Blender 2.8 Beginner Tutorial - Part 2 : Modifiers

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hey if you wanted welcome back to our beginner blood a 2.8 tutorial series where we're creating a delicious ice cream cone in part one we created the cone here and in this part we'll be filling it up with some of the yummy ice cream this will be achieved using some cool modeling tricks and modifiers so I hope you guys are excited and I'd also like to thank storey blocks again for sponsoring this tutorial series and without further ado let's get into it so for the ice cream this is where we're gonna be using some more modifiers to make our life even easier so as you can see we use two modifiers on this mesh we're gonna be using a few in the next mesh as well to really make this a lot easier on us so for starters what we're going to do with our ice cream is we're going to be creating a shape like you see here on our cone and this is kind of a unique slightly tricky shape to create because it's that's twirl and it's really only possible to do well with something like modifiers and the way we're going to do that is we're going to create a basic mesh and then we're going to use the modifier to distort it and twist it around a curve to give us that nice swirled ice-cream that looks so delicious so so good and so we're just gonna go ahead and do that right now so to start off doing this I'm gonna make a basic mesh that is going to be basically a strip of ice cream and with that strip of ice cream I'm gonna take that and then spin it to follow our our swirled ice cream cone so to start off making that basic strip of ice cream I'm going to go shift a and add in a circle it's just a basic circle mesh right there and if I jump to top view you can see that it's just a basic circle here I'm not clicking anything because I don't want to lose the option right here to add and edit the circle so if I drop this make this up a little bit bigger right here you can see it and all I'm gonna do is I'm going to turn down the amount of vertices in this circle to something like twelve twelve should be just fine and now I can tab into edit mode and we can take a look at what this circle looks like okay so now with this circle what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab every other vertex grabbing every other one using my right click or left click to select and now I'm just gonna scale those down creating a nice star shape as you can see here now with this basic star shape we're gonna be able to create what looks like a strip of ice cream so do this I'm going to go into front view by hitting number pad one and then R and this time I'm going to type in 90 on my keyboard this allows me to rotate it an exact amount which is 90 degrees as I want it to be rotated on its side and you can see that does just that I can scale this down just a little bit here by hitting s of course and then I'm going to tab back into edit mode here with all of the vertices selected if they're not selected you just hit them with a and I'm going to go e to extrude and then X to extrude just along the x-axis and holding down ctrl I'm just going to snap it out a few segments something like that will be all we need and this leaves us with a nice star shape that we can use some modifiers to extend even further out so that's what I'm gonna do or right now I'm going to add in a new modifier and this one is gonna be an array modifier which basically allows us to add the mesh multiple times over and over and over on itself right now you can see it's adding it to the bottom I want it to be adding it straight out so to change that I'm going to take the number down right here to a zero and then I'm gonna lift the number up along the x-axis here on the bottom so I'm gonna change that to one and you can see that just extends our star shape out even further our ice cream I should probably start calling it and so if I increase the count here you can see it does all the work for us and adding more mesh to our ice cream cone which is exactly what we want it to do so that's perfect and I can just kind of scale that down a little bit and now what I can do is I can add in a new mesh which is gonna be a curve we'll spin that curve around a few times and then we'll have this modifier follow the curve adding the ice cream everywhere the curve goes if that makes sense if it sounds complicated it really isn't I'll give you guys easy steps and how to do all of this so let's dive right into it so for starters I'm gonna go into top view and we're gonna add and curve so I'm gonna go shift a and add in a simple curve so moving down from a mesh to curve and I'm gonna choose a Bezier curve right here I'm just gonna hit G so I can pull it out and see it in my viewport here and what I'm going to do is on the tab into edit mode so I can edit this curve and this time I'm going to use one of the tools along the side here that will allow us to do this or really easy and that is the draw tool this basically allows you to draw the curve wherever you want so I'm gonna show you real quick if I draw a circle like that it adds a curve everywhere I just drew and this is gonna be really easy to kind of draw out our swirls so I'm just the command Z that once real quick and actually I can X and delete the basic curve we have right there so there's two X and delete and now with our draw tool selected I'm going to draw out basically the swirl pattern from top down view of what I want the ice cream to look like here so just sitting right over our cone and we start along the outside I'm just going to draw around the outside here you don't have to worry but if your circle isn't perfectly circular or not trust me nobody can draw a perfect circle and I'm just gonna continue wrapping it around about three or two four times so wrapping around wrapping around wrapping around and then making it to the center something like that just do basic swirl is all you need and you can see we have the curve added in just like we want it but what we can do now is we can kind of edit this curve a bit so what I'm going to do to edit it and make it really easy to edit it is use what they call proportional editing this is an option as you can see right here if you click it it turns it on and what it allows you to do is it allows you to move one handle and then use a weight to move everything within and