Blender 2.79 Tutorial - Morph particles in any shape in a physically correct way!

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hello again welcome back I'm Parker from bonus to do and today it's another tutorial a so what are we going to see today let's take this video we have here we have some liquid in the floor and then boom it morphs into any specific say and then boom it moves again so how would it do this this is pretty simple this is not multiply this is not a beam and this is not the new flip fluid simulator add on that by the way we are going to be reviewing it soon in this channel but these are playing blender particles with its fluid physics so let's see how to reproduce this effect for this tutor we are going to use the fractal modifier branch you need to to get these runs you just have to build blender yourself by following or tutorial on how to build blender just shift from multi-floor branch to the fractal modifier branch but if you don't want to build blender yourself you can go here to the graphical dot-org and here you can download the latest build that scorpion 81 did so you don't let this and you will let everything we have here great let's go to it so how can we do morph even with particles in blender there are tons of tutorials on how to do this using the key hit physics and is not what we are going to see today but just for the sake of knowledge I'm going to show what is it using the key hit physics we need add a third object at least that has nothing to do with her original particles that creates some particles that's it after that we need an object with a particle system that can be moving or can be a static whatever we want and a second particle system with the same amount of particles okay and can be moving or static no matter what happens here so if we saw this particle system we see that we have these particles that belong to this object forming this is fear and if we play the animation we saw these particles morphing into this disorder there what's the problem here we don't have any control over what particles do we want to be morphed in this object and what when those particles are going to enter in the effect of the object we don't have control over the simulation class in this case the Gidget particles don't have any kind of cash we cannot cast these particles so for me this is a problem because I want to if I want to loans to send this to our render firm I prefer to rely into something cast instead or something on it that is being calculated in real time so this is the old method let's check how can we do the morph with a new method let's create a plane that is going to be or floor let's create an object Spears okay it's going to be or particle source okay our particles are going to born here to be poor here now let's create a target object that we can use for example some text put it it's 90 degrees and let's edit the text I think we can use for example blunder ok blunder now blend around now yeah blender ok and let's give this this object some extrusion analyst with bigger - it's okay and we are going to leave it here the floor took it okay a bit more institution - it's okay great we have two objects and now we need the third object so we are going to here and we are going in this case we are going to use Suzanne here we have the latest morph target so we go here and we create a particle system in this case we are going to use just one particle system we don't need to reproduce many particle system no no no no just one particle system all the particles are going to be born in in the first frame and we want folks on pole 10,000 10,000 particles a blue plus play we have the particle falling okay that's cool now let's save this scene basic for example and and we're going to make the floor to collide with the particles of collision quite a bit of damping I like damping yeah dumping a bit of randomness and the same situation here for example that's okay you can play with values and if we press play okay the particles are falling into the floor now now let's go to configure the particles we may want to get these to the particles as a grid instead of a literate or random but well in this case I don't care too much so this is okay and I'm giving very firm faces because the real point where I want the particles is when they are in the floor already let's increase the lifetime of the particles okay now we are going to remove the initial velocity and we are going to compute in physics as fluid because to achieve this school effect of particles forming the object etc we need to use the fluid physics the ESP the SPH particles but that's okay if we press play everything explodes because the size of the particle so let's try point two that's better and then we have please liquid here like a liquid let's go to 300 frames we have plenty of room to play the simulation okay we have the liquid here and that's good great now we want the particles to form their first object and we are going to encounter several problems and we have several own fixes for this problem so let's stop how can we make the particles to form to morph into the object using force fields of course using force well sorry first of all let's give some drag here and some damp because this way we can about the particles going crazy and in the integration we are going to use their bare let's the burden solver because it's more stable and gives better results for fleets and for Supremes it's it's a great setting okay we have here something more under control right now if we go here forceful settings we are going to enable one forces here the charge 40 and if you know a bit of physics you know that opposite charges attract each other so in this case we are going to