Playground Games with Meekah & Blippi | Educational Videos for Kids | Blippi and Meekah Kids TV

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so much to learn about it'll make you wanna shout me [Music] it's me blippi hi I'm Mika and look at where we're at we're at artistet Place yep in Seattle Washington this place is so cool you can play like an artist that's right you can climb You Can Dance you can even make music that sounds like so much fun shall we yeah let's go yeah oh cool this looks like the Yellow song fence whoa It's sunfist that sounds cool I wonder how you do it whoa look at these balls interesting [Music] oh that sounds great yeah they sounded a little different yeah let's hear it again this one was higher than that one yeah mine is a little lower wait a second let's widen out and see what that sounds like good idea ready yep [Music] oh yeah yeah my side is higher pitch yeah and my side is lower let's go even wider okay ready yep [Music] that was really low oh this side is high and that side is low yeah wait a second since you're good at singing let's check your pit okay ready yep good job Mika you're a great singer let's check your pitch okay come up here ready yeah not bad close wait I have an idea why don't we start down there and go from really high wait that side was low right that's the low side okay so from really low down to up to really high yeah we can hear all the notes come on all right ready yep here we go [Music] beautiful oh great job thank you shall we keep playing yeah let's do it [Music] this is fun you want to go higher yeah I'm going so hard yeah do you want to turn all right here I go yeah that was awesome that was so cool thanks Mika all right all righty how high do you want to go well maybe not as high as you I might fly right over it's so funny ready yep here we go the swing is making sounds like a bell oh yeah yeah wow it's so peaceful yeah a little higher sure all right look how high I am yeah you are doing so hard are you having fun yeah we make some great music yeah this place is cool whoa speaking of cool check this out what is this wow oh a really big rock whoa and really small rocks wow what are these maybe you just play with rocks but there's things dangling inside oh you're right wait what if we drop rocks on them try it whoa what a fun way to make music oh man there's some over here oh let's try it out whoa this one only has two a big one and a small one yeah I wonder if one will be high and one will be low all right let's try it out all right ready yep so the small one made a high-pitched noise yeah and this one the bigger one made a lower noise [Music] oh hey I have an idea for a very very very very very fun game what is it okay I will drop rocks on these two items and then if it's the high pitched you jump high okay okay and if it's the low pitch you squat down real low awesome oh will you play with me yeah okay are you ready yep I'm gonna just use my ears and listen hey [Music] [Music] yeah it's really good you got every single one right nice you did a good job too well shall we yeah let's keep looking oh Mika check it out oh that looks like so much fun wow this is a jungle gym and it looks like it's made out of rope climb up oh yeah wait a second why don't we climb up higher than where we're at right now yeah and things will look differently up high that sounds like fun let's go this is gonna be fun to see what we can see up here yeah we could climb really high whoa you're doing a great job you too bliffy oh thank you this is cool we can see so much from up here yeah we're really high up we can see the whole playground yeah there's the swings and where we made some music yeah guess what I have what I brought my oh cool gotcha and check it out the Space Needle whoa you can get even higher as high as the Space Needle oh yeah if we go to the top of the Space Needle I bet we're gonna see things differently from way up high probably see even more cool let's go okay whoa let me check it out the elevator that will take you up 52 floors oh that's really high I'm excited I know me too wait a second I have an idea well are you thinking what I'm thinking yeah a race I'll take the stairs I'll take the elevator all right and we'll see who wins let's do it ready yep three two one go [Music] I can't believe I get to go to the very top of the Space Needle I wonder if I'm going to be blippi this elevator is really fast did you know that the Space Needle is over 600 feet tall that's more than 180 meters very very tall oh we're so high up now oh I think we're almost to the top 830 831 832. yeah I made it to the top of the Space Needle oh I am very tired though oh that's a lot of steps oh wait a second where's Mika he made it to the top of the Space Needle yeah I can't believe you got here first well I am pretty fast you are really fast yeah [Music] what a beautiful view come look and it looks