Blender 2.81 Material Creation - Tyre Material

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alright guys so in this video we're gonna be working on texturing the tires and this is a bit complicated it actually took me some time to work on this one and it was a bit complex so I'm actually can looking on the second screen right now to actually show you guys what actually came up was cause if I tried to remember what actually came up with off head it might actually be a bit rough so yeah let's get started on this before you actually start before you actually starts on this I want you guys to know I don't actually record my videos with a studio mic so you might be experiencing some environmental noises in my videos pretty sure you guys have already noticed that but hopefully in the future I get some good equipments for my recording and everything seems just fine alright let's get started so working on the tire we're gonna take the front front left tire as its labeled over here and what I'm going to do is I'm going to press onto an a and I'm gonna play the rotation and scale okay and then what you're gonna do is make sure your object origin is right in a sense all the time okay so right in the dead center now when the president there's the division sign on a number to go over to local view as you can see right here says local you know what is begin doing this so I'm gonna add in Rhino really help the car paint so I'm gonna add in a new material I'm gonna call this tire alright so just gonna call it time let's add material tire material okay so basically it gives us just a principle psdf and the material output so I'm gonna begin off because from what I've done most of the things that I have going on up pretty much interconnected in many ways so I'm starts somewhere which looks sort of basic and then I'm going to connect it to everything else but I'll be explaining along the way and hopefully you guys get everything right so right now the basic the basic setup is actually from my roughness all right now for my basic shader is from my roughness here so I'm gonna begin with the roughness and we're gonna go up to the base color and then normal and in displacement so let's get started on this so the first thing I'm gonna add is a is it color rump all right so I'm gonna add in a color ramp right here I think it's under converter so convert the color of bright here and I want to zoom in right here so I'm going to leave this on linear we're not gonna change it but you're just gonna leave it on linear and I'm gonna pull this close over to about this side right here I want to drug-drug this also close to this one over here like this so okay you know let's swap the positions all right so I'm gonna move the black all the way to the side and I'm gonna move this here and move this one even closer like that so I'm gonna click on this and I'm gonna increase the brightness a little bit to some kind of a gray color so maybe that's too gray so let's let's increase that a little bit more like that a bit more just a bit more nothing that should be good all right so that's what starting point now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna add in a texture coordinate so I'm gonna go on the texture and let me see what am I looking for is it input texture coordinate where is it found I think it's under also sure didn't put yeah so under input you to find texture coordinate so I'm gonna put that over here and I'm going to add in a mapping all right should be under convert that no vector mapping right here so I'm gonna set the object into the vector up here like this and then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna add in a noise texture and just move this up here I'm not adding a noise texture so on the texture I'm gonna add in nice texture over here and I'm going to set the vector of the mapping here into the vector of the nice texture so what what I do now is we're gonna increase the scale of the noise texture to seven yeah just to seven some point zero two thousand seven thousand five tell them it's just seven seven point zero so just type in seven in here and then save that now what we're gonna do next is when it increases a detail to six and we're gonna keep the distortion want to keep the distortion also at eight like that so let's take a preview of this so we're gonna be pure we're gonna be previewing with this with the material preview not the not be rendered view alright so what about the material preview to preview this so I'm gonna click I'm gonna press D and then go down to material preview I'm gonna if you don't have no regular enabled in your add-ons just going to your preferences going on the add-on and enabled node Wrangler to be able to do this I'm gonna hold down control and shift I'm gonna left click on this and let's take a look at what this looks like so this is what we have going on at the moment right so this is all going to contribute to our reflection and our base color in most ways so the next thing we're going to do is we are going to add in a brightness and contrast node so I want to go on the brightness and contrast should be under color yeah sorry I want to put that in here alright so I want to connect it to the factor like this I'm gonna set the factor into the color of the brightness and contrast so we're gonna increase the brightness to something like negative point one want to go with negative point one and when you increase the contrast to a point one so this is a positive point one point is a negative point one like that so once we've done that we're gonna do now is and just remove this back here let me move this here alright so we're gonna add in a mixed RGB from the color menu we're gonna add in a mixed RGB we're gonna set that in here I don't move this down here I want to set the no hold on yeah we're gonna move it up instead we're gonna keep it up here I want to set