Blender Archviz Tutorial: Modeling Appliances | 3D Interior Visualization Course: Part 16 |

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after watching this video tutorial you will know how i create kitchen accessories and appliances in blender from just the very basic 3d geometry some pre-made assets and photo references this video is part of my interior visualization course in blender which is available for free on my channel you can find a complete playlist with other parts link in the description field and if you want to access all of the course project files that i've created and support what i do i share more information on that at the end of the video anyway my name is like in any other video and welcome to my interior visualization course in blender [Music] hi everyone and welcome to the third video on the kitchen modeling for our interior visualization course in blender in this video we're gonna add all of the final details we are still missing in our kitchen and that will be the accessories like the oven fridge and grill here also the cooking panel so i'm gonna just start very quickly with it by deleting the faces we have here on the right so we have a space for our kitchen utilities and i'm also gonna delete the faces we have already created the loop cuts in the previous video so let's create an opening for the cooking panel i'm just very quickly creating new faces here on the edge let's unhide everything and yeah i would say we can start adding our models which are also linked under the video you can download them for free since you watch the course and you own them right now so let's just start adding the models right now i will start by adding the cooking panel which is the choco for cooking number 10 model as with the other assets i'm just dragging them and dropping in the scene adding all of the models here since i don't know right now which one we are going to use and yeah i would select this model so let's delete the remaining ones and just very very quickly move it to the location like this um you might think we don't need to cut an opening for an object like that but it's i would still advise doing so because some of those models have parts of them like those uh i don't know heating spirals i don't know if i can use this uh word for that but they are always put just a little bit under the surface so if you don't cut the opening the nice um color emission that come from those objects won't be visible so as you can see what i'm struggling with right now is adjusting the shape to the opening um i think i will just scale the model down a little bit like this and in the edit mode just increase the sizes of those side elements here because when i just simply scale them you can see these parts are getting deformed so let's go to the edit mode blender slowed down just a little bit for some reason and now i'm just gonna left click press the left uh sorry left keyboard button hovering over this element to simply select it i will hide everything else select these vertices here and just drag them so they match the opening and now when i exit the edit mode you can see we have those uh aligned pretty nicely i maybe would move those elements to the sides as well so let's try doing this um i'm just gonna box select those or maybe let's let's hide this object first and now move these with the top view i'm gonna do an incremental movement so let's say yeah 0.05 to the left and with these 0.05 to the right i think it looks a little bit more proportional right now let's maybe move these elements downwards a bit and it should be fine somewhere something like that maybe okay so i think that would be it for this model perhaps um i know um this is these are just the details but maybe let's move these a little bit from the upper edge so it all looks proportional and nice i would say that's it for the cooking panel here let's now focus on the grill to create a grill i'm gonna combine two models so the first one i'm gonna add will be the cooking uh accessory number nine so let's move it to the scene and you can see this model doesn't look exactly like a grill but i'm gonna change its shaders so we have the front covered the whole front of the model will be metal surface and the upper surfaces will be created from a separate model from the actual outdoor grill let me just scale it down and align to the surfaces like that i think it's pretty pretty nice and yeah let's now import another model you before we add it we could at this point um perhaps adjust the surface a little bit reduce the geometry which will be not visible but i'm gonna skip that point i just want you to be aware because we are gonna put a cover on top of this cooking panel here so all of those details won't be visible uh in the rendering and in case you have a lower memory capacity on your graphics card that could be helpful in case you're running out of memory when rendering yeah but any case let's now import a second model and that second model will be an outdoor 39 so it looks like an actual grill and this model consists two elements so what what we are looking for is simply this upper part here so let me delete this one instantly and now in the edit mode uh i could do this both ways maybe just selecting everything from the side view and now holding my control key and pressing numpad plus i'm just maxing out the selection so i know all of the vertices from the upper part are now selected yeah so i just press p separate selection delete this bottom part i'm gonna move the origin here so it's so the gizmo stays at a correct location and just very freely move this piece around like that scale it up move it a little bit to the front and i i would say that looks pretty pretty convincing especially this model will be placed outside of the window so it's it's going to be a secondary detail the one in the reference looks a little bit different to be honest let's hide our models and see what we can