like there's a deck right here oh this must be the observation deck you are so smart shall we go check it out yeah let's do let's do wow this place is awesome check out this incredible view whoa and do you see all that water oh that's called the Elliott Bay oh it is yep oh I bet there's a lot of fish in there oh I bet you're right oh I see a lot of boats oh and buildings and green trees oh yeah so pretty yeah did you know these trees are called evergreen trees they stay green year-round so cool yeah some people call Seattle the Emerald City because of all of the green trees because Emerald is green yeah hey Mika what is this place called the Space Needle it's not like we're up in space that's true well in the World's Fair a really long time ago it was space themed so they built this tower that looks like something maybe you'd find in space right oh yeah it does yeah we're so high up I feel like we are getting close to space [Applause] whoa this has been so much fun yeah oh cool Mika watch out you almost fell through it's okay it's a glass floor whoa are you sure it's safe and strong it's actually 10 layers of glass which means it's as strong as walking on concrete see no maybe careful do you think it's safe enough for me to come on too absolutely okay yeah it feels kind of funny you got this all right there you go all right see whoa yeah I guess it is safe oh this is really cool I know right oh and look down there yeah you can see all the way to the ground yeah everything looks so small shall we lay down oh good idea wow they look like ants but they're actually people yes that's so teeny tiny oh hello wait a second Mika do you see what I see we're moving whoa yeah rotating glass floor yeah and it's the only rotating glass floor in the world whoa cool this is awesome oh it's really fun oh yeah and if it rotates and goes all the way around we can stand right here and see the whole city 360 Degrees oh it's so cool yeah speaking of cool look at the view yeah all of those houses wow that building is so big oh really big but not as tall as this Tower yeah that's a big lake over there oh yeah what do you see oh I see some traffic over there oh there's a football field whoa cool that looks like fun yeah hey do you want to get a closer look uh yeah how do we do that I brought binoculars whoa cool Mika yeah you want to share yeah oh hello Wow Let's look out there whoa whoa look at that person oh cute bag hello sir oh well I wonder where he's going oh in a big hurry I guess yeah oh look up here whoa a rainbow it's so colorful oh I love rainbows oh yeah do you know how Rainbows are made oh tell us well light shines through a bunch of water molecules and then it creates a rainbow yeah and they're so pretty wow this has been so so much fun up here oh what a cool way to see the city yeah let's go do you know what day it is rainbow day it's rainbow day today [Music] [Music] and we're smiling at whoever yeah [Music] [Music] Violet do you like it it's a colorful world and we're all smiling there's so many different colors all around us like the yellow of a taxi or a red bus on this Blue Earth the grass is so green Bowie's every color that you've ever seen paint the world and make it shine [Music] see how you do it red and orange yellow yellow blue [Music] red and orange yellow green and blue wow I love Rainbow day it's so colorful [Music] thank you oh that was so much fun I had a great day learning and playing with you blippi oh me too Mika wow wasn't that so much fun playing at The Artisan play yeah we made such cool music with those sound machines oh and it was really fun racing to the top of the Space Needle in Seattle you were really fast well it was really tiring that's a lot of stairs yeah that was impressed yeah speaking of impressed yeah the view was incredible yeah and this glass floor was so awesome yeah Space Needle yeah me too well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for meme will you spell my name with us yeah and job hey will you spell my name with us cool all right see you again bye [Applause] [Music] hey everyone it's me Flippy and look at where we're at today today we're at Southern California Children's Museum whoa oh I love Children's Museums because you get to play around and you get to learn at the same time but first I have someone really special to introduce you to hey blippi hey Mika hi everyone this is Mika she's my best friend you're my best friend oh no Mika you're my best friend check out where we're at so excited to show you around I can't wait let's go explore what is this hey it looks like a big mountain whoa why don't I climb to the top okay all right good luck flippy whoa look I made it to the top of the mountain oh you're up so high yeah and you're down so low wow that's opposite that's right high and low are opposite so I'm gonna climb up now all right here I go whoa some people climb mountains for fun