Blender Particle Tutorial [Cycles]

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everyone harbours 6:27 here with the very very long awaited blender cycles particle tutorial this is something that ever since I worked on the book of enchantment where I had the dragon breathing fire and I used all these cool particles people been asking for tutorial I said I'd get around to it pretty quickly in here it is two years later so whether or not you do minecraft animations or if you're just using blender cycles in general you want to learn more about particles this tutorial should cover all the basics plus a lot more kind of interesting little tricks you didn't know about as well as some advanced features I decided to do this tutorial more in the order of how you actually use particles initially I was kind of brainstorming how to organize this tutorial now it's gonna go into I'm the different you know at first I go through all the settings then I'd go through all the materials but that's not really how you do particles you kind of go in a certain order you you do one thing first then you go do a little materials and you play the field so we're next to be creating these more in the order that you use them so it's gonna be a little long and a little what might seem kind of disorganized I'll have in the description of this video we're gonna look in there right now the description will have timestamps to all of the kind of different features and different things we'll be looking at so if the beginning stuff is really basic you can kind of look around there and if you see something interesting you can just jump right ahead I imagine this videos gonna end up being at least a good hour or more as it's gonna be very and just kind of hands-on anyway hope you enjoy let's get started so you want to make particles what's the first thing you need you need something to actually create the particles you can't have particles just come out of nothing so first I'm going to do oh let me actually turn on this cool little screencasting that way you can see my little whatever keys I'm pressing will appear down here so you can see what stuff I press so I want to add a cube and the cube isn't actually the one thing you'll want to be using but I'll show you why I'll start with aq first so you can see why you don't want to use the cube and if we go over here if you have to keep selected we go over here into the particle settings on it being create a new particle system and now if I hit play to creating particles so that about wraps it up you've now created a particle system I hope you enjoy in your videos thanks for watching and we'll see x kidding any this is like the very very basic you got the particle system however you'll notice if I actually go to render it first thing I notice is you don't actually see any of the particles it's also very this very basic I'm Mexican I also quickly change the background to a very dark very very dark background and then we're add maybe like this isn't part of the particles thing but just kind of for testing purposes you may want to do this as well when you're testing particles just have a little bit of them lighting to work with also obviously you won't be making particles in you know an empty scene however you can use that to kind of get yourself started we had a little bit vein occlusion just you can't that's good enough okay so now we have a basic scenes we can test our particles by going into interview anyway so we have the particles what do you want to do first the first thing I would do I would honestly recommend turning off gravity right at the beginning so if we go to all these particle settings you can drop down all these checkboxes hide them all for now the very first thing I would do go to field weights turn gravity to zero even if you want gravity it just helps the beginning to have it off and you can really start seeing a little more about your particles to use the second thing I would do is we want of course these particles to render because right now again we're still not seeing anything and the reason for that is if we go into the render we're rendering these things called halos not the videogame just some random little thing so the second thing you're gonna want with particles after you know if you created your object that's emitting particles you're gonna want to do shift a we're gonna want to add an actual particle object and here I'll listen else what's there something else let's switch to actually like um such the cones it'll be random but whatever let's make a cone in the scene doesn't matter where the cone is we pull over here we're gonna name the cone this is actually looking normally when people tell you to name things you just kind of skip it and you're like and I'll need to name it in this case I wouldn't recommend naming it and you'll see why later so I'm gonna name this I'll name it cone particle so we have a cone particle and the reason you want to name it is if you have a really big scene if we go back to the emitter go to the particle settings we want to rather than admitting a halo we're gonna mitt an object and that object is going to be if we click in here we and particle I must have spelled the word particle wrong I did panicle so we got the cone pata cool let me actually rename that so I can find it this is why it's important to name it but we want to UM we can search for it in the in the particle settings we can just type in particle and find it really easily and this is good for if you have a big scene with lots of different types of particles because then you can search the particle and choose the one you want you know so now if I hit render we're finally seeing okay we're creating particles it's kind of working although it looks very weird but you know it's a start we got our particle system and now I'll kind of show you why you don't want to use a cube let's say they're not they're kind of coming out very slowly so if we go into velocity this is something it changes kind of early on the normal velocity is how fast things fly out away from like the face so see how this particles coming out of this face going that way Park was coming out of this face going that way if I increase this collect three now it's pushing them further but as you can see it's just making these six different directions and this is why I set at the beginning you don't really want to use a cube as an emitter it's not the best object so let me actually just delete this and delete the cube we're gonna actually want to create something like an eco sphere the ICO sphere is pretty much the I almost always use ICO spheres to create my particle systems because all the faces are kind of like evenly spread out so now if I go to the particle system we're gonna add a new particle system to this the ecosphere but wait you don't have to set up everything again even though we added a new particle system we haven't like chosen which particle system if we go into here we can actually choose the old one we created you'll see has a little 0 by it that means there's no objects currently using it because we deleted the cube button go back and select it again and we're back to where we were before and as you can see now it's a lot more like an actual particle system that's kind of shooting out so let me make the particle acting like one so some of the other settings you might want to look at is random you'll probably one a little bit of random otherwise everything's kind of coming out the exact same directions if you give it like ran with like two now you get a little more kind of variety if it turned this completely off and have it purely random you just get a little more mixture I usually don't really mess with any of these other stuff we'll come back to that later probably it's just pretty much that normal in the random all you really need to know in velocity I usually make the normal a little more in the random little list like one and point five so now we get some stuff coming up the next thing you're probably gonna want to look at is go back up to a mission and we're gonna want the start and end frames cuz normally it's not you're actually gonna be an empty scene you're me having something going on and around frame forty something blows up four catches fire or something all the way to frame 100 and then stops so now you've got it kind of goes a little bit then stops and that's a little more of what you want you'll also want to start looking at the lifetime early on kind of site how long you want them to live this is of course in frames so if you want to live about three seconds we get about 90 frames now they're gonna live a little longer one thing you also notice down here is the red line appearing I might want to talk about this now it's kind of important this is kind of how much of this is actually calculated if I were to make some crazy new stuff and now see now I change the settings see how it's kind of light red as I can move along it it will start calculating they'll say okay all this is calculated if I jump ahead that's calculated however this part isn't so it kind of if I scrub really quickly see how it can't keep up so that's why it's saying like okay what you're seeing the viewport might not be what the actual thing is like because it hasn't done all the calculations so it's important it's important to know that if you're on a cash-flow computer you might be getting results that are different than um than what the system actually looks like but I'll be talking about how to make that fixed later on that's not something need for a little longer anyway go back to kind of how things work so you wanna see his lifetime made the lifetime about 90 however will still notice oh yeah okay I might actually talk about now see how it kind of did that little skip right there because it was kind of not calculating that caught up so if you experience these weird kind of like scrubbing things we're just getting really weird what do I want to do is go to cash behind the other ones and hit bake it will bake the particles and now you'll see that all the thing is red it's no longer calculating the whole thing is done calculated you can