenity crappy pants and put them on okay let's do it to the other side ready all right grab your pants and put them on wow yeah let's try one more time ready okay grab your pants put them on either side grab your pants put them on [Applause] okay ready huh we're gonna learn another hip-hop move so many moves ready we're gonna do a hip-hop slide do you guys like water slides or anything like that yeah I love going down slides so much fun we're ready we're gonna learn a hip-hop slide so all you're gonna do you're gonna take your hand and push it away at the same time you're gonna slide your feet over to the right side okay you do the exact same thing on the other side take your right hand push it away left foot slide ready slide to the right whoa and slide to the left it's only okay yeah ready we're gonna learn a super cool move okay okay this is called a floor spin what what whoa okay all you're gonna do is you're gonna stay on the floor ready let's stay on the floor all right okay ready we're gonna sit with our feet out just like this make sure you have all your weight on your hands behind you okay all your way on your hands yeah I think so ready all you're gonna do is you're gonna push your hands around and then strike a pose yeah ready you guys want to try it yeah ready let's go ready [Applause] that was awesome that was awesome you guys did so good thank you okay now that we've learned all those hip-hop moves do you want to put it into a fun hip-hop combo yeah everybody let's Stand Up and Dance so first we're gonna start with raising the roof let's go foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] styles of Dance oh maybe Mika and I we should have a show yeah yeah it could be the blippi and Mika dance yeah do you want to come to the show yes I'd love to come all right see you there see you there welcome to the blippi and Mika dance recital hope you enjoy [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] good job yeah thank you for coming thank you for coming [Applause] whoa that was so much fun dancing with you today it was so fun yeah we learned three types of dancing yup ballet tap and Hip Hop yeah what one did you like doing most Today Mika oh I really love tap dancing with those cool tap shoes oh yeah what was your favorite hmm let's see well I love tap dancing that was cool hip-hop was awesome and ballet [Music] yeah three were so cool yeah well this is the end of this video if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me good job second how do you spell your name all right see you again see you soon bye ha hey it's me Mika and today I'm at Triple Play Family Fun Park in Hayden Idaho oh I'm here what's that sound oh my goodness look it's a dinosaur whoa are you a velociraptor whoa wait I heard about you are you Stanley show me some fun things to do inside triple play come on [Music] foreign [Music] family you know those dinosaurs over there whoa family you're so nice to show me around I love dinosaurs oh we should [Music] oh yeah stop stop stop stop like a dinosaur what's something else dinosaurs do oh yeah they have really big and mighty Roars let's Roar together ready I don't know if I could Roar as loud as you would something else that dinosaurs do what dinosaurs dance I didn't know that let's all dance together yeah you got the moves Stanley okay oh it was so nice meeting you Stanley thanks for showing us how to be dinosaurs and taking us to this really cool space I'll see you next time buddy bye whoa did you see how big his tail is Sally's so cool I wonder what else is in here [Music] this place is really cool I've never I've never been in a space like this before there's a huge pool whoa look at this it's a raft do you know what shape this is a circle and do you know what color it is that's right it's the color red good color [Music] let's get a closer look at Stanley's friends come on okay let's sneak up on Stanley's friends [Music] hi nice to meet you my name is Mika look can you see their teeth they have way more teeth than we do and they're so so sharp they're carnivores that means they like to eat meat whoa these are Velociraptors and they run really really fast on their legs whoa look how big and sharp that Talon is whoa can you imagine if you had those on your toes it's gonna be really hard to wear sneakers if your toenails were like that let's keep exploring wow [Music] [Applause] a water playground they call it the children Lagoon here oh look at that yellow slide that would be so fun because you can land in the water and get all wet wow whoa see how the floor is painted different colors I see yellow there's blue and all the way back there is red it makes the water look like it's different colors whoa looks like you can walk up and next go up the yellow stairs and there's more water sports this this place is so cool whoa hey there's another fountain wow there's water all over this I think you would need a swimsuit to play on that playground whoa look over here [Music] dinosaur footprints whoa do you think Stanley made those or another dinosaur oh here's another one whoa look how much bigger it is in my foot wow oh wow this is an actual mold of a real dinosaur fossil do you know what kind of dinosaur it is it's a velociraptor we've seen a lot of those today whoa look it's it's now you can see it's sharp teeth in there Velociraptors lived 150 million years ago whoa is it snack these are the ribs we have ribs on our sides wow whoa look at the tail and the tail has bones