Blender 2.8 - [Tutorial] Easy Japanese Fortress

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hello everybody and welcome to my next tutorial in this tutorial we're creating a kind of a Japanese castle fortress I use PRF for displaying the images I just looked up for the Nagoya building this is one of the biggest castle I think in Japan in Japan and I find a lot of images so you can just drag and drop the images here and it will be above the blender so you can watch it you can scale it so this one is very useful but let's get started the first thing I just delete the cube I create a new collection like that and I click on the collection and I'm just creating a plane so the first first thing I will do is just drag this one out then I use the knife tool to cut think this first - yes now press C so it will go straight and spacebar C spacebar something like that nice then I just go to move make a little bit something like that and I will drag this up okay next thing I just grab all the angles and push them up so this will be kind of the first part here this one with a little bit a little bit of edge that goes up yeah I think it's okay like this oh the first thing I just need to do is safe just go yeah or dress something like that or just Japanese fortress good next thing we create again a new playing just click seven I go to the modifier add subdivision surface and you can see makes kind of this new one of us all you can click simple so it will remain like that what we just let it to cut more Clark and we just apply it we drag it up rotate it you have here rotate many 90-degree X and we just delete the faces okay next thing again i just press seven push just a little bit here but ask the scale is a little bit down just put it on this edge here so the next root it maybe it's a little bit too big the beginning a little bit less think you know I think this one is okay then we go again to the modifier and attach an every modifier and you can see duplicated and you can set the count you can set yeah how many I think the what we can support it 2-0 and you can think yeah you know you can put make it a little bit wider yes or you can change order the destination so what honestly I use it just to make kind of this one here now I can just perfect think here 29 okay I'll just drag this down check if it's okay also here I think it's okay we can apply it the next thing we select everything with a go to resect oh sorry again go to be checked here in the mesh and just started to cut it here down I don't see it here just need to push it up but up again be sacked I'm just go straight to this edge here you have here the modifier so you just clear inner or outer so out is the right one and we just do the same thing here perfect and then in there okay next thing is we go to with the numpad free just rotate it a little bit it will fit in here so okay next thing we just need to put this free up so just take this one here here also it's not perfect but it's not bad maybe have been rotating so the same with here good press one I can just rotate it little bit down here okay perfect when you see that the gizmo is here so you want to change it like this one here but you can here you see it will be on this side you can just go to objects at origin and origin to geometry so we will just align it back okay perfect next thing is I save before we lose everything nice next just duplicated I'm rotating it 200 oops hundred eighty degrees the same I'm rotating again both 90 degrees nice I just want to set a little bit on the look to you so I would just go here to ambient occlusion set it hi soul it's a little bit better to look at it okay I think this one is good so just go to solid and just go again applying a play playing a plane so you know you see I'm a very big fan of planes just like to start it with the planes every time so edit mode push this more a little bit here so you can see this one is a very big centre so we just need to adjust everything just check it how it looks when I just scale it up a little bit like this I think this one is this one is good yeah nice I could just dublicate this one also and scale it a little bit up I just want to select the base bigger this one also just put it like that hmm maybe not it's ok like this one yeah because this one is the other roofed and the other one so for the other roof I think it's just enough when we copy paste this one here because this one is just solid black so we have again a roof like dad that's good next thing is we can start creating like these things here see it a little bit better here save it first we create a new plane drag it up and I'm just to control our and subdivide it in the middle something like that then I'm just combine these two with F this one it's too so you can just press shift select every one and press F so I'm going to just fill it out good next thing is we just need to select here it is - and again here - and press s this scale it nice then again press here press s and why not why is false X okay as an X so as X + Enter so it will just be again straight nice not bad so we can just do the same thing with the roof again here so we just add a modifier where I have with a modifier here apply it then rotate it 90 degrees take the last two select the face just push it here scale it down maybe just it's the same size that is - I don't then the other one extrude it good then you know I had an air a 10 I'm just go a little bit down a little bit left good then we can just rotate it because sometimes when you rotate it the size is a little bit different it's a little bit strange but I think it will work like now you can see how it's a little bit less so we can just before we apply the array drag this one like that and this one can just drag it up so then we can create like free and I just push this a little bit in I can yeah I just put this outside nice save it and the same thing shift D to duplicate it rotate it on an 80-degree and it will perfectly align here so this does not need to worry you because we just put this one here you can just see it just create a new plane we scale it down something like that just extrude one and then next to it again back scale and extrude it