scrub through as fast as you want and it's all good baking is very very very important you're gonna be banking a whole lot you want to be constantly baking every couple of minutes or so it really makes sure that the things look correct the more complex particle systems the longer it'll start taking a bake that one was almost instantaneous as you get like collisions and fields it'll bake a lot slower but it's really important because now I can see exactly how everything looks but once you bake all these settings are grayed out so I'm a free bake it again so yes our so it's a free bank when you're all done bake when you want to be calculated free bake when you want to go back to editing it's just good to kind of show you what the whole system will actually look like anyway back to the emission we got the lifetime but we'll see the lifetime is very everything's kind of hitting this little edge then deleting all at once I always add a fair amount of random I usually make this fairly high I think this is a value between zero and one that's what the slider allows so I wanna make it fairly random and now we'll start getting particles they kind of disappear early some it just appear later we've got a pretty cool particle system the next thing I would do this is look is go back to render this is another very important thing not to forget so I'm gonna mention this now if we go to render this we see the particles but we also see you know that being ICO sphere in the middle which normally we don't we probably won't want that if we want like the cities' or sparks we won't really want um you know the the thing emitting the sparks to appear because you'll use this to like you know be where the sparks are coming from but you don't want something us here so if you turn off the render emitter that will hide the object that emits I usually always have that off unless you're actually and unless you have like a sword that you want the sword to have particles coming off then you you want to still see the sword obviously but usually I kind of create the emitter separately and then hide it usually the more control also you may want to even notice how we can see the big park on the background you may want to take this and move it to like a separate layer and then have the layer hidden I usually have like a layer where all my particles and little background stuff are so you don't have to see that anymore so now if I render it you just see the park was coming out so that's good anyway one of the other cool things to do so we now we hit the emitter we changed around the lifetime we have it come out between certain frames one of the things that's really handy is this some the damp the dampening is something I use a whole lot to really get a lot better of right right now everything just comes out drifts at the same speed as if it's in outer space and then disappears however if we add some dampening like 0.1 it's basically like kind of drag it'll gum out and now see out slows down so of course now you'll need to compensate by making you know maybe double some of these values and that comes out all stronger you get it was kind of coming out guys maybe too into dampening what's going on like 2005 now you get this kind of like comes out and things slow down that's even probly still too much you can't do a lot unless you lower the cost a bit so now we get it kind of coming out and things are slowing down that starting to look a lot more realistic see how things kind of drift just slow stop at the end so already the dampening is a huge thing I'll be showing you a lot more about that later might start something all kinda cool energy tricks you can do I'll be doing cool examples at the end and you can use dampening to get some really cool stuff the other options I'm gonna mention them a little bit now while we're kind of on this is how to do some cool tricks with with some of these settings so right now we're having it come out of phases which means just is picking a random spot on all the phases and going straight out from that face you can also do vertices and you can get some cool let me turn off the random so it can be completely in in the normal direction coming from vertices you can get some really cool like you know if you want some weird energy blast thing that looks you know very much like this you can get some cool kind of so using vivax to use vertices a fair amount of time and I'll be combining this with something later on to show you how you again how to do cool energy stuff with this you can also do a volume and you might not notice volume much here however where the volume is useful is if we make this emitter huge like the going around your entire scene and then we change off the normal velocity make it all just completely random this is where you can get those like kind of drifting particles it's kinda hard to see because just white on white but if I if I render this out this is where you go a little laggy but this is where you get this to kind of atmospheric particles that just kind of float everywhere because you can have it just say okay I want to render particles within the volume just kind of going in a random direction but um usually I use faces unless I'm doing some kind of weird energy thing where I want to do vertices or from one atmospheric thing for a video stuff okay so we found over some basic stuff on velocities how to randomize velocity the emission amount weight I actually haven't changed the amount yet it's fine for now but you may want to go because the cache is kind of breaking something can I calculate it you also do um I hope someone can calculate okay what was already calculated but you set up some calculated to the frame so we got some kind of basic thing now it's looking a little better comes out things fly around let me see if there's anything I want to talk about before we start moving on there's some more fun things so we went over velocity Oh Becca under physics a few more things you might want to play around with is um the size the I'd like to have a lot of random size that way you just get a little more variety in the particles and all quite the same and then we have our damping random size on one thing that's kind of cool we can also do you can do this multiplying mass with size this is kind of handy to get a lot more variety you the smaller particles will kind of go flying out further and the big ones we're kind of stay further back I like using that I actually kind of leave that on a lot it helps just give a little more flavor to it one thing that is kind of handy here is the Brownian although it's a little weird brownian is basically just random movement so if i turn it up like five we're gonna get them kind of okay let's stick a star with one by turning up to one now they come out and they kind of zip around like they're in air although for me there's a better there's a better option we'll do later that looks better this is I usually don't really ever use brownian it does make some kind of nice you know random movement so that already is looking pretty darn cool but um again I'll show you a better option maybe I'll keep it really subtle yeah it's just a little bit of kind of movement and this is this is actually where you can get the cool if I go from vertices turn off the random again this is if we can get that cool kind of like comes out in spikes with any kind of like you know spreads out a little bit get some kind of cool-looking stuff going on there well go back to faces turn back on the kind of little random and we've got our basic thing going in okay so we went over velocity we saw it I still going to - I'm gonna skip the rotation for now we'll come back to rotation what Mac see also probably - I'm gonna switch off the part go real quick it's kind of annoying me why people do that just a second because I'm about to get there anyway display I never really use this normally get to that we have the gravity off we you can just you can start deciding about now if you want to start having gravity or whatnot if you want it to be like you know energy cool energy magical stuff you can actually have negative you can type in negative numbers so it kind of comes out and like goes up a little bit I can go look kind of cool or if you wanted to be more like physical kind of sparks you can have it kind of come out and fall down I usually leave again I usually leave it around zero or like negative 0.1 while I'm working with it just to kind of get a sense of it's easier just kind of preview it winces gonna like that anyway so we got the filled waves we're gonna skip some the other ones that's it for now as far as the kind of basic settings that's why I usually get up first now it's kind of where the fun part is now we're you start looking at how to actually get it looking not just like these little random cones so what's gonna I'm going to shift click on the kinda hidden layer my particle is and I'm gonna now that we can see let's see the layer again and then I'm gonna do shift a and I create a cube doesn't have to be a cube just using one move the cube over here and make it just no smaller just bother me and then we're gonna call this cube energy particle okay and then now on the particle system let's go back to the particle system and we're gonna change the render object rent type in per goal and now we're inching it to the energy particle so now we see it's emitting the cubes but again it's still just the basic you know great cubes but what's really cool about this is if you're using an object as you know the thing that's being emitted any change to this will also change the particles so if I go to the cube which is the energy particle go to the material really create a new material let's say I want to make it red boom now you've got like red particles coming out and if I render it now we've got to cool it can render part of let me turn the Sun up a little bit just a little there we go maybe Nick - so now we got some cool red particles but because this is energy we'll want to change the diffuse to something like an emission now you get those cool kind of like glowing effects I'm also also probably going to um let me just move