Blender 2.7 Tutorial #6 : Box Modelling a Cartoon Head #b3d

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hello and 1:46 my video series how to use blender 2.7 in this video we're going to continue on from the last video in which we use edit mode to create custom shapes the last video we create a simple chair and a house in edit mode using the extrude tool and the loop cut or Luca and slide tools in this video we're going to create a simple cartoon Bugs Bunny sort of a head like from Looney Tunes so let's go ahead and get started and I click on the splash screen it'll disappear now we're actually going to start making our character's head from a cube you might think that because the character's head is somewhere around that we might start with a UV sphere and you'd be wrong because a UV sphere if you go and look at an edit mode at the top and bottom of the UV sphere it has a set of trying either faces now triangular faces are okay you're just working with simple objects but if you're modeling especially for modeling character's head or something organic dragged their faces are to be avoided let's go ahead and let's make this cube round I'm going to select it and an edit mode so I'll press tab to get into mode I'm going to go into face select mode and we'll zoom in on it I want to make sure that all my faces are selected so if you tap a few times that toggles everything selected or nothing selected so I want to all orange and select it and I'm going to subdivide this cube up so it has three cuts in all directions the way you subdivide on blender in edit mode is on your tool shelf under the tools tab you need to find the add section and click on the subdivide button if you do that you will get one cut in each direction through all the sides on your cube so it's subdivided now into four faces for each original face but I want to make two cuts in both directions so I'm going to change the number of cuts here in my cell device section up from 1 to 2 the other way I could have done this I'm going to undo this is I can go to my specials menu with your mouse in the 3d viewport if you tap W while you're in edit mode you get the specials menu which gives you kind of a list of shortcuts common things you would do in edit mode to edit what you're working on the first option is subdivide so I'll just click on that and then I'll turn the number of cuts up to two there are more options for a subdivide but we're going to do this sort of manually to make this cube round now I'm going to select all the middle faces on all six sides so I'm going to select the first one hold shift select the other ones and then let go of shift and orbit around to the other side and bottom hold shift again to select more and now I have all six sides selected with all six sides selected you'll notice that the gizmo your arrows or whichever one that you're on move scale or rotate they are in the middle of your queue because when you select multiple things the gizmo goes in their median point and that's how it is by default the median point of all these cubes is in the very middle of the cube and if I scale each feet one of these faces will become a little bit bigger but they'll also scale apart so I'll tap s and you'll see that it'll now look like the cube is being expanded by a growing ball from the middle of the cube so what I'm going to do is I'll actually click to stop that for a sec I'm going to press 1 and then 5 to go into orthographic front view and I got tap s and kind of make it as round as possible now some people have told me this looks really confusing if you're in perspective mode so if I go down to the view and change it from orthographic to perspective so it'll say persp it looks funny especially when you're up close because you know one of these angles looks like it's coming to the front of the cube and the other one doesn't and that's just because of the distortion of being in perspective mode so I like to take an orthographic view when I'm modeling and I'll stick to the front view so I can see it kind of straight on I in a scale he's a little bit more to make it the way I want it make it as round as possible but it still looks like my cube has pointy corners from the original cube on it so I'm going to select those vertices on all eight of the corner and I'm going to scale them inwards and that will look very very round so I selected most of them I'll just warm it around hold shift again and select the last one and now I'll tap s and pull inwards and we have a pretty well round object to make a head from so if you actually want to practice that that's fine it won't turn out right possibly the first time you do it but it is quite simple quite fast with practice to turn a cube into a rounded object to start modeling from I need to start modeling the facial features now and the first thing we're going to do is the character's nose I want to find the front of the characters face so wanting to press one to add a front view and then I'm going to go into face leg mode and select the front of the characters face this is where the nose is going to be extruded from we're going to kind of model an Elmer Fudd nose in other words a nose that's shaped like a light bulb so I'm going to extrude from this phase but it's way too big right now so I'll tap s and make it smaller this will be the base of the nose where it's extrude from and it will extrude out from here and then scale and extrude and scale I'm sure the scale to make the nose the right shape so I'm going to tap e pull out and then tap s so as you can see I'm going to keep doing that again E and then maybe I'll pull that back a little bit and then E and then s if you are extruding by the way I'm going to undo a few steps the common thing for beginners to do is to extrude from like this sort of an angle it's very hard for me to tell how far I'm extruding right now because I'm looking at almost straight on that's not a good idea of course you'll want to extrude from sort of like a diagonal user orthographic perspective so I'll undo that and go back out they both there and E and then click and then s now if I look at my face straight on the nose is square I don't want that I want to be rounded on all sides so I'm gonna have to make some loop cuts and then I can pull on the extra edges I get so I'll tap control R or alternatively of course I can press on loop cut and slide that does the same thing and I'll make a cut right there up and down across the middle of the characters face and I'll grab these three edges and pull up on them then the bottom three edges and pull down on them to make it rounded on the top and bottom same thing side to side control our click right click this time though I'm going to select all six edges on both sides and I'll just scale them out on the x-axis so I'll select all six click on my scale gizmo and drag out and that way each side