the color into the factor okay the color of this color ramp over here into the factor of them makes it shade over here I'm gonna keep it on mix we're not gonna change it just like that and keep the color at white so you can see what we have going on right here so what I'm gonna do next is I'm going to add in a noise texture again so pretty much we just duplicate this one right here and then for this one we're gonna increase the scale up to 15 and we are going to increase the distortion I mean the detail to ten and then we're gonna keep the distortion at one all right so I'm gonna I'm going to set the I'm just move this back here because it's gonna be connecting to a lots of stuff so I'm gonna set the object straight into the vector right here like this and then from this noise texture so you can see what we have with the current nice texture we have we have we added in in here let me just preview that again you can see where we have going on so what this color ramp is doing is actually masking or reducing the brightness of the bright I mean the noise texture we have going on okay so it's just decreasing the color a little bit just dumping it down a little bit for us and that pretty much is going to end up giving us a less what do I call it it's gonna make the tire a bit less more reflective than it should be all right so I explained that hmm I explained that read about in the end so you guys can understand what I mean so let's add in the noise texture that's what we just added in right here so we're gonna do next is we are going to add in another color ramp from the is it converted yeah color ramp right here and we are going to set this to b-spline right here and what I'm gonna do is I'm going to drop this I'm gonna increase this up to about here and I'm gonna drop this down to up to about here like this alright so we're gonna take this one and I'm gonna increase it wouldn't increase the brightness up to somewhere around here like this should be good let me take a look yeah so our own that should be good and I'm gonna set the factor into the factor of the color up here like this and let's take a preview of that you can see what that is giving us right here so what we're gonna do next is we're gonna add in a multiply off pretty much a mixed RGB node set to multiply so what it says it's a multiply so we're gonna multiply the one down here on top of the one up here alright like that so let's take a look at what that gives us nice so we take a look at this one you can see this is what we have and this is what we have now we just take a look through these ones real quick yeah so we're just multiplying it's on top of that one to you know give us some more mixture going on on this tire all right so what we're gonna do next is we're gonna go down here again I want to add in a different texture which is the musgrave texture all right so I'm gonna set the Mazda texture down here and again we're gonna connect the object of the texture coordinate into the vector right here so let's work on the sentence on the must be of texture over here so what I'm gonna do is wanna set the scale up to five I think it's already on five I want to set the detail to 16 all right and we're gonna set the dimension to zero all right and the what do you call it is it a nationality or like your narrative whatever you want to call it so you can set that up to two all right so we can take a preview of that it gives us this grainy kind of a texture going on and we're gonna do that as you can see the contrast is too much so we want to dumping it down a little bit so it doesn't affect our reflection too much so I'm gonna do is we're going to add in a color on to control this so when I add in a let's just duplicate this one and set it in here all right I'm gonna set it to linear again so I want to do is win a drop we're gonna invert it so we're gonna send a white one over here and then let's bring this down to pretty close to it to about this side right here and what I'm gonna do is I'm going to let me take a look I'm just gonna increase this just a little bit like that so you can see what we have going on just like that we just drop it down a touch let me increase it just a touch alright so there we go so what what I do now is we're gonna add in another mix RGB so we're just gonna duplicate this one and set it up in here like this all right so we're gonna move this one to the bottom you know we're going to plug this one up here into the top like this okay so this is what we have but we don't want to use multiply in this case we want to use soft lights just so it don't piss it down a little bit more so this is what we we achieve using the soft light I'm just gonna pull this over here a little bit just use soft lights on this one and a pretty much good to go so what we're gonna do is we're just gonna set a few more things on the mix our jeebies we're using right now so over here at the factor we're just gonna increase that to a value of 0.8 just increase that to a point you can see it it it increases the contrast of the whiteness area a little bit you can see what that what that does you just set it to point 8 and let's do the same thing with the soft light over here so with the softly I'm gonna increase it up to a full one all right so you can see we just want to make it fall out I mean what do i what is the right word to use to make it a stand out a little bit to make the white and the gray a little bit of contrast ii in a way so just increase that to a full one and that is pretty much all that there is for the reflection area so this is the basic step this is all for the reflection we're gonna be using next to define the base color and the what you call it the normal in the displacement alright so one more thing I want to do is let me see I went to up we're going to have to add in a gradient texture so let's add in a brilliant texture over here it should