in it wow Velociraptors are really cool and really ferocious and strong and super fast dinosaur footprints let's see where they speak us oh look at this crate of objects hmm and we're by a giant pool that only means one thing we should play take our clothes will you play Stinger flow with me awesome let's do it all right see what we have in the crate we have a blue bouncy ball will it sink or will it float we won't know until we throw it's floating and we have uh oh a spatula maybe you've seen these in your kitchen you can make pancakes do you think it will sink or float let's see whoa it went to the bottom but the handle is sticking up and it sounds all right will it sink or will it float wow this is a really cool I love these colors oh I love it but will it think or float well it floats okay what else do we have in here oh here's a fun truck nice and yellow one of my favorite colors I wonder if this will sink or float only one way to find out [Music] you can see Hello whoa I can see you wake here now let's see well these silly glasses sink or float it looks like they're sinking wow I totally thought they were going to float all right what else is in here oh yeah another Velociraptor [Music] will you think I will you float we won't know until we throw [Music] that dinosaur is definitely floating all right whoa hey this is a ruler you can use it to measure things I wonder if it will sink or hello oh it's stinking wow there's a lot of stuff in here should we see if the rest will sink or float and one big don't oh let's do it one two three three whoa wow I see some diving sticks that sunk to the bottom and everything else was floating away goodbye well this is the end of this video but if you want to see more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me awesome let's spell it in the pool okay ready n e e k a h uh well thank you so much for having a good time with me today in this super cool place filled with velociraptors we'll see you next time bye [Music] bye it's me blippi and look at where we're at yeah today we're at garish Swim Club in Pasadena California wow I love this place yeah it's a place where you can go swimming so I mean it's so much fun what's this check it out I wonder what's inside whoa whoa I wonder what this is oh dear best friend it's Valentine's Day so come on let's celebrate dance and play being your best friend is really cool come check out the surprise on the other side of the pool wow that is awesome I wonder what the surprise is well let's go oh look pretty hearts wow there's so many of them oh there's all these Hearts here probably because it's Valentine's Day okay let's go find the surprise [Music] wow check it out oh hello heart whoa whoa and look at this one whoa It's a heart made out of hearts oh this is awesome oh I wonder where the surprise is look at this oh it's like I'm a lifeguard hello see who it is yeah it's Mika let's go say hi [Music] good to see you what are you doing oh I'm just relaxing oh that was so nice sounding wait a second was it you that left all those hearts there for me yes it was oh because you are my best friend and today is Valentine's Day oh well you are my best friend and I love Valentine's Day me too it's a great day to recognize and celebrate those that you love and really care about oh well I love being your best friend and I love that you are my best friend with you all thanks Mika hey let's play a game right now really what game Let's Play hearts and feet part and seek kind of sounds like hide and seek that's all right so we have to find Hearts all around like these glasses right here cool so fabulous thank you all right let's go all right come on yeah a little game of heart and seek whoa this one was pretty easy to find because it's such a big heart wow I love Valentine's Day and I bet you can guess if this is gonna sink or float yeah okay let's see what else can we find here check it out oh wow wow another heart yeah whoa It's really heavy but there is some air inside I'm so excited to see if it's gonna sink or float [Music] this is not in the shape of a heart but that's okay yeah looks like a steering wheel [Music] oh maybe it's a steering wheel for a tractor whoa or a sports car all right let's see if this will sink or float oh look at this look at all the items on the table maybe we can throw these in the pool and see if they'll sink or float okay it looks like a mug it's pretty heavy but there is some air inside oh looks like some princess wands wow [Applause] okay let me put those right in there whoa and a jump rope whoa it's pretty light huh but it might also sink I don't know I'm so excited why not oh but look at this oh a cute unicorn backpack wow [Applause] that's gonna be fun to see if they'll sink or float [Music] on a second if you see something right there yeah whoa whoa look at what we found wow a cute teddy bear look at what it says I love you wow yeah on the Lifeguard stand we have some more things we have oh some blue and orange Rings also looks like we have a water bottle whoa and we have some water toys oh all right okay let's go see if these will sink or float yes I am so excited to find heart-shaped things for heart and seek I I see a really big heart right here look it out I bet you can guess if this is going to sink or float this is a heart-shaped quote so relaxing let's keep looking [Music] oh look how cute a teddy bear but a teddy bear is not shaped like a heart look do you see there are two adorable Hearts right