Blippi Explores The Dinosaur Natural History Museum | Educational Videos for Kids

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[Music] hey it's me flippy did you see what i was just doing i was acting like a dinosaur that's so silly yeah and today we're at santa barbara museum of natural history in santa barbara california and i have a great idea why don't you and i go inside and see if we can find some dinosaurs yeah let's go wow i'm having a lot of fun whoa look at this prehistoric forest wow prehistoric yeah that was a really long time ago and actually at a point of prehistoric times there was dinosaurs i love dinosaurs do you love dinosaurs yeah did you hear that yeah that was a dinosaur roaring whoa [Music] what is this wow looks like a really colorful book i wonder what's inside whoa all right wow there's a letter a message it says find these five dinosaurs in the prehistoric forest we're there right now whoa then choose your favorite dino and color it whoa cool all right looks like we have to find these dinosaurs whoa cool there's three dinosaurs oh four and five all right let's find all five of these dinosaurs and then we'll color one this is gonna be so much fun [Music] did you hear that yeah this dinosaur just roared so cool do you know what kind of dinosaur this is hmm it does have plates on its back huh i wonder if it's in this book all right is it this dinosaur no let's see oh what about this one definitely not could be this one close but that's not it huh what about that one no oh is it this one yeah you could tell by all those plates oh i know what kind of dinosaur this is it's a stegosaurus yeah i could tell because the plates on its back every stegosaurus have at least 17 plates yeah or more so cool and they actually are herbivores that means they eat plants i like eating plants too yeah like lettuce or like salad and spinach yum so healthy okay hey we should probably check this box off so we can keep track of what dinosaurs we find all right made a little x right there wow perfect whoa cool all right let's keep exploring and see what other dinosaurs we can find yeah see ya [Music] please do not touch or feed the dinosaurs okay i definitely won't touch or feed the dinosaurs whoa check it out another dinosaur whoa do you know what kind of dinosaur this is well it looks like it has some horns oh there's a baby right there hello hey all right let's see if we can find the dinosaur in the book is it this dinosaur oh yeah you're right it is all right we need to mark it up right here yeah you know what kind of dinosaur that is yeah it's a triceratops do you know how we know yeah come here i'll show you wow all right do you see the horns yeah let's count them together one two three three horns yeah its name is triceratops try t r i try means three yeah so this is a triceratops wow good job well let's keep exploring and see what other kind of dinosaurs we can find [Music] check it out another dinosaur wow this dinosaur looks so cool well hey let's see if this dinosaur is in our book whoa hey dinosaur all right okay well it's not this one yeah because this one's the triceratops remember yeah all right what about one of these two is it this one definitely not what about this one oh yeah it does look like this one good job we found another dinosaur all right let's check it off put a little x right there wow awesome well this dinosaur does look really cool but i don't know the name of this dinosaur huh i wonder what kind of dinosaur this is oh hey hi i'm jenna i'm the director of education wow that's cool so that means you know a lot about dinosaurs i do know a lot about dinosaurs wow well my friends and i were just trying to think of this dinosaur's name do you know its name i do this is an eoplicephilis eoplocephalus that's hard to say wow do you know any cool facts about this dinosaur i know a lot of cool facts about this dinosaur wow it's covered in armor from its head all the way down to its tail wow it's got spikes on its back horns on its head and even a club tail oh yeah the club tail oh and the spikes and the horns wow in the really thick armored skin why does this dinosaur have all of that yeah this dinosaur has all of those features to protect it from predators whoa that's really cool well thank you so much for teaching us the name of this dinosaur and some fun facts is there any other dinosaurs that you could show us oh absolutely all right let's go [Music] wow another dinosaur yeah whoa this is a really cool looking dinosaur wow should we check to see if it's in the book let's check all right all right let's see oh well it's not this dinosaur we already found that dinosaur oh is it this dinosaur no okay we found that one let's see what about this dinosaur oh yeah it is wow good job thanks so much for helping us find this dinosaur all right let's check it off there we go wow that's awesome well what kind of dinosaur is this this is a parasaurolophus parasaurolophus whoa that's a hard name to say and what's that thing on its head is that a horn it's actually not a horn oh it's actually a sinus a sinus like it connects to the nose it connects to its nose wow why do they