that's right and that was fun huh yeah that was really fun all right I'm gonna go down okay ready yep foreign what is this it's like being in a bunch of spaghetti I love spaghetti whoa and look it's like I'm an ant whoa whoa or a telescope to look into the night sky you see up there a lot of stars so cool yeah what is this whoa you push on the back side and then things come out the front side wow that's really fun yeah hey I know what do you know what this is check out the other side okay oh it's the number one yup whoa it's the number two oh Mika you did the number three good you want to try sure oh four and what comes after four five one two three four five yeah check it out whoa sandbox this is so cool yeah oh look a dump truck yeah we could put a lot of sand in here and dump it out let's try it all right here we go loaded up yeah okay all right you want to hold the funnel yeah yeah all right three two one whoa Adam oh let's do it again that was fun all right maybe covered this truck this time okay let's cover the truck three two one whoa [Music] I love seeing boxes hey what's over here whoa it's like the same but with fake snow yeah check it out it's white it looks fluffy I wonder what it feels like yeah ah whoa oh that's cold I know it's squishy yeah must be how you make it you must make it with water yeah I thought you're right blippi whoa just like real snow makes cold Burns we're just thinking about it so pretty whoa yeah look at this it's like a snow plow no it's snowing oh I'm trying to get to work but the snow's in the way all right wow what else do we have here let's see [Music] oh yeah yeah do you have tickets to our puppet show [Music] Hi friend what are you doing today oh oh it's just going to the store oh what'd you buy at the store I bought some food and vegetables yum I love healthy food you want to come over later and have dinner yes please [Laughter] thank you thank you thank you whoa whoa what is this look it looks like a person yeah kind of like a doll yeah hello and there's all these rocks yeah they go all the way up to the ceiling whoa oh there and back down on this side huh what do they do I don't know should I try and pull one and see what happens yeah whoa [Laughter] I get it this puppet's limbs are connected with these ropes and then when you pull it the puppet moves are you thinking what I'm thinking yes puppet dance party [Music] yeah all right your turn to dance okay get ready to dance are you ready Mika yeah [Music] wow check it out Mika whoa look at all of these cars wow they're so colorful yeah oh and look a ramp whoa that means we can race yeah maybe we should pick out some cars oh good idea how many should we pick out hmm how about three oh okay all right car hey which cars are you gonna pick oh I like this one because it's purple and I love this one because it's orange one of my two favorite colors oh I also like this yellow one because I love yellow a blue car now I have my two favorite colors orange and blue yeah yeah okay let's see one more hmm how about this one it's two colors red and blue wow cool oh and I'm gonna pick this really big heavy green one because maybe the weight will help it go down quicker yeah that's a good idea oh shall we race yeah let's play all right which car are you gonna use first I'm gonna use purple first my favorite all right I'm gonna use orange okay all right those are their favorite colors are you ready yep three two one go guys good job Mika you won the first round yeah all right race number two hmm which one I'm gonna use my blue car okay I'm gonna use the red and blue one all right are you ready yep three two one go whoa yeah yeah it was awesome Mika all right it's one to one and we have one vehicle left that's right right okay are you ready three two one go oh one was really slow that's okay that was still fun though right it was so fun all right whoa whoa look at this flippy a super colorful train track wow it's the colors of a rainbow oh and look in here we have a locomotive right that's where the engine of the train is yeah the front bunch of train cars in here too hmm uh oh what about this green one could go next oh yeah whoa wait whoa did you see that yeah it's magnetic that side made it go away and that one makes it stick together oh yeah you're right Mika ooh maybe we can add another one then glue oh there it goes okay there we go there there train whoa nice all right here we go dude [Music] there we go wow this is awesome this place is fun oh yeah check it out we have some paint and balloons yeah look at all of these wonderful colors whoa looks like we have purple yep and red and green and orange and yellow and blue wow what should we do Mika well we can use these balloons dab them in the panes and make a beautiful picture that's a great idea now let's make some art yeah all right I'm gonna take an orange balloon I'm gonna take a purple okay let's see