be somewhere here gradient texture I want to set it up to spherical but drastic spheres or was it spherical I think it's quadratics yeah quadratic spheres just keep it on quadratic sphere and let's set the object into that quadratic sphere and I wanna set if the color of this quadratic sphere into the where is it the color round the fact of this color ramp over here like this so let's preview that and you can see what I mean so what it is doing is what this quadratic sphere is doing it is creating this mask over here so you can see it kind of mask it around this area all this area to the threat area so you can see around here just around here okay just pretty close to it to the threads of the tire around here mask is out and make this side all this area white and it makes all this area gray so what it does is what the Color Run does is it sets that sort of thing going for you and then when you set it up into this side into the fact over here so up here what we have is we have this noise texture going on up here alright then we have this noise texture also going on down here so you can see this one is more swirly or this one is more sort of sort of a different shape than this one alright so we want this one over here this swirly one over here to be on the side of the tie over here you want this sort of smooth one over here to be on top of the threads so pretty much what we're doing is we've set that in here and we're multiplying we're multiplying it up here okay so with this one over here if we take a look at this one you can see this car ramp over here going into the factor here is masking out on the top area here and making it making sure that none of this there's a nice texture of a actually flows to the top so you can see it's preventing the flow of this to the top and leaving it for this one over here this is multiply node over here to actually take care of the rest so the one down here is going to be replacing whatever we have up here so you should take a look at that you can see the wonder we have with this noise texture we have down here which is not quite detailed as the first one it's replacing everything else up here alright so that is the result you're getting right now alright so that is the first step we wouldn't be moving on to the second one so the next thing we're gonna be doing is to be creating the base color of the main tire so this thing you're seeing is just pretty much going to be affecting the reflection okay so the more darker areas are going to be close to being reflective in the more whiteside areas are gonna be less reflective pretty much I think so let's get on with this and then in the end I'll explain everything to you guys us it works so the next we're going to be doing is creating basically as I said so we're gonna begin by adding in a color ramp alright so we're going to vector no converter and add in a color ramp right here so we're just gonna leave it on we're gonna leave it on linear and then let's just pull in over here so I'm just gonna swap the positions of this these two these two points over here and I want to move this one pretty much to about let me take a look I think they're pretty close together yeah so let's pull it pretty close together like that they're pretty close together I think so I'm going to leave it around here like this and then we're going to set the color of the gradient texture into the factor of this one right here so that brilliant texture is going to be masking it out like that first as you can see and then what we're gonna do next is take the masking else pretty good yeah so what I'm gonna do next is we're gonna add in a mix RGB so let's press shoot an a and add in let's go into color and add in and mix RGB here so I want to set this color ramp into the factor of this mix RGB alright so what I'm gonna do next is take a look at this okay so I think what we're supposed to do here is let me just pull this back a little bit so I'm gonna do here is we're going to mask out the threads over here okay so I'm just gonna pull this back until the white areas only covering the threads and just pull it back a little bit yeah so you can see the white area we have going on is only threads and you see we can pull it down a little bit more just a tiny bit more might not work up just a tiny bit more there we go so just adjust this until you have the white area only covering out the the threads over here and pretty much all that this is going to be doing is to be defining the areas which is going to be having the dirt on it okay so obviously it's going to be a new tire but a new tire definitely will have some dirt on it straights could as well trying to achieve here so over here we're gonna set the base color of this black area we have going on here pretty much so I'm just gonna increase let me let me connect this to the viewer first I'm just gonna decrease the brightness of this one down to some gray color pretty gray looking like the gray of the node like that and then I'm just gonna set this to a slight brown that is the color of dirt okay that is going to define the color of this white area over here so when I said that's what dark brown which I'm pretty sure she'd be around here like this yeah we just drop that down to a little bit more dirty color like that I'm pretty sure that she do all right so that would pretty much define the dust area the area is gonna have the dirt on it just like that for us and I'm gonna do next is we're gonna add in another mixed RGB so I'm gonna press it's an 8 and the color I'm gonna add in a mix RGB over here like this and I'm gonna set the color of the first one over here to the top and we're gonna add in the the color from the is it the Musgrave texture I think think so let me take a look yeah from Musgraves textures color ramp that is from this side from this side okay this is the master texture we have over here so the color