there oh thank you all right come on what else can we find oh my goodness it's a microphone and what here's some hearts this looks like a really cute headband what do you think hello hello hello Happy Valentine's Day follow me we'll find some fun things for sink or float oh with my best friend blophy hey there's more things over here [Music] oh do you see any hearts on this I see one two hearts and foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] hey look at this heart box see oh I love hearts and I love Valentine's Day wow there are more hearts inside they look like little heart erasers look really cute smiley faces on them and my favorite color and some squishy balls here those are not Hearts teeth but really fun so we'll hang on to those and you know what shape these are that's a star we have pink yellow and green not heart-shaped but they could come with us too for our other game but everything in this basket and keep looking for things [Music] hardship item s come here oh what's this it looks like it's some kind of bag or something I don't know but you're coming with us too okay is that it oh hey how did this get here it's my hairbrush the letter M for Mika well this is not a heart-shaped thing but we're gonna use it in our other game of sink or float okay oh where is something else up here oh look at these Rings not heart-shaped they are circles okay we have a lot of fun things I can't wait to find blippi and play our next game come on items yeah so did you blippi look at all that I know hey let's set this down whoa whoa come on check it out wow did you find any heart yeah I did and it looks like we got some of the same things yeah like our big floaty heart oh that was such a fun game let's see yep whoa but hey since some of these are really heavy and some are light and some are big and small I was actually thinking we could play a game I was thinking same thing really what game I was thinking we could play sink or phone all right okay so many items do you want to start or me um you go ahead okay all right I'm gonna start with the big heart do you want to throw yours in at the same time all right [Applause] yeah oh they're floating yeah I think we knew that one was coming okay let's see um myself I found a orange and blue ring let me have rings too whoa [Music] shall we throw them in at the same time all right three two one whoa oh those must be dive Rings you're right so cool you can throw them in the pool hold your breath drive down and grab them yeah what a fun game yeah oh I can't believe found a steering wheel no it's so cool just grabbing hold of it and acting like I'm racing the car [Applause] you want to try yeah whoa whoa all right can I throw it in yeah go for it all right here we go whoa cool yeah that was so much fun throwing some of these items in to see if they sink or float hey items oh yeah that's a great idea let's grab them and go foreign [Music] [Music] all right remember this heart from earlier yeah yeah you want to see what's inside yeah whoa yeah a rock yeah yeah I bet you'll know what will happen with this it'll probably see that's what I'm thinking oh all right what about this box here we go oh wow yeah it's really light wood yeah all right what about this dress wow yeah cuddly there ready to go for a swim yeah okay oh he loves swimming all right and look the snuggly bear I found oh so cute love you here we go all right let's see oh do you want to throw the backpack that I found in sure I love this backpack it's so shiny yeah here we go all right [Music] wow so many of these things are floating right now oh let's see hey you found two balls yeah yeah and I found one ball wow all right here let's just throw these two in okay here we go whoa they float too oh here it is can we find anything that stinks I don't know let's see maybe we should do rapid fire oh let's do it all right okay ready here we go okay whoa whoa whoa whoa sink oh my brush some of the wands you found yeah and some of those wands that you found all right [Music] whoa what a pretty necklace wow a heart whoa did you look inside I did and there's all right here we go six and this is a really fun jump rope [Music] and last but not least here we go oh and blippi I forgot my very special heart Valentine headband oh yeah I would love that all right yeah that was so much fun playing Hart and seek with you Mika and playing seek or float here I love secret and it was such a fun Valentine's Day with you yeah I had so much fun with you blippi oh thanks [Music] I'm so curious if I sink or float oh that is a great idea well good thing you're a really good swimmer yeah and there's a lifeguard [Applause] all right I'll be right back [Music] oh blippi foreign at first it looked like they were sinking and then you were floating yeah I love swimming and I love Valentine's Day me too I had so much this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me yeah good job and if you want to see videos with me and them you can search for my name too will you spell mining with me okay yeah all right happy Valentine's Day we'll see you soon bye-bye hey it's me Mika and today I'm in peekaboo playland in Eagle Rock California this place looks like so much fun I can't wait to check everything out oh look down here I found one two cars whoa look how big these wheels are maybe they'll race hey what if we pretended that we were in a really busy town there's lots going on there's cars everywhere and they're getting really dirty and we have