this up a tiny bit and we're gonna want to create I'm gonna create like a plane that way we can actually kind of see let's see how this looks make the plane be a little bigger and I'm just gonna give the plane and I kind of dark gray color just so we can see a little more amount and stuff this also can doing this kind of shows an interesting point see how the particles are creating shadows if you have something like energy you might not want the energy to be casting shadows so if I go to the cube I click the cube if I go to the object settings go down to cycle settings expand it if we turn off shadow now these don't cast you no problems anymore let me turn the brightness up so you can kind of start seeing as they get near the surface they cast a little bit light on it not very much turn it like a way up turn away think up there we go now these little red particles are trying to cast some red light as they get in your circus so now we're having some basic energy particles kind of coming out but there's a lot more we can do with this so let's actually I'm gonna make the velocity less for a moment so we get two and then the gravity is going to go up to something like negative point five by the way you don't need to follow along with all these little steps this is I'm kind of making these settings just to kind of show you things so here we go we got something that's kind of burning upwards let me do a little moonless and here I'm gonna split the screen and then the left side we're gonna go to the node editor and then I can hit end to close out extra little window and we're gonna click on the cube so here's the cube here's our little mission and again if I go to rendered this is what it looks like we have this kind of fire going up but what you'll notice is the particles just kind of blink out when they're done they if you follow this one that's going up it's going up going off the camera still going up it's still going up there goes menders boom disappears we don't really want our particle system pop out like that we want to actually give it some nice kind of fade as it glows out so with our particle thing selected and now we don't know to there we won't even name this like energy particle material just so we know what we can do is we can do shift a and add a particle info node this is really important this is basically saying okay this this cube when used as a particle all these different particles will have some sort of thing like how how old they are their lifetime location how big they are something and we can use these to get interesting results for example if we take the age you know between zero and one and divide it by how long it lives which is also between zero and one we can get a result between zero and one that tells you how how far along its lifetime it is so if we go search a math node we're gonna want to divide the age divided by its lifetime now we're going to say for every one of these particles is going to return some value that goes between zero and one until it dies and what's cool about that is then we can pull that value into a color ramp and then the color so then it's going to be giving us a number that's going to go from this side it's going to move along then I go to this side and what's useful about this is let me um let's actually plug that into the color just to see what it's doing so it's get hard let me go let me I don't make this a diffuse for seconds you can really kind of see actually emission would be fine I could probably just I mean rather making this black and white or make it like red and bright and blue or something like this there we go so now it's saying so now we can see as the particle czar firstborn they're all kind of zero on this color ramp and then as it goes through their lifetime they're gonna now fade into another color you're gonna fade through this thing and when they pop out they'll go to blue but it's a little hard to tell because there's the random if we don't have this particle lifetime rentals so this is zero now you're gonna see it's all gonna be like as it moves up goes to there you know it goes to the blue and then fades out to the blue however it's a little linear and this is why I always have the the the random actually even hold on let me even do something a little different but let's get rid of the anko sphere for a second and we're just going to add a plane and we're gonna put the particle system on the plane [Music] leaving the right one there we go now we can really get a good sense of how linear it is we can see how it's very much the start out red goes to the kind of blue and then fades out however you know you could use this for color but another thing you can use is we can say okay I want it to go between I want to mix it between a an emissive and a transparent and then you can use black and white values here so let's make this one black make this one white already is white what I think oh that's a pipe isn't there we go now I've black and white and we're to say the missus and missus of the river to me bright red and we're gonna control the you know how much it is now it's eating us now you'll see it starts out very transparent because if we have it that black then it works its way through being less transparent and a lot brighter we can then pull this around to say okay you know we want to start out less we can add little bits in here make it darker so it kind of is this long build up or it's transparent however you'll probably want this being other way around you probably wanted to fade out over its lifetime which is what you usually use it for us now it kind of comes in pops in nice and brightly and then over its lifetime it kind of fades out into darkness which is what we were what we're going after even more like that comes in you can even have a little bit of a little of a fade in at the very beginning so it starts out at nothing fades in very quickly and then fades out at the top and then we'll probably also want a little bit of the lifetime random again so let's answer that randomness back it's naked a little more variety starting look pretty good but we don't want to be solid red we want to also have some kind of color over lifetime so we can also just as we were controlling the nail the mix between transparent and this we can duplicate this have the same divide go into here and just like we had just done a month ago when we're doing the kind of color difference we can make it go between like a door I was like a light fiery blue at the bottom go to like a yellow orange and all right so now we can have some cool kind of like fiery looking thing where it comes out gets just kind of hot you can really play around with kind of how much you want these things to you sprint out but you can see you can create some cool particles that change color over their lifetime they change them their transparency over the lifetime you make this kind of fall off a little softer at the end and then um we can also go in the particle settings I'm gonna even create increase the life time rounding this up even more that we get even more variety now you get a lot of kind of speckling this which looks a little better so that's a lot about the materials those are the main things the materials it's changing the changing the opacity over lifetime have things kind of fade out to have the colors change and again this is something tap you kind of play with if you if you swap in the if you swap like these nodes around you can get like the opposite results now it's like the fire go in the opposite way with them with the transparent it'll be starting out very transparent then will be coming in so just gotta kind of fiddle around with these things some of this is kind of beyond the particle tutorial it's a little bit about understanding nodes I'm not gonna go into that too much but it's mostly just experiment play around play with different color ramps you can have this thing control all sorts of stuff beyond just you know just beyond the fading out and the color sometimes I also have this control the strength so we can say okay I wanted to be very kind of you know dim I first put a color ramp here and say okay it's really bright at the beginning and can I not so bright putting working using more color ramps that's the major thing for for the which we call it for the materials that's enough can get you started I'm point now gonna start moving under some of the more fun things so let's go back to material delete this thing let's go back the ecosphere the echo spheres can be a better example so let's um give it the particle and the guineas I just named this particle system like my cool system there you go so now it's just easier fine this is the cool system that we were using so we've got the cool particle system coming out making some cool fire I might want to increase the lifetime actually a little bit longer maybe a little bit less random and now the one that coolest things we're started doing is playing with the fields that's usually what I started doing next around now and this is where things start get a lot more fun now you've kind of seen how it looks in the material form I'm actually going to be going back to we're sorry in the rendered form now when we go back to the more material look I just realized I had this to the wrong layer let me put this back in layer 1 I hide the particle layers rid of those ok I put the plain in this layer as well move everything back there there we go find the particles like a stain does for you for a little while because we just kind of I could be looking at the the overall look so we don't need to know thing anymore let's get rid of this join that back and what we're gonna want is fields because right now it's just very you know comes out drifts straight up and then they kind of pop out so let's go to shift a and there's a bunch of these force fields down here and the most useful one is turbulence I almost always have a turbulence field and if we make a turbulence field and then we go back and play it you'll see that it starts creating this cool-looking like everything's flying around it's a little bit much right now let me actually turn down if you click