the screencast way I don't know why oh now we are back sorry and you can see it has also a little bit like a stretching here okay this one looks not so bad next thing is we just select this one here press E or we just take just one a little bit up to free shift and select it and now we can just do it a little bit better so you could just scale it here just extrude it one times in and again okay I think this one is good we can also do the same on ice okay like this I think this one is good next thing is just I'm just one change it to random so we know which one we selected okay so this one is the first one could you scale it a little bit that it well go in it just create this one of it up okay I'll scale it a little bit I think this one it's not so bad we have one here and the other tooth here sorry so I just think I just make a little bit wider someone to train then again so we just duplicated rotate it 180 degrees just let it like that yeah and again obligated rotate it 90 degrees up 98 now again on an 80 so my summary fortress a little bit smaller it's a little bit difficult with them size from everything but I think with time I just figure it out but I'm also new to blender so it's a little bit difficult at the beginning just save it again I think this one looks not bad okay next thing is you can just duplicate it again this one that we just created so we just need to do it again a little bit scale it a little bit this one will be here so you can just scale it also a little bit up so it's a little bit bigger oh no before I just forget it just tell let it delete it excuse me we can create first this kind of same thing here on the side so it just will you can just like how to say it it just we want to see it so they create a new mesh the plane we go in the mirror modifier press Y and X go to edit mode and you can just extrude it the first minute to wireframe it so we can just put it out you can see it has four now one two three four you can just to one side so every one every side you will do it a little bit faster so we can just make something like that and then just take this one here extrude it until we are here pressed against solid next to it up and rotate it a little bit that's a little bit difficult because the gizmo is a a bit strange I don't know how you can make it again that it looks like this I didn't figure it out how you can do it but that's not a problem now I think I just want to again one here so it goes up like that maybe these two oh so and then again took this size here that's X now sy now as set goes Y or X strange doesn't works but it's okay I just do it like manual like this okay can just control our it again and push this one to sit down okay doesn't look that so now we can just take everything here to trick when you just say it's okay like this one here we can just take one two three and first things just need to apply so one two three four and this one Oh so yes perfect and then you can go to object and join it together so now it's one mesh and then you can go again to set origin so it's in the middle of the mesh you can see it on the color now it's everything it's purple or blueish I don't know so we can just copy again so you know just it's a little bit easier and just scale it a little bit bigger nice nothing this one is also good so I just will control again make a little bit bigger so this one was here this one is the second one so we just duplicated this again maybe a little bit bigger here nice now we can just think make the same hero so just push it out oh this one is also false so just need to or 280 280 degree but then we can join it together what oh it's perfectly I just need to apply the array sorry object join nice and you can see it again change the color so we can just duplicate it again I'm scaling a little bit just check it how it looks just get a bigger think until I hear just play it around like you like it but for me I think this one is good just that you cannot see the edges nice and I think on the other side they have also too so just dublicate it rotated to 180 degree and just do it like that okay and then save it you can just watch it I loved you I think it doesn't look so bad like dad okay nice the next thing is we dublicate this one again so now we are on one of the biggest one so this one to this one is also just one maybe a little bit scary that's nice perfectly lit again I'm just dublicate it like that oh I wouldn't see that how does him didn't miss an array oh this one is not so good oh I'm sorry I just I just need to do like this now I just forgot when I join it one hooray so apply it apply it again join oh you can happen I just saw it on the right time I'm sorry again now I just need to do it again but it's okay this one was fast so scale it a little bit like it's too much here again rotate it grease mmm strange is a little bit bigger I don't know why okay I think this one is good say it again oops now okay we have this two here and again this one here scale a little bit down and duplicate it rotated 180 degrees sorry I need to save it everything I know you can just press ctrl s but yeah so now we're on the same level than before I'm not just do the same here once one and rotate it again Ayane dated Greece this kind of windows here they're a little bit difficult because they have like the circle in it I'm just didn't figure it out how it can make it without it looks shitty I think so I just need to practice this one here oh so this one is good nice now we can just try to make roof the end of the roof so we just create a new plane scale it a little bit one two three that's right so we can just edit mode straight up control our I make like the same than before something like that and then the other just other thing I need I just extrude it like that and I just scaled it again something like that now the only problem is that the roof is a little bit difficult to to apply it here because if one and then again another one so this one is also a little bit difficult I think but you can make it so we just apply again to here make it like that and again this X and this X so but first I think I just need to make this a bit up [Music] I don't want to get it like too big I