Animate Your Music in 5 Clicks with BLENDER | Audio Reacting Motion, Flash, & Color |

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if you're looking for any plugins presets extensions to save you time and create awesome videos my digital asset store is at the top of the description what's going on guys today we're talking about secrets for creating awesome 3D music videos so to understand what we're trying to do let's take a look at some great visuals that react with the audio and keyword there react with the audio this entire video is going to be about the audio visual relationship translating the sound you hear into colors you see motion you see and other things along that line so the first one here this is a concert Visual and the thing I want to get across it doesn't matter what genre you're doing it's always going to keep the same core values for making everything react now unfortunately I can't play the audio with this visual because of copyright issues but anytime you hear a bass strike you're seeing this 3D visualizer slam on the ground anytime you hear some snares you're seeing these lasers they're relating different movements to different sounds the relating different flashing and different colors to different sounds that's all about creating that audio visual relationship and whenever you do that in a music video or a music video visualizer you can create some really cool looking stuff so another example Edward of we've talked about him a bunch on the channel again I can't play the audio but every time you hear a bass strike you're seeing that flashing you're seeing you're seeing the flashing mouth you're seeing different things happening that relate to the audio and bring that to life so that should give you a good idea I'm going to leave a link to both of these below if you want to check them out we're going to hop into blender now and I'm gonna show you some of the tools behind creating some of these looks alright guys so here we are within blender I'm gonna go ahead and just speed run a basic music visualizer setup of course you can design it however you'd like so I'm going to click shift a I'm going to add in a plane and let's open up this here and we're just going to give it a bit more size we can tab in edit mode right click and subdivide it give it some Cuts Like a grid and then we can go to our modifiers and add in a wireframe modifier so we have this little grid background give it some thickness and rotate it 90 degrees like that so simple little background I'm also going to bring in here just a simple little obj model that is from my 3D starter pack so these are all basically like music videoesque 3D models you don't need these you can download things for free if you want just check out my other videos if you're interested in some designing tips for this but again extremely simple you see this set up in a bunch of different dubstep Style music videos where we have our backgrounds and we have some sort of subject like this so some tips for making this sort of thing react to music the first thing we can do we can think about how we want this to react to the audio we want it to rotate whenever the beat hits do we want it to jump up and down with scale do we want it to flash a certain color so let's start simple let's just click over to our object properties and we have our location our rotation our scale so let's make the scale react with the audio so I'm going to hover over the scale at the very beginning here and I'm just going to click I on my keyboard that will insert a keyframe and if we switch from the timeline view to the graph editor now you can see these lines here and you see our XY our X scale our y scale and our Z scale so if we don't have the keyframes there and this is very important we take that away you'll see everything disappears from our graph editor so if you're not seeing anything it's because you don't have that starting keyframe for the value you're trying to link to the audio so let's bring that back and hover over hover over scale click I and it should keyframe all three of our scale values so now what we're going to do is we're going to do the standard way to link our audio and that is by selecting one of these or all of them go to key you want to go up to bake sound to F curves so this will convert any Sound audio file that you have here into keyframes or Curves as you can see so every time this goes up it means the volume is getting more loud very simple way of having it react to the audio now that's the beginner method this is our secret tricks we've already talked about how to do this let's go a lot more in depth so first of all the only other thing you should know here if you want to hear the audio while you're doing this very important so you can actually see how things are syncing up go to the video sequencer go to the beginning click add and then you can load in your audio files straight from here as well so now you can hear this is just some royalty-free music hopefully it doesn't Echo from my mic so we know the basics of linking some sort of value to audio now let's take it one step further I'm going to go ahead and right click and remove the keyframes off of our scale so this will go back to normal let's try that exact same thing with color so we're going to go and create a new material and let's put it on the grid to start so we'll go to our materials here we'll create new and I'm going to double click and name this audio reacting color so click change from our timeline to our Shader editor so we can take a look at this material now we want to keep this very simple we don't need the principal bsdf let's just click shift a and we're going to search for an emission so in a mission you can connect that to surface and then if we bump this up we'll have some strength and you're not seeing anything because we're just in the standard viewport shading let's change to rendered mode and you can see this is how you get that nice glowing color so we'll put that up to 100 you're not actually seeing any glow like this because you need to enable that in the render settings so in render properties Bloom there you go so we're glowing now let's say we want to link this