Blender Tutorial: Final Scene Adjustments | Interior Course Part 37 |

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hi everyone and welcome to the final video of this chapter in this video we're gonna fine-tune this scene and i would suggest dividing the work into few steps the first one will be fine-tuning the camera because you might have noticed it shifted just a little bit from the original reference reference we had i hope you're gonna forgive me that so yeah we have to fix that once we do the camera work and find the perfect angle for our rendering i would suggest fine-tuning the illumination first then we will check the shaders if there are any changes just out of the box and what i would suggest doing with the fine tuning of the elements i will include before and after files for this scene so you can do your own direct comparison of what i have changed before we go to the chapter 5 of this course for setting up the rendering and everything and i will also include an image comparison under this video so you can simply see what have changed the changes will be probably quite small but yeah i would still suggest doing them and checking all of the details yourself because i want to save your time you know fine-tuning the materials right now just by moving those handles slightly everything will be described under the video so let's now move into setting up the camera properly the camera the reason i think it will be good to set it back to the correct location is we can this way we can see if we didn't lose any of the proportions of some of the elements we had in the scene because let's say this handrail seems to be quite large i would suggest checking double checking its size so yeah let's enable the location tool here so maybe we can do all of those things more precisely i will move the camera let's try using a little bit more defined values so we can save them for later maybes or you can you know note them down just in case um yeah actually actually this looks pretty good so it turned out we just had to move the camera a little bit upwards and just a little bit back from what i've just very very quickly did in the previous step let's just see the shift values if we have to change anything here what i'm aiming at is again this element here so it looks close to what we have in viewport let's see if we can move the camera a little bit back still and shift it to one of the directions but then we lose the the look here on the right at the fridge so let's look for some in between points like this i think it looks good right now let's just launch the region preview and compare the parts of our image to the reference so yeah as i mentioned when we were working on the glass material we would have to fix the lack of highlight within this area definitely because we can see it happening here and at first i was thinking about maybe working on the um area lamp that's behind the windows that should be kind of visible here but i think we could also solve this problem by using a little hack for the environment setup so let's now see how this hack works i've set up the shader editor for the world and you can see we still have some hdr leftovers from the previous videos so let's delete them keep things nice and tidy i'm gonna duplicate the background i'm gonna add a mix shader node and i'm gonna mix those two backgrounds together the strength for that one will be five so let's now see how it affects our scene and what you can see right now we get some highlights here but also the general brightness of the interior increased which is maybe not necessarily bad um let's maybe do that this way by increasing the main strength by two but why are we using this note here and it's very similar to what we were talking about when discussing the cycle settings for the objects we can use quite similar setup here in the node editor the difference between using those effects on the shader level con versus the object level i'm going to describe that in the advanced chapter covering the cycles shading system but let's now choose the light path node here focus on that and let's plug in the glossy ray here so what this setup does it's telling blender to use this highly this very bright background to affect the reflections the glossy reflections only if we go back here right now and do the render preview you can see if i decrease the strength to zero we are still getting some of the reflections here and if i increase this to 50 the reflections become very very bright the better way of previewing those effects is simply changing the colors so you can now see we have a normal um actually that light comes from the the area in sunlight so let's make it correct um if we change this color to green for example increasing its strength you can see we now have this green highlight where the light is actually landing within our interior and the magenta highlight within the reflections so we now know this node is affecting the reflections and this is a normal light let's get back to the normal settings right now and yeah let's use the strength of five to boost the glossy reflections within our scene so the the way the environment is working right now it shines the light of strength 2 into the interior but it gives strength of 5 to the glossy reflections so we now have this area fixed so with the camera and environment fine-tuned i still was able to catch a few minor bugs the one is present here on the right so you can see the texture alignment should be vertical and we have a horizontal setup here let's just fix it very quickly um i'm gonna set up an uv editor here switch to the face selection it's already there l click i call it i'll click i'm pressing l button to select this uv island this face and now it's all fixed let's see how it looks i think it's okay maybe we can scale up this uv map just a bit like that so it has more pattern visible the other little bug are those spot lamps which we completely omitted from the time since we added them to the scene so they still have a little bit of emission within them which i would suggest removing since we don't want to use the spot lamps in our scene so the emissive material is the first one i'm simply gonna disconnect it so we don't have any extra light sources that would uh disrupt cycles from rendering and focusing on the external light sources you might wonder what i'm talking about well that's going to be also covered in in the advanced part of the course where i'm going to talk about the multiple important samples in cycles what those setting does and how multiple lights affect your scene but now let's get back to fine-tuning the scene another issue i would fix is the scale of those pendant lamps i'm gonna focus the cursor around the main origin point here i'm gonna enter the edit mode unhide everything switch to the vertex mode now i'm gonna deselect yeah maybe let's not deselect first let's use 3d cursor and scale this object like this it's now quite big but you can see since it's instanced we get the change applied to all of the other copies um i will now yeah deselect those vertices and move my object slightly upwards so the reason i'm doing that the cable is divided we added this little noise to it so we can't just scale it we have to move it slowly element after element segment after segment but yeah i think i think it looks good now so let's move to fine-tuning the counter element as for the counter the obvious thing we have to fix is the