give this a negative 10 as a force and that's okay that's it and nothing changes you have the same exact simulation but if we go here to the world to blender let's give we were to blender and then we go here we enable force field and we enable the forces charge and strength of exactly the same as the particles but in the opposite direction so 10 positive we are going to give the the portion have it flow because it gives a bit more natural movement and we press play techies ok everything is going to one point but we don't want that because we have to change the set from point to surface and now take this the particles are being attracted by the world but everything is on the floor why because we have gravity and can we control gravity in blender no no no at the side but if we go here we can disable gravity and then the particles are a bit crazy but form the fluid the world we need more particles I thing we need more particles more than more particles we need to increase this value here the interaction distance so with the same particles we can handle a lot more of space that's okay okay we are going to decrease the floor friction point for for example but the particles are going crazy how can we avoid that that's right how can we avoid the particles going crazy pretty simple we have the force we have the force here but we have a lot of speed in the particles if we want the particles to be under control we have to damp or to drag its movement their moment so for this we are going to create a mess box we are going to edit that box so we cover the full world scale X and that's okay we're going to contribute the box as bones so we can see the world and in this box we are going to enable one portion that is drag but right now this is going to drag the policy Hey is pretty weak but we can see how the particles are slowly getting into the wall let's reduce it was that's for the sake of the tutorial and now we can decrease in church in business hmm a bit more could be cool so 1.4 for example and we can decrease also the drug SiC okay here we have the B and that's okay but this is a bit out of control yet because what I really want is to have the fluid lying on the floor and at some point I went this fluid to mark the wall so for that we have to control gravity because I want gravity so the liquid falls into a floor how can we do that as I said we cannot use gravity from the blender scene so we are going to disable it but we can create gravity and so people think that we don't have any gravity force field but in fact we have let's go to create another another geometry the geometry is just a holder for the force field not important we can put it here it's safe it's not important at all and it's position either and we know we are going to use instead of force we are going to use a wind because what is gravity in the three DSM gravity is just and uniform for a uniform force with an S if ik direction that's it so in this case we can use a wind the point it's okay because we don't have limits in this case so and this strength is going to be minus 9.8 maybe it's a bit too low but we'll see we'll press play well you can see how the particles are going to the floor but we don't want the the force field from the letter to be enabled from the beginning so we can do two things we can play with this trail or we can play with a minimum and maximum in this case we are going to use a maximum zero and you will see how the fluid falls into the floor but is too low is too long we are going to increase the gravity let's multiply it by 10 okay it's better and we have the particles being affected by the drug deal and we don't have we don't want these two so in this case maximum is zero and now we have all particles falling we can explore please let's try this till too slow maybe we can duplicate the force yes duplicated in a screen for this morning right well to me physically correct but it looks great so here we have it and now we want for example at frame 60 we want to flew it foreign they say so we just have to go here and to increase the maximum value to animate the maximum value so in this case when Christy I will animate these I'm going to frame 80 and I will increase this you can see the PS fear and we'll animals happens and select let's configure the particle visibility to show us the velocity display this will play velocity that's better great we have the particles forming the letter but yet we have dual gravity in in axial so how can we reduce this action we can go here and just like with the other with the other effects of four fields we can use the maximum but we can use in this case the teal configuration because this way we have a height and a width now sorry also the maximum here right away so if I don't want the particles to be affected by the gravity when they go to the letter I just have to limit the gravity to this place that's it the particles will be unaffected by the gravity we can increase this a bit more we can increase this so it covers the full sphere we press play some particles are escaping or gravity so we may want to increase the distance just for time beam we are going to animate it just like we animated the order for fill we are going to reduce this here oh it's okay okay and that's it if we press play well we don't want but it's to be unaffected until we want them to form the same that the particles of pollen and now we have the particles morphing into sick but they they are a bit crazy right now they need a lot of time to settle them so how can we do this okay we can use the the drug but instead of using the maximum that by the way we are going to use but just to avoid the particle the drug affecting the particles Foley here we are going to use the surface