on the turbos go the physics change the strength let's make the other with us 0.5 you'll see it kind of starting to behave a little more like fire now the little small ones are zipping around a little crazy this is we might want to turn off that I'm multiplying mass with size because it's going a little bit much yeah that's okay now we need to turn up the strength again it's tranq like - we turned off the multiply but now you're starting to see a little it's done releasing much turn away the heck up there Rio now we're starting to see some kind of movement is remember the Brownian motion let's compare this let's turn the strength off actually let me set this up real quick as a comparison we'll do a side by side [Music] okay so I've now created two different particle systems this one on the left will be using the turbulence that I just added this new turbulence field will be using the turbulence to control the kind of particle movement and the one on the right will be using that Brownian thing I told you before and as I play through it you can see how much more natural this kind of turbulence one looks the it seems to kind of flow with the air all the particles kind of drift together and like a little more smooth kind of waves where's one on the right is just pure kind of randoms going out and that's just an example of how much this is just kind of showing how cool the turbulence field is and why you always want to use it a big big big important thing to mention right the beginning of fields this is very very important so definitely listen up when you make a field the field has to be in the same layer as your as your emitter so you see how I have this field let's make this field really strong I have the set up to 20 and now it's you know it's controlling it all it's making it look all cool and wavy but if I move this let's say this thing was on layer 3 and then now my turbulence field is still in layer 1 if I do it now it won't be affecting it and this is one thing I always even to this day install problems with that I'll be like why is my field not affecting it I keep turning the strength up I'm like is it not strong enough I'll turn up to like a thousand and still not affecting it and it's literally just the mistake of them being up separate layers the reason this is actually helpful though is you can have different particle systems on separate layers each with its being controlled by different fields so that's all kind of impact the same layer again if the fields not affecting it double check to make sure it's on the same layer because more often than not it's not so now that we have the turbulence field I'm gonna start showing you all the cool stuff you can do with turbulence because by now it's just kind of basic so here's this a really basic you know goes up you get the cool turbulence but the main thing you're gonna want when adding turbulence field is some more damping remember the damping factor if I turn damping off it just kind of blows everywhere the turbulence is it's going kind of crazy you have the gravity of can high but if I turn the damping up to like 0.1 turbulence you start noticing a turbulence a lot more and the more on turning up the more it really will just kind of follow these turbulence fields this is reading this is where you start getting the really cool energy effects combining a turbulence field with really high damping to increase the life time a little bit let's pull up pull up on gravity a little more it's go negative one so it's gonna really kind of pull it up through this turbulence field this is where you start really getting cool licking energy Fink's remember earlier when I was talking about the having vortices as a cool thing I'm going to show you right now what I'm talking about if we go back to the mission say we wanted to come out the vertices no randomness but a lot of normal this is where you start getting the cool like energy tendrils coming out in strange ways let's turn off let's turn the damping down like 0.15 make it go a little faster and give it a little bit of randomness so it's not perfect tubes now you start getting these really cool like you know you can use these to have like a very abrupt energy kind of like fantasy kind of impact if I make this only last for like a few seconds it only comes out for them just make it down to like TV velocity yeah it's pretty good and the damping I'm really pointing one you can get this really rough like energy kind of burst out fades out and that can look really cool if you kind of mix that in with some other stuff you have something like hit energy comes out drifts around follows these cool effects and then fades out and that's automatically like a that that right there looks really cool that's a cool like fantasy muzzle flash flash even you can do sounds like a impact if we had this thing not as I'm an eco sphere nothing actually do with the atmosphere you can even them there's my aim wireframe you can delete like the bottom faces off and now you can get more of like um just like an upwards facing thing complete more faces and just get like the few on the front although for here I'm going to leave leave the full thing on so that's where like the the vertices can be really cool having it come out the vertices have it come out like cool tenderly stuff if I have it really shoot out far I have it really pretty darn damn you can really get these a weird like strange energy things and this is this or this is we're just playing around with it's really cool you just start messing with in getting all kinds of cool results anyway let's let's count tone down some that crazy just go back kind of how we had it I'm just gonna increase the kind of resetting up settings again so this is open way too much here so this is kind of how we had things before let's turn down the the turbines a little much right now dr. twins turn down like ten so some of the things with turbulence that people might not know about is the size is really important by default it's zero which is also kind of a size of one I don't know why they have it it's the same thing but we can make it less than one it's kind of hard to tell but if we go through these we can kind of see okay you know here's a little curve here's a car you can kind of see these little like curvy patterns it's following basically what is going on is um the the turbulence is creating this kind of like noise texture like the clouds that's not the best example but it's creating one of these and it's saying okay everywhere that it's white you know it'll be going one direction in everywhere it's black and I'll be going another something along those lines so we can change the size of that to make those kind of wavy things bigger let's make the size five now you're getting these kind of big now you can see this huge curve coming out here another big curve going along that way let's make a whole bunch more let's make a little more randomness and even like it's double the particle amount so we can see a little more so now we're seeing these kind of big wavy things let's make the maybe not quite five I'll make giving me like three but you can see like now the curves are a lot larger whereas we have to make it something really small now we get these really really really tiny curves that can be a little more useful this is kind of more useful if you if you go back the whole vertice thing to get the kind of really really Stern off when you get them really kind of small this is the best example now you can really see these little small twists and turns whereas if the turbulence size is large like four then you get these really big twists and turns that kind of a lot more randomized um you can also double these up so let's say we can have one that's really big duplicate it and make sure it's still the same layer and then to make the size something like one strength for now we have these big waves on top of little small waves not really strong enough so now we're kind of getting a little bit of both you can really get just crazy results with these another thing that's really important that a lot of people don't know about I don't know about for a long time is that these turbulence fields are actually positional for example here's let's let me do another gun from the other side by side comparison and I'll show you what I mean so I'm gonna do plate all this over and I'll come back in a second [Music] okay so I've created two systems they're on separate layers so this one is only being affected by this turbulence and this one telling me affected by this turbulence that is the advantage to having the you know separate layer thing as I play through them what you will notice is I animated this one animated one of the turbulence is to move upwards where's the other one remains stationary and what you'll notice is right around the middle once this thing starts camping up speed it it's actually pulling those little twists and turns upwards you can see it kind of raises up the as its twisting it kind of raises with the air and that really adds a nice effect everything is not too stationary it feels more like the energy tendrils are kind of themselves raising like the heats raising what I also do is so if you like that effect if you want that kind of cool raising heat feel what I do is you create the turbulence you give it two keyframes start and then but then we want to go to animation we want to make sure the keyframes of that thing selected I usually go to select only so we only see those the frames from that although in this case that's the only thing that's key frame rather than it being this kind of slow start quick speed up and then slow end we can hit the start keyframe go to T a little linear and now it'll just move up in a perfectly straight line so you get these nice heat constantly rising also if we grab both these do shift e we can do linear extrapolation which means it's going to constantly be um wait [Music] okay that was little weird for some reason it's only working in the graph editor I thought I used to be able to do it from within here anyway if we go into the curve thing grab all the curves by present double tap a to make