on Padmasri texture we're gonna set that into the bottom layer of the mix RGB here it's set so we're gonna set that to multiply okay so we're gonna set we're going to multiply the mascara texture on top of the third this makes RGB I've gone in here which is a kind of a third defining RGB or whatever you can call that so we're just gonna set that to multiply so multiplies on top of that so we can take a preview of that and you can see what we have gone just like that alright so I want to move on to the next and this is all just to define the color okay pretty much so I'm just gonna increase the factor up to something like a full one let's increase it to a full one I increase it to a full one just increase it to a full one and I want to do next is we need to find a color of the main title okay obviously ty is black so we're going to use a color on to define this pretty much so let me add in a convert to color ramp right here and I'm gonna set that to linear it's already on linear so we're gonna keep it there I don't pull this truck over here all the way up to about this point okay and I'm gonna leave this one right at the end here but I want to take this one and I'm going to decrease the brightness down close to a darker color pretty much like that okay so I'm just gonna increase it the touch think that should be good yeah pretty much and I'm going to do next is we are going to add in we are going to add in okay actually made a mistake here over here this one is not actually connected to the musgrave texture right so it's pretty much connected from the from this multiply node here yeah it's connected from this multiply node so we're just gonna set that in so obviously just like I explained from must be of Texas pretty much taking all of the texture we've defined over here if I preview that for you you can see all of this texture and it's adding it is multiplying it on top of the one over here so we have the dirt up here and then everything else being on this side like that so what I'm gonna do next is we're gonna define the color so I'm gonna press shift and a you've already add into this color ramp over here so when I press shift in a and I'm going to add in a mixed RGB so color mix RGB I want to set this to soft light all right so I just want it to be subtle not overly soft light I wanna set the color of the color of the color ramp into the first color over here and then this actually comes from as great texture this is the one that comes from my two textures color ramp I'm gonna set that in there straight in there like that pretty sure is it the musgrave texture no sir I need to take a look yeah the musgrave texture she just set that in there directly like that and then you're good to go so what want to do next is let's take a preview of that you can see what we have going on it's pretty much the color of the tire and some areas been a little bit lighter that is being defined by the the muscular texture so what I'm gonna do now is we're going to tweak the brightness with this factor we have going on here so this is gonna set that up 2.8 like that to make it a little bit more brighter in this areas you can see as I increase it make it a little bit more bright so making it a bit different in contrast I mean it's not that visible but you know what I mean if you can see it hopefully you get the same result in your in yours so let's get on with this okay whoa you know something going on right now I'm actually installing a video game and it's messing with my screen I don't know if you guys can see that but yeah it's messing with my screen right now but the video is actually still rolling hopefully all right so I'm gonna do is we're gonna add in another soft light so we're just gonna take this one and duplicates it's pretty much and set it up in here also set to 0.8 and I'm gonna do is want to take this one again and then set it up to the button area over here like that and you can see what we have going on just like that so we're just adding in the the initial noise textures we added we mixed up in here to the top area I'm in the bottom area over here and we're using soft lights you blend it in just like that alright so the final thing we're gonna do to actually achieve the color for this is to add in another mix RGB so I didn't mix RGB here I'm gonna leave that at mix and I'm gonna set this to the button and then down one to the top like that let's take a look at that all right so pretty much mixing the two together to achieve this you can see what we have going on okay so we're just gonna leave it at 25 just like that and that should be good okay so I'm just gonna take I'm gonna take this over here first off this let's change this over here on the principle because the F we have ggx going on over here so when it changes to a multi scotts of ggx instead and then let's take these two press G and move that all the way here to the right side like that alright so all I'm going to do next is to first off let me connect this into the base color of the principle DB SDF so when I set that into the base color like that let's take a look at what that looks like alright so that is the base color as you can see we have gone on you can see all the mixtures that we add any if you take a closer look you can see we have some kind of I don't know what to call it but the swirly nuts on the sides of the time if we go up here you can see we have some well it's not that visible but all that stuff that we blended in is actually when you take a look at the raw raw material over here you can see all the stuff that we have going on here is pretty much defined in the base color we have down here okay so if we take a look at that it's not that visible but you can see bits of it going on in here this is the base color all right so I'm gonna do next is we want to set this soft light as well this one here let me just press you and bring this