what we have in the original image so yeah as you can see we still need to adjust the panels and and the upper element so it's or more metallic but we will do it in this in the next chapter uh working on the shaders and let's now move to those two or three remaining models and the assets i'm gonna use right now will be chuck for cooking accessories seven and fourteen but let me start with the second one and it's gonna be a microwave 3d model i'm gonna place it upwards just as in the reference you have probably noticed that the models i'm using are not necessarily looking exactly the same as what we have in the references but i think as long as the result you're aiming for looks nice and realistic and natural i think it's it's good in in real projects you might be asked by your client or by a customer to use as very specific models for those kind of details and then unfortunately you have to make them yourselves but we will also cover uh asset modeling for interior visualization later in another module of the course which will be focusing on asset modeling only so you can see i'm very slowly aligning this model to the opening we have created i think it looks fine like this let's now add another model and it's gonna be model number seven so again there are multiple objects in that file i'm gonna delete these two and just keep the last one let's rotate it and move upward obviously the biggest challenge will be a fridge and i'm talking about challenge because honestly we don't have any choco for model that looks like the fridge on the right so as for now it was rather easy job to align these assets and you can see it all looks pretty pretty good i think we will check that out when setting up the rendering um yeah i would say it's pretty pretty decent result when we compare it to the reference and now the fridge we will have to model it ourself but again as long as you're not forced to recreate the model exactly as it is in the reference or in the technical documentation uh we will just improvise so to save us a little bit of time i'm just going to create the main uh doors of the fridge the upper element i'm gonna borrow from uh from the oven here same as with the handle which i'm gonna take maybe from that model as well or maybe from from a different model we will see during the process so yeah let's now start working on the fridge we start working on the fridge by surprise surprise creating a cube now i'm gonna move it towards the model place it around the opening and scale down now scale within the y-axis and i know theoretically i should do it all in the edit mode because right now we're gonna have incorrect scale of the model but i can also zero the scale later and as long as i'm not doing any any advanced operations with the model itself any using any modifiers uh the uneven scale won't be that much of an issue um but yeah let's now enter the edit mode move this face just a little bit so it fits the opening better and [Music] from our camera here let's add a loop cut like this so we know the positions of the doors we duplicate them separate from each other so you you know the drill already now we scale them a little bit as individual faces sorry for that just like this maybe a little bit in the z-axis as well let's now extrude them and this should already give us a base for the rest of the model let's move them back to the surface here check with the camera now we have to lower it down so we have this upper element visible better yep to this level here maybe we can also lower the entire fridge element just a bit and improve the shelves here yeah i think it's better this way um i can see we also need to fix this little crack here later but let's leave it as this um yeah and the upper part of the fridge we can see here i'm just gonna borrow from the oven on the left so let me select it and i'm just checking the geometry yeah let me separate these parts only maybe i duplicate them first now we have a separate duplicate available here let's move the origin to the middle point of that element you can see i'm quickly moving it around to the position obviously the handle is not necessary but i will just keep it just for a few more seconds and i will also use it as a handle for the fridge in general so let's just separate it from the model use an origin new origin point move it downwards and now by the way this model is a little bit too dark and since we are gonna set up the materials later i'm just gonna delete all of the shaders in that model so let's just keep it more simple as the fridge i would also scale it in the y-axis just a bit so detail is more visible and yeah now with the vertex mode i'm just moving those parts to the edges and this way we saved ourselves a little bit of time uh we don't we didn't have to model it from from the scratch and i think you won't be even able to notice that this part of the model comes uh from the oven that's outside of our scene i'm pretty sure with a different shader that won't be visible on the first glance so let's now focus on adjusting the uh the handle here so rotate it in the y-axis also removing all of the shaders switching back to the camera let's scale it up a little bit too much even because i want those those details we have here to be to be more visible that's why i'm scaling this model up like that and now i can just move move it upwards like this so it's not that huge or maybe it's even too big so let's do it like this and since we don't know how far the bottom part of the handle goes let's switch to another camera right now i'm gonna hide those models so they don't obscure the view that much for us blender is just a little bit too slow but yeah let's so you can see this element goes more or less to that to that level here and we would also need to add a little bit of those details together with this metal skirting here let me just finish with the handles i think we can put them like this so i will also duplicate it