Blender Archviz Tutorial: Stairs Modeling | 3D Interior Visualization Course: Part 08 |

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after watching this video you'll know how to 3d model a staircase in blender without any extra add-ons using just the basic modeling techniques this video is part of my interior visualization course in blender which is available for free on my channel the videos are slow paced so everyone can follow them and you can find a complete playlist with all the other parts in the video description if you want to access all of the project files i've created together with the course and support what i do i share more info on that at the end of the video in any case my name is lagh and welcome to my interior visualization course in blender [Music] in this video we will continue working on our 3d scene and adding the secondary details such as the stairs here uh the stair barriers here perhaps we will work a little bit on the stairs here and before we do that i think we could still uh fix some very very small bugs from the previous video so one of them is this edge here which i uh forgive me but simply forgot about it but it's very easy to fix so we just enter the edit mode of the selected object and i will just delete those faces so uh not a big deal i'm selecting them deleting and i will just feel those empty holes here uh so we have a better mesh just like that and as you can see when we enter the loop dev view right now we have a very shiny and straight surface um later during the course i might consider actually joining those two meshes together so we remove this edge here and have a better surface for texturing but we will see that for now i think it's okay and as i mentioned in the previous video the modeling of a house or anything from technical drawings is a step-by-step process so later you might decide to change the geometry layout not not necessarily entire in the entire scene but perhaps as i mentioned maybe just here so it looks better we will see that second fix i would like to apply is maybe not that necessary because we won't see that in our renderings but as you can see when we go out from the building there is this little area here which doesn't look good in my opinion and to fix that we can actually uh just select the walls i think and thanks to blender 2.80 we can now edit multiple objects uh simultaneously so uh with three wall elements selected i can now enter the edit mode just yeah let's just double check if everything it's unhidden um yeah let's select those vertices here and move them just like that of course i could use some again some of the precision tools uh the blender has but since we are doing this for the exterior and as you can see when we enter the sorry enter the loop dev mode this is actually because we did the transformation on such a low uh level of scale it doesn't it's not even visible maybe here just a little bit um yeah so let's now fix this face here and to do that i think we will also need to change this wall layout together with the floor slab we edited before so let's select those two objects now select these vertices here and let's just move them and we can move in zoom in very closely and now g within the x axis and move them as close as possible so now when we enter the loop dev mode you can see the crack might be there somewhere but it's basically not visible and if it's yeah you can see just a very little mark to remove it completely we would probably need to remodel this area as well so we have just a single face here but as i mentioned because we are just focusing on the interior of the building we'll just leave it as it is so i think now we have pretty nice mesh and we can start adding the secondary details i was thinking uh starting off with the stairs because they are pretty common object present in almost every single interior and there are multiple ways for doing them i think a lot of people use some kind of add-ons for that but let me just show you how you can do it starting with a humble cube so i just created a cube and aligned it to this edge here because this stair in our case i think we will just use a part of a floor slab to create this stair here so we will start modeling from this area here i'm just extending the cube so it reaches the last step and more or less the floor level here in the cell in the cellar and now once i have it i will just freely move this edge here it doesn't have to be aligned to any of the stairs and by pressing ctrl r i will start adding loop cuts very freely so you can see i can match the actual layout of the stairs we can see and when i hit 0 and enter to apply we now have a mesh that's divided exactly as the stairs here we only need to align those faces so they match the stairs we have in the drawing and again there are two ways of doing that one of them the one i personally prefer is simply extruding uh face after face so i deselect one of the faces then just freely extrude up deselect one of the faces extrude up deselect and extrude deselect and extrude and again as long as you don't have to do a super precise modeling i would say for 99 of the interiors this will work perfectly because you will be never able to tell what's the height difference between those stairs if you add a camera perspective camera distortion all and all of that effects which are natural when doing 3d visualizations uh trust me you're never able to to tell if there is any high difference between these stairs as you can see so let's switch out the drawing let's just move it a little bit out of the building yeah and even if there are you can always edit them manually because you have very easy mesh so a very simple mesh sorry so you can see we can select every single stair and just adjust its height length and everything the other method we could use would be just uh let's just create another cube shall we and see how it goes so again i create a cube align it very quickly this is the method i personally don't go with but just to show you so we can again create the loop cuts and if you want to be precise we can create the loop cuts in this direction right now so it would be something like this and you can see we have a perfect grid layout right now and all you have to do is deselecting all of these uh vertices or you can do it in face mode you can also do it step by step so let's say let's delete those right now then let's go with these and let's move this a little bit again and by selecting one of the edges you just uh you just press f key so you can see blender fills those stairs uh automatically and yeah we end up with basically the same mesh so which way you choose it's totally up to you um i think the first method is faster but yeah feel free using any of them i think they are both much quicker and faster and resulting with a better mesh