sure it's all selected now do shifty due to linear extrapolation now you can see that it's like constantly raising so even after like you know if I turn off the long keyframe you might go forward like a thousand frames into your animation there's just always gonna be raising up so you don't worry about anymore you'll have to keep constantly rising and that's really handy for getting that kind of cool just like the energy is kind of raising up with the stuff you can actually even rotate this if I go there here and like rotate it you can get some weird kind of like it's hard to tell I would never recommend that but you can but basically just having me the raising raising and turbulence gets that nice cool effect so I mean we've already got some pretty cool looking stuff I've showed you how to get different colors I've showed you how to get the different um you know that the fields that raise it up I've showed you how to have things fade out over time turbulence some other fields you might want to use some of these you just have to play around with there's the wind one just gives it some constant kind of blowing vortex is a lot of fun let's add a vortex inside the vortex to this one over here because it's cool but I mean they won't turn on AutoKey frame put it in the middle just see what happens now you're gonna get some kind of more just kind of twisting around the vortex Mike I sent her a little more video over the thing I'm not gonna go too much into these because this is more just stuff you'll want to play around with but you can see it's kind of creating somewhat of like a spiral let's make the lifetime a lot and longer into 50 so now it's getting some cool spiraling around I can also create let's go to this one over here maybe create like a force and then make certain layer one you can kind of create this more like see how to kind of pushing the particles away from this they're kind of being pushed away if I increase the strength like five it's kind of pushing everything away from this point what's really cool about this one though is with with a lot of these settings both the fields and even the particle settings we can keyframe the values so I can say this field of kids fields you know we leave it alone then right around here we want to keyframe it from start at zero insert keyframe go forward a bit whatever strength of five set a keyframe and go back down to zero keyframe so now we'll get this kind of like right here to go boom and kind of push it away maybe go up a lot maybe go click there's like 50 for one frame he's gonna kind of create this kind of shockwave that's gonna go we kind of pushed things out just get some cool effects you can get that kunai Singh however one thing you'll notice is that it's very it's pushing all the particles evenly and that looks kind of bad because you wouldn't have that's not like realistic there's no fall-off but we can do that with fields we can go over here we can say okay we want to give it like a minimum and a maximum and then we can as we pull the maximum out we'll see a little dotted line so as you go till just kind of barely encompasses the particle system and it's still the same thing because we need to give us some power so it actually has like a fall-off so it's got a power of one and now you'll get the more see how the inside pushes a little bit closer than the outside we've even double the power if you want to make it a little more well oh now I have to really really increase the strength like 500 maybe but it just gets that nicer kind of the closer you are to it for the see how the the clothes particles got blown away a little further than the far ones only got pushed back a little bit one thing I'm not going to talk about now I've kind of talked about feels that the vortex one's a little tricky what I recommendation I'll have is that rather than doing the the vortex in a sphere I would recommend changing into a tube and then having like all of these things turned on giving it like a maximum giving it a turn into like some kind of tube give it the power show some strength and now you're gonna start getting a little more of put on right over top makes it even do is top down right over the top now you gonna get a little more natural kind of twisting let's turn the strength up a bit there you go the problem with the vortex is it does that a lot we're just kind of sucks everything in you can play around the inflow not quite sure what setting does I notice if you turn the influent like negative it'll help kind of keep things out so you can kind of create these weird interesting effects as you can see you know particles a lot of fun at this point we're creating all kinds of weird energy storms there's so much you can do with crazy fantasy effects and stuff the possibilities are just limitless it's really crazy how much stuff you can do with these let me turn up the damping and even more and then maybe it's terribly Grandy like- we're getting all kinds of weird cool results then one over here of course just kind of comes out and gets blown away for the field so for all kinds of crazy things going on right now let's start looking into the next steps I'm gonna go over the kind of loot more about the rotation and stuff of this now so let's change the let's hide behind these particle things I'm gonna give the this this energy part go over here I'm going to give the cone that same material let's say we're gonna give it a new material no wait actually just choose the top end here let's give it the energy particle you can't really tell it's kind of yeah it's actually invisible because it's there's nobody fault but if I give this particle system I already go back on the render and then we're gonna show use it to the cone particle now that I gave the cone particle the same settings it still has the same look and feel it's just in cones and the reason we use the cones for a second so you look more about rotation so let's increase the size a bit and with rotation it's honestly kind of self-explanatory you just need to kind of look at it and you know turn on the rotation you can start kind of randomizing it if you want to have things that are random you can make it like a kind of global pick one as a global you have it come out of normal things come out you can turn off the random these are things you just kind of want to play with honestly one thing is kind of handy as you can give it like some velocity so it'll kind of rotate over over the lifespan give it some random and like bunch of velocity you get it so they kind of that's not really doing it so much I turn on the dynamic yeah now you see how the part goes it kind of spinning around you get some interesting results by doing that again there's not too much to cover with rotation I usually use particles that are just like cubes anyway and I don't care if they just won't kind of line up like that because what you actually will end up doing in the end if you want like a really dense particle system you'll make the particles very very small and then you'll just make a whole lot of them like 50,000 or upwards of like in a million or something and then you just kind of get these numbers though velocity a little slower but you end up getting these this really cool I mean they actually bake this is where this is where baking starts helping a member earlier is telling you you'll need the banking eventually this is where you'll want the baking you start getting crazy thing you'll want to have velocity may be done like six random and we're gonna bake the cash and you'll see little progress bar and as well as what frame number it's on I think we had it in the frame 200 or not oh it was also has to calculate the remaining stuff as a fly to the air what's all done now so now you start getting like these really dense looking energy it kind of affects that kind of twist around and make cool looking you know if you back up here you look at it from here you know start it almost starts looking like some cool fire effects because you just have it so dense in these small little things which looks really really cool I've done this 50 thousands not much at all I just did fifty thousand right now I think I I've had upwards of like two million before where it takes like ten minutes to bake and then the scene goes really slow but it looks really awesome so it looks kinda like cool theme here you can really see all those cool like fema effects and stuff let's free that lets go back down to like you know ten thousand and now you know to see the ten thousand Bix much quicker you get the cool effect anywho let's start moving on to some other settings again one thing I would now kind of suggest or one thing I would now explain is how to duplicate systems and how to reuse them because one thing you'll notice that this is probably my biggest gripe with blender particles is that there's no way to change the emission rate over time it's either emitting or it's not emitting and that's it and what I mean by that is I can't say that like I can't make it start only doing a few then it kind of does more and more than as suddenly gets really like like rain if you wanted to start raining you know and you know drop drop drop drop I know starts coming warm drops there's no real good way of doing that it's just kind of you know there's nothing they won't great when you hit frame 40 boom there's gonna start coming out as fast as it can so with that in mind whereas go move that in mind if we wanted to make the thing happen multiple times let's say I wanted like a few comment like 40 to 45 for 5 frames it's gonna kind of fire few off and then a little bit later he wanted to fire some more off let's actually even them let's just do like four that was in less random let's say so fires a few these little energy things off they drift up and they disappear and we want to have that happen again because we because we can't just like turn them off and turn it back on we want to do a second one what you can do is you can duplicate the particle system so we have the mind cool system moving turbulence which is basically the one I actually do clear this earlier when I was doing the speed thing when I