Blender 2.8 Extreme PBR Combo addon tutorial/review

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so those of you who've been watching my videos for a while now know that not so long ago I did a tutorial slash review of one of the most popular blender add-ons on the blender market which of course was Xtreme PBR 2 now this add-on the whole purpose of it was for anybody who wanted to do PBR inside of blunder that's physically based rendering it's highly tied into photo realism and the issue is there's two types of people one type of person already knows how to use nodes which is very necessary for setting up PBR materials however this becomes very repetitive and you're setting up the same node networks and it just takes forever so you're just wasting a lot of time and the second type of person which is most people don't know how to use the nodes in the first place and it's something very complicated to learn for very small payoff when you can do it very quickly so this addon basically made a very simple interface that let you do PBR basically inside the 3d viewport and it was great but there are features that people did want in an update and the reason I'm making this video is such an update now exists and you can see in this product page we have extreme PBR combo this is the new version it's no longer - - is still available you can see it's the old version but now we have extreme PBR combo which addresses some of these features that people want now what are these features of course there's a ton of them but I'm only gonna talk about right now the very important ones and then we'll dive into it so the very important features that were added is the first one this is the one that you should really care about is that now you can take your material library let's say you already have some materials from some website or you got them for free now you can actually add them into this framework before you have to do a lot of complicated stuff and it wasn't intrinsic to the add-on but now there's actually settings inside of it that let you add your own custom materials so that's great and you can also bake and save materials so that's one thing the second thing that is very important is you can actually mess around with your UVs and normally you'd have to go into the UV editor and it takes a lot of time and you have a bunch of different windows but now you're doing this inside a 3d viewport so really what extreme PBR combo is doing here is it's really letting you do most of your material so pretty much everything you need to do there's very little that you can't doing it it's taking everything you need to do and keeping it exactly where your work so you're saving time and you're not trying to learn something that's very complicated that you don't really want to learn in the first place so during this tutorial slash review that's what this is gonna be if at any point you want to paint this up for yourself you want to try it out I do have a discount code that will save you 20% if you want to purchase it and that is CG mater all in lowercase and for those of you thinking that this benefits me it doesn't every time you use a discount code I don't get anything out of it you get something out of it you save 20% so I would recommend using it doesn't benefit me although that would be nice so use it if you want so what we're gonna talk about is installation how to use it in the first place and what was added from version 2 and we're just gonna go over everything and talk about what this lets you do and how effective it is at doing the things that it promises so let's hop into installation to begin with so when you've purchased extreme PBR combo and you've downloaded all the add-on files you're gonna get these 8 files along with a manual that actually tells you how to install this add-on and it also tells you a bunch of information about how to use it of course we're not gonna actually use this manual because I'm gonna show you how to do everything from scratch in this video so we get these 8 files and again I want to talk about what each of these do so the first of these is going to be the actual add-on zip file and here we have the 2.8 version you might have the 2.79 but it's the same idea so this is what we're actually gonna install into blender then we have these 6 as if files and these actually contain the 800 plus PBR material so altogether there's something like 11 plus a gigs so this is where the materials are stored and then finally we have this lacet file which is basically gonna be once we extract it it's going to be our directory for our custom materials from our custom library that we can use inside this framework so what we want to do is with these files we're gonna create a new folder and you can call it whatever you want I'm gonna go for the obvious choice extreme PBR combo and we're gonna take our 8 files again this could be two point seven nine doesn't matter and you're gonna take these and drag them into the folder so they're all in the same directory and then open that up okay so we're gonna have to do a bit of extracting here so make sure you either have WinRAR 7-zip or anything in general that can read dot zip files you know so the first thing we're gonna have to extract is this user library so just right click and I'm going to be using 7-zip for this with the winter are you do the equivalent so in 7-zip I'm gonna click extract here and it's gonna quickly extract this folder into this directory and you can open this up and see that there's a bunch of files in here don't worry about that because we're not gonna have to mess with it because we're gonna do it within the add-on ok the next thing we actually need to extract is you would think we need to extract all six of these since we need all the PBR materials but it's actually set up the file structure is set up in a way such that you only have to extract this zip zero zero one and it's gonna take care of the rest for you so again right click 7-zip and then extract here so the same type of workflow and this is gonna take you know substantially longer we're dealing