Sci-fi Animation Using Geometry Nodes in Blender 3.0

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[Music] how's it going guys so in today's tutorial we are going to be learning how to make this really cool animation with geometry nodes today's video is sponsored by concierge render by core weave so i've been using concierge render for maybe two years now and i've never needed to use a different render farm love these guys love this render farm so at the end of the video we are going to be using concierge to render out our project so with that being said let's get into blender 3.0 blender 3.0 is now out for those of you watching um currently within the week this is this was release blender 3.0 is now officially out so make sure you are in the latest version of blender so let's go ahead and we're going to go and get our uh cylinder r x 90 here and i'm going to hit s y 8 just like that so here i'm going to hit tab and then i'm going to go ahead and delete this face well i'm going to click that face hold down shift click this face make sure you click this little bit button up here to click faces now i'm going to hit x and click faces so while we're here in the edit mode hit a to select everything and we're going to go ahead and subdivide this really quick so i'm going to hit the loop cut click on the loop cut bring up this dialog and i'm going to go ahead and bring this all the way up here tell these faces here are square so bring it in looks like for me it's going to be around 77. so now we have this here we have a pretty cool scene i'm going to go ahead and right click and subdivide and make this smooth so now we have a really nicely subdivided very evenly subdivided cylinder now we can go and dive into geometry nodes so here we're going to go click on geometry nodes and i'm going to delete this window we won't need it and i'm going to click new so within the geometry nodes workspace here i'm going to hit shift a and type in delete we'll see delete geometry and we'll plug it right there and that'll delete everything so what we need to do is get a texture to tell it where to delete our geometry so let's go ahead shift a i'm going to get a noise texture but there are quite a few textures to pick from so if you hit shift a and scroll down here to texture these are all of our options so we are going to need a color ramp as well to further edit this texture so let's plug our color into the selection and we'll plug our factor into the color ramp and if we bring this color ramp in let's see which one the black portion now our geometry comes back so we'll play with my scale a little bit here so we get a nice selection on where we want our geometry to kind of show up on this full scene it's very twirly very swirly here so play with that bring this up bring this down however you like but we have this so far i'm going to go ahead and add in a solidify bring that thickness up just like that and then we're going to go ahead and get in a bevel bring our mount just a little bit and then bring that the segments in right click and shade smooth now we have this so what i'm going to do now is hit shift d and duplicate this whole thing and then make sure that we go here in the modifiers and click geometry nodes right here we see a two i'm going to uncheck that and then i'm going to go ahead and take off my solidify take off my bevel and then here on the color ramp i'm actually going to go ahead and flip the color amp so now it's kind of inverted it's in those spots that it wasn't and then if we go here to the wireframe view we can see we have nice grids so i'm just going to go ahead and simply throw a wireframe modifier on this section i'm going to click boundary and then i'm going to go here shade flat so we can kind of see everything accurately just like that so we can even go ahead add a bevel modifier to this and we'll get a really nice looking grid so let's see this that is how the bevel modifier affects our wireframe looks really nice looks a little bit more hard surface very basic kind of hard surface look here with our scene last thing i'm going to do here is i'm going to go ahead and duplicate this again and then i'm going to go ahead here on the bevel and turn it off and then on this as well turn off my bevel because it's making my scene really heavy we'll turn that back on later so we'll go back here to geometry nodes here click that on that geometry nodes in the modifiers and click that two again and i'm going to bring it far less on the geometry and then bring that scale up something like that scale up pretty high and then we'll play with our noise texture and then on 3d we'll go to 4d so that with this w we can actually animate it so that we're going to go ahead and bring the thickness down on the wireframe so you can see that happening right here and then here in the uh transform i'm going to click and drag and we're just going to go ahead and scale this in until these come through to these so it looks like it's not quite done yet right there cool okay so we can bring that scale up and bring that geometry down so if we play with this w looks really cool almost looks like it's spiraling but it's not okay now i'm going to go back and turn my bevel back on and we're going to go ahead and start shading this right about now is a good time to save so i'm just going to call this tut and save that to my desktop we're going to go back here to layout i'm going to hit the tilde key which is right above the tab key for me i'm click front shift a add the camera and then holding down control i'm going to hold it down until we get to the back of our scene so it snaps to the back and then click on the camera make it a little bit wider we really want it to be nice and wide then i'm going to hit g and use my mouse to kind of move it around and hit r twice to kind of play with it to look like that all right now let's go ahead get our world brightness bring it all the way down to black shift a get in a light get that point light and then i'm going to hit g to move my point light back here give it a power of 1000 and then in the transform i'm going to bring it back here and i'm going to hit shift d and move one up there so that's our lighting for now we're going to go ahead and click on the shading again hit the zero click on the render and then here on object we're going to go here to world i'm going to hit the period key to move that here search up vol principled volume and then we'll plug this into the volume like that and give my density 0.3 actually 0.03 okay now let's make our point lights the color that we want them to be so we're going to go with a blue orange possibly and now let's start shading this so we'll go from world to object click on here click new go ahead and delete that let's make this metallic make the base color pretty dark and let's play with roughness so we're going to make a material made a couple times here on the channel we're going to get our color ramp here so let's plug the color into the roughness and let's get a noise texture i'm gonna hit control t make sure you have the node wrangler add-on enabled that comes with blender by default just go ahead and enable it in the add-ons uh menu and then we're gonna use the object coordinate plug the noise texture into the color ramp i'm going to