that's much more flexible than most of the script generated stairs so you can edit them easier in the later steps although this area of a building is not much interesting for us because we are not going to visualize the cellar i'm just going to show you how we can create this shape with our stairs layout let me just quickly change the opacity of the section just a little bit and yeah let's move into the modeling so as in the previous example i will just select all of the unnecessary vertices and remove them and again you can do this step by step if you're not sure if you're deleting the right ones uh we will now select those edges and just press f key as you can see it fills those areas with a nice triangles um yeah let's do this here as well i'm just thinking right now i think the second method of modeling stairs would actually be better right now because um let me just show you one thing if we do the f key magic right now and leave this area unsolved for a second when we enter the loop dev mode you can see we have uh this uneven surface and that's because well yeah like you were modeling the stairs hand by hand without paying attention to their sizes so the um so the grid layout here it differs just a little bit just by those like millimeters or atomic values and if we use the second method for for creating this kind of shape where we had a very precise edge loops in this direction that surface would be then perfectly smooth so just just to mention if you would like to if you actually need to precisely model this kind of areas uh just use the second method of the stair creation process um yeah i would probably have to redo that unfortunately right now but hey even i make mistakes so anyways let's uh let's now just finish this area and to do that i will simply move this point here and to straighten them up i will just scale those vertices within the x-axis to zero again same method same trick and i will now move this one here so we have this even angle we could even select all of those just deselect these few and move the entire selection up a little bit so it matches perfectly the drawing in the back oh yeah and we need to fill this space so no sorry like this because if i did it like that as i want it we would have this strange uh thing happening so let's just select one edge and press f twice yep so you can see we have a nice stairs nice mesh could be better if i choose the second method but still yeah i think it's a pretty useful way to know how to model those basic shapes using just the classic poly modeling edit mode without unnecessary stuff because i think it gives you well much more skill and yeah in the end if you have to adjust anything in the model like this i think it's very quick to do and yeah you can always say you know how to model the stairs so let's let's now align them to the actual uh drawing we have so i will just move the newly created object here and let me see what's happening let's uh first select the stairs we have the slab the newly created stairs and the floor plan and hide everything else um yeah let's also hide the stairs we have here and i'm doing that because sometimes even when you're architect you're not fully sure what's happening uh on the drawings on the actual drawings when it comes to stairs especially when you have one stereo layout above the the another and that's because it really depends who's creating the drawings i know architects who draw those lines i know there is a general rule that this line goes up and shows you maybe the other way the dot is below the floor level and the arrow shows you the direction going up so we can see this line here indicates we have two stereo layouts this one goes from the cellar to the ground floor and this one goes from the ground floor to the top to the the upper floor but i know people who just do it completely differently so it's sometimes pretty pretty hard to figure it out anyway with our case this looks like it's easier um let me just check if we have this gap here yes we do and yeah i will just align those stairs like this we can see there is some problematic area here but again we we had the same issue with the upper stairs so we need to shift them a little bit just like that and it should work fine now yeah i think we will leave it for now and get back to this element later when we will be creating materials and shaders let's unhide everything see how it looks i think it's pretty pretty okay maybe the upper stair could be a little bit higher so i can always move this layout just a bit down maybe like this yeah and let's just leave it for now and now and focus on the on the barriers here which are visible in this section speaking of stairs for one more minute i thought about showing you this cool trick because sometimes you have stereo layouts with the wooden elements on top and these can be pretty quickly done using uh the model we've just created so you can see i just selected the uh top top faces of our model i'm just gonna duplicate them right now and press e to extrude now i'm gonna hold ctrl and press the numpad plus so we extend the selection just gonna change the pivot point to individual origins and scale the elements within the x axis like that so you can see the back faces overlap with the model but i don't think that's a really a big issue and now we can press s y to extend the elements in this direction and yeah you can see this way we were able to very very quickly uh enhance the model we just created a few steps back back to the barrier modeling i will start with this one we can see in the section here and surprise surprise i'm gonna go with a cube object um going into edit mode i will select the vertices here then those two and i will just slightly move these ones here select to the face mode and extrude like that i'm moving it roughly here for now because i'm still not sure if the barrier if the bottom edge of the barrier i mean this one will go like that or like this i i mean sorry it will definitely go like this i'm just still not sure how it's going to be attached to the geometry to the slab here so i will just leave it for now and it's obviously too thick for now so let's let's move this object here i think we're gonna have this barrier somewhere around this area i'm gonna scale it within the y axis just like that and we also have to move it but i will wait with that for a second because uh let's hide everything and we have a similar uh situation here with this angle as with the stairs i was showing you before but to fix that in in this case we will just merge the vertices like that so it's just one single face here uh and then we have then we are sure the angle here stays perfectly uh aligned without any breaks so if i go to the uh if i unhide everything again we can see the stairs have uh that the barrier has to be shifted a