to build a car wash to wash the cars will you play with me awesome all right let's do it one two three four I'm ready to explore come on please hey let me know if you find a really good place to set up a car wash okay let's see whoa what's under here hmm well I have these two little cars I don't know if this is a good spot though this big table already takes up so much space [Music] whoa look at this car oh it even has eyes on it hello Mr Carr Hello whoa we could have watched this card too it's a lot bigger than these here we're gonna need a lot of space we need a lot of things for a car wash we need space we need soap we need water we need sponges all right let's keep looking I'm gonna look up here [Music] space for our car wash it's just a fun slide well when in doubt dance it out come on cars Let's Dance it out [Music] huh let's check this place out Tiny Kitchen this is so cool there's table and chairs and a refrigerator full of food but this is not a great place for a car wash you can wash cars in the kitchen hey look there's a sponge in here this will be the greatest sponge ever to just clean these cars make them squeaky shiny clean all right we have a sponge we have some cars we still need to find the best place for our car wash let's go wait a minute is this the perfect place to build a car wash look at all of this space there's blocks where we can build the car wash oh oh there's a bucket oh oh hey uh do you mind if I use this bucket thank you so much okay we can pretend that there's soap and water in here okay and look there's a big car that we can wash that'll be super fun okay we have little cars we have a big car soap and water sponge now we just have to build our car wash let's do it [Music] I'm gonna build this Tower and I think that's a good height will you help me count these blocks okay let's do it one two [Music] three four so if I want the same tower on the other side how many blocks will I need that's right four let's count them one two three four see now they're even hmm this can be a little roof okay now let's test it out and make sure that our big car can fit through oh yeah it fits okay there and then [Music] this will be really fun for the little cars welcome welcome to the grand opening of Mika's Car Wash we're looking for those dirty cars we want to wash those cars oh well here's one right here whoa you've been through a lot we're gonna clean you up get some soap and water on here there's a lot of dirt on this car squeaky squeaky squeaky clean oh sorry I got some on your eye there okay I think it's time to go through the car wash okay let's go car get ready for the water are you kidding me are you the cleanest car ever so sparkly so clean thank you oh you are the most welcome well have a great day bye now we can watch the little cars okay here they are one two get some soap and water for these little ones and scrub scrub clean wow this is so much fun clean clean clean scrub scrub scrub clean clean clean and scrub scrub scrub now it's time to get all those bubbles off let's go through the car wash [Music] wow you two look so clean and guess what there's a special part for little cars just like you welcome to the bonus slide here comes the blue one all right have a good day bye car and here's the orange one ready for the slide now that you're all nice and clean all right buddy have a great day hey I wonder if there are more cars that we can clean let's go hey up here will you help me find more things to put through our car wash oh great let's do it [Music] hey we haven't looked inside the tower yet fire truck this fire truck could totally go through our car wash there's a fish up here could a fish go through a car wash no fish don't need to get cleaned in a car wash they're already in water goodbye fish oh I'm gonna go down the slide I'll meet you at the bottom see how fast I wish okay these two can go straight to the car wash so long here you go fire truck I'll meet you there all right let's keep looking [Music] whoa what's this oh this is a baby carriage a baby carriage does not need to go through the car wash [Music] this can go through our car wash okay ready to get cleaned straight ahead meet you there [Music] another baby carriage that can't go through the car wash [Music] oh this will be so much fun to clean the tractor all right tractor take a break from the farm you're going to the car wash see you there let's see if there's anything else that we can wash on an orange motorcycle this can definitely go through the car wash why all right I think we have everything we need I'll meet you at the car wash let's go [Music] I'm okay oh no the car wash um that's okay we can rebuild it do you remember how we built this thing oh good okay to build a tower [Music] I think it looks pretty good hey we did it we did it we never ever quit it we did it this is the thing see you can always rebuild all right I need my bucket and sponge and oh let's wash this car first [Applause] hello car we're gonna make you nice and clean all right and a scrub-a-dub-dub scrub a dub dub a scrub dub dub dub okay watch your eyes I do have some soap here okay all right now you can go through the car wash and get those bubbles off there you go [Music] so clean oh you look so nice Okay I'm gonna move your tractor why don't you just dry in the sunshine oh and looks like you're ready to get clean first time cleaning a tractor it's a little different than a car get the wheels nice and soapy okay are you ready for the car