MAGIC Potions! (might not actually heal)

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hey there gentlemen today we're going to be making some potions whether it be health potions or stamina potions or mana potions are you getting the impression that i haven't made these yet and that these renders are coming after the tutorial well that is indeed true because i'm going to be freestyling this one and hopefully we will get some good looking potions but before we get to the potion making part of this tutorial a huge thank you to i think the first sponsor on this channel pretty sure that lines up thank you to nordvpn for sponsoring this tutorial your internet traffic whether it be just what it is you look up or what it is you pay for so in fact credit card numbers and stuff like that can actually be exposed to hackers malicious people that want your information and this is the exact kind of traffic that you want to be encrypting which is exactly what nordvpn offers you can use nordvpn on your computer you can use it on your phone you could use it in whatever country you're going to this is a kind of security measure that you are bringing along with you and there are additional benefits beyond just masking your internet traffic that may be of interest to you the main one is going to be avoiding or circumventing region blocking which is this idea of let's say netflix or hbo go or whatever it may be has a show that is only available in a certain country or vice versa avoiding region blocking will let you watch shows that will make it look like you're in that country and you can access all sorts of things and this is also useful for accessing websites that may be banned in certain countries long story short it makes all your internet usage what it is you can access what it is that you are actually showing and revealing to people it makes all that something that you have a lot more control over and this is the purpose of using nordvpn and while the annual subscription is already super affordable i'm gonna make a deal that is going to make that much sweeter this is a black friday deal where every purchase of a two-year plan will get you four additional months for free to access this deal what you're gonna do is go to my link in the description which is gonna be default cube and you can use promo code default cube to get access to this black friday deal so hopefully that is something you are into but now back to making some magical potions and blender let's do it i guess we may as well start so i haven't done modeling in a while which is kind of a cool thing because i don't know every single tutorial mine recently has been like materials and nodes and stuff so it's good to get into the easy stuff uh i'm not throwing shade josh i'm just saying modeling is easy uh either way start with the cylinder we're gonna have a lot of uh rotational segments so it has a lot of rotational resolution in some sense uh we're starting off by making the glass bottle um is the essence of this and to reshape this i like to go into edit mode scale shift z oh so easy so easy none of the complexities of nodes just so easy i'm gonna make it about the thickness that i want the drinking funnel you know the thing at the top to be and then we're gonna widen the rest to do that we're gonna control r2 loop cut uh bring that up and then i'm gonna go for kind of like a erlenmeyer flask kind of look i don't know if you guys ever took a chemistry class but this is the thing you use to boil no use a boiling flask for that i remember that from breaking bad ctrl b to bevel scroll up this is just so it has a nice rounded base i think an erlenmeyer flask is made for mixing because because of the flat bottom i know you're definitely not supposed to put it on a bunsen burner whatever i don't know if you guys even took chemistry we're going to bevel the bottom we also want to smooth the transition or maybe only very slightly smooth the transition between like neck to base so i'm just gonna make a couple divisions here not too big boop and uh yeah i mean i mean already this is kind of like the essence of the bottle super simple um couple things that we are going to do first of all delete the top of this so this is kind of like a infinitely thin kind of like surface or shell of a bottle by the way i should save call it something unique like this is going to be available on patreon just so you guys know um this is going to be an infinitely thin thing and we're going to give it thickness using the solidify modifier but for now just treat this like you know something that has no thickness i guess we also want to give this thing a lip i mean listen this is my first time making it elise live so i'm a bit i'm a bit you know strapped for ideas here but i'm just going to scale this to make the lip and just like last time we bevel whoops ctrl b not control v who knows what that could mean so something like this and you know what we can actually bevel two things at the same time and have them interact so those are called bevel collisions by the way uh you control b they pass through each other you hit c and now they've collided which is a cool thing about bevels you could do that but i don't think i actually want them to collide something like that should be good yeah i think that's generally a good looking shape now that we're done right click shade smooth looking good um again to give this thing thickness because if we gave this like a glass bsdf or in general we tried to make it like you know glassy and reflective and all that it would look weird because you know physically accurate glass is not infinitely thin okay so here actually we should give this thing a name we'll call this erlenmeyer that's not how you spell it dude erlenmeyer well that's definitely my best attempt uh erlenmeyer flask we're gonna add a