Blender Archviz Tutorial: Floor Plan & Walls | 3D Interior Visualization Course: Part 07 |

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after watching this video you'll know how to 3d model architectural details in blender without using any extra add-ins nor modifiers i'll explain the best practices for creating window and floor openings together with the interior walls this video is part of my interior visualization course in blender which is available for free on my channel the videos are slow paced so everyone can follow them you can find a complete playlist with all the other videos linked in the description below if you want to access all of the project files and support what i do i share more info on that at the end of this video anyway my name is lech and welcome to my interior visualization course in blender [Music] hi everyone in this video we're gonna add the most significant details to our 3d scene and since there are many of them let's just jump into it so i will start working with my floor slab for the ground floor so i'm going to select the main drawings and the element and i'm going to hide everything else so as you can see this is what we are going to work on and by switching to wireframe mode i can see we need to cut out an opening here in this floor slab so we can let those stairs here go down um yeah i'm just gonna do it in edit mode but i want you to see a one thing now as you can see our geometry is nice and tidy but what happens if we simply fill this space as happens quite often in other people's projects so what i'm talking about is selecting the opening we have like here with those many vertices available and just pressing alt f key in order to fill the space with the new faces so it looks good in the object mode but when you go to the edit mode and you have to cut an opening like we are planning to do right now it becomes quite problematic because the geometry looks like this as you can see and some of you i guess can say like did you know there is a boolean modifier in blender that helps you with those kind of situations and my answer is yes i know but i think i have a good reasons not to use a boolean modifier for this kind of geometry and i'm gonna talk about it a little bit more in the next video uh but for now let's just do an old-school poly modeling and simply cut out this opening by hand doing that is actually pretty simple so we just go to the edit mode and i'm gonna press ctrl r to add an edge loop as you can see when i move it towards this border of the object it changes its angle so i'm just gonna apply the operation here now i'm going to press s then x and 0 to strengthen up this line i'm going to move it somewhere around this edge and i'm going to create a new edge loop here now we need to add two more so this one will go somewhere here and this one here we will leave this little gap in here we'll see how it looks later and now i'm gonna simply delete those two faces i'm gonna switch to the edge selection mode select these two edges press f then f again and again and again to fill this hole in here so you can see actually i didn't have to use a boolean to have a very clean nice looking mesh which can be now sorry for that edited very well very cleanly without messing up without the need to use a separate object to cut out this hole and yeah but this is only possible when we have a clean geometry as the one you can see so you might be getting right now why i'm not using a 3d models delivered by the bi m applications because the geometry delivered by them it's used usually very messy when we enter the edit mode and the only way to actually do this basic modeling is by using the modifiers so we are not going to stick to that method we are going to use the traditional old-school modeling techniques and yeah let's see what we can change now i think we could start adjusting the walls a little bit more but the thing is we have everything everything merged into a single mesh like this and since we are going to be focusing on the ground floor i'm going to press b and select those faces only and now separate them to different object so yeah let's now hide the other elements and let's focus on the walls from the ground floor by the way uh as you can see i also cleaned up the object origins a little bit so they are not flying around the scene i would suggest doing the same uh just select everything go to the object set origin or right click and you have the same options here and let's now see what we can do with the walls i'm going to hide the floor slab oops sorry for that and this is the floor and this is our wall layout actually there aren't that many details we have to work on uh the ground floor is quite open and the main areas we have to work on are those window openings and this area here so let's start with it i'm gonna enter the edit mode and create two new edges here let's go to the top view now and scale them like this so those vertices reach those corner points here i can now select those two faces and extrude them like this and like that again i could delete those faces now i'm just thinking um yeah let no let's just keep going this way for now and and yeah let's delete those faces and fill this area with the new geometry i'm just checking and i would separate those newly created elements from the main geometry i wouldn't be i won't be saving it to a new mesh um so i'm just gonna select all of the faces and press y key this separates the geometry from the main object i'm gonna hide it and just fill those spaces here as you can see