🔴 blender live - lets model roman building

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[Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] hey everyone [Music] hello hype khan how are you doing yeah today i'm looking at uh trying to do some abandoned places but i'm not sure what i want to do also but i know definitely what i want to do let me let us reduce on the music a bit okay so yeah so today we want to do some abandoned place but uh one thing i wanted to first experiment with is uh creating a tree like this using geometry nodes and i think we can use that uh in uh yeah in the abandoned place so yeah let's go to geometry nodes so just slide uh this away and start with the curve object and uh create a tree like this and then we can use it in different areas i'm not sure what style i want to go for maybe this one or just create an abandoned castle like this or an abandoned street we'll see hopefully the audio is good everything is good let's continue yeah so i had started a stream a few minutes ago but uh my power went off for a minute anyway let's create a tree using geometry nodes here and we're going to use a curve and i want to be able to just draw the branches like this by using the draw and then the branch will be made so with a curved object like that how we can go to geometry nodes and uh start a new uh node tree like that and i want to use this uh this cup i want to add some thickness to it and i'm going to use a primitive circle and you can use a calf to mesh uh to have this to give this this the thickness of the curve that we want here i can reduce the radius like that uh so what i want is uh to be able as i said i want to be able to just draw the branch like that and then now we have that functionality so when i draw i want the top here to be smaller than the bottom so i'm going to use uh and there is an option to change i think it's under uh set set uh curve radius so if i add it here i can set the radius here but i want it to shrink as we go up and there is a parameter that lets you that gives you the position of every uh point of the curve so i can use uh that is called cover parameter so if i fit this into the radius you can see we get that we get these kind of tail uh things i can draw but uh the path i'm drawing is invited i want it to be the opposite when i draw i want the start to be larger than the top so what i'm going to do is just is it multiply let me see i want to if i use multiply okay that is just going to give me a negative value i just need to change the to map range so that i flip i just need a map map range like that so that i can flip at the direction so from one actually from zero to one and then just flip this around to be like that so now if i draw i can draw the branches just like that and i want also to reduce the polygon so i don't want the cuffs to be very very smooth like that so i think and uh there is a curve function called the side resample curve and that this can reduce the polygon count of the cuff you can see now those look look more like uh yeah more like branches to me so like that is a bevel option let me see people so yeah now what i want is uh these branches also look a bit too small so i'm going to come here to the carb radius here and uh let me first reduce the resolution i'm going to grab a noise noise texture and just use it to displace this branch a bit so if i preview just this curve here you can see how it looks and that is setting the thickness of our of our branches so if i add a set position here and use this noise to offset the position you can see i can distort that a bit and we don't need a lot of noise so i can uh use a color we wanted we don't want the displacement to be that much so i can add a color makes rgb color makes rgb here just play with the factor so just to make it less powerful so that the noise is not too powerful so we have our branches and i can draw quite a lot more like that and i get something like that okay so now let's let's see if we can draw the tree just using this i'm just going to go back here and start again just draw a branch like that i'm not sure why it's being offset in the let me see if i remove this okay it seems i want to offset at the x and y position i don't want actually i want to let me see what values i should offset here no i don't even need this noise to be let me see let me see let me see should it be that offset it's too offset from what i want so let me just remove the noise it's not that necessary so let's draw the curve here grow our tree and just come in here draw a few branches they're not going to be perfect and actually if you want you can select the last one and just snap to active elements so i can grab this because i want these branches to be connected so i can just move this shift s cast selection to cast a selection to i actually just have to do custom selected and then selection to casa i need to tell proportional editing police hello how are you doing sorry i can't pronounce your name let me see if i select this just move these around yes going to come in what graphics card and computer specs do you use i just use the exclamation at the command exclamation mark specs i should see what i'm using hello deepu how are you doing hello bunny bright how are you doing let's see so yeah i want to make the main branch here a bit thicker but there is no direct way to select it but uh if we let me