Amazing Blue Dresser Makeover Using Mineral Chalk Paint

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hey everybody today on bella renavare we are going to be making over this little chest of drawers it's not super big but it's got enough detail that i think it's going to look really awesome so stay tuned and we're going to get started [Music] my client wants this chest of drawers to be like one of the pieces that i recently did so the secretary desk that i just did the one that was blue with the flowers she wants something very similar to that so if you feel like you're having deja vu you might be having deja vu we're not going to put the gold script on there but we are gonna be blending blues and adding the flowers and obviously it's a totally different piece so it's gonna look different but it will kind of look kind of the same so it is this is really solid i actually had to have my husband help bring it up because it's awkward enough and heavy enough that it's just it's very solid when i flipped it out on its back so i'll show you when i flipped it on the bottom this part actually is particle board so this is veneer and there's particle board underneath of this veneer so it's it's all wood but obviously the sides are not totally solid and we're going to keep this hardware because i like it but i think grandma owned this before because we've got some nice paper in there so we're going to do what i normally do we're going to pull everything out clean it really well get this nice and clean before we actually start i'm not quite sure what's going on up here let's look up here it looks like maybe someone i'm not even gonna try to guess what that is i don't know right here we have possibly it's maybe was a sticker so i'm going to try to scuff sand i'll probably scuff sand this whole piece anyways just because we've got a little bit of this that's uneven and then it goes actually down into here where it's a little bit uneven so i'm going to just sand it that's another reason why you might want to sand your furniture before you paint it is if it has any kind of cracking or peeling you don't want to see that in your paint once you're done so we'll be using blues and we'll be doing a transfer on here we'll be doing some blending adding some gold i'm not quite sure i might actually i might polish this up this brass furniture or brass hardware i think it would polish up really nice so we might just polish this up but before we start so i get questions a lot about these little guys these are three wheel dollies i got them when we were still living in the states probably at menards or something like that super awesome you can get them on amazon i will put the link below these are a lifesaver so obviously it helps when you're painting the feet there's a lot of paint on here to not get paint all over you'll just get paint on here there's little pads right here so if you have a piece that doesn't have feet that you can stick right here you can kind of just put it on all three sides and it'll hold that so they're really nice because you can move them around you don't have to worry about something scratching your floor and also it saves your back so we're gonna put these on it first and foremost that's what i do every time but again if you don't have these get some because they are super super awesome [Music] i thought that we are something special [Music] but somehow it came to an end [Music] foreign [Music] remember the first time i met you the way that it made me feel but later between us [Music] [Music] i get unstable [Music] i get unstable [Music] i get my stable [Music] i want to show you one of the reasons why i'm going to take sandpaper or sand this piece if you can see right here i sanded it a little bit just to show you so let's get a little bit closer okay so i sanded this down right and there's some chipping and things like that so this is gonna need to be sanded smooth otherwise it will affect my finish later on this is just an old chipping finish so how will i know when i'm sanding it down if i really need to sand it or if this is gonna clean off well i already cleaned it it didn't come off so now that i'm sanding it i know i can feel it first of all and second of all i'm gonna show you what it will look like once i sand it so we're going to go up to here to this part right here and i'm going to show you what it looks like when we just take a very fine sandpaper to it if you can see that you can see that this would show up in my paint if i painted it so i don't want that to be in my paint and so this is down to the raw wood this still has a little bit of whatever the sealer is on that they put over the wood so i need to sand this down to the point where it's smooth and i'm not going to see this on here now with that being said if you're doing a light color this when you sand or let's say that i'm sanding this over this opens up to bleed through okay so when you sand stuff it opens up a whole world of bleed through and so i actually am going to do a base coat of paint blue on here and i'm going to show you what i'm talking about here in a couple minutes after i'm done sanding this whole thing because i want you to know how to combat bleed through when you're painting furniture after i sand because i've already cleaned i like to take a microfiber cloth because this will actually catch all of your dust i don't clean after i sand because i don't want to get that dust in the grain so what i'm going to do here is i'm going to take this and i'm going to wipe it off you want to make sure you get all the dust off so this is there's no dust on here i'm going to go ahead and just wipe down here all the rest now you see right here you can still kind of see where that was but i've sanded all the way around to the point where now it's smooth and it's not going to affect it but i'm going to tell you right now that this part right here is definitely going to have problems with bleed through and even though we're going to be using some dark blues on here my base coat is going to be paint blue and so i'm