Blender Addons for Animation

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we are going to talk about 11 of the best blender add-ons for animation that animators can use to save time and take their animation to the next level if used properly some of these tools are used for a quick and simple tasks and others are really going to change the way you animate in blender we are going to start the countdown with number 11 attacks FX tax effects allows you to build complex on the animation without math or keyframes actually this add-on is simple both in concept and in its use all you need is to apply the effect that you see appropriate for the situation to the text which can be combined with a variety of styles and settings to get the animation done there are different types of animation you can apply like converting selected text or paragraph with multiple lines to an animation transformations such as rotation and scaling also random transformations like wiggle effect number 10 skin selection screen selection is a blunder add-on to select bone controllers intuitively by clicking on the mesh surface and this add-on can be generally speaking compatible with any rig or armature number 9 blunder muscle tools blunder muscle tools gives you the ability to create muscles in blender for creating more realistic animations and rendering this add-on can be used to convert every mesh into a muscle and bind it to the character there are some additional jiggle options and shape changes as well muscles play an important role in the world of rigging and character animations they are used to hold volume in certain and perhaps critical areas of the character and simulate bulges when these muscle systems are applied in blender with this add-on when we look at the red character we can see that there is something different about how the animation looks which feels more organic and natural this is because of the muscles and the add-on helps to visualize these skin deformations Volume Holdings number 8 assembled me assemble me is an add-on for blender that makes layer by layer animation efficient and non-destructive blender offers excellent physics and particle simulation tools but when you've got a final resting place for the objects it is usually done by keyframe in each object individually assemble may provides an intuitive and efficient workflow for creating and adjusting assembly and disassembly animations in a short period of time motion graphics and logo design with multiple objects in blender is also possible to do with assemble me add all of your objects to a group adjust the parameters and create the animation for assembly motion graphics in a short period of time but the animation is currently limited to straight lines from the starting position to the final resting position number seven spacing sculptor what this add-on tries to do is to remove all the time wasted on making a bone behave in specific ways animators have to control three curves at once when dealing with location rotation and scale and for other curves this is a relatively new add-on for blender it offers a set of tools that will try to make this process as easy as possible and minimizes the use of the graph editor so you can work directly in the 3d viewport number six break down ur break down ur is a new blender onion skinning add-on that was designed to help animators to do their work easier and faster it is especially good for reducing the mental burden of trying to remember what key poses look like on multiple different key frames and an addon like this comes to play to let animators focus on the important work breakdown ER will not generate guys on interpolated frames in between the key frames this gives the viewport clean and clutter-free which allows animators to focus on the breakdown pose when performing a breakdown this add-on will only show the most and future frame this differs from other onion skinning tools which usually generate many snapshots of the character all throughout the timeline or the interpolated frames onion skinning in general is a fantastic way to visualize the overall motion of an animation but it can easily just become visual noise breakdown er takes a different approach to this subject by working in a more localized way number 5 line works line works is a blunder add-on that gives the ability to quickly add rigid line strips and grease pencil lines to characters the lines will follow the surface of the character based on where they are placed and come with a rig that gives control over how the lines look this add-on is still a new one because this is the first release which means it has certain limitations for example it cannot add lines that follow parts of a mesh that are generated by modifiers if the character has a mirror modifier you will need to apply it in order to get lies on the other half of the character you cannot delete any of the geometry of the character model after line works is created if you do this it will break the rig there is a bug also currently that can cause the mask modifier to prevent the line words from functioning properly and there are more limitations that the developers will probably fix in the next releases in addition to new features as well number four animax animax is a procedural animation system for blender useful for animating multiple objects and it allows you to create complex animations that are hard to achieve using blunders built-in animation tools there are tools for splitting or shattering a match object into pieces convert the procedural animation to keyframes the animation is procedural but it is possible to keyframe a lot of parameters for more complex animations using this add-on you can create some interesting animation effects like making object dissolve of explode or transition from one object to another which i think is great for certain types of animation work probably the first application for Animax that comes to mind is motion graphics work if you are motion graphics artist then an image will help to a certain extent because it is a nice addition since it can do this time so the facts are fast the workflow is straightforward just choose an effect or make your own play with the parameters and the timing and you will have the animation ready number three X muscle system X muscle system is an add-on designed for rapid muscular system tissue and other organic object creation and their physical simulations its main purpose is to help visualize better skin surface deformations according to the volume preservation of the body muscles that and even skeletal bones with X muscle system an artist is free to focus on the artwork and use effectively his or her time to create even more realistic complex shapes and animations of characters and creatures with its simplicity and integration with the blenders native tools X muscle system is powerful and easy to use to make character animation more believable number 2 ghost all ghosts o is an add-on for creating ghosts or onion skins in the viewport to help animators do their job faster and easier this technique is actually used for creating animated characters or Japanese animated series to see several frames at once this way the animator or editor can make decisions on how to create or change the next position of the character based on the previous position in the sequence this type of add-on is great for better workflow timing and spacing with ghost tool it is possible to visualize the action of the animation instantly without even moving the timeline cursor which is great because animators usually move the timeline a lot to see a transition of a in a timeline some of the benefits that animators can get or to generate onion skinning for any Mashable objects even entire multiple object characters or creatures making informed opposing decisions and the ability to compare poses side-by-side while opposing the character or creature rig on the current frame and I believe that the best thing this add-on can do is letting you focus on being a creative animator instead of wasting a ton of time guessing the position of the character and going back and forth in the timeline number one exposed picker exposed speaker is designed as a platform tool for riggers and animators it is a way to select and control characters inside of under using expose picker it is possible to create layouts and control characters easier and faster the purpose of the expose picker is to provide a set of tools allowing to create picking interfaces for selection and controlling characters and 3d objects with efficiency exposed picker was designed as a multi-platform program equipped with a simplified Python script editor and easy to implement a host server which gives the possibility in the future to use in the 3d software such as Maya and real engine or unity by writing extensions it seems like the developers of the add-on were trying to make it as flexible as possible especially in pipelines inside studios there are also easy to share fire formats that the team might need to improve their production pipeline for rigging and animating the air CG characters I hope you found this list of blender animation annals useful if you have something to add please leave it in the comment section below also you can check some of our previous videos thank you very much and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: InspirationTuts
Views: 142,425
Rating: 4.9603686 out of 5
Keywords: Plugins, 3D, 3D Software, Software, 3D Animation, Blender addons, Blender, Best Blender addons, Blender Animation tools, Blender Animation scripts, Blender Scripts, Blender Sculpting addons, Blender Animation Addons, Blender addons for architecture, Blender Plugins for Animation, Text FX, Skin Selection, Blender Muscle Tools, AssemblMe, Spacing Sculptor, Breakdowner, Lineworks, Animax, X-Muscle System, Ghostool, X-Pose Picker, Animation, Motion graphics, Blender Motion graphics addons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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