see let me see let me see there is the set curve radius this is set coverage let me see now it doesn't look too bad could look better but uh yeah still experimenting with geometry nodes just to get a hang of it hey thank you thank you amazing content thank you thank you as well a little zany hamid yeah my internet sucks when i try to switch it to 1080 so that's why you see i'm still streaming in 720 why not use this skin modifier i could use the skin modifier but uh yeah i just i just want to play with geometry nodes a little bit more so that i can get familiar with it because it's going to be much more powerful than any other system so it's better you get used to it than and actually another reason why i wanted to use geometry nodes because i want to add the plants these leaves here with the particle system and maybe let me do that i'm going to grab at an object a plane let me go to the shader editor i know probably mine okay so i'll create a new material here i'll show you why you i'm using geometry nodes here because i can easily i place these branches uh all the leaves anyway i want so i want to grab a texture image texture here let me see resources images and the plants plants plants plants transplants ah maybe let me use should i use this let me use this yeah by the way if you are if you have the quick functions add-on i've added now uh let me make sure that is active quick functions quick yeah the quick functions addon now comes with a pi menu i haven't updated it so the ones you might have right now doesn't have that let me see abundant abandoned street so now the quick functions i don't use a shortcut called shift q uh you can use this shortcut to do things like uh add uh change ev settings i change the blending mode over this of the material so for example if this material is using an alpha channels for example here if we would not show it in the viewport unless if you go to the materials and make sure that the shadows are sorry the blending method is sent it's set to either clip or something like uh alpha blend so yeah so i want to use these two to be to place it onto the surface so what i can do is just grab that leaf let me rename it to leaf leaf like that drag it into the node tree and instance some points onto the faces so instance points on faces uh why can't i see these yeah so these are our faces and i also i still want the geometry so i'll bring in the join geometry node and join other two i like that so that's uh now we have some points on the surface now all we're left with is that to instance i think this is on points like that but i think this has to be before the joint geometry like that and also going to make sure that i set the rotation of these like that and now we want to randomize the rotation of these a bit as well so i think actually the rotation has to be from the particles themselves also we have something like that i can scale this down a bunch a little bit like that like that and if we don't want if you want freeze other the leaves to start from somewhere here all you have to do is just bring in uh the what is that we need to bring in the position becoming free position so i can search for position and i want to use that to select what parts of the mesh gets the leaf instances so i can just do a separate x y z and a vector separate x y z and i just use the z value as the mask so pick uh use it as a selection like that now i can add a utility math node to reduce just to determine where the but where i want other particles to be so when i draw another branch it gets i believe believes that easily and uh we can make this leaf a little bit more detailed let me scale it in just a bit maybe give it a few other branches just to make it look much better make that and this how we can create a new material for the branch or for the tree and let me just bring in i'll go to my quick functions library let me see if i have a tree material here don't let me look for plants let me just go to this i'm going to back to the resources plants yeah i'll get a tree back like this and i just use that as the base color you can just use object mapping for this and then now if you're using geometry nodes are the way to save materials is that you just go to the geometry so i can use a set material option here just select the material and for some reason it doesn't seem to shoot actually this material one yeah like that and we have ourselves a tree now we can reduce the the radius of the tree i can also increase the particle distribution is there a way you can is that way you can connect join all branches to a trunk like remeshing in sculpting let me see because let me see in the modifiers here do i have a rematch option here yeah i think you can do it in the modifiers directly in the modifier option here so you just have to yeah you can do it in the remesh option here you can add on fire after actually let's do that because it's actually much better so shade smooth and i think we can also add a smooth modifier if that is available for some reason we are losing the material as well so when we use the rematch modifier it seems we are losing the material for some reason but it does help uh join the parts together so okay yeah for this we are not going to use that we let's just create a few more branches like just to make the tree look more populated just want it to look a bit thicker okay let's uh go on and now create