Blender Archviz Tutorial: Stair Details Modeling | 3D Interior Visualization Course: Part 13 |

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after watching this video tutorial you will know how i've modeled the staircase details in blender together with wooden panels using just the very basic 3d shapes matched 3d camera and photo references leave your questions and comments on my techniques under the video so we can all learn from each other and remember that this video is part of my interior visualization course in blender which is available for free on my channel you can find a complete playlist with other parts link in the description field and if you want to access all of the course project files that i've created and support what i do i share more information on that at the end of the video anyway my name is lekh and welcome to my interior visualization course in blender [Music] hi everyone in this video we will focus on detailing the staircase and we are going to be adding those wooden panels you can see here including those very small and potentially insignificant details like the cracks or those visible edges we have here on the surfaces but these details are what i already mentioned when modeling the windows so there might not be noticeable on the first glance when you're looking at the visualization but these kind of details are clearly perceptible if they are not present in the scene so you will think there there is something unnatural happening if we would only have this huge wooden uh surface here on top so we will have to add all those little details like this which aren't technically hard but they take just a little bit of time and what's pretty hard at least theoretically around the staircase is as you can see we have everything on the same surface so those wooden panels are exactly on the same level as the ceiling meaning there has to be some extrusion made here at the ceiling so we can place those elements and keep them on the same level um it sounds quite complicated when i'm explaining it but yeah we will just jump into it and you will see what i mean i will start by hiding most of the geometry leaving just the ceiling uh window frame from the previous video and the wall on the left here so i press alt sorry shift h with all of the objects selected and as you can see we already have this line marked here so it matches this wooden surface more or less we now need to add one more line which is aligned to the wall here as you can see here in this reference the wooden surface ends on this wall so we're going to recreate here i'm going to enable the snap tool press g then x and now hold ctrl and point my cursor on this edge here so we have a perfect alignment and now this surface here has to be wooden and you might be tempted to simply extrude it upwards like this so we create a space for the wooden panels but the problem with this solution is the mesh we are going to have is not that correct as you can see we have this situation happening here where this vertex is not a part of of the geometry following here along that surface here uh we might need to and yeah obviously you can also see we have this uh face left over here so we would need to delete it then create new faces but again when i create a face here for example you can see it's again not connected to to this face correctly because we have uh something that's called double edge so you can see we have these two edges sharing the same position here which is confusing you just click this one this one and you don't know what's happening so to avoid that i'll just revert everything to avoid that i'm actually doing the opposite of what i just did here which will be selecting uh all of those faces moving them uh and extruding them downwards so we have this uh little space here already at its position let me just show you how it looks so i'm gonna only select the faces here perhaps this one from here as well i'm gonna go to the side view and switch to the increment snapping here now i'm pressing e key so i'm extruding downwards within the z axis just press z for that and now holding the control key i'm gonna do the precise um extrusion of let's say three centimeters or two centimeters like this so now you can see we have this uh area here perfectly well extruded in inwards and we did that by extruding outwards all of those faces outside of this region we are interested in so what we have to do right now since the ceiling and by ceiling i mean those faces the whole ceiling moved downwards by two centimeters just need to correct that so i'm switching to vertices selecting the whole surface like that and just moving it upwards again by two centimeters so that's why uh i was using this precise operation here so i know if i extruded those faces two centimeters down now i have to move everything two centimeters up so we are this way back to the original point of the positioning of the ceiling but we have this faces here extruded inwards and we can now work on adding the wooden panels to add the wooden panels since i already have those faces selected i will now duplicate them by pressing shift d cancel the operation by hitting escape and press p to separate these selected faces to a new object so now when i enter the object mode switch to wireframe you can see we have two separate geometry pieces so these are my uh wooden faces i will just create the new origin point and this is our ceiling object which will be uh which will have a white uh plaster color so i'm the the reason i wanted to separate those wooden panels is that we would still have to work on them adjust their geometry which will probably result in additional loop cuts here but we want to avoid that for just the ceiling itself it's better to keep those new loop cuts in a new object so we will work on it independently and have a cleaner mesh on the ceiling itself so let's now focus on adding all of those lines since we already have a camera matched you might be tempted to add the lines at the positions we see from the camera so one here i hope you can see it and another one here let's see how it goes so i'm just gonna press ctrl r and move my mouse cursor so it matches this line and another one somewhere here from this view the problem is we have uneven distances which i think when you look at the reference here it all looks uh quite even so we just need two very clear cuts here and one cut here so instead of doing that from the camera position i will simply press ctrl r and add two new loop cuts just from the perspective view same here and same here so you can even see they match the the wall layout more or less as it is here in the original picture um perhaps we can even move this wall a little bit uh to the front so it so it matches the newly created edges like that or maybe to the back sorry maybe i just pushed it too much yeah let's just keep it as it is and now we will have to separate the panels so they had they are actual independent wooden elements as you can see here in the reference let's do it right now so from the camera top view i'm gonna select first these three panels and press y key and what the y key does it makes them separate from all the other mesh objects but it still keeps them in a single object so it's similar to separate but we don't exit the edit mode and we don't have those selections uh saved as new objects so we need one we have already one two three panels independent let's hide them now let's hit y on these two and hide them again and yeah you can see we already have everything else uh separated oh no sorry so we still need to press y on these two now let's press alt h to unhide everything and now we can work now we already have each face as an independent piece of mesh which can be scaled and edited without influencing the the neighbors what i'm going to do now will be selecting all of the faces and switching the pivot points to individual origins and now when i press s key you can see all of the faces scale individually so i'm going to limit the scale operation to x axis right now and with my shaky pressed i'm just going to roughly scale them so we have those uh spaces here now i'm gonna