with eleven point eight ish almost gigs of data and if we actually open up the folder that it's currently right in you can see that it's creating all these categories and inside of them we can see a bunch of 2k materials so it's populating this and it will probably take a moment if it takes too long we can fast forward but I do think of things to talk about while this happens so what this is doing is for each of these it's gonna make a material and then set up a bunch of textures in here but of course you don't need to access it via this because we have an add-on just for that okay should be done in a bit I wonder if it's faster if we look at it might be faster if we look at it I think I don't think it's a good idea to speed this up because what's it gonna be like a five second speed-up and you're gonna learn so much more from seeing that honestly it takes a bit but around a minute 60 seconds not something you have to skip around for and basically what we're gonna do is once this is extracted is we're gonna put the add-on in blender and then tell blender where to look for these libraries of materials both our custom library and this library that comes with it the 800 plus PBR materials okay so it's almost done okay it's done and we actually don't need to do anything else with this now that it's done and we can open up blender in this case version 2.0 if you do 2.79 open up 2.79 so hopefully this will open up okay so we're using the release candidate very soon we can use the official 2.8 stable doesn't really matter so in edit we want to go to preferences and in the add-on section which is already open for us this is where we actually want to install an add-on and it's not gonna be in this list because we haven't installed it yet so just click install and then you just want to look for the directory where you have this saved so for us it's in the desktop and then inside extreme PBR combo and hit this one that says 2.8 or two point seven nine and then install add-on from file and this is gonna add in for the 3d view extreme PBR again this is something that works from within the viewport and we just want to take this add-on and obviously enable it and if we open this up you see we actually need to do a bit more work here and we have two directories we need to fill again one's going to be our custom which is all the materials we have from a custom library and then the second one is just going to be the materials that come with it so we're gonna start off with the default extreme PBR library so just hit this folder icon and we're just gonna look for that directory so again desktop and then extreme PBR combo and we're gonna use the official library which is this one extreme PBR library so just click that and you don't need to pick any of these specifically so just click accept so we have the whole folder loaded not just the asphalt or the brick materials the whole thing and then if we also want our custom directory and even if you don't bring in your own materials this is something you want to set up just in case you decide to save your own materials later on we're gonna hit this folder icon desktop extreme PBR combo and this time the user library pretty self intuitive self-explanatory it's obvious you click it you click accept and now everything is set up and you could take my word for it or I could show you so if you hit n for the properties you can see extreme PBR combo and this is where the menu is again we're not going to talk about how this works yet that is the next section but this is just to show that everything's loaded in all the materials are loaded in including our user library which comes with a couple things by default but we haven't added anything ourselves and just in case you don't have the setup already back in the Preferences once we've set up this add-on you want to make sure that in this little button right here either have autosave preferences so next time you open up blender it's gonna keep this add-on in memory so it knows that you actually want to use this add-on it's gonna reference it or you can just save current state manually and again this is just to make sure that when you close blender and then open it up again you still have this add-on present so we've talked about installation and now we actually need to talk about at least a refresher on how to use the add-on as it was before as PBR version 2 Xtreme PBR version 2 and then we're gonna slowly add in the features that are new to the combo version so a quick refresher on how to use extreme PBR so like I said we're gonna do a quick refresher on some of the features that already existed an extreme PBR and then we're slowly going to introduce the new features added in Xtreme PBR combo so during this very very fast overview if at any point you want a more in-depth look on what's happening here make sure to check out the previous video because I go over it in depth but right now we're just going to get everybody up to speed before we introduce the new features so we have the default blender scene loaded here we have our cube camera light standard blender scene and if you hit n 4 properties you're gonna see extreme PBR combo and that is of course if you installed it if you followed the installation instructions you will have this and you're gonna see that we have this nice little interface and by default we're set to extreme PBR library and this is the 800 plus PBR materials that come with the add-on and you can see right now we're set to asphalt category and inside of this we have something like 2030 we have it's kind of hard to count right let's see that's 3 6 8 16 17 for those of you who can't count 17 asphalt PBR materials and you can change this to whatever type of category you want and for example if we want a ice material we'd go into ice and then pick one of these and that's just the selection we haven't applied this to our cube or anything we're just saying this is in our hot seat and we want to do something with it very soon so with our cube selected you see we have this material loaded this is the standard material that comes with the cube