Blender 3D : How to model a motorbike's fairing using NURBS / HD

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well hello everybody and welcome to another video tutorial my name is Peter droplets and in this we tutorial I would like to show you how you could model a certain part of this motorbike especially most personally the fairing of this motorbike here producing a alternative technique to the Box modeling or polygonal modeling which is the actually the what we call as Pat's modeling and Pat's modeling is a actually has to do with nerves all right and NURBS curves and this is a technique that is called usually lofting in some other packages and in Blenda also we have the ability to to connect two different NURBS curves and make them a nerve surface and start working on this NURBS surface and the reason for T so is that it has some advantages because of the few control points if you have some advantages over the box modeling techniques perhaps and you can very very easily shape a smooth organic surface like this faring here but by just manipulating a just a few of control points of the NURBS curve so let's go ahead and get started first of all I tell you a few words about the scene here I have already imported those reference images here and if you press and you can see that we have here you know I go to the side here and you have those background images enabled here and I have set for the top for the for the front shooting for the back and for the side view okay as you can see here it's very easy for you to import and set them it's one of them the corresponding appropriate you know view okay and if you if you wanna know how i made this you notice this actually our blueprints made from the my own model of a motorbike actually of a suzuki gsx 1300 our Hayabusa model and I'm describing this technique in one of my previous tutorial so I would really encourage you and to feel welcome to go there and watch this previous tutorial so you can have an idea of how those images can be made from actual 3d models so let's go ahead and start modeling using the pad modeling technique first of all what we need to do is the sift a add a curve excuse me a surface nerves curve so go ahead and add a surface NURBS curve alright and you can see here it is this curve if I tap it with it mode and now and I'm going up here to the object data here button this little button over here well I can as you can see and head over to the active spline well you have a couple of options here first of all you can have a cyclic you can make it cyclic and those univee actually are the directions of the of the NURBS curves or surfaces now were were working along the U direction but we had a surface that would have also a V direction so first of all you can make this cyclic let's undo this real quick you can turn this into a Bezier curve a lot in our case what we want to do is to enable both for the U and V directions the endpoint U and V and this what it does is that it you know it kinda stretches out this curve in such a way that it has the same starting and ended pop ending points and with what we call here is we call it Hall all right this is the hall and the hall has the control points that we can actually move and this way we can control the overall shape of the of the of the of the curve of nerves curve by manipulating those control points here all right now let's go ahead and this selecting I have selected all of the control points let's rotate the amount of IAC's by 90 so actually effectively aligning this curve with this plane here beside you all right and let's start grabbing you know the control points and some control points and bring them in such a way and move them such a way that we the curve itself not the control point not the fall you know follow the overall shape of this line here of the fairing right this line here okay so sometimes we might need some more definition and some more detail so like here for example we need and yet another control point to be added no worries though just select those two control points and just press W and subdivide the whole in this at this point here and select this control point grab it somewhere here grab this and don't try to be overly precise precise for the for the time being we don't need that all we need to do is to just have the overall shape of this bearing and and we can be we can add more detail later on so after having doing this now select all the control points of this curve and just shift D duplicate them all right bring the other point somewhere here and here it is where the laugh lofting technique comes in and here is it is where we're going to create to make a putz what we call paths okay and just select all of those points and press F and fill those to splice here actually those are splines and fill them with a surface and this is an our surface that I can manipulate by just you know moving those few control points in this way I can really you know make a smooth organic surface so let's switch over to the back view and just you know start moving you know just pushing and pulling those few control points here in such a way that we can have the overall shape of the the of the object fairing you know underneath just be careful which one which of those control points you are moving it's time so so something like that and we just need I repeat we just need the overall you know shape of this of this by this fairing here so we don't need to be open precise for the moment okay Presi blender you know we the Edit is a wireframe in student mode this one and you might need to have some more subdivision sometimes for example somewhere here we might need to have some more definition perhaps and yeah and but before that let's go ahead and bring the yeah somewhere here I would like to subdivide those control points here W subdivide them and I need some more control points to work with right so something like so all right so yeah if I switch over to the side it renting mode you can see that I have already this shape the overall shape of this bearing of course this is for the for the side view and if I now see it's over to the you know to the front view I need to do some more work and select those control points down here and just if you need to be be sure just you know leave the the orthographic view and make sure you