your by distance of that handle so you can see I'm just right-clicking or left clicking to grab that seconds the center of a handler right there and if I hit G you can see that with proportional editing I have the circle that allows everything inside of it to be edited with a weight that's perfect because I can do a lot of editing really quickly with this option now what you might notice is that this object here is can't get in way so what you can do for objects that you don't need at the moment is you can hit H on your keyboard to hide them if you ever want to bring them back it's just option H and as you can see over here you can also do the same thing just by clicking the eyeball on the circle object and that turns it on and off and the visibility now we have a curve here that I'm just going to select and then hit tab to go in edit mode on that we initially to kind of clean up a little bit with proportional editing so I'm just gonna grab this rotate it to kind of straighten that curve out a little bit there and anywhere that the curve doesn't look nice and symmetrical we can just go ahead and change it a little bit just by pulling handles out a little bit here and there just making it look like it's nice and evenly spaced curves something like that's looking pretty good already though and now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab the center handle there on our curve and I'm gonna change the fall-off right here is set to just smooth what I want to do is I want to choose a sharp fall-off as this will be a little bit more natural to how ice cream would be in a fall-off of an ice cream dispenser I'm just grabbing that Center handle there now hitting one to go into side view and then G and Z on my keyboard to pull it upwards now I'm gonna use the scroll wheel to pull all the rest of the mesh with it until we have what we're looking for in a nice ice-cream cone shape so using the G key I'm pulling most of it with it and I'm just going all the way up to about the top of my viewport there and I'll let go and you can see this gives us a nice swirled effect of ice cream and it's looking pretty cool now some of these handles are gonna have to be adjusted a little bit like this one here is probably gonna have to come up so I'm gonna use my scroll wheel to change the amount of proportional editing here if you don't have a scroll wheel you can also use the page up and page down keys on your keyboard but it's gonna use the scroll wheel in this case and hit G and Z to kind of pull some of these handles up manually so just kind of going around grabbing some of these handles and straighten them out just a little bit here any of them that look a little bit too low you can just pull up a little bit higher until you have a nice swirling amount of ice cream this handle is definitely too low right there so I'm gonna make my scroll wheel just a little bit small there pull it up this one's rotate a little bit weird so I can just rotate that I want to kind of smooth it out a little bit as well and at the very top here our handle needs to also be sort of straightened out just a little bit there so now that we have our curve here we're ready to map our ice-cream to it I think so without further ado let's go ahead and add in our ice-cream shape to this curve now I'm gonna go ahead and save my project I probably should have saved it awhile ago but just ctrl s to save and you can go ahead and save that out so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to add the ice cream to our curve here and so I'm gonna grab our circle object and turn on the visibility for it so just using our outline and right here allows us to grab any object in the scene I'm just grabbing our basic circle here right clicking to select it and I'm going to add in a new modifier this one is going to be the curve modifier so go ahead and add the curve modifier and we can actually pull our window out here a little bit to make it even easier to see what we're doing and we don't want it to be curved around the object that we just added which is the Bezier curve now before we do this it's not going to line up correctly unless both of our objects have the same origin point now the origin point is basically the center point for your object and as you can see here this little orange dot is the origin point if I select this object you can see it's right here if I select this object you can see it's right over there now I want it to be at the same point as this object so what I'm going to do is as you can see the cursor is already at that point but if the cursor wasn't there for example if it was over there I could just go shift s and cursor is selected right on the bottom of our pie menu there and it snaps it right to our object so what I want to do to move our origin point to the same point as our ice cream here is I'm just gonna go to object now with it selected choose set origin and then origin to 3d cursor and that's just going to snap that little orange dot to be the same as our ice cream cone which will allow it to map nicely around it so with that set up now all we have to do is grab our ice cream choose that object the Bezier curve and you can see it's already wrapping nicely around that ice cream cone but it's not travelling up far enough and that's because we want to adjust our array modifier now so I'm going to jump to our array modifier and right now you can see the fit type is just a fixed count what we can do is we can have it fit the curve I'm gonna choose fit curve and then I'm going to give it that curve that we just added in right there and now you can see the ice cream wraps a bit further but what we can do is we can have it go all the way up now if we go ctrl a and apply the scale on our ice cream because it was changed and we need it to be set to the default value of 1 we need to apply this scale and that will allow the ice cream to be wrapped all the way up to the top of our cone which is looking a really nice just like that so now that we have our mesh added here we want to kind of smooth out our ice cream a bit and we can do that by holding ctrl to control to is going to add in a modifier just like the subdivision surface one that we added our cone here but it's just gonna do it for us so I'm gonna go control to add automatically adds in that subdivision surface modifier right there and it allows us to smooth out