when you open up under it's just a principle bsd off but that doesn't really matter if we select nothing or sorry if we select a camera something that doesn't have a material it's not gonna have a material here so with our cube we have this material and what we want to do is replace it with this ice material now extreme PBR combo this is a combo feature has a very nice button which is the swap button they call it a replacement going to talk about it yet because again that's a new feature but here's the old way to do it and you can tell that it's fine but it's not as quick so what you do is with this material selected you would remove it so now we no longer have that default material and with this material selected we just click Add and now we have ice number two loaded into here well why don't we see anything well that's because we're looking at it from the solid view in here so we want to change over to rendered view which you can do by hitting this button or Z which opens up this pie menu and then go to rendered and you're gonna see we have this ice but if we take our light and move it around you see it's just lighting it but it's not really interacting with the material in any way right we want this to be PBR not just color diffuse channel and the reason we only have the diffuse channel right now is when we added this material this PBR material in our choose map section we only had diffuse enabled so when it added this it only brought in the diffuse Channel so we want to make sure we have all these Maps enabled so we get roughness metalness some people call it metallic I don't know it's with metal metal nough sits kind of weird specular normal displace and we can bring all that in so with our cube selected we're just gonna remove this and we're gonna enable all these channels and now we're gonna add that back in now when we move this light for those of you who are looking very carefully there is a bit of a difference here of course it's kind of hard to tell because ice doesn't actually have a lot of roughness so what we're going to do is we're going to do the same kind of procedure but with a something like rock but that is the correct way to do it so let's pick a rock that looks very bumpy like this rock right here make sure all these are enabled and then add new and it will take a second and now when we move around the light you're gonna see some lighting interactions to make it much more intense we can actually dive into the material settings and you know bring up the normal map and things like this so cube selected with this material selected we're gonna go into the material settings and here we have a bunch of settings that are pretty self-explanatory like the contrast the hue and let's just zoom in here so you can see what's happening the brightness again this is all gonna be fairly subtle because it's rock material we can bring in some ambient occlusion and change the strength of that with the AO range but what is really gonna give this some depth is taking this normal map and strengthening strengthing in it yeah strengthing and that is a word right there strengthening it to one so now it's much stronger and it's going to interact with the light much more obviously so you can really see that this is PBR it's interacting with the lighting in our scene however right now we have this cube and there's no displacement going on if we look at it from kind of the side view it's pretty much a cube if you look at the geometry at six faces we don't have any of that bumpiness that we want from our raw which would come from a displacement map which is weird because we have a displacement map imported so what's what's the deal with this well the thing is that displacement works on a geometry level so what it's doing is it's displacing hence the displacement map it's displacing the geometry to give us that bumpiness and when we have no geometry like we only have six faces there's nothing to actually move around so if we go into our display settings and bring up the strength all it's going to do is make our cube a bit bigger because it's just moving those eight vertices right there's nothing for it to do any detail with so let's actually bring this back to five and we want to add more detail and you can do this directly from the add on so the way you can do this is in the utility menu we can switch mode which is just a button to change to edit mode so now we're in edit mode you think the way to go is to start subdividing so you're like okay I'm gonna click this subdivide button it doesn't work it doesn't even work so what's the issue of this the thing is that this add-on actually wants you to tell the add-on what it is that you actually want to subdivide do you want to subdivide only part of the mesh the whole mesh so what we need to do is specify a vertex group so with everything selected we're gonna add a vertex group and now this add-on extreme PBR knows that we're referring to the whole cube and then we start subdividing and it's working exactly like we'd expect we're gonna do a couple iterations here and then switch mode back into object mode now this is very subtle but you can almost tell that there's a bit of bumpiness going on of course we want to make this more extreme so you can actually see what's going on here so let's go to our strengths and bring it up to something like 20 and now it's very obvious that this is no longer a cube however if we go into edit mode you can see our geometry is still basically a subdivided cube it's just that this displacement is moving it around but this isn't baked into the geometry or anything to make this a bit less awkward with the edges what we can do is smooth those out and there's actually setting for this it's the smooth factor and we can bring that up to something like 1 and you can get even more ridiculous with it like 2 and you're gonna get some nice smooth and going on here and when I said to just disregard that because it's a scale from 0 to 1 so to make it more intense you want to take the repeat smoothing and bring that up so 15 and now we get even more smoothing okay and