going to use a blocker i'm going to use clear boss but before i use clear boss i'm actually going to paint on here with paint blue just to show you what bleed through or tannins looks like okay so right now i have paint blue after we do this little part right here and i kind of stop what i'm doing and kind of show you what to look for and how to fix tannins we will be doing a whole base coat of paint blue on here so hank blue is light enough that when you do have bleed through if you don't block it properly you're gonna see it so i can already see it on the camera i'm gonna zoom in just a little bit so that you can actually see it i'm starting to see it before my eyes like you should probably be able to see it on the camera let's get a little bit closer okay so you can already start to see it it almost looks like a stain right so notice how over here so there's a little bit over here so notice how maybe like right here you don't see as much because we didn't sand over here so once you sand this down to the wood after there's no more sealer it really opens you up for tannins what i think happened on this piece is someone put a piece of tape down it because it's almost all the way down the side right here so i'm going to show you exactly what it's going to look like we're just going to keep on testing it so again i sanded right there let's just paint let me get really close so that you can actually see it almost before your eyes hold on okay so i sanded right here remember this is raw wood this there's a little bit of this off probably right here there's still a sealer so i'm actually going to go oops let's put a little bit more paint so i'm going to go kind of out and down like this so that you can see what i'm talking about when i say if you sand something it's just going to open it up for tannins and you can already start to see those tnns coming through so you've got the tans right here you got the tannins right here this not so much because we have cleaned it piece so a lot of times when i'm prepping when you clean really well that will help with tannins because you get all of that residual oil and all that stuff but the tannins usually come out from the wood so when that wood is exposed and you have sanded or maybe the sealer has given away over years and you just paint right over it without putting a blocker or cleaning it this is what you can expect this is showing up really fast but sometimes what happens is is someone will paint a piece and they'll paint it all in white or this is paint blue it's a light blue and they'll walk away and they'll come back the next morning and this shows up and it's nothing is more sad than doing that because it destroys your piece it doesn't destroy it you can spot fix but nobody wants to deal with that especially if you're on a time crunch so that's why i always tell people when you're using a color like this on a wood that is known to bleed you need to do a blocker first so that's why i'm going to go back over this i'm going to sand it down just a little bit to smooth it and we're going to put dixie bells clear boss over this entire piece because like i said my base coat is going to be paint blue on here and i don't want any of this showing up even though i'll be putting darker colors and blending i don't want a chance for this to show and people seeing bleed through so i mean again look it almost looks it looks kind of like um it looks it looks kind of like a pea stain i mean it does who am i kidding i said it i said what i said anyways look so really do you want that on your furniture i think not so let's do a blocker okay so we are going to block this piece dixie bell has two blocking primers they have a clear blocking primer and then they also have a white one so they actually just came out with a new formula and this is the new formula of clear but i want to show you something so you will see some separation not a big deal what you're gonna do is it says shake well but i actually like to stir everything so i'm gonna go ahead and open this up okay so you've got your protective cover and let's just pull this all the way up all right so you can see right here that it looks almost like i don't know like a yellowish so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go in here and i'm going to almost fold it think of baking how you fold your flower into like the dries into the wet and so i'm just going to kind of pull it from the bottom and keep pushing up like this and then i'm going to start stirring it this is a brand new one so i don't want to spill it by going over too fast and so i'm just going to keep on stirring this it may separate again if you let it sit for a while but this was a brand new jar and so it for sure was separated because i hadn't opened it yet so at this point now that i have stirred it i could put the lid back on and shake it if i wanted to you're not going to hurt it if you shake it or stir it doesn't matter i just really like to stir my stuff especially when i first open it because you want to get all of the minerals and everything that was meant to be mixed together to get a great formula to be mixed together so now you can see sorry i kept getting blurry and not blurry you'll be able to tell the difference between the clear and the white this does look like it's white but it has more of an grayish tint so it has a little bit of a different color to it whereas the white boss is stark white so when this is put on your piece it allows you to see where you're putting it because it's going to have this white kind of tint to it but then it dries clear so now that i've stirred it i'm going to apply this to my entire piece i like to do one coat wait a couple hours do a second coat and then i like to let it sit overnight so that way it can just get everything in that it needs to do it starts blocking it starts sitting and that way when i paint over it i know that it has started to cure to where it will block tannins [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so it's been 24 hours as you can see the tannins came out even