Blender Tutorial: Paint With Stencils Using Any Image

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hello guys and welcome back to another exciting blender tutorial today I'm going to show you how to do stenciling in blender yes that's correct there's actually a feature in blender that allows you to take any image you want in this case I'm going to be using a whale drag it around you can rotate you can scale it and you can use it as a stencil when you're working with your texture painting and that can allow you to do all sorts of really cool things I quickly watched this tutorial I'll go through it I'll show you how to set it all up it's very easy we'll be using the monkey head as an example and I really think you guys will love adding this to your workflow so let's jump into it I'm going to select everything and I'm just going to press delete I'm going to go shift a and I think a really good object to demonstrated with here is the Suzanne monkey heads let's go to a mesh Primitives and let's go and add in the Susan monkey head over here let's see it's called monkey now one of the cool things about this head which you might not know is that if you go over to your UV editing workspace you can actually notice here with this active that it already comes pre-uvian wrap which is going to make this tutorial a whole lot easier since I don't have to cover that so let's go over back to our layout for now and let's just quickly go and give this a subdivision surface modifier and make it a little bit smoother and let's just right click and go Shades move so now we have a nice smooth surface here so what we're going to do since we've already noticed is UV unwrapped is we're going to go over to our materials tab down here let's just click on the new button here to add a material this is called monkey you don't even have to name it that's just what I prefer to do and let's go over to our texture paint workspace here now by default it's going to be pink because we haven't added a texture so let's quickly go up here you can see over here and decide we can create a new texture by clicking new and you'll see over here we have a width and a height the PX here standing for Pixel and this is a little bit small for me so I'm just going to double this by typing in 2048 at the top and I'm going to make it the same at the bottom it's going to go 20 48 and now it is double the resolution and let's just go over here to the generate type and let's just make it UV grid you can just leave it as a color or something but that's what I'm going to go with I'm going to press OK and over here it's generated this UV grid but we're still not seeing it over here so we just need to quickly go over to our shading workspace and let's just quickly go through this printable Shader and just click on this little yellow bit the base color drag it out and type an image and just select image texture and then just go to the drop down here and let's get that new texture which in this case is called Untitled feel free to give it a name if you want for now I'm just going to go back to the texture paint window here and because you are in your texture paint mode here you should be able to see the texture applied here as well even if you are in your solid view so what we're going to do now is at this point it's completely up to you you can get whatever image you want a PNG would work as well if you have a transparent background so what I have here is I'll just quickly show you is this image over here which is just a whale and I've just removed the background here in so now I have a transparent background but you can use whatever you want so what I'm going to do I know it's on my desktop so in the texture paint settings here we're going to actually scroll down we're in our active tools and workspace settings up here I'm going to scroll down and we're going to go over here to this little drop down where you can see it says texture you're going to click on that and you're going to click new and then what you're going to do is you're going to go over here to your texture properties click on that and then over here you can see that texture is active here so let's just go and go over here to the drop down and then go over here to where it says Open click on it I know it's on my desktop so I'm just going to go on my desktop and grab it now if that's selected let's go back up to our active tool settings here and let's go down and now we're going to see here we have that stencil here and at the moment it's actually set as tiled with the mapping so if we were to paint on this monkey now you can see it's just tiling it everywhere so what we can actually do is we can come here and change this to stencil there's actually quite a few options we're going to go with stencil today and then you're going to see here in your scene you have your picture popping up so you can actually right click on it and move it around and if you want to move around any scene you can just hold in your middle Mouse Button as normal and you can move around you can hold and shift middle Mouse button you can still move around just as you normally do but once this pops up you can just right click on it to move it and even cooler if you hold in shift you can scale it so I'm holding a shift and right clicking to scale this image and then if I want to rotate I can hold in control and right Mouse button and do this that's just really really handy so now all I have to do is I have to move around get to a position where I like it I can right click and move my whale and now I can just simply left click and paint it onto this texture and if we come over here we can now see here it is over on this side how cool is that so now we can go through here and we can scale we can rotate and we can paint and you can add in whatever at any point you can come back to your texture here you can change this out for any other image or Texture you're trying to paint and this stenciling method is really handy and I think it's just something that is a lot of people might not know about but if they were to know about it it would really change the workflow and it'd be very handy especially when it comes to doing some nice texture painting so I hope you guys have enjoyed this tutorial I'm not going to be adding this to patreon because it's more of just an example we're not really making a final product here today but I hope you guys have enjoyed it and if it's earned your subscription I appreciate it and if it's only like really appreciate it as well and I'll see you guys next time for another tutorial
Channel: PIXXO 3D
Views: 17,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender tutorial, how to model in blender, how to use blender, blender, blender tutorial for beginners
Id: LmeC5CAP4Sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 51sec (351 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2023
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