like I said when we go into edit mode this isn't actually baked into our geometry but this is totally something that we can do by hitting this bake displacement it's gonna take a second and then you see when we go into edit mode this is part of our geometry so when we remove this material it's gonna get rid of you know the roughness to diffuse the metallic metalness the specular all that but of course it's going to keep this geometry because we baked it in so you can just delete you can remove this material or what you can do is use this Xtreme clean menu which lets you get rid of things either all together or only some parts at a time so for example you can remove only the displacement of course this one matter at this point because we baked it in so there's not to get rid of you can get rid of multiple material single materials so we're just gonna remove all materials and you see now we're just left with this cube and we can add a different material to this something like a marble like this one and when we add this in it's still gonna inherit all the displacement from before because we baked it in and I think that's pretty much the very very very quick overview of how to use extreme PBR and again go to the video from before to get the in-depth details I go over it in depth and you really do want to watch this but now we want to talk about the new features that were added an extreme PBR combo that add on to this whole idea of the node free workflow so the first new feature I want to talk about those added to extreme PBR combo is probably the simplest addition but it's very very powerful and I already mentioned that it is this replace button which comes with a replace menu and we can toggle this one option off and on and we're going to talk about why this replace menu is much faster and why it's so powerful so right now we have the default blender scene with our cube and it has the default material as you can see right here and if we pick a material from our PBR library like this asphalt this very first option that comes open right when you open extreme PBR combo in this case the way we would actually apply this material normally back in version 2 is we would take this material that's already on here we would remove it and then with this material selected we would add it back in pretty simple of course we don't see anything because we need to be in the rendered view but you know that's the very simple procedure but you can imagine that if you have 50 objects in a scene each one with its own material you're probably gonna want to swap them out very frequently and you know the time it takes to do this would really add up so here's the alternative what you do is you select a different material so let's choose something like a wood plank something for a floor take something like this one and instead of doing the removing and the adding all we need to do is have this material selected and then click this replace button and you see it's wafted and it actually respects the which Maps you've chosen feature so if you go to choose Maps we only have diffuse so we're enable all of these and now when we swapped this to something like this let's do another replacement now it's actually gonna replace all those Maps so it's gonna include everything and if we bring our light here it's probably gonna be pretty subtle because the height on wooden planks isn't that much but we do actually get you know the diffuse the metalness roughness displacement all of that so that is the replacement feature but what about this button right here replace on all objects well it's pretty self-explanatory what that does we can take this cube duplicate it a couple times and now pick something different as if you know maybe you are trying to take a different floor and we're trying to visualize a bunch of different PBR materials for this that's one use case so we'll pick this one right here and then with this option enabled we're gonna click replace and it replaces it on all of them if we disable this option now it's on a individual basis so we can pick this green one and then replace which is only going to act on this one pick something like this pick this wood plank and replace so replacing just speeds up your workflow and you can do it on all the materials at once so if you have a scene where you're using a very specific type of wood and you want to replace all the wood at once that's one way to do it or you can do it on a individual level which might make sense or might take longer depending on what you're doing so that is the replace feature so another new feature of extreme PBR combo is the newly added UV editor that is now built inside this add-on and this is gonna let you avoid doing stuff like going into the UV editor window and in general you're never gonna have to go into the UV editing workspace you're never gonna have to do this again you're gonna save yourself time and you're gonna be able to mess around with your PBR materials at least how they're being mapped onto your model all within extreme PBR combo so back inside the layout workspace before we start messing around with our UV s by scaling rotating and translating we're actually going to need to have some kind of PBR material applied to this so we can actually see what's being transformed so let's pick a wood plank so we're gonna go for some kind of wooden floor here let's go with this one and we can choose our Maps again since we're just altering our UV coordinates it doesn't matter how many these maps we why it's gonna apply to all of them so all the transformations are gonna be applied to all the maps so we can enable roughness metalness or metallic whatever you want to call it and the rest of these and we can add this in and turn on rendered view so we can actually see what's going on here and just to check that this is indeed PBR like we keep doing over and over and over again you can move around this light and you can see that there are tiny crevices between these planks so we do have our normal map and our displacement map although we don't have enough geometry for that so how do you