Blending Chalk Paint - Basics for Beginners

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hey everyone this is lynn wilson from lynn wilson originals here in mills river north carolina i was very hesitant to try to blend for some reason it just you know i had this hurdle and my first few attempts granted were not all that ex that successful and um this is sort of just the things that i've learned the one thing is the closer the colors are the easier it's going to be to blend so my first blend was drop cloth and driftwood and when i go to do a piece like this one i always go back to doing boards and this is a great way to build your confidence with blending as well so here this board i knew i wanted kind of a dark color in there because this is the hardware that goes with this piece and i thought gold would look nice against some of these darker colors so i experimented and here we can see my colors i experimented with muscadine wine aubergine plum crazy and this is soft pink and when i blended those two i got something that almost looks like peony um and ultimately what i decided on was stormy seas um antebellum blue sorry antebellum blue stormy seas and driftwood so what i do when i first i'm going to do a blend is i lay my paint colors out where i think approximately they're going to go which is this piece here and then i'm at my second step now with this before i go on i want to talk to you a little bit about tools i use five brushes when i'm doing a three color blend so if you're doing a two color blend you'd use three brushes because you want one brush for each paint color and these are my favorite dixie bell angled minis they're very well used some of these are like two years old so they really hold their value and then i have blending brushes and these this is the dixie bell flat medium and this is oval medium i really like these because they're super soft the bristles are very soft i'm going to go ahead and mist my paint brushes and the mr bottle works better than like a regular spray bottle that you know you might use in your shower because it doesn't produce droplets of water if you can see it see how fine that mist is um because when you get droplets of water it can reactivate your paint where you don't want it reactivated so now if you were very concerned about keeping your paints pure you would probably want to pour your paints into a separate dish to do this i i don't mind getting you know just a little bit of my brush getting a little bit of the different colors in my paint jars because it's kind of minimal but i'm just going to start by putting the antebellum blue a second coat of antebellum blue on here i think i'll just do this area because that's really what you can see and then i'm going to use my stormy seas antebellum blue is sort of a dark teal and stormy seas it has a little bit of bluish green in it as well along with gray so i'm going to overlap here and this is where you know i might get a little bit of the other paint on my brush and i find the lightest color in the middle is the hardest to blend so i try to make that area like my smallest area just sort of like a hint of lightness coming through so now i'll take my blending brush which is dry and just kind of try to move each of the colors into one another so i'm pulling down the antebellum blue moving up the stormy seas and i'm using a very light touch you can cross hatch little circles if i'm getting too much into my original color i just go back and lay a little of that on but i'm reminded of what bob ross says when he's doing his clouds he'll say three hairs and some air that's like how light of a touch you want to use that looks pretty good there i'm gonna move on to my driftwood you can tell i like this color it's a gray with a slight brown undertone to it i'm going to put my lightest color in here and then pick up my blending brush i don't know if you can see there how the the story sees is getting kind of pulled into the driftwood pull the driftwood up into the stormy seas to soften that line and i'm even going to take my stormy seas because this is so light i'm going to go over my stormy seas with just whatever's left on my driftwood at my um i'm gonna go over drip wood with what is left on my brush from stormy seas and because i did get um driftwood on this brush i'm going to take a paper towel and just try to wipe it off so i get back to the pure driftwood color or stormy seas sorry i'm getting these all mixed up today and it's kind of an iterative process you may get this blend and then realize you need to go back and work on the dark blend but that was my introduction to blending for anybody who is you know unfamiliar or wanting to try it i definitely think practicing on boards really helps it helped me get over my initial fear of trying it on a piece of furniture and the other thing is having kind of a defined space i like to do drawer drawers or door panels because it's a square and i can kind of get my colors in there i tried to do a large round table once and it was just i didn't really i couldn't see how to get my colors even so stuff was getting too close to the edge etc i would just recommend if this is something you want to try start small even just do a two color blend you could pick colors that are very close to one another and it's a lot of fun once you get once you get started it's something you'll want to practice and it does add a lot of depth and dimension to your furniture so i really appreciate your watching if you have any questions feel free to put them in the comments and i'll be sure to address them thanks have a great day bye
Channel: Lyn Wilson Originals
Views: 10,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chalk paint blending, chalk paint blending techniques, chalk paint blending for beginners, chalk paint blending tutorial, chalk paint blending colors, blending chalk paint on furniture, blending and layering chalk paint, chalk paint blending techiniques, blending chalk paint with water, how to chalk paint, dixie belle paint tutorials, dixie belle paint, chalk paint tutorial, painted furniture, chalk paint blending brush, chalk painting furniture
Id: GrEJ-w_Si58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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