the amount the abandoned building so yeah let me go back to a different layout here and i think i can let me see do i need all these layouts i don't know you know instead because this is a bit too cluttered you can't really see what's going on let's go with this kind of medieval scene let me just grab the image yeah just maximize my viewport here so we can take advantage of all the space we have anyway let's see how do we break down this let me get a pen here so we obviously have the ground surface if we start with that add a displacement and uh add some bit of rocks in different areas then we can easily yeah break it down let's break it down in a few in a more simplified steps let me grab this just create a new tree collection how that there and now create a backup collection just have the the leaf there as well so do i want to start this is i want to start with a plane like this maybe subdivide it a few times and uh then i'm going to use the scalp tool and a few brushes so i'll go in here turn on dyno tuple and also turn on a tick i'll create a new texture i'll use an image texture i'll go to my height maps grab some rocks and start to draw some like that hello sir how are you doing i'm doing great right ja rajav sharma how are you how is everything so i want to draw some detail about especially i'm using the dino toppo and my resolution right now is very low so let me put it to six so that i can get some more extra detail like that so we are starting with the with a detailed surface i can change if you use concrete if you hold down control you can create valleys and let me go back here grab a new a different image like a rock surface uh something maybe like this just bring up the strength uh there is a brush that is very good at this is it the layer brush i think it could be the layer brush maybe no let me see is it this yeah i think this is good that should be a good base yeah there is a good add-on advertiser it's not going to give me the structure i want because if you see if you look at this this is at the top of a hill and then yeah you don't really get that kind of customization with that i don't i know of it i want to try sculpting at the surface myself so i want this to be a bit uh yeah this to be a bit rocky and then we can have some mountains on the sides i like that let's go back yeah and now we can use materials so we want to have some snow under a rock a mix of snow and rock like international it's a logo remake luck international i'm not sure of that that one okay so we want to create some snow and uh i want some snow and some rock so let me go to my quick functions and look for some rock textures i have uh i have this grass i think we can use that so i'll start with that as the base material and this needs to be uv unwrapped uh actually we can just we could get away with just using cube projection like that so this is going to be our surface now let's get our snow which is basically a simple material let me just grab actually you could use the roughness of this image which is these which is yeah this here you can use the roughness the that roughness as let me grab another principle shader this is great but if you are going to add a bridge there should be a deep valley in the bed um all right yeah since this is going to be positioned as yeah we can add that later so let's do a vector bump map and this is going to be a was no yeah but it has to be it has to be very very reflective now this has to be under here yeah so that's going to be like our snow and bring back the refresh image we are looking at that clear uh this pen tool which i'm forgetting how to clear okay so with this we can create a mask we can now create a mask so we have a snow we can create a mask using uh the object or geometry so input geometry normal so we can do a separate converts separate x y z so we can separate the the uh position should we separate the position the let's see now the position won't do okay this will give us a nice height map but if we separate the z the normal [Music] we get snow from a different direction [Music] so so it just gives us snow from my direction so we can use this as a mask and i want to use a math note here i want a greater than value here so that uh we have snow in only some areas i like that and if you want hey thank you for subscribing michael babin i really appreciate that now we can mix these two shaders like this let's preview this node i'll bring this as the as the mask now we have snow mixed in with some rock there's a few things we can do here we can add a vector math node here vector and let's try a vector rotate and see what these will do see if we can rotate you can rotate the basically the the snow direction we can use i'm liking the background music a lot it is similar it is just so familiar the flute music that was before let me see which one was that i'm just using uh youtube audio library you mean this one let's buy uh yes jamie james or the ishim ishama something it's like a band music or something i like uh marching band music let me see let me see what was i doing yeah we wanted to use a vector math node here vector math that let's see let's let's see okay you can just also use the cross product you can play with the values here basically just for you to shape are the let's see if i get the normal and get the i'm just experimenting with what would work here hello bunning trap hello sir