wash awesome let's go [Music] looking good Mr tractor okay you can sit here to dry beautiful and oh what about my favorite the orange motorcycle okay it got even dirtier because I crashed into the car wash my bad squeaky clean okay time to go through the car wash wow you look amazing okay you can sit here and dry and last but certainly not least we have our two little vehicles fire truck and a car I think we can wash you two at the same time I love the sounds that Vehicles make they could have sirens on them like fire trucks they could have big engines and they could sound like okay let's go through the car wash together [Music] wow and you get to go down our super fun slide and then you'll get really dry ready and now you fire truck [Music] thing is so nice and clean now five six seven eight now it's time to celebrate with a clean car parade all right first up we have beautiful miss green looking very nice and clean you go girl goodbye thank you so much and next up we have this clean tractor headed back to the farm so long tractor and we can't forget my little buddy here the motorcycle that went through a crash but survive go on motorcycle and our two friends the fire truck and the big car all right later [Music] today was so much fun playing with you at peekaboo slay land thank you so much for helping me build that amazing Car Wash we cleaned so many things together we cleaned cars and trucks Oh and a motorcycle [Music] well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me cool m-e-e-k-a-h Mika all right I'll see you next time bye [Music] hey it's me Mika and today I'm at munchkins indoor playground in Los Angeles California this place is so awesome because you get to move your body and have a lot of fun and we get to play a game today come on [Music] whoa this place is amazing it's live time meet you at the bottom [Music] [Music] and I landed in a boat ball pits are so fun oh and I like all of these Colors Let's see pink and there's blue and White so much you can do in a ball pit You Can Dance you could juggle look I only know how to juggle two balls I don't know how to do three yet I have to keep practicing hey look over here whoa at the very top it looks like a big scoop of ice cream or maybe a marshmallow or something oh and there's a cool looking pattern on it white blue white blue white blue white blue all the way around oh I like that oh let's go inside hello oh this is a fun little space whoa look at this this ball has words on it let's read it go to the slide for an item to catch and find the play area that looks like it's match a match that means that it looks the same hmm hey looks like we get to exercise our bodies and our minds this is gonna be a really good game for the mind go to the slide there must be another slide here let's go find it this has to be the other slide I wonder what's gonna happen here that will help me play the game look whoa have you seen this before it's a stethoscope maybe you've seen one at the doctor's office yeah a doctor will use this to listen to your heartbeat oh yeah nice and healthy I wonder if there's a doctor center around here let's go find out hmm I wonder where this stethoscope goes wow look at this cool thing hello oh let's look up here [Music] I don't think this is where our stethoscope belongs it's really fun though [Music] Hey look mini clinic we found it this is a doctor's office the stethoscope definitely belongs there come on [Music] whoa oh hello welcome do you have an appointment here oh yep you're right there come on in doctors and nurses are so cool and very important they take care of us and make sure we're feeling nice and healthy they check your heartbeat see what kind of tools are in here oh they'll probably look at your eyes and look inside your ears and sometimes they have you stick your tongue out and say ah oh and look there's some glasses oh one of my favorite colors too yellow and look you can dress up like a doctor so official and a little hat whoa how do I look Dr Mika okay so this is definitely where the stethoscope goes okay let's just cleaning up and go back to the slide come on I'm so excited to see what the next item is oh here it comes whoa do you know what this is It's a tomato one of my favorites yum I wonder if there's a grocery store or something here let's go look oh a carousel oh look at this nice orange one let's get on oh hello horsey I'm Mika I wonder how this thing works [Music] that's not it oh that's it oh this is fun hey what a cool way to look for a space where the Tomato belongs hmm let me know if you see something [Music] this is definitely where the Tomato belongs hey look down here more food yeah Supermarket or a grocery store is where you can buy food like a tomato hmm what are some other red Foods what about this red pepper yummy hmm here's another red pepper and oh I love this red food strawberries I'm gonna have a red meal hmm oh more strawberries [Music] all of my food I have to pay for it let's go inside come on okay all right let's see oh I guess I can ring up my own items hmm all right bell pepper oh interesting strawberries okay more strawberries oh now we're cooking pepper oh [Music] apple and tomato beep beep beep oh yeah now we're grooving how am I gonna pay for this food I don't know but I'm in a good mood oh it looks like I have a credit card here let's see my grand total is [Music] dollars okay let's see okay that worked all right don't need any change I think I'm done here okay so the tomato is