Best Weld Anti Spatter Spray Tested.

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No relationship with this person or channel other than that his workmanship is great and I really, really want him to rebuild or replace that rotary table of his. If you are wondering why, look at his belt grinder and bench vise builds...

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/howard416 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
Today we're gonna be testing 47 anti spatters and we're gonna find out which one of these is the best and then test the myth that you can use products from your kitchen or pantry off the shelf that can beat the commercial units and if that still doesn't work we're gonna mix them all together and will that be the best anti spatter ever? Well we're gonna find out in this video. So what is anti spatter spray? Well weld spatter is an insurance policy to keep those weld bb's from sticking to your metal. Yes I know you should never have weld spatter stick but there are problems with that you may not have the right torch settings your welder might not be adjusted perfectly or your stick out can change depending on the conditions which could cause that weld bb to stick to your material and this stuff is supposed to help with that. We're gonna be doing three distinct tests today the first one we're gonna do for low-voltage on the wire feed welder and the second test we're gonna be cranking the amps up and seeing how it performs at a higher heat range and the third test we'll be painting over the finalists from the first two. So I've purchased some eighth inch four inch wide cold roll flat bar. I cleaned it all first to get rid of all the oils and then I sheared it to length in a piranha creating a four by four coupon. After the coupon comes out of the piranha I will spray it and follow the instructions on the can. Then it goes straight into this four jaw chuck which I have rigged up with the MIG welder and all I need to do then is hit the foot control pedal and the trigger on the MIG gun at the same time producing consistent welds every time. So I'm going to be doing three things wrong in this test: wrong welder settings, bad torch angle, a lot of stick out, and we're gonna be dragging to produce big bb's. Hopefully we'll be generating a lot of spatter so do not use these weld settings I repeat DO NOT USE THEM and they are 420 inches per minute at 21 amps running a co2 argon mix 75% 25% and a 20 CFM gas flow. So that's going to be how the test is going to be performed and we'll do this 50 times to get through every one of these. So I want to use this really cool rotary table in part of this experiment and this is gonna help eliminate the human error out of this whole test. All I have to do is click this button with my foot and the machine starts turning I can then control the speed mechanically by a little gearbox if I want to rotate the position I can flick a switch and it goes the other way and like I said I can go real slow or I can make this thing go pretty fast. As you can see this rotary table has seen better days and I'd like to eventually rebuild it someday so if this video gets 30,000 thumbs up or likes we'll take it apart rebuild it or make a whole new one from scratch how about that. Hit the thumbs up and we'll build a new rotary table and I'll show you how. Before I started, a control was made in order to have something to compare all the anti spatter tests to. It's raw 1018 cold rolled steel. We have a lot to go through so I'm gonna rapid fire off our contestants. We've got Weld-Aid Kleen 350 Simple Green Akfix E90 Walter E Weld 3 Techniweld 777 Urrea Startechweld SS 1000 Weldmark 200 Best Welds Cantesco Weld Aid Kleen HD Dynaflux 200 Harris 1620 Blackstone Hobart Anchor Weld Aid Nozzle Kleen 2 Holston Gases Nozzle Kleen HD Protex Plus Harris 1630 Hot Max Lusin OW 22 Loctite SF 7909 New Bedford Metaflux Mountain CRC Dynaflux 390 Blue Demon Powerweld Forney Dynaflux 1620 Pro Black Magic Abicor Binzel Osborn Whale Spray Radnor Walter E Weld 4 Meguiars Quik Wax Sprayway Glass Cleaner Carnuba Car Wax Crisco Pam (butter flavor) Lingito Loose Chalk Dawn Dish Soap WD 40 Flexitol Foot Spray Phew, wow that was a lot let the test begin! Basically we have three different types of anti spatter: we have the water-based you have some silicone and then of course you have the mysteries anti spatters that on the back of the can say they will cause cancer. I purchased most of these cans off the Internet and most of them came in between eight to twelve dollars except for the ceramic spray which was around 30 bucks so quite a bit of difference. Let's take a look at the test with the short circuit high wire feed popcorn setting on the commercial spatters here and when I did notice right off the bat all of them have beat the control so that's a good sign and welding in a circle I'm noticing that all the bb's kind of like to collect in the middle. Weird scenario didn't expect that to happen but the top performers that I've noticed are this E Weld 4 did very well it didn't leave a residue behind and the center of the coupon is fairly clean from the