Blender 3.2 Particle Sim Audio Visualizer Tutorial

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hello hello this is going to be a quick tutorial on how to make the particle audio visualizer effect i made a few weeks ago we're going to start off by just heading to the video editing tab real quick and dragging in our audio clip um i'm going to set the scene frames to the same number of frames as the audio track is keep in mind this will change uh depending on what frame rate you set so i'm going i'm going to leave it on 24 however then we're just going to head in delete everything and add a mesh ico sphere i'm going to scale it down just one tenth for now and we're going to add a particle system i'm gonna set it to ten thousand frames just for testing and we want them all to start uh to appear in the first frame and our lifetime should be the same as the uh scene frames from there we have to turn off gravity because we don't want that and we don't want any initial velocity uh we also want to go into viewport display turn off show emitter and make the particles a bit smaller just so there is not too many of them in one spot now if we press play we should hear the music and it should just kind of well sit there that's because we don't have any forces acting on these particles yet first force we want to add is a harmonic what this is going to do is just basically pull uh well all the particles to a neutral space so we're going to set the strength to 100 the dampening to 0.5 and the rest length 0.2 this is what i found worked for me however you can change this to whatever you want uh then if we play it now you'll see it kind of gets pulled to this spot and stays there next we want to add an actual force this is what's gonna control the size of the sphere i'm going to turn the noise up to 10 and what we want to do is just keyframe the strength then we want to pull up a graph editor and press key bake sound to f curve and navigate to our song again and just bake it from there uh i think it's going to be very weak so we're going to go to the modifiers create an envelope at a control point i found that minus 50 and 50 worked well for me but again you can change this depending on the song and what you're doing and if you play it you'll see it's actually affected by the music that's kind of boring it's just sphere so we're going to add one more force which is going to be turbulence the turbulence i'm going to set the strength to 50 the size to 0.33 and that's about it that's our finished effect oh but i did actually miss one thing uh if we don't change anything the noise is going to stay static which is boring so what i'm going to do is i'm going to add a driver to all the rotation axes of the turbulence i'm just gonna press uh pound frame and then divide it by 48 and i'm going to do that for every axis and now we can see that it's actually spinning as you're playing so that's kind of it well from here we want to go back to our icosphere turn up the number of particles and we're going to bake this animation which is going to probably take a while so i'll see you in a moment when it's done all righty and then once it's baked we should have our effect well not including color of course if we scrub through you'll see it works pretty well however this file is also pretty ram heavy and performance heavy especially when we start adding effects so what we're going to do is we're going to export it as a alembic make sure to set it to selected objects only and then hit export just keep in mind this will take a couple minutes as well all right once that's done we can just go and create a new blender scene once again delete everything we're going to go file import and import that alembic we just made we're going to import both and it's also going to import the original icosphere which we can just delete let me turn on this back on real quick and we look we have all of our particles here we want to do that is just create a any object i'm just going to use a cube go to geometry nodes make a new geometry uh node system for that cube and just drag in our ico sphere and we're going to create a uh mesh to point i believe it's cult yep geometry to the mesh points to the geometry and we want to also set a material like that we're just going to use the default material and then just hide our original icosphere and make the radius of each point a bit smaller i'm going to go back to one millimeter again we should go to the shading tab now and while we're here we can set our background to black keep in mind the geometry no part uh particles are points sorry only work in cycles so you'll want to switch to that and only you'll be able to see them in rendered view so we're going to go get our default material and set it to a emission like so and turn the strength up to say 10. from here we're going to just make a very simple material which we're gonna bring in texture coordinates from there go into vector math object and set it to length from there we're going to bring it into normal math node and divide it divided by what you ask what you'll want to do is go into an orthographic view get the measure tool and figure out what the radius is of your sphere for mine it's around 10 meters and we're just going to divide it by done there we're going to go into a color ramp bring the value into that and that to there and now we have a gradient there we can just change our colors i already have two that i like so i'm going to select one there nope i want to change the white one grab my other color paste it in here and just bring the purple up that looks about right that's basically our entire effect from here we just want to place down a camera i like to make it a little bit more wide angle so i'm going to use 35 millimeters and just move it back by pressing g z twice it's gonna directly so we can actually see it make sure it fits in the frame at all times so that looks about right and we want to do one more thing we're going to render one frame we don't even need to finish it i found the noising takes a while so i'm going to turn it off and we only really need like 32 samples for a decent frame return use nodes from here we're just going to add a little bit of bloom we can make a viewer so we can actually see what we're doing real quick add a glare node set it to fog glow i set the size to 7 and threshold 2.8 very last thing you want to do is you don't want to uh render it as a png sequence set it to ffmpeg video set to mpeg-4 audio we are going to set aac or you can use the other ones i'm not sure we need to add our audio back in so we go back to the video editing tab and just like before we're going to drag in our audio clip and that's about it i'm gonna render the video and this is what it looks like [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: DenTechs
Views: 38,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5J9J03gl0zE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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