Blender Archviz Tutorial: Glossy Material | 3D Interior Visualization Course: Part 34 |

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we'll begin working on the glossy materials by simplifying things so when we look at the reference you can see the black shaders we have at the windows dining table in the chairs here is i think the most dominant color so it's going to be the first one we'll go with and then we will move to this nice white areas here as well as here in the kitchen and under those bar stools so you can see the same pattern we are going from the biggest details to the smallest which will be those little handles here for example the metallic shaders around the appliances and yeah perhaps something else the handles here and so on let's just begin i will create a new black glossy shader for our table so i'm gonna delete the diffuse default choco for shader and create glossy black material i'm gonna change the viewport display to something darker but not too dark like this because it doesn't it sometimes when you have to edit objects like that and you have very dark look like this you don't see edges or anything so it's not helpful anyways let's just keep it like this create a region around this area switch to rendered view and let's now start setting up the material i'm gonna go with color first so let's set it up to 0.75 which is i would say max if you want to have dark object let's reduce the roughness actually let's check the reference first so i see the roughness here is pretty much diffused let's keep it at point four maybe and to be honest with you that that might be it you can see the sun shining through the glass but if we increase the specular i think it becomes too reflective so maybe 0.75 will be enough let's now apply the same shader to the chairs so we have two materials here a metallic and this very glossy black ones i'm again i'm gonna remove both of them create a new material slot and just type black here to find my shader let's switch back to the camera view and see how it looks i think it's fine to be honest perhaps we can change the roughness just a little bit to make the reflections more diffused and as you remember from the modeling stage we already had another black material created around our window frame so let's call it window black [Music] let's see the settings here we could reduce the roughness just a little bit i'm doing this out of my head because when we look at the references i think those elements have just a little bit more reflectivity than the table and and chairs so let's see how it looks so as a default material it's not bad but again i would suggest increasing the spectacularity just a little bit and we will now have to apply the same shader to the window frames so let's try selecting one of the window objects we had i think it's hard and if we enter the edit mode let's see what kind of shader divisions we have here so this is the material that's giving us this little bit of metallic touch within the window like here so i would keep it untouched just so we have this extra level of detail within the object but this black shader is a rubber element we can actually keep it as well so we are going to change this mainframe shader only the one we have here as the first one is the glass shader we are not using any longer we can simply remove it and replace the first shader with the window black so now we have to do this to every single element around our scene i'm gonna be back to you once it's done and the windows are all done now let's just do a quick preview to see how they look like and yeah i think we are getting much closer to the actual look we were aiming at from the very beginning one thing i want to mention at this point is you don't have to set up materials only after you know those many steps we have already taken you could easily have done some very basic rough materials earlier to help you for example make a composition better or put your camera around the scene easier the course that i'm doing the steps that i'm showing you is the general process where i don't want to mix too many topics at the same time so that's why we were focusing on modeling now we are setting up the materials but again you could mix those steps when working on your own projects so for example you could have changed the window look already after adding them to the scene you could you could have changed this material this material much earlier let's now move to setting up this white uh counter here and the bar stools we have just next to it oh wow we are back to this camera again let's just do a quick preview right now before we added the glossy white materials and you can see we have this funny situation happening around this area and the reason for that we have our grill shrinked is because we didn't set up the gloss glass ior21 so you can see now in a practical example why do i think having this setting disabled for the glasses is recommended but anyway let's get back to setting up the white glossy shaders i'm just hiding the furnishings and from this perspective i really like the white material we have here around the bar stool so let's see which shader that is okay and it's selected by default i'm gonna rename it to [Music] glossy white and simply apply the same material to the counter we have here after i've done that let me switch back to this camera again and render this region here so you can see the shader looks actually very close to what we have here in the reference perhaps is a little bit too reflective at this angle so let's let's fix that i don't want to change the way shader looks on the bar stools already so i'm gonna click this icon here to make it local and aligned to this object only let's call it glossy white table zero one and i'm gonna reduce the roughness of that material 2.3 maybe so when we look at the reference we can see this area is way less glossy than the upper one so now we have this nice look here but we have lost our will nice reflective surface at top so let's add another material slot find our previous material which is glossy white now i'm going to enter the edit mode and by pointing my mouse cursor over the counter i'm going to press l key and now assign the glossy white shader to the selection so you can see we now have a very very nice counter created the other materials sorry the other objects that will bear the same material will be the kitchen details here so i can simply select our kitchen element just double checking