the walls they don't have the upper faces the reason for that is we simply separated this object from the top and cellar floors and i don't think there is a reason to do this for cycles if we were using ev then that could be i mean that would be that should happen we should fill those those faces i guess because then the light calculates better i think at least that's my experience but anyway um let's yeah as you can see i've created this opening from from bottom to top because from from the section of the building i think this is what's happening here we just have this window and this divider here but with this opening the situation is a bit different so we need to create two new edge loops so i'm gonna just hide this part of the wall switch the wireframe press ctrl r and align the the edges to this opening i think i can cut it right now and again you can see we are able to do this uh very nicely just in the edit mode without the need of creating adding any modifiers or any unnecessary stuff that just messes i mean makes the scene way less readable so right now i think that's it for the ground floor let's unhide everything and see how it looks um yeah i think we are getting somewhere with it let's now go to the first floor and see what happens with this floor slab when looking at the floor layout of the first floor of the building we can see it gets much more complicated these are the details we won't be focusing on that much because we won't visualize those rooms but what's interesting is the way the wall goes here in this area so you can see this uh corner appearing here and this niche we have here and that means we will have to adjust our floor slab and change the walls a little bit so they match this drawing better to do that we will have to add another drawing to our scene so the process will be exactly the same as we did with the floor plan as we did with the section of the building so i'm just gonna speed up the video and return back to you once it's done as you can see there is a little mismatch of the drawings in this area so i'm just gonna fake it a little bit scaling the drawing in the y-axis so it matches uh the floor plan but i'm gonna leave this corner as it is i won't be scaling it in this direction because this also changes the angle as you can see off of the upper floor okay so with the first floor drawing added i will now select it and just move a little bit up so it doesn't block the floor plan that the ground floor plan yes let's do it like this and change the opacity to 0.5 i will now unhide everything select the first floor slab then select the drawing hide everything else and move it down once more so it more or less matches um yeah our geometry so now with the top view selected i will start with sorry i will start with cutting the opening here for the stairs and then adjusting this area here as you can see i've decided to leave this little um element here just because i'm not sure at this point if we are gonna need it uh on the final building or if the walls of the building will just cover this section here so but when i if i delete it then i might have problems with recreating this nice angle here so i'm just leaving it for now and the next step i will start modeling the walls here um this area from what i can see is open for the window so we will create this wall layout and possibly some very basic walls here in the in the interior just so we have better shadows and illumination later we will start by hiding all of the unnecessary elements and this will be well everything except the newly added drawing and the wall layout i'm not i'm gonna enter the edit mode right now select the bottom walls and separate them let's just set up the origin points to the newly created meshes and hide the bottom one so let's let's now start editing and see what we can do from here well i will just move these faces here so they are aligned a little bit better um and i will delete those two edge loops here since we don't need them now we need to create this wall which is here on the side so i will start by creating an edge loop as it and as you can see when i'm moving it towards left the angle of the edge loop changes so when i reach to the maximum point i just accept it and now if i just move it by using the gizmo you can see the angle stays the same so this is a cool trick if you want to align the angle of the newly created edge loop to yeah to the surface so let's just create a select this face now and extrude it downwards like this i'm just gonna move it to [Music] so it matches this edge here i'm gonna switch to the vertices and select just these two and when i press g once you can see we can obviously move uh selection around but when i press g again you can see we are actually moving along the edges and the problem is you can see i would like to go this way but my transformation changes the direction and goes this way and to do to move move my selection this way i just need to press alt key and you can see now this yellow line is drawn in the viewport and we can move our selection very precisely so let's select all of the vertices here again and extrude along the x like that let's just now scale the selection to zero so s x and zero and we can continue extruding our geometry i will uh skip this elements here just include the openings so maybe we need them later um i'm just gonna continue till i reach this wall here i'm gonna enter the perspective view again extrude again and yeah let's let's let's think what we can do here so i'll just quickly jump to this side of the of