Easy DIY chalk paint blending tutorial and 3 surprise techniques

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they reminded welcome to Pedro project I'm  Cheryl fond and I am your host today and I'm   gonna be teaching you some really cool techniques  so for some of you that don't know me I have been   painting for well over 30 years and I owned my  own faux finishing company for the past that's   18 years so I know a lot about paints and I  know a lot about techniques I do wood grain   and garage doors i repaint on the surface some  kitchen cabinets I do faux finishes on walls and   I repurposed furniture there's one thing I've  learned over the 18 years in business is how   to improvise on some things and how to save money  and that's exactly what I'm going to show you in   this video not just kind of paint this piece  of furniture but how you can save money and   make money if you're out there selling your own  products or your own piece of the furniture how   you can save money to make more money and not have  to have all your product eat up the cost of your   project okay so in this video what I'm going to do  is I'm going to show you how to do a race stencil   design and as you can see I've already done that  on a couple panels and we've left the bottom two   empty so I can go back and show you how to do  that okay and then what I'm going to do is I'm   gonna show you how to make your own chalk paint  I'm gonna add a video in here to show you how   you can save a ton of money on your own chopping  making your own chalking then what we're going to   do is go into a three color truck paint blending  technique on here just gonna absolutely love after   that we're going to distress it a little bit and  then we're going to use a wax to kind of deepen   the color and rich it and kind of give it some  depth and the last thing I want to show you when   here is how to make your own drawer close so we're  gonna take these out I'm going to make some new   ones for you and you're gonna love that because  that will stake you looks fun of money the one   I'm going to show you they sell on Amazon for $25  for one drawer Paul and I'm gonna show you how to   make that for probably about two dollars that's it  okay so stay tuned and I'm gonna show you how to   do the race stencil they'll be up first step okay  so I'm on the floor and I'm going to show you how   to do the race stencil on this but let me tell you  this too I did not have to do any prep to this arm   or at all the only thing I had to do is clean it  can I cleaned it with TSP the good thing about   work and what chuckling is there's very little  prep okay so there's one little step we're going   to do before we put this race stencil on here and  let me tell you what I'm going to be using first   we are using and this is just joint compound you  know the drywall paste that's all this is it's so   dirty and you don't have to use expensive plasters  or products out there to get your a stencil look   and the way I'm doing it I just use joint compound  this stuff is literally twenty dollars for five   gallons that's how I buy today there's a lot of  it but you don't have to write that way combined   like a little pint-sized if you want so that's  all this is joint compound so the very first   thing we're going to do is we're going to find a  little stencil that we like and I just selected   this one because I had it and I thought it was  pretty and it work on this door so the first   thing I wanted to do was I'm just going to take  the area where I'm going to put the stencil side   up a little bit just enough so that when I put  this stencil on it'll have something to stick to   so I'm gonna find my Center I'm going to take that  I put just more tape here I'm going to find my   Center I'm going to take that on there and tape it  on the body okay then all you do get a spatula get   your joint compound and then you're just going to  take a little bit and you're just one tooth just   put it right over the top of this not too thick  just enough to cover it and when you're pulling   it out pull it out all the way through good lift  you're going to lift the stencil and it's going   to bleed through so you just want to kind of put  it on there make sure they're all filled in and   try and get it smooth there we go and that's  it we're going to do this and we're just going   to pull this off and there you go and we get  a beautiful stencil now we can do this again   without having to clean it every time but I would  suggest if you can do a lot of these clean it at   least every other time but you do want to clean  the back of this because if you lay this down   on them again you're gonna have that bleed through  see how about this product on there and it's going   to show so the best bet for you to do is just  to wipe that off get it clean just take a rag it's all I'm doing I know you can't see it from  up there there we go I just cleaned it off that's   all I did so the back of it's nice and clean I'm  gonna lay that on there again find my Center and   then I'm gonna add some more and I'm just gonna  keep doing this until I'm I'm done with my whole   project and then what you can do too like don't  put it on too thick it'll take too long