with the food good job matching with me hey let's go back to the slide and see what else comes down come on I'm having so much fun I wonder what the next item will be whoa look at this a firefighter helmet yeah firefighters will wear a helmet like this to protect their heads when they're fighting fires I wonder what kind of area would have a firefighter helmet let's go find out whoa fine for the firefighter helmet belongs good job looks like a match see there's a fire truck and firefighters Drive fire trucks to where the fire is to put it out and save the day this is a really cool truck see the big ladder and oh walkie-talkie firefighter Miki here over yes that is correct everything is fine here yes have a good day [Music] and look here's where the siren is so people know that a fire truck is on the way it sounds like let's see but this firefighter helmet here that way if someone wants to play they can be the driver and where the firefighter helmet and look like a real firefighter let's go back to the slide and see what the next item is come on yes so far so good I think there's another item about to come down whoa oh that was fast oh what is this gouda that's kind of cheese one of my favorites oh do you know what letter that is it's the first letter of the alphabet that's right the letter A I wonder if there are more letters around here let's go look okay I have the letter A I wonder if there are any other letters around hmm I see letters in there let's go inside [Music] whoa this [Applause] is all right let's see I have the letter a and there's b c d this is definitely where the letter A goes hey I know we could do we could think of an animal that begins with the letter a and then we could act it out hmm I have one ant eater can you act like an ant eater they do in fact eat ants they have really long nose and mouth and they go around they look for ants any hands over here any answer here hey give me that amp back and the next letter the letter b ooh I know one a bat let's act like bats together bats begin with the letter b spread your wings and fly like a bass or jump whoa kind of feels like I'm flying for real and the letter c cat begins with the letter c hmm how can we act like cats get your little paws out and meow meow meow meow meow calm down cat calm down cat what about the letter D the animal starts with the letter D dog can you act like a dog with me okay what what what good job now you can just jump and bounce and have whoa fun hey bounce begins with the letter b [Music] let's go back to the slide and see if there are any more items come on oh these slides are so cool I wonder if anything else will slide down oh it's one of the ball pit balls I wonder if we need to go to the other ball pit oh yeah we definitely need to go to the other ball pit let's go okay let's go find that ball pit come on whoa a big white slide oh I have to go down ready three two one that was so fast do you see the ball pit behind me whoa let's find a fun way to get into it [Music] why all right I'm going down see at the bottom whoa ball pits in this indoor playground oh we just swim on over [Music] this is so fun this is definitely where the white ball belongs there you go hey look at this wall see the two colors pink and blue and it makes the pattern see pink blue pink blue you know what the next color is that's right pink hey look at that little car it's so cute and there's three more ball pit balls there's a pink one and a white one and a blue one and there's words on this one let's see you've finished the game now count all you've done then go down the slide for some extra fun whoa that means we finished the game the game did it we did it we really really did it oh awesome okay it says count all you've done to remember the items that we found okay we found the stethoscope the tomato the firefighter helmet the letter a and a ball pit ball will you count the items with me great one two three four five good job and then it says go down the slide for some extra fun well let's go down the slide come on yes now it's my turn to go down the slide will you count down with me okay three two one whoa wow that was so much fun hey we figured everything out we did it we did it oh yeah we did it let's go have fun nice job thank you so much for helping me with that matching game we exercised our minds by figuring out which play center matches which item and we exercise our bodies by running around this indoor playground that was a lot of fun and thank you for learning with me well that's the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me cool [Music] all right I'll see you next time bye come on everyone let's make a learning so much to learn about it'll make you wanna shaker
Channel: Meekah - Educational Videos for Kids
Views: 2,862,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blippi, blippi videos, blippi zoo, blippi animals, san diego zoo, blippi safari, safari for kids, zoo for kids, animals for kids, blippi zoo animals, educational videos for kids, learning for kids, blipi, blippy, blippi visits, kids tv shows, kids, educational, education, learning, new blippi, blippi colors, learn colors, blippi museum, blippi science, science for kids, meekah, meeka, mika, blippi and meekah, blippi friends, Meekah, World of Illusions, indoor playground
Id: 2do2p8MWa8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 58sec (14338 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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