closer want to set that into the roughness all right so that is going to define the roughness for us set that in there like that that should define the roughness pretty much nicely for us so you can see what we have going on like that so hopefully you guys had the same result but we're not done yet we still have a few more things to do to go the normal and the displacement actually so to finish this off now we're going to create the displacement in the normal map of this of this tire here so we're gonna do first is we're gonna add in a gradient texture right here so texture I didn't one here well I think we already have one going on here but whatever so let's set the object into the vector over here I'm gonna set this to yeah the same thing so quadratic sphere we could have even used this one up here it's all the way up here so let's just continue so what would I do now is we're gonna add any color ramp so we're gonna go to converter color ramp put that in here now what is that that's a linear it's already in linear so I'm gonna move this all the way here and unless swap positions like that I'm gonna move that all the way here like this move this pretty close like that so I'm gonna take this one I want to reduce the color I'm gonna drop the color down to something pretty close to gray like that stop good enough yeah I think so so what we're gonna do next is we are going to add in a multiply node alright so first off let me set this color into the factor of the color up we have going on here so if you take a look at that you can see what we have going on like that just masking it out there nicely so I think it's pretty close to me pretty too close to the top so what i'm gonna do is i'm just pull it so it's pretty close to the end of the threads like that just like that and i think we can pretty much move this also close to it something pretty close like that the thing that should we get sure let me see yeah so like that and one way to do next is hold on before we actually continue let me move up here make sure these things are maxed out quite well take a look at this one too alright so there we go let's move on so down here we're gonna add in nice is we are going to add in a multiply a mas note alright so I'm gonna add in a mas note I think it's on the converter last note I want to set this to multiply alright so when you use this to control the strength of this so the massive texture we have going on up here so when I set the color on the color of this color ramp into the top socket of this math node here and when I use this control the strength so if I preview this you can see what we have going on so who's gonna review the strings down to something pretty low very low let me see yeah so very low so the contrast it's not that big alright so let me try point zero zero five okay that is pretty low but sorry for that sound that's my notification sorry zero zero two so let's type that in what a widt point zero zero two all right like that just make it a little bit duck like that you know what want to do now is we're gonna add in a noise texture again so just take this nice texture I'm just gonna duplicate it down here and what I'm gonna do next is let's increase the scale to I think so three thousand I think yeah has to be three thousand right yeah it's three thousand so set it up to three thousand leave the detail at ten and then drop the distortion to zero crap zero so when I set the object of this texture coordinate in there as well into the vector area of that nice texture let's take a look at what that looks like very nice so it's grainy this is going to create the sort of for rough suffice for this time you'll know what I mean in the end so let's just pull that to about here let's pull this up here like this so you know where everything is connected and let's pull this let me pull this underneath this one over here I've done you pull this here put this here so what I do next is we're gonna add in a mix RGB under color mix RGB when I set that over here and just move it over here let me just drop it in there and I want to do is I'm gonna move this down here I'm gonna drop want to move this line down here and then what I'm gonna do next is and when it said the yeah the math note the value for this math node to the bottom value here and I want to control the factor with this color up we have going on here okay like this so you can see what we have going on so the mass grave texture is pretty much what do I call it the monstery of texture does this texture we have up here it's pretty much visible down here and then the noise texture we added over here over here it's pretty much what we were seeing up here pretty much just like that so what I'm gonna do next is and of course the one that is controlling that mask is this gradient texture we have gone here set into this color on because that is what we've plugged into the factor so it's controlling that mix we have gone on all rather that's it let's say that's our okay we wanna add them instead not mix them so let's add them over let's take a look at what that looks like just gonna add the two over themselves like that with the factor being these this color and we have gone on here like this and now what I'm gonna do next is when I add in another multiply node over here so pretty much let's just take this one and then let's duplicate it down here like this and then again we're gonna set the color of this one into the top socket just like that and then let's keep the value at point zero zero two because we just duplicated it so no much difference now what if you mix what would I do next is we want to add in a nice texture so let's duplicate this one and let's move it underneath this one and this time this scale is 5000 so when it's get set the scale up to 5000 like that and again we're gonna set the object of the text cohorts into the noise texture over here so we have