04 Applying Materials -Geometry Nodes For Beginners / Blender 3.0

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Hi This is Ram from Crossmind studio welcome  back to the fourth chapter of geometry note   series today i wanted to discuss a very  basic thing about the material. How you  work with the material in geometry node system? because for further chapters in ,  Just case if we want to render out some interesting images or sequences, This basic things you need to do in case you  want to apply materials take out some renders. That's why I  just wanted to get things this thing out of the way and clear it out before we proceed further. So usually what happens is when you have an object, and you want to apply material, You just click on a "New Material" and then you can tweak /edut  material properties. And if you have a complex object then you can add multiple material slots and apply to faces. Basically   what we discussed in the the introduction series.  so in the object editing mode you have the access   to to these different components on which you can  assign different materials by selecting different   faces assigning different materials so it's quite  straightforward when it comes to geometry nodes   the process of applying material is bit different  and the reason behind that is if i go to the edit   mode of this this abstract that we had made in the  previous chapter then you won't really be able to   select any of these components that's because our  geometry on the editing uh level is still what we   started with this one Suzanne head which you might  won't be able to see at this moment so let me just   bypass all this geometry so the input geometry  this Suzanne head is what we have on the object   mode and the editing mode level the only way to  access all this information which is making this   cluster is this node network and in within  this node network we have access to uh the flow   the the different uh sections of the geometry  and that is the only way to access it or if   you really don't want to keep it procedural and if  you want to bake everything you can always do that   applying the modifier and then after that you  can basically treat it like a regular object   we don't really want to get into that direction  and the purpose of geometry node is to have the   procedural and more flexible workflow we don't  really want to freeze this geometry and uh lose   access to all these nodes so I'll just come to the  point so material in the materials section within   the geometry node you have this material assigned  so at this moment it's showing you two different   nodes that's because something is going on in  the development so one of these will be deleted   so just go for the second one at this moment  one with the pink selection and this is uh the   the one which is basically working with the new  update this node material assign let you choose   the materials that you have in the scene  so i have quite a few materials in my scene   so let's select this one bronze material just like  what we discussed in the previous chapter try to   read the flow of the network that you have so in  this network we had made uh five different suzanne   heads and combined all of all of five heads into  one with the joint geometry and then subdivided   the mesh and then we made this cage with the  convex hull and then we have this glitter going   on the small particles uh not really particles but  just the spheres so we have these three sections   in our geometry the suzanne head the cage the  basically the web and then we have this glitter   so if i take this material and plug this  right here and try to render this out what   will happen is this material is basically working  on everything and that's because just try to read   the the no network so we have this joint geometry  node so whatever all these three components which   are basically making this geometry are coming  together here in this node joint geometry node and   after this point onwards all of that mesh becomes  one if i bring anything after this point onwards   that is basically going to work on everything in  this node network so if i have a material so this   material is reading all of this geometry the three  different components as one because there is a   join geometry node so what if you wanted to assign  material to these three node networks differently   well it's quite simple just plug this out  from here and then go slightly backwards   right before the join geometry node where you  have access to the wires of all these three   different components so let's go to the cage  and drop it here so now our cage is receiving   this material bronze material that we have and if  i make a duplicate of this and plug this one here   now we have two different materials so let me just  differentiate these two with a different material so i'll choose different material here and  similarly if i make a duplicate of this node   or you can bring in a new node it's the same  process and choose a different material here   so now the susanne heads have this material  number one all of these have this material   the output of the susan head this wire is  basically connecting to this this material the   output of cage the the mesh the wires that we have  is connecting to this material and then the output   of the glitter is connecting to this material  so now we have three different materials here   now what if you really wanted to  bring different materials on all   of these five different suzanne heads then  exactly the same thing so instead of this   just plug this material out from  here with the alt drag and instead of   putting it here go back a little in the node  network right before the join geometry node   which is basically joining all  these five different suzanne heads   so we go to this network and then place it here so this way you can basically apply different  materials to different components so it's   quite simple once you understand  it so i'll just undo these changes so this is the composition i'm going to keep these  materials which i had