I think this may work not this on one we are going to use the tube and the maximum here maximum and maximum okay it's important that the forcefield origin takes place in the origin of the geometric object so in this case we need to change this or into geometry and at it we have the force field from the center so now we want to limit this and to limit this and that's okay too so if we press play now now the drug is affecting and we need less time to the particles we settle down here we have poor particles great now we have a letter but we have a problem the letter is too thick and we need we need the particles to be thinner a letter to be thinner so how do we achieve this is you know we are going to duplicate the letter but in this case I'm going to move the loser to this layer but I want to see this and in this case I'm going to enable the letter R wire and I'm going to remove the phosphate from this object okay now I have a visual reference of the thickness I want and I have my actual geometric object we have different options to achieve this but in this case I'm going to use it not not the display sorry the offset modification in the world if I do this I'm going to achieve a thinner reach a result from the particles here we have all or liquid and then being attracted and it's near or target but we need it to be a bit thinner and we may need to decrease the interruption distance to at the one point four let's try two one let's say we won and here we have maybe a bit more 1.2 for example we have a liquid falling and if you see closely the simulation we have a problem okay this is near where we want we have a problem here that is what when the liquid is being attracted we have an effect like a banding how can we avoid disbanding we go to or object to the forcing and we are going to use the power the power is a follow from the center of the four field to the outer limit of the first thing so in this case we are going to use power power - and you will see that like you will say the force field effect unless the simulation take it slower and it's more gradual it's like it's sucking the the liquid but we don't want that we want the effect to be art we fast so for that we can do two things first of all we are going to use some minimum where the effect is going to be full and we are going to reduce this to 0.5 let's check this is a matter of trial and error in your scene so just play with the values we still have this done we don't want this let's check with 1.3 1.3 it's better but still too slow so to avoid that we can go to 1.5 and we can exaggerate the maximum value in this case instead of six we are going to use 20 okay and we can reduce this to 1.2 again as you say this right disable the minimum that's wet of course if we want the force to be bigger we just need to increase this so instead of ten deciding equivalent force we are going to attract the particles with a lot more force so we can try 20 for example here we have and we can increase this to two let's check what happens here and 1.6 and that it now let's go to more of the particles into a different object we have the particles here if you see closely their red color indicates that the speed of the particles is pretty high so we got the particles to settle down before we do the following morph how can we achieve that we have your drug we can animate or drag but the drug has a maximum value of two and we don't need to animate the drug we are going to animate setting of the particles so in this case we go here and from this moment I want to particular cells to start setting down so I can animate it damn not that rock but the damp I'm going to animate the damp we go to 150 and point one foot sample and let's check what's the result and now the particles start sitting down but we want to be more radical so we can try with 23 these values are pretty strained pretty pretty hard this is the moment we wondered um and here we have sorry are slow and if we went a total stop of the particles we won we may go here and we can animate these two one and we are going to see the particles being stopped is a fraction now the dump and now the full-stop and that's it we can increase also the drug so we we we make sure that the particles are completely stop it but now we want the particles to morph into Suzanne so for that we have to do a pair of things but is the same that we did up to now for example I want the particles to be sushant to be stopped being Suzanne at 180 so I'm going to animate them and in the bed next frame I'm going to go back to my original value now I want to animate the force field these force field and for this for field force field I want to animate the strength or the maximum for example I can animate the maximum and in the very next frame I want a maximum of zero so the force field is not attracting the particles anymore and also this happens with the drag I I may leave the drug for timing but I think we are going to disable it later if we press play now we have Poorman safe now they are frozen and now they are free and the gravity is not affecting them so we have a blob of liquid now we can go to Suzanne we can add another for film another charge in this case we said in the 180 and we won -25 so no sorry 20 foot sample show three I like the value of three for Flo a maximum value because we don't want these to affect the particles until we won the effect we can animate this here and in this frame we want the particles to be fully attracted by Suzanne oh let's go to 20 again we can use a power of two and we can use it to play Oh 13 and let's right in this case we can see like a barrier here and this word is happening because the drug so we may enable a bit of power here we may play a bit more