to the audio we wanted to change the strength with the audio so that it'll flash with the song we want it to change colors with the audio to be able to do that first let's add in a little way to change colors we're gonna go in here we're going to click shift a and we're going to add in a color ramp node probably one of the most important nodes in blender in my opinion we're going to connect the color to the color of the emission and now this will drive the color that we're going for so what you can do here is you can choose the colors that you'd like to set for your visualizer so say if the music is very quiet you want it to be something like blue we can change this to light blue if you want it to be super loud we can make it red so whenever it starts out all calm and smooth it's going to be very blue in the middle it's going to be this nice purple because it's Blended between the two and as it gets super crazy and Bassy at your B traps it's going to flash red and of course you guys can add in other things here maybe you don't want uh purple to be your midpoint maybe you can add in like some rainbow colors and really customize this to your liking but that's the basic principle of it so once you have something like that set up it's really just using those exact same steps to be able to link it up to the audio so if we want to link audio to color you want to keyframe the factor here so hover over Factor click I at the start and keyframe one and now let's go to our graph editor now if for any reason you're not seeing that you may need to uncheck the only show selected and now you can see this popping up this is from what we selected in our Shader node tree and here is what we just set a keyframe for the factor of our color ramp and we can do the same thing he bake sound to F curves there we go so it's very calm at the start [Applause] what we can do is let's give ourselves some more time here I'm just going to click that open to drag in a new window so we can see this Of All Times make it a bit easier let's go to the parts of the song that start to get loud here's our beat drop [Music] [Applause] [Music] so pretty cool and you have full control over what colors you'd like for different parts of the song it's all being driven by this value here you can think of this bottom line here as zero anything above zero is going to affect the value so the higher this line goes up on the graph the more this factor is going to be bumped up so you see right now it's at 0.18 if we go to where it's spiked up here it's at 1.594 and that's in the range of our deeper colors here but you can take this one step even further what if you want things to flash in and out and you can think of this like zero and one values so if we look at this graph here again if you think of this blue line here this is zero everything above that is one so at all times this line is above zero so it's always going to be lit up and have color but if you want things to flash with the song you need to lower this line below zero so that only the Peaks are sticking up and to do that we use the envelope modifier so let's get rid of all this craziness we're going to right click join areas here's our graph editor now what you want to do is Click N it'll pop open this little side window and you can go over to the modifiers and we want to add in an envelope modifier so this allows you to change around these lines so we can click add control point right here at the very beginning and now from here you can take the reference this essentially moves the entire thing up and down you can take the Min and the max which I'm not going to confuse you guys at first let's just talk about reference so add control point I'm going to take the reference and just move it so that the so that these Peaks are sort of like this so now instead of everything being above zero it's going to sometimes dip to zero sometimes go to one so you see this is zero this is one again this is your bottom line now right now we're not controlling the actual glow value we're still controlling just the factor of the color lamp so nothing's happening right now so we need to go back here let's go back to our Shader editor and this is only for controlling the flash you see this is zero one zero one so this is controlling the flashing or the power the strength of the emission we're going to do the same thing just go to on your timeline the beginning and then Shader editor hover over click I to set your keyframe so back in our graph editor now you can see we have the emission strength that's what we want to be working with let's sync it to the music so key big sound F curves and load in our sound file so let's do that exact same thing add in an envelope modifier control point so we can move it and then reference and there we go let's take a look at what it's given us [Music] so we're starting to get that where it's sort of starting it's starting out at zero completely blacked out and it's bumping up and Fading Into the color it's just not bright enough now there's two ways you could go about changing this you guys can either change the Min and Max values here to kind make these Peaks larger or an easier way is to just go back to the Shader editor and what we can do is just amplify this using something like a math node so we'll take the strength here just click and drag out a wire and search for math we're going to want to change this from add to multiply so now essentially what it's going to do it's going to take the beginning value here which is what we're going to keyframe and it's going to multiply it by whatever this value is here so if this is our standard we can set this to something like 10 and then we can do the same thing we can click I to keyframe this value and Link that up with our music so back to our graph editor again if you're not seeing that on check here and here it is so here's the math value big sound F curves load that in [Music] the things are a lot brighter as we go through and even when we go in add in the envelope like we did before that reference so we get the flash now we can control the brightness at the maximum Peak for this part so if we just open up so again Shader editor if this isn't