more there's the top one here's the bottom one but i did two coats of boss in clear so we're going to test it out and see if it worked so i'm going to put a layer of paint blue this doesn't even look like paint blue i'm going to put a layer of paint blue over top of the boss and we'll see if this worked and i don't see any bleed through let's just finish this off okay so let's test it down here as well i'm gonna test it down here as well i put the boss over top of that and it looks like we're doing good so far we're going to allow those two to dry and come back just to double check and make sure but i put two coats of boss on here and i can tell right here and right here is where i had sanded back so we're gonna test it and see if we get bleed through with just the box being over the wood so if we were going to have bleed through like we did yesterday remember it came pretty fast we got that let's paint this part right here so if we were gonna have bleed through we would be seeing it by now so we don't have bleed through let's go back to the top now that this piece has been cleaned and sanded and now has a blocking primer on it i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to do the base coat and paint blue it'll probably take two coats but that's what i'm going to do first before we do any kind of blending or add anything else right now i'm going to show you how to get this blended look on the drawer on the bottom so what you're going to need is again we did the base and hate blue i like to do the base in a lighter color that way it helps pull different colors but i did paint blue which you're going to need because we are using this for the center we are using in the navy and bunker hill blue you'll need a brush for each color and you will need a dry clean neutral brush i'm going to use a mister bottle and i'm also going to have a paper towel on hand so we're going to work down on this this piece is really great because it has a frame to it so we're also we're going to kind of think about framing things off on this piece so if you have pieces that have trim or you're doing drawer fronts you can kind of think about that in your head that you'll be framing something off so i've got my brushes the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to outline or frame off this drawer in in the navy so i'm just going to kind of do this and i'm not worried about the white coming through i'll go like this but i actually want some of it to stay i'll show you why i'm going to use a brush to add a little bit of texture on this piece and i'll show you afterwards it'll almost look like blue jeans like faded blue jeans i did do a tutorial on a jean look so i don't want to say that that's what this is but that's what it reminds me of so again we're just kind of framing this off around here now because i'm doing in the navy right here i'm going to kind of just come up a little bit and blend it into the drawer that i've already done to add a little bit of a shadow and if you want see i did these little tabs here you can pull the drawer out okay if you want you can pull the drawer out that way you're just working on the drawer front and you can go back later and work on the sides and work on this side later so again we're just kind of framing this out you can flip this up so it's not on your way going around the outside because i'm going to be using a brush to kind of pull that paint blue back out a little bit i'm only actually going to do one coat of each of these colors i don't normally i do two base coats when i'm blending but i'm gonna be doing a little bit of a different technique this time so again you're just gonna continue to take that in the navy and put it all the way out here i'm pulling it down into this a little bit i'm gonna go like that on those little areas just to kind of cover a little bit more of that blue i don't want to totally cover it i'm kind of wanting a distressed look maybe like a layered textured look so that's why i want to leave some of that haint blue in those little cracks and crevices i'm going to leave that right there there's some paint blue right there in that corner i'll probably leave that it's just gonna add to the texture and character of this okay so we've got our in the navy around and now i'm going to take my bunker hill blue and i'm actually going to cover the entire middle part and i'm going to overlap over here and you can see let's get a little bit closer but you can kind of see how some of that bunker hill blue is taking over right here and you can kind of dab some of that white that's cool that's what i want i want to have it be a layered look so we're going to layer these colors so you can kind of do a little bit of blending while you're adding that bunker hill blue if you want i'm just going to push it out i need some more so i'm going to come over here cover it i'm going to go out and over in certain areas and remember we're trying to make dimension on this go like that okay so i'm gonna do one final go through with that bunker hill blue over the in the navy now i'm going to take my paint blue and before i do my paint blue i'm actually going to mist this just a little bit i'm going to take a decent amount of paint blue let's see taking a decent amount of paint blue on the brush and i'm going to just brush across okay i'm taking my heat blue brush and i'm going to kind of just layer like this go across i'm going to do diagonal or diagonal i'm going to mist it again and you can see the different color blue so you can see that this is a little bit lighter that one's a little bit darker now i'm going to take my bunker hill blue brush and i'm going to kind of just go over the outside where i was before okay i'll take my in the navy go around where the in the navy was what we're doing is we're adding layers of color onto here okay our last part is going to be to actually blend this really well so i'm going to miss this i've got my neutral block brush my clean dry neutral brush and i'm going to mist this and i'm going to start horizontal and go vertical we're