what are we up to yeah today we are just trying to make an abandoned a castle like this we're starting with the shader just let me i think uh this is enough for the snow uh one other thing i'm going to do is just grab i add a rock surface so we don't want too much snow we want something like that now let me make sure that uh [Music] geometry normal tangent and see what we are looking at what would give us the best values here [Music] so let me try using just the z value here the z number and add a math note here because we want mostly the faces that are facing up at half snow are like that so and that means that only faces that are facing directly up are going to have other snow so yeah something like that and actually let me see this is giving us the opposite [Music] let me first look at just this yeah something like this should be what i want but the snow should be on the first shader you could have used previous snow shader you made in another stream yeah sometimes if i forget to add it to the library it takes it's very difficult to find because i've created a lot of projects i flipped the bsdf yeah that's that was what was confusing me so after i flipped this yeah then we are getting exactly what we wanted i saw the snow is on this side uh but uh so now that means that if we go in abundant burning bright you said you uh we need a bridge so our camera is going to be somewhere here so we need a bridge here and because we're using object mapping actually we're not let me make sure we are just going to just make sure that we're using object mapping for all of these make sure they're all using box mapping including this here okay now we can easily just sculpt i'll go back to scalp mode and uh and a dino tuple turn on dino toppo so we want this to be kind of a valley so yeah so a very deep valley i'll just reduce my brush a bit basically we need like a hill like that now we can have a mountain a quick way to create a mountain is i just have a plane uh give it a a multi-resolution surface subdivide it a few times give it a displacement modifier and just look for a height map from google height maps just look like this so we can grab a mountain like this and now you can see you can see we have a mountain but we don't have enough resolution so all we need is to just continue dividing this a few times under you would have a very well detailed mountain like that and another thing we could do is uh if you have the direction set to zed i can even duplicate this and uh add a second mountain so i'll make sure i have a different image so i'll grab maybe this here and instead of using uh local coordinates i can use object and add another object say an empty like this and just select that empty and scale it up or scale it down scale it up and move this around and you can see it blends within with the out the rest of uh the mountain i can just reduce the [Music] is factor a bit so but so we can one displacement is enough i'll just reduce the z depth like that give it the same material as this now we have a nice looking mountain and that we can add in the background duplicate these something like that let's see let's see unity uh what do you mean not great xyt okay so now that we have our terrain set and done i think we can reduce on the resolution if we apply these modifiers so apply visuals to geometry i can decimate or reduce the polygon count of this by a good amount that they should also use the same object data so that we are not we don't have a lot of polygon counts okay this is freezing okay let me just get rid of this open a new session ah my mountain is gone anyway we don't need it we can just reuse this and i think it fits the scene even more more since we did it also anyway so we have that now let's start adding again some uh let's add in this bridge here i think we also need to estimate this a bit so just reduce the polygon count so i'll do point one okay maybe that's two's too much 0.5 yeah i think about that okay let's create a bridge a bridge we can let's see how this is going to be and simply create a bridge like this that's rotated like this i'll grab a brick texture so let me go to my quick functions add-on which is it has been deactivated for some reason okay i'll look for a bridge uh brick material here can use something like this here yeah something like that and since this is using object mapping we don't really have to worry about the texturing just do this extrude custard origin origin to 3d cast i use a mirror i like that and you can add an array and to just repeat what we have done and can make this a bit longer this is a this is a good playlist ah yeah as a youtube selection some chill music yeah i'm also liking it man i'm also liking it can round off these corners just a bit come in here you can come in here if us get rid of these faces and uh this side we've actually made a few bridges before yes don't feel like finding them all just extrude here add a few cuts insert and we have a bridge let me use my quick functions i want viewport shading no pick functions let me see rena settings undertale on screen space reflections and also i made occlusion like that let me go to my library and start adding stuff hello child's team hi mister how are you feeling i'm feeling uh not bad i have a a small cold but i'll be fine how are you let me go to my medieval and start adding in a few objects i have this house here oh that