a set object now let's take a look at that and you can see it's even more grainy like really tiny tiny really tiny yeah just like that now I want to do next is we're gonna add another mix RGB so just duplicate this one I'm gonna move that down here and we're gonna leave that at add so I'm just going to plug this one up here to the bottom area down here and then we're gonna increase or decrease instead let me take a look at that looks like so you can see what that looks like very grainy look so what I'm gonna do next is I'm gonna drop the factor down so we have much something much more data all right so what do with something very dark cuz we are defining the strengths here so it needs to be quite dark so we're gonna drop that down to a very small value just like the multiply node we have going on here so let's try one zero zero two I went good point zero five on my vice setup here so you know let's try the point zero zero five hmm I think no there's a little bit more brightness so I think that's we want to go with and then one what I'm going to do again is I'm going to add in another add node so let's just duplicate this one put it over here and I wouldn't set this one to the top of that add node automatically it's gonna move down to the bottom and I'm gonna increase the factor to eight point five all right like that so when you leave it up one five and the moment at you know is when I'm adding a bump node so that should be under the vector very fast on the bump I want to set that in here just gonna take a while to load so we don't want to set this into the normal set it into the height over here because we want to set that into the heights and now we're gonna set this come on you know so you can see what we have going on so now we're gonna do is we're gonna set this into the displacement right here like that come on and I'm gonna drop the value down to I think I went with displacement no wait hold on is it a bump map and take a look at this let me just remove this I'm taking a look at what I went with yeah I don't think it was a bump mom it's a displacement map it's a displacement map instead okay so let's get rid of the bump map and then let's set this here so when I set the color into the heights over here and I want to change the object space too I'm gonna keep it that object space pretty much what I'm gonna change that and then let's drop the let's take a look at this all right we're trying to get a good look at this okay so I'm gonna set this down to eight point zero five should be a point zero five zero like that and I'm gonna draw up in mediaeval down to zero pretty much I think yeah and I want to set that into the displacement into the displacement just like that nice so what I'm gonna do is we want to take a look at the final material just to see how this looks so I'm just gonna plug that in then let's take a look at how this looks come on all right so you can see what we have going on this is not too good he'll sew one we want to tweak the skill around a little bit to actually achieve this one Billy did I go with 1:05 okay let's drop this down to point zero zero three and let's see what that gives us all right so I think this trench was too much but I can see all you have going on all right right here nice but this area actually is too rough okay so I think that is being defined by this color ramp we have gone on here all right so what I want to do is I want to have this color ramp actually go up right to the thread area because I want a more roughy surface to be on the thread area okay so more like it runs on the sand so it's gonna create some dents in on the threads so that's what this color ramp is for so we're just gonna define this to move it pretty close to the top that is pretty close to the threads I'm just going to make sure it gets there let me take this one no I don't want this one I'm gonna pull it in a little bit pull this up close to the threads like that now let's take a look at this again the more roughy areas yeah there we go so you can see what I'm talking about the more rocky areas being on the top of this side just like that all right so you can see we hope they're going on but the dirt isn't actually that extreme you can make it extreme from this side I'm just by increasing this yeah so just increase that and you can see it adds the dirt to it for you as you can see it's increasing the brightness of the dirt that is how you can control it so I'm just gonna keep it down to something hmm about here like that so yeah that's pretty much all the note set up but is there anything else we have to do yeah we have to add in the tire wall okay so the inscriptions or the right things on the side of the tire that's the final thing we're gonna add in so I want to do is we want to add in an image texture we're gonna use an image which I'm going to be providing to you guys in the description so you can just download it from my mega account so just add that in here and let's add in a bump from the vector the very first one and I'm gonna set this in too the height over here and then let's drop the strain to point two I think I want one too I'm gonna drop the distance to point one like that so I'm just gonna open this and I'm gonna open the image okay so wherever you have the image saved just load in that image so I'm gonna find mine right now you guys might not be seeing that because it's a separate window so we just find it real quick GYN it's right around here there we go so set that in there like that and let's take a preview of that you can see how it looks like pretty much come on all right so this is not visible because we haven't actually unwrapped the tire so this is an image texture so we have to unwrap the tire to be able to see what we have going on here so I want to split the view over here I'm gonna go into the the is the UV editor and I'm gonna load in the image quickly so tire side