little bit so i will go back to this view just to double check if i have all the angles match correctly and i i can now move it just just for now because i uh again as i mentioned we will still fine-tune the the entire geometry later because for example i'm not sure about this height here but yeah you can see this is a pretty quick element to model let's now create the remaining geometry parts back to the side view again i will instead of creating a cube select the object we just made and duplicate one of its faces here and now i will separate it and i have a problem selecting it but the reason i did that you can see it from this view the barrier we're gonna model right now is most likely a part of this entire structure so instead of creating a cube scaling it within the y-axis again matching it with the layout i'm just speeding up the work and saving myself some time by simply duplicating one of the faces so i just match it to the drawing and now simply extrude it here i'm still not sure how it's gonna look in this area so i'm just roughly i think it's gonna be a glass element so probably something like this has to be created a very rough shape and will reset its geometry and the the pivot point and i will just leave it for now as it is and that process the process of doing rough geometry placing it placing it around the scene this is what i called blocking a few minutes ago and the blocking is a very useful well method of creating a 3d environments which allows you to very quickly build up a scene from the very primitive objects let's use another example of this kitchen element here i will simply create a cube scale it so it matches the actual drawing and leave it more or less in the area and more or less at the same low height i don't know if we can see it from the section this is a barrier but let's just keep it like this and blocking allows us to very quickly build up a scene and see what's happening see where we can put the camera uh very quickly check which angles for example will be useful for our visualization so i would say this this could look pretty interesting and knowing that i already know that some elements here also have to be modeled if i decided to put my camera here well this might be also interesting but i can also see this room here or this space here wouldn't probably wouldn't be visible in any of the angles of the camera angles that i could plan at this point and knowing that allows me to save work on those elements here so normally without blocking without looking around the scene i could be tempted to create these stairs and this opening in the floor slab as well but by placing those rough geometry pieces like this and exploring the scene i can work more efficiently and plan the work ahead and know that yeah not everything has to be 3d modeled even if it's visible in the drawing of course it also depends on the project you're working on because when your client wants you to create everything then you have no choice then you have to do everything but in our case we're just gonna focus on this area here and that's why i'm omitting all of these details from from this area from the first floor as well i'm back to the side view once more and since this video is becoming quite long now i will just very quickly model the remaining pieces of geometry so again as you can see i'm duplicating the object selecting it here um yeah let's create a new origin point just to have a better rotation later i will move it here because the side view look i have shows me this actual part so i'm aligning the object and i can see those divisions here but i will again skip them for now because we are just matching the the general shape to know later which details we have to recreate more precisely let's just keep it like this and i will duplicate that face here come on face i'm duplicating you now rotating within the z-axis and from the side view i can see we have some kind of construction some kind of structure here so it's uh probably a niche for a shelf or something like that again i will just very very roughly mark it here for now having this kind of gap here just just for this one moment um let's create an edge loop like this adjust it in the side view and let's select the upper edge here so i'm going to switch to the vertices select the ones on the right and scale them within the x to zero and move like that so with the niche element ready i will now very quickly move them to the edge of the slab opening like this very very roughly i can maybe switch to the wireframe again and just move those vertices a little bit more to the side like that uh what we still miss is one of the barriers here so i will just duplicate this face again rotate 90 degrees and just extrude like that let's disable the drawings and see the result our camera angle is pretty narrow so i will change it by pressing the n key and you can see here under the view tab we can change the focal length so let's switch it to 35 for now and this way we can see much much more um yeah i think the stairs are ready now and i think that's it as for the main the secondary details we called it this way so this would conclude that part of the course in the next part we will put a camera into this very roughly created scene and start to see which elements of the geometry have to be detailed uh much more than what we've just created how we can do that what are the best methods for doing that and yeah step by step we will be getting to the final look of this 3d scene so thank you for watching thank you for your patience i hope you learned a lot today and see you in the next video thank you guys for watching if you want to support what i do and get access to all of the project files i've created together with the course plus the interior setups complete interior setups plus hundreds actually thousands of blender exclusive 3d models you can do that by checking out the choco for store and learning more about our subscription plans these truly are the best money can get you if you want to get better at blender enough talking i see you in another video bye bye you
Channel: chocofur
Views: 3,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender 3d, blender guru, cg geek, tutorial, blender tutorial, blender interior, blender interior beginner, how to make, architecture, visualization, interior design, interior visualization, 3d interior visualization, interior visualization blender, interior visualization course, interior visualization secrets in blender, how to, free, archviz, 3d, cgi, blender architecture, blender architecture tutorial, blender modeling tutorial, blender interior modeling, blender stairs
Id: l5tIjaDJDlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 38sec (1838 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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