with the with the values to about this this very we have the particles and now we have the particles being morph into Suzanne without control how can we control these particles we already know that we can duplicate this and we are going to put this around Suzanne and we are going to we are going to use a sphere in this case oh no power but this is it okay and one important thing is that I don't want all the particles to be morphing into Sun at once so for this we can play with the maximum value and instead of going 20 we can go slowly for example if I go until here until ok I can go to 5 or - yeah - 5 animate it and then we have pear north everything is frozen and we have ah it's to lowest is smart so eight for example try you but frozen [Music] and now it's too big okay example here - six okay five point six but the thing is that animating the maximum value or the this this fellow you can achieve the morphine at the pace that you want that's it we have some particles being affected and we can decrease the force so we don't have the banding we could increase the power to we can play with the with the parameters to avoid demanding more increase these two five four two eight oh sorry then let's see this has any effect in the bonding you we can use the minimum also so the fall-off happens between this place and this place and we can increase the follow six three again and let's resume it one cool thing about all this is that this simulation in blender is pretty fast the SPH fluid simulation is pretty pretty fast Corsi unit melee if you need millions and millions here we have the fella and here we find the attraction but just part of the particles if we go to design and continue these two bonds we have everything form in this fear because we need to change the safe from point to suface of course you pulsing liquid and now we have part of Suzanne and in this case because they strength it's beer we can reduce the maximum to by from probably five or 5.2 we will be attracting everything so I stay - let's try five and basically that's it playing with force fields you can morph the particles in whatever you want and if you want a more steady fluid or more steady aspect you can play with the density of the viscosity of the fluid and you can play with the different settings the fluid has in this case for example we are affecting part of the fluid but not the other part so we divided the fluid in two shapes now if we want to see this in geometry we are going to hide all the geometry to hide the geometry we can go here we don't want to hide the object so in this case we're going to use masks or these we are going to move these to another layer we just want this layer or these just we can just hide them and that's it and now we are going to use the new remains option that's why that's the reason because we are we are using the Pratt to modify brand because we have the new metaball mode particles and we have this point zero five for example only two five now we have our liquid it's better to beg the simulation before that's important save that's the case let's fake the simulation is pretty fast that's it we can go here and we can enable the Remus I mean the Remus is going to be more or less fast but we have four fluid now the fluid is oh because everything was hidden Oh another trick let's move it back to the lair in this case we don't want to see the sofa so we can use some masks again no we don't we can use we can't use the maps because this is a letter so for this case I'm going to use a build and put the start frame to 1000 and that's it because it's beef it's after the surface modified so okay that's it all right let's read back I'm going to pass one of the bacon of the party we'll mix other it our particles we can go here enable the Remus and now we have our fleet but if we want the fluid to be to have a more 3d aspect we can use some tricks so we can apply a smooth with value 1 and value on top 8 and if we went even a bit more of fluid aspect we can use at this place with a value of minus point 0 1 for example minus point 0 by 4 0 4 and this way we have we have a bit more aspect of a more fluid aspect 4:02 whatever you want so we have here or B now it's frozen and now it's been the format I'm being attracted to for part of Suzanne of course you will need more particles to create bigger Suzanne or you can animate the introduction distance of the particles but if you want more freedom fluid detail you have to reduce the interaction distance and increase the particle mode and reduce also the particle size and this way we you will achieve moral details in your simulation so that's it I hope you liked the video you like the this technique I think is pretty cool if you liked it please press the like button if you are new subscribe to our channel to see more videos like this in Spanish I mean an English and remember to press the little bell icon that is besides the subscribe button and that's it for today see you in the next video bye
Channel: Bone-Studio
Views: 15,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, b3d, blender tutorial, blender fluid simulation tutorial, blender fluid tutorial.blender sph tutorial, sph tutorial, remesher tutorial.blender remesher tutorial, fluid simulation tutorial, cycles, 3d, 3d animation, realflow tutorial, blender simulation tutorial, blender physics tutorial, blender fluids tutorial, blender liquids tutorial, blender 2.8, blender particles tutorial, blender particle tutorial, particle morph, particle morph tutorial, particle shape tutorial
Id: 64VXx6aKg28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 21sec (2181 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2018
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