solidify modifier which is a modifier that takes your geometry and kind of applies a extrude along normal at least when you set it to simple i don't know what complex does probably something stupid hard with a distance extruding with a distance of the thickness now you could decide whether you want to extrude inwards or outwards and by the way if it's kind of hard to see what's going on here uh go to the this triangle it has a name it's called object data properties uh go to normals enable this this is just gonna make it so the auto smoothing only happens if the angle between two normals is within a certain a threshold um so we can make that threshold large or small whatever um what was the point the point was the solidify modifier you could either have it go inwards or outwards i'm going to recommend outwards because we're actually going to have another use for this bottle that relies on the inside of the geometry being unaltered so not like the solidify going in here i mean that's just going to be for making the liquid so you just give it a thickness i wonder what even thickness does i don't mess with a lot of these settings because again uh modeling is easy and i don't touch it that often okay cool let's turn this into glass just so we can feel like we're making progress even though you know and the grand scheme of things we're all just headed towards death but that's fine i'm just going to set up the render scene set it to cycles gpu this is just up to you i mean actually no this is not up to you you definitely want to be using cycles whenever you're dealing with um glass and reflection and stuff like that um so first thing i wanted to set up and this is why i have all these render settings open is in the world of properties i'm going to set up an hdri my hands are moving faster than my brain wouldn't be the first time i'm just gonna pick a random hdr i found from h dry haven we might switch this out later uh to make it invisible we're gonna make it transparent and very soon it's gonna be important to enable transparent glass because we don't want it showing in the background of the glass uh but first of all let's make it glassy uh you don't need to mess with any of this super simple just add in glass bsdf it's slightly more like expensive maybe than some other options but it does look like glass and it would look more like glass if we enabled the settings so now we can actually see through it and put whatever we want in the background notice that the reflections are still like dependent on our hdri right like you can still see the window of whatever room we were in but we can actually see through it there's transparency and this would be a good time to play around with the thickness so when this is set to zero this is what we had right which is why i recommended we add a tiny bit of thickness and i guess the thicker it is the more it refracts and i i imagine these things are actually fairly thick because they're meant to hold like certain chemicals like hydrochloric acid and things that would just burn your hand and you don't want to mess with so that's pretty cool oh by the way another thing i think this one's not accurate um to the chemistry but if you were to like to inset this and like add some like loop cuts and stuff like that um just for a idea you don't have to do this but just as an idea i use you can select the bottom face let me do this in solid view uh proportional editing so we kind of have a radius of effect and you can make kind of like a curved bottom that again the solidify modifier like curves with and this just adds like an interesting shape to our glass um again i want to say this isn't like physically or at least not physically um in terms of uh practical use not accurate but come on we do we're doing like a health potion so i'm just going to add a bit of a bit of a lip nobody complained about a bit of a lip just looks cool um okay so let's see we have our glass bsdf ior is index of refraction a means what coefficient it's a number let's start with that it's a number that describes how light reacts um as it passes through the medium as compared to air so air or perfect air like a vacuum has an ior of one glass has i think 1.5 so slightly higher than 1.1.45 if you get ridiculous with this number you can see we're getting interesting effects um i wonder does this let you go negative it does um whatever different video 1.5 you can also play with the roughness like how frosty is this i recommend either keeping it at zero or at something low like point one uh just so it's a bit foggy and if you want to add like a lot of i don't know i guess realism uh we could have this roughness again which areas are frosty or not it could be dependent on some kind of like noise smudge map which is kind of a cool idea so what we could do is we could do a color ramp just make it a bit more contrasty nothing crazy bit of detail bit of roughness and remember where it's black we're gonna have a roughness of zero perfectly shiny and otherwise uh white uh which is what is that that's gonna be a roughness of one uh so we want this one to be a lot lower if it does achieve here so something like point two um so that we still have the gradient but it's not super rough and like the dusty area so let's see what that looks like so now we have some areas that are rough and some that are not and this would be a good time to enable your denoiser boys um i'm not gonna do it because i know some people have like gpus that ain't too hot and i don't want to make people jealous so we could even up the contrast and make those areas so just to see so you can see what this looks like so some areas are super frosty um maybe point three we'll get a little crazy there you go it's it's those little details that will make it look more realistic in the end um that's the glass material um