crunch this in this way crunch this in this way bring my detail to 12 my roughness all the way up and then here on the black let's bring it up just a little bit so it's not not quite so reflective so that's how we're looking for this material maybe bring this from white to a little bit farther down now let's make a second texture so all this fun stuff i'm hit g and move it over and then i'm going to go ahead and get a voronoi texture plug the color into the vector let's get another color ramp and we'll plug the color into the color ramp and we'll replace this in the roughness so now we have this let's go ahead and crunch this in a little bit crunch this in a little bit and now let's mix these two together with a mix rgb so plug that there we'll get this actually into the color two plug the color ramp into color one and then let's bring it all the way to the noise texture and just bring it bring it in just enough so we get that pattern in fact let's go here to manhattan on the pattern and then bring that scale up a little bit now let's bring that factor in we have a pretty cool material working for us now and then let's go ahead and apply that same material to this wireframe here here in this material we're going to click new i'm going to go ahead and delete the principle give it an emission material and plug that into the surface make it orange and make it really bright so now we need to go ahead and turn on our ev settings so click on the camera icon and then on these just check all these here on screen space reflections uncheck half res bring up that trace precision and now we have something pretty cool we're going to go ahead and bring this down a little bit and make that really bright and now we have our scene having that camera icon clicked let's go down here to color management and go from look to high contrast alright so now we can start instancing this thing around so let's go back here to layout and then let's go and highlight this right here i'm going to hit m to add it to a collection new collection i'm going to call it loop just like that shift a collection instance click on loop and i'm going to hold ctrl and bring it over now you're wanting you're wanting to hold down cross control so it snaps and you want it to just barely touch the edge right there and i'm going to hit alt d holding down control make that end just touch it you want to make sure they're touching just like that this is going to ensure a seamless loop all right so now it looks like this here in the render i'm going to click on point light number one click on this one and then i'm going to hold down control click on the camera control p click object that's going to parent it to that object so here on the camera we are at negative eight make sure you are at negative eight in your preferences here on the animation make sure your default interpolation is linear so i'm going to bring up my timeline a little bit go back to frame zero click on my camera and then here on frame eight i mean negative eight click that we'll go all the way to frame 250 and type in positive eight and that's going to make a seamless loot you can notice nothing really changed but if you press play it actually did change quite a bit let's go ahead and animate these little blinking things here i'm gonna hit the drop down arrow and here on the point light not a big fan of this color combination so we're gonna go here with this and then on the other point light let's make it less of a dramatic blue click on this now go here to the colors i'm going to make it a nice kind of interesting red that looks a little better i like that all right now let's go here to geometry nodes and then make sure we are in clicking on the right object so i'm just clicking the eyeball to make sure that's working correctly and then here on 4d let's go ahead and animate that w so i'm going to bring this down wait till you see a plus icon to drag up click here and go here to the timeline so now we're just going to do a very hacky loop so i'm bringing my scale to maybe five bring that color ramp in like this so we don't get quite as many and then i'm going to go ahead and hover over the w hit i go over here hovering over there hit i again and then right here in the middle so i think it's 125. i'm gonna hold down shift and just animate it a little bit so it moves so move that over and then i'm gonna hit i again so now we have this moving around in geometry nodes it's really exciting this process of kind of deleting geometry used to be far more difficult and then one thing i do want to add is i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to click on this right here i'm going to hit alt d just like that and then i'm going to go ahead and click and drag and just move this guy out just like that so now we have this much bigger piece so when we press play you're going to get kind of this parallax looking effect in the scene which looks way cooler than it originally did so that's a fun little hacky thing to do in this animation but now we're done this is the animation so i'm going to go ahead and save my file name it whatever i want and we're going to jump into concierge render which is linked in the description if you follow if you want i'm going to show you how to use their render farm so we're here in concierge render i'm going to go ahead and get here in the upload launch renders i'm going to go ahead and click upload files and find the tut right there so now it's going to go ahead and upload my file to your file database so here is tut actions we'll go here and click launch render once it's done analyzing we're going to go and look here and just do some double checking it is blender 3.0 we are rendering an ev it is an animation that is all we need to see and look at here and you can go ahead and select your frames if you want the particular resolution if you want to change it or you can just use native and we do want to use our camera to render so let's go ahead and click the render button and now that is going to go ahead and render out all of our friends i'm going to go to the job manager to watch it click on this one right here and now we're just going to go ahead and wait all right and now we're done rendering here the final cost was almost a dollar now this in the grand scheme of things was a really really small project that's why i only took about four seconds for per frame total cost was really low um concierge is incredible for really really big scenes especially using cycles so this is a really small project but that cost will obviously go up with the bigger scenes but this is concierge render and what you'll do is you'll go ahead and download your outputs it's going to give you a png sequence go ahead and compile that png sequence whether in blender or premiere pro anything like that you want but there you go that is how you do this animation using concierge render thank you concierge render for sponsoring the channel and allowing me to keep doing this thank you guys for watching and i will see you in the next video
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 30,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Blender 3.0, Blender Abstract
Id: 6MIaj7V7pG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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