think these two are too big just scale a little bit down I think all of these are too big I'm sorry nice okay I think we just can take one of the arrays from here maybe yeah we have it here already so dublicate it rotate it maybe we just work out like that so we don't need to create every time in new one so this one is very easy to apply but the problem is now that you really need to press alt and then select one so you can just select the whole round then you can just drag this one here down so now we can just count it again this okay complicated rotate it degrees and adjust it a little bit here mmm-hmm I think this one is good okay nice well so the next thing what we forgot so when you just want to work on this one here you can just press up the tab bar I don't know it's like this paragraph so it's under the ask button and up the tab button so you can just work on one selected mesh now we just need to cut it first just make like here it's a little bit random but it's okay so then we can just move this again up but it has like the kind of Japanese architecture style maybe we just need to make this also a little bit up so the mesh will look a little bit better or down I think no this one is good no here we have here a problem maybe it's just just one here hmm then again press the same button oh you can see the button here on the left sorry I forgot it okay so the next one is we can just turn up this one here oh yeah why not I just duplicated this one again rotate it 90 degrees scale it a little bit down maybe just won't work like yeah that's a little bit - oh maybe it will work like this nice so just put it until it there now we just need to create a lot of maybe just make it a little bit bigger I think I just make it a little bit bigger yeah come on this one is good select this one here why he doesn't want to be selected maybe just adjust it like a bit of this and here also but I think it's good now we can just make it more I think 23 which is not bad nice good now we can apply it select everything go to mesh dissect first I just go to wireframe so we can see this kind of edge it's just the right edge I think this one is the right edge so again bisect this one is this one here and then outer just check it out yes it's the right one nice just do it again same thing go to wireframe so you can just press by Z false okay I can't fall sorry just take this edge here [Music] that's okay nice good now we can just select everything like other time with B well it's like this one in here okay I just rotate it a little bit oh all right just need to rotate it like that okay I want you to be selected press free again rotated a little bit okay nice save it first before we do everything else okay and now we can just copy and paste it again on the other side rotating present I'll press it here 180 degree and just search the right position here okay and I will just okay first we just go to object and setting them middle and then I just try to rotate it again I just want to look that we can just also apply it a little bit on the other side so much but I think we just gain it a little bit because you cannot see it like really bad because the other one is there we just can't cut it with the be sect - well scale it down a little it's something like that now we can just cut it down just try to do that that's two that's not so good I think I just need to grab just here okay let's just do it again about the first wife remote be sacked cut it like this and change it okay so now we have like kind of dis here I'm not doing much with that so what can we do Dee's here maybe you can just cut it oh so and the middle up moving like that to be sick tool like this one here and just change it like dad and then I think we can cut it also and frogged what I have here this one is a little bit of so good and then again I just cut the front two away here oh it's my fault sorry before we cut it down on the B sex tool we just need to say it that you need to fill so I nee cut it like this way to say I need to fill so you can see it fills it up I can just rotate it a little bit you can see it not too much too bad well it's not perfect but what is perfect in life right what is perfect in life okay go to wireframe mode select the other ones maybe just can just also rotate it a little bit it looks like it goes a little bit up maybe less touken nice press one just one I need to take those so okay just rotate it and forget it here we will close it again so you don't we won't see it this one it's just thing it it looks like it's full so when you look at like alright a long distance but you don't need to do apply the last thing here this one it's a little bit it's a little bit difficult I I just didn't figure it out how I can do it like it's better or something like that maybe I just need to make start array here and then cut it I don't know just need to find it out first I think with this one here we are not so bad just apply it looks not bad it's not be perfect or something like that but just it doesn't need to look bad okay just need to also rotate here a little bit yes here also okay what we can try is again the same method like the other one can just add a new plane push it up add a mirror modifier with X&Y select activity wireframe mode and then we can just push this here like that and select the other border and just push it up okay push this here down that create again free here select this one just find the right place okay maybe you can just apply it again like this push it a little bit up 1 2 3 4 like this 9 1 2 3 4 like this okay nice so the last thing we need to do we need to do is again applied your plane you can just make it here just extrude it it's almost a little bit too big so I can't just something like that then I can push a little bit down and when you just want to apply like the same thing like that you can just create again one and two here and just extrude this too like that make like four here so one two three one two three four just drag them down or you'll like it but you don't really need to do that when you don't want but I think sometimes it's not bad now the same side push down one two three four one two three four and then again shift