Blending technique on custom mix blue night stand set

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hi everyone this is brandy I'm brandy Colin born with fresh break brandy I'm a furniture painter out of Sacramento California and I'm here to do some paint blending with you guys for its dixiebell week on how to paint like a pro and I'm so excited to be here in one of my favorite groups with my favorite paint brand so um hi everyone um I have my I'm here by myself today usually I have a camera person but this morning I'm going to do this by myself because my kids are at school and my husband's at work hi Gayle so hi Jackie yay mark um so I'm going to be doing some paint wedding today and we're gonna be doing an exciting giveaway which is kind of a funny story I'll share with you guys and I want to share with you this is the look we're gonna be working on here so you guys have seen me do blending before and this is a little bit different than the technique I used before so I'm just gonna show you a little bit different technique this one's a little bit more subtle I think I'm just just getting a good highlight in there instead of an all-over blended look so this is the piece I'm gonna be working on today the night stand I'm actually doing for my sister so this is the one we're gonna be working on today all I have on here is a base coat and it's not even a very good base coat I dropped some wood stain on it right here and you know just kind of put on there and the main point of it was to just get some coverage on there so last night after I put my base coat on I store my paintbrushes in the refrigerator just in a ziplock baggie overnight the reason I do that is because a brush can hold a lot of paint and so rather than rinsing it out and then refilling my brush I just storm in the in the refrigerator overnight in a ziplock baggie so um we're gonna be giving away some dixiebell paint today and when Dixie Belle said that I can give away the products that I'm using I don't think they knew what I would be using because I'm not using a solid color I'm using a mix and my mixed color happens to be five dixiebell paint products so it's your guys once again because that means for my giveaway I get to give away five things about paint colors so this is the color that I mixed up here yeah I know like I got a good laugh I was like are you sure I can do that so this is the color I mixed up here and it's kind of a medium blue I had mixed some for the piece that I just did for the Jennifer all woods paint finish of the Month Club and I had extra left over it was more on the green side so I added a little blue to this one and made a color now for a whole nother piece so with this color here I like these mini kitchen spatulas by the way for mixing I never knew what they were for in my kitchen but they were great painting hi hi everyone okay so so for our giveaway today I'm going to give away the colors that made up my custom mix here so we're gonna call it Brandis mystery color here and I'm going to tell you guys what it is right now but I'm gonna mention it very sparingly what this mix is during the process and then at the end if you can come back to me and rename my custom mix you will win those colors on there so here it is pay attention guys you'll need to know this for later the test so my custom mix has mermaid tail in it peacock evergreen Bunker Hill blue and caviar okay can you guys remember that these are my five dixiebell paint colors that went into my custom mix five colors you guys all the great blues and greens all in here and you guys can win those if at the end when I ask the question if you can name what was in my Testament okay so let's go ahead and get started this is the piece I'm working on I'm gonna turn it a little bit okay you guys see that okay yeah that's better all right I just paint with um rooster shortcut brushes and I love using dixiebell paint this is the dixiebell paint card it has 60 colors on it you guys and this isn't even all their colors there's metallics in their line there's tons of other products in here but I love it because not only are these 60 colors your option but everything that you can imagine in between is your option too because you can blend and mix colors to create any shade in between if you want to add a slight undertone or you know a custom color the possibilities are endless and because this is such a complete line there's really no limit to the amount of colors that you can get out of my mixes all so like I said I have a single base coat on here and before I get started on a second coat I'm sorry guys again I don't have a camera person with me today before I get started on a second coat I use a fine sanding sponge this is probably a 120 grit but it's so worn that it's like a 220 grit now and I'm just brushing my piece I'm not trying to sand it I'm just trying to knock down any you know particles of death that might have got stuck in my pink Oh any eye points in my kingdom just not in those down once I've got my paint nice and smooth I just take a damp rag I just spritz this with some water and I'm just gonna wipe away that dust I just feel it with my hand and I've got a really nice smooth surface so this is ready for a second coat of paint before I do a second coat I script my service with water I'm not trying to dilute my paint I'm just trying to lubricate my surface a little bit so my brush glides and when you guys in a little bit closer while I'm working so I won't be on the camera yes you guys I named the colors in this custom mix and if you guys can come on at the end of this broadcast I'm going to ask the question what was in my custom mix and if you can come on and name what was in my