our ice cream a nice bit you can see the ice cream is still not looking 100% perfect obviously so there's a few things we're gonna have to do for that first off we can hit W and shade smooth just like we did on the cone and then secondly you can see that there's kind of this discoloration and that's because in the array modifier we need to choose merge and that allow the faces to merge seamlessly together and that looks already a lot better and then the last thing to do on our ice cream is to kind of sharpen up some of these edges and to do that we could go ctrl R and add in another edge loop like we were doing before or there's another option if you hit n this brings up a properties tab I'm going to choose item at the top of this tab right here and we can adjust the crease this allows us to kind of tighten up that as well by adding a crease to the mesh so I'm gonna go about a point seven on this and we're just gonna add this to a lot of these faces here going the length wise so I'm just going to add some crease to each of these to pull that in a bit tighter again if you're having a hard time selecting your meshes you can choose the x-ray there so you can see through the mesh and add some crease and this is just going to allow it to look a little bit tighter and a little bit more like you get out of an ice cream dispenser then you might also want to do that a bit on these on the outside there maybe not as much but just like eight point three or so on some of these to kind of tighten up the the stream of ice cream something like that is all you really need to do and we'll be ready to take a look at what this looks like now when we tap out of edit mode and then turn x-ray off of course and you can see that's already looking a whole lot better now there's a few things that we can do to kind of touch-up our ice cream cone here any way that you see the ice cream is kind of intersecting too much with itself you can tap into edit mode on the curve if you can't see the curve just select it right here and then tap into edit mode you'll see your handles there so you can just grab some of these curves like this one for example and move it of course we want to adjust our proportional editing a little bit and then rotate that maybe a little bit as well and then this one could be pulled in a little bit more and so on maybe this one at the bottom gets pulled out a little bit right about there kind of tucked the bottom of the ice cream cone in there a little bit and then the next thing we can do is as you can see the ice cream should be getting a little bit thinner towards the top of our cone here so I'm going to grab the very top of our Bezier curve here kind of pull it up a little bit so we have a nice sort of peak to it and then hitting alt s allows me to scale the the thickness of our ice cream down and I'm gonna scale that down to a nice point tip at the end of our ice cream cone there and that gives you that nice sort of swirl effects at the peak of our cone and that looks really nice now I'm gonna scale is handle up a little bit rotate it and just kind of pull it out and around until we get a nice sort of peak to our ice cream cone something like that's looking very delicious and you can rotate it to kind of curve it back in now some of these other handles can be scaled down a little bit towards the top of the mesh as well if you just want to hit alt s and scale it down and then kind of just reposition some of these a little bit to give you a nice sort of swirled ice-cream look and yeah just kind of your mesh now anywhere that you don't like the way the ice cream is flowing or if it's too thick you can scale it down a little bit and kind of position it where you think it looks just a little bit more natural here you can see we have some intersecting issues so I'm just gonna pull the bottom down a bit on this to kind of separate the layers a little bit there you can also double tap are on your handle and that will allow you to rotate it like a spin and maybe that gives you more of the look you're going for in the wrinkles of your ice cream I'm just gonna leave it at default for now maybe just doing a little bit of rotation but nothing too much and yeah now I'm just gonna go ahead and place my handles around where it looks natural to have the ice cream sort of flowing maybe adding a little bit of rotation by double tapping are here and there and kind of placing the ice cream right along our cone there and I think I'm ready to kind of place my ice cream now a little bit more inside my cone so I'm just going to tap out of edit mode I'm gonna select both the bees your curve and our circle here so I can move them both at the same time and I'm just gonna kind of place them right inside off our cone nicely here and anywhere that you can see it's overlapping you nose kind of move it around to kind of fit in there cleaner so there we have it guys using some modifiers to affect our our mesh here and give us some nice results making life a whole lot easier as it would have been really difficult to actually model something like this but using some modifiers allows us to achieve a nice looking natural flowing ice-cream cone shape here so that is going to cover the modeling aspect of this tutorial in the next parts we're gonna be adding some of those sprinkles on top of our ice cream adding some of the materials to the ice cream and the cone a little bit of texturing and then we're gonna get on to rendering the final cone here in evey which will be rendered completely in real time super quick and there's our finished cone and that wraps up the second part of our tutorial series here on how to create an ice cream cone and blend a 2.84 beginners of course getting used to blended 2.8 and creating something cool in the future parts will be going to be adding some particles to our ice cream cone to add those sprinkles across it some texturing and materials to render it in evey and so yeah a lot of exciting fun things coming up soon hope you guys are enjoying the series this far and I will see you guys all over in the next part bye bye
Channel: CG Geek
Views: 211,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Beginner, Blender, Blender 2.8, Easy, Free, Tutorial, Ice Cream, 3D, CGI, Modifers, How to
Id: EvTrZ0soo_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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