purple paint double blue whoa check that out yeah all right [Music] now I'll take another balloon blue balloon put it in green right here all right here we go whoa good job Mika thanks I made a smiley face see two eyes and a nice smile oh check this out I'm gonna take a green balloon dip it in some yellow and I'm gonna make a B for blippi there we go whoa what are you gonna do let's see I have orange which is one of your favorite colors maybe I'm gonna make a little tongue on my silly smiley face now the face looks messy and silly just like you and me that's right how about let's mix some colors oh that's a good idea how about uh maybe we can mix yellow and blue wow I wonder what color they'll make yeah let's see all right whoa we made green yeah it's so cool whoa let's go yeah whoa I see a big whale what what you see a whale yep wow that's so cool we're on a lifeguard stand at the ocean what else do you see oh I see a couple of dolphins you do yeah two of them yep wow that is so cool [Applause] whoa looks like there's some Surfers right out there hey right shall we go surfing yes let's go whoa check out the ocean whoa it's like we're on our way looks like we have a surfboard surfboard how did you do that I'm catching away whoa yeah right there whoa keep your balance don't fall wow let me look at all of this oh it's a campsite yeah you have everything you need to go camping yeah it looks like we have a tent right here cozy yeah oh look a nice chair to relax in next to the fire we'll start that later whoa a picnic table that's a perfect place to have some dinner oh should we make some dinner right now yeah what do we have let's take a look hmm let's see wow look at that pancakes or a tomato and a carrot oh there's also corn on the cob whoa yum oh looks like a plum yummy oh some salsa whoa oh okay what should we make oh there's hot dogs tacos a lot of good food in here yeah I have an idea why don't we barbecue some corn yeah that's a great idea one piece for you thank you one piece for me all right well there's some tools over here oh there's some kitchen utensils for the grill all right thank you all right let's go here we go all right it smells so good yeah looks like we already have some butter on it let's turn them over all right get the other side there we go should we shake it a little oh I love food on the grill I'll go grab the plates okay I'll be right back all right you want to Dish it up yeah right you thank you the corn on the cob on a yellow plate yes it's a green plate yep all right well I'm so thankful that you and I are having dinner together as best friends dig in [Music] yum I love vegetables especially corn yeah well since we're done with dinner shall we make s'mores I love s'mores for dessert come on okay all right it's a fire okay let me start it hey whoa cool good job all right can I sit right here oh yeah oh thank you some marshmallows out all right marshmallows put it on my stick okay all right thank you oh wow looks like mine is ready mine too all right let's try it I love camping because I always make s'mores after a healthy dinner yeah it's so yummy whoa I want to check out this tent all right oh look there's a nice cozy blanket on top let's see tents are so cool check it out it's nice and cozy in here and it's kind of dark and I have this nice blanket actually getting kind of tired being in here maybe I'll just lay down for a minute oh my belly's nice and full the night sky is here yeah I think I'll just take a little rest ah it sounds like she's snoring this is so silly I guess we should probably be quiet so then she can sleep ah but it is so nice just enjoying the night sky seeing the stars out in nature wow I love nature hmm what a beautiful night oh a shooting star yeah that was so much fun wow what a fun day yeah I love Children's Museums because you get a Play and Learn yeah exactly we learned so many things today and we got to use our imagination yeah well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me yeah good job how do you spell your name oh okay k-a-h Mika wow awesome all right see you soon see you next time bye-bye [Music] hey everyone it's me blippi and I'm with my best friend Mika hi everyone we're at the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach California yeah and it's actually night time and this place is closed we got special permission to be here at night yeah that gives me a great idea let's have night at the aquarium yeah let's go hi Bobby Mika have fun [Music] check it out it looks like a spider crab yeah it looks like a giant red spider but it's a Mika looks like it has some claws yeah pictures it also looks like looks like looking right at you blippi whoa hello hi hey my name's blippi what's your name yeah okay maybe it doesn't have a name have you ever seen a crab walk on the ocean floor yeah yeah they walk sideways yeah will you act like crabs with us [Music] yeah