How to Make Crayon Colors? Blippi & Meekah Learn about Colors!

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so much to learn about it'll make you want to shout M hey it's me blippy hi and I'm Ma and look at where we're at today we're at lucky art crayon Aly yep in Mont Clair California and this place is so cool we heard that you can make your very own crayons here yeah and you can make your own markers that sounds like so much fun I know should we do it yeah let's go thank you you're welcome Hey welcome to Lucky rart cronology oh thanks for having us I'm blippy hi I'm Ma what are your names my name is Sam and my name is Gigi a nice to meet you two what do you two do here we are cronology instructors oh cool well we really want to make our very own crayons and markers well you're just in luck we have some Crayon and marker machines in the studio waiting for you oh cool yeah you guys have fun if you need any help please let us know okay we will thank you thank you let's go I think this is where you make the ink for the markers yeah I think you're right it looks like all of the ingredients that we need to make our very own markers oh yeah like water propylene glycol yep surfacant sodium benzoate and D yeah cool well shall we put in the water sure okay o good job oh and check this out ma oh see these oh yeah those are magnets put on the bottom right there and then look oh it spins and mixes it yeah it's going to help mix all of the ingredients together all right you want to do the next couple sure thanks woohoo W just like baking and cooking yeah yeah you use so many different ingredients to make the finished product yeah want to do this one sure thank you ooh here we go oh and the D let's see what colors we have here oo interesting says purple and this one says blue do you want to switch Yeah Okay who wants to go first oh go ahead okaye W that's really blue wo it's a very dark blue yeah here comes the purple woo W wo it's really dark yeah I like that color yeah I bet this is going to look really good when it's added to a marker yeah I can't wait to see it w should we go pour it in yeah I think it's mixed pretty well all right there we go okay perfect all right let's go there it goes yeah I bet this is going to make for some really blue markers yeah really blue cool W look at this machine wo it's so intricate yeah oh look at this yeah they kind of look like markers right yeah but they're just the holders yeah the casings of the markers and there's a lot of them in here uh looks like they go all the way down this marker shoot yep look at that yeah well these are the sponges they roll down here and then this machine injects the ink into the sponge wa cool then it gets ins inserted into the marker casing goes down here and then whoa do you see these Thimbles is that what they're called yeah they do look like Thimbles but these are the plugs yeah the plugs that go on the back of the marker so then the sponge doesn't fall out yep pretty smart W look at these wa looks like a Q-tip yeah or teeth or I'm a wus I don't know if Aus sounds like that four o they're so cute so the tips they'll roll down here and then be inserted into the marker holder yeah and the tip is what you write with right yep that's right cool yeah the ink fills it up and then you can write with it it goes all the way down here and then yeah the Caps there's so many blue caps check it out that's what then goes on the tip yeah the top of the marker yep so then it doesn't dry out yeah you want to make sure you put the lid on your marker when you're done coloring yeah then looks like they go like this and go yep fall down to the bottom in that Big Bend should we turn it on yeah I can't wait to see what happens all right twist that all righty all right you want to do it together yeah 3 2 [Music] 1 [Music] okay have our markers lots of markers don't forget about this one oh yeah put it right there in the jamack there you go wo check it out ma looks like a crayon maker yeah you're right oh look at this big shape right here oh yeah looks like two long straight lines right there yep and two short ones right here hey and 90° angles that's right H what shape is that it's a rectangle and then there's a bunch of circles in there yeah that's where all the the wax is going to go oh cool speaking of wax shall we get some let's do it here you are oh yeah gloves first things first Safety First going to protect our hands yeah oh look maybe that's what we put the wax in it is it's a kettle oh kind of looks like a teapot yeah but no tea in here nope only wax that's right okay we're going to fill it up can you guess what color it's going to be probably red yeah there we go oh yeah it is red yeah look oh kind of looks yummy I'm not going to drink that oh no no no no do not want to do that well how high are you going to fill it up I'm going to fill it up I think to about here ooh fun yeah do you know red things that you could eat um maybe like a red apple ooh delicious or a tomato ooh you love tomatoes I really do yeah or strawberries or raspberries or blueberries wait a second trick you who nice and full almost there okay it's getting heavier wo is it oo and it's really warm that's right yeah when this wax cools down I'm guessing it's going to turn really hard like a cran yeah okay okay that's good ooh and check this out yeah this is a strainer so then nothing goes down here but the wax that's right Perfect all right we're going to work together pour it nice and slow oh good job thank you you're a good pourer thanks w w there it goes it's going into all of the holes oh yeah it's filling it up to the top let's move this way teamwork yeah we go oh it's really filling up huh yeah it is there we go go this way I'm coming look I'm shaking it wow okay there we go there's a lot in here yeah you think that's enough almost there wao flipping okay wa we did a lot yeah that was a lot yeah well now I think we wait right yep here we go oh thank you you got it it looks ready yeah I think it's time we can remove these pieces oh yeah it's not falling apart anymore remember it was all liquidy but now it's a solid yep here you go thank you oh nice and organized I try I like organization all right shall we yep scrape away okay W look at this oh you want to trade sure how did you know I wanted this one yeah well I just wanted this one so works out ready here we go W yeah just scrape it there we go and look yeah the tops are nice and flat since we're scraping yeah so all the parts that we didn't scrape off that's going to be our Crown yeah because the liquid filled up those tubes and probably made some cylinders oo let's see if you're right yeah there we go W all right are you ready yep let's make it they're so silly I know waa oh looks like they're growing W yeah they're very tall W check it out yeah looks like a circle that way but a cylinder that way that's right a nice freshh Crown woo yeah I bet you could draw a lot of red things with this oh yeah for sure you can write your name oh you can even draw Morel well shall we grab them yeah let's do it all right here we go wa so cool wow so many shall we yeah let's go all righty right 425 w we