start or stops which is quite interesting. The next performer that I saw that did really well it was this Osbourne powder which is a light powder I notice when I spray over the coupon it sticks to the metal so that one did rather well and another one that I think stands out is this Radnor anti spatter spray there's almost no spatter on the outside or inside but it did leave a light film behind which could get in the way when we do our paint tests on it. So I'll look forward to testing that in the next test and this ceramic spray also did a good job there's one little light bb in the center but it also left this coating behind and the black magic also performed very well too. The worst ones that I'm seeing is the simple green anti spatter leaves a lot of spatter in the center and a real nasty residue around the outside of the weld and this Mountain anti spat also left a lot of spatter it actually really resembles closely to the control. This Metaflux also leaves a lot of residue behind and it didn't really perform all that well so that's pretty surprising results. For the second test we're gonna be turning down the wire speed to 300 inches per minute and cranking up the volts to 29.6 and this is on 035 hardwire we're gonna be switching the coupon to hot roll plate with some mill scale on it. Let the spatter begin! All right let's take a look at how all these weld spatters performed. You know there was quite a bit of difference between the first test on the cold roll with the short circuit and now with the hot roll plate and being able to glob I could literally watch in my welding hood these big blobs of molten metal jump out of the weld puddle and then stick to the material it was quite fascinating to watch this all happen. All of them almost performed better than the control so using any one of these is going to be better than using nothing but there are some that stood out more than others. So the ones that jumped out at me as being the best performers are this welders black magic if you read through the back of the can it says a light coats of welder black magic spray area dries in seconds leaving a high temperature resistant coating which is similar to that of a nonstick coated cooking pan so you're basically putting a coating on your material which I think this would be fantastic for a fixture something that's just going to be constantly pounded by weld spatter over and over and over again but it's something that you'd keep it's not something that you'd send out the door to get sandblasted or give to a customer. It's something that's gonna have repetitive blasting so this performed really well. The next one that surprised me is this Walter E Weld 4 and it's this white liquid in the spray bottle and there is not one bb left behind on this plate it didn't leave a residue behind not one bb stuck to it which is quite interesting so that performed phenomenal. The next one that did fairly well is the ceramic spray much like the black magic welder spray there's not one bb to be had that stuck to it but it also left this coating behind which could be a positive and a negative depending on what you're using it for. I'm not quite sure how well it's gonna perform in the paint test if we can paint over it but we'll find out in the next experiment. Another surprising standout that didn't do so well in the first test but did well in this test is this whale spray and this is just a little salesman sample I have here but it actually did pretty good keeping the big weld spatter off of it you can literally see on the test coupon as the bb skipping across the plate it's not sticking to it which is quite interesting. Let's talk about the ones that didn't do so hot which is surprising to me is this Radnor if you look at the test coupons you can literally see the trail of the bb rolling through the anti spatter leaving a trail behind it and then sticking right onto the plate. It looks like the anti spatter gets burned off at these higher voltage settings which makes sense why it actually did pretty good and a low voltage setting so that's quite interesting. Another not so hot mark was Arcair also did not perform too well we've got quite a few weld spatter that stuck with this one. I had high hopes for simple green but it just didn't perform very well on this test and though this Weld Clean 350 I also didn't see spectacular results from it either. So something to look at when I see these is there's some that are really clean material like the E Weld 4 and the E Weld 3 where there's no residue behind you can literally touch each coupon with your finger on the corner and it's virtually dry and then there's others like the Radnor or CRC or this Metaflux that leave this real nasty film behind on the plate which I don't know we're gonna see how well they perform in the paint test and so that's something to consider if there's going to be a secondary process after you weld how are you gonna clean it. So now I'm really excited to test these internet suggested anti spatters that we can use out of the pantry or closet or even right here off of an acetylene bottle and see if they can beat any of