alt so you can select all the variables and just put a little bit down like so like in the picture but it's okay I like that also so when you want to do like some decoration here we can make kind of just check it a new collection and an image is reference go to desktop just need to check sorry I just need to check all my reference going fish right the golden fish are here is it nice so you can just import it as a reference to rake it up then you can just create on the same one and you plane rotate the plane that we can look it to 90 degrees go to wife remote but first we apply a mirror modifier just on the X Y axis so when you want to work with that you can do it without problem or maybe it's the one hmm strange but first we just need to scale the picture a little bit down I think we just done it with doesn't need even meet I think a mirror modifier it's okay like that okay nice then next thing is we can just go to direct select select every for vertex and delay I'm sorry delete the variables and now I think we can just press ctrl yes and right click the button just stay on control and you can make kind of these things here ah sorry I can't again sir can make kind of just some decoration something like that so something like that doesn't need to be perfect but it's not a bad kind of thing to do just to have a quick result and because it's low poly it doesn't need to be like really really realistic you can do it realistic I think in this kind of method but just need to work it like that now so you can see it nice and here so just when you want to connect the last two press both F good so now we can just delete the reference and you can see we have a kind of fish here press on the fish and press F extrude it and maybe you can just a little bit of so control b2 to add a little bit of how to say where we have it Beeville to battle or how to say it just like that just it looks a little bit more better I think but it doesn't need only to be just one is very easier time because you can see it has also on the side and everything but just you can do the same method for the other one also and then again just dublicate it and to rotate it selector that's the next thing is I just saw like this one here shifty to duplicate it and when you want to have this kind of separate you can just press P and selection so this one is had its own own edge now and then we can just kind of do the too much one two three like that just need to scale it a little bit more I think yeah but I need it also just to adjust this one here really bad so I can adjust this one also here now it looks a little bit a little bit better so the last one I just let the last one without like kind of tease because it's very very little but you can also really didn't see it and when you make one to make like kind of windows or something like that I just do it separately so I just make a new plane like everything I make a little window scale it a little bit up these windows are very easy to make so I just extrude extrude it again like that rotate it 90 degrees I can and I can just apply it on the side wherever I want maybe we can just also add a color so go to material selected make a new material you just say base no face and then again a new one and we can just create it black and now just assign black to it and go to black maybe it's Pecola so it's a lot of black nice so I can just duplicate it to I just don't want to create a lot of Windows like this one here but you can when you want it maybe yeah then we can just duplicate it again put it here okay nice and applicate it again now we can put here a lot of Windows one two oh sorry okay nice I think we can just duplicate this one and rotate it so we have the other side also 180 degrees something like that oh just put it like this one here nice and other side oh so so I just make this one here rotated to minus 9 degree and that's the windows whatever you want hmm maybe one just here okay and here I will latch two windows one two so down again here I will just add free so six sorry duplicated rotate it to 180 greet and all right here just save it quick now I can't honestly just select every window here and I will just dublicate it and put it on down so we have like the same amount of windows here just press s to scale it a little bit again okay now I would just put them like this maybe I just do it a little bit different so it doesn't look like the same sorry just make like this I don't like deers here something like that okay look so bad nice so we can just play another color color - but first I just need to apply everything Oh Adam nere so one two three four and I'm just going together four and Dan join oh sorry just one has a narrate trying this is giant and this one not so now when I will do that in the beginning it was a little bit easier but it's okay this one is also everything is showing nice perfect oh maybe it was not so good that we join it but that's okay I think it's okay what we can join this to okay now we can just create a new material we just say to roof please make it like it's bluish like this and add everything to that blue yeah sorry so now this was a little bit of problem that I just connect everything now I just need to connect that at the end or not connected because now when you want to make another color like this we just need to select everything and maybe it's a bit easier why doesn't want go strange that's okay but which is a need to I just put it up here and we just need to take everything here manually so it's a little bit more work okay again here so don't connect it in the beginning it's not really that bad but you will lose a little bit of time when you want to create it so patients select everything here okay and the last one okay I'll be creating new material we said maybe which color is a little bit darker so through to something like that sign it and you will see it will change already the color but when we just make it a little bit darker you can see it worked put a little back again that and we can just apply this one here to the roof too and this also and we can apply the modifier and we can also set the origin here back I am the next things we can create a new material for the fish