3D Abstract Particles Audio Visualizer in AE | Noplugins

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[Music] hello everyone welcome to Nabokov soils today we have a new abstract motion graphics tutorial in our series and I will show you how to create 3d abstracts audio visualize that in and we have some fans without using any third party plugins so create your composition all let's get started so after creat your composition create a new solid and let's rename these great in the new adjustment layer and it's going to be 3d displacement and I'm going to apply car dense effects so make sure to watch the previous tutorials we covered how to use car dense effects and as you see here we create some very cool abstract and motion graphics using these effects so let's jump to card dance effects or right here and the first thing we need to do is creating the gradient layer so let's create a new solid in careening these fractal and then apply fractal noise here so let's choose here dynamic in the spline here so contrast to 250 in brightness to minus 50 in complexity to 1 and let's transform these a little bit skillett around there and as here who wants basically to animate the offset here the X but basically we don't want to use keyframes so in case you need to change duration here so we're going to use expressions and here I'm going to pick up the first array of the offset turbulence and it's going to create this for us so I'm going to change this to X and I'm going to do the same thing for the Y here so let's put like equal in just saw me calling here and I'm going to choose or change these two x plus x times 50 and then the y value here so we just need these to be animating right here so basically it's going to keep innovating on our comp and I'm going to add a pollution animation as well using x times 10 so we're going to have some very straightforward animation as you see here so let's pre compose these in move all attributes and creating these to map and it okay so now what I'm going to do here just let's put these below everything and on the car dancing facts we're going to assign the map right there and owner are going to sit 100 and columns 50 for now so let's go to Z position and assign intensity 1 so you can see what's going on here so basically we've got the animation of those map right there so let's go back here to grid in applied venetian blinds here and then sit transition completion to 80 and so we can have something like that very straightforward we called I'm previous tutorials with screen you camera here and change these to comp camera so we can zoom and control these right here and creating here camera orbit so we can have control on the camera here okay we've got something like that as you see but we want to have the audio actual not just as fractal map here so let's create a new solid a little rename these audio and then apply audio spectrum here so basically we need the audio so here I have these comp and inside of it these audio right here so it's just track these the map comp in audio here we're going to assign these audio right here let's solo it and basically we're barely going to see some reaction right there so on maximum height I'm going to crank up down a little bit around there so we don't want these to just clip on our comp okay so I think there is a maximum value around here okay so let's just assume these or let's just put these all of it down and on frequency band I'm going to crank up this you can see what's going on there so around aids hindrance and let's change color here to White's name some gray right there something like that and here we're going to just put these to the edge start and end points all right there so here we can actually with the frequency but I'm going to leave it as it is for now and so what I'm going to do here basically if we go back to these you can see what's going on here and it's not what we want so what I'm going to do is a blind fast box below here and save the Bloor 2:38 lower these and/or it is so maybe maximum I want to just put it around there so here now you can see while we got some very nice cool animation there so let's preview this [Music] so I see this look pretty cool here very nice reaction so let's go back to a map here so basically we can do more stuff here I'm going to combine these with the frags also 84 pasady now let's just put there 13 just so we have both of these and so now we can see here what's going on so maybe we're going to lower these to just 5 and see we just we don't have that flats right there as you see here so on grid we can actually duplicating these and change their action here so now we have kind of particle look to these as you see here yeah let's preview this one more time here and basically we're previewing these as hot resolution [Music] okay so that's look pretty cool so while we can do here you can actually play with the transition and stuff I'm going to do that or right now so here you have the multiplier you can play with that and so on we covered that before so here on X scale I'm going to use intensity one and I'll see here what the X scale is doing actually it's like fading the X values of the map and give us this look so you can see here how the look is changed we can go for X Y as well so now we can actually here just change or take down to minus 6ei maybe so we have that on top right there and so what I'm going to do here is create any new adjustment layer and the reigning leads to glow and apply glow effects all right there let's duplicate that so now you can see more details of that so maybe we can go further for these 9.5 and duplicating another one here so the second one want it to be add it's your difference and maybe just super Sam right there on a passe so now we have that on top which is very cool and so basically what I'm going to do here is going back to this map and right here I'm just going to draw some kind of random mask here I'm going to hit him actually I need to do that on the audio here and duplicate that just scale it down right there control day another one something like these and right here I'm going to duplicate these and on second one I'm going to check these composite on origin and duplicate one more time and here we're going to assign these masks on the path so we can see how that changed so now we have few and basically they're all sort of the same so here where we can actually sort plane here we just start frequency and and so maybe these 600 these maybe 10 or 20 to maintain trend just to vary that in here let's put that to 1000 and we can actually just put that a little bit high small for both something like that here maybe we need to play with these okay something like this just serve rain them to show you the idea here so let's go back here so now we can see what's going on so maybe we don't need this glow right here at the moment so we have something like that as you can see they're random and we can add the fractal here more of it so maybe 10 its previant see how these looks like [Music] let's look pretty cool so now basically if you want to change these from these particle look you just need to turn off the second one here in on 3d displacement you can just crank up the rows and you can get these nice lines here and that's just totally changed the look so it's what pretty cool and I'm going to make these look very soft here so to do that what I'm going to do here is create a new adjustment layer here and basically Lee's first put it above everything here and it's raining these two pixel fix and I'm going to add fast box blur and repeat it is and Bloor just one and then add crows galore here and I'm going to sit these Y radius 250 and your pivot is duplicating that and put these to add so now maybe we can start playing with these and see how it looks it's something like that for now we can actually duplicating that put these to add and go for less on opacity here you see here so now we can have really nice and soft lines as you see here