bright enough for you just crank up that value 25 whatever you want and now as you guys see we have that flashing in and out that we're looking for it really makes it come alive when it comes to reacting play for you guys and especially in the B traps now you're gonna see there's one issue here and that is whenever it does get to those High values for the B trap it's going so far away from this line that it's no longer dipping in and out and again if it's not dipping below this blue line This zero line it's not going to be flashing from zero into one so again this is below the line so it's black this is above so it's colored so it needs to always be dipping below and above that line so if you want the parts with the B drop obviously it's louder so the beat so every all these are going to be up here you need to do that same thing with reference and to do that without messing up anything you've done here you need to add another envelope so what we do is we take our first envelope and you're going to see this restrict frame range check that on we want this to stop right around here 6 30. there we go now whenever it comes to our beat drop let's go ahead and just copy this and then paste it and then we'll just change around the restrict frame rate so we want this to start at 6 30. and then end or ever maybe like around 1000 or 950 and then all you do is take the reference and you lower it foreign [Music] so pretty cool I think that the flashing in and out just gives it just makes it feel a lot more alive again here's the difference this is without the flashing in and out [Music] so that's just our color this is with the flashing in and out [Music] again you can control the strength multiplier there if you'd like but yeah that's your Basics so just keep going through uh different parts of the songs adding in those envelopes with the restricted frame rates if you would like to do that you guys can take this audio reacting material here that we've just created and apply this to anything so if you want the eyes to match up here tab in edit mode and I'll just select I so control l shift click Ctrl l go to materials here we'll create a new material and we'll just drop down select audio reacting color assign there you go you guys don't have to sync it up with audio again ready just like that [Music] so that's part one I want to talk about some other cool things that you can do with the advanced baking so before so this is our normal bake key bake sound F curves but there are some more options in here which allow you to do some very specific things which can really be awesome for music video visualizers so let's talk about that all right so let's add in something new here we're going to go to file import I'm going to bring in another object from my music video pack same pack where I got this head bus you can find that on my website if you're interested got a little tunnel piece again something that's extremely simple that you guys can find on the internet turbo squid whatever now what I'm going to do is just extend this tunnel and we can do that very easily by going to our modifiers and adding in an array modifier so right now it is going across the x-axis this count is going to add in how many you'd like so let's go and change this we want it to go on the z-axis but Z to negative one okay and now we just need to get rid of this gapping so we'll open up the constant offset and we'll just move over the Z and that looks fine so now every time we bump up the counts it's going to keep extending out this tunnel and also be aware here the more you do this the more computer intensive it is 10 is fine but if you're going for like 1 000 things could get a little bit laggy but this should work for us now before we do anything crazy here if you even want to use that tip we did with the eyes where we already have that audio reactive color you can so if I click tab again now that we have that material we can now make any part of this tunnel react to the audio with color so we can select any of these pipes click control l ctrl-click control l so once you've done that materials new audio reacting and assign so our Y location here that's moving towards our camera like this we're going to go ahead and keyframe that so at the beginning we'll click I on our Y location and we'll do similar to what we did before so graph editor find what's selected here which is our object transforms here's our Y location let's go key big sound F curves now this time what we're going to do is we're going to check on additive and it says the amplitudes of the curve are summarized so check that on so we're gonna have a very different line here instead of going horizontally here it's going to be more of a vertical curve as you see because we link this up with the Y location the higher this value the more the Y is going to be pushed back so pay attention to the Y right here this is 16. [Applause] and you see the louder the music is the more it pushes it back so if we go to where the beat drop is you're going to see this is going to shove all the way back now right now it's going in the wrong direction so let's add an envelope and we're going to add a control point and we're just going to invert this so instead of the minimum being negative one maximum being one we're going to put this at one and this at negative one so now you see it's moving towards the camera and you can control if you'd like the power of this so how fast this is going to accelerate and you can do that by taking this value on the right here so this is our maximum just making that a lot more steep so you see I'm controlling the steepness we don't want this to pop back up like that we want to control and make it a steep line so now you guys are going to see it's moving a lot faster on the y-axis because we Crank that up and once we get to our B trap this is just going to fly past [Applause] [Music] pretty cool so what you guys can do from here first off you can do this to any other value so if you want y rotation you can do that just make sure your origin is set correctly that's the origin is where your rotate Center Point is going to be so right now you can see our Origins right there that little orange