oh I like being a crab me too [Music] check it out oh pretty yeah do you know what they are those are Stars yeah and look they're the shape of a star makes sense shall we count how many points it has yeah let's do it one two three four five wow looks like they're just stuck to the Rock like this [Music] he seem to really like it they're all hugging this rock I like acting like a she-star just like it that's silly well shall we keep exploring yeah let's go let's go wow you're right so much water in here whoa whoa check it out Mika fish wow they're all swimming together yeah here they go these are yellow tails hello you look really close you see that their tails are yellow yeah whoa there's so many of them well I think they like us they're coming over do you know what a big group of fish is called a school [Music] hello whoa Mika look way over way over here come on do you see what it is [Music] oh my goodness oh really really the otter yeah wow see otters are so cool whoa they're in the water hey water and Beyond land yeah and their fur is really really dense yeah oh there's like us yeah their hair is so dense actually it's fur yeah there's about a million pieces of hair and about that big of size super duper furry yeah that's equal to about all the hair on an average sized dog wow that's a lot of fur yeah whoa they like to dive down and find their food things like shellfish crab clams sea urchins yep and we'll bring it up out of the water Rock and hang out and eat their food yum yum yum and did you see how their front hands kind of look like hands but they're back feet yeah they're actually kind of flippers yeah so then they swim with their back flipper feet it's like slippers in the back and paws in the front yeah check them out oh there it goes wow check it out so tiny yeah yeah tiny jellyfish wow look at them go they're just swimming like this I've never seen them this small before I know they're so small oh and look over here Mika [Music] oh these are a little bit bigger yeah we can call these medium-sized jellyfish that's right wow look at their long tentacles oh hello how's your day going whoa Mika look [Music] look big jellyfish wow look at that yeah jellyfish are so cool they don't have hearts they don't have brains they need food to survive yeah they're living creatures wow that is so cool and if you ever see a jellyfish you want to make sure not to touch it because they sting yeah wow oh hello and do you see the brown Pentacles looks like that hair tentacle looking type of things that's what actually stings you if you touch it good thing this is glass well see you later jellyfish so we saw small jellyfish medium-sized jellyfish and oh look over here come on whoa wow whoa look at that hey I'm bliffy I'm Mika and this is a puffin [Music] and I'm just floating on top of the water see you later muffins are super cool because they can dive down into the water and catch a lot of fish yeah ten fish is pretty normal for them to catch in one dive yeah and do you see those walks up there yeah that's where they live yep see they're just hanging out together on the right yeah yeah if there's a cliff next to water you might find some puffins hey puffins their beaks look so cool [Music] thank you whoa check it out so colorful in there yeah it's a coral reef yeah you see all those fish they're so colorful yeah there's a lot in there yeah look at that one right there it's just yellow so yellow it looks like the sun [Laughter] I bet you'd like that one over there because it's orange one of your favorite colors oh yeah you're right and there's white stripes on it and black that one looks really cool yeah and that one right there yeah has a blue body and a Yellow Tail [Music] you see any other colorful ones Mika oh I see a black and white one coming this way a black and white stripes yeah almost like a zebra yeah that is so cool and look at that one right there yeah a blue body with some black a Yellow Tail wow there's so many colors in here yeah so colorful [Music] look at this these are some of the teeniest tiniest frogs I've ever seen these are poisonous dart frogs and content can typically be found in the rain forest do you know what color that is like a red orange poisonous dart frogs come in so many different sorts of colors and their bright colors tell animals and people to stay away because they're really poisonous but they're so I think there's some more over here come on wow these have white stripes down their back they look so cool they're poisonous because of the poison in the food that they eat you have to stay away but wow they're just really adorable and Fabulous check it out more frogs oh these are magnificent tree frogs oh it's the color green yeah that's called camouflage it Blends in with its environment yeah do you know what is green in here yeah yeah please whoa so then other animals can't see this frog s okay so cool look