actually alter the UV coordinates so what you need to do is select the model that you want to alter and go into edit mode you can do this by either hitting tab on the keyboard or since we're using extreme PBR combo there is a built-in way to do this as we've been talking about in the utility tab we're gonna hit switch mode so we toggle into edit mode and you see we get this new tab called UV editor beta now I know technically it's in beta but everything in this has worked for me perfectly so I think it might be time to get rid of that beta little header there but whatever so UV editor beta and with our face selected which in this case happens to be the whole model we can scale up our UVs which is gonna change pretty much the tiling of our PBR material since its seamless you're not gonna see any seams that's what seamless means so that's our scale we can also change translation in both x and y and then finally we can do our rotation and I guess technically that's not finally because with our scaling we were scaling uniformly we can also scale on only the X or the y axis and we can do that by locking one of the axes one at a time and then changing our scale and then when we disable both of these we get back to uniform scaling so let's go back to zero degree rotation so it's going flush with this x-axis and at this point you may be thinking okay that's cool you can do all the operations that you'd be able to do in the UV editor window all the scaling rotation and translation but in this case what's really the point you know we're dealing with a plane here so back in object mode we can rotate it move it and scale it so really what's the point here well this is where I keep saying it but this is where extreme PBR combo and especially this UV editor becomes especially powerful extremely powerful because if we go into edit mode again with the switch mode button which toggles everything we can add in a loop cut with ctrl R and bring that over here so now we have two phases one on the right and one on the left and what we can do with this is the UV editor and this add-on actually respects our selection I'm gonna say that again it respects it really respects our selection so if we only have this left to unselected in our UV editor we can scale and it's only gonna affect the left face if we scale or if we pick this one and do maybe a rotation it's only gonna do it on this so this is a true replacement for the UV editor window so let's do this by 90 degrees and the cool part is since this does it to all our maps it's going to interact correctly and specifically I want to talk about how this interacts with our displacement so if we go into object mode we do technically have displacement applied and if we go to our display settings and bring this up we'll see if it changes yes it does this very weird distorting because the only geometry it has again is just these two faces so we need to add more geometry again the way we do that is select everything and then inside our utility tab we're gonna add this as a vertex group so the add-on knows we want to deal with everything here everything that's selected and then we begin subdividing and we don't want to do too many of these this should be fine when we go back into object mode you see this monstrosity because we took our display settings and brought them way way way too high way way way too high so we can bring it back down to something like five and you can see that the displacements also respecting this UV transformation we did so we have displacement going this way and then also going this way and if we bake this in and then we can strip this of the material by removing it but again we bake the displacement so that is inside the geometry now the geometry has actually been altered and you can see that this is actually a viable way to model things so if you wanted to model some or wooden planks are going one way and then another section they're going another way which is something that actually happens but you can do this with any of the PBR materials so this is actually a feasible way to model which I don't think was the original intent of this add-on but it's something that I would personally find very useful so the UV editor is really really powerful in that it lets you do all the transformations and you can actually choose what selection you want to deal with so one more example before we go on to the next topic I'm gonna apply a different material and again we already have this geometry baked in so it's gonna look a bit weird but that's fine I don't want this fence I want something without any transparency let's go for a concrete and we can disable displacements so we don't get crazy here so let's add this in okay perfect so again we have this displacement from before but now with concrete so you're getting this very weird mash up but that's not the point the point is if we go into edit mode which has a lot of faces and we do something like a I don't know a circle selection with C pick some of these pick a good patch okay and then back in our UV editor we can scale this now this is gonna take a bit longer because we're dealing with a much more dense island so the calculation is something they'll take longer even in the UV editor window but you see that it's actually working exactly how we'd expect so very powerful this is one of my favorite features and now we want to go on to some of the other stuff that extreme PBR combo has to offer so now we're gonna talk about how you can take your own custom material and add it right into extreme PBR combo so if you have your own custom library of PBR materials now you can integrate it right into this add-on which is a new feature so we're gonna start off by assuming that you don't have any PBR material downloaded and we need to go to some website to download one for free and we can actually do the majority of this process from right inside this add-on so it's all part of the workflow so if we go into the web resources tab you're gonna see a whole bunch of things first of all you can check for update which is gonna look for you know the newest