sped through it because I hadn't taught it yet so we have this particle system that was you know designed to work with the turbulence one or whatever the settings what setting wise were the same is just a duplicated version on a separate layer but um if we want to make this happen again on a separate thing if we add a new particle system this isn't adding it this isn't creating a new particle system per se this is just saying this object here this little ICO sphere is now going to have two particle systems attached to it and by default it gives you this new particle system which is right back do you know how we started now we see like the default part of a system going off but we can say oh I want to use the my whole system of moving turbulence and now we get basically two of the exact same thing happening at the exact same time but with this one we can say oh let's we want to change the frame so it happens at different time but be careful this is a very important red flag if we say okay we want the second system you know here's number one here's number two we want to make number two start out like a hundred 105 105 is also another gripe with particles see how I have it starting 105 if I want to make this start 110 I can't actually put hundred ten because it's after the end time I have to go and do the end time first I'll have to go like 115 then go back and do my start time it's just kind of annoying but if I change this now you'll notice it actually changed the old part system as well and that's because we're literally just using the old particle system we haven't actually weird so far any change this will change the old one which is bad we don't want to do that so the workaround if I change the back how it was now we have both the same so we create a new particle system we can choose this particle system but right before we make any changes to it we hold shift and click on this plus it will now duplicate this particle system and now you'll see they both have different names there's the original on the duplicated now if I change the duplicated and again can't change the first not changing the last now we have two and you'll see they have different start and end times we connected his name this like my house is number two so now we can get the kind of oh that was weird what's going on the viewport there now we have it come out they go up and moment later boom a burst another one out you get these cool kind of you know we can make a little tweaks to them that's a very important tip to learn because um if you don't know that it's hard you don't want to be sitting up little particles every time you also don't want to have to be you don't wanna be do cleaning and making changes anyway what I'm going to show you next is I don't know what I'm going to show you next actually let's move this back to the middle let's let's also you collisions we're actually let me show you I'm really getting a variety of particles that might be a little better so let's make the particles let's make them a lot in less mm this is its kind of small little tip I didn't really know where to sandwich this I'll just gonna put this in here right now so we have these little cubes coming out let's make it actually more like guess we all these different cubes different rooms built too many do a whole lot last week like five hundred that's still too many Oh cuz I'm changing participant number two silly me I just saw I got rid of the particle system to we're just going back to one for a second so if I have these particles coming out let's give her the field needing this stuff this was actually all stuff for the old setting so I have all these particles going up right now they're all cubes but if I wanted to make it more than just cubes let's say for instance let me actually append these things real quick let me go to pend this is actually some thing I already had they use if I go into here and go into my um particles bring in these this I have a library of some particles I use so I have these little particles right here that are um if I actually go rendered and you can't see them they're basically these little purple things they actually have the if I go to note and they're on them you can see I have these particles all set up these are my under particle effects for example like Enderman or Endor energy and I have six different ones of them and if I let's say I want to you know emit all six of them if I go to the render if I now choose o and/or particle number one okay I've got these cool ender particles coming out but just under particle one what about number two and now I just have number two if you want it like all them to come out at once what we need to actually do and what you can do which is cool is rather than choosing an object we can also choose a group so if you want to make multiple objects in this case I have six of them if you select them all and do control G when you create a new group if you as soon as you create a new group if you press T to pull this open you can name the group right here so you can name it my special group and now on the emitter if you go to group and there's my special group now it will like randomly pick different particles in that group so you can see you have a big variety of coolican particles coming out all at once this is another place where rotation is useful I would go turn on rotation it's kind of kind of tweak through until we find one there we go there's one that's kind of vertical you can randomly rotate it around an axis there we go now they're kind of randomly um they're all facing vertically but some of them are kind of at different rotations so for many if you're looking at from the side it looks good from any angle and this is how I literally do all my like when they enter pearl over stuff like this comes out and then they fade out that's how do you all my under particle stuff so that's how to make it has how to use groups groups are very handy let's go back to the UM go back to my the object I'll go back to the particle this is why I named all the particles let's add some I can these metals yeah I use the cool ones to the where was the island let's use this one this is a kind of good one let's turn them on gravity again let's go to go back to UM field weights gravity Instragram around a point for maybe a little more to turn down down to one they come out when they drop down let's say we want to sort you're looking at collisions because right now it just kind of falls to the ground and just disappears if we go to this thing down here they on the floor or the surface you go to the physics we can turn on collision and yes that's correct I just want to make sure because there's also a rigidbody and that's separate if you turn on collision that's basically particle collision now you'll see that the particles go right through it okay red flag what do you think's the problem think about it for a second why do you think it's going right through is it because of the settings is it because of these things nope the problem is it's on the wrong layer I have it on layer one this thing's on layer three so put it on layer three I actually didn't was wondering that for a second and then I was like okay fine so now you'll see it's still going through and that one isn't expected what that one should have actually stopped I'm not actually sure why it didn't let me week around actually to me because it's cached let me turn the sometimes sometimes it calculates and then doesn't uncalculated air we go it actually had calculated it before I change the layers and didn't bother recalculating it so just doing a quick cash there you go now the particles are landing although they kind of drift around and that's actually because the turbulence is still blowing around so what I usually do is turn on like the park low friction a lot some randomness you can actually make a little sticky and now you'll see it'll be more like ten what you expect the comes just stick to it although the wind still kind of blowing them around let's turn down the EM the damping a lot Thank You physics and I get more of the kind of that's kind what you want on things you can bounce around yeah and again it's can awkward that the turbulence is kind of blowing them but there's not really much you can do about that then just like I can try making it like super sticky I've never really played the sticky notes too much I'm not sure how much that I'm okay it doesn't keep it from sliding which that might be just maximum friction or something and the friction to one have no random that kind of stopped it they're kind of still barely blowing but not much just kind of wind but anyway that's the really basics of collision there's not much beyond collision other than just these settings there was with house for rigid bodies another thing you do you have it kill particles which just gets rid of them that way there's nothing falling below that's actually kind of useful if you have a big system that's getting a little lanky and you want to get rid of particles once they hit the ground rather than adding sticking around you can put something like this right below the ground and say okay I want to kill all the particles that way every time a particle hits it I'll get rid of it which just makes a scene run a little faster actually I use that whenever I have rain I put the thing that catches all the rain and just instantly gets rid of them once they fall under the ground but that's about it for collisions so I've shown you almost everything there is now one thing I just wanted to cut at this point I'm just gonna can't go around and start looking at things I may have kind of passed over we'll kind of talk about some things this seed is a kind of important one if you have something like this and you just don't quite like the look of it for whatever reason the seed is just like a random thing that will make it slightly different so you know we have some stuff right there that there's like if I count there's one Park alone right there if I change the seed now there shouldn't be there's no longer that one now has three Parker's over here it just gives a different result this is sometimes helpful