let's make the fluid whether it be hp stamina mana urine whatever let's make it uh to do that so you're thinking oh we need to do a fluid simulation and you could and then you can actually move the bottle and stuff like that and there'll be splashes but i'm going to do a stupider method we're just going to duplicate the bottle this one's going to be fluid so this is if you wanted to actually model the fluid not stimulate it and before we do that let's call this material glass and let's give our fluid a new material so we're going to decouple it and we're going to call this fluid uh for the fluid material i guess we could just do either a glass bsdf again but this time that's what the settings for like water settings or just use principled bsdf i don't know which one's better for this but uh whatever let's see let's disable erlenmeyer so we can actually see this this is our fluid it's going to be inside of here of course we don't want the whole thing to be full so just a trick to make a realistic fluid is you could just like either like cut here and we can have like the fluid go up to here or you could even like do a boolean it's kind of dependent on the orientation of your bottle but for now let's just keep it simple so i'm going to add a loop cut there i'm going to go to wireframe i'm going to take everything below that or above that i guess and delete it so now we kind of have this base right here and this is one thing that i guess we do not want solidify modifier for so again the reason we kept this flask around and i said oh we need to solidify outwards not inwards is because we're going to use this mesh again to make the fluid so we need the interior to be the same so i clicked f to fill which in solid view looks like that so i just filled in the top let's see what this looks like so this is our fluid we enable the flask and now it looks like one's inside another of course it might look a bit strange at certain angles because cycle i don't know point is to fix these glitches kind of general idea set origin to volume so this time we can like scale from the center and just scale it by something very tiny or something very close to one so it's barely altered like 0.99 and just that little thing is going to make it render much much better so it's kind of like inside the bottle but just barely right there's just a tiny film of air and in fact we can do 0.99 again or we could just undo and this time scale by like 0.97 or something just so that there's definitely no intersection so again one's kind of nestled inside another and the thing about this is at any point we could kind of like add a loop cut here and like bring it down et cetera or just slide down the face for the material i guess if you want to use a principled bsdf we pick a color let it be red dependent on your potion let it be transmissive so it's kind of like fluidy it's looking a bit like cough syrup but kind of like very mystical very cool cough syrup and what else could we do we could also change around the index of refraction assuming that this is water-based the index of refraction of water is like 1.3 i believe so this will make it act more like water again the number you pick here is very important so zero you get like you know black abyss and then you can get metallic-y looking things if you go high 1.3 that's a good number if you want to be a bit controversial so this isn't technically accurate but it is very mystical i'm going to set up the color for the rgb right so i've made a rgb node connected to the base color now here's the controversial part uh we could uh choose this to also be the emission color so that the fluid actually glows as if it's kind of like i don't know maybe it's a actual healing potion and a glows and we can make that emission less strong now that's kind of a controversial take you might not want to do this because it's very not realistic so this is before this is after maybe do this with caution or make it very very not that strong i'm going to go without it but just so you know that option exists maybe i'll do it in the final renders who knows um other than that you can make it more reflective but of course it's gonna make it look weird so that it kind of depends on you i guess physically accurate if unless there's a lot of stuff hanging in the atmosphere of the water you make a roughness zero or something close to it uh but i don't wanna go down there okay so there we go we have glass we have fluid we know how to make any kind of fluid again we just take this mesh and either boolean or cut and do a fill at the top right but i guess one thing that's missing two things that's missing i guess is we could do the cork and we could also do bubbles i'm not sure if we're going to do bubbles because i don't know who has the time for that but one thing we're absolutely going to do is we are going to do the cork okay so how do you make a cork super simple you you model again it feels so good to model this one could have less geometry because it's smaller boom uh we're going to scale this shift z whoops i keep doing that i guess that's the first time i did it but i have a feeling it's going to keep happening scale actually makes your proportional editing is off scale shift z until it's the thickness ah it just happened again until it's the thickness of the flask and it's probably better to see this in wireframe mode okay cool we're going to bring this up we're going to edit mode scale on the z-axis and i haven't seen a cork in a long time but i think it's kind of like this most of it's hanging out just like that and then what you want to do is you want to select the interior face this one's scaled down a bit so it's not like a perfect cylinder it kind of tapers which is the point of a cork that's why they work and this one gets bigger and then what you do is you take both