can selected the right control point and then just you know bring this where it should be all right so we have this overall shape let's just over to the top view now and select the this control point for example and grab this somewhere here and we make this bulky look if you prefer of the this ferry here well perhaps I need to add select all of them and a satellite then once more but do not place over do this I mean not overdo with subdividing the subdivide work you observe you you really need to you know to have to have some more detail you don't need to be overly you know Versailles overly over do whatever with this subdivision we we kind of try to keep this as low as it gets because we we don't want to have too many control points to work with right actually we're sculpting in a way the surface is the parts of this despairing it's just grabbing pushing and pulling those few control points here alright let's and I think you need sometimes to switch over to the wireframe Sadie move all right and well if you need to see yeah here it is the warframe and the wireframe is very important because depending on this wireframe when we are going to convert this into a mess in just a moment then we need this math to not be not this to be so much you know advance that's why we can enable go here to the cube icon to the object data enable from the display tab the wire option and now if you go back to the object data for this for this paths here you can control the resolution both for the you as I told you before and the V directions and this is that you can control this over here to the active spline you know attack here so let's bring this as low as two for both of you and the V direction so I just want to have a fairly you know if I did this one well that would be you know no I need some more detail so but I think two is good for for this for this purpose okay so alright so I can stop like that but you can see we have a very very nice smooth you know organic shake your surface whatever so let's see it's a tab in edit mode and keep you know and you can select for example those those control points here and press s scale the x-axis as you will do with normal vertices you know that's first 100 save well that would be a nice idea to save often and let's save as you know ferry all right okay so now let's see it's over the side view well I think we're getting there and let's make a few more adjustments and of course we can enable the proportional fall off and make this and start moving the control points as you will do this pretty much the same way you will do with the you know with the normal vertices and that's very very convenient it comes into handy when you need to make this clicking if you prefer off of this so we have made something like this and of course we want to also bring those few control points grabbed them bring them somewhere here and of course well it's all about tweaking now the vertices but you get the meaning this is the overall shape here now if we are happy with the result right and we check from all the angles and if we are happy with the result then we can go ahead and start and press shift D and duplicate this it's always a good idea to keep a copy duplicate copy of the of the copy of the pads all right into another layer let's move move this into another layer all right here so now I'm selecting this one and I'm pressing alt C and I'm converting this into a mess so as you can see now we have from the pads we have made a nice smooth you know mess organic looking mess so now I can further work for adding more detail and of course I can just you know enable the proportional full of right and grab the vertices right somewhere here perhaps and you know the usual the usual way we have for for creating proportional editing thing you know and something like that alright so I have something like this I think it's quite good for the moment and now let's go ahead and switch over to the let's go to the this tube here and I come and I uncheck the wire option now I don't need this actually and all I need to do now is to go ahead and add this detail here of course let's speak a little bit more okay all I need to do is to just add those openings here for the air those around you okay so I need to actually cut the surface here and somehow and create those openings here alright let's go ahead and for this purpose I want to use the that I want to use the knife tool of course you can see we have some we need to actually take it more than I thought before but it's okay to be exactly you know crazily precise for the moment but of course it's always good idea to have the overall shape well defined when we are starting you know early on we did to help okay it's alright so let's all right perhaps you you want at this point to add a miracle defile okay and of course well now you want to select this virtus here control shift and make this select those where this ego all right and press sick test in Britain the girls up selected now consistency and make all seem to be at this political so we can actually now have something like this and press the clipping option and now let's move those parentheses well and until they are clicked they're connected actually so we have made this nice well okay so we have our you know basic if you prefer a faring now well you can always keep clicking but for our simple tutorial all I need to do is to actually first of all let's tweak a little bit those vertices here I'm going to use the knife tool for cutting this Ram they are opening here and yeah so let's start first by using 50 V select this vertex and just trying to sift we you know what we would be is splitting shift way I want to actually a slide some vertices well I don't need to be overly again precise well as for that and you know I am going to be perhaps grabbing well for smoke tweeting things well it's okay but you you can always use your knife tool instead as I'm going to be showing you in just a moment all right for some other other cuts all right so now all I need to do is having those having right with whatever those move those okay I need to actually select those faces here and press C to select the those faces here all right so circular selection from those a faces and press I to inset them alright quite a bit somewhere here received our shift for more precision