have that well they use it almost like a trombone they suck in air and then they blow it out as a really loud deep sound oh i know what a trombone is cool whoa and look at its mouth it's really wide yeah so it can hold hundreds of teeth oh really like a really strong big sharp massive teeth well actually more of a lot of little teeth oh that's cool what does it eat with its teeth it eats lots and lots of plants a lot of plants wow really and do they then grow in and then stay there forever well no they're constantly losing their teeth kind of like little kids do and then new teeth grow in and they eat more plants wow that is really cool thank you so much for teaching us about these two dinosaurs you're welcome blippi i've got more dinosaur things to do today all right see you later thank you so much wow that was really nice of her all right so we found four dinosaurs but we need to find five dinosaurs so there must be one more dinosaur around here oh another dinosaur wow this dinosaur looks so big and furious all right let's see if this dinosaur is in our book all right it's not that one okay is it this one yeah it's our last dinosaur good job all right let's check it off there we go whoa all right hey do you know what kind of dinosaur this is yeah it's a t-rex tyrannosaurus rex so big and fierce but cute teeny little worms whoa and do you see its teeth yeah they are very big and very sharp yeah and they're actually shaped like a banana wow t-rexes are so cool because their jaws are so strong they're actually the most strongest jawed dinosaur that we know of wow and actually what we think now the juveniles the teenagers of t-rexes actually might have had some feathers wow t-rexes are so cool all right now let's go pick a dinosaur and color it in this is gonna be fun yeah [Music] wow wasn't that so much fun learning about those five dinosaurs wow they were all so big and it was cool to learn about what they eat whoa and their teeth all right let's uh decide which dinosaur we should color all right let's see the triceratops are one of these two huh let's see how about i was supposed to pick my favorite dinosaur out of these five the t-rex is pretty cool but i don't know if i can pick my favorite cause they're all so cool well hey why don't we color the stegosaurus so then we can color the plates all different colors wow all right first let's take the green one oh here you go stegosaurus nice green plate how about red whoa there you go whoa this is gonna be a very colorful stegosaurus yeah i used orange one of my two favorite colors oh we'll use my second other favorite color yeah blue there we go oh so colorful yeah do you remember what stegosauruses eat yeah plants because they're herbivores how about pink there you go yeah pink and let's do the last plate as purple whoa look at that now that is a colorful stegosaurus all right last but not least a green scribble there we go oh hey i have an idea why don't we take green and draw a plant right here yeah like it's eating oh there you go kind of hard to see wow what a great stegosaurus very colorful they didn't look like this back then but it still looks really cool [Music] wow that was so much fun learning about dinosaurs with you i sure do love dinosaurs what magnificent creatures they wear well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me yeah b-l-i-p-p-i flippy good job all right well i'm gonna keep this book right here so then the next person that comes here they can color one of their favorite dinosaurs yeah all right see you later [Music] hey it's me blippi and today i'm at woodland park zoo in seattle washington hey check it out this is the zoo information area yeah it has a map of the zoo hmm i wonder what animals we're gonna see today at the zoo oh maybe we'll see ooh a grizzly bear that would be so cool or um oh they have gorillas here too oh and they have so many different kinds of animals like flamingos wow oh whoa look at this tall animal this is a giraffe that is such a tall animal well there's some animals for us to go learn about let's go oh look at this place yeah this habitat looks like alaska or the pacific northwest or canada yeah and i have some enrichment for this animal but hey let me have you guess what animal this habitat is for yeah it's a bear it's a real big bear oh it's brown yeah it's a grizzly bear whoa that is so crazy hey all right i got permission that i can spread this food and enrichment out so then the bear can enjoy it let's go okay first i have some coffee grounds see this yeah that's just normal coffee so if you sprinkle some right here yeah maybe the bear will roll in it the bear loves to roll in coffee okay how about right here yeah there we go oh and maybe uh maybe some right here there we go all right let's uh put this right here and we will definitely grab that before we leave okay look at these these are biscuits yeah this grizzly bear loves these biscuits so i'll just try and uh you know put some around here there we go all right let me throw some to give it a nice pack hey oh what is this pumpkin pie spice yum all right let's just sprinkle some of this right around here [Music] all