dot we can go up to object origin to Geometry now that's more in the center so we can test with our y rotation looking good and you can do the exact same thing so click I on your y now you're going to see all those rotation values and you can just key big sound F curves keep the additive on there you go you can even copy and paste the modifier so let's just click here copy it and paste the envelope that we already worked on and you can see a little bit too crazy with the maximum but this is a good visualization of controlling the velocity with the audio [Applause] we don't want this to be 10 let's maybe set this to one if that's still too much again with Spin and maybe you may want to downplay it so you don't get nauseated [Music] you see what I mean we can link it to the spin we can link it to the Y location you can literally link it to anything this is just basic location stuff but you can link this to particle effects physics effects anything so from here you just make a camera you know something like this again save before you do mess around with this because it's going to be generating a lot of stuff there you go once you're ready you can apply this if you really want to instance it whatever the base here just some metallic some reflections and you can lower the roughness here if you really want to see those reflections of light [Applause] [Music] now the final thing I'd like to show you is frequency control so let's go shift a here and we'll add in an icosphere and let's move this over so if you want this to only react to certain frequencies for example the base of a song which you guys can do first of all let's make this sort of like audio reactor visualizory by adding in some modifiers so we're going to add in first of all a displace and from the displays here you can see the more you crank the value the more this changes and the shape that it changes is going to be dependent on this texture so you can click new to create a new texture we'll go to the texture tab here texture properties and then you can choose the type so there's clouds you know there's a bunch of different little presets here for the pattern you can add a subdivision surface you can apply these you're not a wireframe if you wanted to get all crazy organic style and then we do the same that we've been doing to sync it to the music so we'll take the strength of our displace click I to insert that keyframe and you should now see it in your graph editor bake sound F curves and this time we're going to take the highest frequency here so usually this is maxed out if you wanted to be around the Bassy range you want to go 250 or under so we'll click bake sound and now at the beginning when there's no hard bass you shouldn't see this moving that much you see everything's reacting there's still movement and velocity and everything else [Music] so yeah just some examples on how you can control audio how you can transform audio into motion or audio into color or into light flickering on and off there's a ton of different things you guys can do and when the whole name of the game is matching the visual to the audio it doesn't matter if you're making dubstep house music where you see a ton of this stuff or even a rap music video anytime you want to match the music with the visual use these tools and you can create some really amazing looking effects that really match the vibe that you're going for so that's about it guys the only bonus I would say is if there is a specific thing like a really big base hit or any other specific part of the song you can kind of make corresponding camera movements to match in with that so for example if I grab my camera here maybe there's a big base hit and you can see if there is because you can just look at your visualizer and keyframe here move to where there's that big base hit change around the value and there you go you have some cool little camera effects that match in with that audio and you guys can go back to your graph editor and here's those keyframes so I think mine was y rotation yep there it is you guys can click T and you can change these around to different sort of presets back bounce elastic so yeah you have some options for some cool things you can do in camera as well and that really will give you like the cherry on top whenever you're making these visualizers you can do the same with zooming in so right here see there's a big hit we'll take our location y keyframe it and find that in the graph editor so here we go location y here's the keyframe this is where the bump is so we're going to want to Crank That forward keyframe move a bit and then you can just control C control V to paste that keyframe so you see we've created a little camera bump that's what it looks like just kind of emphasizes that a bit more and again that's why I say this is the cherry on top and then you can select those keyframes click T and then give it any sort of dynamic effect or interpolation you know all right guys so that's about it thank you so much for watching let me know in the comments down below anything you'd like to see next for me I apologize for the two week break we haven't been sitting around doing nothing during that time I'm working on a giant 3D After Effects cohesive plug-in the biggest plug-in in Project I've worked on I really want to make this something that can provide value to you guys even if you've never touched a 3D software before other than that guys as always thank you so much for watching thank you so much for supporting and I'll see you guys [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Max Novak
Views: 58,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, music, video, how to, visualizer, max novak, audio, react, render, 3d, stylized, character, trimix, fortnite, music video, free, animation, skin, turn anyone, create, model, hip hop, rapper, cartoon, album art, nft, preset, pack, plugin, animate, rig, juicewrld, armed and dangerous, trippie redd, workflow, npr, sculpt, sometimes, wishing well, lucid dreams, mr beast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 52sec (1552 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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