working the entire drawer a little diagonal okay i'm going to take my paper towel i'm going to wipe it off a little bit i'm gonna go back horizontal any areas that i feel like need to be blended a little bit better while you're doing this if you decide that you want a little bit more dark down here okay you can take a little bit of in the navy and just kind of go across to darken that up and then you're going to take your neutral brush and you're just going to you could do circles and you're just going to blend it in so we're going like this and it's blended in okay so you can add different colors in different places now i told you i was going to be using this this little tool it's not what it is is it's like a brush that i got from one of the craft stores so what i'm doing here so i can pull even more color out on this is i'm going to take this brush i'm going to run it across this and you can see that it's going to add some texture to it if you like it that way cool leave it if you don't you can go vertical okay and that will add even more texture if you want to go back one more time horizontal you can actually wait for the paint to tack up just a little bit more and it will pull it a little bit more but what this does is it's going to add just a little bit of texture and character not anything crazy but you can you can even take little spots like down here if you want if you want to add more over here you can and so i want to show you with this trim this trim you see that there was the paint blue on the bottom and i wasn't super concerned there was the hate blue on the bottom i wasn't super concerned with covering it totally so that's why because i have this brush and i'm going to just kind of brush it and it pulls that paint blue out even more so again you're just going to go across you can go down whatever you want it's super easy and you're just going to kind of lightly do it and again that's what's going to cause a little bit more dimension some texture pull out some of those colors once we've done these drawers i'm sure you're thinking okay well what do i do with this and this and this part so i decided to take some in the navy and i'm gonna just kind of go over these edges right here like i showed you earlier i'm gonna dab this blend up a little bit i'm gonna go in and i'm going to just kind of outline that drawer right there within the navy i'm going to cover this entire part right here and i actually may end up going in the navy and then doing bunker hill blue but for right now we're just going to do in the navy i'm going to go around i'm going to go up onto this part right here we're going to dab dab dab okay i'm gonna take my tool like this and go over here so i'm gonna take my tool and i'm going to okay so i've got my tool i'm gonna just kind of flick it out and you can see that it's making lines on here you can go try to get in the creases and you can go down if you want so you can pull a little bit off of there to add a shadowy effect you can go down if you want you can pull it this way you can go like this so what that's going to do is it's going to add a effect on there pulling the paint blue in but almost like scratches so that's going to be another little textured effect and i put paint under here so i can go like this if i want don't worry about that you can go like that and that is how you're going to make those textures so now i'm going to be putting on a redesign with prima decor transfer this is the ruby rose transfer i was gonna put this transfer over top of the drawers but that trim it will crack so what i'm doing is i'm trying to put this transfer in the inside of those the boundary of the trim and so i'm taking an exacto knife and i am cutting it so that i can fit this to be perfect and i'm just going to keep on trying to put it in the center that way i know that i'm going to be applying my transfer only to a flat area so once i'm happy with it i'm going to peel that apart and i'm going to set that in there so you can see the top where the blue flower is is a little bit over that trim i'm going to go ahead and use my x-acto knife again and trim that off before i actually burnish that top part down after i have all the parts trimmed that i want then i'm going to go ahead and burnish the rest of this transfer while i'm burnishing this transfer i'm going to take the plastic cover and i'm going to pull it gently and that way when the transfer is actually transferred to the furniture i can remove the protective plastic sheet but i'm going to continue to burnish the transfer down while i'm removing the plastic so that i know that it's sticking really nice and well to my [Music] furniture [Music] it is really important for you to seal these transfers after you've applied them and so i will be using dixie belle's clear coat and satin to seal not only the transfer but the paint as well this is a custom and i want to make sure that i give it extra protection i'm just using a dixie bell synthetic brush that's what i like to use when i top coat my piece and so i'm just going to be using the large flat and dipping in my satin clear coat and just going over the entire piece [Music] all right everybody so this piece is done as you can see back here i'm gonna have some final photos and a little quick overview video of it i hope you guys enjoyed this and if you're not subscribed please hit the subscribe button and then hit the bell and you'll get all the latest videos again remember everything i use will be in the description below so again thank you so much and until next week happy creating and i will see you guys later bye [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Bella Renovare by Crys’Dawna
Views: 47,503
Rating: 4.9191151 out of 5
Keywords: bellarenovare, dixiebellepaint, chalkpaint, paintedfurniture, blendingpaint, fauxfinishes, furnituremakeover, furnituredesign, redesignwithprima
Id: NA2k36Mw56o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 13sec (1993 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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