will be a little bit more rounded the top and bottom were when I just move them rather than scale them all right that looks pretty good to me what I might want to do is adjust these a little bit now let's say I wanted to slide all these edges back I don't have to do this manually I'd have to select edges manually if they form a loop the quick way of selecting an edge loop in other words edges that are connected around an object that are kind of end to end is I'm going to go back to my move gizmo if I hold alt and right click on an edge it'll select all the edges in that edge loop so it's very easy just holding down alt and right clicking on my edge to select an edge loop you can think of an edge loop as being like a loop of string around tight under your finger it's a very thin narrow thing that goes all the way around an object now just keep in mind though edge loops are can be interrupted by extrusions and intersections of edges that don't have four roads essentially coming off from them if I hold alt and right click on this edge it'll select the edge loop that goes all the way around the head but I've my right-click on this edge because there is an intersection of only three right there and what works not for it gets interrupted so the edge loop only goes from there this 3-point intersection to this three points if you have anything other than four it won't work so if you have a five-way intersection that will work either it only works when you have a consistent set of four-way intersections around a mesh so this is an edge loop otherwise if I want to select let's say all of these edges oops just the ones that are parallel you can do that as well very easily if you hold ctrl and alt and right click on an edge it'll select all the parallel edges around an object and that's called an edge ring you can think of that as being like a wedding ring on your finger it's thicker than just a loop of string around your finger all right so I'm going to take this edge loop and I'm going to move it back a little bit maybe I want to make a loop cut around the whole knows maybe I'll scale it maybe this one yeah I like to better forward but maybe a little bit smaller and be I want to be faces on the front of the nose to be a little bit smaller as well now it's looking pretty good to me I'll make a loop cut around the top of the head right about there because I want to give this character some cheekbone shape and some eyebrow shape if you study character design especially in cartoons you'll know that eyes are the most expressive part of a character and eyebrows if you've ever watched wallace and gromit that's a claymation set of animations from the 90s and early 2000s you'll know that the character grommets eyebrows are his most expressive part because he doesn't talk all the way that he expresses what he's feeling is through his eyebrows and eye movements so I'm going to pull up on these eyebrows as well and maybe I'll make them a little bit bigger by skinning them out and that looks okay to me let's go ahead and scale these two vertices towards each other to make them a little bit longer and these ones together to make them a little bit more of a whoops more of a bridge of the nose maybe I'll pull this one in a little bit as well the next thing I'll do is I'm going to add AI sockets now I saw guys need to kind of have a set of concentric circles that kind of go inwards and inwards gradually towards the middle of the or the back of the eye to do that I first want to make this area that are these two faces around as I can so I'm going to make an edge or a loop cut up and down through the middle side of the head ray there and I will go to my front view and I'm going to grab the vertices around the edge and just kind of grab them and make that section as round as I can without disturbing the head too much so I'll go right about there that's about as good as I'm going to get in this short of the video so now what I want to do is I want to inset these four faces inwards all so that they go more inside the head and we're going to fix it to be a little bit more round as well as we go to inset faces the way I used to do it is that used to and you do not follow along with me for this part is if you tap e to extrude but then you right-click there is still an extrusion there but it's totally flat with the original set of faces right there now that's normally a dangerous thing but if I then tap s to scale down I then get these inset faces in which I can pull inside the characters face to make that sort of an eye socket and I can keep on doing that but there's a faster way so I'll undo so I no longer have those extra dots there back to my original four faces to insect quickly and this is a fairly new tool in blender you tap I with basis elected and we tap I you can inset basically a smaller version of the same original faces and you get a ring of edges or a ring of faces around your original that makes an inset so I undo it do that again I'll tap I and move my mouse but you'll notice that as soon as you tap I and you click you have an inset face of section like you often get a section when you first do something that give you options for your in set by default select outer is checked which means you get these one selected rather than the inside for I usually uncheck that because I we should want to start working with the inside ones immediately so I would have select that too now I'm going to make this a little more rounder because we want the I saw to be as round as we can so I'm going to grab some of these edges or vertices rather and play with them you want your up and down lines to be generally as up and down and set aside or straight as you can otherwise the more you go in words the more they'll become distorted your made about there there okay let's leave it read about at that I'll do the inset one or two more times so I'll select these four I'll tap I move my mouse inwards and you'll see how they'll kind of get distorted a little bit I'm going to pull this inwards a little bit as well that looks good to me and I'm going to correct some of the distortion right about there let's make it as round as we can now I'm going to do it one more time but you could leave it up that that's not a bad shape I socket but I'll just do one more just for practice I click and then move them back and I would spend some time fixing the way that looks but that's okay for me for now we're not going to do both I thought it's in this video because again in the next video we're going to cover the mirror modifier which allows you to model both halves of the character at the same time but it's important to know how to do these steps first let's go ahead and us adds some bunny ears to this character I want to extrude them from these two faces but they're too wide or too deep right now so I can do a loop cut around the side of the head but