down here these are Mexican salamanders yeah also known as axolotls hello yeah they're typically darkish greenish brownish in the nature yeah so then they blend in to their environment just like those frogs yeah see you later whoa check it out yeah octopus can you see it yeah whoa octopuses have eight arms we together have four one two three four times that by two and then you have eight yeah can you imagine having eight arms well that'd be so cool [Music] horses happen to have little suction cups on their arms so that they can taste wherever they go yeah and it sticks to things [Music] and actually change color and texture that's called camouflage yeah and they're also really really smart yeah and did you know octopuses their mouths are actually beaks oh look whoa looks really white now wow hard to see back there yeah it's changing colors oh hello octopus take a closer look [Music] whoa check it out a bunch of sharks wow but I actually heard that we can get in whoops yeah yeah shall we okay whoa you need to be very careful do not step on any of these sharks use us a little cold and chilly oh wow [Music] yeah these are shark jaws and look at all the teeth there's so many teeth whoa hello super shark yeah aren't they sharp whoa yeah they are look at this really big one whoa Mika cool wow and this shark jaw yeah the teeth are really small this jaw is actually the same type of sharks in here yeah so cute what smaller than something like this yeah look at this I bet you can't get split shark this comes from Mika it's one tooth and it's comes from a shark that's really big it's a really great shark oh the great white shark puppy yeah whoa look how big that tooth is oh [Music] [Music] oh hello shark hello come here are you ready to get pets here one comes [Music] the skin of these sharks feel like sandpaper oh it's so rough oh here's one oh oh there he goes oh here's my here's one here you go [Music] no hey come check out over here yeah get out nice safe hey then go right over here [Music] [Applause] [Music] shall we get in yes I can't wait yeah wow [Music] whoa so in here you want to shuffle your feet so then you don't step on any of the Rays yeah good idea look right over there Mika this food for the rain it is [Music] is there another one Yep this is for you thank you so much and this is for me all right so how we feed them is we just toss it out [Music] anybody hungry looks like some shrimp oh wow looks pretty yummy if you were a ray huh [Music] your race actually we can touch them too [Music] two fingers along their back okay nice and soft behind us oh hey Ray oh here's one hello hi whoa whoa it actually kind of feels like Disney gear I don't know yet oh here you go [Music] yep I found that one yeah that were really rough yeah these are really smooth and slippery [Music] wow now that you really want to eat yeah they kind of look like uh diamonds yeah and they flap their wings [Music] wow that was so much fun oh what a great night at the aquarium yeah we saw so many cool animals yeah like those adorable sea otters and those jellyfish whoa eight arms wow and those crabs wow that was so much fun yeah so many underwater creatures yeah well this is the end of this video if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me BL ah how do you spell your name I'll show you see you later see you soon bye-bye have a great night love you Amika thank you it's me I'm Mia and look at where we're at we're at Woodward Park City Park City Utah yeah and this is a place where you can learn how to skateboard yeah there's some big jumps and some ramps and rails yeah let's go inside and check it out let's go [Music] oh oh this is gonna be so much fun I know I can't wait all right whoa oh check it out this is the skate park yeah whoa be careful you're on a Ledge whoa and look it slides all the way down yeah it's like a big ramp or a bowl yeah that you could go on a skateboard and slide all the way down and back up yeah let's go check it out yeah whoa whoa whoa oh wow it's really slippery yeah so smooth it's like a quarter pipe yeah you go up to top jump and come back down whoa that sounds like fun yeah oh and check out over here Mika oh looks like we have some stairs oh what would you do on stairs on a skateboard well if you're really good you can start up top and jump all the way down to the bottom what yeah it's really cool wow check this out I don't know what this is a railing you just hold on to when you walk down the stairs do that but also if you're really good you can jump up with the skateboard land on it with the trucks and then grind down whoa that's really cool yeah it is whoa let's go check them out whoa how good they are yeah they look like they're having a lot of fun oh cool maybe they'll come over and say hi and then we can meet them oh that'd be cool okay hello [Applause] do you two love the skateboard yes well what do you like about it I like