we made i think was it yesterday no not yesterday day before live so let's reuse it as well just add it somewhere there now we we're just populating our city let's see what else do we have i also have this uh i think let me know don't use that let's go back here i'll grab this building here [Music] we received a call that might mess up my network connection but i think we are good anyway so i have this we made from yesterday so i'm just going to populate it into our scene yes a castle like that what we are going to like here actually i i'll change it because what i'm thinking is that this object shouldn't have this should also have snow on it so we might need that to be changed i'm going to make this editable can you make the mobile buildings um actually puncture mobile buildings don't look that spot difficult so yeah that could be arranged let's scale this plane down a bit yeah actually i wasn't sure of the name as well so i'm not sure who was calling hello vasu chandra andra yeah i think that's how you pronounce your name anyway so i have this building let's see if we can add another one grab this okay they're calling me on another night line uh but uh we're not picking up right now because we are streaming anyway so let me have this here and i think after this to look as super realistic we are going to grab go back to scalp mode of these objects just let me use the dino topper again can i use an inflate option me just have this make sure this is on some kind of surface you can even make this just pull it i think we have made a nice pathway there okay uh one thing i'm going to do i'm going to be using cycles so let's go back here gpu viewport denoising yes okay i need to use the sky texture and just let me see how is this the direction of this guy so his sign is coming from this side how we can uh have the same thing so i will have uh the same direction of let's use a 45 degree rotation for the sun and then an elevation of 2 so that we have let's see division of 5. now something like this just i think some let me see let me see bring this back a bit yeah somewhere like that and uh we might need some volumetric so let me add that so cube scale this up scale this on the x on the y like this and i'll give this a volumetric material let's see let's see what does he have in the background here he has a lot of buildings in the background so let's do that as well so we first pause this grab a few other buildings that are that we made yesterday at this grab okay we might i might change my camera angle somewhere here because uh then we don't have to deal with this guy this is it five let me bring the sun up to let me play with the contrast of the scene just a bit so hey thank you of subscribing i'll just use uh look dave are these are new options in let's see you can even find those settings under here let's see yeah want some kind of silhouette so we're going to bring the sun back what graphics card do you have just use exclamation marks picks summation mark specs so i want the sun to be in the from the back so that should be around a rotation of zero degrees actually that rotation is not so it's also not too bad so let's try 15 and uh i want these shadows to be softer so the sun size is going to be a bit bigger or longer like that now i think in my library i have a host horse is it spelled like that house don't have it here let me see do i have my animals pack yeah i have a horse so let me add that into the scene just gives a nice scale of our scene now i just need a sodium on it have a roman soldier just add him onto the scene make him editable so we have a soldier here just make sure that all these yes pose him a beat just going to put this over the house okay now let's look for other things we can add in here i'll go to my medieval and grab this let's see what else can we add going to look for columns and actually let's make this bridge larger so you can have more stuff so i'm going to move my camera again back here i think i can grab this grab this because uh this is a very well detailed piece so i want to reuse it as much as i can let's grab these get rid of those and i just use an array just also grab these columns and i have an ack so grab something like this okay this doesn't really need that many polygons so decimate it so we want a piece like that like this now we can duplicate this a few times let's see ah [Music] i think we need to adjust our contrast a bit we can break up some of these by adding uh something like uh actually do we need to do this in edit mode i think yeah we do need uh some kind of boolean so give this a displacement modifier and i just subtract it from this and then just have this in a bowls collection so some of the some of these are broken so just like that so uh think let's see ah some reason blender can't just crashes every time i try to preview this yes i i think it's crushing because i have to my piece is not powerful enough to handle the scene anymore because we have a lot of things going on could be that just continue adding in a few extra buildings i think it gives error during processing let me see thanks raja mural it's really becoming very very very annoying so since this is hap that is happening let's see if we can try something else just a simple a very simple scene without too much polygons let me see from this yeah simple scene maybe with a knight so let me create uh let me just