version of extreme PBR so you click this and it'll tell you if there's a new version and then we also have this stuff which is relevant for downloading PBR materials from different websites so we already have one website in here which is the creator's website but we can actually add our own websites in here so something like textures calm texture Haven calm CCO textures anything that you want so what we're gonna do is we're gonna create a new website so we'll call this custom textures is what we're gonna call it and then for the link we'll use I think we'll use texture Haven but you can use any texture website you want for this and then all you have to do is once you have all this set up Save Link and now we have both the creator's website and our custom website which we can go to by hitting this button and it will open up your default browser for me that's Chrome and we're now we're inside texture Haven and we need to download some PBR material that we want to add directly into the add-on so let's go into textures and do a bit of browsing it doesn't really matter what we pick here I'll pick something distinct like this medieval blocks and here we have a free seamless PBR material and we can download all the maps at the lowest quality since you know this is just an example and then once that's downloaded we're gonna open this up so this is just the workflow for getting your own material into the sat on of course you could already have it downloaded but I'm just doing it from the website so we're gonna take these textures and just put them on the desktop so they're easier to find but of course you want to have your own custom library with a nice folder structure and everything but for now we'll keep it like this so we have all our textures dumped here and now we want to add it into extreme PBR directly so back in blender what we can do is use this new shader maker menu so let's open that up and you have three settings here you have PBR video and emissive we're gonna go over these two but right now of course we're doing PBR so with PBR selected we want to give a name for our material so we'll call it something like custom material I'm not very creative in this department and then we can basically load in all the maps we want it doesn't matter if you don't have all them just load in the ones that you do have so with diffuse we're just gonna click this folder icon and now it's in our desktop so we have diffuse so plug that in and be an occlusion I think we actually have downloaded let's see yep we have ambient occlusion we don't have subsurface I don't think we have metallic nor specular but we do have roughness so plug that in if you can find it oh we do have specular I'm going to go back and add speculate so you basically want to add as much as you have as much as you have downloaded because it's gonna add more properties to this material and it's gonna be more photorealistic I don't think we did have metal but we do have displacement pretty sure do we have displacement we do and then finally you have your normal slot which you can also change to a bump map if the website you downloaded from uses bump maps but normal is better and luckily we do have a normal map so let's bring that in where is normal normal and I think it actually also came with a bump map but between the two you want to pick normal map 99% of the time okay so once you have everything that you want in here make sure you don't leave anything out if you do have that texture all we're gonna do is you can either hit this shader maker ad or as we've been talking about hit this replace and now it's been replaced with this custom materials even though I should have called it a custom material since it's not plural but let's go into the rendered view so we can see it and you can see we have our brick block here which is the same thing we download it's not brick it's kind of like this stone block basically it's what we downloaded so it does work I'll get perfect but right now it's kind of a temporary type of material at the moment we open up blender again it's not going to be saved we're just gonna have to import in all the maps again it's not in our extreme PBR library or our user library so we want a way to actually save this so when we open it again it's going to be in our user library so the way we do this is can you guess it it's saved management you go into the save management tab and here you have a bunch of settings and we want explain what all of these do so let me just open up an example so inside our user library you see we have a couple in our test category we have a couple test materials here and you can see we have a preview we have a logo that's white and it says gold UV sphere and we can edit all of these things so with our custom materials what we can do is basically set what this is gonna look like so first of all we have our logo color by default this is white just to illustrate that it does work I'm gonna pick something like whoo the logo name we can call it the CG matter material and I do think there is a cap on this I think asked to be 13 letters or shorter I'm not going to count it here I think it might be under 13 letters it probably isn't we'll go with CG matter Matt hopefully that works and then we can also set our UV rotation and UV scale which is pretty much the tiling that you'll see inside this render image in this case I don't really care what it is so we're just gonna leave it as default but this is something that you can change if you want to render qualities how many samples it's gonna throw at it for this render preview again I don't really care because I know what I'm looking for and then let's see what else we can add a category for this so the same way that inside our user library we have this test category we can add another category to this so I'm gonna do that we can call it something like we can call it CG matter so inside CG matter category we're gonna find our custom material materials with the logo that we picked so we're just gonna add this as a category and now you can toggle between which of these categories you