How To Make Fried Water

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hey everybody today i'm going to be attempting to make and eat edible fried water now this may sound impossible to you how could you put water in oil and fry it so in order to do this first i need to make an edible water membrane so basically make an edible water bottle and then i'm going to deep fry that with water in it and then eat that the main ingredient that you need is the sodium alginate now what alginate is is is just a salt of alginic acid and this is usually found in brown algae now sodium alginate dissolves in water so if you stir it up really well and let it sit let the bubbles relax then you finally get a solution that looks like this but when it's in the cell walls of brown algae it's not sodium alginate but it's calcium or magnesium alginate now the difference between these is both of these are these alginate salts but the thing with sodium alginate is it dissolves in water but if you mix in and replace those sodium ions with calcium ions per se then you won't end up with a solution that is dissolved but you'll end up with a solid in there because calcium alginate is not soluble in water so if you just get some calcium powder this is actually calcium lactate you can also use calcium chloride all you need is the calcium ion from it so if you just take some calcium ions mix it in with water so now what happens if i pour the sodium alginate solution in the calcium chloride solution the calcium chloride solution will react with the sodium alginate replace the sodium and bond with the alginate cross link it and it will now become insoluble in water so for example if i just do a string of it like this then you should be able to find that string i just put in really cool but the cool thing is if you don't disturb the water that has the calcium lactate or you can use calcium chloride then you can actually make a membrane around an enclosed water bottle of the sodium alginate so if you're really careful with it it'll only react with the calcium on the outer edge of that spoonful that i just put in and the longer you leave it in there the more it can react because it'll bond with the surface of it and it'll kind of diffuse into it so then you can fish it out and there it is so this is actually a thin membrane with water inside of it it's actually a solution of the sodium alginate inside of it so you can pop it and the water comes out and then you're just left with that thin layer there that reacted with the sodium alginate so this is actually calcium alginate on the outer edge here and this is completely edible okay let's go ahead and eat it brush first i'll suck out the water and then you can eat the membrane too i can't say that was good but it's edible so what i'm going to try to do today is to actually use these edible water bottles and coat them with flour egg and some bread crumbs or something and try to deep fry them in oil and then eat them [Music] okay welcome to my cooking show today today we're going to be making deep fried water now this works really well for those of you who aren't looking to add a lot of calories into your diet but still like water okay we plop it in do a slightly smaller one here you can't even see it you can't see it but we're gonna stir it around okay you can't even see them in there they're definitely in there though let's grab one of these okay look at that water bottle there try and flour gently okay and then egg [Music] bread crumbs and let's see what happens here if it doesn't pop oh this is scary i think it popped oh no there's water in the oil yeah i extend that okay now we're gonna go for dixie fry i think the panko crumbs the bread crumbs might have popped it so let's go for flour eggs dixie fry and then the hot oil it's really scary putting water balls in hot oil okay eggs dixie fry there we go oh it's sunk that makes sense it's water hey we did it it didn't pop i let it go a little longer okay i think i can do panko crumbs again i want it breaded i want my breaded water okay we're gonna try the panko crumbs again all right got a good one here let's go for it flour eggs panko crumbs and let's lower it in hey it's working let's get a nice brown with this ooh that's looking real good fried water okay here we go that actually looks really good look at that fried water that's so weird it's literally just filled with water inside okay this is the dixie fry water and this is the panko crumb water [Music] okay let's plate my healthy meal here two edible water bottles okay this is really funny this is the least substantial meal possible fried water i even put some garnish on here so i got dixie fry water and panko crumb fried water let's give it a try okay here we go oh there goes most by water that was really gross okay here we go hmm not bad better than the raw one but still a little slimy okay let's try this one nice [Music] [Laughter] oh that's so gross i think that one still had raw egg around him ah okay dixie fry one not good at all i don't know i just felt like i was eating a raw jellyfish i don't know but the panko crumb one was good so i recommend panko crusted fried water okay we did it we actually made deep fried water hey everybody thanks for watching another episode of the action lab i hope you enjoyed it i hope you learned something if you have any comments or questions or suggestions leave them in the comments section and i'll try to look at them and check out the to see the action lab experiment boxes if you haven't got any presents for somebody that enjoys science or stem for christmas send them to the to buy some action lab experiment boxes or you can see the action lab experiment book that's on sale there now also and if you haven't subscribed yet remember to hit that subscribe button and the bell notification so you can be notified when i release my latest video and thanks for watching and i'll see you next time
Channel: The Action Lab
Views: 4,998,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fried water, deep fried water, edible water bottle, fried edible water bottle
Id: wI6baSNBpPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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