duplicate this project and uh remove the fog and just let me see get rid of these just trying to simplify other scene we have made see if uh who gets better results hello meow me how are you i have core i9 ah good for you man i have an is it an i5 i think yeah i i have an i7 for the laptop and then i fight for this yeah it's really i think i said it's enough depend depending on what you're doing depends on what you're doing so yeah for some sins it may not be for some it may be yes just change the scene up just a bit see if this is going to help big models always cause trouble i think i just have a lot of polygons yeah i think yeah just using this model we can make something good because it's a well detailed model so it doesn't really need too much to complement it so let me first get rid of these just make this surface even larger make this editable let's bring these in the back we don't need to have too many things going on here and change in sunder play with the sun and see i don't know why my pc is very slow today for some reason let me close a few of these things [Music] epic project with 26 people watching what a disappointment ah i'm not sure what you're trying to say but uh yeah we are here chilling man no pressure no pressure it doesn't matter if it was just a single person watching i will still be doing this so no pressure man anyway let's see the for some reason the horse looks shedless could be because uh the materials are baked in at let me see if i can mix it yes reduce and maybe we get rid of the snow just have other rock let's see this is like the tenth time a blend is crashing on me for some reason let me just make sure that i'm working in cycles only because it could be because i'm using several render engines uh cycle this could also be leading let me see if i can actually i'm liking this material thank you thank you thank you think yeah netboard can uh will time you out if you use a lot of uh uh emojis that's why amir is timing you are but i shouldn't be doing that but i'm not sure of this setting i do have lumion no i do not i do not but i know of it i just don't have it yeah it doesn't matter how many people watching this what matters is uh you know what he's doing yeah man and uh tutorial streams even uh ones that uh unreal engine their official website you see about 90 people watching live uh so yeah unless you're you're doing a video game yes you're not going to get a lot of viewers doing a live stream critical tutorial and i'm okay with that i especially i just put this content out for anyone who's who's interested in watching it and a lot of you are busy with other stuff so you may not really have the time to watch it live but i know most of you go back and watch the the videos later thank you helix uh serious i hope to oh anyway so yeah it's not your fault it's just a nightbot just being a complaining all the time anyway i want to copy these nodes here because i want to use them i want to copy these nodes i want to use them on here just press copy and i want to copy this ctrl c yeah okay they're already here yeah so that's what we would have and i think the scale has to be a bit lower our pillars should have the same material as the building yeah what i want to do is that to have at least half of the building to have this greenish mouth most and half of the building to have uh so i want to create a gradient texture to blend the tomato the materials so i'm going to use the object coordinates of this i think actually we just need to use the separate xy convert separate x y r for the now if i use the object it's not going to give me what i want i don't think so because each object has a different rotation so what i can do is add an empty object like this maybe yeah like that so it's called empty and i just use it as the object here so empty so that i can control the height of the mouse or the mask like that and i just need a noise texture here you know this texture like this i also wanted to use object projection so let me use the now that just scale the noise down a bit like that and so i have the z mask here i can use a color mix rgb and just blend it too so can use color band color bun and yes also i can add a math node here so i can scale it up i think i need a multiply to make the noise look more faded like that now i can use this to blend these two shaders now this is styling too much so let me bring it down yeah we want it to be a bit dirty like that uh but like i said the top here looks too clean uh like he said uh yeah the pillows should have the same material so should have the same material and uh to make the top look a little bit that here i'm going to add a car ramp i think here hmm no here yeah i think that just make it make this a bit yeah somewhere like that i'm going to change the direction of the sun a bit just see what gives us better results here going to grab this let me remove this mirror and i think if we added some sort of volume like this shader volume just give it an emission strength just like that ugh learning more than ever that's nice to hear thank you no grab let me see what what else can i grab here maybe this cut actually how about if we made this bridge like uh broken oh let me see let me see we have a few blocks like this in different shapes yeah this maybe some displaced a bit can we add lumps lump poles instead of arches ah lamp holes we could do that and i think