want to add it to so CG matter and then let's see couple more settings here we can pick what kind of preview we have here let's go back to tests so we can see you have a sphere a monkey the shader ball and a bunch of other settings I'm gonna go for the Suzanne monkey the classic blunder monkey let's do it let's do this Suzanne monkey and then for the background is essentially the HDRI it's gonna be rendered inside so what what is it gonna reflect um doesn't really matter I'm just gonna keep it on default and then let's see yes so it's inside our test category we have a name we have a logo I think we're good so we can just save our material and this is gonna just take a bit because it's baking a bunch of stuff rendering a preview and in a second it should be done okay I think it is done and inside our user library we have we have our test and then we have our cg matter let's see why is it in test that I save it as the test category did I do that oh yeah I put it inside the test category I guess I musta toggled it back but you can see this is now in here and if we close down blender and open it up again it's going to be in here so let's just do the same type of thing but this time put it in our cg matter category which was the original plan so we can give it a different logo something like second attempt and then this time we'll put it directly inside the cg matter category I just want to show you that this is something that actually works and then this time we can do something a bit cooler like a shader ball not implying that it's cooler than Suzanne or anything and pick something like the City River background for it to reflect and render off of and we can pick a different color like yellow and done do I have CG matter I do so now we save again it's gonna take another second so let's just wait for that okay should be done so now as expected inside our CG Matic hat inside our CG matter category we now have this with the shader ball which looks much cooler than the Suzanne in fact but yeah this basically illustrates the point that you can go to any website using the the web resources and if you're done with a website and you never want to go back to it again for some reason you've shown it what you can do is with a certain website selected you can just delete the site and then delete current address and that's gonna be gone so now we only have the developer website or the creator website I guess he developed the add-on but yes so you can go to any website download your textures and basically add it in here and it will permanently be once you do your save management it will permanently be inside your user library which is very convenient for anybody who has a custom library and that they want to make use of inside this framework very very useful and then finally we're just gonna talk about a couple more things which is going to be it's gonna be these other settings it's going to be this video a shader maker and this emissive which do somewhat different things you know you're not importing all these PBR textures so we're gonna go over that in just a moment now the last new feature I want to talk about is some of the other options that are available inside the shader maker tab so if we open this back up we have the type set to PBR which is what we use to bring in a custom material from a custom library or of course you can download those textures from a website like I showed but there are actually two other options that I talked about before which are video and emissive we're gonna start off by explaining video which I think you can guess what it does it makes a material but now with a animated texture so you're loading in a movie file so we're gonna give this material a name something like video Matt which is short for video material I think you probably know that and we can load in a video file and you can load in pretty much anything that would be compatible with blender in the first place so things like mp4 files avi files those are the standard to so if it's compatible with blender it will work here and I'm just gonna pick one of the videos that I use to or one of the segments of this tutorial so it's gonna get pretty meta so let's pick the replace section that I filmed earlier and then once we have a video selected we just hit this shader maker ad which we'll add in our material which is called video Matt of course we don't see anything can you guess why well it's because we need to go to vendors view like I've said many many times and if we play this right now you're gonna see that it looks like it's stuck on the first frame of the video it's not animating anything and the reason this is the case is because we need to tell this add-on to actually take this video and animate it so we need to preview this animation and there's a button to do exactly that so if we go into the material settings of video Matt you're gonna see a button that says preview animation we enable this and now when we go through this timeline you can see in the top right corner in the space cam that it's animated I'm doing something weird with my nose getting ready to record the tutorial but now it's actually animating and there's a couple more features that we can do with this we can set a start point and an end point so let's say on frame 37 we want it to start instead of frame 1 we just click set start and then just go back and forth to load that in so what's gonna happen here is it's gonna be frozen on the first frame for the first 37 frames and then it should start playing so it gets to frame around 37 and then it starts playing like we expect and you can do the same type of thing you know just click a frame and do a set end so now we have a start point and an end point and we can also set this to loop which in most cases is not going to be very relevant it's definitely not relevant for this case because the video is like 9 minutes long whereas we only have 250 frames but this is something you can do you can set to loop so we've talked about how you can animate it how you can loop and um the start and end point but there's actually a couple other