if you want to have two particle systems happening simultaneously using the exact same one you just duplicate change the seed a little bit give a little bit of a slight random for example let's say we want to have let's let's make gravity negative again negative point two so now there oh it's a positive one negative point two let's say we have it go up and let's say we want to duplicate this system so we had a new one she's the one shift plus we will make the same thing but we want to make this one have larger particles which then die quicker and have a little more Brownian so now I have bigger ones that kind of go away quicker however they're following the exact same pattern is there like inside the same ones as the smaller ones so that's where you'll do play to give a different seed now you have it kind of more just randomized mixed in it's a little hard to tell but again sometimes you will want to use the seam we've gone over all these things you can really interesting with adding different object types as the emitter I haven't shown you I needed stuff this is stuff you just kind of need to experiment rather than kind of proof figure on your own almost if I make this thing we've done this layer [Music] but now we can get some kind of interesting penile formation stuff it's going really slow I'm gonna speed all this up free it cache it so you can get some kind of weird let me make a lot more you get these kinda interesting results one thing you can also do good Talia's gonna mention earlier is the velocity there's this object em if you're animating any objects they have movement you might want a little bit of object to see how right now it goes along it stops and all the park will stop as well if this object was moving and emitting particles you'd expect some extra particles to kind of drift off in the direction it was moving if I set that to 1 now it like pulls the particles with it and see how it kind of gives that extra launch if I make it really intense you'll see more about what I mean you kind of like it there you don't really want more than one because then it kind of pushes them too much but see how it kind of pushes things forward interesting you can then go back to like I was using vertices you can make really if I make it tourists and then oh shoot wouldn't make it tourists for some reason you have to change the settings right away and then you can't change them again if I make it and we make these settings like really AM small like that then you can this is where you really get like the weird I'd make this stuff have it come out and get this one we're just kind of playing around I've gone over I think everything there was to really go over so oh it's really small if I go to the room let's see [Music] this is where you start get some kind of weird like strange formations because coming straight out of like tourists and get some energy going up in these weird patterns you can you can really start playing out there at this point it's pretty much done I think I've covered about everything we've gone of collisions we've got ever had to change material oh this the size of a lifetime that's actually pretty important one this is the thing I didn't know about for a long time it took me a long time to find this out but if we go ahead our system bag stuff's coming out if we want to change the park assigns over the lifetime this is a little kind of strange way of doing that if we go to textures we're gonna add a new texture and then we go into the texture settings if we change it to was a blend go to colors to get to a ramp then scroll down to influence change it to size and then change it from generated to strand particle now you get a kind of size over lifetime slider as well it's right here you can make this some I'm gonna have it start out white and fully opaque there we go and then maybe things will kind of get smaller over time so neg get things kind of big and they kind of dwindle these little small spikes the top even play around with these things and have like big Oldham stuff like this kind of right in the middle where you can't get these little link pops big it was making small [Music] so now we get these gets kind of weird effects where it can get small and nice now you see how they're kind of making these a little pop pop pop pop you can really get fun with the blends you don't have to make solid blends you do cans and stuff like this and get some weird results getting you probably some turbulence to this or some brownian I don't think it's ain't herbal into this field anymore I'm on a completely different layer now it's compacted layer one actually I think I between bones layer three I'm not sure anymore other things you can do is in the settings we can make if let's say we want one turbulence field to be affecting multiple particle systems on the same layer if it's if the terminus is being a little bit too much or not enough per system you can go to the field weights and say okay for this one system I want the turbulence to be really strong the same turbulence field that's controlling that one to be really strong so you can kind of give it different settings it may be a little more resistance probably wait too much now we just make like two yep gonna look crazy and again cash I'm kind of trying to think there's anything else I missed I think I've pretty much gotten everything cotton that word and which got everything we must see you let's just do a quick overview I can start looking at a few quick scenes if you want to contend this tutorial go over maybe open up some old scenes we'll kind of look at them I'm just just seeing if there's anything before I close this down I don't use a lot of these stuff yeah that's that's the major stuff there's a few things a little weird with link using smoke stuff I'm not going to cover the smoke if you're wanting to do null null effects was really weird that's not like a if the strains work around there's a little more advanced and it wasn't even that efficient so I'm gonna kind of skip that unfortunately if you want to do smoke stuff particles aren't the best for smoke in cycles but again yeah I think that's about it I showed you how to duplicate it to do all kinds of stuff let's start opening a few of my old scenes and I'm just gonna kind of show you kind of how the particles were set up there and we'll take a look at that okay so here we are in the scene that kind of inspired at all this was the first time I did particles and one of our old animations and we're in sort of looking at a little bit and I'll show you all the different things I'm doing so again this is where I'm I the thing that's creating the particles for the dragon is actually just a plane because most of the stuff is gonna be very just directional I just like coming out flying in a straight line so we don't need any that kind of ICO sphere we don't need things blowing out sideways we need to kind of more you know directional and if I click on the plane again you can see these little enter particles I used if we go to the particle system there's the sea okay so we have four systems it breathes fire once here this is dragon breath number one I think that's um yeah 2052 that's right and that's here dragon breath one and dragon breath one has two different systems there's um these particles and these are kids like 10 I think what I would do I think I am I think I left these in the viewport I would leave it on like one one-hundredth of the amount of particles or something and then I would crank it up right as we render what you can do with these numbers if I type in like Asterix 100 I can multiply it so I can then say okay now has a lot more lipstick say multiplying even more I think what I was ready to render out do like a times a thousand and then now there we go now we're getting like so I had a mix of these kind of small this is what's talking about the really the really dense small particles and I also had the the kind of more energy shaped textured particles then when you mix them together you get this nice kind of variety on top of that I had the floor as the actually think I might have had the whole yeah this entire world is acting as a collision so you'll notice that it works very well you can turn the whole object so the the particles hit the ground and then drift off it nicely I believe there's turbulence there might not have been though because this was the again the very first one I did the park tool settings nothing really fancy here system not sure I even really knew much about like a lot of the stuff I'd learned later just some there was a bunch of velocity and a little bit of damping collides with stuff really basic and again here same thing I think I think for this one I had it way the heck turned up I had the yeah I would multiply the spine like a whole bunch I was ready to go and you would get the cool it wasn't that one actually was this one and then I get here you can see like if you have an interesting shape for the collision you get really cool like stuff bouncing off but again you know this this isn't really that complex everything I showed you in the tutorial day can lead you to make these cool dragon effects for the flames it was really just I had whole bunch of particles I had some collision I had them changing color and opacity of her life had some turbulence and that was literally that um if it's getting a little laggy in the viewport you can turn off the eyeball which means okay you won't see them in the viewport so now the viewport runs really smooth but when you go to render it will render it with the with the particles which is handy because you don't worry about seeing them I also use the trick with the particles a lot where this was something I mentioned my lighting tutorial if I go find the part well it's probably partly here I use the trick where I hold nodes this is yeah you can see I was just learning how to make particles had all this unused stuff up there but I you know even all that so okay all of this is useless that's all test anyway I had the there's the trick here we can make the the energy particles brighter then they appear so they light up the scene a little more if