it because I like feeling air in my face oh you love feeling air in your face cool what about you Jimmer I like dropping in and I and I also like going up and down wow dropping in and going up and down sounds fun how long have you been skating um last summer not very long you know and you're already that good wow wow oh natural cool well do you two mind if we watch you skateboard so then Mika and I might be able to learn just by watching you yeah yes all right here she comes oh oh he went up oh and now she's going up wow I love how they just turned their skateboards like that to go back down [Applause] whoa so cool oh here she goes whoa whoa they are very good yeah I want do that yeah I bet it takes them a lot of practice to get their balance right it's a really good balance I bet whoa oh and look wow well maybe if you and I get on our gear we can learn to skateboard yeah that's a good idea all right let's go come on whoa cool here you go whoa look at all this stuff whoa there's a lot of things that we can use to be really safe when we skateboard yeah check it out the yellow helmet hey color yellow it's one of my favorite colors oh and look a skateboard whoa yeah look at the wheels and these shiny silver things do you know what they're called oh what are those those are trucks that's so then you can push down and that's how you turn it's really rough on this side yeah it's like sandpaper it's actually called grip tape oh so your shoes can grip onto the board yeah put your hand right there see how it's hard to move it yeah oh cool awesome wow shall we put on our gear yeah let's get ready to ride right yeah cool black helmet gotta keep our heads safe wow that looks nice blippi thank you and some knee pads yeah see it's hard on the outside so if you fall down it'll protect your knee and you won't get hurt [Music] we go nice and tight wow all right hello [Music] and my helmet it's really cool yellow helmet oh hello nice inside it's not perfect uh-huh skateboard skateboard let's go whoa cool design we tried to skateboard Let's Do It All right yes this is harder than it looks yeah we might need a little help with this yeah if only we had instructors somebody say instructors yeah hi guys I'm Morgan I'm a nice doctor here at Woodward Park City and I'm Brian I'm also an instructor here at Woodward we would love to learn how to skateboard for me too we'd love to teach you blippi do you want to come hang with me for a minute yeah oh cool Mika you want to come with me yes all right let's do it all right I'm so excited hey blippi have you ever skateboarded before um a couple times but I wouldn't say I'm that good that's okay let's just see where you're at we'll start with some pushing okay okay pushing all right okay so we always have our front foot on first okay then we're gonna you know which foot you like in the front yep yep that's definitely my right foot perfect okay so we're gonna do a nice easy push off and get that back foot on okay can we go ahead and cruise whoa all right here we go comfortable yeah that looks awesome all right they look comfortable all right you wanna do that one more time sure let's head back let's do it together all right ready all right front foot on and go whoa cool all right that was awesome there we go sweet all right I'm comfortable with that that looks good thanks do you know how to kick turn it all how to turn your board I think a little bit but I'd love to practice okay do you want me to give you a small demonstration yeah I'd love to all right so same foot placement okay okay and you're gonna start turning your board pushing on your toe side edge okay okay perfect all right let me try it full circle here I go whoa yeah whoa like that yeah that's awesome that was so good thank you that was awesome this is so cool all right what's next hey are you ready for a really fun one yeah would you like to learn how to drop in today blippi drop in yeah yeah let's do it all right we're gonna just start with some flat drills okay so we're gonna just put our board down okay we're gonna put our foot our back foot on where we like that nice and in the concave right here okay my front foot's gonna go on the bolts I'm nice and bent okay and I'm gonna push down and just ride away all right very nice yeah I did it did that look good that looks awesome yeah want to get a few more practices sure let's try it all right back foot on bent and go down awesome yeah all right what's next so good okay if you're feeling ready yep we're gonna bring your drop in to a small bank today a small Bank yeah let's go all right oh here's a bank right here perfect cool so we're gonna do the same feet positions we're just gonna put our board right on this Edge kind of like it's a coping okay back foot's already bent nice and strong and front foot on Bend roll away whoa did you see that she just went from the top of the bank all the way down to the