to dry   and then after you pull it off see that little  piece that's down there just wipe that off that   was a bleed through just wipe that off which what  I usually do is I have a fan blowing on that so   it'll dry quickly and once it's dry completely I  just take a sanding block and I'll lightly knock   down any peak sit on it you don't want to stand it  done this one knock off the peaks and then after   that's done just brush some primer over top of it  like I did on the other ones you can use any time   you want I had this gripper laying around in my  studio so just brush them on there and what that's   gonna do it's going to seal the joint compound  on there it's almost like an Oreo cookie and it   gives it the UH the seal on it I'm still approval  so it just seals it off and gives it so long I   don't know what you want to say it just makes it  more adorable I guess so just take them any kind   of you know finely and put that on here and then  we can go on to the next step okay see you next   this is step 2 of our project and then this step  we're gonna paint this entire piece in our first   color and what our stars showing you in the last  video is how I make my own chalk paint so I'm   kind of kind of reiterate to some of you probably  didn't watch the video so what I did was I took   two tablespoons of my magic powder mixed it with  two tablespoons of water and then they mixed it   into my paint then I got this paint here at Home  Depot $3 for at this paint but that's all I needed   a little cup of it basically so I didn't want  to go spend it for the Isles in the court when I   could spend three dollars on this little peep you  know little 1 cup color that I need and then the   other colors I'm using are from Sherwin Williams  the first color I'm gonna put on here so you can   mix colors together or different products together  it doesn't matter as long as it's flat I'm at   doesn't matter if it comes from Sherwin Williams  Home Depot Benjamin Moore whatever whatever color   you have in your studio use it up that's what  I do so I'm going to show you how to do that so   here's my first color and I'm using this color  is called dramatic blue and that's going to be   on this entire piece now I'm only going to add  one layer of this color on there I'm not going   to do two and sometimes when you're doing that  only with one you know one hour layer you'll   see kind of brush strokes so here's another  little trick for you if you want to have like   less brushstrokes and you want it to flow nicer  then you can add what they call flow top and this   stuff is amazing I used probably about a third  of a cup to a cup of paint it's just mixed it in   there it's almost like a glazing process actually  and it just helps you with the roller marks so it   doesn't show as much so if you want to use that  little trick works really well so I'm going to use   my favorite brush and I love this brush for doing  bigger projects this these brushes here are really   soft and beautiful they don't leave a lot of brush  marks especially with this chalk paint and I also   like my round brush on my square brush well if  I'm going to be doing a piece like say just in   here look at how perfect that fits in there so  it's really a nice brush for doing smaller areas   as well so I'm have those available if you're  interested in taking a look at those or trying   them you're going to love them that's all I use  now and my brushes is that some nice soft brush so   what I'm going to do is I'm just going to take my  paint and I'm literally just going to paint it on   there isn't that yummy I love love love this color  now let me just tell you this - you're probably   wondering why I had the door shut and you're  gonna wonder how you're going to get inside of   there don't worry about that we'll take care of  that at the end right now I just want everything   to flow nicely when I start doing my blending we  can open those up later and we can fix that and   I'll show you how to do them okay so right now we  just want to put our paint on on the entire piece you don't have to go super thick on this  just get it on here remember we're going   to be layering this with other colors so a  lot of this will be hidden anyway so don't   really worry about the question marks  that much it's all there we blend it   so you don't get any in there anyway  inside of there get it paint it off you want to kind of keep yourself smooth in one  direction go right over the hinges don't worry   about those and want those to blend into and that  nice what a beautiful color this is going to look   so pretty when it's done now remember you can use  any color chip one I'm just using these colors   because I happen to have these in my studio I have  got so much paint in the studio I could open up my   own paint store so if you're going to be playing  around with colors the bright colors work really   nice and they're really just just young I just  love but you want to have contrasting colors so   another idea is because this paint you can buy it  so cheap I mean three dollars you can't beat that   right just buy a bunch of colors and play around  with it maybe get it on a tactic door or a piece   of wood and try it on there first if