6 Most BASIC Blender MATERIALS (Eevee and Cycles Tutorial)

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hi everyone and happy 2020 it's been a while since I posted anything on my youtube channel but now I'm back from the holidays and I can't wait to share some more blender stuff with you today I wanted to show how to create 6 most basic blender materials that can be used in your projects if you're new to blender and you don't know how the materials work be sure to check out this video where I explain all of the basics and now without the further ado let's just jump into it I have created this simple scene so we have a better preview on how the materials look like please remember you can download it totally for free from the truck offers store a link is provided in the video description but now I'm gonna enter the rendered view so we can have some shadows and on my machine unfortunately Eevee rendering engine does this strange flickering so I will just disable the soft shadows for now from the settings here and let's move on to creating the first material which will be just a glossy shader I'm selecting this chair here going to the material step and I'm gonna hit a new button here so you can see we have this node setup and all of the settings down below I prefer using the nodes here so the first thing you want to do or you might want to do will be changing the color of your material and we do it using this field here I'm just gonna pick this shade of orange and the other setting you would like to play with is the roughness slider here if I go down with it you can see we are instantly getting sharper reflections on the object and if I go higher the surface becomes matte so that's essentially the very first material the one you will probably use the most it's just a glossy shader where you adjust the color and the roughness of the reflection it's second material I would like to show you is just a basic metal material and we're going to use this table for it I'm gonna click new here but before we present the metal it's important to enable the screen space reflections here so our shader gets more of those environmental reflections as you can see already on the chair if I disable this option we are just getting those highlights visible so with our table selected I have created a new material and to create the most basic metallic shader we just increase this metallic slider to maximum and we play around with the color so if we go lower with the value here you can see we get somewhat metallic look the roughness slider again is very important so if we go down with it you can see our metal surface becomes more reflective actually it is the reflections are constant since we define them using the metallic slider but if we decrease the roughness you can see the environment reflected here what I like to do with my metallic surfaces is adding a little bit of the bluish color tint to the material so if we use this dot here and move it somewhere around towards this area you can see the surface becomes blue but that's a little bit too much in my opinion so the saturation slider here allows us reducing this effect I'm usually keeping the value of point zero five so we still have a gray surface but it has this little metallic tint visible in it third material will be just the plain mirror II surface and I'm gonna use this plane here the process is basically as with the metallic material so we increase the metallic value to maximum but we reduce the roughness to minimum and this way you can see our environment is reflected this huge white blob here is our light source if I decrease its radius you will see it's also getting smaller in the reflections and yeah so mirror is actually pretty easy to create what I also like doing with the mirrors is keeping the color not as a perfect white meaning we have value of one here but just decreasing it let's eight point nine or point eight as in reality reflections in the mirrors are always a little bit darker than the actual environment and it's also important to have the screen space reflections enabled here in order to see the reflections in the mirror if we use cycles rendering engine all this happens by default but with the Eva rendering engine we have to use those little hacks here now the fourth material will be just a very basic gloss and to create it we can do it both ways just by creating the basic principle psdf shader and playing around with the transmission settings here if we go up with them and reduce the roughness here we kind of get a glass material but as you can see we have no transparency visible and again if we use just the cycles rendering engine all of this already works but with evey we have to use a little trick so we go to the screen space reflections here and we make sure the refraction is checked here now we go back to the material settings and just under the settings here we have to enable the screen space refraction and translucency as well just in case so now you can see we are getting a very nice-looking real-time glass we can also create glass material by using a special node that's dedicated for it so here within the node editor I'm gonna press shift a go to the shader and choose the principal sorry the glass psdf node here so if I just plug it in here you can see we basically get the same effect as setup in the principal psdf shader but it's working straight out of the box however you still have to check those boxes here within the material settings next in line is the translucent material and that's a type of a material that you can for example observe on plants it's a semi-transparent material meaning it still lets the light pass through with but we aren't able to see the colors and refracted objects as in the glass materials let me just show you how we can do it we start with the basic principle psdf shader so let's change this color to green so it looks like a plant a little bit I'm gonna make it a little bit darker and with the roughness just as with the normal glossy material we just added it normally and now what you have to do to enable the translucency as you can see when I'm placing my camera straight to the light source no light is passing through the leaves so to do to have this effect we have to create two more notes here I'm gonna add the add shader node and now I'm gonna go and choose the translucent psdf and as soon as I connect them you can see there is something happening with our object now it doesn't look realistic at all so let's adjust the colors here let's make it green and make it a little bit darker now you can see we have this very very nice effect so those areas which are facing directly to the light source are getting this very nice kind of even glow if I copy this light source and move it here you can see immediate translucency visible here so I think this is one of the most interesting materials you can actually create in even is rendering very quickly and you can very nicely enhance any blender scene if you applied to those fencers surfaces by the way if I go to the edit mode with this leaf you can see it works the best if we only have this one sided surface in blender which bears this material then it generates the best looking effects and finally last but not least will be the emission shader which can be used for example to create onions or light sources I'm gonna start with a plain scale it down and I'm just gonna create a very quick neon very ugly one but please don't judge me I'm just doing it on the fly so as you can see I'm just having those three vertices selecting the last one I will just extrude it a couple of times along the x and y axis let's just maybe move it down like this I'm not going to extrude everything pressing the e key towards the z-axis and now I'm gonna extrude it again and just press is key so we have something of a substance like that now I'm just gonna apply the subdivision surface modifier increase the viewport subdivisions and by right clicking select shade smooth so we have our knee and onion it's ugly please forgive me let's now create a new shader again and instead of using principled psdf I'm gonna delete it and I will press shift a select shader and choose the emission here so if I apply it you don't actually see anything happening we can increase the strength of the emission and it actually becomes visible in the reflections again if we use the cycles rendering engine this becomes visible out of the box if we increase the energy it actually emits the actual light and casts the actual shadows around the scene but in evey we have to use a hack again so a hack in this case will be enabling the bloom in fact here as soon as I do it you can see boom we have this very very very nice-looking nyan well kind of effect let's decrease the strength a little bit and what's really cool in Eevee is that we have those colored reflections visible in all of the surfaces in our scene to make this element cast some shadows around the scene we can simply select one of the light sources duplicate it and move it somewhere around let's maybe decrease the energy a little bit so it's not that strong let's use 5 and let's now use a color that's similar to what we have used on our emissive shader so I can now duplicate this point lamp move it around the scene change the color adjust the energy in this way we are actually able to very nicely fake this neon kind of effect which looks very very cool in my opinion so these are six most basic materials you can use in blender to quickly enhance any of the scenes you're working on so I really hope you enjoyed this quick tip video and you'll learn something new today please remember you can also visit the chakra store and download over free over over 100 free shaders which you can use for both your private and commercial projects that will be it for me today thanks everyone for watching and again have an amazing 2020 see you in another Chaco for video bye bye you
Channel: chocofur
Views: 30,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, tutorial, blender 2.8, material, blender materials 2.8, blender materials tutorial, blender tutorial, blender 2.8 tutorial, blender 3d, 3d, blender 2.81, eevee, b3d, blender material tutorial, blender 2.8 material, blender 2.8 materials, blender 2.8 shaders, chocofur, blender 2.8 material tutorial, blender eevee, 2.8, blender materials, blender 2.8 eevee, blender tutorial 2.8, cycles, blender 2.80, blender shaders, blender cycles, cg, 2.81, principled bsdf, bsdf, blender today
Id: CN9ggYpl9SU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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