of these and we are going to bevel just like last time ctrl b and this just gives it that nice uh shape to it there you go so that's going to be our cork let's see what that looks like that looks pretty good just like last time first of all shade smooth but just like last time we could like scale it by like 0.99 just so it's kind of a bit more in there in case it wasn't already but that's a good looking cork let's give it a quick material easy make a material call it cork um i guess a cork is just kind of like a very pully not a you know spiritual sense but a very holy porous kind of material so we need a lot of circles voronoi texture is the way to get that if you look at the distance function you know basically calculates a lot of points and measures the distance from them and that gives circles uh really but if we take this we color ramp it and first of all it's you know increase this number so there's more of those when we color ramp it we can kind of make the contrast higher which kind of defines our circles more nicely we could also choose colors here so you know corks are kind of like orangey yellow maybe a bit darker take that copied over to the black so any time it goes to the circle circley part it can just be like a darker shade of the same thing maybe a bit redder less saturated darker something like that hook it up to the base color hook it up here it's a good start kind of looks like a leopard print somebody something some like i mean maybe i don't know maybe a cougar would wear this on something but it's weird it's weird to the point uh to make it look good first of all roughness bump it up it should be near one because this thing's incredibly rough and second of all before we fix the color bump node this is kind of like the silver bullet and we're going to use the same kind of thing regardless of the fact that this is color we're going to use this as a height map to generate normals and boom it's looking like there's actual like shading and like depth and stuff going on here first of all let's fix the color i'm thinking dip the saturation and also mess with the hue a bit it's just kind of like the wrong shade of whatever it's supposed to be i feel like that's closer and we can make it have more porosiy kind of situation here i think that looks pretty good you could play with it a bit more but i think that's about as good as we're gonna get it uh we could make the strength of the normal a little less intense and yeah that okay cool so i think i think uh generally the form of this is fine we got good materials we got good shapes um just so you know uh if you're curious you can make a bunch of bubbles here i don't know if we're gonna get too much into it but what you do is you take your fluid which is kind of weird that we can kind of isolate it uh but you take your fluid and then you um you know set up a particle system in it uh we'll we'll see well we'll try to mess messing around with it we add a particle system might be easier to see in solid mode although the thing is we were going to have it like spawn from the volume um have it emits on the first and last frame so it's not like you know adding more particles throughout time but all the frames that will ever exist exist there and they're going to exist for like 200 frames or 250 however long so in other words all the particles already there and we can choose how many that's going to be what we want to do with these is in the source we want to say emit them in the volume so like at different spots inside of here and then i guess the last thing is for each of these particles we want to map it to a bubble uh to do that we are going to make a kind of like reference bubble and i think what's going to happen here is it's going to work but um it's not going to be very visible but at least it's worth trying so this is going to be our bubble so let's just call it that what we're going to do with this is for this in the render i think it's render we're going to render as in other words for every particle we're going to have it map to an object which object our bubble boop um so now you can kind of see um again this thing's i guess this would be an argument to make it like less rough so you can kind of see through it a bit more um you can see there's a bunch of spheres packed in here uh one thing we could do is make them like less like 25 so there's only like a few of them and uh in other words basically if we did something to these spheres to make it look like more like a bubble material it will translate to all of these okay cool how do we do this we're going to make a material for the bubble um now i guess if we were going with the physically accurate theme uh maybe a quick trick would be transmission this will make it kind of like glassy and i guess the second thing you want to do is make it kind of have the ior now bubbles are kind of weird where they have this this kind of like thin film effect so really they're supposed to be these kind of like solidified things um maybe we'll skip out on that part but it has like an ior of one on the inside and then some something slightly higher on the outside i like where there's actual um soap like 1.1 something close to one generally gives you bubbles so again if you wanted to do this physically accurately and let's actually take down the roughness as well and shade smooth if you wanted to do this physically accurately you'd add in a solidify modifier just so it has like a tiny bit of thin film and you want to be able to like see through it and stuff like that i guess that's what you i guess there's no reason not to add a solidify modifier that should carry out to every particle assuming that it actually uses the particle stack particle stack modifier stack is what i mean i don't know if this is what it's referring to but just in case generally this is a