Blender 2.9 Tutorial - How to Rig a Character Quickly and Easily in Blender using the Rigify Add-on!

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hi guys welcome to the channel in this video we will be rigging a human character with blender's built-in add-on riggify this add-on allows you to not only pose your character like this but also animate it for cinematics and games in this tutorial you will learn how to add the human armature generate the animation rig and connect it to your character we will also cover some common problems that can occur when generating the rig as well as some basic controls of the rig itself okay let's jump in this add-on comes packaged natively with blender so all you have to do is go up to your edit preferences menu go to add-on menu type reg in the search menu click this little button here and then click save preferences to add the armature press shift a down to armature and then select human meta rig you can press alt z to toggle x-ray mode and then let's scale it up and move it to loosely match our character over on the right you can tick the in front option to have it more visible in solid view over on the right you can see in the object properties tab the scale transform has changed from the default one to make it match our model let's reset the transforms by pressing ctrl a and then selecting clear transforms when the scale transform of the armature is different than that of the model you connect it to it creates an issue when you go to generate the rig as we'll go over later okay now we're ready to start positioning the armature so that it better lines up with our character select the armature and tab into edit mode make sure to press the x symmetry button in the top right corner to make things a little easier and more uniform now it's just a matter of lining the bones up with the model i'm going to press 1 on the numpad to start in front orthographic view a really good resource for rigging especially with respect to rigify is the channel the lollipop man he has a ton of great videos on working with rigafi and he's pretty funny too i'll put a link in the description below now three on the numpad to switch to side orthographic view it's a good idea to move this controller just outside of the heel like this you can hide bones just like you can other objects by pressing h on the keyboard this can make lining other bones up easier i'm going to keep things simple and delete the face bones if you delete these bones make sure you delete this bone called face hiding in the head bone here or else you'll have issues when we go to generate the rig later you can select this bone by toggling into x-ray mode okay now on to the hand alt h to unhide them then i'll move and rotate them into place me i'm gonna pull the elbow and shoulder into better alignment real quick here as well so i can see things better i'm going to select the legs and hips and spine and press h to hide them to select the fingers a little quicker i'm going to press l on my keyboard to select all the linked objects of the thumb here this is a pretty handy shortcut now it's just a matter of moving the joints of the armature into alignment with where your model's fingers bend foreign the fingers can really get in the way of each other so i like to select them all and then move them to the side first then i'll select one at a time and move them into alignment pressing control plus any number on the numpad will give you the flipped or opposite view of that number here i'm using it to look at the back of the hand to line up the pinky and ring finger okay with the bones aligned with our model it's time to generate the rig so we can move things around on the right side panel click the generate rig button here if all went well you should see something like this if so you can skip ahead to the attach model to rig chapter if not i'll quickly go over some common issues i've faced when trying to generate the rig the first common issue has to do with scale if you forget to clear the scale transform of your armature after you scale it to fit your model you'll probably have a scale transform like this when you go to generate the rig it will generate which is great but you'll see that it is quite small and doesn't line up with the model at all this can make posing and animating a little more difficult than it needs to be to fix this just undo the rig generation with control z select the armature again and press ctrl a to clear transforms then generate the rig again and it should be the correct size the second common issue has to do with disjoint bones if you accidentally shift a bone out of alignment with its parent when you go to generate the rig you will get an error like this here it says bone spine zero is disjoint so tabbing into edit mode you can see here spine.004 is out of alignment with spine.003 the neck these two bones should overlap exactly for the rig to generate to fix this select one end of the bone press shift s and select two selected to move the 3d cursor to the end of the bone now select the end of the other bone and then up in the armature menu select snap selection to cursor now when you go to generate the rig it should work the third common issue has to do with the face bones if you delete the face bones like we did earlier but forget to delete the face bone hiding in the head bone you'll get an error saying something like org nose not found to fix this just do as we did before select the armature tab into edit mode toggle x-ray mode select the bone called face hiding in the head bone here and delete it okay so with our rig generated to attach it to the model so we can move it select all the components of your model first then shift select the rig last then press ctrl p and then select automatic weights i'm going to leave out the hair braid right now as we'll rig that in another video now let's go up to the top left and switch to pose mode now you can select all of these different colored handles to control your character these yellow handles control the middle part of the body the torso shoulders the hips and head red handles control the arms and legs you can press n on your keyboard to pull up some more options for the rig if things are getting too busy and hard to see you can toggle the visibility of the controllers here let's turn on the arm ik controllers here you can see as i pull the handle far out the arm stretches with it if you didn't want this behavior you can turn it down or completely off here in the ik stretch field i'm going to turn it off by entering 0 here now you can see when i pull the red handle out the arm no longer stretches you need to do this for each of the arms and legs separately foreign okay so let's say you've been playing around with the controllers and your model is in an odd position you don't want anymore to reset the rig's position you can press f3 on your keyboard type clear pose and select clear transform all this will clear the location rotation and scale of any part of the rig you have selected at the time and there you have it there is one way you can rig a character using blender's riggify add-on in the next video we will do some weight painting and then animate a street fighter style idol animation give me a shout here or on social media let me know if you have any ideas for future videos or if i may be messed up somewhere thanks for watching guys i hope it helped and see you in the next one
Channel: Russell Midfield
Views: 390,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender 2.8, blender tutorial, blender 2.8 tutorial, blender sculpting, blender sculpting timelapse, blender sculpt, blender character, blender character modeling, blender retopology, blender character design, blender stylized, blender stylized character, stylized character, blender 2.9, blender 2.9 tutorial, blender 2.9 character, blender UV unwrap, blender texture paint, blender hand paint, blender rigging, blender unity, blender unreal, blender unity character
Id: DS885Sk1gSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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