in the wireframe view and replace this material by glossy white shader so as you can see for the main glossy elements and materials there wasn't really that much setup the shaders themselves are very easy in my opinion we can simply use principal bsdf shader as here and here and simply control the look within our scene with the specular and roughness sliders so i would end this video here perhaps just as a final touch i will increase the glossy white specularity to 0.75 and in the next video for this step we will just set up the very little little details like the handles and simplify the lamps here just a bit so thanks for watching see you in the next video i begin my work on those final little materials starting with the contour elements so we can see those little handles here they have the default white material and in our references we can see this metallic shader so i'm going to cover the metallic shaders separately but let's do one as a warm up right now let's call it metal base zero one perhaps we're gonna have more of these and the base setup for metallic shader it's quite simple we just increase the metallic value here reduce the roughness to let's say 0.2 leave the specular as default but what i suggest doing is changing the viewport color just so we know those elements have a different shader applied so i'm gonna point my mouse cursor over them and press l to link select and i'm gonna assign a new shader so you can see it's already visible let's maybe hide everything just for a better preview i'm gonna do the same here as well and that's basically it to be honest now we're gonna have to do exactly the same thing around this model so i'm gonna speed that up with those tiny little details set up i'm gonna now move to fine-tuning these lamps because they don't look exactly as in the reference but it's gonna be a quick process and you have also noticed probably i've added this little touch here we've missed during the modeling process so let's now get into the lamps this time the simplification process will be quite drastic we're gonna remove almost everything let's use one of our glossy black shaders maybe this one except not the one from the windows and i'm gonna enter the edit mode switch to the wireframe and select the cable the main well attachment elements and apply the black shader to them let's remove those shaders now and see what we have left this shader here is a glass so we're gonna leave it this is the metal shader and this is the emission shader so i'm gonna select this emission shader we are not gonna emit any light from this element and i'm gonna apply this metallic shader to it so now everything here is metal i'm gonna remove this blank material and we are gonna have nicely set up lamps um let's maybe fine tune their geometry just a little bit i'm gonna focus my camera from the side view switch to the vertices and just shrink this entire element a little bit just like this and i would also adjust the cable a little bit because we can see in the reference it has a little bit of noise in its shape it's not perfectly straight as in our example and to randomize a shape like this there is a small trick you could use let's switch to the edge selection mode go to the wireframe select just these edges so remember not to select the bottom ones we're gonna right click and choose subdivision tool go to the 10 cuts and now with the fractal slider here you can see we are able to add this kind of random noise to the object point zero seven it's way too high so let's try point zero two i think it's maybe not enough let's try 35 i think that's too much so i i guess if we if we just keep it at three and then the subdivision modifier kicks in um i think it it's gonna look pretty nice yeah so you can see we have this thickness differentiation it looks like a little bit as here in the reference a small touch again this kind of details that i mentioned that if there are in the scene you probably never noticed them but if that line was completely straight in the rendering you would feel there is something artificial happening so i would say as for the glossy shaders as for the general setup of those kind of shaders we are basically at home i don't know if i can say that sorry that my english is not perfect um yeah still i would set up the bulbs the bulb material here so let's very quickly do that um it's this yellowy choco for glass basic shader so let's check our reference very quickly here we can see yeah the glass is basically almost fully transparent so we just need to change the saturation of the shadow here and the main color as well if we just make them completely white then everything is solved again let's just keep the ior value at 1 so we have no distortion within those elements let's maybe go a little bit lower with the color so maybe again 0.95 yeah i think it looks good the the reason of setting it up below purely white is you can see here the bulb is barely visible so it might not look good in the rendering that's why i just for the safety reasons let's say keep it below the perfectly white color so this is our setup let's now move to the metallic shaders at last and then we are gonna fine tune everything and get ready for the real rendering stuff so thank you for watching again and see you in the metallic shader section thank you guys for watching this video is part of my interior visualization course in blender which you can watch for free on youtube all the necessary details and link to the full playlist can be found in the video description if you want to support what i do and access all of the 3d files used in this course plus blender ready interior setups and over 2 000 blender exclusive 3d models just visit the choco for store and learn more about our subscription plans again thanks for watching and i see you soon
Channel: chocofur
Views: 583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender 3d, blender guru, cg geek, tutorial, blender tutorial, blender interior, blender interior beginner, blender architecture, blender architecture tutorial, how to make, architecture, visualization, interior design, interior visualization, 3d interior visualization, interior visualization blender, interior visualization course, interior visualization secrets in blender, how to, free, archviz, 3d, cgi, blender materials, blender glossy material, blender glossy shader
Id: LgVb9sT-06g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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