I want not just one line I want to so I'm going to scroll up on my mouse or down if you're on a Mac with natural school direction in fact you can go crazy with this but don't just use two cuts and then I'll click and right-click and so the faces that are going to be extruded for the bunny ears are these two but I don't want to make them a little bit more round first or oval so I'll scale that edge and that edge maybe like that and I'm going to scale them both down because the base the bunny ear is going to be smaller than that in what I'm going to do is I'm going to inset them you'll notice by the way that inset has an option for depth and that makes it kind of do an extrusion I don't want any depth there so let me turn that back to zero and I actually probably want a little bit of extrusion so I will turn it up just a little bit there we go so that will be the base of my buddy here I'm going to zoom out and we'll extrude with the e key of course to right about there I want the end of the money here to be a little bit smaller than that and now we'll do some loop cuts across the circumference of the ear to make it about the right shape and vote there I want this one to be a little bit bigger actually so I'm going to hold alt and right click on it so I'll select the whole edge loop again and I'll scale it up to what they are same thing with this one control our scale control our scale control our scale the end of the bunny ear is too pointy for me right now so I'm going to take those two faces and I'm going to drag them or grab them and pull them kind of like that I suppose I'm not super happy with this but I gotta leave it as it is in terms of its shape but I want to create that sort of inset area on the front of the bunny's ear that has a different color so I'm going to select the whole set of front faces just with the shift key and I'm going to tap I and I think I still had some depth for notes we'll turn that off just by entering in zero there and maybe help pull them in a little bit and now I'm gonna do another eye they look there but I want some negative depth I want to go inwards so I'll adjust my depth like so okay so that is the bunny ear the next thing we'll do actually before we do the mouth let's go ahead and make neck for the bunny so I'm going to take the four corners of this very square looking neck base I'm gonna scale them inwards and again because they're all equidistant they'll scale towards the middle of themselves which will make somewhat of a circle shape maybe I'll scale them a little bit more together like that and maybe a little bit out there we go with those four faces select or those six faces selected rather I'm going to do our inset and I'll change the depth so that it actually goes out a little bit it looks okay to me and then I'll do an e to extrude the neck out and so that's the character's neck the last thing we'll do is we will extrude the characters mouth or make it inset and then extrude it inwards to make the cavity or hollow of the mouth from the front view I'm going to actually space these out a little bit more they're looking kind of funny to me how they go out and then in again right there so I'll to scale that in let me make these to go up and scale them out a little bit that looks pretty good to me let's go ahead and select all five or six Oh the reason why it is uneven is because we don't cut right there and again if you're using the mirror modifier which I'll show you the next video that won't be an issue let's go ahead and select all of these six faces and I'm going to inset again so I'll tap I and I want a little bit of depth here so I'm just going to adjust it I want to kind of stick out if there's no depth it's too flat right there so I'll just adjust it like so maybe I'll scale it a little bit too okay I want to make some sort of sort of a lip or edge here to make give some thickness to the bunny let's one get another inset I but I want to go inside this time so I'll turn the depth down to negative something and I don't want very much thickness at all because I want to sort of just be a an edge kind of like so we go in a little bit more bunny a little bit thicker skinned okay so there's the mouth but we want to extrude inwards to make kind of the hollow of the mouth so what I'll do is I'm going to tap Z on my keyboard and Z toggles between solid view and wireframe view so I want to extra in words so I'll tap E but it's going up diagonally so I'll tap Y that looks or constrict it he'll only be y-axis so I'll pull it back to about as far as I want to go you'll notice though that it kind of maintains that shape on the front of the face but ideally I actually like it to be the other way I'd like it to be kind of bold this way so I'm going to use my move or scale gizmo rather and I'm going to pull back and scale this set of edges on the y-axis to actually be a flip in the opposite direction okay so we just dragged it in the opposite direction to make it kind of go the other way and from the side view I'm going to rotate them to kind of make them go straight up and down from that angle and I'll do one last loop cut around the kind of circumference of the cavity of the mouth and put it about there and I'll scale it to make it bigger just make sure that you don't go outside the bunny's face like that if you accidentally do that you can always go back to your side view and go to edge select mode and I'll select that edge loop and scale it on the x-axis to make it fit in the bunny's head so in this video we've reviewed how to get into edit mode at a selected first use faces and edges how to use extrude how to use the loop cut and slide tool how do you subdivide to round out a basic default cube and the process you would take to make a character or it's a character's head I could keep on going and I could extrude out the bottom of this neck to make part of the body and then extrude sideways out to make kind of shoulders and extrude down more and it's true arms and legs but we're not going to get there in this video in the next video again we'll be talking about two modifiers the first is how to create both halves of the character at the same time using what's called the mirror modifier and then we'll talk about the subdivision surface modifier which will make your character look all nice and smooth but that's gonna be it for this video thanks for watching and I'll see you next
Channel: BornCG
Views: 133,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Blender 2.7, b3d, #b3d, 3D, Tutorial, Lesson, Learn, Tip, Tips, CG, CGI, Animate, Animation, Beginner, Box Modeling, model, modeling, modelling, Blender (Software), Tricks, help, face, vertex, polygon, cartoon
Id: ifFD8iD976g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 12sec (1332 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 16 2014
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