very cool so let's preview these one more time [Music] so I see this look pretty cool and so you can do a lot of things with these so just changing here the camera actually angle it's going to change the whole log so we can just keep going see what you can do here so now we have different view of these audio as you see here so here we're going to show you how to create different looks so let's duplicate this one here and Abby here is changing the map so here let's delete these masks and going to creates a circle here so let's just have something around there and so we duplicate this one just have it something like that and never duplicate you can just go as much as you want to right there so something very straightforward like that and here we're going to go for masks again here let's solve only these so here we need to adjust the maximum height for the first one here is too big so let's just go maybe around that okay as you see this look pretty cool so let's go for right here so we can see that much so it's just turn off these glow and pixel fix here let's go these four hole one end and this is 24 now so here want to just go right these so we can see what's going on here so we are going to crank app maybe these five entrant okay so now I'm just going to use the X scale so now we have these very nice look and okay see much so let's go back here to the map in here because they have to save their text let's just rotate that so you're going to change don't look so maybe to blur just 20 so let's see how it looks right now okay it look pretty cool so let's turn on to glow here and these pics effects as well so maybe the height here on the Z to put that 2.2 or put three only assume these a little bit okay so let's preview and see how these looks like [Music] okay so I see this look pretty cool and remember were just previewing this at half resolution so it's quickly to preview because it takes a little time on high resolution and so now let's change color to these we're going to add a new adjustment layer and we're going to apply Colorama to this and on modify going to in Tacoma defy alpha here and choose this fire preset and entik composing over a liar and on input we're going to choose alpha here so you can see we got some nice look in here and let's actually choose different one here in some cases some presets may not look good and that's because they got some really different variations like this one maybe this one on intensity will look a little bit better as you see here so it just deepened on why you are choosing so you can see here difference actually so there's some really nice-looking right here you can go for alpha ramp so you can see what he can do with this and on 3d displacement here you can go for columns one engine I think it's going to change the look at the see here and if you have this problem all you need to do here changing these to 60 beats per channel it's going to solve the glow as you see and you may need to just adjust the glow if needed and so and now I'm going to show you other stuff here so let's just duplicate these audio here and just delete these masks here and so now I'm going to just draw vertical masks here and just ctrl D to duplicate that something like these skip duplicating these masks here just like that and so it's just organized these masks here okay so and now right here it's just to look at these few times okay so now I'm going to assign here the masks so after assigned the masks here we need to actually change the height and also the frequency here just to have different looks right there so just randomize these values okay something like that very quickly and if we go back right here I'm going to have this very cool nice look in here so what I'm going to do is add in also the background of the fractal here so now we can have some real nice complicated looking as you see here you can get rid of this color for now so you can see here how these looks very cool and very interesting here so let's go back to three displacement here you can go for expel as well so you can see what we got right here very interesting stuff and another thing is show you if you want to create pixel look like this one right here basically is the same idea is just so right here we're going to go for one and ruined on the rows and columns we don't need these bags basically just glow and maybe here we can go for second finish and blinds here and maybe here we don't need in scale something like that as you see here so the whole idea is about adjusting the parameters and settings and the key is the map so whatever look you got right here you will get it on these 3d displacement here so here we have a lot of very cool looks or like this one right here which is look very complicated here so basically the map is just circles with the background here and basically what we have done on 3d car dents effect is animating the Z position and the y and z rotation as well so here we have few keyframes right here and you can just see how these actual look in here very cool stuff you can do with this we call these wavy line here so let's preview these to see how it looks like [Music] that look pretty cool and if we look here inside the map basically all we have actual year is this one is say two polar paths so this is the normal a waveform and just duplicating that here and using answer the first one transform to compose it over the first one so you can keep duplicating if you want to for example duplicate these hip rotation and rotate that so here you can see we got very complicated look you can move these a little bit to just say if you want something like these so let's see how it look here so you get the idea what you can do very cool stuff and you can see here we have this soft line which is fixing the problem of these three displacement look as you see here and that's basically is just precomposed fixed we already covered in previous tutorials and I showed you here to have to make that or fix the problems so basically here in this one we're just going to start replacing here different maps they have very different Maps so for example maybe this one and you get some very nice block here very abstract looking so this one is circle one so you can see here and choosing the color you're using Colorama here change the color you want very easily you get the idea here so let's go for there from maps maybe so we get the idea here and basically we go a lot of different looks in this project file as you see here a lot of very cool abstracts variations all right here all using the same technique here and different maps to create that so these pixelated looks as you see here very cool stuff you can animate the camera with that as well let's see here all these are pixel look as you see here very cool and we have a line looks as well so you get the idea what you can do you can also mix these together here and as you see we can have two different colors and mix and so on so you can really create some very abstracts looking stuff so we just app to you why you want to create [Music] so that's it guys hope you find these tutorial very so for you as always and if you have any questions just comment and then we'll do my best to be responsive and don't forget to Like and subscribe for more tutorials coming soon and stay safe thank you for watching [Music] you
Channel: Noble Kreative
Views: 28,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: تعلم أفتر إفكتس, learn after effects, motion graphics tutorials, motion graphics, after effect animation tuts, Learn AE, AE, after effect tutorials, 2d motion graphics tutorials, 3D Motion Graphics Tutorials, VFX Tutorials, Visual Effects Tutorials, Learn Motion Graphics, Music Visualizer, Visualizers, Audio Visualizer, Abstract Audio, 3D Abstract, 3D Audio waveform, 3d audio spectrum
Id: vC6GndwmP-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 5sec (1745 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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