you're  afraid to do your piece and then go through   all that work and not like it but remember you can  always go back over this to it's paint oh these   paint right over everything anything you want  I have done that so many times I have painted   pieces of furniture that just didn't sound and  nobody liked the color I guess so I just tell   people if you want it if you like the piece and  you like the design of it I can always paint it   whatever color you want so that's how I  can kind of get rid of some things away you just paint over it that's gonna kind of crush that out  there's no rhyme or reason to this now   watch I'm going to show you the decide  brush tip how this other brush works so nice that goes in there gets  right into the cracks tail gets   right in the cracks there right into those grooves brush it on there you go do this one piece here this is all I'm doing is  putting this right over top of the piece I did not   sand this all they did was clean it did nothing  to it that's a beautiful thing about chalking   especially if you're new at painting furniture  this is the best thing to practice on using   shocking there's really no way messing this up but  remember all of these pieces do your own design so   don't worry about you know are you doing it right  and not doing the right colors right the more   you play with it the better you'll get at it and  every piece is unique anyways you're never going   to be able to duplicate a piece exactly anyway I  mean it might I'm just going to continue on and   paint this whole piece out and then after we're  done with this we're going to go ahead and start   doing our blending process and that's going to be  the fun part for you so hang in there get it done   and I'll see you in a few we are ready now to go  on to step three of this process and this is the   blending process so what we're going to do is  we're going to add two more colors to this base   color so now that we have this all nice and dry  and let it dry for about an hour Chuck paint dries   pretty quickly we're going to go ahead and start  blending so here are some of the things you're   going to need you're going to need three colors  you're going to need your base color which was   the dramatic blue that we worked with and then  we're going to use that with a sherwin-williams   color and now these to a bear Home Depot colors  and this one here is called citrus peel that's the   green and the navy blue color is called Nocturne  blue something like that and OC tu r and eight   blue whoever names these god bless them I have  no idea with these names so those are the three   colors I'm going to use this is the check paint  that I made and the other thing you're going to   need is a brush and now I'm going to go ahead and  use my squirt brush on this because I want to be   able to get into these corners nice and neatly and  blended nicely so this is what I'm going to use   and then we're going to need water so I just took  an old blast plus you know bottle and added water   to it so here's what we're gonna do we're going  to start out with just spraying this sometimes   we need to borrow like not a ton but we want to  get it wet and we're going to start adding our   color so I'm going to start with the green just  great first I'm going to start blending this so   if you see it's kind of on there a little bit  you can keep that in water to it don't worry   about it dripping it's okay it can drip touch it  and as it goes okay we're just gonna keep adding   it on see how that blends really nice and then  I'm going to go in here and then want to add my   green in here cuz I wanted to highlight in the  recessed areas I'm just gonna keep going back   and forth get a nice smooth finish and as you  can see I work really fast you'd have to kind   of work fast you don't want this drying up on  you and I'm just gonna keep adding water there   they go and a little bit of paint I'm just gonna  kind of sporadically put this on here so you know   that's kind of chalky looking like kind of you can  speed up and you want to count that smooth down just keep that again this is a lot of  fun you can you can do so many different   colors with this and just kind of  blast with it get really creative   now I'm going to go ahead and add some  of mine blue I'm using the same brush   I'm just going to add some that dark blue  in there and watch how it starts blending see that see how it's adding a lot of gas so I'm  going to add a little in here just to get too much   on there which is fine because I'm just kind of go  ahead and start adding it down here with too much   other brushes so just keep blending it in the  nice thing is if it's too much you can go over   it with another color and you'll see this in a  second I'll show you how you can kind of fix that grab some of this here and bring it up here when that in now watch when it just takes  someone my blue just very little they're   gonna add some glue into the corners here  do you know that blends and they're really   nicely now I'm going to add a little  more green in here and if I get too   much on there I can always go back with  my base color see how pretty that is we had someone flew in here and  really want that sort of pop out see