so I just said gold it looks like some kind of gold are here so well not some kind but just make a little bit of just one here and then when you go down to your properties you can add kind of metallic so you can just make like eye of these so the next problem is we just need to do the same thing with tow but I can just put this up and I will just duplicate this one here and I will scale it one and then again easier and I forget this one also so better form me put it up and scale it a little bit more now you because the everything will just the color will just be the same so I just do like this one here nice and the last one when you want you can just also just delete this one here and put this one here but you don't need what this one is a little bit another color so I just will create it and I would say roof black so this one is just here so I will just assign the whole body here and I will just darken it out maybe now this one is a little bit too big but you can just sometimes tricked a little bit but that's okay for the proposed and I would just still take just one oh so nice and I say next problem is the same like the other one so I just recreated here the roof base but I just need to make everything this color here just the same color sometimes yes that's the same color so I just need to add here a black just take with see everything and add the black here I just looking not it's too black so you just change it with the black on the other roof now I can do the same but I was just deleted and extruded here mm-hm just one week and elect also because I will just double click double acade at this one rotated on an eighty degrees and just put it like this okay and the same came like this so you just need to do make just a lot of time first I just need to track this a little bit down okay nice and I'm rotating this one also hundred eighty degrees kind of decent one okay next step is do the same here but now I just create it again roof black assign it delete other one shift D and rotate I think when you go out with this tutorial it will be in your head shift D and rotate so again roof base select everything we see so here and again plus black delete this one here one little bit toe so too we're not so good so maybe it's better when I just watch this one here and scale it a little bit and we're a bit like that well just look like in the middle for me sorry again I'll just try to save it just pushed it a little bit up or maybe just - oh so - and I think the last one is here so roof phase and select everything from here the side don't forget the side sign it so you can see it lead it public eight it rotate it 180 degree and that's good so perfect the only thing is here is a little bit also black so you can just extrude it inwards like like this one time in words it's too much sorry White's a little bit maybe I just make at the beginning like this here okay so then again I just take the whole thing here at the roof base the only thing that change is this one here to black okay necklace fingers create a new material we just say it stone to put like kind of grayish okay I think this one is good so nice so we created kind of Nagoya a fortress japanese-style so this is my workflow when I want to create this now you can just oh we've got here one and here also so you can just make a lot of better things like this one is not perfect these last two are very very big maybe in the beginning you can just create one and then add this to these things that's last so it's a little bit difficult nice as you can go to render just close this now here and put a light maybe you can delete it too light click on your collection and we will just make a sunlight and when you go kind of look alike here you can just go on the view view port oh sorry aligned camera to view and you can see it's align it on this perfect position and when you click on your camera you can just go a little bit back so when you go and render render image he will just take this one that you see on the camera you can save it sorry when you want it on image save as but you can really do a lot of things oh so you can add a background and everything and when you want to add a background you just need to go to shading click here on world add a new note I think it's a viral mental texture I'm not on a % sure we just see it and then I can open it I have on my desktop backgrounds I think this one is not so bad why I don't see it Oh No perfect now we'll just use the light from the scene here so we have like kind of background so it's very easy and on the shading things you can also add a lot of things like ambient occlusion or something like that just to add it you just need to go again to your object but you need to add all the things manually to the object so when you want to add like sorry and add an ambient occlusion here you can make up the base color when you doesn't have it here on doesn't work on the render so maybe when you go to the render you can see now we have here like ambient occlusion not much but you have it you can also change the note [Music] like but you get it so when you just add a lot of things you can just make with the ambient occlusion know that it are not so familiar with a note editor but it has a lot of very good things I just don't figure that because when you go on the render image it looks a lot a little bit of I don't know it's not so nice you have here also different colors but you can see just in this editor just for checking out we look nice but just when you want to render it like this image save as and we'll just say tutorial Japanese castle so I hope you enjoyed the tutorial when you have question or something like that please write comments and that's my third video so I'm really really new to YouTube so it will very help me when you just write it down what I can make better and yeah I wish you a pleasant day bye
Channel: SimplusMaximus Totalus
Views: 14,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Low Poly, Blender, Japanese, Fortress, Tutorial
Id: Xt3ulccOTaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 21sec (4941 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2019
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