control our and add yet another edge loop here all right somewhere in the middle okay now let's go ahead switch over to the face select motion at those faces here and just go ahead and delete these faces only those faces here all right and select and delete the faces all right so we have need something like that you can see this in the demo in this view well yeah perhaps now I want to select those edges here and well not those perhaps and let's just move them just a little bit you know in words okay so I can make this kind of thing yeah perhaps I would like to slide also those edges here alright by pressing ctrl e and slide there a little bit so it slide slide this kind of well perhaps I don't like this kind of this alright so I'm going to fix this and for this reason I'm going to be using the knife tool actually and I want to change the I want to make this even more rounded here if you prefer so a way for doing so will be to just what I do not some some some cuts here all right so I'm cutting here this right here and okay and perhaps I want to cut this way yet another cut and I'm going to be connecting this here so knife tool and make it another card okay so I have made this kind of its young here so I can now move those vertices some I'm taking them brought them somewhere so I made this okay something like so okay and of course grab them okay no yes yet another look here or instead of look better another cut with the knife pole alright so something like so and connect those two faces by pressing F select and press F of course it's not yet just yet the perfect geometry but we're getting there yes yeah get another cut and faces and make you have another face here and so that's alright well yeah okay I think it's okay let's press and save it let's come back here alright and now that I have made this alright actually to create this this this opening here you old actually here so it's going to be vertex vertex select no and just trying to sit we slide the vertices so the advantage of sliding the vertices is that you can always keep your you can always keep your initial I mean you know the geometry you had before okay and let's let's go ahead and select those faces here now and then delete the faces all right okay so I have made this you know initio you know not so good for the moment but I'm going to be taking this by using the auto even technique and I'm going to be actually breathing those those practices such a way that the better maths the difference unless of course so so I have made this kind of a hole here if you prefer now I can select this let's look and I can extrude it along the x axis somewhere all right opening okay so now perhaps you would like to add some bulky some more you know roundness here and that's very easy for you to do if you enable the auto you know and the proportional acting fall-off just trying to give for you to do alright so you have something like that of course it's not yet you know something I did if I certify this I can see this and it looks like so alright and of course we can always go ahead and subdivide it a little bit more and perhaps you'd like to make this even more all right sometimes you would like to take a little bit some vertices it's normal right and just trying to order to smooth out some geometry it's also an option you have to smooth geometry out sometimes okay so you can it would be nice to see it with your model form all the angles so you can have a better idea how it looks like say it alright so we have made something like this alright and this is a you know a first oh and I always go ahead and select those few vertices here and try to just extrude them and you know just bring them so you can make this kind of okay so now that's that's a good idea here to show you what I mean with smoothing smoothing out all right let's value smooth out those vertices so we have no not so you know this kind of so so hard okay so now and again I would like to also select those who persevere and smooth as well sometimes it's good to have this naval okay W smooth out and sift me it's all about tweeting now you know you have this smooth shape here okay now switch over to the side you and say a wireframe mode go here to the modifiers and select optimal display and so you can see only the Kate's and now that's what I didn't select our natural and add some more because it's a subdivided model okay and ER now select the faces those faces here and delete the faces all right we can make this kind of thing and we're going to be those this year along the x-axis so this is another opening here we need to do if you wanted to make the same effect as up here I mean this this kind of fact just what I didn't add some cuts here alright it's just the vertices along the x-axis that's why I didn't move them as well I'm just trying to line them up a little bit okay so that's the general idea but you can make how we make this now so it's over to the side to the front view and try to find somewhere here this year this is where is the you know the the glass of the faring okay it's found and let's go ahead and actually now try to make you know this change with a little bit here and trying to make this this glass actual okay so just go ahead and selected graphics should we bring this somewhere here and now let's add a cut here and the cut is going to be from this point here starting from this point here and going all the way up to here so bring the knife pole and try to follow the overall line here start cutting perhaps you need here okay and now let's go ahead and okay we need to actually make yet another cut here somewhere here so we have made actually this a say and I just want to actually get another cut here right sampling so and now we can indeed go ahead and here we have this kind of works here which doesn't seems to belong to a quad so perhaps I don't want this vertex here so that's what having dissolve this well exceptionally don't need this actually here and let me see now well we have actually selected vertex here and of them Mercurius to this vertex at last here alright and so we need to make some well after some adjustments here and yeah and and and select cut this is here at this point here okay add this cut here and just go ahead and merge also those two vertices here untamed at last and that lets me check this so just you