how that's starting to blend to the colors  and you can do as dark or as light as you want   there is no fast road for this this is your own  creation have fun with it make it your own just   make it your own and add some more blue in here so  that's too much lime in here I want those panels   to pop a little bit better dip a little drip  don't worry about it and grab it and pull it out there we go you know this is coming along  so I'm going to Eleanor blue up here look   at that you know pretty that is you can have  it highlight in the corners a little bit more   on one end and the other I'm going to go  back in with some of my face color right   here and then add a little dark blue to  give some context then you go step back   and take a look at it every once in a  while so you can see what you're doing just keep blending as you go don't they  have too much water at one time because   if you do it will be it'll just keep  blending out they'll just start getting   softer and softer and you won't be  able to see the contrast going on we live here and then once we add that wax to it it's really  going to give her a painting of the level you can kind of softly adjust  why brush over it very softly it has some color around the air kind  of get my coin is a little deeper you know I'm just going to keep doing this all the   way around until they like  it that's not going to do step back and take a look a little more blue up here we're gonna deepen this up a little bit  so I'm going to add some of my Navy on   here just to kind of give it a little more  depth in there now if you like the pastel   look just keep going with the pastel colors  and don't you know add too much of the dark   in there but I like having a little bit of  contrast so what does gonna keep doing there if you can see down here I'm going to  add some down here a little tiny bit   of water I'm just going to sporadically put  it on there just a little sport nothing win then you can wait till there's a top hair dries  a tad and you can add more color to it to you   know deepen it if you keep trying to add your  paint over the wet paint it's just going to   keep blending so if you want a little darker then  just wait for it to dry a little bit and then go   back in which I'll show you in a second here I  don't want to do that now this paint that I got   remember it was only a cup of paint so I had three  cups of paint that'll do this entire project and   I'll have leftover so you don't need to spend a  lot of money on this making your own chalk paint   can be well worth it because let's face it if you  bought this piece really inexpensive that's great   and then you can make you money back on it if  you don't spend a lot of money on the product   but if you're spending $40 a poured on it that's  what $120 worth of paint and you know that you   have to include that leftover because you're  not using it on this project so if you spend   that kind of money on your project you really  can't sell the piece for very much you know you   can't have to be you know four hundred dollars  for something like this it's just not going to   sell depending on where you live so you really  have to watch your cost to what you're spending and you want something that up in there I really like to add that blue that  deep blue over the dark blue it really   pops out up nicely just step back every  once a while I'm gonna take a look at   what you doing so you can see where you  want to add what we want to feather out we're never doing in the corners here just  adding a little bit of blue it's way too much yeah this wasn't really fun I can see this like  an app like a deep pink like almost like a   bubblegum pink which is green oh my gosh  that would be amazing I'm gonna have to   do one of the matter that'd be fun to  like a little girl's room we're just   going to keep doing this all the way around I  don't want to play with that too much in here there's also doing this moving  around wet paint at some point a little more gray in there kind of a lightning  rain I guess that Keywest be kind of luck this is always fun to feel like you can join  that coastal look great vici you down the fine   there we go see how it's coming along to just  keep playing with it you just have to learn to   know what ended up is enough because there's an  artist we kind of just keep wanting to do things   over and over and keep playing with it because  it's hard thinking but sometimes you just have   to know what to stop because you you can overdo  a piece of furnitures as well so just know you're   know you stopping point okay now we're back to do  the last two steps of this project and as you can   see this is already done already dry and I just  love the color combination but like I mentioned   earlier you can use any colors you want so the  have fun get creative and just have a good time   with it there's no rules or rhyme or rhythm  to this there's no set rules to it if you do   anything you want you can blend as much as you  want you can add as much color as you want so   just go ahead and have fun and experiment okay  so now earlier I was telling you also that you   know you can open up the door and do these  inside here I just do it at the end because   I want on