bottom cool all right is it my turn now yes it is you bliffy is it okay if I spot you yeah that's all right okay right here okay I'm gonna grab your wrist okay okay front foot on the bolts all right here we go very good oh yeah that was awesome that was really intense that was so good all right maybe I should try it again okay you want one more spot yeah all right okay ready three two one yeah oh I did it again all right do you think I'm ready for not a spot I think you're ready all right let's do this all right okay blippi you got it three two one whoa [Music] was awesome you're such a great instructor that was amazing can I teach you one more thing super fast yeah all right so a cool way to pop your board up okay I'm gonna snap it up and now you're a true skateboarder okay now here's the test if I'm now a true skateboarder I did it good job yeah good job you're awesome all right cool so first we're gonna determine your stance are you regular footed or goofy footed I think I'm red that would be correct left foot forward so you're gonna put your left foot on the front bolts there okay okay you're gonna put your back foot on the back bolts and then you're gonna turn your feet sideways so that you have a nice athletic wide stance on the board okay just like that perfect oh yeah okay is that it I can skateboard okay next okay we're gonna do the same thing but this time we're gonna give it a little push so that you're actually moving once you're on the skateboard okay okay same exact thing but this time push before you get your back foot on the bolts okay here I believe you that is awesome look at you how to board with the same foot you put on the back you take off just like yourself back back foot comes off first correct from foot stays on stays on you got it on and then to get off back foot first keep the front foot on yep just like that okay all right let's see it big push let's see if you can make it to the end of the park here okay here I go big let's see it Mika yeah yeah look at that whoa that was awesome you're natural I think oh thank you here we go yeah there you go oh this is hard what else can what else can we do well we can come on up here and we can practice going back and forth on the quarter pipes introduce you to what's called fakie fakie you want to do fakey yeah let's do it let's get it okay how do there so we're gonna walk up this ramp right here okay I'll get up first and then I'll give you some assistance okay skateboard okay grab onto the trucks whoa bam so we're gonna do the same thing we just did right okay but this time we're gonna go towards the quarter pipe and then you're gonna let yourself come back down and that's fakie whoa okay all right I'm going to fakie let's see it big push there you go that's someone and back fakie yeah Mika that that's it right there oh I did yeah you're a good teacher thank you you're a good student thank you all right okay one more thing before we go okay this is how skateboarders pick up their skateboards you're gonna take your back foot okay pop the tail and reach with your hand for the nose okay perfect you did it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah we look like real skateboarders now how'd you do well okay it's a lot harder than I thought yeah you need a lot of balance yeah balance you need to focus yeah yeah how'd you do oh I think I did pretty good you want to see yes show me what you got all right here I go okay [Music] wow he's up he's Upsy oh that's so cool whoa [Music] go let me go wow how does he know how to do this go play [Music] whoa I can't believe you can do that wow whoopie you are incredible thanks Mika that was so much fun really good thanks if you practice something then you can get really good at it that's right you keep getting better and better and better yeah wasn't that so much fun learning how to skateboard it was a lot of fun learning especially with you clippy oh thanks Mika you do well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for money yeah will you spell my name with us will you spell spell my name with that [Music] m e e k a h Mika all right see you again so much
Channel: Meekah - Educational Videos for Kids
Views: 1,540,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blippi, blippi videos, blippi zoo, blippi animals, san diego zoo, blippi safari, safari for kids, zoo for kids, animals for kids, blippi zoo animals, educational videos for kids, learning for kids, blipi, blippy, blippi visits, kids tv shows, kids, educational, education, learning, new blippi, blippi colors, learn colors, blippi museum, blippi science, science for kids, meekah, meeka, mika, blippi and meekah, blippi friends, playground, indoor playground, outdoor games
Id: hdOZN1P7gKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 44sec (4184 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2023
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