these commercial anti spatters and see how well they perform so let's do that test right now. So this test was performed on the hot roll plate with the welder set to high voltage with a glob. Up first the glass cleaner. I don't know why glass cleaner would work but we're gonna find out this is gonna be interesting. I mean that's how much I would spray on if I was gonna use glass cleaner as anti spatter. Ready here we go! looking so good Not looking so good. Nope, stick. We got one two three four five. Did a little bit better than the control so not spectacular. Let's try Carnuba wax you know if this stuff works this is this would go a long way that this is like three dollars. Nice liberal coat on there let's give Carnuba wax a try. Three two one go! Seeing some roll off. And stop. That did way better than the control. We've got two little bb's on there and it smells amazing. There's no yucky residue I don't know there might be something to that. So this is the most requested home remedy anti spatter Pam and this is butter flavor so I'm gonna guess this should smell like popcorn let's test it in three two one! Ope, just saw one stick, two stick, three stick! Okay wow look at this though I don't like this see how this yuckies is just I mean look at the oil there now I got to clean all that yucky off and it looks like I got one two three big blobs hmm the performance is I'd call it mmm better than nothing but not the best. This weld spatter test brought to you by Flexitol Foot Spray not really. Paint it on like a car it smells really good. Okay it's dry you can kind of see that white residue powder left on it. Okay let's see how it does. Fine foot spray powder in three two one! Let's take a look. Okay first thing I noticed about the foot spray is that I got one bb there one bb there right in that affected zone but there's no residue anywhere after I wipe it off like look at that literally I would use this better than control smells good no residue. The next one on the test is this Meguiar's ultimate quick wax it's like a detailing and I think the idea behind this is to is just to have some sort of barrier so let's just give it a quick mist there I got a good coverage and it looks it looks like the other commercial stuff that wet shine to it and it smells good also. Quick detailing spray in three two one! Oh looks good one bb stuck. Two. Okay what do I got here? So I got one there one there one there still better than the control which is funny but it left kind of a little burnt residue around the edge better than the control though. The next myth is that you can use some sort of loose chalk. I don't know why but that's what the internet said so we're gonna find out if the internet is right. Now what I saw last time when I put this powder on here is that the gas nozzle blew a lot of it away like the gas from the torch but I'm gonna work it in we'll try that I don't know why but it looks like it'd be easy to clean up. Loose chalk in three two one go! One stuck already, two stuck. Three. Four, five, six. Okay got quite a few bb's on there that's not any better than the control so loose chalk don't use it. Straight up pure vegetable cooking oil is another myth we're gonna test it. I think this kind of gonna do the same thing as the Pam. There you go. Vegetable oil for an anti spatter in three two one! Ope got one stuck. Oop, almost burnt through. Okay so upon first initial inspection it did better than the control we got one bb there I almost blew through I don't know why I got so hot but it left the oil behind which now I gotta clean off which I don't like so but in a pinch and if you're not worried about cleanup afterwards. We've got some Dawn dish soap and I got about 10 ounces of water in here mixed with about a teaspoon of Dawn dish soap so just basically soapy water. In three two one! I got one two three four five bb's on there so not much better than the control now that I look at it. For some reason I don't know why the internet says use wd-40 I don't think it's a good idea to use wd-40 as anti spatter but got some here in a spray bottle and we'll test it. Whoa that's a lot! Flammable wd-40 for anti spatter which doesn't sound like a good idea in three two one go! Whoo! All the oil is now built up where it's all cool and the center burned away and now there's this just smoke just billowing off this thing. (coughs) One two three four so there's four bb's on there you know it didn't do all that better than the control maybe a little bit I'd use soapy water over wd-40. So what I'd like to do is try sooting up the weld coupon and what I mean by that is we're gonna use the acetylene and just make a black sooty cloud and coat the material with it. You guys seen this before it's all those little floating parachuters that are always in the air and the first time I saw this was on Michael Cthulhu's Channel and he makes big giant swords and ever since I saw this I've wanted to try it personally and now here's my chance. Glob transfer soot hot role plate in three two one go! One stuck. Phew, smokey. Looks like we've got one bb stuck there, another one stuck there two three I got