right i still have some biscuits check this out yeah there's a lot of fruits and vegetables in there yeah i love fruits and vegetables yeah like celery with some peanut butter and honey on top yum oh looks like we have some grapes yum whoo and we have some pears and we have some carrots whoa some apples and the watermelon yeah put some biscuits right here on this little island all right perfect ooh this food smells so good all right sprinkle some more pumpkin spice all righty and then i'm gonna make it all the way down there to put some more food down there [Music] wow this bear is gonna have some good eating around here [Music] hey and now let me get my container and then we'll let the bear out so then we can have some yummy snacks whoa check it out there's keema kima is a giant grizzly bear and he is loving those snacks we put out for him good job let's check him out [Music] check it out yeah this is dave and dave is a giraffe he is so tall here you go dave i'm feeding dave some romaine lettuce dave loves lettuce and romaine hey how are you [Music] whoa check this out dave is using his tongue kind of like a hand to grab his food to pull it up into his mouth wow dave is so cool here you go dave all right okay see you later dave i have more animals to go visit let's go [Music] whoa check it out we are at the gorilla habitat whoa look at her she is so cute [Music] yeah they're throwing some enrichment out so then the gorillas have some snacks i love snacks all these gorillas here the group is actually called a troop whoa group rhymes with troop well all of these gorillas are actually females except for two did you see the big one yeah with the silver back yeah that gorilla is the head honcho of this troop and that is a silverback and all of these gorillas are western lowland gorillas and there's also a second male it's the little baby oh so cute all right let's watch and eat some food [Music] [Applause] whoa check it out yeah these are garden fruit chafers it's a type of beetle do you see what kind of food they're eating whoa yeah looks like bananas yum i like bananas too whoa look at where i'm at i'm at bug world lab yeah this is where all the bugs hang out and eat and sleep yeah this is where they primarily live whoa looks like a lot of tarantulas up there whoa and down here a stick insect a new guinea stick insect whoa that is so crazy wow there's so many different types of bugs and insects back here whoa even more oh spiders in a venomous spider we definitely don't want to open that one up but hey maybe if we go in the other room they'll bring out some bugs for us to see up close and personal yeah let's go whoa check it out this is a jungle nymph whoa what color is she yeah yeah she is the color green i actually knew it was a she because the males are brown and she is green yeah do you see how she looks like a leaf [Music] yeah she looks like a green leaf but if it was a guy he would look like a brown leaf wow jungle nymphs are the heaviest insects in the world yeah she's not even full grown yet and look how big she is whoa looks like she's just doing some stretches that's so silly wow she is so cool looking whoa [Music] whoa check it out yeah this looks like a spider whoa it is such a big spider this is actually a chilean rose hair tarantula whoa hello i used to be really afraid of spiders but not anymore this one's actually really nice yeah if i let it crawl on me it wouldn't even bite me this one is very nice and it looks really hairy look at her oh yeah this is actually a female whoa and she is about 17 years old wow what a cute little insect well not little so big whoa what are these these are flamboyant flower beetles whoa and they're so shiny yeah the two colors that i see on them are green and yellow oh and they're little horns the males yeah they have horns it looks like it's the color red orangish whoa they're just hanging out on this log they love to eat fallen fruit yum i love fruit too wow check it out i have some crustaceans on this piece of plexiglass yeah these are perchula snails wow they are so cute do you see how they have little hard shells yeah that helps protect them well they're from the location of tahiti wow i love tahiti it's so sunny and beautiful there well actually there's none of these left in the wild they're only in zoos captivity and we're actually trying to put them back out into their normal habitats for now we can just observe them and watch them eat their food hello [Music] wasn't that fun learning about animals today at woodland park zoo in seattle washington yeah it sure was well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me b-o-i-p-p-i flippy good job well i'm gonna go learn more about animals here i go hey look at where i'm at now right now i'm at cares in furion washington yeah c a r e s cares yeah cares is an animal shelter yeah this is where the animals live until maybe someone like you comes down to then adopt the pet these pets need a new home let's see what pets are inside [Music] do you see this dog yeah this is a really small dog it's kind of like a baby dog yeah really small dogs like this these are called puppies here you go [Music] this is sapphire oh she's such a cute kitty hey sapphire how are you [Music] oh she's so soft [Music] this is cuddles she loves to cuddle oh she's so soft and she loves to play [Music] wow that was so much fun spending some time at my local animal shelter well hey even if you can't adopt a pet you can still come down and volunteer your time yeah you can come on down and pet the pets maybe they'll even let you walk a pooch or play with a cat in the little cat room well that was so much fun [Music] check it out right now i'm at pause and relax in berrien washington yeah it's a daycare oh i know does that feel good yeah a daycare that has a playground you know a playground that you get to play at yeah this is a doggy playground and lionel and i are playing here hey i have an idea why don't we let lino run around and playgrounds are a lot more fun when there's a lot of friends let's bring on some doggy friends whoa look at how many friends lino has [Music] so okay now it's time for lino's bath and haircut oh i bet he's gonna feel so clean and so fresh after this all right let's take them inside here we go lino [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey whoa check it out look at this pink platform yeah this is what all the pooches stand on and this is a nice purple belly strap right here and then a neck strap yeah this is called a groomer's helper so then and make sure that the pooch doesn't fall off the table while it's getting groomed hey come check this out whoa see this toolbox there's a lot of things that the groomers use inside this toolbox wow that is so cool all right first we have some shampoo this is plum flavored shampoo oh it looks like we have some clippers up here whoa [Music] that's what you put on the dog's hair and then it trims it ooh this files down the nails of the dog let's turn it on [Music] that's silly okay wow yeah these yeah these are like scissors yeah but they're actually called shears wow a dog's hair is a lot more fine than a human's hair and these scissors can really cut a dog's hair really good so let's put these on the platform let's put the the red colored ones okay gotta be really careful if you use these shears perfect okay what else do we need to cut lino's hair let's see oh hey do you want a haircut hey do you want a haircut looks like their hair's already cut oh look at this wow a comb yeah just like how you and i comb our hair and brush our hair dogs need that too wow oh hello okay let's put this on the platform okay next to the pair of shears all right what else is over here wow looks like we have some sanitation spray so then when lino's done he sanitized everything so then the next dog can get its hair cut whoa sugar cookies i love sugar cookies this is sugar cookie dog perfume this definitely should go over there [Music] check this out another drawer wow there is a lot of cool things in this look at that that kind of looks like a brush but it doesn't look like a normal brush or a comb this is called a slicker brush all right we'll put that over there as well whoa this is gonna be so much fun let's see remember from earlier these clippers up here yeah see this these are clipper attachments you put them on the top and then that is what determines the length of hair see that compared to that that one's way shorter okay let's bring this and a green attachment wow all right i think we have everything we need to cut lino's hair all right so we have clippers shears scissors a comb some dog perfume and a slicker brush there's a lot more things in there that we'll probably use but for now this is good yeah whoa look at lino they took off so much hair look whoa this is a bunch of lino's hair wow it's so soft ah yeah i could make a pillow out of this wow hey you like my nose hair does it smell good so silly [Music] whoa look lino's all done how does he look look at his big fluffy ears wow and look at his spooky bandana oh there's some pumpkins on it and it looks like a llama with a cape wow all right lino we can go home now [Music] all right bye-bye well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me ready b-l-i-p-p-i flippy good job alright oh hey it's me blippi and check this out this is a giant moose and today you and i at northwest trek in eatonville washington are gonna see some awesome animals maybe we'll see a moose i am so excited let's go bye-bye moose [Music] whoa check out this radical off-road vehicle this is so cool this is what you and i are gonna take the tour in let's inspect it make sure it's nice and safe for us check it out these are some big wheels and tires whoa and look at that tread that is some big tread for some massive off-roading yeah whoa check out that up there that is the canopy top just in case if it rains nothing will hit our heads it's kind of like an umbrella but for a vehicle alright let's check out inside whoa hey check this out hello hello northwest trek flippy's here can i come on the tour hey there olivia you're clear for the tour all right you heard him we're ready to take the tour all right first we need to finish our vehicle tour all right check this out this is where you fill up the vehicle with