settings that are very cool to the video type and that is the CRT settings so you can kind of simulate what it would look like for it to be displayed on a cathode ray tube TV which is what CRT is so if we bring this up it's gonna be kind of hard to see because we need to increase the emission so we can actually see what's going on here so let's bring this emission up to one so everything is glowing a bit and by the way since we're using evey in the render settings we can enable bloom and when we bring up the emission more you can see how this blooms affecting it so I'm toggling it on and off off and on and we can actually you know set what this glowing is doing the threshold and all that and then inside cycles it should just work automatically because it's physically based rendering or should I say path tracing so let's go back to evey so again we have this cathode ray tube effects here and you can see this is kind of doing a chromatic aberration type thing where you can see the red green and blue pixels especially if we zoom in here and we can actually set the scale on these zoom out for this we can set the scale so you can see how small those pixels are I guess they're not pixels it's a cathode ray tube but you can make your footage to look very old which is interesting and you can also bring up the emission to something much higher so it kind of looks like a TV broadcasting some kind of video so that is the video option so that's something that wasn't available in version two but now you can do it and then we have one more thing in the shader maker menu so let's close that we have the emissive and this is kind of similar to video in the sense that you want to emit something but in this case you're just really adding an emissive material and we can use the texture as you can see right here we can use an emission texture to you know emit light based off of the luminance of the texture we're not going to do that we're just going to use a color so we have a emissive type we can call this emissive mat I'm getting many points in the creativity department and we can just replace this okay so now we have a default and this if material it's not that interesting because it's not emitting that much in the colors pretty boring so if we go into the material settings of emissive material first of all we probably want our emissive material to emit so let's do something like two and now you can see it's a glowing a bit again the amount that it's glowing is dependent on your bloom settings in here or in cycles it will just go out on how much you would physically do it in a real life scenario so we can bring up the emission more to make this brighter and then we can also change the color to something like red and you can tell this is taking a bit longer to calculate because it's not just making a red material it's making a red emission material so it's emitting light which means it's gonna render a bit more slowly than if you were just to make a red square and of course you can add in a texture here I don't think I actually have a texture I'll look in my folder see if I can find anything if I've any images on the desktop I guess we have these textures that we brought in from before so let's just use those we can use the roughness maybe that's not the best choice let's use our displacement which will have white and black and then we just want to replace this in and you can see this is our displacement of those rocks from the floor PBR material looks kind of interesting here admittedly and again we want to bring up our emission so it's actually emitting it'll do something like three and you can see it's emitting based off of where the displacement would happen so wherever the texture is more white instead of black and yeah I mean we can change the brightness of the texture and all that but really we just want to talk about the emission in this case so that is the video type that is the emission type and we already covered the PBR type and that is generally how the shader maker plays a role inside combo where didn't in version two so if you're a fan of you know making your own not really making your own materials but taking your own custom library and bringing it in here so you want to use this framework but use your own library so it works with your other projects this is a very very good option so I think I've talked about everything I want to go over so again if you want to pick this up for yourself use discount code CG matter that's all in lower case to get 20% off I don't make anything off of this but you save 20% so I'd recommend it and it should be a limited time offer it's only going to be available available for a week or so after this video upload so if you want to get it now is the time to act it's only going to be available for a week and also I should mention that since this is sold on the blender market pretty much everything sold on the blender market I don't know if you toggle it on or off if it's something you choose if it is something you choose this creator chose to have a fraction of the earnings from this add-on go directly to the blender development fund so it's going to the blender foundation so by buying this add-on you're also kind of indirectly but kind of directly donating directly to blender so that's you know if that's an incentive for you that is the case so that is extreme PBR combo I hope that if you were evaluating if you wanted this or if you already had it and you needed a tutorial discovered or it filled the role that you needed it to I tried to be very thorough you know it's a longer video than the last one which was like I don't know nine minutes or something but I hope you enjoyed this video and I'll see you on the next one
Channel: CGMatter
Views: 48,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, 2.8, extreme pbr combo, extreme pbr 2.0, pbr, addon, tutorial, review, material, photorealistic, texture
Id: BticELXcuQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 36sec (2736 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 22 2019
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