four. It's a little bit worse than the commercial anti spatter there's four bb's stuck to that. Now that we've tested all 47 anti spatters the little kid in me wants to play mad scientist and mix them all up and create the ultimate anti spatter! I've got our cold roll and our hot roll, let's do the hot roll first. Oh I've got a big blob of something. Got a blob of something on there who knows could be anything there we go the perfect anti spatter spray. On your mark get set and go! Ah nothing yet. Oh one, two three, four, five. Ooo let's see what we got. It didn't do very good I'm actually extremely surprised that that it didn't do better than this but there's quite a few bb's left on the plates and needless to say I'm a little bit disappointed but I had fun doing it and that's what matters the most is that we have fun in the shop and we enjoy what we do. So mixing 47 anti spatters is probably not the best thing. Well that was a bust at least I have some finalists to do the paint tests on. So I've got the high-voltage test winners here on the hot roll plate and the low voltage test winners and we're gonna test how well the paint sticks and we also have the two controls of both and we're gonna just be used as Kryolan paint and primer in one yellow and paint them let them dry and do the fingernail scratch test and see how well the paint holds up. Let's check out see how the paint stuck on these test coupons let's start with the controls first. Man it stuck pretty good. This is the cold roll that's to be expected. This is the hot roll with a bunch of bb's in there. Pretty good so we'll compare all the coupons to the controls. This is the Radnor cold roll. Ooh see that's exactly what just scrapes it off. So the paint does not stick to the Radnor just as much as we thought with that greasy oily film on it. Next up is the Osborne this is like a powder on the cold roll whoa sheesh that just flakes off. Not good for paint. Incredible huh just wipes right off same with the hot roll plate. That's weird huh. Okay. This is the whale spray this also left us a residue behind it's a little bit tougher to get off it's stuck on there pretty good well look at that see where the the paint burnt away the spray it's it's oh that's a really fascinating result where the whale spray is left behind the residue gets scraped off but we're around the weld or burnt it away the paint sticks really good so that tells you that the whale spray is interfering with the paint extremely strange. Okay let's try you the hot roll it's it's stuck on there but it's not as nearly as good as the control. The Black Magic, nope, just scrapes right off Okay Black Magic not good for painting. But there's not a single bb in sight it's easy to scrape. Alright foot spray you know paint's not it's coming off but it's stuck on there better than what you think it would be not what I'd call paintable but not the worst performer in the group. So so. E Weld 4 on the cold roll oh yeah you can tell that it's hard to scrape off (grunts) have to push really hard have to push hard to get the paint to come off. Let's try the definitely probably one of the hardest ones so far yep and the benzyl ceramic oh sheesh just shoo slide right off there. Hey that's something else matters good for keeping paint off things. No this sluffs off just easy swoo look at that that's night and day difference from the E Weld. The scores are in: in third place it's Whale Spray in second it's Black Magic and I give first place to the Walter E Weld 4. I'll be switching to this anti spatter and using it most of the time in the shop I'll also use black magic and the ceramic spray for projects that require heavy spatter resistance that won't require painting. I had a ton of fun doing this experiment in this test. With 20 years of experience in this metalworking trade I'm constantly learning new things and I hope you guys did too. I want to remind you guys if we hit 30,000 likes on this video we will be building a rotary table please give this video a thumbs up if you want me to show you guys how to make it. I'm gonna provide a slideshow of each individual test coupon and their associated weld spatter on the fireball tool website so go check that out if you want more information on how your weld spatter performed. I'll have that linked down in the description below and until next time thank you guys for watching and I'll see you soon.
Channel: Fireball Tool
Views: 342,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fireball, tool, Fireball tool, Welding, mig welding, flux core welding, how to weld, tig welding, how to videos, welding spatter, antisplatter coating, anti splatter spray, anti splatter coating, mig welding tips and tricks, mig welding techniques, how to weld mig, welding test, rotary table, welding table, pam cooking, weld spatter, foot spray, bad welds, bad welding, learn to weld, welding 101, best welding spatter, best weld spray, welder settings, welder setup
Id: 3guHCEzb3aU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 8sec (1748 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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