mix this custom color that I'm using this beautiful like teal deep rich blue you guys can win the five colors there's five that was a hit the five colors that are in my custom mix so you guys have seen me do paint winning with several different colors today I'm really going to only use two and that's my custom mix and then I'm going to use a color a lighter shade for a highlight so what I did here I spritz this with water and I just got a nice clean coat on here my highlight color that I chose for this is dixiebell dried sage and I like this color because it's kind of a warm beige color the more stark the contrast is between your blended colors the harder it will be to blend them so you know I could use a stark white on here but it would be really hard to get a nice blend between the colors because the contrast is so great so I'm just gonna take a clean brush so I had a brush for my blue and now I've got a brush for my dried sage and I'm just gonna dip it in here and I barely I don't want very much on my brush so I'm going to just add did you guys freaked out a little bit when I did that just gonna not a highlight to the center store okay so many times I see people do this and then they will leave it and that's not blended you guys when you put something in a blender it becomes they become one they become unrecognizable as two separate things so we really want to blend these colors I'm not going to be afraid to brush these into each other I don't want them to stay pure if I can tell where the division is between these colors then I have it blended them one thing I like to do is use a vertical paints draw a vertical brushstroke and get those colors mixed into each other and then I'll come back horizontally and brush them back again so can you see how smooth that transition looks now look how I mean that was a really fast process now I'm gonna come back with my brush with my blue on it and I'm going to clean up the edges because I want those to be a little bit more dramatic so I'm just gonna add some blue to around the edges and I'm gonna brush that into the center where my highlight is along the edges here I'm just gonna use a really soft brush stroke can you guys come on and let me know what piece you're working on if you've used dixiebell before do you have a favorite color I'm really fond of the Blues it's what my icons to be drawn to so you do a lot in the blues they also sell really well for me blue can be neutral or it can be a pop of color for as an accent in your room I'm gonna come up here and just do this the rest of my body on this one is just a clean color so you guys have seen me do blending using several different colors and this is honestly a more basic look a little bit more subtle that just gives you this highlight let's come down here and do it I'm gonna repeat this process a few times to see if I couldn't see it being done over and over again and how simple it is so again I just spritz my surface with some water now I'm giving it another coat of my base color you want to keep your brush nice and dry I love dixiebell because or blending because it has such a long open life you guys can see how long afterwards I come back and play with this paint and it stays open I'm not pulling up any of my base paint and my top color stays malleable while I blend my colors which is really important you don't want your paint to be getting sticky when you're trying to blend your colors Oh Janice I love stormy seas it's one of my favorite make it look so easy it really is you guys I almost feel bad doing a video on this because it really is so easy okay so I have my clean coat on here and I'm gonna come back and put my highlight in there it's scary that looks oh my gosh and I'm gonna brush these together you guys don't want to know where one stops and one starts it's gonna stay stronger in the middle where I put that fresh stripe of color and then it's gonna start to fade out to the blue and then I came back and I did a vertical brushstroke just to really mix those colors in together and then brush it horizontal again and even right there I've got a really nice look but I'm gonna come back and I'm gonna add some of my darker color just along my edges to really make those pop so if we did get a little bit of a dried sage out onto the edges when we were mixing that and I really want that to stay pretty pure the other difference with this is my base coat is a single solid color you can I also do blending sometimes where my base coat is is blended as well this one I like that it's a little bit more streaky it's a little bit more imperfect it doesn't have that blended base coat so I can see the blue you know peek through underneath and I really want it to look like maybe this part of the drawer was just worn more than the rest so I think the main point is to just make sure that you're not leaving that stark contrast between your colors let's come down let's come down and do this bottom one you guys see how fast I'm going through this whole piece I'll turn into the sides too so you'll see this by the by the end of this video you're going to be able to repeat this I promise okay so guys missed it my surface just giving it a clean coat it doesn't have to be thick I actually got really good coverage with my first coat so I'm just laying on some fresh pain sorry guys I have to read these at the same time because I'm trying to paint and I usually have my husband here but he works an office job so it's hard for me to go live during the day because he's gone my kids are at school right now i'ma stay over mom my three boys I love seeing you know how many painters are stay-at-home moms and get to do this and you know be home with our kiddos too so again