know trying to find a good you know good policy overall topology here let's add some more hats here so cut this and of course cut this one here alright selectively adding geometry okay now face to face is here by pressing F and now I want to kind of get rid of this actually of this and this here alright and actually I want to switch over to the add select mode and just click dissolve pull those edges here but control tab switch over today as a vertex lit mode and select those three vertices and click again dissolve don't forget to dissolve the vertices those words here now I would like to add a new cut somewhere here so bring the knife tool here and I'm reading this tool and I just want a cut somewhere here alright so okay and I want to cut this way all right a straight cut here and of course I want what I didn't merge some faces together for example I want to melt this face and this face you alright and of course I want to perhaps yeah another cut somewhere here I want to match those two faces now together hey I have made something like this very simple to policy here okay all right and I can't I don't care about this triangle here all right this one let me show you which one because exactly it's exactly at this point where I'm going to be selecting the edges here all right and those edges here and I want here to press V and split them okay so if I now go ahead and select hit ctrl L I have selected the connected geometry you can see I have actually make certain like this which is our fairing okay I want to hear a vertex here by using again the capital just go ahead in a vertex or you could equally subdivide this but all right first of all let's select the connection received aids to hide the you know the the rest of the geometry and person I knifed will bring the knife tall and just not the cut somewhere here so we have actually made this turn this into a turn this into a quad updates to bring the all the rest of the film via now I can press control our and that look at here okay and somewhere here and show is for avoiding this you know very rounded edges here okay but now let's go ahead and select control L this geometry and and all 5816 to select we you know in hide the the rest of the geometry now what I want do is I can either go and select this slopes around the you know the object and just pick through the edges that's the one way you have for doing so okay and the other way you have for doing so is by second selected all the faces all the connected faces I mean just press control air and to the you know to this faces pop-up menu and click solidify and now you can adjust a certain amount of solidifying the this you know this this part of the mess don't forget to to delete the the faces in between those this and the middle part so just leave the pieces here and now of course you want to make sure that you have selected all those edges and bring them move them along the x-axis until they they snap together and of course you can go ahead and add some look at scale and their sample definition so you have made this kind of fairing here of course you can always go ahead switch over to the front view and switch over also to the graphics mode select those edges here and start you know tweaking and yeah that's about this part of the mesh we have made our fairing okay and I think for today perhaps we want to even further you know ticking and things like that this oh and yeah maybe we have to also make this kind of cut here and let's switch over to the knife to just go ahead and that you know the usual cuts around here as I told you before you don't need to be overly precise and you just want to follow the overall safe of the of the difference events so I have made this cut here okay and now I want to select those faces here and actually I want to insert them by pressing I write quite a bit now press ctrl R and add another loop cut here and select now select those inner you know it's loads here okay this inner loop or perhaps the select the interior faces thumbs it doesn't seem to work this one so let's go ahead and select by manually selecting those interior faces let's ask what had an X through them right so now and we can always scale them along the y-axis and yes zero excuse me along the along the local and normal excuse me x z axis so just bring up this you know this skill gizmo here might later and just okay so we have made something like this okay we have this kind of yeah of course you can always select the edges those as few as here and just bring them you know those those two answers bring them along the local this time and just bring them backwards okay alright so we have made something like so and I'm not sure perhaps we have yeah you just get the meaning it's all about tweaking perhaps and all right so we have made this kind of God so this is a basic you know the basics of making a deferring as you can see it's quite nice looking and of course you can always tap it it mode and start you know it's all about creating the job do you need if you go to the front view perhaps we could actually select those vertex vertices and grab them creating or making another cut so we can cut this hole here and things like that but you get the meaning it's it's all about you know pulling and pushing the vertices we have created this rather good-looking faring relatively easy this way so if you like this I think for now we could continue of course all these in another tutorial and perhaps making some more more parts of the of the of the of the motorbike if you if you prefer but for the moment I think it's okay I mean we have shown the basics of how you can create those smooth surfaces here and and I think I hope I hope you've learned something from this and if you like this don't forget subscribe see you next time with another hopefully interesting topic hopefully soon until then have fun and good
Channel: Peter Drakulic
Views: 47,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D, modelling, NURBS, NURBS modelling, motorbike, motorbike fairing, hard edge modelling, motorbike modelling, Blender (software), Blender 3D, Blender NURBS, Blender tutorial, Blender lesson
Id: p1xDvnVovd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 47sec (2387 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2013
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