should load in real quick there we go so I'm gonna go over to the side view over here and I'm gonna click on them just get to the side I'm gonna click in the middle here I'm gonna press ctrl n plus until I have the amount I need to select it so I want to select this one as well and I think that including this one as well oh no not those ones leave those ones out so there we go so he's gonna get to decide where to place you in an unwrap this okay you can see it all wraps very nicely for as long just gonna press a to select everything I'm gonna scale it to the outside boundary of the inscriptions we have going on here you can see it's all outside of it let me just kill it I'll scale it in a little bit more I darling just kill it in just a little bit more like that very nice but it's not covering all the way so we're gonna take the inner one I want to enable proportional editing or I just press all to enable proportional editing you can see it enabled here if I press again it disables just press all to enable it I want to press s and want to decrease the fall-off to about something like this so I'm just decrease it down until it's not affecting the outer most that exclu over here saying up there so you can see it's not affecting it and now what I'm going to do is I'm going to zoom to this area right here and I'm gonna press s and I'm going to scale it down until this one falls just into the area right here so if you go around you can see everything is inside now just like that so that is the first one I'm gonna do the same thing with this side so when I press a twice to deselect everything and I'm gonna take this one press ctrl+ until we have all these select I'm going to select this last one press you to unwrap this as well okay so pretty much gonna do the same thing scale it down to fold right outside of it like that I think it goes all around it very nicely yeah there we go so I'm gonna take this one now we already have the professional editing setup so we're just gonna zoom in over here press s and then scale it down to that point like that and there we go so if you select everything and see what we have going on both sides have been unwrapped quite nicely you just take a look real quick there we go so I'm gonna get I'm going to get out of edit mode and let's minimize this we were done with it and let's go back to the material preview and you can see there it is it's right there like that so what I do now is we're gonna set this into the normal of the the principal because the F we have going on here and then if we preview this should look good stick in a while and there we go so you can see that is looking very very great so I'll provide a link to the image for you guys so you can use it and yeah hopefully you had the same result we are about to preview it in what we call it hold on I think I want to increase the strength of the bump over here a little bit I mean let me go with where is it yeah so I want to go is point two zero zero five let me see what that looks like okay let me increase it a little bit more so point zero one one zero one isn't bad but it makes it to extreme on this side so let's go at point zero zero eight see what that looks like okay so we're gonna keep it up on zero zero eight and there's all type so hopefully you have the same result I'm gonna end the video here but before I actually did I let's take a look at how this looks in cycles so let me just fullscreen this and I'm gonna press Z and going to rendered view all right so it's rendering out just give it some time all right so we got the result we needed as you can see it's looking a lot like a realistic tire and you can see the dirt going on on this side over here just have to add that to make it look more realistic and yeah so there we go so pretty much let me show you the note set up again so this is the one controlling the reflection alright so you can see if you want to reduce everything the reflection is too much and you want to reduce it you can do that with these color ramps over here right so if you kind of increase it you can see the reflection is going up and down so you can do that with the individual let me just undo that because I like the way it is so you can do that with the individual color arms over here as long as it's connected to the roughness it will affect it in some way alright so it's all up to you let me just increase this up a little bit I think I need to be done just gonna drop it somewhere out here should be good all right so now pretty much do it for the tire I know this was really long because this was actually complicated alright it took me a lot of time to come up with the tire and of course I actually lent this from a tutor I bought a course online to actually landish this cause was what do you call it the first one was a Jeep modeling course it was on the CG masses or net and the second was a second one was a corporate cost okay so both of them I'll enter at the texturing in there and I kind of combined it to actually come up with this texture time you're seeing over here so credits to Chris plush for helping me learning how to texture and everything if you want to see the cause I'm the cause that actually took to be this good in 3d modeling and texturing I will be providing the link to the to his website for you guys to be able to but if you want to buy the course you can buy it or you know it's all up to you so yeah I also provide you guys with the image to be able to use it so I'll see you guys in the next video this wall and the video
Channel: NArF - Natural Art Freak
Views: 29,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tire, Tyre, Blender, Material, Shader, Tire Shader, Tire Material, Offroad Tire
Id: 6g_5vykEZiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 48sec (2688 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2019
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