I'm using dixiebell paint and I'm using a mystery color this is my mystery mix Brandy's mystery mix we're going to be giving away there's five colors that went into my mix today guys five do you remember what they are this is the Dixie ball pink card it was five of these colors I mentioned them at the beginning and at the end I'm going to ask you guys what they were and if you can come on and name them you'll be entered to win the colors in my mystery mix which made this beautiful blue there are so many colors in this line and if a color doesn't exist you can create it there are really no limits because they've created such a good base in the line for you guys okay so I just brushed on my dried sage you know honestly it doesn't even look bad just like that but then I'm going to come back oh I forgot to do my vertical brush jokes and I did I do notice the difference it just takes those colors together a little bit more I don't want to see a line where one stops and one starts okay and then I'm coming back with my darker color and just brushing that along the edges you want to make sure you have some consistency from your drawers that they look fairly consistent and I like the consistency of me and come down here and give my bottom just a fresh coat of the blue and then I'll turn this and we'll do the size which is a little bit different kind of surface because it's more of a broad open area I'm gonna topcoat this even in my original piece my example piece doesn't have a top coat on it I'm gonna use dixiebell flat top coat on these I don't want the flat look like a wax might give what would the protection of a top coat of a clear coat Deanna's you're an empty nester right now oh my gosh I'm gonna die with my kid will leave I don't even know what to do without them I know paint a lot I'm gonna paint a lot are you using a dry brush and just wetting the surface yes my paint is not diluted I'm not doing it to dilute my paint I'm just doing it so my brush glides a little easier so that's all that mr. water is for I say it's just to lubricate my surface a little bit I always do that on a second coat even if I'm not blending and it just helps the bridle a little bit smoother fix about the self leveling paint so you really don't get any brush strokes the only thing you want to be careful of is you're not spraying onto the area that you just paint it because you will leave water marks in it so let's turn this and move them to side these are huge night Thank You Sheri okay again miss my surface just with a little bit of water I am coming back with my mystery mix color this deep rich teal blue that I blended it's a blend of five dixiebell paint colors that you guys can win if you can come on at the end of this and name what was in my custom mix five colors with me guys so again I'm just putting a clean coat on this you'll see I'm kind of brushing horizontally but I will come back and clean that up with a vertical brushstroke I dig it into some of these crevices I mean you guys I'm brushing through this right now and already my paint is super smooth on here it's a beautiful Cove you know even just like this would be a beautiful paint finish so then I'm going to come back with my highlight color that I've been using which is dried sage I like dried sage it's kind of a muted beige color and I'm gonna put that highlight right in the center and I want it to come over to the edges I don't want it to be just okay sorry I turned off autofocus and it still wants to focus on some movement okay so you see I just put that highlight there doesn't look very good but I see I see this left like this alive drives me nuts you guys it drives me nuts so then I'm going to come back and I'm going to brush them together the opposite direction and then I'll clean it up and go back to my vertical using vertical brush strokes here because this is a long narrow section and my brush strokes going vertical makes a little bit more sense I'll come back with my darker color and I'm just going to resize the edges of this be I'm gonna brush it into my highlight color the dried sage this is great on this piece because it's got these nice curves you really notice them with that highlight there in the middle my tops on these I stripped and I sanded them down to the wood I'm gonna finish these up probably today and then I'll be able to post the final look on this thread so you guys can see what we created but my tops on these were stained with dixiebell no paint gel stain and espresso this is a nice rich color and then I also wanted to mention before I started on this I also clean my project with dixiebell white lightening this is like a granulated product and I love this stuff because I am mixed it into a spray bottle of water just like the one I've been using today I mix it into a spray bottle of water and it cleans cuts through everything it's a TSP mix a TSP Basin here but I get probably like eight water bottles full out of this little container and it's so inexpensive where do I get my pieces from I look constantly and I get you know I usually have the best luck all the same places everybody does craigslist offer a Facebook marketplace I have a few connections with people who buy like storage lockers and that that's just talking to customers when I go out to pick up pieces and finding out how they get their pieces and we can make some good connections that way why did I see on this piece um let's see when are you talking about feet oh oh I'm sorry why did I stand this piece I'm talking about the top top down I want to get to the bare wood I tip this top down conveys me without my drawers falling out it's wood stained with a leaf on top of it so that was where the jousting came in I