i have a lamp so yeah let me first get this idea out of my head and see what we can do there we have blocks like that and uh go to geometry nodes should i use geometry nodes now let me just use the particle instance also i'll create a new vertex group here then a new particle system here system uh that uses a vertex group like that and i should be using the modifier stack let me actually just extend this a bit get rid of these points from the vertex group so all our points are facing up now these here these bricks are going to be [Music] in a collection called uh breaks may i ask you [Music] eh may i ask you know the probe properly yeah if you know the prop i lie in munich your building looks quite the same maybe google should go short for them yeah well i used reference images to are to model these buildings so yeah it must be something from there because i was creating medieval rome buildings and i did a google site so probably yeah i learned some from there i render collection i'll just use the bricks collection let me see no more i think these bricks here will need to be rotated so yeah so we have something like this and this should be quite small but plenty really looks like the coin mixer plats munich with uh uh let me actually show you some of the renders i made of these by the way these buildings are going to be available to my patreon so i think i should have shown off these let me show you yeah so this is the first building i haven't read that all of them out yeah that looks like that the other one is this here yeah so i'm ordering them from reference so yeah they might looks look familiar if you are leaving from that from that area it's possible possible possible yeah this should have the same material as the axe quattro l pink materials yeah it kind of breaks up and adds a bit of detail there might need more particles maybe double this uh you say oh add you're saying add lumps uh let me see if i have a lamp lantern lump yeah i'm not sure where where i have my lamp and i keep unlinking my assets every time i want to update the add-on so that's why i see i may not have them i thank you thank you thank you yeah i did spend some time making those models let's see what else can we add in here yeah i can't find the lamp i wanted to add very nice roman villa and the temple sparkle detail yeah yeah this also is let me see if i can show you that yeah this here yeah this is the one that we have just added in i mean a few of these i'll also be uploading them on my cigarette account basically that's yeah and this here i don't think i rented this out yet but this is what we created yesterday maybe some flag okay a flag should be easy now we can create a hanging flag let me first pose arena here can do something simple actually i shouldn't have rotated this scene like this i should have been straight should be flat straight up like that it should which makes it much easier for me to to line up things except now my soldier has wings for some reason i need the amateur okay my sword is messed up let's see if we don't have the soldier on thank you spakoskai for subscribing by the way i don't like how this uh this horse looks just yeah the soldier is doomed and i can't really get him back very easily i want i think i have a fabric material here massive super coolness in fun fact i could uh re-stand in front of the build that building in 30 minutes ah so you mean it's very close to you nice that's nice you must be living in a very cool place man can have now this can be red because we can add wrinkles to this but uh i don't know this has to be a different hue let's try to get our soldier back yes yes this time i'm not putting him on a horse so just have him standing so cool you made the release green and reddish part of your model if you would make if you need extra info about that building i could send photos but uh your building looks perfect oh nice you can uh you you can post the some of the the the images you take yeah you send me some photos on this code just want to see if how accurate i was how close to to the building i was in accuracy just play with the colors a bit here uh just add i have also said some discord for future streams nice nice i'll check them out let me see i can't find them binding bright oh you mean the last one is you sent because i remember those ones let me pull the camera back a little bit and see you know what i think i need to push these a bit to the side and then grab this building have it on the left as well so we have some nice symmetry now let me see if i scale this up no ma'am accuracy 99.9 how long did it take you to complete that building model uh i think uh about three four hours can't remember really you can see it's not that complicated and these details here i didn't sculpt them i just i use a height map i don't like connect with the theme on this code i just use exclamation mark this code if you want to access the discord server two yeah volumetric does really add a lot if i remove that you know what in this case i think uh yeah i'm not sure what you guys thinks volumetrics or no volumetrics maybe a bit of both just reduce how
Channel: TopChannel1on1
Views: 1,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MFi1tXcrHcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 0sec (6780 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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