my blending done at the same time  but you can actually take a screwdriver and   just pop that open and do it at the same time  just do it as you're doing the project okay I'm   not going to do that right now - it's the same  thing I just showed you on the front now inside   I did not paint this yet but I'm going to later  and we even think about the wallpaper back in   these panels right here just to kind of pop it up  and give it to make it more interesting so we're   going to cut ahead and close this off and what  we're going to do next is we're going to sand it   down a little bit and then we're going to use a  wax on here I'm going to show you a little trick   with your wax as well so here's what I'm going to  do I'm just going to take a sanding block and I'm   just going to lightly sand some of my edges you  don't want to over it distress just do a little   bit usually it's on the where interior is like  on the corners and the edges like that I'm just   going to taking lately dancer Mac right around  the edges so that's really so these two even   go into your detail there if you want to pop that  up see how that pops that up now there you go and   then as you can see the detail of your stencil  your a stencil design as well so this light   least and maybe in the corners very gently now  hey you messed up for you do too much you know   what that's more pain to it beautiful thing  about the Spanish there we go and see how the   light boy is coming through from the background  that's the color you originally started out with you know after I'm done distressing what I'm gonna  do is I'm gonna take a wax and I'm using a semi   dark wax it's like a brown color and I'm going  to use my square brush to do that now sometimes   when you're rubbing your wax in here it's a little  hard it gets a little hard after a while so here's   a little trick for you if you use some mineral  spirits in here it'll help spread it easier so   what I do is I just get a cop I pour a little  teeny bit of mineral spirits in there and they   just dump my brush into it this will help loosen  up the wax and go on a lot smoother until love   these little tricks you can just take and add your  mineral spirits to your brush and I like using my   square brush it gets into the crevices really good  and I'm just going to stop rubbing my wax on there   see how much smoother how much easier it is to put  that on and watch what happens when I do this it   pops that color out and it's giving it a bit some  more depth to it it just enriches it and it also   helps seal this project now if you don't want to  use a wax and you don't want to have this you know   I'm very tint to it you can always just add a  poly acrylic sealer to your finish or nothing   at all for that matter now if you're going to be  doing it inside of your I would suggest using a   poly acrylic something like this the Minwax and  seal the inside because gonna be putting things   in there and just gonna scratch it out this will  help protect it so you just keep going with this   now watch this you're going to get into the very  nice thing with this brush just keep believing   in rubbing it on line 28 in one direction  you've done getting it on here smoothing it   out goes up so much smooth that when you use a  little mineral spirits you know I'm just going   to keep doing this until I get rid of dyers luck  the lungs done out in the air see the difference   between this here and now so you help blood up  that color not only that didn't let the smell   of this Debra knows why but it smells good to me  I love it because you have to be a pink number   just dipped my brush back into my mineral spirits  and rubbing it in again now watch this how pretty   this is going to look now if you get too much wax  on your project we having a hard time blending it   out you can always take and just keep brushing  it into the neck area or you can take the rag   grab a rag here and you can just kind of rub it  off okay let's do that Danny over I like it the   corners a little bit darker I don't mind if this  extra wax in the corners I think it just gives   it more interesting sounds actually that goes on  if you're using wax something to you see people   rubbing and rubbing and using a lot of dirt you  know our upper arm strength she's trying to get   it on there this is where the video skirt I'm  not I'm not giving it a lot of work here kind   of putting it on less work for me unless you're  trying to build up your upper arms no need to   work them before you let me attempt to write on  how that comes up hopefully can see back from   America and you can use different color waxes  - they got black what's clear so experiment a   little bit see what you like this beautiful thing  is they don't come up different everybody could   be doing the same finishing the same color and  believe me they're all going to look different   nobody have one more little special treat for  you at the end I'm going to show you something I   think you're gonna love right now we're going  to make hardware two knobs for this piece can really pop it up some more and give us some  more interest don't worry that you're selling   these product on projects that you're making and  you're making your own