prepared very simple stuff   if you guys want to see these materials just let  me just show it to you uh material number one is   very basic subsurface material with a with  a pointiness and a simple hue color material   number two is a chrome color and material  number three is a glossy with a bronze   bronze like color all right so not really going  to get into that you can always go back and watch   chapter number 4 in introduction series so this  is how you basically apply simple materials in   the neural network so another thing i want to  discuss with you about material is about the uv   and hopefully this process will be sorted out in  the future but uh i just wanted to clarify a few   things you can do in case uh uvs are not really  working in the geometric node at this moment   and uh in future we might have a direct method to  for this to work so as long as your geometry node   network have a very simple geometry so i uh here  i have one simple cube with a different graphic   and uh this cube with a different graphic  so if i bring a geometry node network and uh   in case if you want to bring an external object  in the geometry node network then you have to   go to input object info and pick this object and  then the typical things we do like joint geometry and that will so i hide the original cube and uh  these are basically two different cubes stacked   up so i just have to do the transform because  it's picking the original original position   so that is the reason both cubes were overlapping  so anyways that's another point now if i   try to do so any complex uh uh like combining  multiple geometries or maybe doing a boolean   then uh you will start to disappear so so at  this moment since there is nothing much going on   our uvs are still intact what i'll do is bring  one join geometry node and plug this here   then try to make uh another cube out of it now  as soon as i do that you can see these two cubes   have lost the uv and let's do maybe point  translate or something then the uvs of this   cube are gone to solve this and this only works  with the cycles and not really in the av engine   so what you'll have to do is just go to the  traditional material let's go to the shader   editor i have two materials cube texture and the  second cube texture so instead of bringing the   texture coordinates with the ctrl t if you have  the node wrangler enabled what you have to do is   type attribute in the search plug the vector  here and in the field here you'll have to type   the attribute for the uv and that is uv m ap  uv map so uv m capital and ap small and uh   like i said it's not going to show up in the  viewport or in the ev we'll have to enable   the cycle render and as soon as i do that our  uvs are back but the thing is our materials are   not really assigned through the node network and  we have this material uh on everything and that   is the reason we are not able to see the other  texture so what we will do is do the same thing material assign material 1 material 2 and  assign here and we might have to do the uh the   attribute thing for the other material as well so   i think yeah we only did that for the first  material so i can copy this actually and paste it and do the vector so it's not really an ideal process it  should be able to pick up uvs on its own   and like i said it might will be fixed and but  till that time if you are really struggling with   the uv or if you really want to access the uv then  this is the process you simply have to go to the   texture shader editor and instead of texture  coordinates you have to type the uv map in the   attribute field and plug it here quite simple now  let's go back to the main thing that we have made   today and i'll try to make a nice render out of  it i simply have the cycles let's set this to 256   enable the denoise optic x and i have this hdr in  the background so quite simple flat forest.h exr   let's hit the render here we have our very first  render that is made with the geometry nodes   and i know you must be thinking this is not the  most exciting thing one can make but don't worry   we'll slowly get there so let's just cover things  one by one because else it's just going to become   a huge cluster of confusions so the exciting  thing is that we are going to talk about a bit of   math and bit of procedural animation in the next  chapter so that we can start adding some sort of   a very basic motion and instead of still we can  just have some nice animation loops or something   so in this next chapter what we will do is create  this animation of a clock and all these three pins   running in the right format with the geometry  notes this is just to keep it simple for the   very first timers because understanding  math in this format could be a bit tricky   there's nothing much going on it's all simple  value addition subtraction multiplication and   all that but to think of all that in this format  might not come as naturally to everyone we'll do   a simple transformation the rotation and all  that with the geometry nodes and try to put   some math in it all right and discuss a few nodes  in the chapter after that we can start creating   some beautiful looking abstracts like what you  had might have seen uh like audio visualizers   or the plexus geometry and all that so we'll do  that in the sixth chapter so let's get right to   the work and uh i'll see you guys there click  right here and let's jump to the next video you
Channel: CrossMind Studio
Views: 15,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Geometry Nodes, Blender, tutorial, introduction, for beginners, geonodes, procedural, geometry, Nodes, particlenodes, everything nodes, Blender Free Course, Blender Basics, Blender Procedural Nodes, Nodes for Noobs, Crossmind, Instacrossmind, basics, Houdini, fields, attributes, B3d, digital assets, 3d modeling, motion graphics, procedural motion, dynamic motion, blender procedural modeling, Materials, UV Maps, Rendering
Id: L_8xTV3IP3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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