good way to get bubbles in a problem you might experience i don't think we're experiencing it here but one of your bubbles might be sticking out and in that case you could zoom out uh you could either kind of do some tricks with does this scale affect that scale it does you can choose the size of the bubble that's one way to fix it or you could just kind of keep changing the seed here to get different bubble positions so you can see some of them are sticking out i'm just going to keep generating until they don't i guess this one's sticking out and i guess another thing is we do have the glass to kind of camouflage this but yeah i don't have a simple solution minus using like volume shaders and stuff like that um so now you can see our like fluid has some bubbles suspended in it i'm just going to bump up the roughness again and for the bubble material even though this is closer to physically accurate we'll just make it close to 1.3 so it's less noticeable we're also going to make it rougher i don't know or i guess one other thing you can do to make it look more realistic is the alpha and this is just kind of like the transparency of the thing so you can see it's actually like going away over here we can make like 50 transparent and i'm thinking now that i'm seeing this whole thing like as one entity i want more bubbles let's bump that up hopefully none of them stick out cool uh we could hide this and that should keep our um bubbles uh here at least on a render if i was to change anything about this i think i would make the cork again i haven't seen like a cork in a long time i'd make it a bit smaller like that and uh yeah now one thing to consider just so you know you might to since all these parts are kind of like separate but they're supposed to be together but maybe you want the cork to be separate so you can remove it um you might want to parent these all together or even more simple you just you know shift click a bunch of these and use the join command point is if you were to rotate this whole system around let's say the 3d cursor if you were to rotate this whole system again the fluid doesn't really react to it so it should be like a level over here you could either again update it by saying i know the mesh is going to be this way so i'm just going to do a boolean on this so instead of like doing the loop cut you make the fluid oriented this way or again you could do a fluid simulation or even more crazy you could do all of this in nodes and have it react to the orientation but that's some crazy stuff so let's not talk about that for now kind of like final thing is you just kind of want to set up your scene um so you just want to kind of uh you just want to kind of flicker through hdris i mean i think the one we had to begin with was pretty good looking um but really this is just going to change the look of the glass since that's kind of like the main thing going on here um i'm just going to go back to the original whichever one that was i think was the power plant there you go it kind of has this kind of very dark sinister hp potion look to it by the way last thing it's obvious but i didn't mention it um the color whether you have it just driving base color also mission i could have it be just by changing the color stamina you could have it be mana stuff like that so super easy super easy and you could also change the shape of the bottle into flat it already is a flask like a boiling flask or like a tube like a testing tube for a tiny little potion um but yeah i think that's how you make potions i think that was a pretty coherent tutorial pretty photo realistic you could even set this down on a plane i mean i guess if you want this to be photorealistic uh you need to set the scale so that it's not like two meters tall and all that but whatever anyways i hope you enjoyed this tutorial if you did do consider the patreon why would you consider the patreon why would you just watch a free tutorial and then go to patreon makes no sense well patreon has exclusive tutorials first of all these are tutorials that i do not put on the default cube or cgmatter channel so maybe you'll find something there there's quite a bit of a backlog now since i've been doing it for months but we have exclusive tutorials we have blend file so you better bet your bippy as my sixth grade teacher would say better bet your bippy that this one file and maybe hundreds maybe 800 there's a lot of one files on there that you can pick up for various projects um behind the scenes access discord access um what else is there there's uh sometimes there's early releases there's a name for that early content i forget what that's called dude either way that happens sometimes if it's not like an advertised video i can upload it early and stuff like that early access maybe i already said that um all this stuff exists on the patreon and it is a great way to keep cg matter and default keep running um but only get patreon if you want those um uh those benefits that i talked about i want to thank all 550 to 560 maybe 570 now i don't know i want to thank all the patrons uh that have joined and stick around i thank you i credit you at the end of the tutorials because uh it's kind of like a big deal so uh thank you now you know how to make potions let's get rid of this it's ruining the vibe um now you know how to make some potions and with that i'll bid you would do see
Channel: Default Cube
Views: 193,581
Rating: 4.9449878 out of 5
Keywords: blender, tutorial, potions, fluid, simulation, glass, shader, beginner, advanced, 2.92, 2.91, cycles, eevee, photorealistic, photoreal, 3d modeling, cg, cgi, vfx, animated, animation
Id: scmJ05OtYgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 44sec (1544 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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