gas yep it's nice and full all right there we go oh now into the back of the vehicle whoa check it out whoa there's so many seats back here whoa this is so cool i'm gonna sit right here so i can get a bird's-eye view of all the fun animals we're about to see let's go [Music] whoa do you see those animals those animals are elk hey look at that one that one has big antlers that one is a boy and all those other ones are girls see you later elk oh looks like they're playing see ya let's go explore some more animals around here whoa check it out this is a bison whoa and do you see how it has some fur on the side yeah some really short fur and some long fur and that long fur is called a cape yeah that means this bison is a boy whoa this bison is so big it weighs the size of a small car [Music] whoa this is so much fun at the northwest trek [Music] whoa do you see that animal that is a moose one way i can tell that that is a moose is the thing that it has under its chin that's called a bell whoa and there's another moose over here hello moose hey moose do you see how that moose is moving its ears yeah they have some big ears they can probably hear really good let's see hello moose hello hey i was being really quiet and it heard me [Music] whoa check out those animals those animals are big horn sheep can you see their horns yeah if you look at them from the side kind of looks like a circle wow what cool animals this is so much fun at northwest trek we are finding so many animals they are so cute [Music] whoa do you see this there's three goats right here hey i think you and i should count them one two three yeah three white ghosts oh they're so cute hello goats hey oh oh looks like two are leaving three minus two is one but they're still there so there's three oh so silly wow so cool that bison is massive and those goats are really small it's so cool that these two species of animals are living right next to each other and they're getting along [Music] wow northwest trek is such a great place to see animals that are native to the pacific northwest yeah well we got to keep going because we have so many more animals to see let's go [Music] whoa do you see those birds [Music] they're so big those are bald eagles do you see how that one has a white neck and head yeah because that is an adult but that one right there with the darker neck and head that means it's a juvenile which is five years and younger hey how old are you cool whoa this is the wingspan of a bald eagle whoa it has a bigger wingspan than i do [Music] whoa do you see that animal that animal is a raccoon whoa raccoons are so cute yeah you can find raccoons in a lot of places like out in the wilderness and even in the city yeah sometimes i hear my garbage at night getting ruffled up and actually it's a raccoon just trying to find some food [Music] do you see that those are itty-bitty chunks of food for an animal called river otters i am so excited do you see those animals those are the river otters i was talking about earlier and they're eating lunch oh come check them out hey there they are wow oh they look really hungry river otters can actually dive down 60 feet under water whoa that's about 20 meters that is really deep check them out whoa that is a wolverine it has some really sharp claws and its teeth and jaw is so sharp it can crunch through bones whoa and these animals are really fierce they have to be fierce because they live in the wilderness whoa what cool animals whoa do you see those animals yeah those are bears they're actually grizzly bears these are the biggest bears that we have in the pacific northwest oh they're so big and their smell is so good they can smell food from 20 miles away wow that's like about 32 kilometers that is so far hey i have an idea how about you and i act like bears so we get on all fours but when you hear music then you stand up and growl and dance like a bear ready all right act like a bear rub ruff ruff [Music] that was so much fun today at northwest trek in eatonville washington wow we sure did learn about a lot of pacific northwest animals today didn't we yeah i really enjoyed learning with you well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me ready b l i ppi flippy good job all right see you soon [Music] oh hey it's me blippi and look where i'm at whoa today i'm at triple play family fun park in hayden idaho and this place has a lot of fun things shall we go have some fun yeah come on [Music] whoa cool a dinosaur whoa whoa cool yeah looks like a dinosaur hey i heard about you are you stanley oh nice to meet you stanley i'm blippi and i i heard that you know a lot about the family fun park here will you show me around yeah let's go whoa what a cool place stanley is this raptor reef cool yeah this is where everyone comes to swim whoa do you like raptor reef yeah i bet you do you seem to have a lot of fun here hey i have a couple questions for you yeah whoa so are you a velociraptor yeah you are so cool do you love hanging out here yeah well i love hanging out here too it's so cool and it's so colorful hey i have an idea will you dance with me yeah here we go this is so cool good dancing