do the same but when the within the y-axis like this so we have again a new openings i'm gonna switch back to the camera view right now just to see how it looks we will still adjust those in a few next steps so let's just keep it as it is now i'm gonna switch to the face or vertex mode and yeah and it's all set up here so i'm gonna extrude those faces and with my control uh sorry extrude limit my extrusion to z axis and now hold my ctrl key so we have two centimeter panels again so now we also know they are at the same level as the ceiling or not yeah i think they are or if not uh since we have them as independent objects we can easily adjust all that i think we have to move it up a little bit let's maybe do it like this yeah and now you can see our panels are almost done let's just add a new shader called wood main maybe and change the viewport display to something that looks like wood maybe like this let's now unhide everything and still we need to hide the floor plans we still need to improve the scene management just a little bit but it's going to happen in a few next steps um yeah i would say this looks pretty good we will still adjust the the size of those cracks and openings um during the rendering stage i think because it's it's hard to determine at this point how it's going to look in the actual rendering but it's not going to be really a big problem you can select all of the because we have a very simple mesh as you can see it's basically a scaled cubes here and there so we can always select the vertices use the scale operation tool sorry i don't know why it's not working right now sorry actually i know why the scare the scale wasn't working we just need to switch obviously from the individual origins to median point let's say because blender was trying to scale individual phase in x-axis which obviously results in zero operation so as you can see we can adjust those cracks and openings later and now we will move to working on the other elements of our staircase which will be the handrail let me just see how it goes yeah which will be the handrail this glass element here and the steps it's not going to be that hard so let's just jump into it as soon as possible i will start modeling the remaining parts of the staircase by extending those wooden elements created in the previous step upwards as you can see here in this reference for example so we can see the divisions we have on those vertical panels they follow what we have created in the previous step here and here and so on so i will now you will now have the increased video speed where i'll just model it but remember our online player allows you to slow down the video to any rate so you can see the steps in slower speed in case you need to so um um so as you can see the wooden panels are now done and i will just very quickly adjust the handrail and move it a little bit to the side so it matches this cut we created here as it is in the reference as well and i will maybe adjust the model's uh look in this area a little bit and make it like that so it matches the reference a little bit more yeah i think maybe maybe actually it could be like this and the stairs itself i think we can use this view to align them just just a little bit more to the right like that and let's apply the wooden shader to this object so it looks a little bit better in the viewport okay and now we are just left with this glass element and perhaps the sphere as we can see here so they look just a little bit better as for the glass element um you can see it in one of the references like this one and it seems to be having one of the cuts going straight from this point here where it touches the handrail and the second one somewhere in the middle of this entire section so let's do it quite similar in our example i will first select those vertices here and match them a little bit more to what we have actually i can move this model to this area just a little bit it's obviously a bit too thick at this point but i will fix that in a second now now i will select those vertices and move them here select everything scale within the y-axis so it's an actual gloss move it just a bit like this now i will create a loop cut and straighten it up using the scale operation tool so as within the x-axis 2 with zero value and right now instead of merging those vertices and having a triangle here i will just move them very very close just so we have this little face here making this surface still a quad so one two one two three four vertices um i prefer doing it this way because if we had the triangle here the newly created loop cut would be uh bent like the previous one just like something like this so you can see right now since i have this little face left here when i add a new loop cut in this area it's now perfectly straight and this will also help me dividing the object into the actual glass panel so let's do it right now and to divide this element to the actual glass panel i will simply select those four faces and press y key as we did with the wooden panels here and since i have this as an independent mesh element i will just scale it within the x axis very very slightly just like that i will now hide everything except of my selection switch to the edge mode and just create a faces here and i will do the same with the remaining elements so here and here you need to remember the glass objects need to have a full volume they they can't have those open faces because then cycles tends to render them incorrectly so yeah that would be it for this glass element and let's now move to the ones we have here as you can see in this reference which will be also pretty quick so i will just speed up this part of the video and get back to you very very soon step by step we are getting close to the end of this video you could have noticed that i've created those glass panels based on the upper faces of this wooden element we have here and i did that simply because well i could avoid creating those uh dividers here manually since we already had them created here the only thing i had to adjust within the glass element was a corner situation here where i had to add a few few new faces on this element and the corner situation here which was pretty straightforward yeah so what we have left is just the cellar stairs which we just have to cover with wooden panels same with this edge here let's see the references as you can see we have some wood here uh also some wood following this direction and just a plain plaster material on this side so i will again speed up this part of the video so you can watch it uh a little bit faster you can always uh play it a little bit slower if you want and then we will move to the kitchen modeling so see you in the next video and have a good time watching me working [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you guys for watching as you can see our 3d scene gets closer to its final look and in the upcoming videos we will focus on finalizing the kitchen if you want to get access to all of the project files that we've created so far and support what i do plus get access to the complete blender interior 3d scenes and over 2 000 blender exclusive 3d models check out the choco for store and learn more about our subscription plans because these truly are the best you can get right now if you're seriously considering getting better at blender thank you guys for watching and i see you in another video bye bye
Channel: chocofur
Views: 1,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender 3d, blender guru, cg geek, tutorial, blender tutorial, blender interior, blender interior beginner, how to make, architecture, visualization, interior design, interior visualization, 3d interior visualization, interior visualization blender, interior visualization course, interior visualization secrets in blender, how to, free, archviz, 3d, cgi, blender architecture, blender architecture tutorial, blender modeling tutorial, blender interior modeling, blender stairs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 55sec (1675 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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