I go that you can see how they're really casting light into the scene and again that is with the light path technique where you can use the camera ray to get brighter it's again really not this is more of a lighting thing this is really much about particle system something can I move on the bow particles later on you can see you can tell we were playing on part was the first time we had all kinds of like every time we punched someone we have particles coming out we were just really kind of learning particles with this make it look cool which helped a lot because we learned a lot more particles for this scene this was where I was really playing around with like the whole turbulence and damping okay was inanimate here let me actually switch over real quick so in this scene everything the scene I made black except for the particles and that way oh yeah I could have turn the way down so let's go way in the hiccup that way I could render it out on black and I could actually tweak and put extra effects but you can see the same principles are used I've got a turbulence field moving up I got these particles with with a lot a lot of damping here I have them coming out of the faces it's probably not too much random mostly just normal I have it so they kind of burst out at the beginning then kind of slowed down as far as their velocity but if we if we have them as as this now I get this cool kind of render of this only and what I actually ended up doing I use something like I used After Effects I think to get I put a vector blur on it to get these cool kind of magical energy look yeah so that was a separate render but you can see the particle system itself isn't really any more advanced than the stuff we were just making I think I also I used a torus where I deleted the bottom half that way just kind of emits up another one this is actually one that people who were interested in a lot here we go this was the old animation tutorial series I made and the thumbnail had the same thing in fact I even used the tebow set because the park was already there but again it's you know it's the same matter of what we've just been going over let me um let's unbaked it real quick and change the particles are in like the millions here let's turn down like a thousand and then we'll make this size a little bigger and it kind of compensate for that yeah size was really very very small let's make it a little bigger than recache it and then I'll kind of show you what I was doing so basically for this the same thing I had the kind of fiery effects comes out follows the turbulence you can see all the contrary lines they fade out over time change color over time and that's it there's really nothing more to it than that it's just when you're all ready to go if you want to make them a lot smaller and have a whole lot more them and get that really kind of dense energy feel there's also a little bit stuff with compositing particles always look nice with a lot of depth of field here I have depth of field 2.06 so when you render it out you get that kind of nice particles in the background a more blurry also there's things like the Boosh I have like the kind of bloom glowing over it let me actually kind of show you what that looks like Oh quick so again with particles you know here's what it looked like normally rendered we added some cool mist we added some kind of small amounts of glow some bigger amounts of glow which is a kind of loading for a second and then we did some color correction and you can really get some cool looking stuff with the particles this was actually a very old scene this wasn't looking for mercy if I can find the new tutorial scene I couldn't find the exact scene but I'll just pull up the renderer on the screen right now casually what it looks like there's just a little more advanced course then I've done it in like a year or so later than the old tutorials looked a little bitter I will pull up this scene as the Steve versus hairbrained fight in the enemies from life - this had a lot of little small particles here and they're kind of really used a bunch of different places and I can show you how minor particles can be used here we have the good night costs that goes for example where small micro sphere is being used is to create a little spark and the particles fall down and they actually land on the ground and bouncing around a little bit so just a little subtle thing makes like the the thing being struck eyes thus a microsphere - a keyframe and so it moves kind of with the sword that way when it emits these particles if I go in like here you know - yeah so a toad - there's being a Tokyo ending 8:04 so those three frames that emits particles and because the object is moving along and because it has velocity from the object you get the kind of sparks flying out and they kind of fly off in the left direction then he hits the other way and they kind of fly on the right direction and they're all kind of blowing around the wind lots of turbulence so adding those little bits of you know particles the sparks helps I wouldn't recommend doing it on everything unless you want to do it like I do I just get cured away with particles here's another example of the more kind of fun ones and this one I have a very little thin torus again I think it think it's emitting from the vertices here yep so you get these kind of strange line work which just kind of looks a little more interesting lots of turbulence and then all at once you know it kind of gets energized and laggy and then right here I have ignore that white thing let's just that's a render thing I could I sucked it in using the there's a field here look at the settings strengths getting really strong then it keyframes like 300 which is everything can we get rid of this there we go and then it pushes everything out same thing that has this power has a maximum radius so then it throws all the um I wish this shot actually held a little longer because these particles look really cool the camera cut away unfortunately very quick but I was actually really happy to how that blast turned out it looked very cool you can even see the energy things like hitting the walls and kind of stopping unfortunately the camera cut away as he kind of went flying and you couldn't get a good view of it but um that's mostly it I don't think as much else to show if anyone has any questions that's something you can maybe ask in our help and support section on our discord if you remind me I'll put a link to our discord in the description I check the help and support and creations all the time now so if you're ever using these particles and your thing and you wanted a little problem just post in help and support it's pretty darn good chance I'll see it I do enjoy particles so I do enjoy kind of helping out a little bit but more than anything I just recommend you to play around with them don't forget like the cardinal rules about making sure everything's on the same layer and don't forget about you know they kind of shift clicking on the plus to duplicate them otherwise you'll mess up your old one all the different things you can do with the objects to make them you know that the materials if I go in here and type in particle you'll see that we have all these different them all like them there's a bunch of them in here families maintain their energy particle there they are you'll see all these different all the different types of particles I use there's like a Sparky one there's like an energy one there's like a lightning one got a light different ones and you can see you know you know it's not much different than this different than showing you its P what's the same the only thing I really had it was this kind of light ray thing to make them brighter they were that's about it I know I've said that's about it many times now but that is actually about it again help and support have fun you know experiment around them first I'm really curious to see your own things if you do make your own things definitely share them with me I'd be really curious to see what you guys make with these particles remember it's not about just playing out of them in an empty scene if you don't apply it to anything cool it's not really gonna go anywhere now a lot of times it see people make these really cool effects but it's not like applying to a cool story or it doesn't really make sense they're just kind of particles for no reason using them in the right places using them like we did in the book of enchantment where you know you have a dragon using flames while the characters running away that that's really what make sparkles awesome having things like you know warping portal effects and whatnot anyway I really hope you enjoyed this tutorial again this is something I've been planning for two years now finally decided I was gonna do it today so I did it it turned out pretty long let's see how long it is it's actually one hour and 31 minutes that was to be expected I hope you enjoyed it if you did joint please please leave a like leave a comment let me know this is something that you know it's kind of important to me because it's something I've been wanting to do for a long time I didn't organize it the way I was initially going to with it was no I was initially gonna just kind of go down all the settings tell you about every single one hopefully you enjoyed this a little better where I just kind of go in the order of them me in the order of what I do anyway hope you enjoyed your gonna leave a like poster stuff have fun and I will see you next video not sure what that I'm you know if you're wanting my bps rig 2.0 I'll mention down the comments it just needs a little more updating so it's it'll be a little later anyway thanks for watching and see
Channel: David R. B.
Views: 98,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender particles, blender cycles particles, blender particle tutorial, blender tutorial, guide, how-to, arbiter617, black plasma studios, fire, energy
Id: OgbXkIZu7iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 3sec (5103 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2017
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