did not stand the rest of my piece the rest of my piece was not merely base may also notice that when I painted this today that I left my drawers in and usually if I'm doing the solid color I will take my drawers out I leave my doors in when I'm blending so that I can get a nice consistent smooth finish across the front of my piece and then I will come back afterwards and pull my drawers out and like I'm doing out I will touch up my drawer edges and then I'll pull them out and I'll touch up around the body as well so you don't want to make sure you miss this we'll make sure you don't miss those spots I'm using my mystery colored bags 550ml paint colors in here Thank You Fiona for posting the link yeah you know what I hear about I hear about furniture fronting or not believe that it just gets a little tinny sometimes so honestly that was a really simple look I guess I'll turn this and do this other side so you guys can see it one last time and then we've literally finished this piece [Music] we will have finished this piece and what have I been on to get this look I'm missing my surface with some water hi will you coat your piece and whack I'm not gonna use wax on this one the reason is it's for my sister and she has pets in her house and you know I am I don't know how well she's gonna want to maintain a wax finish and oh well it will hold up in her home so I'm thinking about who my customer is and what type of top coat might be best for her environment so I love Dixie Deluxe's they were nice really soft wax for this piece I'm going to use their matte topcoat and I will wipe that on with a dixiebell application sponge but I am gonna add some wax over that just for detailing just to help accentuate some of these curves and stuff so there will be some wax in my finish but my actual top coat is going to be speaks about matte top coat okay so there's my nice clean finish clean coat of my mystery color I wish I could add a effect where I stay about like mystery color thanks mark for joining Oh Thank You Fiona for the reminder you guys dipper of paint brushes is doing a contest right now I'll post the link on this thread when I'm done and it's their one-of-a-kind contest it's the viewers Choice there are 40 amazing pieces you guys and I was lucky enough to have one of my pieces chosen in their top 40 of hundreds of entries I entered three pieces and they really chose the most non-traditional I think of the pieces that I entered I'm lucky number five but if you go into the different brush site on their blog you and vote for these 40 pieces there's some amazing artists in there you get to make your top three pieces and then they're giving away some prizes so you guys can win prizes for voting and then the artist can win prizes for their pieces as well so again look at number five thank you for voting you guys I'm so excited about it I really would be totally honored because there's so many talented artists artists in there just looking through the pieces I'm blown away so I would be completely honored to even be considered so yeah thank you for the reminder fee and I totally I've been so busy lately I'm like trying to keep my head above water I just turned in my video this morning my edited video for Jennifer always paint finish of a month for the month of April and then I'm trying to do more lives for dixiebell and on my own page so a lot of exciting things happening and grateful for every single one what's the site name it's the the Brandon is a paint brush brand called zip resi ibra I'll post the link here when I get off so I'm not kidding you guys we just did that whole piece what have I been on half an hour half an hour and I got this beautiful book on here it's a very subtle look okay add some waxes around the edges of these highlights it's just really gonna look for Kirby and my hardware I missed is these Hepplewhite poles still need to clean them but I mean that's gonna be gorgeous the dark color against there with some dark waxes thank you for the link Fiona man you make this so easy so anyway you guys so that was my this was a very simple blending technique you guys have seen me blend with multiple colors but this was blending really with two colors I used my my body coat my mystery mix and then I used dixiebell dried sage so those are the only colors that we used to get this really subtle highlighting effect I have another piece I'm going to be posting at this same look too so you'll really get to see what this does in a finished piece so as we get to the end you guys and wrap this up I told you that our giveaway today was gonna be if you could name the five colors that are in my beautiful blue mystery mix you guys remember what they are there's five Dixie Belle paint colors they give me a clue right now caviar Bunker Hill blue evergreen peak hop and mermaid tail okay that's my mystery mix you guys that created this beautiful blue color because not only do you have 6d paint colors to choose from on the dixiebell line check all the in-between colors that you can imagine they mix beautifully so um come on to the thread and let me know if you guys have ah hey GG hang on at the end of the broadcast these are great colors butterflies so come on and let me know if you guys have any questions about this look when I get this finished I will post the finished pictures to this three all right ready set go what's my mystery mix you guys thank you so much for watching I'll see you guys soon
Channel: Brushed by Brandy
Views: 63,903
Rating: 4.9008265 out of 5
Id: NV_UBKf8rHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 3sec (1743 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 31 2018
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