hardware you're making   really interesting you can actually ask more money  for because it's not standard or not I got this   all done I'm gonna go ahead and show you how to  make some hardware for the door and how to finish   up the rest later but you get to just a bit just  use your back any kind of wax that you're using   I don't have any particular brand that I work  with I've been trying a lot of different one see that you look beautiful that looks okay so now  that we're done with this piece I'm going to come   back and I'm going to show you how to make some  hardware last step of this project is going to   be making our hardware so I'm going to show you  how to make a door call out of a shower this is   just a regular shell that I made this beautiful  look at how pretty this is door call now let   me show you how I did that here's what you're  going to need you're going to need a shell and   then you're going to need this connector it's a  bolt connector they're really hard to find in the   right size so I'm gonna give you my resource on  where to get those then what we would do is glue   the connector onto the shell with Gorilla Glue  now I've tried a ton of different blues trying   to make this work and the only thing I found that  really worked was gorilla glue now as you can see   I have love's on for two reasons one you don't  want to get gorilla glue on your fingers it's   really hard to get off it literally has to just  wear off and you don't want to have your finger   glue to your project really be careful with this  pretty serious when you get this stuff Runyan you   puggy end up in the emergency room having to  take it off so we're clubs gorilla glue just   took to the shell and then what I'm going to do  is I'm going to use a piece of styrofoam and let   it to sit there and dry so once that's dry I'm  gonna I don't even have any on words I had it   sitting there drying out to go over nine then I'm  going to just take the shell again and we're going   to use alcohol ink I don't know if you ever use  the stuff that it's amazing and there's another   reason white one of your clubs because we're gonna  pour alcohol ink on here to get that effect that I   just showed you and here's how it comes in these  little tiny tubes and the first time I did this I   didn't have gloves on so I have glue fingers for a  couple days until I realized it wasn't coming off   and I literally got to soak my fingers and bleach  to get it off so you're just gonna hold up your   shell and you're just gonna do little droplets and  then turn it just keep turning it just pour it on   there I'm gonna pour it on there but you know I  mean just drop it on there in sections like that   and it comes in a variety of different colors so  you want to have some open areas where it's white   because I'm going to use this green color and I'm  gonna go in between those areas of the blue and   they're going to kind of blend it together and as  you turn it it's gonna create this amazing design   to see why I'm using coop see how it's dripping  on me there we go so I'm going to add a little   more blue to this there's a little bit too much  green look at that neck gorgeous I love I love   love love this look look at that how beautiful is  that now take this after you're done and put it   on to a piece of styrofoam so it'll dry just like  that once that's dry then you can apply it to your   now let me tell you a little bit about I'm going  to check these off about these screws now when   you get your connectors make sure your screws are  the right I don't know stay with for these this I   think is a while let me see what it is no it's  a quarter-inch 20 by 1 inch now they're coming   different links so what happened was I bought  them one and a half inch and it did it was too   long so you're just going to make sure you get  the right length so it only comes out a little   bit and then I'll just screw it in and there you  got a beautiful drawer pull it's not the cutest   thing ever look at that so you have room in there  to open up your drawer because you got to connect   the jam thing so you can get your fingers in  there but look at how pretty that works with   this piece now you can make you can make these out  of anything you can even take your old knobs that   you have on there I would spray paint them white  first because I tried it with a like a brass color   and putting it into your alcohol ink on there  but it didn't come up as pretty and vibrant   so I would spray-paint those first and then go  ahead and do that because it'll just enrich it   some more so anyway there's our project we've got  a beautiful piece of furniture with a three color   chalk pink design on here and our race stencil and  our beautiful knob hope you enjoyed this video I   would love to see your projects please post them  on a shelf on if you're on that group by facebook   group or the py LP Facebook group as well looking  forward to seeing your projects have a blessed day
Channel: Cheryl Phan
Views: 55,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IJki9fQ0ljs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 5sec (2585 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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