made a lot of crayons yeah we did oh look at this WOW are these little chunks of crayons right really tiny see yeah oh you have red and I have pink that's right so these used to be big crayons mhm yeah and then they smooshed them up into really tiny pieces w m check it out Pur it almost looks like purple dust oh yeah do you like it I love it one of my favorite colors yeah o and check this one out one of my two favorite colors that's a really bright orange yeah it is look at this blue one wo I love that one too W so cool looking yeah wait a second look at this one that's okay look at this one W multicolored wow yeah it looks like a rainbow right yeah it reminds me of a unicorn oh cool okay hey look at these are these little cups yeah so what you can do is take some scoops of the broken pieces of crayons and fill it up and then we can pour it into a mold to make a brand new crayons I'm so excited yeah me too we're basically recycling old crayons and making new crayons that's exactly right let's see what colors are you going to do wo there's even more over here oh yeah you're right check it out green like the color of grass yeah cool okay I'm going to do a little bit of blue and orange orange I think okay classic you there's a little I have some yellow one of my faves ooh I'll do a little bit of orange I'm definitely going to do some rainbow oh very nice thanks are you above the line yep hey me too check it out all right shall we go yeah come on all righty woohoo wo look at this one wao this must be the crayon press yeah it looks like it's going to make a star shape wow cool what a cool unique custom cray yeah all right look at this I think this is oil think we need to oil the bottom so it doesn't stick paintbrush and then oil right there huh good job okay do you want to go first or me oh you go first a you're so nice ma okay let's let's see let's pour it right in here right into the mold here we go oh I love all the colors that you chose a thanks oh that's really tall let's see maybe we need to go back that works okay put the top on perfect okay okay hopefully I didn't fill it up too high I think it's going to be really good okay push that in like that mhm okay then let's twist this to the right and then we pump it whoa use those muscles [Music] flippy there you go oh do you see that see that line yeah we're trying to make that little black needle go to that line ready just like that maybe a little bit more don't want to go too much okay now you release it okay just like that all right let's see my cray all right I'm excited oh wait this is how we get it out oh yeah turn this who cool look at that wow it's so colorful look at the back I bet that would look so cool drawing with it yeah you can make a really colorful picture just using one crayon cool you want to go yeah all right all right okay let me move this Here's Your Colors oh thank you oh yeah you have to oil oil up okay all right let's see oh so has to go back down down oh there you go okay so put a little oil on there what about right here oh yeah that way it won't stick oh yeah good job thanks just like baking oh yeah yeah making sure the Pan's nice and oil yeah okay so here's all my colors W so colorful ready he did a great job thanks flippy yeah there you go I definitely see a lot of purple and yellow oh yeah you know me okay can I put this on there for you okay there you go thank you you're welcome all right all right use those muscles I'm ready let's go come on oh wait a second we forgot we forgot to put that in and turn this oh man we're so silly sometimes okay now use now my muscles are ready yeah yeah yeah thanks for the support you're W wa M wa I got excited she went way too much I wonder if it's still going to work let's find out uhoh did you see how high yeah I got too excited all let see you want to turn that oh wait we pull it out right yeah there we go perfect all right now turn turn we're learning we're learning yeah wa now that is one compressed cray oh yeah wow that was fun you want to make some more yeah I want to make a lot all right let's go [Music] okay W big piece of paper I wonder what we should do on this H maybe we should draw draw and color yeah we can do both because we made a lot of things like markers like the blue markers mhm we also have red crayons there we go uhhuh and we also did some fun shetes so colorful yeah look at all these W mhm I'm going to use this one a you like that one yeah cool are you ready yeah now I am we made so many we really did all right ready yep woo wo W wo wo does this look like my curls yeah it does yes does this like look like a really long snake yeah a really colorful snake yeah it's so cool how it changes colors yeah cuz we use different colors that's right and mine looks mostly red even though it's pink with a lot of different colors inside it's kind of a little surprise wa cool I I'll be right back okay waa look orange and blue two of Flippy's favorite colors See oh M check it out liy where did you get that oh just a little secret wow that is a really big cramp oh yeah it is so massive I think I have something too that I couldn't fit in my jam-pack I'll be right back okay all color in the meantime I'll join you what a giant marker yeah pretty cool huh yeah now we can color together let's do it [Music] w we had so much fun today yeah it was such an awesome time I'm so glad you had fun it looks like you guys didn't need any help nope we figured it out on our own we sure did oh and we have a little something for the both of you a star for you and a star for you thank you so much we actually have some gifts for you too so this is for you Ma this is for you a thank you so much gifts check it out who mine says blippy and mine says ma wow that was so nice of you too than yeah thank you so much thank you byee see you later wow did you have fun today ma I sure did especially hanging out with you blippy a you too W I love making markers yeah and we made all of those red crayons oh yeah and also those crayons where we pressed with all those multiple colors yeah and now we have our names and their each letter is a ground so cool yeah well if you had a lot of fun today and want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me cool ready b l i p p i flippy good job hey will you spell my name with us awesome n e e k a h m all right see you again bye by bye come on everyone let's make a learning [Music] fun so much to learn about it'll make you want to shout
Channel: Meekah - Educational Videos for Kids
Views: 1,327,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blippi, blippi videos, blippi zoo, blippi animals, san diego zoo, blippi safari, safari for kids, zoo for kids, animals for kids, blippi zoo animals, educational videos for kids, learning for kids, blipi, blippy, blippi visits, kids tv shows, kids, educational, education, learning, new blippi, blippi colors, learn colors, blippi museum, blippi science, science for kids, meekah, meeka, mika, blippi and meekah, blippi friends, arts and crafts, colors, color mixing, indoor playground
Id: vXGpX1abUnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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