width of the element i think we overshoot in this direction just a little bit but since we have an external assets here let's grab all those vertices from that side and simply move them roughly this far i would say that's going to do the trick now i'm going to select those elements in the object mode and simply move everything to the site so we match the dimension and i also think we could push the counter just a little bit forward like that it should do the trick another issue we have with the counter is this bottom edge so if we render it you can see the counter is actually synced into the surface i don't want to move it upwards so let me enter the edit mode again let me switch to the side view grab those vertices here and simply move them upwards so now i wanna have similar thing as with our wooden panels at the ceiling i just want to make this a little edge here visible so i'm going to move those selected faces just above the uh floor level maybe slightly higher so now you can see we have this very nice shadow appearing here and it looks simply looks more realistic that's the fact the other fact is we need to see how our scene looks like with the environment so let's check that out right now well first thing you can see it takes a little bit more time to load our scene that was the reason i was not keeping the environment collection in the previous videos i just included it right now what's really interesting the reflections we have here at the counter they look very closely to what we have in the reference so if we just cross sect the like compare the rendering region with the actual photo it's quite hard to distinguish what's what what i think it's a good good point and good side of our rendering um the problem that i'm seeing actually is by adding the environment we are losing a lot of shadows here and that's because well the sun which has a very sharp angle here has to go through the buildings and that's why it's well we are losing its look so in order to fix that we need to select the buildings and see what happens if we simply move them downwards so let's do it right now i'm gonna go to the side view here and simply move them just a little bit in the reference we can see the roof line is actually somewhere around this area so as soon as i do that you can see we are receiving some of the shadows and light back but still it's not as good as without the environment at all you can see yeah it's way brighter right now so one of the things i would suggest doing is again using the object cycles settings and disabling some of the objects from let's say casting the shadows so what i think is causing a lot of problem is this little building in the side because we already have some light here so let me disable the shadows for that object i also disable the diffuse maybe yeah i'm gonna hide it and i'm also gonna apply those the same settings to this part of the geometry and to those windows as well let me unhide it let's wait until it all reloads in the viewport but you can see we already have an improvement here so yeah that's one of the steps we actually had to take in order to make sure the scene looks as it should i'm gonna work on these buildings off camera later so you're gonna see the effects in a direct comparison under the video but a few more details we still have to address one of them is this edge here we don't want those highlights to be visible in order to disable them we have to go to the back side of our interior where we had those two huge window openings well blender obviously doesn't want to collaborate with us right now but here you go okay so these are the light sources causing this highlight here i think let me just simply remove the shader from this window and see if it changes anything oh well that does the trick it looks like so we already have that fixed um a few other details i would work on and i will work on uh is this wall shader here you can see it's way too bright so we would have to simply apply a new shader um to this area only because we don't want to influence our ceiling material which is already set up so i'm going to create a copy of this material make it darker apply it to the exterior elements so it looks as in the reference here we can see we have the same kind of color what we can still work on here is this glass shader because you can see we have way too much reflection if we compare it to the reference by the way the reference itself i think it's highly post-processed because if we look here you can see the stairs look kind of made of concrete here they are clearly wooden so in our case we keep the wooden material but let's just fine tune the glass right now so i'm gonna go to the shader settings and instead of playing with the rgb curve which we already set up for the reflections as you remember we can create a math node and use a multiply input in order to control the effect so if we multiply what we have set up here by 0.5 that means we're going to reduce that effect by 50 percent we're gonna multiply it by point two other in other words we are just going to have 20 of that effect if we gonna set up let's say value of two we gonna multiply the effect by two so we can very easily reduce the effect of reflectivity by 50 by 80 so i would say actually having just a quarter of the reflection amount we had set up by default will look the best here um yeah to be honest with you i would say on the first glance that would be it here the wooden shader i think we could still work a little bit on the reflectivity within those areas here especially if we compare it to the reference um let me see if we can do this right now so the the most basic setting let's see if we increase the roughness if it changes anything it doesn't really change it to be honest let's increase the specular still no effect same here i think we have lost all of those reflections mainly because of the environment so if we switch off the trees for example yeah i think we are getting some of them some of the reflections back let's switch off the outdoor elements and the buildings obviously i think they are causing the most problems here so yeah i'm gonna find you in the environment off camera so we can compare the effects um directly image on image and yeah i think i would like to thank you for sticking out with me throughout this entire chapter we are gonna now move to setting up the rendering it's gonna be i think quicker chapter because we are not gonna dig into the render settings that much that's going to be done in the advanced chapter but i also want to show you my tips and tricks on the post processing of the images so thank you for watching again and see you in the next chapter thank you guys for watching this video is part of my interior visualization course in blender which you can watch for free on youtube all the necessary details and link to the full playlist can be found in the video description if you want to support what i do and access all of the 3d files used in this course plus blender ready interior setups and over 2 000 blender exclusive 3d models just visit the choco for store and learn more about our subscription plans again thanks for watching and i see you soon
Channel: chocofur
Views: 558
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Id: sHqjkMCwFzM
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Length: 21min 31sec (1291 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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