the wall right now i'm just going to add a new edge loop and extrude this face so it follows the general you know wall layout um yeah i extruded it by mistake but that's not a problem just like those vertices and move them up a little bit now i'm gonna select this face again and extrude it extruded in this direction so in order to align those pieces together you might want to use a snap tool but if we don't have to be super precise i prefer simply selecting the vertices and scaling them to zero as you can see i'm doing here so we still didn't match them correctly let's select this row of vertices and scale them within the y-axis and we can now move this entire selection like that uh we can now just extrude this face in in the y-axis go to the top view wi-frame view again switch to the vertices and scale them to zero again so all we need to do right now is just removing the doubles so i'm selecting everything right clicking and clicking remove doubles but please remember you need to be in the vertex mode because in the add or face mode that option is not visible here so remove doubles and don't forget to remove those interfaces here which might cause some shading bugs sometimes yeah okay so we have our wall layout let's now just double check if it matches the newly created floor slab and let's clean up any box we we might encounter on that level uh with the floor slab revealed we can see the geometry isn't perfectly aligned here and it's up to you actually to decide if we are going to align those two vertices of the floor slab to this corner here or should we move the entire wall so it matches the geometry of a floor slab i think um unless you're doing super precise visualizations this really the only thing that matters is which goes faster and i think in our case this will be definitely aligning those vertices to the wall so now i'm going to use a snap tool and so i'm changing the snapping position to vertices i'm gonna press g hold ctrl and sometimes you may need to press shift z just to be sure your snapping is limited to those x and y axes so the selection doesn't move upwards now i'm gonna press ctrl key and you can see the snapping those vertices are now perfectly aligned we just need to align those two as well because if we enter the edit mode you can see we lost an angle here so so let's just move those two vertices within the g and within the y axis so i'm pressing g y and now i'm holding ctrl again so they are not aligning so maybe we need to go to the perspective view g y and okay let's let's select an edge here so now it's gonna work definitely so we are just aligning those two vertices to the edge here yeah and i forgot because we have no vertices here obviously so we need to align this selection to this exact edge i have selected right now um anyway when we look from the top view when we look from the wireframe view it seems that everything is now perfectly aligned in this area the only thing left at this point will be solving this situation i mentioned a few minutes ago so should we leave this element or not and as you can see when we go to the object mode this stands out of the wall a little bit which is not good but if i select just these two walls you can see these are actually aligned pretty good i can go to the look dev uh view so this shiny uh effect is visible and we can see there is nothing uh no edge or any other piece of geometry popping up uh as we can see right now so uh long story short i will simply delete those four vertices here and fill the space here so it now yeah so the wall is now perfectly straight even though we have them as two separate objects um i would say at this point we are basically done with the crucial geometry parts of the building um you can see it's still far from being final but in the next video we're gonna move to the secondary details and blocking out the main let's say actors of the scene which will be the kitchen uh equipment here uh the stairs here and some some other details so we will still try to get as much as possible from the drawings we've added to the scene and after that we will actually start detailing and doing the uh let's say the real stuff so in the next video i'm gonna show you how we can still enhance our our our basic scene with those elements you can see here for example or uh in the drawings like this one so thanks for watching and see you in the next video thank you guys for watching and as always if you want to support what i do and get access to all of the project files created with the chorus together with the interior scenes hundreds and thousands of blender exclusive 3d assets just visit choco for store and check out our subscription plans these truly are the best money can get you if you want to get better at blender thanks again for watching and i see you in another video bye you
Channel: chocofur
Views: 4,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender 3d, blender guru, cg geek, tutorial, blender tutorial, blender interior, blender interior beginner, how to make, architecture, visualization, interior design, interior visualization, interior visualization blender, interior visualization course, interior visualization secrets in blender, how to, free, archviz, 3d, cgi, blender architecture, blender architecture tutorial, blender modeling tutorial, blender interior modeling, blender walls, blender floor plan
Id: 5_ykhyglY4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 30sec (1530 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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