well i'm gonna keep exploring maybe i'll see you later if not thank you so much all right see you later whoa check it out yeah this is the wave pool yeah there's some mechanical things back there and that go up and down up and down and it makes some waves whoa cool whoa what's this huh looks like a bunch of random things looks like there's a shiny cup huh a pail yeah for making sand castles oh hello hey it's me blippi cool look at this whoa a blue ball one of my two favorite colors cool looks like there's a lot of other fun things in here i have no idea why they are here but pretty cool come on [Music] do you see those yeah there's two raptors up there and it looks like they're playing should we go say hi come on whoa look at this wow it looks like the end of a water slide yeah a yellow water slide so cool whoa look the raptors whoa raptors are so cool yeah do you see their claws whoa they're so sharp whoa looks like they're playing they're saying hey do you want to play the other one's like yeah whoa and check out the feet right here whoa yeah do you see the big claws on the feet yeah come check it out whoa cool all right hey i have an idea since we're at a pool and we saw all those items earlier yeah remember all those random items yeah why don't we play sink or float yeah this is gonna be fun let's go yeah whoa this is gonna be so much fun but first did you see how i was walking yeah anytime you're next to a pool you always want to walk you never run all right now it's time for sink or float yeah all right well let's do the blue ball first i bet you and i know what this is gonna do yeah it's really light all right here we go yeah it floats all right what about this pink pan whoa it's like i'm making some eggs for breakfast all right see you later pan oh yeah it floats as well all right let's see whoa cool look a rhinoceros whoa rhinoceros is so cool yeah do you see that it's like a horn on its nose all right rhinoceros let's see if it sinks or floats floats as well all right let's see here oh hey look a little spoon yeah a spoon is a utensil so then you can eat your food with utensils and not your hands sink or float bye-bye yeah it sinks oh that was our first item that sinks all right let's see here whoa so many cool items whoa look at this wow i could have used this with that skillet yeah that pan yeah because this is a spatula so then i could have grabbed the eggs and put it on a plate but it's really heavy i bet i know what this is gonna do yeah that also sinks all right let's see here whoa all right check these out these look like bath toys whoa yeah an orange one looks like an octopus and it looks like a sea turtle wow octopuses and sea turtles live in the ocean all right see you later sea turtle yeah it floats and i bet you this is gonna do the same because it's a bath toy yeah it floats as well all right let's see here whoa another animal yeah do you know what this is yeah this is a cheetah wow do you see how it's running yeah cheetahs are super duper fast cheetahs can run about 70 miles an hour now that is fast that's as fast as you drive on a freeway alright let's see you cheetah go in the water super fast that cheetah toy floats whoa yeah some beach toys wow have you ever been to the beach yeah it's so fun just putting your feet in the sand hearing the waves wow again seeing the surfers cool yeah these are beach toys because you can put sand in here and then make sand castles out of them all right here we go sink or float yeah all those toys float all right what else do we have in here oh cool yeah tennis balls looks like we have a green blue and orange tennis ball well should we see if they sink or float yeah but first oh yeah those tennis balls float whoa hey all right let's see stanley is this stanley oh hello stanley yeah looks like a stanley toy all right stanley is a velociraptor as you know yeah he's a very fierce dinosaur but he's also very nice all right stanley we're gonna see if you sink or float yeah stanley floats looks like we have a few things left so shall i throw it all in yeah can't forget this and this all right three two one yeah wow [Music] that was so much fun seeing what items sink and what items float i sure do love having fun with you and learning with you well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me yeah b-l-i-p-p-i flippy good job all right see you later bye-bye [Music] so much [Music]
Channel: Blippi - Educational Videos for Kids
Views: 2,160,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blippi, Blippi Toys, Blippi Videos, Educational videos for kids, kids tv shows, blipi, Blippi songs, Blippi videos, blippi videos, blippi excavator, blippi dinosaur, blippi fire truck, blippi songs, kids, Dinosaurs, dinosaurs for kids, learning for kids, blippi colors, blippi shapes, blippi visits, blippi animals, learn animals, blippi learns, learning videos, educational videos for toddlers, blippi museum, blippi childrens museum, sink or float, blippi dino
Id: JD1rLHGubvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 37sec (3517 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2022
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