to the left okay let's let's use another camera to check check out how it looks i think it's pretty nice i would perhaps increase the upper element just a little bit so it has better proportions so let's switch to the side view select those vertices and move them well somewhere here so we need to adjust the door height just like this and i'm leaving this little opening here for those uh corner details i mentioned just a second ago let's move the handles just a little bit down and yeah i think i think it looks pretty pretty good with shaders i'm pretty sure it's going to look nice so let's now focus on those very very last small details so since they are these are very very small and literally not even secondary details but third or fourth uh importance details i'm i really don't want to waste that much time on creating them but again it's similar as with the windows so if these details are not present in the scene you will kind of get a feeling that something's not right so we have to do them we'll use some clever method to create them and that's why i'm just going to extend this bottom part of the fridge a little bit this edge loop here doesn't help us at all so i'm gonna remove it i think i need to hide the yeah the doors first so let's remove this end loop let's now move this part down just a little bit so it goes below the shelves and i'm gonna create guess what what can i be creating yeah it's going to be another cube which i just very quickly scale down like that um let me move it somewhere here and create something like this i think it's fine now let's duplicate it to another side it's also fine i think and now we can focus our cursor here again and add a very simple which cylinder obviously too too big i will delete the upper faces because we don't need them and in case we want to apply a smooth shading it looks well much better than with the upper and bottom faces uh present in the model so let's now scale it just a little bit like this and yeah in that very simplistic way we have a detail that's maybe not a hundred percent realistic but it adds this additional level of you know depth to the model so when you look around the scene those little elements will be will be there you might be not noticing them um but subconsciously somehow you know that the model looks right because well logically these are the things that make those doors open and yeah in the end these are very very small touches but i think we always need to put them around the scene same as with those uh you know openings here with the shelves uh same as with some other details let's say this little line you can see here this is something that only appears when you do the geometry right in 3d but we are going to discuss it more in the next chapter when setting up the rendering illumination and materials so i would say that's it for the 3d modeling let's just switch to the second camera and see how it looks all together with the rest of the scene so when i unhide everything right now um you can see the scene is all of the sudden becoming quite busy we have many elements we always need to hide you can see we also need to move the entire kitchen model a little bit to the right so it looks better here and now i need to hand select every single piece of geometry we have created and i'm not always sure if i'm doing the selection right so that all means at this point it will be really nice to reorganize our scene and make it uh and group the elements a little bit better and the [Music] outliner available in blender 2.80 uh allows us doing this much much better than in blender 2.79 so you can see i selected the wall by mistake uh let me now switch back to the camera and as i said move everything a little bit to the right so the shelves are more proportional here and right now it's everything is just a little bit out of the original placement in the reference but i don't think we should really bother much about that it looks good in the 3d reality it looks well i think the models have a nice proportions they don't look unnatural or anything like that and yeah i would say that's it for hand modeling part of the course we will now focus on reorganizing the scene just a little bit and the next step will be adding the assets replacing those placeholders uh with real actual models and yeah adding much much more of them much many more of them so uh thanks for watching let's move to reorganizing the things around the scene right now and see you in the next video thank you guys for watching and sticking through all this long modeling part of the course i promise from now on it will get much more interesting if you enjoy the video and if you'd like to support what i do get access to all of the project files together with all of the interior scenes that we have created together with over 2 000 blender exclusive 3d models check out the choco fruit store and learn more about our subscription plans because these truly are the best money can get you if you want to get better at blender thanks again for sticking together with me through this course and i see you in the new video where we manage the scene add some more assets and then continue to illumination enough talking bye
Channel: chocofur
Views: 1,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender 3d, blender guru, cg geek, tutorial, blender tutorial, blender interior, how to make, architecture, visualization, interior design, interior visualization, 3d interior visualization, interior visualization blender, interior visualization course, interior visualization secrets in blender, how to, free, archviz, 3d, cgi, blender architecture, blender architecture tutorial, blender modeling tutorial, blender interior modeling, blender kitchen modeling, blender kitchen
Id: _-MaP0ZoTUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 0sec (1680 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 02 2021
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